HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-08, Page 7CURRENT "TOMB.
,Ftnall9lt atettattati nf '40ggs,:Wbiltb half°
it0 *mai P4b4lbects are to use the words
994tempoirary religions journal, "Doty'
*WOW' TOS,V by Yeer the pumbee. of
birthe geee on depressing, whin the -depth
rate moreasem. In 1866 there were 74,532
births,' mi again70,076. in
1881. The total increase of populetiou wee
in 1880 52,500, in 1665 tt wen 65,464, 'eel,
1881 it wee 108,229,
Badmeitoti ALLT *TUXES has b ea re-
.questal iby Hie Highness the Maharap.i: oi
Viriatrignini to Publisl. new edition Of
the wired book ef the Beelimene, the Rig
Verde, with the commentary of lilayenach;
aryes. Thu ittouttkiith will beer the whole
wens", e.44 the book is to be printed at
OriforO University moo, • The first edition
has been out ofprint for some One. 11
oonsisted of sit qnarto volumes.
MR, gDISON his completed his phono,
.greph, and unless be talks at r.ndou zi le
the most marvelloup of hie inventions. Tim
phonograph will he &Writhe size of stype -
writer and will work mnemonically. by si
small eledift motor, which is ntinebilds
and stops et the touch of a spring. These
• :wonderful instrinnenti can be ,snanntais,
lured so that they may he'sold for *60, end
600 will lbe en the merket within two months.
A sucovinn petition hen been addressed
y agroup of Vienna citizens to the nand.
• oipal council. They propose the* in order
40 procure permanent relief for pesper
school children there should be • ,tht on
hatihelota: This tit:would -only be pplied
to unmarried Men in a position to keeps
The petition seys "1? all those
0, who are etempted from Militery service
on account of physical infirmity are obliged
403 pay a tit why abould those ibe glared
who voluntarily shirk :other • obligations to
the State?"
Larn vocalists and others will be glad to
know that tea, coffee and cocoa are three
admiesible drink", but none in excess. For
the Voice cocoa is: the most beneficial,
Those comae are beat tint ' have been de-
rived of their Oil. A cap ef thin cocoa;
Just wenn, is more to be tecOmmaided.
*ween the exertions of singing than any
alcoholic bererage ' Tea must not be taken
Iwo Wong. It has p bad influence upon
the minions membrane. •There is elways a
dry sensation after taking a Cup of tea that
kris :beenallowed to .tend too long. .6.
hial better do Without iniger tn tea
and only take milk with it.
OTTAWA Fret Press: When the Liberals
redeemed Ottawa County by an overwhelm-
ing mijority a few weeks ago the Tory
:organs, grew very philosojthicil over the
result. One of them sagely retnarked
en election lod•or won; merely
a•dropof teeter in the. vast 'ocean of human
einents," But judging from the .Way they
stre yelling over Dr. Monliegnes mitjority of
Sixteen votes in Haldimand: the. subsidized
• organ" have standoned the philosophy*Of a
few waits ago. Still they should•keep it
ih stook as they , will went again before
oDn. Warm Mactgrata has • high opin-
On of Unser Fritz'. courage, He personolly
broke the new" to the unfortunite Panne
that his throat trouble won the result of
iniIignsnt canoer. " It W,as receivedwith
the most perfect calmness," says Mao -
:kende. "The Prince, after an instant of
silence, put up hit bend with hie usual
winning "utile and, grampincinine,..said
4 I have ' been 'lately 'haring' something Of
*hie •sort. I thank you, Sir MOrell, for
beihg so frank with me.' At dinner, that
evening he was the most cheerful of the
"arty. In all my long experience I have
rider seen • a men bear himself 'Medd'
•eintilet circumstances with limb unaffected
SzoWnorma MecAnrutin, who died list
'week in e mune", of the London Tinder -
round Railway, was Once a business
•partner of William Wilkinson, formerly •
well:knoWn merchant in Troy,. N. Y, and
'ode a raided' cif Calitotnia. ItlacAtthot
and Wilkinson were in the linen business
at Belfast, Ireland. When they dissolved
partnership Wilkinson came to the
Statist and MacArthur Went to Lianden.
