HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-22, Page 1M,44444.4g•t.••••14,44,444;444,
VOL, 11.
Ehe Oixtter dt,l'o'
_ . .
It.ittliii,i8)1p.V0Vory 1:11111170tty 7110Ttl1ng,
at the olliee, o
.Marn' 11Ezeter,..Ont.
4 -01V WEAbS •
Tle4.0 Or 011.5011010er;
B ILL HEADS eller W.T.5 If pai'd in advance; $1.50 If not so t
• "t1 'STAIZNItliTS•
Actrgag Rates on tipplIcation,
lfe paper diseentinued itttoJl usrearages are paid.
Advertisements without ;Teethe directions will he
published till:forbid andchargetlaccordinglY, Liberal
discount ramie for trans lout advertisements Inserted
for long purled& Beery sleseription•of d'OBTRINT-
ING turned eat lit the ilimat style of the,,art and at
moderate rates, Cheques, money orders, &c. or
advertising, m3bscriptionq, etc., to be inalLepayable to
zrios. PASI1LORI.!
Editor and Publisher.
F•14113001`1114 coottoix.-Rev. 8, .F, llobinFon, tricorn.,
bent, Sunda.v Services, 11-a,M,, and p, ; Bab.
bath School, 2:81) p.
S tonartos A tui. --Sunday soi*V1.0013,7.7.ipnisn,,3 p. nt.
and 8 p. 111.1 services every night during the week,
at 8 (foto*. Holiness ineetinkitt. T1. Sunday.
littruenter CIIIJR(1).1,* jp,11108 4,, Rev, J, or,dnon,
pastor. Sunday it 'docs, 40,80 it. nand 0.00 p,
fiablith school, 2 p, itt. 'PraYer mcdting Thursday
everang at 7.30.
Main STICE1•11`.--HCV, W. 11. Paseo°, pastor. see-
the/ servique, 20.20a_ M., and 8.30 p. in. Sabbath
school, p, ra. Prayer meeting, Thursday even-
ing at 7.20. l'Aung peoides prayer matting 'Thursday
evening at ;„OO.
Passayssma.;.i Cituncu.-4iev. W. M. Mlirthl, Psstor-
Sunday services, 11 it, 18, •and 630 p, m Sablmtb
school th,lt. Young (peoples prayer meeting, al
45. .1huraday evening, prayer meeting at 8 o'clock.
Choir practieo initnediately after, •
33usiness ;ma ,other Cards.
D., 8.
Graduate of Viciona'universi-ty, Office and residenne.
Dominion Laboratory, Exeter, -Ont. Juno, 0-'81.
driwn,r. ,oFFICE,--MAIN.STREET, Exate4
tip stirsoappositg Central Octet. Side epit-
ranee on the south...Janice strect.leading to the low
odiet Church.
018110? LtOs'rtsED AllaTIGNEER
For the Townships gf Hay and usaorric Ali orders
eromptly uteuded • 40ror ont
ye the COMMON Of Middleliefei4111LioAt.011, ''and
the Townships of suspboo foie Hay, Alt sales prom.
pay attended to. Address all communications to W.
' 111)1.7, K/11V11, postodiec, Ontario.
Solieitor of Supreme conrtnd Ontario, ComMlaeleber,
Conveyancer, ke., Office -Next doorto Barnwell& Molt.
ards. Exeter, Gut. Honey te loan ttt very loweet ratost
Barrister, Solicitor of saprolee
. Court, -Notary Public, Conveyancer, Com
mistionsr, fie Money to Loan.
Oflice— Flinson's Block, Exeter,
L. P. s., extructs teem without path
by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new Antes-
thetic out ha gums. Alahcs Gold Fillings, and all other
dental work the best possible. Goes to Zurich last
Thursday in each month,
er 0. L., NO. 924, EXETER.•
its FIRST Fatrav in every month
ill the nesv odd Fellows Hid], at 7.30
o'clock p. m. 'Visiting Brethren always
J. WILLIS, W. M. W. SANnEas, Sec.
I O. 0. F., No. 67, EXETER.
Meets every Tuesday evening in John's block. A cor-
dial welcome estanded to VLeiting brethren,
tOm 11 uiue N 0 J, T, WESTC0114 R-secy,
O. F. NO. 123.
Meets the second and fourth Friday or each month,
in Fanson's Rail, at 8 O'clock p. itt.. Vititing Breth-
ren cordially invited.
