HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-22, Page 4, ELLIOT ,4 ELLIOT, 13414.WAPASI • •Selieitors, conveyancers Am. Money to Loan at 6% B. V., Frwo'r. T. ELL1OT The Exeliti., Advocate. 0-•••••"•••••••^.... Nese-v."4 • THOMAS PASMORE,, Bamat PROPItWOFf 017.10E: Aran oStreet, etr TEDI $04Y,. DW. 22nd 1887, Tun Optc.krip, Gazette eb last week cozttains.a proelamatipin palling, the Legislaturkte meet on Januar5t1i, •anctenether that the revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, shall come into force ow the Mat. inst. • . RON. Thos. WHITE, )linister of the 4teriort has decided that Nort-west settlers will be given three years from January 1st, 1888, to pay up their pre- en:4)1'1am in three equal instalments, Ateording to Pi•evious• arrangements t,paiitosents Wei'e to have been.made in qua on January' l'st next 13vEny reader of his weekly paper recognizes, in some way his obligations to the. little fellow who. brings his weekly budget of new to his door, As it is the custom, the AtivoqATe csr- rer boy will present his New 'Yea:4s address to the patrons of this paPer next Thursday morning, when we trust biainost sanguine expectations will be. realized, aud his heart gladdened by the receipt of maw silver "shiners." atia he has always performed his work so may he be rewarded: Remember the Ca'rrier Boy when he presents his address to you next Thursday. • RARLIAMENT has been ga.zettcd' to meet on January 31st, when, a gov- ernment organ says "that tariff changes -will be made." Certainly. If the laborer, mechanic, artizans and farm- srs.of_Canada—the bone and sinew of the country, the men whose labor pro - dime the countries wealth—could un- „der:staud how large a portion of, their ,varnings is taken, in taxation to keep up the ,bribieg, schemes by 'w.hich Sir john Maeclonald retains office, how soon a check would be ppt upon his performance and a. chauge aitreaged. Rnpowrs, are to hand concerning. a terrible disastecwhich has caused the death of thousands and the starvation and misery of as •many more. This appalling.disaster was caused by the breaking of the banks of the Yelldw!- stone river,„in, the province of lioutn, China. Thaloss of life is incaluable, and millions of the Chinese are home- less and starving. What was, _once a naley populated and, rich,. pin is now a raging sen, from, ten to. thinty •feet deep, .13enove1eat people. go • in :boats and throw bread % among the • masses here.and there, butit is nothing coropared witit4he requirements, , and tie cold weather inereases the misery. I.bot-three &Lys to Christmas, And yet thereare no assurances that there -will be any lasting snowfall till ..,,r4.4.0.„ after that season,or,joyfulness. With- ont enOY and the.tnerry jingle of the sleighbells, we in these northern hat- ttides have been inclined to believe • ililatChristniastide is a mockery and •a AketSion„ hut in recent years the sett- e4as 'Seem to have changed. so mulls that iten a reognked weather,prophetda.res nOtproknosticate the advent of winter hetet-04110 beginnieg of January, Tile early ” winter 'weather has undoubtedly become much less, severe, but tho changehas,not been. Unmixed blessing.. When there is no S110 -W,, the rdattS in Canada at this Season of the year are in a h�khig condition; farmers, are prevehted front marketing their pro- duce, thPy cannot therefore buy either imported or home manufactured goods and trade bees:ANA dell. TIi farin- ing eeminunity being in the majerity, 4.is Set diffietr-t t oe htri;it tut* 4o, c tea, vends Qi tie weather, ANA, in turr, haS,beelCalle SP very fielde that it • can no longer be relied en. TqE wage-wprkers of •(lanada have, fer some time past, without z.egard to party, been unusally pm:Antic in their protests against the continuance of the Vat= of assisted immigration to this country. They assert that the various departments of skilled labov are £1.1.rehilY fie full, that thousands of' competent. mechanics are put of empleymont al- together, while mony are working short hours; and that the payment by the ,Oanadian authorities, Domieion or Provincial, of a pietnium or aifarther importation of this class is & monst- reaS illjUstice, 110t Play t,q thelivorking men of Canada, but te time who, throcigh such ioducements, are led te abandon their homes in theOld count- ry with the hope of bettering their condition. There can be no doubt that many departments of skilled labor in this country are over orowded, and it is also true that ordinary • laborers, picked up from the streets of old count ry cities, who kaneW:nothing of farming and who hopeto gain a livelhood in occupations similar to those they have been accustomed to, will 'oir coming here, Lind themselves grieveonsly dis- appointed. In Oline,dia,n cities and towns there are,•;a1ways