HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-07-02, Page 1� .INGIIAM \TOL, X . 'I. ---NO. 1315. W'INGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY ' ,189 • $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE EQMQ?H & O'LJ.1 L°C21±"LIEWS WE SELL C -Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran• teed to cure headache. -Council Monday night. H EAP 1144 -David Sutherland and family will Ileave next week for Dauphin,•Man.a/ -The•Property Committee is having new platform put in -the town weigh scales, -Dr. Macdonald returned on Friday night from the capital and will be found at h's oftioo by parties wishing to~see him, • t i -Mr, Alex Craig, of Pittson, Penn. who liar been visiting his relatives in this part of Ontario, is at present i11 at Mr. Alex Rossaaf -The financial statement of the Belgrave circuit, including Belgrave, Sunshine and the Bricleehurohes, us in the hands' of the pr}rater. ai-A message from Bay City on Monday announced the death from typhoid fever of the daughter of Mr. Jas England of Turnberry. J -Rev, G. A. Gifford, Ph. D., will fare• well to his congregation on Sunday even- ing next. He will leave for his new obarge on Tuesday following. -The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Christian Workers' Mission hall. A. large attendance is desired. • A special counter .Of Boots and Sims. We will give you the choice of 150 pairs of Ladies' Slippers, But- ton and laced Shoes, Misses Button and laced Shoes in Dongola Kid •and Polished Calf for 75c., they. were never made for the money. Another lot of Ladies' Button and Laced Boots Polished Calf and Don- gola, your pick. for $1, they are well worth frons $1.50 to $2,25, but they must all go. Ladies' full size well shaped Black Cotton hose at .5e. a pair, regular lOe We have 'got the best Factory Cdtton, SG inches wide, In Wingham, at 5c. a yard. Special prices in Parasols and Ladies' Blouses. A line of boys' odd Tweed Pants for :50c., 55e. and 60:6„ cheaper than yea can slake them. Metes Cotton Half -Bose for 5c, a pair, regularly sold at 10e. • • 2 Mens black all wool Cashmere half hose for :$Se. regular .price . 50:, A special line of Ties, Four in -hand and Knots, at. ie. W'a will snake to Yourr order a first class Tweed Stilt for $10 and e1, guaranteed to please you, the st value in Wingham. Our Grocery counter has always • special attractions and prices. 'The finest Tea you ever drank, 256;•a, Ib. We axe paying 12e. for Batter and ' 10c. for Eggs. WE SELL CHEAP. ,ss' HOMUTH & BOWL. ES -On Doniinicn Day picnics were held by the schools of the Baptist, Congrega- tional, Episcopalian and Presbyterian churches in different groves near the town. -A most,refresbing shower fell in this. Ideality on Tuesday doing a great amount of good to the growing crepe. Strawberries garden truck and root crop generally were in great need of.rain. -The 33rd Huron Battalion went into camp on Monday. The Company from Wingham was in charge of Capt. Will - lams. After the first few days drill com- plexions will be et a premium. • The crossings where the road machine has • been working should be cleaned off. There is no use of laying down block crossing's and then allow them to be covered with an inch or more of dust in dry weather and mud in wet. • Marriage Lioertaes Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic - coria street,Wingham, Ont. bro witnesses required. NOTHING SHORT OF -A.t the regulara lar meeting of Court rt Mait- 1an N0 25, Canadian Order of Forestere held on Friday evening last, some eighteen or twenty members of Court Turnberry united with the above named Court. After