HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-08, Page 5PT. .4 1 Aohdou Htlr011s )311100' Nort,tiewrz D154§19.4 Goma Nonmit-.Tiste‘T4emir,---Passinlr, Letidee; depart, ,8:10 4.mt.• ,f.25 P.*; Iineau Cr9ssing 4 .4. 2.35 „5.45 Clandeboye..., 9.10 15.15 Centralia.- 9.2% 5:33 14,XE11.114. -•:35.''v Hall 9,46, 5'153t Kippen.. • 9.51 6.06 13rucefieldi, . , 9.55 .6.15 • „10.10 '6,35 Lenclesbolo;., 10.37 0.55 -20.46 • 7,.05 Itelgrave, „11.00 7,.20 Winghain, areift 11.4.310 .1.30 oni SotPrfr: Seseager. Winglianlidepart, 1.00 3,05 r.st I3elgraVc. ▪ 7.17 $,28 342 . 5 (.1 • 4;10 4.26 4.57 4,43 4.57 5.07 5,25 ' 6.00 , , 7.314 liondesboro' 7.40) Clinton . ... ilz•ucefield, 8.19 'tippet, , 8.27 8.33 Exeter....., . 8.47 Qeetralial, Cla.udeboye . 9.10 Ltican-cross'g ,.. 9.20 London,arrive . 10,10 Local ,News, :Plo4rd -loye .1110 re- ceived, a large cont p. geed§ ch. - root froin England pad which they .are offering at Rock Bottem Prices. * , George Mutimrt, and datigh- tee,,Clara, of Port Crescent, Miehigan, who hv been visiting frioncis in and &leaded 're.ter,, returned hem OA Ttles- day last, accpmpanied by his sou n- iter. t -At the auetion sale of the Willis estate big Saturday the psoperty %vas k1100.ke4 dQW14 t4 C0114400 Z. 13, Car- ling for $1,265. The chttele prOperty sold well, The' total pemeeds amount to about $1,500 -$ew boots. and hQes ii. endless variety, atSainwe11:&91Okarcrs. * ,gOod' time* to ,..pant your.. eiwistotas'iovdftisepulariti :this paper • ---Seoteli,. English 'antil. Canadian tweeds; large vatiety at Saiewell and Pickard's. _4 -Ordered. clothing-, , a 6r:it-class gtiaranteed, Sam well, Lk Pickard. , • *. -A good full EMI of allatne; fan‘-` ay goods,. foys, '4(34. at.E, Boarlett's; drug store-, Ex'et'er: O. •.1?.; 0.•0 J nricr the L. 0. L.. meet respeetively- in the Odd Fellowsenew halli•Me.iii7st: • BlYth „editor, who ha,. been. !nettled aboutfive moriths,rejoices, in the population ofthat,village.: - A grand, jnbilee in the Salvation :Army barracks next Tuesday evening At 7:30. Admission, ten cents. -7-The roof of the Trivitt Memorial. Church is being slated, but the, week, .on the•towethas-keen. stispentletti for _ . tile' winter: , -There cit'yeti vof uardifitalk , of who aretotUe. the. <candidates fell / icipal honort it the' • approaching., eleetions: -Insure your ,dwellings W.' ganders, Agent for the Lancashire' Fire Insurance Co.,' of Manchester, England. -The 'heavy tains 4.4 Saturday and Monday With the nieltino snow swell- ed the water in the Saulde to something.akn tot spring freshet. -Messts, Robinson, Little' tiz Co,, of London, has purohased the steck-in.?, trade and goodwill of J. B. Lang 4 Cco of that city, at a rate oh the dollar. . --0%vingito the heavyrain here last Sunday forenoon, the -regular morning services in the respeetive churches were not to numerously attended as they usually `are. , -.Miss Lang has jest opened a. dtess- making, shop, 'directly over the pest. ogee -where -she is .prepared to execute all work entrttsted to her with neatness promptness... -The fail l Sitting!' �f ' the .,Cotinty Cound. wt s} Week at Coder - mil; but up te tfle,'„, hour .ot going toe pres:3 have not received a mood of the proceedings. • A -klere appears to tm rather again) ontleolelor those ,vho propose- making teaching g a profe'ssion. Lispector ,Citinpbell,titya there are ili Ontario. this Veer, sevetthendi:ed teaehers •wdio,,V111. tio.V.e•todfrowithbuifteheolg,. -At the firstoofithe tow year draws -hear, tbdbilaineSs-inen. a 31t6tet, win be'sending out their accounts. , Try the:AnvocAtn.. printing establishment int' a .stipply of bill beads 'Via state- :MentS, Which are 1),rinted Mid ,put‘ in Tadsin quantities to