The latter had greateuccess,_ became many
Dines a millionaire, Wieemade Lord Mayor
.of London and finally created & baron by
vcineen Victorii. .Hif belonged to the limns
amily in the north Of Irelana from which
Ithe late President Arthur wimedescended,.
and he wit • prominent ineinbor of the
Methodist Church, -
Tans are Woriderfutplanphate beds in
the neighborhood of Charleston; S.C. It
IIISocciarred to an ingeniods advertiser Ofi
thin deeirable laitutat weilth that inch'
prodigioul deposits of fertilizing Material
indicate conclusivelythat Charleston and
its idifinity are the original,eite of the Ger.
.den of Eden, out of the gonad of Which
the Lord made to grow every tree that is
ipleakint to the sight and good for food In
-further eerificition Of this new geographi.
Oaf theory il the fed thin the hones ofthe
behttnoth, and of all', the other ettinci
Ind. lesiier pachyderuis which
„Adorn found wand for; can .be dug from
'the Charleston ifluviurn, Where they have
„hin since she Seeds covered them. ThOie
• Whoere not coinineed by the phoephates
'are respeikSfnllY e.ked to itheotint for the
%dna: • .
Tan CorntrartMent eit poi:Moue to de
-velop iindeisirabli Poesibilities .for ihe
traveller, to °that the luxury of " pritacy "
ler whith Enrcipeens etill cling it. Thue.'
recently, a Wealthy Derellet on a Banana
railway loaned: the segue -intend, Of • litcly
With wheat he chanced to be, journeying
eleshe in a &stolen 'compartment, Ile
became.very favorably mipressed With his
ecoinpaniori and fluidly iiiiiepted • isigerette
Which she offered, the fiat traveller abeo
lighting one herselfilaccOrding to a common
Mancini With •Ruitifert 'tidies. Soon sifter
commencing hie inztoke the traveller
fell intoa deep sliiMber, and ltrinsi b. Wast
aroused his 'heath*, fellott.travel
dileptimired., AO had elini blettoticet.
,pootettitog 42,500. Now if shit., iiiehlt4:
Itiissien gentleman bad been trivellieglii'l
•Psillinent , car in this tontitry the pOrtee
vvotild never have been 'Mean enonglv10
Make hiin pay its Math s thet.
Modern reader* have heconin ton -Mine
with three great rerointione --the I
Stevelirtion, the Antericen telmintiOn and
the.Frenohrevolotion. Next year, ,ii Will, 'THE DEAD ANARCHIST'S SWEETHEART,
be two hunfired years since James the
00q9nd vial ootoPeillid to flee for refuge to lItnir" '"Oit'''F"'"" Tall' *1'14 It°
1 fereigu land,,,abandonth
ing the ,rooe, of 114""Fi 4/1444 .114.,15f1"111411'4,
his encoders, MA: "ince William of Orsnge haze" K "Van Zona* 'the fa her of Ms.
It is yelled "she &risme revolution of Phicetin 7'6414 that. he 4! I halA working
and hie Queen mounted the vacant throne. WOO* Nina, Dille If re . tar Of ' 'tlio
writer., but chiefii.bY Sir James llackinViilistone*rytletetrilk net Olafr!'r-4qiivaliti4e'lloer
1686." It has been glorified by many aP111 s
40 VA by Idor4,4a0aga1y: Itis: called Anerohietp, Ito.becerne ocineinced that his.
the ppteptant Revoldien,beesine it dna. deughter was ,in love with Spies , with her.
liehed and confiraied the Protested sum. mother'm support and sariotiori: Be'knelt
, , , . .. . , • „ ,. . .„ . • . .
oesston, Arrangemente havebeen ' made.that to PPR, the, girl II fo4Y ,:would drtVe
by the. Protestant Allianceof Great Britain bertfroni hie tiepin, &nil lie would thin loin
to sons ly celebrate the event, The hie,en. soapily hie influence over her, He arguest
aunty pt the Reveldion. hippeni to ne the :WAll$,,both mother and dsoghter until con,
tercentenary ditto' defeat, of the Spanish tlhoed that it did no .good. Then be
Armada. An effort Will bit made: to imake .deeideO lode nothing, refusing to talk with
1888 'a jubilant year throughout Greet newspaper men and trying to induce his
Britain, . ' wife end disughSiSr $o adoptSheminie ogres.