the regular bnsinets had been traneaoted, refreshments were served and a pleasant time spent in speech making, songs etc., This addition to Court Maitland will make it one of tae strongest courts in the Order, -Work has begun on the granolithio walk on Josephine streets between John and Patrick streets by the Guelph Co. with D. Mcliinlay as engineer far the town, We understand that a petition will be pre• sentod to the Council on I)Ionday night by the property owners along the east side of Centre street asking for a walk between Johns and Patrick streets. It will likely bo laid outside the treats, certainly a very wise move on the part of the citizens of that locality and of the councillors, -The following resolution was unani• mousl.y adopted. by our Court Maitland after the services last sabbath morning. Moved by D. M. Gordon, emended by Jno. Neelandsr that the sincere thanks of the members of Court Maitland No. 25 Cana- dian Order of Foresters, are due and are cordially tendered to Rev. Mr. Lowe, for the earnest. practical, and eloquent sermon preached to us on this anniversary occasion. Also, that we desire to put upon record our waren appreciation of the kindness shown to ns by the congregation of 131. Paul's church in setting apart the front portion of their beautiful church for our conven- ience and comfort, and that a Dopy of the foregoing be sent to Rev. Mr. Lowe and the town press. Signed on behalf of the court fah Beckwith, C. R. is through courses, Superior instruct en, complete equipmeuts and perfect facili= ties ehoulu satisfy you. CEi�TOAI "01SINI SS COLLEGE • STRATFq'RD, ONT. excole in ever way. It is now recog- nized us the bast school of training in Canada. Students highly recommend it, and itis strongly endorsed by busi- ness men. Remember this fact --you will attend a business school blit once -- Why notattnnd the''best? Write for particulars. ' W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. -The county • rate will" be .higher alis year than it was in 1896, partly owing to'a deficit last year, The rate this year will'be. 1} mills on the dollar on an equalized assessment of 332,235,081. Last year the rate was,14 mills oR the dollar:r: '• The Road Commissioners. have bad Messrs.. Hughes and Brook patching at the sewer on the south end of Josephine street. This is the second or third time, that it has been necessary to open up the rotten old work this year; it would be money saved if the whole thing were put down new. -;-Tlie Eotranpe Exainivations are being conducted at the Public School this week, under the supervision of Principal Mus- grove and Mr. Plummer of Blyth, Mr. Shearer, Gerrie; and Miss Reynolds of town. There are 65 pupils writing on the E trance and 52 on.tlhe P. S, Leaving, The following officers were elected at the Last regular •meeting of Maitland Lodge No. 119. 170. O. F.: V. G., John Cornyn; V. S., Dr. Kennedy•, R. Sec., J T Groves: P. Seo., J W Dodd; Tress, Wan..Robertson. Walfac Hough was Bleated Rep, to Grand elagat Lodg a gaaat,aat'••'Bn'lt STRAWBERRIES, ,TOMATOES m PINEAPPLES, m, ORANGES, t LEMONS, I;ANANA.S iss eat ess ASSEMBLY NOTES • Dr Moore, the newly elected Moderator, of the General Assembly was born in the ' enos1O•reto Irma mom r VI to Derr V AND emu .711. II to SR. 1I Maximum' 415 To Pass 207. Charlie Ellis.. 381 Janet• 1"inrray.. 350 Laura Kerr.... 344 Jimmie Murray 330 Annie 1togers.,326 Pearl Moore.. 305 Johnnie Dawson 290 • Marjory Gordon>;i,)3` Maggie Stewart .7 Rollie Jobb.. .. 290 Mildred Beemer '263 Moselle Walker 263 Edna Bnrkholder2j2 Jimmie Good.. 253 Ernie Simmons 257 Allie Chapman 253 Ettati..Si'mnions ,. 