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The Advocate, 1887-12-15, Page 5
dr •OMMINO•01100....•••••••=0.0•110.011•11r...1104.10•44.61.1.M..M. 4301 1,9ndo4 itl401.1 & Brace Railway. ; P•iortheiin • Division l'outiou, depart'. . ;8.10 A, wr, 4.25 v.m, 'Taman Orossing.. 9.05 5.45 ° icliandoboye.„, • „ 9.10,' ;i0,64tralia,..• •• P.48 , 5.33 ,,EX1312.111t •9.35 .1; 5.45 •llonsall , • . • 9.41.'' 5,153 • , • ,,• 9,,51 '0:Q0 * ;13illeefield•,:;• ••••:• 9,55.-e 6.15 Clinton .10.10 . 6435 • Lend esbore' . . . . 10. 37t 4" 6, 55' • 20 1 7 05. Aolgiive•• • / • • d 1..00 , 7.29 'WmgIiaw,arrve. 11.29, ; 17. 30 `Goc Soupn., " 'Passonerer. wrogifp.pl, 44art , 7,09 44 3.05 Bejgrave • .. •74 I 7 . 3.28 Blyth t • .. . . . 7,31 34:1. Loidesboro': , 7.40 3, 51 Q1ntpn. 6.90 4.10 - I.Brueefipld ,•••• 6.19 4.26 8,21 4,57 #P.thisall• . 8.33 4,43 . 4.57. Jtraia .... 8.57 5. 07 Clandeboye . • 9!] 5.20 ` "Ittonn-bross'et ` 9 20 5,25 d94riliwe • • ; Lo'cal News. • - • =Cheer up ! Only 'four, looitit4 • more of whiter 110V., . . —If a missis as good as a mile,. three•girls may make a league. • , • ••-•New.boots .and 'shoes; in endless' -variety,' at Sam well & Pickard's. ''''' ,, . ---Now is a good time to plant your 4 -Christmas advertisement in thiS paper., ' „ '.'2-- `Ordered clothiiitr. a specialty• ' a ;., • . Airstr,class fit guaranteed, Seamen: '&, ..,Piekard: • . . • , itl ; —"Man wants but littlehere berszo.‘", ".dosen't apply, to the inen who . collects ' rthit• .ind:taX es . , t...; -1E it weretrue that 'time ttie7' all things" there would be; no *use ' for ,. r, „ , i rbourte. .4--Seoteh, EngliSh and Canadian ,-tweeds; large variety at Barnwell "6./la ••Pickard's, • ,',;, :1 • . , *• ,o ,-;--A,goild. full. line Of eablims; fan - .ley goods', toy, &o:, at E;Searlettls' ''oirnog store;Exeter,' .. ..., • ••--2-airs. '; W.. E. cartwright,. of thig, ii.village, is wiliiting:at the home' of her . parents' Whitton. " . .. . L.L..'AP,aiileeyk. liarrister, ,of Sea;. fort% has about reCovered from the t4)flecits of eatitg pOisoliedlotister. '. , :c..7,-•••,1"9/.1n‘cayers, , the; -nursery frani. i•uho was .caught at..Tilsonlior„a tecently, has boon committeed to stand bus trial at Sinidoe- • ''- —1.1-fe` cMp'c'f t Ora 'w'a i seem ,to be #.0 '"68atce' this ,stiiisen. ' Asla the whiter is f.j.:9,6p1p1.-1 94 e, :very l'eepstetabte clista,nce: J. .. -,•.,The ,firerneh's concert given in f'Dre#'s' opera lipitse, ,Friday eVening, ' la4t4WaS ( uito a Suceese ' fintmcially nitod,ofherwise• ..1... . i • 4 •.: . .:-'..