F4. DE140#yx' , in tie Iteveue jodtui rfaine, He did, however ; join to ionie extant in the
describes eonae experiments recently made effort le Maya SPia°' 4(4 11ensuv° he
in Germany, on the action of cold on 6YinPathi"d v44 4irai 1)41 oo aauvgeis
hydraulic cements, The stones used were :an overwhelming ,grit from iiidh,
tste of
2ki4O4 cubes. . Some of the stones weee ,., ' ' a!nip 14
joined with the oeinent mixed" •witty. pure ."11 household iii -not had enough, the
woe*, others with carnint mixed; with neWsPePern, he !ayes have pereietentlY
water wbioh contained two per cent. of printed. falsereperts *bout it.The girl is
gilt and others main with cement mixed nole°44anll4attng Weide ilia in net Sart',
ing.horself to deetti. She le Perfectly Miner
Willi Water containing eight per cent. of
time and resit Will iti ure her ,of the
salt, While. the mimed was 'sail fresh the ana•
dones were placed out of doonis and bit prostration under lesmitement end grid,
exposed twenty,one cleys in • cold of 200 front Which she suffers. A: reporter re.
to 320 Fah., after which -Vie stone" were cent', gotinto the„honee under false po-
tencies and worked upon the feelings of the
kept in a warm poem for a period of seven.
dirk At the end Of this time lot arewoautendr,dwrneentmln; 4:Ltitlithaiye.twithsed.4. 4, iineer;seepraypeedirlYm, nenel. i
that the cement &died with
wee completely dieintegrated and :had no 'Pen what she did .41.Y; be greedy exag- i
holding, power. The cement oonteining goaded, repidenting the girl as crying for
two per cent. skean was in a better con. both
lh she
ndavnedngea6rncem. mother
r fathsm
er easymtnhoeht
diticio, but not good. Whereas the cement
the Writer Of Which had had eight per cent, °melted as himself' as .ming such lenti' '
Linde attributed to beet.On the contrary, .
of salthail not sifferedin the lead, .
Racing tidegralneTrom Stnetts show that
Owe" hor tenderneit of , heart that get her
into all this trouble. He does not think
She Government .of that countryjestill pur- that she mssy his they eympttily witi,4 the
suing the. policy of arbitrary end deepotio doctrines of she exeouted-men, but she SSW
repression whit:his deeoribed by Mr. Ken- so muchof Spies that under the Wits.
min' in a p"Per entitled "The Lae* API'S"' wont she has caught u p their *gee mid
of the Russian Liberals" in the November talks it invite of herself.
"Century." A, numberof young armyand s i
navy officers in Bt. Petersburg have just : •
Blessed' Forgetfulness,
been sentenced to penal servitude in the,
SiDo we levet pause th•thik at we burry !
lterian mines for Merely setting forth in
through our daily taelti-÷nearly all of in
the courise Of a debrite the adventeges
which Soother govetnmental:systeni would how, it we were to pas* out of existence,1
hare some ,clutieir .to perform each day -
have oyer the prementone. There is .aid
Nome cone elge would take up our work,
to, he,musib exeitement and indigoation and in 0 very shoretinsii ire Would scarcely
among the friends of *he young officers in be mused, even by those who love us and
tannery oireles,and, the circumstance fur- whom we love? ,Ifienne, other hind would
niches another illustration of the way in: Wind the skein, riometierekeadly tangled,
which the Russian Government, by piunalt: .'
,,,_,„„,i .0 .whioh we have labored over tie long. ;Some
ing with excessive severity
peaceful discussion, euoitee and"1";nTaiivs- other Dike, would advise, chide ,and
encourage. Some other feet would take
she revOlutioniFysipiiit.:„.,,is :the:liberal"
the 'many steps, tread the path we hive
of Moscow Darn the interesting appeal to
Mr. Kai
the Tear, quoted la iituri article, trod so longi Ah ! 'tis • bleseed thing to
forget. A 1 fe allteare, all. regret forth.