numbers of eager applicants -for t.acantplaces, and it is only in expeOional cases, that the stranger, unaccustomed to the duties ,required, and; unacquainted with the ,way of the cottntry, is preferred to those who aro-native and to the manor. born, Division Court Sitting. Division Conwas held for the:first in the new Town Hall, on Monday, when his.hortor, Judge.Doyle, presided gave judgment in the following cases.: Robinson vs. O'Blien. Actionto, recover wages. Dismissed; costs -to paid by plaintiff: & Elliot., for plaintiff; B. E Collins, for defendant.. Brown vs. Pickard. Action to *rie,,• 'cover $5. Judgment for defendant. ' Gurney Mfg Co. vs. Smallicombe: Claim of $63.98 on note. .Judgment in favor of pktintiffe for $33.18. L. H. Dialcson.•,. for plaintifiltn: Elliot dr, Elliot.for defendant. Lan vs Towers, Actioii for bl.eacht. of 'contract for re-rsellin„r, apples. Judg menbfor defendant. R. .ES. Collins, for,plaintiff; Elliot (.45 Elliot,nfor defen- dants. . Motion for a new trial ' in case' .of Meladclen vs. Coulson. A number of cases were -ailjeurned till next sitting of the Court N 0 TT 61E4 PTTIE kNNUAL MEETING OF THE 1 Stephen. & Usborne Agricultural- So- ciety will be held in the Town Hall, Ex,e- ter, on TittlitSDAY, JANUARY .12th, 1888, at MO o'clock p.m., for the election of ofheers and receiving the.Directore report All parties, interested in the welfare of the society are invited to attend. By order of the president, JAS. BALLENTINEo- ALEX. G. DYER, Secretary. A meeting of the Directors of the above. society will be held at TEN O'cleek a. M. sharp, on same day at the Town 'Hall,. Exeter. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. -Dtinsux AT '1'0 THE PROVISIONS JC- af,the Revised Statutes of Ontario, chap. 107,,as nmende,d. by 46 Victoria, Chapter 0. The Creditors of .Tarnes Maw- hinney, late of the township of Stephen, itI.the county of Huron, and provinee of iOntatio, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or About the 27th day of November, A. D., 1887, at tho said township of Stephen, 'are on, or before the it day of, February, A. D'., 1888, to send by post, prepaid, to Georg() Mawhinney, of the said township of Steppett, Farmer, Crediton Post Office, iha sole executor of the last Will And Test, apanit.ur the stud deceased, their ahriatiati and sari am ee, ,a dd reasses, and descriptions the 4t1.1 pat tieulai s or their claims and stateinoit of their aecOlinta and /he nature of the securities (it tt»y) held. bv them Every person and. creditor holding aby t.:01111.1.,y is to produce the *aloe before the, said George AlawIlinney, at ...the town - hip of Stephen aforesaid, oe ur before the said 1ht daya Vebruary, A. D,, 188S. A !ter which date the said eXeCtitor will. ditAt Unite tit 0. asse ts of the said deceased% and.will tiot be liable for . the assets so distributed, or any part thereof, to any P'°° whose claim 110 shalt 1.10t hay° had nottee al PA dais. 1 ,n, II. GOWNS, Solicitor ,for the . . Ihecutor, Go] go :Ni 1:whin:ley,. n Ite i 4.1 ''l 'nth d t of I)atm.' I • A 1). 18 T/7.' .‘ Christie's Commercial 41v -413-y, oil:, PTA qtr 1,0 " As. '40141 Rigs and Hbrses first,class. ta•Ordoro loft at the Ilawkshaw House, or a#' he stable will be promptly attended to, 41,thIS ll.134$ONAP4E• HELLO, THERE ! ROWE & ANDREW'S L MINA , For &glance of 1887. r)eeemlber. Ohauge inthe moon, and more weather, lf.,Tzader taking, ;— Onr Stedit:of Caskets, .Sollins, Robes and . Triniroings, are unexcelled. Reformed " -undertakers, no Rings, no Cliques, ue use' all alike. Car prices we govern ourselves, and as ikest people know they are very moderate ; we undemtand, and snake Bol special ty o r this part ' of our business. Come and sop before you buy, Open day and night. IRENIENIT3gri the • PLACE. Drew's old staad,—one door north of Molson's Bank. Rowe & Andrews, New Premises ? NEW QtODS. 1 4.01111410A Respectfully reminds his many: ,Custoniers. and the public) generally that he has re- , moved to illg NEVI STAB, —NEXT Te— X. , Main Street, EXETER. Where he has .-jtist: received —A -- WELL.• ASSORTED • STOCK READY -MADE -;---- --BOOTS & SHOES. , ALSO Haire -made work Of the highest Class. A Trial: .Solicited, • and • Satisfaction Guaranteed I DEO MANSON Exeter. Wr="Ified= Best Famiiy Newspaper, in 'Canada. ElaimusHilD 43 YEARS. EINGOF WEEKLIES! . Free, Press, LONDON, ONT, The Handsomest Printed Paper in —Canada.