•-Bir,'1Th011iag.:00311e; iia§ purehaSed •t•the atiiiid lately •oecupled by -8 \mite* d'Aibe frein'gr. john.,$outlicett; Pay; leg,. therefOr a geed sum. s•••• • ...-..,,Scinyw ell.& 'Pickard, have., just •ko- i•uct,,ii4e'd 4,i Arir,consigoo cot ot:goods fpf i.10.. li-Orii .1;ng.iiiiia •anCi ' w, 11 ich they are, ., offering at ;Li,ock .Bottom. Prices, .**-•• I I' •I'v-L'Airr, E. ,Flcady, q .piii;iteh, • gave. a;filelid ty: call on,li'riaay.* ;Ed. ,is . , pusliing.the niterests.!.of . the • _EnuTie'• t the ..new' Coasetvati Ye pcitri ;7' ,, t•'''!"!-21.iiite.thikting: matot ' heid,..:.4:-. tilt, ,n.....„, .,.,...,. ..„„. . 1 1.4.141t.i.e.i.k.'-iiPt,e4 .14:foter,:•en Friday: last, •••;:was.a• ,grand 'Success., ' Many 4p1510', .'frotrdeadiSdirice tObk•patt in" thb , COni .. 1 • • - *14 • .••• . . • •. , • ,,• ---- .4: 4 • • . „., ..... 4'',. t,T . , '4 •• .,'4'4,„- 1 —A. man may ,e a...good husband, a, land fatheil ap,slit go,roguls.rd attendant ,tit the,,Oglit ,cluirch,a9icl yeb. not be .uble `44tiistarve' ii- luilliejr,,,wifliont ,aroxising i gogros,;feelingsvandtunhely, thoughts in circa, p,rpre§entil it oil k ' 404' '4 "—,4iLiel •441.4.1"-,- J. .. • ._ 3 •-,3110.1.3.11.t•PlOPt31•1g414 1))1'•! tdlo ,AnvoCATE printing. Plant has been re• moved alitt4iVill? °I5VIblilated in the eipring'by ie•hautititb"inizi iirli.dleoI6M61.4 the .site having' tOe}rVul•A'CliiigegfV,R•iii.‘V,i 1,861iilicOtt,'filerbliant tog..,icir'.., 1 .,') 94.9 41, 4.14T1•1080 Inilmditir2iiismilikeInan- 4 e I • :4 . aWeliillgg, ei110111(1'St;titlYttlfek° 01iin tereStS„6.1411,13)8g6i14 tile T..02.cashiro , o ,, • . ,.,. . ., lb *Of .1) . o .ire insuraiiep onlatly,1 of 'gaudiest,: frb''. etigl '' d'.- ' I.' oli?pt:JP.i.'Yni'648•• in s'J'.! „ta .t. „ ,. • A.,ciiSesf .3PsSA, *).).T4ilt $'11iitiort,Amtgoitti .11ADvotteflaollicorEittaltorpu •eli4 •4• :Lttte.''111.1;erK1' itext Wee ''•.1u,.,Sci4 Ing ent to every. subscriber, a beautiful t.gift. in t Ito= for nt $t of;ilat tho•,411.1i,thstiifif.ii:, • leltritod Clit•iStnia.4 1",,iiiiiilicr„114144-. . OlY'gdt,teh'ilpi' , all a ennF,al,kis . 'a utat.)eia lad s:ertisennuits.4 of leading ilnenellantA, ,. tend; a -0.r.1; ., • inferhSting Coll ebt Eliell'011'lle dIR: a(iti oil ristIn AS° Stor.,V. AS We •l'ilti•ti%,Spatl.'d 4 I).t! c1e) 111.'cli", 744:14. erklf,,'74 .C1} tat WO ii'651'hltifti,i±. ilPiiii.g a ,,Iliis,;(4.,ti.ihe,c,,qii4pdallyg,t, ' tirts'iltilfibiihuiApi•Oeniiiikg, 'i,e1,„.our this ootittoil al otitstriat tlic • 14.111 li• kti 1 1.097 N3 O'gill.• *in . •• '.,: ..,,-.", o,, , a Ii; „ij... .:0 :41,Y.'"',"*.;i7i,:ci,'.,1,1',.';',',';'7,:,', , 2. t1le..' ON, V4 '.14 .. .4 .. 