E. Ronewrs, (,. Lt. 41% Flume), soo,
. 14 141N '111(141'. ,
Offite over Bank, L'xeter, Ont.
Nitrons 0010 6103 for painlefis extraction. •
St.liVeon Dentist;
Onut date of the Royal Colle,48 of Den-
tal Surgeons:of Ontaihk. Having furnished Inc den-
ikal morns, next door ta Treble's 11,Orne0s shop, Malw
street Exoftr, Ont., Where T tint prepared 0) perform
ail brmiclies Of the profeaSit.if 'With edto aml skill,
cnA.S.Ots, etoeeeeere-eentets, °este
-rent4 WSSTCOTT; IlsisunA.NcE,
00' ti Estate and Stedniboat Agent Wealthy and re,
MOM: ru'a amt. thth Inattranee CompatileS RepreScht,
ed. Any amount of mosos, to lean on first Class inert,
gages at lowest rates of interest. General Agents for
Huron Co, for A, E, Williams & Co„ real estate agts,
London, BeaVer Line of Stcamertrepresetded.,, •
Otlice-,..Jainca St,. Exeter, Ont. 41.19-8t
04 6 AT Xv*
MS LI er of
,n AG ie.
L fo, AecidMA, and Fire In
0141014: West Side o
Hay :Farmers' Mutual'. Fire
Insunanoe Company,
pnaTrEs nEsrintiOP0 INSIJItE 114T1E BEST
and cheapest Insurance colopasy is tIte
coat do to by applying portonally, or by intift to mo
undersigned/ ;All applications proniptly attended to.
Alto agent ies the volitsgtoft,Ltidinsiiy,of Oacif>11.
Also migriortEnit to the totrite et nerea,
„ itea8gt48111,111,Y5. Mixt
7.10 10,014
Orr.r Stedk dfPeineieg ellpe
lear" Statioueey, cot slding of ail IGO
ita" the leading graeles of Plain "eWl
gar weld Farley ruled and un- eVil
Bay' ruled paper'., Ckrels and Els- 'eae
Far. velopo, is moat complete. , c1C2
CP" 001 and get prices at
maiti._ Street, - EXCter.
News From Homes and rilds
of Huron Ccunty Farmers.
Item of Interest From Important
A...Record of all EVents-1Deatlis,
Removals, Fires, Sales,
and. Accidents:
Biddulph Breezes.
Mary Regan, a middle-aged woman from
here was arrested Monday by Detective
Rider anti remanded as a 'emetic. It is
alleged the woman has attemptet1 her own
Model Sohool Examination,
0 T44.4k4!414-74,4,444,,,
41.110 Exaininetion this year 'was
mere 411; Cult than previehs Examin-
ations. l'he Education Depertment
finding the -supply of teachers greater
than the demand, increased the work
in some subjects end made other sub-
jects compulsory, which were formerly
optional. Sixty per cent, or 540
naarks Were required to 'pass. The fdl-
lowing candidates were; s u coeSsf al ;
GODliatIcee Aro DAT,, •
Marian Allane +630; Clara A. Boyd,
666; Rdryi. A, Blair, 666; jeSusio Camp.
bei, 691;.! Jennie V. :Iji0esent 634.1
Thereee Dante 566; Zifla Esler1 601;
Beetriee Finlay, 682;. Mary Linfield,
626;'Ellen Mclsreil, "6281,+Bridget !leg.
'64; Attie Shari -AV 4'641.; Christ-
ens. Sheiereecl, 555;eettete. Strubhere,
683r Rebecca 'Tayloret653; 0, I). Dav-
idson, 621; Wno. CAT'etilools, 633; Maw
kley, 631; Arts-4u4 ey, 616;
Fred Xnglis, 586; James itilleran, '56,8;
Angus llathes4'n, 636; Ma,6140, Mere
risen; 606; ;John Alex.