248 Jun. I utray -. 247 Lillie"Mti Ir civ 240' 3iititie Flanagan 237 Laura limby..... 237 Nellie Haines..' 220 112aud Shark.... 215 Malay Russell.. 213 PEXAMINATIONS 1 ofthe annual ' h remit t f 11 vfn is the The oi_ O g promotion examinations held in the Public sehool at the close of the present terns. Pupils who were absent owing to illness will have their cases considered at the opening of school so that they may stiffer no loss thereby. Many of the answer papers were models of neatness and the work on the whole was very satisfactory. All pupils are requested to be present on the first day of the opening of school, as a few days lost at the beginning of the term means up -frill work for months afterwards: PROM PAR I TO Tram II, ROOM VIII TO VII Lillian Ritchie, Myrtle •Aikens,. Ida Flanagan, Luanda Morden, Gettie Coutts, Teresa Bradley, Mamie Patterson, Cora Beckwith, Albert Morningstar, Fred Varier Harold Page, Robbie Davidson, Harry Beemer. Rooter VII To VI To worms ix raze II Ethel Elliott, Mary Kinsman, Alice Coad, Hazel Runciman, Howard Camp- bell, Willie Lott, Robbie King, John Mit ;h- ell, Fay Patteraon, Morley Dreaver, Harry Lediet, James Baby, Dan MoNaughton, Charlie Ireland, Harper Simtnons, Henry Watson. PROMOTED FitOit PART II to JR Il AND REMAIN IN ogre Vi Maximus 380, To Pass 190. Esther McGregor.. 270 Elva Dodd.. 260 Pearl Davidson.... 255 Leslie Young 256 Hattie Gannett,... 243 Alfie Brown 241 Norman Park.... 240 P'I Anderson 236 Jenisa Perris 232 E. Davidson 220 Angus McGregor225 • Carrot Hele 212 Ewart. McIntyre195 John Little 191 Recommended -alloy Atchison, ' Eva Geddis, • Maud Ireland, Vara Knechtei, Walter Morningstar, Harry Bradley. year 1837 in the parish of Kilwaughton, Antrim= Ireland. le came to the United States with his parents, who in'1843 moved to Canada and settled in the county of Oxford. At the common !school in the village of Ingersoll he received the rudi- ments of his education: • Several years after, his father removed to St. Marys and engaged in business. It was in, 1860 that Dr. Moore began his collegiate career at Knox College, Toronto, finishing his course at Princeton Theological Seminary, I{e- turning to Canada he was .called . to the pastorate of Bank Street chnroh•, Ottawa,. and was ordained on' Merck 28th 180(1. Promoted from Dept .VI to V but le - This, has been his first and only charge. maining iii. Ir, dl-Cetvhh Parker, Harry Rev. Dr. Robertson, .Superintendent of itlaLeliri Mabel Whyte. Missions in the North West, securer] der• Chief ' after the Mellow who •re - The Amateur Dramatic Club are pre- paring 'hila which theyexpecto paring an ]iris play „ The pro. put on the second week in July, p ceede Will be devoted to the Public Library Ae it is a purely local affair put on in the interests of agood cause it is expected that the citizens will alio* their appreciation by giving the company a bumper house. Full announcements later. NEWS NOTES Mrs. Oliphant, the well known is dead. Mgr. Merry del Val will sail for Romo next week. Lady Aberdeen sailed from Quebec for Liverpool, on the Steamer Labradar. The by-law to amalgamate with the city o£ London has carried in London West. 