431 PI ' ' ^1 ): 1 1 r,,.... , 'n• 1 • :1 31 , ' ' 1!•?3 " , 7 =3' ' v• ,1 .7 '• '1'=' '3' t —The Parkhill /view. has ,pasS94 another milestone.' 'Sifetess‘ to it! —Oimor,ning' and o ,Tenifig next the pulpit of Christ Christ 4berei will be ocoppiefl,„-hy the Rev, Aural 1?•!!..•411(1).1'41.gux° yi e.„, knap item which appeared an those collar ens laSt. week, referring to •it'Blyth editor, has beoii 'greatly miscon,strued by Som e of otir teaders, 'J4 Fuc1 ateiltaialrien.t' will be. held i the'Botli es 4.1 a 0 h,' iThurst y day, IPec: •29t1i. iii,aid of the,parsone40, fund/ 'Adinission 15' cents. A large. attendaacdis egPebted. "—John' Banton' s 13ook-keepittg. Class arid all.wh.o wish to, Join wil1. ineet.,havrooMoVer otoro on Tabiday cvein ne24,, 20th. Deo at 7, 80p m, . • • ' , Wo direct the attentidn' of ohr readers to the, ,adverVsp,mfint.'pt, The Ornpirco 40. new bonsecYatiye 3 paper to, be started in Toronto; and which will be clubbed With '014 paper, thejVc. fo'6r $t:414(:) rr 4414 o, • --The records of the last County Council for the'yearappear in another ee.10,141P.4. 'r• ) ; IA.:. X' • NI94aW.410114•101041009111t *KM 4,14 —Rev,, James Graham . preaches! J..3,',94,1,Pai',941111h6ttwav,i4rovi fOrtna ,F,:daop,tionAl seunona ka the "PJ:64•109)1;er tfirAptre, M;41,47•1' lake/40 0 70 joy:), st, ohni.oh canton, ,on, .sabbath. -xiotts.ft,?rtOsihing/.14.0..44 pit 4,4 #A.0 ASitir 0,12 t •ijciV1, 8 88 peri of: Iiondon,Engagn•einr,e,r1erdon,:;,,,,47,.. 4 g w:11PaPPY,t49 liP1Pi.6'of•`T•44)06'. t, rot tt440 iNjetheclist church, next morn., , • , "it Ic•i gig 'UNTO 1. • ,i`114'.2-V061VI.•;eXtelitiOP:7=41.-'1i'netrei `.0i(lbs 134".13•11'1191„)..47; . '' 6." 5,410 Jo 1.10Y(16rit4/icl) 114§ W . o "I at + on I'liday evening, ,..uncler, „ 4 a L44 , t t4.(14,14, t ,4 . k ?Y0:10;" 0. Tit' ot that village; t 7 • 1. B d Winter pr ,.'7t15.1;t4sO • -.,-O9.1./anfisf)Met s,;2g2,•gi!,,wlitt,4w , wa.s'.realized frotn,.-tho, anniversary ',of. •,„ 41, k, 75 'to 77 Barley -4 ,'" ',0ti ' •• 46 to 50 Oat s /: „r! 44, ".7 ,7 .32 to 33, • , '16 to '20 zio.??•,Trzu'l, „ --1110.0 is a list of wedcli'nrc anniverr sariesy-prst,, iron; seeopppapati fifkli wooden; tenth, tin; ,fifteonth,..;..grystae; •tiventieth, china; gil Val• 1 .;v ; ' .f4.00; 'Wt°91$.11; .1:)(i4t1/17'47.1141'1; gOla073.; SQvtmt,y-Utt4, tliarnancl) i„ 4'11 •Al tlik nfir' (34f 4f,fAje year 4r.aivv•5; • • near, the 1)1.114'illeSS. 