McCall, 693; johli 1itC:f<ey, 730; 11,
Roherts'oe, 584; Peter Stuart, 64h ,„A
Jelin A nclereotr, 543; James
Bell, 55:; Absalom Coemes, 568•
ard Fowler, .b94; Thotims R. Henry,
576; John G. Lamont, 605; jetties
Landsborough, 589; David Martin 617
William Morrison, 611; Alfred Merish
5401 Uriah McFadden, 669; George
Purvis, 643; William Walters, 606;
Alex. McIntosh, 69; Sarah Brown,
612; Gertie Oriels 618; Lydia Camp.
bell, 575; Jeseie 11. Dewar, 633; Isa-
bel Duncan 599; Cassie Faequarson,
615; Maggie II. Hislop, 607; Ella
Keefe, 610; Jew! Lovell, 558; Annie
Moffatt, 633; Maggie P, Morrison, 581
Lizzie Monteith, 653; Mary Mdlordie
609; Annie MeConuell, 414; Kate M.
Nash, 616; GPROO E. Pollard, 571;
Christy Robertson, 679, Aunie O.
Taylor, 696; Mary L. Taylor, 642.
The following had their cietificates
renewed lty the Co u uty Board.
Linty Day, Mary J. Raise, George
A. Dewar, and Daniel Johnston,
Two Negroes 11.oastil4l
Crediton Briefs,
The Revival services at Bethesda are
cloaed witli good results.
Notwithstanding the bad ftato of the
roads, a great inatiy are moving to and fro
Surely this 'is a busy country.
The question, who will be the council
next year, is discussed it . private cir-
cles: Doubtless it will soon be discussed
in public.
Samuel Broltenshire, of Sharon, loat
fine brood more one night lasrweek. She
got fast and. cheked herself in the stable.
Also John Rowe of the same place lost a
tine sow one evening lately,5.
School Examination:
An Examination was held in School
house No. 5, Usborne, on the. 20th
iest., mid was.conduotecl by the resi-
dent teacher and the following visiting
teacherst--elessrs. Beatty, Helmut,.
Hagan, Ilogatth and Gilmour.
The promptness and correctness of
the answers giveti by the pupilS to the
Italians questions, reflect Areb.t tedit
not only on themselves, but oda() 611
their teacher, Mr. Gregory 1-1. Tom.
'the• lerge attenclaime of visieers,
numbering', Over one Imerired, ehows
that considerable interest is teken' in
Educationi and this as it ought to be.
At the aloe di the Eenenieation,
tratSidel and liteitiry enteetainnieet was
given, in which thd ttev's: Martin atd
Godfrey, the abOve 'named teacher% and
other visitors, together with -the pupils
•of the eeliool took pert, but 'thy report
would fait to be cerreet if I neglected
to stete that the ladies of the seedon
had prepared esumpttiotte re,past, - to
•oteapy the tittotitiOn �f those peesent
&ring the noon heth.
bit the whololie affieit Was a greres
A Visixort,
Thoma g PAertson, of Thillett,
ihrit flee centre and two foxes, in East
Wiminoti)i oroiJay )ot week.
it is reported from Pemberton Ferry
Florida, that three negroes, on Sunday,
shockingly assaulted Mrs. S. D. 0' -
Berry and her daughter, having gain-
ed admittance to the house by ciyilly
asking for a drink. As soon as the as-
sailants left, the women gave the alarm
and bands were engaged at one to scour
the woods. Two of the negroes were
caught the next forenoon some miles
distatt in a swamp.. They were swung
up ancl Choked until they coefessed to
the deed.
The enraged men then built a lire
under a project:rig limb from a big oak
end applying a match, swureg the neg-
roes up over it, despite their agoeizing
screams and entreeties.