'The new street railway bridge connecting the City of London with London West was opened Monday, The Legislature of Prince L•Iward Island has been disolved and the general elections take place on July 21st. The Guelph City Council have voted$100 toward the C. P. R. employees' annual pia= nle, which wilt be held on July 24th. Hamilton Board of Trade nominated officers Monday. W. A. Robinson has determii edto retire from the presidency. Money by-laws, to increase the oleotrie light and cvaterworlcs systems and to re- build the town hall were defeated at Piston The Senate has decided to go on with the Drummond County Railway investi- gation, and has appointed a committee for that purpose. ing his recent visit to Britain $43,000 fro the Britieh churches in aid of the' work in British Columbia ' and the North West Territories. The amount is to b,e continued for three years. The contributions during the last year for .foreign missions was 3115,000, for hone $120. • ' ' • The number of missionaries and teachers to foreign mission work is 105, native helpers, 166. Total contributions to all the schemes of the, church is $290,380 an increase of $10,886. Total payments for all purposes 32,140,- 301, an increase of $5,311. The total membership of the -church is 196,404 an increasoanring the last year of 8224.. / PERSONALS. V Mr. Geo Saddler leaves on Monday for Manitoba,/ Miss Winnie Jackson left for Manitoba on Monday. ' -The . is fp'seg to pity hie dog tax. Information was laid against thirteen last week lint all except two settled out of court. Wm. Toni was lined 32 and costs and Mrs. Saint said that the dog did not belong to her and was re- J.nded for ono week. -Deeth'has claimed another victim, in' twho died ale t the residencerson of erof her Felton, near Glen farrow, Tuesday :dune .29., She was a daughter 'of 3oaeph Kitchell of Turn. berrylj The body was interred in the Gorrie cemetery. -•-Canadian col buyers hays `already at ie:earI date disposed of nearly all their Miss May Snyder Detroit, is the guest of the Misses Belt. Messrs. Johnson and Reid. of Brussels, silent Sunday in town, •\V. T. Sullivan sang at a concert in Lucknow Tuesday night. Mr, and Miss Chapman of Toronto are tl guests of Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Bradwin are visit - their son, F. W. Bradwin, Hamilton,li' Miss Robertson is in Brussels thin week presiding at the Entrance Examinations. Gordon Williams, of the Bank ofMamzfl• ton, has returned from ifs visit to New ti wool to American dealoe owing to the Yorlc. tur= Kent was in town on SKa Sex contemplated duty of 10 cents per ib. com- da AIr. and 'sox Kwent to London with the a un - {ng in force July 1st, Messrs, Mills and Y King, our local buyers, have taken time by teers. the forelock and shipped the season's clip of Berlin arers. visiting yeti and Mrs chit yeti of this neighborhood. braith's. -Hotel-keeping is either losing its SEE/OR II TO JUNIOR III ROOM V,th IV. Maximums 560 To Pass 280 Maggie Nixon.. 466 Ariel Park.... 432 Will Couery.... 425 Jean Jackson.. 4'32 Annie Pilaribn.. 418 Harry Constable 410 Peer! Wynn.... 400 Barbie Jerome 405 Rey'de Marseles:403 Herbert Sheriff 308 Roy Qrotgeton , . 398 Lille Lang.... 397 Myrtle• Little,. 393 Frank Cody... 391 Charlie Whyte.. 383 Lilla Gray.:.. 988 Earnest Fairfield 386 Lina Barber.. 384 Annie •Gilchrist 383 Robt Runcimau 374 Ben Davidson.. 371 Burdetta Geddes365 Roy ,Harris.... 9112 Countess Carr 350 Mabel yIelllwain 354 Winnie Holmes 354 Oliva Beetner.. 350 Annie Smale.. 348 Eldon McDonald 342 Elva Pearen.. 337 Eddie Elliott.. 334 Ilerb Mitchell 331 Willie Jobb.... 3.26 Burville Gritl'in 325 Maggio Bradley 323 Pringle Murray 321 Kate Sutherland 311. Lillie Melvin.. 310 Beatrice Carruth 309 Charlie Jobb.. 209 Frank Beldon.• 2e Elliott.. 