991013 of Exeter•-witil• be sending out their' accounts. Irry; .ArlvoCATn 'printing ,'eltabliehti4141 fee a 'SupfilY of heeds ;Kik statei. xneuts, which are printed . and. ,iri pads in quantities to ,suit, custothers, iti, reasonable prices. • • „" ylo.,••1••••,, —The Ontario Gouernn-ent has ap-1 pointed MondaY, Dedernber 26t1 -W and,. Mon -clay, •Jainialy pnblie holirlayC owing to tbe fact that Christmas ,D•rty and New Year!e.Day fail on • Stnday., The 'business places • in town" will be: clos,04.0ii those. gays, and' )vp,r1c 'in general will be suspended. • ; iTaineS-street" Dlethedist elruteh;:, of )§)il'ehli,ey, ",rnoly;'•(I'rphain* pastar„, ...---,Jilie jubilee held at the Salvation Army barracks, orr i Tuesday 'evening last was a decided success, ,,Seveial Oilienis i'•prii a cliptitnee tocP. ,pait in the affair. t • ----Noinination for Municipal ca.ncli-.• dates' for the i"illake of Exeter, takes place`in the nV TOW.n ,Ilall, 'pa day, December 26th instA at .the hour, of -twelve 'o'clock, . noon. , iiiiiiictbl-s 1 shrepl'd gover0:tihOASkttks' itmlitdiiialY.4 Peas, • • 4 •-: 1 A I '. ' Ms& VOt= '4 Cita' 444, I/ C 111 11A/3117101.Vgb; trirkr utilarts • 4 -3 41$ :$010-TRPOIT: 6401sre vnom snmallo 1,118 • t TAILOff-FITTING Clotting at raj/W.411 Plif'491 '4 1 /pi)/ ALt.. oVA " • 1 • t . (4.E.N.T8' FURNISHINQ Bt, .11Loll • /25 to 28 Butter, .0ro,cks 23 to 20 Hay per edill 4. '9.50 t 12 50 o , , "4 Toziolly74o .11TAR.glais. f , ,$ a 78 to, $, 0.80 Spring wheat • 0178 -to 0.80 Oats • 1,0 '4, 4, .0:36 itch, , 0,39 .4"P••• .., • • ni 1,Mt4.10 JostelifSeniot,,OneotEiigtneP li4"-Pei4 ton jvg.. Pdpo.ray, i$hix 0,21.1,1A • igga. -residents', has orals' "Phlat'Oe's Pgr'bag of, bacheldrdom ,.antlfjoined the ranks of, ,.''''PetP8y(h:,),41, eel lcte by, rtalcitif‘ivunto' -hiiptelf- ,L4‘.•Ast.•.III)gepe; vO, 7,00 • 'beif. qr-half,,e fierson" of ,11, iSs! ; . , n • •3 .4 •• 41 4.4.444444.14.4:441......11... 1:P110,TOCRAPIISI, .• x AA .7'71", -- :•:17).-1. ;‘) • • „ at panic prices, he will'act " •• • t ALL THE TRADE 7 „, • MP says UustOmer. W. Southcott, , • gani.atreet, , Exeter: .0 .4 ,1 a 4 j . • • • ', a 4 ".. U., • , ' .." . 9. 4 r, • 3•7'• •= • 7.3 4-24, JP; vt) r.ltiik/K11 15 • 'r INIALER4flii" 4•••/' 431%11 •1•'' •nt •;/ WI FLOVVP 4ititljf.4PV: 1. • • t Of' all( Ikinft v.v.,. .A.Ifnada tdctuediter -1).1r, 14N ht. iWoofls, :of; Exeter. Bev. W. Pas:. ,000 tied thetniatrinibnial knot. ° A- t fal • 1,r, james-street ,Ointrolx Anniversary, the apnivcrsacy services in connection' Art piirehased the' bfi4iness 'Of •• •1J a in es,s,ti•e*K ffie• ' . )v,ishei tO" tut .sdivray. 