"The. principel reason for the moebid ford,'
pod, sili:sighe for the one" We: have lost,
which the contest with the GenCrnment
his taken it the ebseeos in xtussiit of ttiv would be a• sad life indeed. 'Tis a eoft
opportunity let ow"; doeoleomewer •touch of an angers wing that soothes us -
the angel of forgetfulnese Mother, our
publiocpinion and the free etetellei eif:Putf• mother; she sleeps very soundly now„in.
lio aoinvity." God's sore,
very calmly, 'very tiesoefully. ;
IT may Mit be generally lardenarnites yet wet:anretneniber'.When she was all in
the Edinburgh correepondent of rthe Scot-
tish American, hoer Many ' of the',beist and
Most succesiful Medi of the dojelailfrOm
"the rioht side: o' the Border:" Perhaps
foremost amongst them stand R. Loan
Stevenson, ;William Bleck and W., S.
Gilbert, of operatic fame. The firet.mens. rained the dear Imo, .who nom was the
tioned, who iscertainly the most original motive *neer ' of our home. Ah, yes; the
writer alive, wai born in Edinburgh, his world goes On jumt the same. The new
tether having been, tint. head of the cells- ,,, a egrave, the bitter tear.; healing
bread Stevenson Stii' of Itightlionse ilmile, saints &Sian. Yet those who sleep
engineers. Mr. Stevenson, who is as benorth the green IMO, thee dazzling snow;
capable at poetry as at prose.s, as his recent 1
'eep no less soundly Or /bur forgetfulness.
volume "Underwoods" show, is at pregent
in the United States. Andrew Lang is also •, P. II. 441•14,41).
4 Scotsman and • graduate °1St, Andrew's. Netioael mower&
Then ',there, are :George Macdonald
and Mrs. andLawrence
011. :: Ithinlk.Iiim correct in saying theft the
phant, the latter of .whom alien&
-larger proportion of those blossoms selected,
most of his time on MOunt Carmel, where as national or political symboli hive been
he bas.built a residence. It is, of course. taken from the "hardy brigade." Of arch
the rote. the thidle, shamrock and
unnecessary to ,,Mention that Archibald 'ars
Forbes the prince Of war correspondents, leek, the broom (phints-genista), the white
belongs to•Auld Scotia: :,.and quite se 'un- iris. of Florence, the flew -de -lit of France,
nece,onry to givethe name nowt regeroni the lily alluded to by Chaucer. Thiele*
Robt. Buchanan, the novelist, pn.
is stippoied to hiNe been the white or
oet a
MadonnaM.1ily, but in the north of Ireland
IdaYWlight, arid Cheese; Gibbon. Grant
the Orange" lily is, not unfrequently• de.
Allen, the scientist end novelist, though
born in Caned", . is of good BOotch stook. graded on July 128h as a symbol of party.
David Christie Mureity, another rising man, feeling, The , "violet of the Napoleon
who le a motive 'oribietland, was foes sum 'dYnaitty is even yen Worn in France, and
War correspondentto the Scotsman, but hos at Fontainebleau the apartments. of the
now settled down to fiction. /nut of 1,11 ex-Empreis Josephine ere: redolent with
may be =moot& Win. Sharp, a reside), ' an exquisite order. In Chine and Japan
biographer. and art.oritio, and who, not -
man, who is milling lie inark as a poet, htrnonthraYonentt4heems,lsotnio'boassi tfiakoewnerthebpultacfcnelf
withetending that ho in one of the Want of Wit West and - 'strongest of party
literary men in London boa lately taken to badge' is the " pale primrose" Of Shake-
novel writing, pesre, now the ensign ,of the" Pan:trete
' League," an order of Conserratives fonnded
lsnglish car in.hcitior Of the late LotdBeicemifield, who
'We us the 'Went 'Picture OflAidy Coris•
'A returned tourist said lasteisening : "SO isude's garden iti"4..Lottieti ,,'sTlin Magus*
Charles Dickens doesn't : like the way We now. inuribits,, _Mgr 1;it kof thqueand
heat our railway cars. 'We realty mint Xt10111b1411.^F. W. Pi, 4, ill Harper's
adopt the -English Way. And whet is that? treaty: foo becem6er.