suit Customers, at reasonable prieeS: -There Witt a hirge"tittetidatme on SUnday, at the anntversaryietviees of .111ain,stree,b, Methodist chutellit the preacher ofithe day being :Rev, J-; V, , Smith,. of •:0 untlat,sireet* Centee.stahb, dist.cliurch, London; who delivered two very •cfrecting.awepowertill S(11111611%111; eicam aed. wilco 'mid wet iiet-f ed to vith mai kod attention., On Mon day eV') ning . fell o W iiig fltb an nu all, tea was held and as. a ,ltery succesSftil tl fair. Interesting's:eel appropeiate ad- dresset Were delivbeed by V. Smith and others, while the prdeeed- ingt were greatly enlivened by Choice selectioes reedered atiiiitervalA by the 154,table. clutch choir, " -,-Owing, to the bit of aleighing last Saturday4emarket was well attended and a geed iitacle was (Irmo' with, our Considet•able ,hiittetrand Poultilr,efienged hands and god prices realized; Grain conies :n rather slow - lye Prices remain abont the same, , ; -Dont forget Broderick's cheap next Tuesday afternoon and evening, - -No small excitement prevailed here ,ainong eer merchants when it** reported that Nr Green a wheleiale dry goods merchantof London, had as- signed, but as the day. wore on and en- quiries proved the 'cotititary'the excite - meet subsided. .--Some of Exeter's inalktypropliets' ALO out with their predictions and beld- ly assert thaPthe world will ,conie' to aly,end•in 1889. Should. -this prove to ile'tftee ease,. --and it may be --all de- linquent subscribers had better pay up and avoidqbe terrible punishment in - flitted upon,those'in arrears: Th Prin0Pal attr4d1911 fit the, i4PWA-greet eheroli teU neXt Mendny evening ,will be, tbe rush . fat 'Wald Pre1Mn''ef which Ilcr,ordipary 61ponnt. will be proymed., „ -,-Ve direct ,the 4400tion of enr' readers to the 'advertiseniant. of 'The.' „Xrudre.,n liqs-q..Prisoc,,i44.Ve Paper to be Started in Toronto, end Which Will bo clubbed with_ this paper, the two for 1,704er anneal., to.L.-.1,2,rreotnwen,l(Fbrirci,4tyh)0 4,cogtirettevrtt tune may be,,exnected, ftff the firelieri It ;jolly lot of good‘felloWs, and have Spared, neititer• 'ffirg; trouble nor ex- th uutkt!gthis the coneet t of he' s'easoe.• this, 0100 of the ,year we are ap( to henr a good deal abotit' "hard• times" mid the tightnest of nmitey: But there is a bright side to every plot ure, and next. seasen, our people will be found as spry AS USlial, 41X §earchof pleasure and amusement, --,Weiib.VeoreceiVed,t copy of: tAr Magnificent plibtO-vngraviiig: Fixtliera of ColifedetatiOn," tlie Ilrelniuin giVen with the TOrerite Week Jy' News. The A'-ios with the engrav- ing, and this paper will fie sent to any address from now till Joh. 1st, 1889; for only This Is the best offer Yet -There it a flit/demand for helmet to rent in,thia tom!If seine of 0* inonied, men would erect comfortable &Welling ilonta and fit them tii2evOid modern improvements they weiticl,*.x- perience nodiffieelty ie securing suft. able tenni*. And would reap, there, wards of aigOod inVestment• --Watchifet the Rirernen* grand tbrehlight litacession, which! takes plate to-mortow (Friday) evening, head tIc.1.'by the 1ra.s6 band, and will tenpin- .uta}t'Direw's Opera lionse,- wirete. an iiiterestgpregramme will he'rendered; and the whohwiIl conclude' by a' de- bate and a roaring and side-sphtting farce, by the Riackville Fire Brigade. Admission. 