411 'air ea:ducted, by • , „fOrm the"the•publi'd that Gt eett,otn.t. deenb: 4v,entie Mgthedist •LondOrt; de- livered two •,very appropriate' irind' lin. preseiVA sermonS to large coffolijetitions rs, PI esPeeially in f•ho eituing , the ' • '4 •,44112•4ePt4 Exeter.audienee room and , gallery were. more" ' The' Fifiest' Cabinets in 'the calm. than CbinfeittablY filled with 'an 'atten . ty: ; Elegant , ,---Another of :the young men. of XS - borne, Mr.,,John 1.erlrins, ,son of, 'Mr•' Henry 'Perkins, has joined ,the noble ftrrny of•bene,diet'S'‘by- taking:unto liiiii;•, self. "for t,liittey :Pr.ft'r 'W,orse",a liloonit. inga)ride .in . the person. of . kiss , ,i3. - ;Van steno:ob. Lam beth. , Tile • 114153.: ,Conple were iyarKied'fiti..,7o4n'e'sddy, last an,CI gaVe , the '8eSt,"ylilieS " cif. a' large nuMb6r:of friends, ,, . • , . —he Council met jpurswint to acf••', jouninient„ At the, mu, lb, h Exeter, ,Deo, 7th, 1887., / All• i the t members, present..., The miniites,•-of the, j.)revious' ,meotine" r.3ad and confirmed. •Meed' - ,3, ' ..# '1?)i ),y. g'. ' Iii," sett, 'secoildeil, hy' P,. johns, that orders' be granted or the following Sums, ,iviz:u-,Hi Spackniari,', $1.05; for 'Certified aeden.rit,;.' John RiC- .1unes, p.p5, niilk fo,r.,1,, y'' .49teliiii- son; ,,J191.1.tt.111f6iwilli;:4.'i.;0.,,, ,gkeet. watering; ,T.• N,..1-lowarcl, $20:48, lum- ber; .1.a'S.10teecli, $,2•:64, I4 lamp: Aim', neyS; ,etc.f (16481, part ' iR.ftyy;,; ,3-0.4 ain..6sple,, 04. tio,! 4iig>re, 'J ohn •iVarskoiig, 95c., do.; Jas. Taylor, $1.25;, dolif•John Gould, !0;!do.,,,Jelig 'Sffitilitik:et, '4$1;19.19; db. .,PV! ''. Ve0i1Ve, t ;$1,:‘j 5; 1.16.: t.01?il 4 • 4.$id .. 1_ . ±331 3 GOUW, 431.4.5,N 4114/e,17; . W. arsons„, 5•001 hook for ',fowl-v.11AB; James „Down $2. 7,5,9 sbraper, , ,,, J. - Vitkard, * $27.9.Y, • -,01,tp„ratieSclo,'!1,,,6,,'Seil.; kip;, tir6 do. '•iii6. 2,4 $).4`.5; sergices; No..,1,,0p: 99, •Services; W,J. Nels14. $12, inspecting Town Hall,, ancltio, Hurcly„ 1$2, • ettor 14 agrailes,10,'•taxet...,,i, cirrjr,g. 14.4 petit' 1.,ou toik,14:: ift, .44.4130p; ,,,, NA. ;other resiclents eth ISitucoo, st, praying, the dOtthattb,te:ke 'gab's . tO , pieteht in-' cOnVetleilee'fl•bliV' giro.** bloCk1S;;' \'‘',0 .petition to 1.)0A09,44icloro(1, ;•-,MoYe4:.' by J4 tBickard, Secondeel, by n B. Carling, that Ith`e trrotion1". Pelted at * the' 1 'At ineettilig of, the , cskincil; orderiiig,:the solo, qf,anotlier4town hall, .,deVenturo 4i), re=cbasicleretlOalr.ried. .1111oVed by J. „Pickard, seconded isf ,W. ''.0 1, Bigs'ett,', tli,oit pl...0.1ticit ,141,6,iiiodaliti4rgted, to pr9visle wiWiieomiliolca9r;cipoil, in!" hosel,--40arriedo,i By4lawi• 1•No: ?IQ,' 18"77, to iippoiliiptil-.4 I,; Bet. Officers, , ole,, wag4eitity 'rop;alia h.griron mot;- JA,ili.:JO 4',...?