08 13 11 ieMonk.. k n 297Geo7 Re ommended-James Begley. novelist T week. and Mrs, . !til Beattie from Peter Bea tie near Mr. actin r a e Fargo, Dakota, were visiting he s't t r Mrs. Walter Rutherford, last week. Mr. r.. Mt:Eeen presided at the en- trance examinations in Brussels this week, Mr, Thome Coultes has one of the finest fields of wheat to this, neighbor. hood. Some of the stocks memture Svc feet eleven inches, but Mr, Jobs' bed - son can beat this with a stock WaRet three inches. "►- Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Young, of Wing.. ham, spent Sunday last, at Mr Hugh Rose' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay, from near Tara, are visiting his sister, Mrs. Douglas Fraser. of Turnberry. Miss CJlara Graham, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Toole. The Sawyer -Massey, road making machine, purchased' recently by the Turnberry Council, •did some excellent work on the Bluevale road, last weetr. Mr. George Mothers, of the first line of Morris, gave a lawn social laat Friday evening, for the benefit or the Methodist oh u rah, Court Douglas, Canadian Order of Foresters will meet in their hall nest Sabbath morning at 10.30 o'clock and march in a body to the Presbyterian church, where W J. West will preach an appropriate sermon to them. Mrs, Robert Mosgrove has returned from a long visit in Cabourg and Port Hope, with a new bicycle. The committees in charge of the u. "pie-nic are going to . make it a sees, The Sabbath School children are'practistng hymns and patriotic songs and several of the Wingham band that used to be. will organize and piny during the afternoon. Picnioers are requested to' meet in the village . at 1245 o'clock, when waggons will take the baskets and all will go together to Mr. Andrew Gray,'s flats. Rev. W. HMoss and family went to Berrie, his new field of labor on Tues- day. ' - Remember the Union Picnic . on Fri- day, July 9th. GL13 NANNAN. • James Wallace is busily engaged et Mr. G B Soot's buildiing an addition to liis • stone wall under the barn. Jim is a hust- ler on a stone wall, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Harkness apt last Sunday illi Jamestown. A number of our young folks intend takingin the Picneerspicnic atTeeswater ?fly let. Ilas Aggie Eadie,c'awho was attending tyre Normal School at Ottawa, returned home lust Saturday.?' aattrs. James Linkleter and"her mother, Mrs. Ilaugliaa eft on Thursday of last week fo Grand Valley to visit their friends.L Over 509,000 lbs wool have been shipped • front Hamilton to Cities in' the New Eng• land Status during the past two or three weeks, in anticipation of the United States tariff going into effect on July 1. Mise Myza Eopkirk, the ninetee-year- * - a r- old deghter of Mr. Thomas F. Hopkirk Cowan Avenue, Parkdale, was drowned in the Lake 400 yards west of Exhibition Park through the upsetting of a` canoe. Her companion. Wm. P. King, jr,, was, rescued with diIIicnity. The body had not - bean recovered at a late iiur Monday a?l leas Mr. 11. 0. Bell left on Wednesday for a sacra ass or its profitableness lin some I trip to Leamington. Windsor, Hamiltat quarters, for the hotel keeper at Belfast, after being granted a license by the est Toronto.Mr, D.Dewar, of Watford L•Iuron Commissioners, declined to take out represent - his license this year. This is tho second ativeof the Thom Manufacturing (.o. was instance of this nature occurring in West ilfM tie n ss and family of Bluevele took day. Huron' the trent from Wingham os Tuesday for -•A prohibition convention for the pro.his show charge at Bervie V vines of Ontario will be held in Toronto on July 18 and 14. The three important Mr. p T. Nichol', is who atiowas ere re turned di s events which will receive special attention the are: The Dominion plebiscite on pro hibii- home silt Detroit an Tuesday. Goo ch, ppont Smh= tion: the final session of the present fall J. Ontario Legislature