HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-15, Page 8• A • ,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,hhhh1,,,,swr,#33#7,74133437137. h • *33 3. # ' sh,,#.4.43,..ma...0.34.cpcs3stro rcnem=****•• ;Qu Wa$14g1013, 119,,tttgo BIT 41' LBI.TG'S 1 **Vriligp -awa. garooptami,5,a0.) „ , t :ID); fiti:Y ih§s FiKieth,'.gpug're"44,1,244.At " ,PleY OPRII it;yO4, W4Ag. it 1 I • tO t1)444414 fiqUit4, s c ose t ie gret , poin1 bQJyof" have ex-, • ,31))17P,t', GREEN 'the National Legislature will isciN'on-c,111,441retlyep.rs. In inany its- • Poct4t1ie.4eW ieeikvogagoif will differ -4; efr-4141:r•Vagnr" • s from any ;Congress that has .assetebled TibmIN 10N Lii:BGRkyro'Ry tile‘be,,in.lin a of the Great, War esildettirly in the 'lumber of new mem- .4, 1,64sq , ) bara.: Of: the tkire: liUmlred end tWal• HellObOird IV Toltiler ty;tive who sat in the h'orty4ninth Oca.- g.tss' one hundred and, thirty were rg,.. Always fufl supplY o Diu, *And Fancy ciontir, • , " e t Ss 04 epqq% yih bat ()tic i„ portant question klemanding the attem.' ,.-tpekle: a gpecial iWzi df Congress. , The ,reduction of, th:Allileinies'ef the Cot "6/11 went, To theoettl'ument of this problem:all oth'er, a questions must be subordivated) vi O211ET9R, ' yet there is much importattlegislation tbat ulay well be undertaken. The appreaeh f anethei: Presidential 'elm - tat promises to make party Hoes some- wha. more prominent than they Were 1114,'Ittit.CO4resS. But it' must be a in i'tt'Wtliat even on, the' ciliation of revenue xeduction neither party. in the lower 'branch is a unit, and whatever actictuent may bo reached is not likely ly ucAlnt for mu& 44.4:party vietory, ,A. chanphas come over Washington the „peat week-. Day and night many people are upon the street a'n•d atnonf.,r them a. large .numbet pf strangers. In the evening the hotel lobbies are crowd tt,4`. Every day the Senators and Rep- resentatives an theattaglies—fellow ma and protega and hangers on—have lien,arriving in great .numbers, until iovth city is full almost to its whiter measure. The' lobbies.M. Willard's the Rigg's; the Arling,ton, the-Elibitt; tlfe Natieual; and the. Metropolitan are CoUtirbgsmen 'and •people ithZ, w,go'solpeth\iig, of Oclogresstoen. The mew. members; . whp are, gredited with.less experience).* areattended by a rargientinaber' of -people who • ,watit, a j'Aime„thsin 'the old members; whose ex: periencehas. made thorn sadder ,and Wrier!:Still there' are very g few who ha.Sb-e ' shnit •proteges in charge, jvhether if,114,44' ft Or 'net. The pl.aces huutersiare dev4i,littheriselves to the Members, and the' latter are shifting about' to find other shouldars on which , • rest them. • There are lots of small places under the officers of the Reuse -paps, inessen gers, doorkeepers, folders and clerks under various titles, and there the elerks to the committees, who are iatoxitically prive.te Sobi'etaries to :the ehaiine'n. tut'alt,told.'theX:e ,are not half ennpgh 'plaees to b"0, 4.11;Qiindo ,and many of these are filled by men and boys wiiese members arestill in Con-: gres'itud.1-14st'Ve'ebnsitterocl. All the onifspyes 'of thet House whose merribei a have been'ker.Pt'st, lidtiS, nt1hatte'to go).probably, unfeas they haye ,friaeag. 