-10.•:„9r4,.,:g$10O4cpci. ow w, i Biggett, Moiled by D. ;1 olYns, . seconti-t ed by W. higsa, ttlio ini;,erciet. b6" ,mtalitdd 't4e," '6,61intbe!''•f0 ri,,8404,4 pi•-: •• .. PI ,1,1 I, ., ...{4.141 Vi IS 1.1 1 .,4.0 41,.., ., . ‘. Eii01,141,1., 4.1,-;r:i .41;4..4 1V.)jb, ,,P,O.§, , riper uci4g. unable to pay,,-.0auried,.. f aMovecl• by annetine.P.M3Y. loostefiPi'd Press he can be found- •• • $4 a$ 3 staxid ti?'e . ' ' rif ' '1 ' i: r t "f 1 ,iyp popc,9urge,;...„..pepp.e, "whp is enec . with markaratvition to the Vetyp:file discourses of theTeverend gentlema.n.- 111 the afternoon 'a mass -meeting. of •the Ohildren of the Sabbath school was ,addreieed, by 1.4ileycle. W. S. Pascoe, W.t ' .4 ; t . o ' 1 ,, 0 44 .,14 .41. JMartin and J. G-. Scott, who directed • ' SEIM!' o 7 . . their -'diseohiceS4 rincipally; to tiro • . : ' ." ' ' • • • children, unct •,%veriikry,pryittstructite and entertaining quil. MUCti enjoyed ,by the.,., scholars., Lk noticeable feature, cif .the. ,mrting waS 431y3', large attendance 'of, ; '• 'ilarerai, 441' 41.i4,,ef,Si., which showed- ,I...? ad ^ . the.ir Pi•eknee-,1,11at,they had' tin est•at bean, ito Sabbath school4worla -...k v•A • • •anlithe celOcritidit Of religibub' pilinbis piesilfer the, T.,p1,3r,ig.. ,_ • •• ; •," - • 4 • , $ ''! 133 A ..1 .4 ' r.rlie ,Sqen,t,„V - anniy,ersarY'siriee ,the, i•e-opening•of the,phurch•was celebrat ,- • ed the ••follOwiligl -Monday evening in! dirt; 'forrh.Of a tealiftepting, ' which 'was' 'an,,aiii.tiAted iirMilideed, and: the : sile-', cessfui issue, to :Which the;entertaiti..1 •34i 1 '• ifient' Nstatlearritciciteth as regards .en-• l'Oyineift ' antll fitimilde, • reflects ' •great ' '' • • ' -credit on the ladios.. Rad.' others w o, . 71 4 , , 4 '1 ..111,11 ... had the.preparation Ard ,charge. The: • a , - ,teit lyas,pa,rt keif of in pip basement i iv'her.egp.ilt,.. Rug:4-.41)1,es lyero spread .., ,...., . ,. . - . i av,ith t,14 .1)e, olki,y1 eimicest edibles ,,poS- S.Att 1•01E2',..Aten, 'TIP, in 'the, modern:. . eillinar..y,rt, e ,After . doing !justice to 1 • : . • • ; : I • opying and Enlargi▪ ng i ` 39 ,I39. .4:r 'done on shortest notice. • • ,J Breakfast ,••Ceralsig ;QUA, Xinkes, Ground Flax and Emnire 4 " Cdtra 4Voect"lrgo,' :WOW • A hand ';`,7 pOODS yELIVERSD ptESOF 3 ; , * gairt,..5V44 JOHN McINNES, . MINS,• t*.Etht!,.. • *PENNYROYAL WAFERS, Prescription of a physician whc has had a life long experience la treating female diseases, bused monthly with perfect success by over 10,0001adies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose post- • age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, $1 per box. `AddresSi THE ETTREICA. CSIEll_TCAL CO., Dataorr, t "44 1 Sold in Exeter by Dr.