Why, es rather Mtge flattened toinato.can is
filled with hot writer and put on the floor of The aleasaleig ot" Illugwunin."
the carriage and you're supposed to keep,
I find thee Word'"ningwump" is not in
warm on it. The: only ,way to: get any Encyclopedia :Britannic& but is in the
Warmth out of it at all is to hold it on your Ai:nth:an supplaitient; third: volume, page
lap end then your...beck freezes, One of ... 1 sand von an these hotwater cans is expected 0 keep '„"
derivation Ana ei§ of their word:
:giving the
you warm for twelve hours. It gets 'stone
"The word belongs to thil Algemildn
old within trier, and loe-cream may be
dialled of the -Indian. language of North
kept front Melting on it. It our English
'America, : : J
friends don't 'admire onr *ay ofhnating. andiiirsed byohn Elliot in his
:.trarislatiOn Or She Bible (Cambridge i Mase,
cars let them go Mine." . . •„ ,.
, 1661) to translate the Hebrew Weird alluph„
, ... ,
a leerier. Elliot Used it in li Gene of ' big chief,'
lutists Nifoo&Licris.
INIU.ussaY bIrrligOrellgerne•
Sincerely do I bops that the prriposist- to
have an Irish' section an the Glasgow
bition will be carried out, esys the editor
of London Truth. What the Irish woolleps
want fact, the only thing they
want -is advertisement. If the Englieln
itivrer Middle ded317-the People who hove
ten children, and expect dich boy to' wear
his elder brother's lcnickerbookers innuo-
cession until nothing remains but the but.
loin mad braces -knew the indestructible
quality of the Blerney tWeed.1 and 'friezes,
there Mould 'be 'ouch% ran 6n Blarney as
would double the population of the place 1411
fortnight. Unforturiately,theltterney people
don't advertisein the way thin many Eugltsh
manufacturers do. The Irish manufac-
turers deal only "with the trade," and
they take no steps to bring the excellence
of their wares home to the individual.
They do not seem to hive realized the len-
:nem* openingwhidi the parcel post has
made for them. The excellence of their
gooditis only' known in this country to
tailors and haberdsehers. We buy the Irish
goods without knowing them to be Irish,
wonder why they wear so well, but deal
know what to ask for the next time we
order a, suit. Ihaye-oot, indeed, in my
actual possession, but within reaoh and
easily accessible, if wanted for exhibition or
other (honest) purposes -a specimen of
Irish woollen manufacture which was wove n
at the Marquie of Waterford's miln, Kit.
macthomas, some time prior to the
year 1877, in which yaw it was con.
fectioned into a garment (the nature sig.
nifies ,not) in which, for a considerable
tine, I took, I trust, a modest, but very
Doable pride. It then, some years ago,
passed Otto the hands of a humble (but
most respectable) friend, whose Sunday
best it still continues to be. I see it, con-
stantly, and, although I should be exagger-
ating if I were to Oeseribe it as still smart,
yet, so far as I can observe, there are no
, holes in it. Now,. Kilmacthomas, though
it deli things pretty deemitlwao't hold a
candle to Blarney in the matter of friezes
and tweeds, Why, then, don't the Blarney
people wallerupSo a knowledge of theirown
excellence, and post an Announcement
thereof; with prices and ipecimens, direct
to the British householder?
all -leader, toiler, adviser, all in one. She
passed away one day; what a great blank
place there was in'heart and home. But
time wove hie web of forgetfulness, so
slowly, so gently, that, the great black
void filled imperceptibly, and we scarce
—Lord Fife's Idea of Temperance.