'ed to tranifer their ,olairns. to some oth- er' more fortunate,' Representative, ;gin(' those employes :Ilepen:clant "upon .the.irtuence of 'roeMbeit ;-01-1'o bave ,Itappened• to get.on the wrong side of ;the contest will have to go. The new „pl,ace-bianters are on hand in numbers, :.tnd some of &OM' ' ,•Provided !for. kr I a 4 the' fashionable'pjealinie, of life , in 0 'tlie'Capital City are constantlyjnoreiis 'lift, ancl riekke a•ney attractien I to be ;fifeerettin‘ 'the institution -411.e "Wash .ingtdu Riding :A.Cad'emy.”: -The list of ubicribers:includes the naines• of pron.': oittiale and IriAny of the leaders ,. 1)f so,cietfih Mir midst, the President and meiabers of the Cabinet being a- mong them. This fact insures success) Philattelphia, • Baltimore, New York, Chicago', and 411 the large cities of the country have for years supported and: -enjoyed academic.s of this kind, but none of them will excel this new dc-: pattare in Washingtoi A1t the a.., rrangetne.Ats have been made on the most extensive scale, The opening of the academy will proba.hly ic aboet. the 15t1i instant, and the New , York Riding Club 'will be 'present, to take pot in the pleasant Affair. It Win dotibtlas be one f,the inos6,-.0„greal1e. and social. eveuts ?)f the Season. During the past( slimmer o. lady —might have been seon -almost any fine , Morning hi the business sdetion :of, . 'Washington ou a shopping ei$,pedithin. Attached to a bangle at her wrist by a bog slerider silvet.cho.in was a dimin.. turtit, which, if it bed no ether. nceomplishment, was oh expert in the' " matter bi climhing, far its favorite' xe'sttrig place seemed to be on her s1ioude iicii the owner of this, 1_;stranse,pot alighted from:the carriage 14:.4td dll'at With 6, friend before entering one oethe rgoree, the birth) IvaS care plal uport the pavernentwhero, rtovIe'rt lib,oct at theeic1 of theil vkly.clitti.iygreaiii to the delight of th6 If hoya of the neighborhood., kt. , • , . 1:ita Otie ILL1A • • SAf..ME 11 4-••••• • , 1!-M41,,t W?$t SIKeet, ge rr 11111R, , , Opposite the new 1.11tigli;l1' CliOch„, - , • • a = • * 4 :GOOD:1:IT' Tige,st qty„ids of Goo'cle 'Opt in sTpQ,K, , A OAt1, rS014DaTED,i:,, „ , 601111110rei41 Ulli011.Assivance ' olto • . , QR,E,AT 13 It'll AIN. Capital $2).,000,0110, 4,--.4—,--/17113 /ME • • . t Ilancaililie Eire Jiasutaneo Co. * , • MAYMIESTER, ENG. ta.A.PITAL $1.4 600:000.00: The best and 4nost t'eliable Fire Insur, , . • epee Compahies, in the World. , , PVOCATE ME!' OMER. HE NEW TA.PEW P-rizig Elm Conservative :Journal about to be stattod In Toronto,: to be called . ' Will mak° its appcsran0a on or ithout al° igth. • of Dacculhor.. No paius• aro bun arod to make the papbr worthy of Croiads,`and bf "the great party or Wilosti Vielvfi• it will bethe potent. .1t will Sts.rt with at...,• , .4a*P44 atheson; ;"g`EriVER NORTH. . 