As the flames leaped upward, the
writhingof the eegroes were horrible,
and several of the 'nen, unable to steed
it longer, discharged a volley into the
swinging ileum before them, killing
theni instantly. The fire wag extin-
guished end the bodies were left
swinging, a ghastly warning to other
negroes. ,
If the other one is eaugh, he prob-
ably will be served in the same way,
A. sag Wheat Judgment.
/t will go hard with Berne note shave
ers if the decidon of. Judge 'Macdoug-
all, el Toronte, in relierd te the Seed
Wheat eases is f011owed by other Judg-
(IS in Ontario. The way the' eompany
wont, about their business Was to sell
wheat at $15 it bushel. it surely
must finite been repreSented'aS reinark-
able grain Wore any farmer would
lenke et it at any ,priee, bet probably
frifiters who bought Were won eve'
by the agetit tlettigh ehe promise to
bey the entire crop realieed from the
Ifeed itt the Same price as :paid for it,
less 83?,per tent, tommisaloit What
could have postessert the- &biters ta
lieve that 16 wa a Straight deal it la
liard t� intaginei teeing that it WAS
qoiltit 'Withiu the power of the sellers to
kere a'fette; OW it thrthigliaut witi
their $10. Wheat and sell Wier $10 a
butiuiel thus ra1izhig tita4 BUM as we
88 pOckelitik 'etiieten MIS; etiiiiiiiissiee
' ereelee,
NO, 2.94
That is, if the story told the g,ulliblef
farmers were tru% 10 the case just
tried the jud,c,fe (3,icl not believe that it
"es true, for he geve judgment 'for 'the
defendant wholtsistod the payment of
the note given foe the wheat on the
ground that the 'company had entered
into a„ conspiracy to defreud the farm-
ers. Meanwhile, the company have
sold tholartners' notes to speculators
it that 'branch of business, and have,
with one or two exceptions, cleared
out, leaving note shavers to get the
money out ef the formers as best they
can. At present the outlook appeal%
to be rather blue. Farmers and note:.
buyers have been, given a lesson In
business that they will not seen forget,
claims this right to add' to the 14401 og
being 'the oldest family paper, the OV8Xt
mpre henorable title of also being th.f.1
best. Always keeping ie sight what
-was Highest, Purest, Most Eetertaiu-
ine„e in Pe word, the best in literature,
it has never once failed in its -long care
er to go forth as a weekly missienary
into Ime4red4 et thousands di the fine-
st families in MY -quarters of the and,
the most welcome and cheerful oi vise
itets. ,
. For the corning year The Post has'
Oettured the best ivritere of this count-
ry Ana Earope. In Prose apel Verne,
Fact afici Fiction, In these respects
es ie the pase it will only be -the best.
Its pages will be perfectly free from
'degrading and polluting trash which
4, Montreal ensation,
On SattIrday last, Private Detective
..jebh :Fahey, ex -City Detective Louis
Naegele and Special Grand Trunk Rail
road Oanstable 13preau have been ar-
rested -et Montreal on the charge of
broken into the Grand Trunk
:at Donaventure station and
it0,14.,freln: the vaults :;Iiirty-six bags
e'Otterete4C2,50. It will be ?mem.
teteillit'e burglary took place ae
bout -pf 5`menth ago in the office8 and
no 1,rees ()title burglars could be found
and for el tiffie`ie was believed they
would go enPereisinde Are Grand
Ttunk Itoimere.dtaiot loge
hope. About eeveii,siveel4""ge they re
tabled the services of- Det'ective Wil-
son and Howard, of 13ost6i, ' and De-
tective Flynn, of Detroit, who have
since then been laboring night and
day on the case, with the result that
three officers mentioned have been ar-
rested. It appears that the detectives
engaged on the case, thinking they had
cause to suspect the prisoners; worked
their way into their good graces and
it is said obtained from them admiss-
ions of a very eompromising nature.
The three prisoners were arrested last
night. Fahey Nees coaxed into the
1.-oom of Detective Wilson at the Rich-
elieu, were High Constable 13ission-
nette soon put in an appearance and
wade him a prisoner. Naegele was
shadowed quite it distance by Deputy
High Constable tlhampagne end Hiss-
iounette, and was inacle a prisoner at
Earnest street, Bureau was also ar-
rested by one of the Meth Constables
officers. The three prisoners were
token to cells adjoining the Police
Court, -where they remained through-
out the night, guarded by s Depi!ity
High Constable Chambers, and other
officers. At 10 o'clock Saturday morn
ing they were taken before Police
Magistrate Dugas, -where they all
pleaded not guilty. The avrest was se
quiet that nothing was known of it till
they were brought befdre the Magis-
trate Saturday. The affair has creet-
ed great sensation in that city.
. The Oldest rond, Best.
The Saturday Eveninq Post, of Phil-
adelphia, enjoys the proud distinction
of being the oldest family and literary
paper hi skmeriea, if not in the world.
Originally established by Benjamin
Franklin in 172,8, and appearing in ite
present eharacter in 18:111 it hes had
an uninterrupted career of 158. years1
As ite originator, Franklin, was one of
the first men of his time, or any time,
both in ability and emineue, The Post
has ever tried to follow its founder, by
carrying out during. its whole course of
existence the best RIMS and highest par
poses of et family newspaper:tn its
emnagemene toncluet and choice of
reading • itt ateri usefu le ess, p0 rity,
irtoraUty, progress mai enterteitiinent
have always heelt its watchwords and
its guides.