The Earl of Fife is not only the boon a term reer° an°114°11°n°1°0 to She
pears in the King
companion of the heir apparent,,but is also mind than that which a'p
• gain fervorite With Her MajeitY. The Jame.'version,duke.The word was
spelled niugquemp' in the singular, and
father of the 'present Earl wag a
mugquemposig'. in the plural. It appears
curious 'widen of the kilted race. He in many places throughout the Algonquin
was one day dining with the Queen, and Denotation of the.Old Testament, a notable
Attracted Int attention and surprise by
saying "our Majesty will be glad .to Plan° being.in I%Chran• 54 53 : elso Oen.
xxxvi. 15, given nereWith
hoer that I hive left off.drlakitig soda and ,
ming mugquampoeig wunnsunionnii
brandy." The Queen, smiling, said T
' Eosin ; wannatimonnh Eliphaz ruontorne-
shipam gthereupon mlad to hear ide the furLord ther remark enannI31ia Elan Eugquomp Taman : Mug.
" Your DIsi'irsty will also be pleaaedtoleara
quomp ftimar ; Mugetjuomp Zepho ; Mug.
vieene 'dukes of the One of Essu ;
that I have taken to soda and whiskey
instead." -London Modern Society.
'the sone of Eliphax; the first born son of
- •
Esau ; Duke T11111114, Duke Oman, Duke
ISM Nyes Introduction.
Probably Mr. E. W. Nye will never for-
Zepho, Duke Kenaz.' "-Fulton Republican.
get the tirOil he lectured' in Indianapolis. Brow You sinew It AIL
ind poet, , and it had been arranged that A ibsibli°4eggaird 1. ora bbitolikobiphnideing*si,thl.11.
•Riiii,dtdiaeodeee him. lie made en in. titiotaph is a hook miser. bibliopholo
tillayssai to introduce the lecturer:
stwatintory.sddrem of one hour and a heifv is a bookseller for bibliophile& A bibliokleptis a stealer of Valuable books'. Mr.
tiring 'Which 4itne E. W. Nye sat and peril .
spired and gd.teadY id' get, tip and cracked ImeenxioraceihmoswnIncirdipstet, 1weVesPreesebnitviilonteephhiai,
his fingets'aluf sinned outside and died in.
side The oily thing that E WNe got and•Sam t"ePP. WA
011. bboiobklis°.k-Art
a chance to dBibliolatry is the e iver that night was his Pere. xeview.
retion.-Omaha World.
That is the home of Riley, the humorist
Needle in Her Knee,
The Mount Forest Reprisentative said in
a redent issue 'Miss Borgia Donnelly,
eldest daughter of the 0. I'. R. agent of
this town, who :recently retnrried from
13owinenvifle, where she his held ive position
as telegraph operator for several months,
has undergone • singulir experience. She
had' Veen troubled for some' time; with a
lame knee, which kept gradaally getting
more painful. The cause of her lameness
could not be accounted for until &Ow days
ago, when a needle oma through the flesh
at the,knee john. • How the Inedlecanie to
he in her leg is a mystery to herrielf and
parent s
Inventions of the 19th Century.
The iteamboat, the reaper, the sewing machine
Cars running hy night and by day,
Homes lighted by gam and heated by steam,
And br4hil electricity's ray.
The telegraph's click speeds like 'lightning re -
I lied
And, She till Ibm rem e too
fazsetel/1 not me
' hien,
Is the famed little Purgative Pellet.
Last but not the least is Dr. Pieree'e
Pleasant Purgative Pellet, because it re.
lieves human suffering, adds to the sum of
human comfort,. and enables' the relieved
aufferer to enjoy all she blessingm and
luxuries of the age we live in. •
A New York correspondent claims to
have investigated and ascertained that all
this talk about fashionable girls, working
in gymnasia, fencing, boxing and taking
long walks is pure nonsense. She says
that there are not forty women learning to
fence in the oity, and most of them are
&drones ; that the average woman's
clothes won't let her 'walk, and as to boxing
there is absolutely none of it done. ,
Tem, he loves you now, 'Ns true.
Lass with eyes of violet blue,
Lips as meet aa honey-daw,
Bonny little brine I
, Will he love you as to -day., •
When your bloom has fled sway„
When your golden looks are grey, -
Will his love abide?