• druggists:everywhere,. • if•OCV I P •1 F. • • •A 1 9 99. 4 ; 4 SIIE tlie,g801 tliing'i pte1vici ea the people re- .. -. 43 4 1 4 i # . 4 ..' : 4 3 ' .• . pe,144 A:co: flip audlcnpe roma' NN•libre' a. • • . t dr. 0-, . I ,il, 1 - a ..• ,.,..e cleput4,1,,on,vonsiitink of Revds; JtnnVs' ' ' , t '' . .4i - ' earahanici Whotactect ,as chairman', NV, , vv. v v.' , " 3 ' li` 4 r f $ '4.,. • .4.16 44 V SITEtiC1111;V. ?Ifai:titi1; •resident minis.. ; ; ., ,4. . , I •, - t tat ,., tell, di41.,11'1.1.olitieS of- Eliiiiville • • . , •• . ; ;4rifi.1911/414(litti. , 41. • ,...,-;,„1-.-..:--7--•••• . . A. • 4 '.- r'n 1 Itt44 t 't )1,77-77, . it 44' 4 . •' f/P4,71\ / , p ., , / 1 • ' 1 ' t 4444.4t s'•rsaa% ot ot r 99333#34,69 #14 -43,0,3,4!# ,,,,W0,16# i...t ,A• •e .t 4'; ,Ato .• • •••• \,...04 4111444 lvtot 4 Cit., f. 4.34.431 1,1 .4 ) „., .4 404,4 -st-sqt it i• lee •;71 1 :3414,11/ 311.4, rf - P 414 .4rV '3 1' f Al 4 4.4., t Al. 4 t 04' • ; t ' ; 4444 '14 i'4444 , oti : ; -ill Aft% • qty 4, . .rit •..44.41 1 44 1. . sta .t•A iAdt 16744 40 93 in)1,111,11 49 0.4 MITA optAvi 4fia • h,0,0 mite/40414d the.ekeeeclinglyJarge eon ' ' "t ' • ° r"••46161 . .,it itaintqa ••tii to'•'' 'Eft pleasincteladdr0 ' •C I ' ary e ebra .41, -4 ,gregation.for sorireiime with spidy and,' 4 • ' 1 -1 "41'3"it"' ".••1•1r," 'Irtlf•Acr "'et ‘9' ,sses-w ic 11 re y.,• 41. apprciatlih." ... .,,,, '14% ' • 044 .•4 1fi e was a moseineritorious ,ovt; and it.hose; ?,... •,.. . , . • F. i„, .7 i $7118 A , $i$113$3A4 04. r4 • ••• ," v ' ' ^ 4, 14 4.14 44 !..1 44°,0 1.44.4 . er•4,2•4 #(4 v sae 4tres taking rpa p acquitya zaptnatives in a., ,,•,,1 ,, • FOR, 'SALE' A4q9BISSETTIZ.BROV.Iv 9194'9494244 t4114 ' biolily creclitable,-Manner and., dispialy.c; 3f3 1., • , , , ' • n1, l'.1;,...L.,...,.... ...it . 4. ,....14 A r tow A.,..,,,,..0,0 tt.thwit4) ova 0. 0 to' Food;:taclyvaits:ee,I the, t x71•16,11tP, '.'!' ' . ' ''''''' '"i'''' ' 4.' 111,r trft:'•';'W 31144r1 '4'''7431"if 4i'444wli "44 .4 ' * tidcAviiliibli,rsgbiles' tli4 yoa,Ag3,pAr' ' ' 1 ,-- • ` , , „; , , .,r, '.$a4 -,!-.?1i %%"1`14"1"e1:44" gr11414 414 '1414'; 1 •,, • . " Ple 4coillieVed )1i;6121111'.' '11.4--reli 4 eiielr ' ''' " '' 1 ''"'•*A '''f'P'' ' `."A* -'1'"'''' *a *4'1' 1 ''!"'"A 'f Owing tc.their sup4eni) style of, ,siirg- r-Th The smicAl 091,7,tlie„progrannnd, L., r #•. .)1 1, 04 ;it 44.41 . 