47. tYttr Stock ls assorted for the; season' tladc. ;Lo prleo putiotaln. . ,GRO_PtElER 'POI' 01,00 13 Pis. `lithite zugo,t ' . • „ ll;ta 4in't be plifloisold in t Mita '20e to ' Vie per lb.. o'Sts 4 Slab4(all Styles) 'et 7;:lvi pi ibes " A alebly itssOrted stOelc-of STVAMVW.4002:3Z4 FORKS, SOZTHES all (A.) Best "idnodho 011;r • ' 60d..pciregai. 4 Coal Oil as low ; as ilia lomeat, 3",4 Stt „of 44r Pri8cesi • 3.t tiotuly-u#3.6 IC.Itati.lerirg for ; , ed: 'OrdOrcri Suits got Ur in goo( s , , Our; Pr9S,S.Pooxis'-"rp. rristylt-• • Erd dOW).1 tO lOW.R.Str' " • " •frOtekl. tr 1" rr.! • • A 16017 l'621—.12.0 vJ fp . -1 • —L..... • • • , ' A liens'Aandloti also a farm for sato.' Apply . Staff of Birilliate And plaid Journalists in every doliartnaOut. The • • Ifublictuay oxpoct - 4, l'irc*s. fronvall quarter*, ' ' t Ab -to Iealtortn:19, • edIErnie epcirtai Wait' Verrnments, . k • . • itefirtbloreoisn'nuarcliti Nowa, r. • . • inteireAting vbportiog.Isatelligenee. Anti o.if Othoi: DOpartnnints well ,suatained. short, Tral Btapnm will be. a Bright, Beadabis, 1 aud Bolialgo .l'apor. _ . 5 Uverybody Looks for it. All sbould 'Read it.: . . r DAILICik nitirntE, I WEBEIN nmpsilt, 1 " $5 per Annum. . $1 per Auunni. „ in your Subsoriptions now, accolupaniod, by The dash, so as to corornonco with tho first A.ddresa, • D. CREIGFITO1sTa Manager Trim2rttn, Toronto. 14aving made O. settlement with Ms --Creditors-- •T. DEARING s'ell his entire mammoth stocit- ' Ready:Made Dry-Geods Boots and Slioeg. , Cfrocoies;Croolpry, •Glasswaro D's ?PC ., At iesg th.an Actual. Cost, : He, ipbohncl to teduce his ttciOk, • •—'-and will afer— " ' • . Never "before 'often& ' , • `.rtr,. ..7eAr123Et r; 4, . JOHN, MATHESON,. • }IV Postutlicc. , ."•.- • • -; r . , .c'etvccits, Ite-14,5-ites Trocle-lificr4ohenrdd unct.,ati other pateit canes in the' 'Pa'icet Office and before ibe Couitsproo).itay aria ettrofally ..attendecl to; receipt of,,, g731alL of .Li v,&ntion, I make ealeful. examination, and OVise as to patenfabilhsy Preo of clanrge. Fs MoDEAATUTInake NO charge unles:i patent is secni'ef-.1.' infortuliti6n; advice and SpeciLkl. refieneba,sentoil. appli- cation. R. LITTELL, Ilirasjaittgoti D. a Opposite U. S. I'atoot Office. • L•ST ! sinall boy, Omit the of a', man, bate looted, with, his father's shoos on, eros e eyed lathe back of hip nedit, with laiq halt tut curly, ca,trying a.bundle of bung holes on his back, when last seen was look- , , I n g s I • 111' '•F I '1 " • 1 _tut )er On, va.tt inside and take a look at R. gicict ineinense stoclvof SitvOrwalfe, 811itr —able for— , 'Goods well assorted. and •,everything . frash. Nosheli worn goods in stock, 'CI4RISTMAS WEI)E1ING Bargailit for You. • largains .P,rt , _for Your Neighbor. d Corifectionery r • . •• Wora tel6 this method ot rotutAipg forqftet::pnprert %Igo the e...C:..11tion of the i.,,orieral'peblic- tc., 3.10W,i,Flall *ad: %fluter ; the,felhVing;—• * . , ,V-St4 - ClaOS St( 3 C1, 9f -Furs' _ ... , ,. 