' • 'Yes, if;it is the trim kind it will survive
o . • ,
all the inevitable waiter! and changes of
life. But, it is every ',mitten's desire and
duty to retain, as long es she can, •the at-
tractions that made ber charming and be
loved in youth. No one oan keep her
youthful bloom or treble temper if
weighed down and au ering frorn fentale
weakness and disorder.. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Presoription is a rentecly for these
troubles. SetO by druggists.
He Would do Hie Part,
George -Menthe, I • think I will get
married- , .
Blanche -Yes, George, and does your
heart beat responsively to some one's?
.. Well,. nci, not exactly, but I can almost
support myself, and I think it's a pretty
mean girl that won'$. help a little bit."
, Nemo Fato Cure.
Poison's Nerviline cures flatulence, chills
and spasms. Nerviline cures vomiting,
diarrbces, cholera and dysentery. Nervi.
line outes headache, sea mickned and sum.
mer compliant. Nerviline cures neuralgia,
toothache, lumbago and moieties. Nervi.
line cures *patine, bruises, sate, etc.
Poison's Nerviline is the best remedy in the
World, and only costs 10 and 25 cents to
try it. Sample and large bottles at any
drug store. Try Poison's Nerviline.
Whine the Rawhide Was.
"Did she have a rawhide when she
assanIted you ?" asked IlisHonor of a meek
gentleman who accused his wife of assault
with intent to kill. "No, Your Honor,"
said the poor man, feeling of himself
tenderly, " I'm the one thet had the ' row.
hide ;80 fact, Your Heim!, I have it still."
-13ufalo Courier.
-A lease of 999 years, made in the day.
of King Alfred, has just expired in England.
The land was toned by the' Church to the
drown, and reverts now 10 the Church of
MPartington says of her new cook
book: "Now, a book like this will come
into a house like an owns in the great
desert of Sateh and be a quarantine Of
perpetual peace.'
much csiiirsEir COLLEGE.
Hass students from British Columbia.
Texas, Arkartess, Ottawei, Winnipeg, Chi.
alp, Duluth, New York and other distant
points. Its low rates, excellent duff el
teachers and fine accommodation have se
filled its halls that a new building to me*
1120,060 Will be erected next year. Student*
01111 enter any time. 65 pp. calendar free.
Address, Principal A.intin, B. D.
iCold Comfort.
Cuettomer (in restaurant) -Waiter, thew
are very small oysters for the pries.
Waiter -Yes, rah.
Customer -And that' don'tletiveryilieer
Waiter -Den Oey is slide betide, salt, foe
13ein' small.
An Offensive Breath
is most distressing, not only to the person
afflicted if he have anyprides, but to Wove
with whom he cornea n contact. Iii is a
delicate matter to speak of, but it has
parted not only friends hut lovers. Bad
breath and catarrh are inseparable. Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst
05155 15 thousands can testify.
-The Northwest doesn't care what the
wide world says so long as nobody hits 'It
below the wheat belt.
Do you feel dull. languid, low-spirited, Ufa -
lege, and indescribably mieerable, both physi-
cell,' and mentally; experience a sense of
funned or bloating after eating, or of "'one-
ness," or emptiness of stomach in the mono-
log. tongue coated, hitter or bad Mete 10,
mouth irregular appetite, dissinem frequest
headackes, blurred eyesight, " fiesiting broke'
before the eyes, nervous prostration or en-
haurtion, irritability of temper. hot ilusben
alternating with chilly sensations,
biting, transient pains here and there,a
feet, drowsinem after meals, wakefulness. or
disturbed and unrefreehing sleep, constant.
indescribable feeling ot dread, or of Mapes&
int calamity?
If you have all, or any considerable nuniher
of these symptoms, you sns.uffe,ing from
that most common of American
Bilione DriPePsia. or Torpid Liver, immolated
with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. •.+,- The mom
complicated your disease• basmbeloonse, the
greater the number and divinvity of gym,-
tonis. No matter what stage *bail reached.