and the approaching day at his honkie here accompanied by his election of a new legislative assembly for friends, Messrs, Grant and Shannon. . BLU EVALE. only June The �h is Y wedding in oar -village ear, was that of Miss Ma•g,ie Burgess, daughter of Mr.'and Mrs: John Burgess, to Will Fraser, only son of Mr. and Mrs, .Laughlin Fraser 'of Morrie, which took plane on Wednesday of last week at 6 30 o'clock. At that hour the bridegroom took his place on the lawn, under the arch of evergreens 'and snow- balls, and awaited the bride wbo name, leaning on the rtrtn of her father, while ' Miss Maggie Fraser played it suitable Gilbert Stevens;ravho bad the misfortune march. Rev W. J. \Vest mad them to Cathie leg some time ago is able to go man And wife: 'theal•rride'a-��dresseweess about with the aid of crutches lttst;ee, trimmed with Abba On Monday as Robert Harkness was Atmlace and a front of shot ilk. working about the barn a board came down :e white flowers in her heti. and striking him on the head making quite a ench of white peonies, tied I crit. Yon had better be careful Bob for ite satin strew if rs, After we don't want .such useful men as you laid the wedding per, w it's was served I ups on the lawn a siao • progr,Lmme was - given and then ii,ncing was kept up for a few hgitl:s. A"b int one hundred relntives,itt c Mende war present, some froth 3'russele,Teeswater, Oror`r5"ttl`trbes an Coronto. The bride received it very large number of presents,. ero�in=riatilty c�htnit, :.silt.ar- •3tud tahleee�cha�®:tae use iit'wokin:; r etove. rollinir, pin and blas€ and She wi carried n with long e BUSINESS LOCALS. WANTED -A. good general servant girl Apply at this office. 'Something new 10 Canopy -Top Bed- room suites at IRELAND b Burma's. 5-14tf Go to Mrs. Green's, opposite Bank` of po jptbliee l a nod also some bright tin , Hamilton, for cheap and stylish ' millinery . PROMOTED PROM Jn. III TO alt III num IV TO DEPT III. dippers from -blit we slaull :not tel I �, what tai t'tnte personage esent=-tiros . Pine Apples, 10c each ;Bananas, Orangee Maximum 011. To Pass 322. Lemons, Strawberries, Tomatoes and Roland Hough.. 545 Grille 'Remelts Sou Mr. and Mrs, Fraser begin housekeeping � ` mons, rs at Strawberries, Willie Kling.... 500 Liltiau Kerr.. 505 on their farm on tho first line of Morris,'+ ' John Kennedy.. 504 Leo Kerr 502 amid the good wisbes of their many 'Homegrown Strawberries now in the Laura alantin.. 50a Geo Moon491 friends. Daisy Mor wsa presented with a! market and are selling am I a�torrrenser orl'a. Daveohnayiaso,,. 486 L Flanagan DavoDali.tsou.. 489 Robt Elliott4813 silver sugar bowl and set of tea spoons Roy Smythe.... 486 Jnn Doubleday 481 by t116 LMethodist, congregation, Csj If you doubtuat your neighbors i ' 0 da evening_ sMoss will be very about Ireland & Btonericesj stcall n and see for yourself. 5.14t1 Always good bargains in millinery at Mrs. Green's, opposite Bank of Hamilton Ireland .0 Button has added a delivery this province, ltlr. and sifts. P. Gray end eon ofLen- -The London News celebrates its first sing, Miehi a , shoohave been oh the past twain Primeweeks tit Totnto and, Cabbage Ll would do credit to a ieturlhed homeThursday. plants for slue li W. A , ; HNS Taloplaotte No. 35. anniversary by getting out a special anus- Grays oop norer111 versary number tha t wo 1 ld 1 id '.Che lithographiic work is Jfr Alpert Seeord, student at the Con - work older { rega{ional College, Montreal, who is mak• a work of art tend the many half tones fusel illus• � f tl hurchr;s in Ontario in W `, Restaurant. tinted are very excellent. The whale makes a very interesting number. Macdonald Block with which its pages are pro y Jean Mnrray.... 