4 41 • e arges es. s oc YAo- a .... ,q4arom nd freni, '41 '!.7 A ;ft AI) itA int( and, (the 1)etittin(v selectioini- • • l• 1•4411 #1 A. Ty". ra• (41.1 „ . I it. 0, 33 •••1 - , e•Milt ugn„com-, • • , ; , „„K „, . pliment0 •333.'• n „( „-rm 1.141yektitt*;''il vIrmt:4 .At the (conclusion of the speeches,4''7-1233 " ayi,are now showing a ,Seieol , d14 tg, 1.„4 • to Make a te* nnoaita /Lod paw,. 'oes.thitt haltd.olfre.,V.eit,b,06 4.* ister ot ITi'iriances • made& Most welco to• e" $ o t d 4'11 (UM PlOnSing Ispi:edrby...announcinn• the, f • ••• . ;• 1 ,hr. '44 " ' t"4" procoedif th rfarte lie 11%176.85, , • ''Ttist,reeived \V 'CP: settl . , ‘‘z,a4 roomy (4) 'lb 4rt ‘.1 f4....0 I 1:1 .11, " , .• f 1)31'1 .310( $73$3# $7`. '•wq called upon Th * „ • 1 1111,t, 37.307,0 A4,4 t't 0•?; , - * Ile( , ''`/144441 Pee, •i44/) y a.p o that the 01,(irkoalstos 'cry 'patw Ors minus as."7"P"'egSitill, of t,lieir gratitude. • VJ. 4C xes 44- esmpu, • for I ot 21, Main'st,,TAA'T,li4,0„Ipt:•for the , sues d which tit() peopto - • •,3• „,;,, e•-• "e'71; being owiltd, by -±r, ,•4„ianders, 0,1 mittbdatfoill,W410A•iiiifett;",ME" ‘)E•' G,f finquh,d,colillay, 30, vli tiff& tAh'!'Ofif) r sul)Scril1("1,44, W•ii11 be , t ; • ••• 4,.4,1Lotop:t OttaileScal* .*444:1,111A: 4' "4' ' P ritt ' %TA eg; Stlioefr AM& t aid, • wi th.• "At° •' ,CAtIl'and eitarane,:ffielt,4tock; Ot.pricesy'and, foto -.boTwell' rept 10.4' ' 1V,Stentent ,„•,#„„/4 ,,t „., . • 4, ; • 0•1(r:1; 41 .ef1,1.1144t1,togetlieidwitli, gcellt)sinolis• Ripiri)"111,01Tty " • P S4iL,ilLl '1014.4 141 Ii40 ut.`;\:;9'nilig 4.P*1 ).* • • LeS-0;e4IttE4-fo"'"eiltic5" • " "t*F11"' ),) f•XTi.A,v.. tki _re tc.4, 6 1.'91 /9,1 , „ , 04) "thd'tdaltee titt5tilifil80221? . , . a c 81 i gif it4 ' 'lit, ttt.r ;61.,,,i, ,nrir. •t ., ; ‘. , ; , .,.,; {...r ,.,,, . ...,04:fi 9 #: .9 9 9143091 A . ' ., „"' . „" ° „ '• - ,, # "'' , ,'.. ,,,,,- - , - 103 1 9 i 41 4 •• 4 0,44 IA 03 4' 4 n ' ii . i'• (1.371 , y (\ic..),,qtii 4,,pig .4)1c-, . r 0 , 3 , • 17 tuqui!,i;0 Nilo.q..6:torow okAlitAd, t ,„ that suce(st•I •' inliviD,,sdittlfy14! .thsiwilie it 040'1 ,'"" o:4,4 t 444.,)....‘ "I; , • „ ' 4 it 4,sot i• . •••- 7 „,,..tr • It% 510', *‘..4. 4•44l 4,444,144 404`1444414144414 A .....44410.•.14 .4) 411P ;111.133144 4411'4 "71 NV 51 4` fkt, 41,4 W0.4 .14:151 4$841-T # • V 4'4 I' "At'141 * a • P . • . t•414 ;.17.1.4 41,41 " -41 r."14.10 "45101,( 44.1 tto...lei .4i. It' 11 9•411t, is, 4: t 4'$ $4 •'!” 't 4' 114 .1' -• t' licrit It tits/144 ermllifbro.'1,„10r ) (0 e, • i.,„,p")*:A" a Ott t 4 't :4 8,, ' 4*ser %KT • -44 IA A •