Dr. plereets Golden Medical- DieeorwrY
will subdue it, if taken according to diree-
Bons tor a Treasonable length of time. If not
cured. oomplications multiply and Consump-
tion of the LIMP. Skin DI Heart Dieeme.
Rheumatism, Kidney Dier other grave
maladies are quite liable to auto and, sooner
or later, induce a fatal termination.
Dr. 'tercets Golden Illedlen1 Mee
saveloy acts powerfully upon the Liver, and
through that great blood -purifying organ,
• cleanses the system of all blood -taints and im-
purities, from whatever came arising. It is
equally efilcacious in acting upon the Kid-
neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing,
strengthening, and healing their denims. As
an appetizing, restorative tonic, it &sotto
thereby digestion and nutrition, bu op
both flesh and strength. In malarial
Mile wonderful medicine baa gained Int
oelebrity in curing Fever and Ague. Chills and
Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases.
Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Dlo.
Omni et common Biota, ,or Eruption. to the
Trare.t Scrofula. Saihrheunr, "Fever -.ore,"
.4"ain ar Rough Skier si short, all disease,
caused by bad blood • :conquered by this
powerful, purifying,a0 'fig:mil/orating medi-
eine. Great Eating Ulogrirrapidly beat under
ite benign influence. Especially has it mani-
fested its potency in curing Totter, ECZ011111,
Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes. &rot -
pious Sores and Stetting', Hip -Joint Disease.
. white Swellings, Goitre, or Thick Neck,
and Enlarged Ohtnds. Send ten . cents la
stamps for a large Treatise, with colored
pia on Skin Diemen, or the Warne amount
for ,a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections.
61. FOR THE 81.000 IS THE LIFE."
Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Piercers
Golden Medical Duieovery, and good
digestion a fair skin buoyant spirits, vital
strength 'and bodily health will be esteblished.
which is Scrofula or the Lungs, is arrested
and cured' by this' remedy, if taken 1E1 the
earlier stages of the disease. From ita mar-
velous power over this terribly fatal disease,
when first offering this now world -famed rem-
edy to the public, pr. Pierce thought serioully
of calling' it his • ConsumeTion CUM," but
abandoned that name al too restrictive for
a medicine which, from its wonderful com-
bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative,
or blood -cleansing, anti-bilk:rue, pectoral, and
• nutritive propertim, is unequaled, not ordy
se a remedy_ for consumption, but for aU
chronic P1505551 0! the
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood. Short-
ness of Breath, chronic Need Catarrh. Brom-
chit* Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred
affections, it is an efficient remedy.
Sold lir Druggists, al .1.08, or Six Bodies
for L.
Send ten cents la stamps for Dr. Maros%
book en Consumption. Address,
Ihrits DIspossary Idol humid%
662 Male Ilt.. 111TIYINLII.O, W. T.
11 0 if L. 49 al.
1111.1 say cure I de iat mom me.17 t. at•P tillwit ter.
IIw..sd lion ban t/tem Men eltals. .1 1•••• • 1•41115
win. I Its. toad* II. die.. of Fr1111,11.116Nr8Y or FALL.
ENO MOKNII88 Ilte-l•ag oti..ty, I wortiot np ir•,••il
I• 1ir Ws wont awe. Seesaw often ha. IsIbed la so
mass lir set mow reeeltisi • ma. IWO .4 .11.. ter.
Orasttat •15.1Pro• WAY* al fp reutely. 0410
listnis rat 0111•1: It wee y••
saS 1551 ewe Addrese RA. IL O.
5. [filigree, 37 Ts 1t1
c enclurp Prc`T rn,r1110
have • posit, e ternedy tot, ••11111/ di Mine j
thousands orca.es *f tla wort4111:klui orlon. Name*
have beau cured. ledsod,, it014. lath le es
Oltitacy, test 1 wi,1 !MINI TWO 81 'L 1,1111•0•T
with • VA 1,1/A111,1.1 TREA 118E0,1' MI. Mac., ••• any
Braneh 0.97$CO, 37 Tanga St,Toramto
sneerer. Olv, oipittoto./ 1,0,14.Ps.11.6. 11.1! liff •