'The history of Thu Post is the hist-
ory of America14 literetete and author-
ship. Not to speak of those who pee
item to and -after the 'War et the Rev.
elution made it it posy& in the land,
since 1UI there is hardly a 'Writer
famous it) the world Of letters whose
works have not adorned its pages.. A,.
Mot* these May be mentiOned Ifetace
QrcQley5 Dickens, Sotetherortie
Poe 13ryant, T. 8. Arthur,
Sphert% Mete Henry, Wood and
"evShearing, Arm
buetlitte, GI'ree
1 *thee%
, it iet wgitilar them, that Thd VOA
15 21 64 • „
0, 447kt
characterizes Many other so-called' liter
ary and family papers. It gives more
for the money, end of a better
then any other publicatioe in the
world. Each volume contains, iriaele '
dition to it well edited deparementee
twenty-five tirsholass.Seriale, and up-
wards of five hundred Short Stories- -
Every numbeero -eplete with 11840
information and Amusement, cornprice
ing Tales, Sketches, Biography,Anec-
dotes, Statistice, Facts, Receipes, Hints
Science, Art, Philosophy, Manners, •
Customs, Proverbs, Problems, Person- "
als, News, Wit and Humor, Historical
Essays, Remarkable Events, New In
vendor's, Receut Discoveries, and
eornplete report of all the latest fash-
ions, Novelties, in Need1ewor14 and
fullest and freshest information eelat-
mg to personal and borne aelorninent,
and domestic matters, To the people
everywhere it will prove the hest, most
instructive, reliable and moral paper
that ever entered their homes.
Terms, $2.00 a year in advance.
A specimen copy of this exeellent
family paper will be sent free on appli
(Lock Box), Philadelphia, Pa..
Tut Amex:eves and The Saturday
Evening Pot, for one year for $2.7lie
Aditional Loa's.
—Insure your dwellings with W. • ;
Sanders, Agent for the Lancashire c' '
Fire Insurance On, of Manchester - T.
England. . ,.‘$
—We direct° the attention of one
readers to the adveras44 , of Tbe
Empire, a new Oonseceeetee ,paper to
be started iti Toronto, rilild,cyi 1ph will
be clubbed with this paper, t 4ive fort° '
$1,70 per annum.
—Lancashire Fire Insurance Coq
of Manchester, Eng., is the most
reliable to insure With, W. Sanders,
Agent, Advocate Qffioe, Exeter.
—We have recelv8it,.a copy op 4
mega Cent historiettiphoto-engrtevieg,
"The Fathers of Cotietiqatione" the'e i
premium given with thgeToeento Week ,:
ly News. The News With the engrav- -e,,v , 1
it.", and this paper will beeeerre to any'ite,,Ei'..'y I
address From now 'all Jan: Jab, 180, ;I"'
foe only $1.75. This is the best,offor, 44 4.,k: i.,.
yet. .
—Tbose intending insuring their ;
dwellings, should study their own in-,
teeests, and insure in the Lancashire -,
Pire Insuranee Company, of Manchest-,
or, England. Prompt payments in
oases of loss. Wm. Sanders, Agent,
ADvbeeee office, Exeter. • e
--Mud :rel.; Wts—The Advocate
will be clubbed with the following loaC '.
ing weekly papers from now until Jan,
first, 1889: London .A.dvertiter, $1.05;`,
Londou Pre° PIVSS, $1.75; MolltT081.,
W itfiOSSt $1,80; Hemilton Speettetor,
$1,70; Faieners Advoeate, $1.80; To-
ronto Globe, $1,80, Any of 1.6.Eihove
papers will be sent to any desired ade
dm% postage paid 4 the publisher's..
—After three successive years of
steetly pegging at 'the bench, Mr, boo, ,
Manson, out popular shoemaker, hag ,
decided to spend hie ehrieteme holie
clays fn. Port Hope, with the "Old
leolke &theme," and leaves on Sato-
day next We ere, not reliably lee • & °
feemea Whether the trip- will be thee ee
MEADS Of C4eorgo bringing' back witht
hina,a, better two-thirds ca. not.
' Master R. H., "Son ,ot beog6.11,taile-. 41
ttl'iSik:bw.„,6e.141Ca:t)::, *as eeeT 641 t4j1:: 44.'ne;:tei9:1tkee;:' '
e s . , ,,e ,,, 4si