1 I , -74 ,,i, „p0,01STIA0 or -4--....- PERSIA'N. LA.MBSi` BEAVErt. AND MI:NW, # FOB' W111011 IIE 3114' Yr-C.ES. THE, 0AREP1YL INSPECTION OF HIS OLD CUSTOMERS, , AND ,ALL oTgvas \\71-I0 AllE 1'14:EASED TO CALL • - ', hr .- , # * 3 . '' rt , , 4 . 5 8, P mott,;.4.4 First-olpss stock 'of Boots • ` Si10'ES, Rt0334ER OVESHOES ' . Tri TJadi* Oaeyqs, ChildrOfe; photaii clifferonk;:tind.0,1 .i.L.---4ALSO AN EX.CELLENT'ASSOIOIENiT OROOKERY,--€.HIN.A ALV A ctoor) SEEEOT.IPIST . anci*NVirioekd, Plain • Atid check, 72.itOth'wrool sheetin0:, 744'4,i11.1 4001 Blankets, White ena Grey Heoclii, Tgano,shanters, Wool , Jaoketg; An excellent assortmea of lloaiery, " • ki A k r • 11E:!:t0 W : , A G-90D"SUPPLY ALL STAPLES', AS.11111i...0) HONEE.-tszt ,. '1:6:1413Eig Ord 7.10...-ce . let% XIEV„...-..*** •T. ; Vhile,10BERTS is'seilieg the best brands of Corn. meal and,' data nmai a1; • At raititc,h 0.• . atusa „ When ,y6;13,,• can, g6t kood 'Coffee, '30 eents per .pound at E. ROliiii;TV a .1 " • 1 ca . • , . . - • •,.. For 'ROBER1.S can give a pure uncolored ,j,apan tea, -5 pouifdg for one $-11 e good seller.r DON'T BE HU]GIW Clleap Groceris • When yon .can get everrthing in that the very hest ,qualit.y2--frein' ROBERTS on% 'Run Any Risk a ,13y eating interim.; Oanued Goods, when you can get the bat imported Ilrande from ROBERTS. . $011` 'all your P,Oultry,i Batter 'Amu ;,`Dried. .4.pplog withdut about Raiford' Prices.' • ZisOl\T T Ii7ORG:FIT That In all' the abo'vct lines Roberts grves geed values, • ' ' 4' • . . r:A.NgOlVg, :BLOCK', mAnc-s TRithlt„: • • HAS OPENIID AND NOW' ttleetnnta HIS NE TANo 1.Wiwi-016'1s prepared ttiihraish Pablie with -6. 0, :t,". , 9 '' ,` ' t at ini, ;12t, p-ricel. ,,h1.§ ..etooli., oi ------------- 8 , , was' never larger,.hor ' ID or ti , 4 .1 1.t" 1h: -----rti ' aS Ilehlittie! only , ,, , , , . •;;,,I, . ' dlati fail 1 0 ' • t 4* r '''s bilbr Flooir ll Itaif Mtge 'a8 , iiii,s is of A.T$tlulds8 trdali. aria ct, i .__ _ ,,f * , htalsc wifh will find it profits:btu to call Christmas Grocories j1.2.3 in. fcittIttittrinftig .!,ou&z first.oiass, work owl is dui i?i.r10,3 to..ispAls ychn,. bt os filooly,ior,ilabie ...,tiebg,. , , ,i txas tievor better. • Cat in your ., , weacting Cakes mid 'Party A tes, at x des ,, la ' '.... argairia tor All. Via 0 0$ 6ter'elti 'aekVelr Llins 4a n \_ s . . •, Renlehibk• and Call Early and „.laring , „ the OAST{ 416ng) will for whioh yoa, 1./lly solocietly stock ot weacting. reoeive lame VA ,. kso 1.).r0. fit guarant000., his lacima4S ; d f orlittl5tiitod chriotnits 4.kes, • cincli's and btokon Pow:4r anaprnAtiop ail kinds siekvi& Ts . ,• „ ; the put. ii wralit414 00W,It2 dmv11::16W? 'gc a, ,01,et I''''Ntill')4f104411.t;othcof the ''°311ter the turtle .1'1 OrdfJt"fOtbO corning dr," bZA.:iiING Ilit,cad. stand, ()pronto, - . haAlSe.et'thefidOned tbd superior „ .tr v.; tr aeraz of lovely skye dog. IPAIUION'S BLOOIC, 11Xtrtr,„ tlas,Piok6ragi 1 # ha •,• r