— The Agricultural Department is a noted feature of. ' the" Free Press," being always up to the times, and conducted by persons practically, skilled in Fain, Work. Illustrations, Practical and .Usefii1 given each .week All the 'Mews in Full'. Bir Telegraph, Telephone, Mail and COrrespori- denee up to the hour of online:Won. Special Market Department. Agricultural Depart- ment, Capital Story always Running. Ingen- ious Puzzle Column. Hunierous Reading. JUST THE THING FOR THE FAMILY! Every member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. Zgarro, 04,, Vali**. rt? In Olabs of 4ratid upward, 7rie each, 1S8/ feoe. $12,000 IN PREMIUMS Given Away Free to Agents, Stout. liberal inducements ever offered in Canada, Everything useful, valuable and Ontrulien tol AGENTS WAN TED EVERYWHERE. The inustpriptilar paper to wbrk for. Afore Money anittlny huothtdoczoorpulgotfrtit the "Fro Picas" then at Addreas."---FilEt ratSs, LoaDos, ONTARIO, UttiMitraCtM • 10.:414,4014...andialie.12641.2•W, Pfavinwthis season perchosed post of or :stock direct 4rom manpfactUrers' iti England and Germany, bo do Se We had to give Q1,44.-Prderk'Tely enrly,'x the season, and as the presPe4-10Piced Well we bought likrgely; the 'gppds have now arrived and we find that hard times ,ttrcl causing a great 4Ppre5sion JIl trade, we bore tkerafOre decided -to meet the tinres by marking -.0 geodS at HARD PAN: pRic Es t.c4insnre a speedy\ clearance, therefore We wettidlOvite all inttnzling purl ohaeers To Call and Iiispeot our Stock' and note4?rice's of all New Goods; including Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets, &• Ulsters, Misses' and Maids' Ulsters, all sizes. & Colored Silks &\,. SAW' Dress goods in all tlill,newest colors and styles: PIO* and Fancy' Plusties, &arias, and Plain and Fancy Hosiery and GloYes.l. Also a full line • of .,Nuagga YOUTHS' ancliBOYS? READY" MADE HATS and:CAPS.. .All of which 1411 be sold atithe LOWESTTOSSIDEE PitleE; A Positive Cure. ar•Z.st., Fi 411111101 A Painless Cure. FACTS' TOR. MEN or ALL AGES., Int:113.41.SES OP MAN. " "*. ....M7-77E3CD71:4"S BP= CIVIC c e, TIRE .CIREAT 1jE41.711 REA-EWER, Marvel of Healing, and linhineor of. Medicines, atzeily.4igs the eelea•lble cometissesseco of end Norm:ion. It..ttporotre and Overwork. •=0"r...71.TC„.4-, 1\21=M-..,7..1=-„,AA.GS-== Who aro broken clown from 09 effects of abuse will find in No. $ a radical cure for nervous debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses. otc. Exasitunootteas orfOn wrack No. 8 Snout]) BID USED.—Wttlit of energy, vertigo, want of purpose-,. eight, aversion to society,, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listlessneus and inability to fix the attention on a particular Bubject,.. cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, spur,: matorrliont, or loss of tho seminal fluirl—tho result of gelf.abuse or marital excess-111Mo... • 'Loney, innutrition,..onmoiation, barrenness, mainktatiott of tbo heart, hysteric feeling, in, femnlestatrelnlaing,•Mobtocholy„ di storbing. dreams, etc., are all syrupieltili of this terrible oftentinhesiinnocontly miquired.In short, tho 'spring of vital force having lost ito tension, every function wanes in consequence. Soientifie writers aud the superintendents of .insane asylums unite in ascribing to the effects of self-abuse the groat majority of wasted lives whicU come under their notice. If you are Incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the onjoymontvotslife, No. 8 offers an cr•capo from the effects of early vice. If you aro advanced iu years, No. 8 will give yon full vioor end strength. If you are -broken down, physically and morally from early indiscretion, the • result of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. LUBON'S • Treatise in I3ook Venn on DifileftSOS of Man. Sealed end securo from, observation. • Address all communications to IL V. Lif1130N, 47 Wellington St. 7E., Torotste A ,Manawithouf wisdom lives in a fool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. A Perrnanent'Cure. >14 A Pleasant Cure. ••••••••• JI C.'. STONEMAN IS BE LI EV I NG And the proof of the pudding is in the. ' eating, and if you aro not,already a custorner.of*: • A. E. ROSENBERGER become one and provelor yourself that he has the best bread anti' OOnfec- tionery in town: NV ed.ci in A Specialtyl. 1.1, ROSENBERGER, Two doors north Drew's Opera House; • Main -street =• Exeter, rho Orcat Englliatt1PreaCriOtiotte A successful Medicine used over so 80 Years irt thousands Of cases. Curos SpenraterrhSal, Nervous lVeakness,'Entisl sionS. atpotency ,Itt'-a and all dIsensca causedsey abuse. ov (nena] ,indiseretion, r�r over-ekettiori, tAiontal trix naoltages Guaranteed to Care when Off Oben ii,arens'eriAntsikoiii'ottairkeDi'n'01 ggsli8it rTtoltrtirtie.h.° 04417ealpielentillire St. SIX, $5 by mail, Write rorrainetara, Address If.uteka'onevatcal co, Detroit, gold in Exeter by Dr, Intr., arni 4. 0 . orciats e‘ ot y,w Oct 1 7 Watchmaker .,and:leweler,- HENSALL ONT.' --DEALER. ,IN -- Watches„ Glocks, Gold, Sitirer and Plated Jewel cry,;,. and Musical. Instruments, SPECTACLES r PRIAM! opairin(4 a Specialty. Sat sfactionOirarailteed, J. -0; STONE MA1%4 Hernia, OtiT