4r7 Mabel,Ross 470 E Heuderson 470 much missed by the blethodist choir Gordon Griffin408 Grace Smith 466 anal the young people of the village. Jas MaGiilivray403 Irene Davis.. 41'15 The Misses Boas, daughters et Mr. Maud Fianna462 Pan 51ortinher 460 James Ross of Brumfield. were visiting Alma Gray 459 Estella Snell 457 their aunt, Mre. James :Maxwell of the hairy Seyffert45;i 1 to this week. Freddie Russell,. 445 Fred Coad 439 Thos Cartwright431 Charlie Bell .... , 421 Gertie Weliwood 415 Bertie Ilohnes414 John Lamont 411 Sarah Saint 403 1{oy Inglis..., 302 Ruby Burkholder 357 Recommended --Linda 1-1111. Si, III To Jn. IV, Roost III TO II Maximum, $25 ; To peas, 412. Della Grecey.... 707 Lexie Dawson 08(3 Mary Marlow.. 064 Emilie Gregory 049 Lizzie Gilchrist 033 Clara Elliott.. 031 Lizzie Little.... 630 A Sutherland 613 Annie Hamilton 590 Ring Wane.. 587 May 'Robertson 581 May Field.. 57'2 JennieLee372 Florence Park 557 Chaster Davis.. 550 Mabel Walsh:. 535 Wei, Cartsr553 D litNaughtori 6.0 1''3, Tena Young.. 530 Peter Deans.. 432 0 Blackwell.. 443 Will Roderus 43:3 May Armour 430 Chester Hogg 410 Net Linklater414 Edith Beemer 411 StuartButten 403 O l\Iainprize 397 lane Gannett 378 B neta road, Vito very sad news reaobed her family goods a reasonable distance. 5• on Thursday last, that Miss Lizzie -For first-class tailoring and cheap Nicholls i in the London hospital gents' tryWebster at Co. Herteen disease was cancer, which, the • Rememberthepines, •fQueen's bleak. doctor said, had been growing for some thud without her knowlego,.uutil about two weeks ago. when she" took a chill and became so ill she had to be removed to tite hospital. Word was sent from. her mother, Mrs. Nicholl. of Turnberry, who remained with her dangher until tho end. The remains were latd to rest in the Bluevale cemetery on Saturday af.,ernoon, the ROy. V. J. West, conduct- ing, the servic mong the beautiful floral offerings on the collie, were a V1'Axtan:--=•Eggs 8 cents, Cash, Tub Bet - crown, O. heart and a pillow of roses and, ter 13e. And here we pay just what nee white carnations and a sickle and sheaf. , advertise though stories are circulated to Miss Nicholl was a sister ofMrs. R.' the contrary..1buy Butter. Eggs and Weel. i'arerson of this village. Walter Nicholl, ! Ilighest prices cash or trade, E Ri\ciY Blenheim; Tony, 'Detroit; Bella, London; Mrs. `Thompson and Mrs. James Nicholl, wagon to their business and will deliver Tomato plants reduced to 50e a bun• r dred at the Iron Bridge Green House Low- er Wingham. T. 0, G1ttl4Aa1, 'Chose who got our homegrown straw- berrieq other years are after them again and pronounce them the best they can get for canning and preserving. N. A. FAncrolteltsoN, Turnberry. Miss Nicholl was a healthy I rime of life, NOT 'THAW salify Greco Newton.. i h vigorous rhoman in p Basis, Buttoe.. 523 Lill ePattese 519 .o I3uttoi. , 522 Lillfei'atterson 519 being only 82 years of age.tlr of ttlate corn- the stomach, tits otheroes not debilitate oaui{h medicines Bride 'Maud 111o1)onagih 500 Edna Brown., 400 tad Penally has the sympathy � dol but en the contrary, it it�Itpro • -t; Dora Whyte.... 466 Berry Marine' 472 occulty, Gillespie 400 Erskine itussot 441 Mr, and Mrs. Fred McCracken Bross es and ! digestion effects are itn.inediate an14,010 Stahel Clitlespio *Doman 1 M. Clara MuCraeken of Brussels were !Its ,k •, _uflt�� t en P S ug a tour o i tss the interest of the college, was in town last GerrOutlay.... ttrxay.. , . 81 arty par Ing *eek, Mines.. 431 Laura Lomuth 431 visiting at Mr. .loin Gardner'e this ed,