25c. Everybody attend rtild 'enjoy a -treat. „ 'the regular meeting oft,..0. go? 52A,Eteter, heli on Friday even- itrgt. lett, the following, officers vele elected. for the ensuing',year::-Bro., James Wj11is. W. . N'.; Bo,. tramps Pergaoni Wins Sanders, Rix Sec..;',13to: Henry Lainbrooky Ttes; Bro. John Spackinan;.Cliap.;Eto:tJblin. Corbett, D, of C.; Bro. J. T. Westcott, 1st Com.; Bro. George Easterbrook, 2nd Com.; Bro. John Gillespie, 3rd Com.; Bro. Jolie Priskator, 4th Coin.; Jiro. C. Harness, Oth Com. . • -Where are you -V.14? Why;• to Broderiok's great, sal ei of Dry - Goods, eto. -The Canada Pacific ibifrr Car contAlaing a varied assorthient of the, products of Manitoba , and' the North-West was. viiited 'by a largd number of townspeople and country .follt. Among the cittidaities shown war a linglitblock ofa 61r %tee ithicit measured eight feet in diaineter.• -Mr.. WilliBrooks, of Exeter North' has :just returned from Paisleywhere' he'has had aii. operation. pedormed 'wet one of his eyes, which' ir rio*perfeetlf sti,alight.The opeiation 'wait perfewinl nti 'by D. Hall of that place' and is in every. a success. Dr. Hall is a speciall. lit of the eye, ear, nose, And throat.- , . would say to the ladies of Exeter and vicinity, that, Miss Swett; who is, well and favorably kiown, has cbarge of •oirr dressmaking 6partment: Tatosevikinttust lier'with their work !nit% (dr ,on having it doi1e,. neatly, elleapdy,,,,and in the; !hint ani ti most fashiplia8le sty1e1.itge•garantee sada- faction: 14ANTott:.4.Ce.t ! for laWyera . barriSters,. -The Prout-Piper pugilistic en: cOunter which took place Sunday even - Mg last on a back street in town was witnessed by a number of onlookers who repoit an equally blotched contest both claiming the victory. 'Snell set- tleinents of disputes are not at all ben- eficial to the parties interested and might; if possible, to be Fettled with- out so natieh hugging and embracing Of each oth)or,,',and especially on a back. street where -the Constables. are not ex pected to put in an appearanCe, a kniobt of the hammer Was proceeding with his vocation, at Tees. Water, On Saturday last; and just ,as - the auctioneer was in the midst of "how inuth for it," the floor suddenly gave away, precipiting about seyenty persons into theCellar, a depth of about nine feet, which etsulted some .rb- ceiving bruises and' cut, but no limbs were broken. We areuzioli inforined if the sale %vas continued'or the auction- eer hurt, but in all prothbility the "knight of the hammer" seek tera firma zater,this to perform . his calling:, ilientiridiYv-ittorninrat the Len., dczgy Insane aarbint dtistroyed tho lairndry, bakery;. wont anti 15it(theti.. Tlfo HP'e wits'OH!Marettted fteur destroying the btilding through' the tiMely arrival and, prompt aetion of ,thre tire brigade. Had the fire penetrated the main building it *mild have eaused adainity painful, to on: tempitite: . The ir mates were marched out squads into the outer exerdising, yard; tbe• excitable and Violent etc., Mre,L. E.,Danceyr. Ltrtist-er) of Seaforth, took home.mcan. •of 1ohater:4, ttie Tither day for• dinner mid partocrit heartily, of the figh. , Shortly aftdIsi wards -lie WU overtaken bro,•.peculitato dizzy 'sensatio,1 and became, deadly!. sick. He went to De.' 1lan& °free; arid had hardly time to tell 'the doctor , of bis distress, before he fell backwarda S, I and 1 became unconacious. Judging A $ from the'symptems the doctor at once - decidecrtVablie had been poisoned, and iiaminiatered the properrantidotes. -The .A11f1iver8ary:4setraens in4c0U- riectionwith4beJametlattertiMetgedlit church will preached" Stifiday -Morning and 'evening, 'by' ItOv, Scott, of Lontion, wb wiIl additoss mass meetings 'of ' the • Sabbath ached(/' children in the 'afterimeti at 2.30, The fe14iay4egvMoeclay evening the annual tea will be given id, the basement of MT,R 4/14 R.KET4'• wilitelk,_.404t Per OP") ,#. 0)9 0-02 Aed !IYaeaP Pee lot$1001,,•• • •.•. 0 80 to 0 $2 0 Spring Wheat If • • • • • •..., 0 80 to 0 R. Burloy pot buNhel ... ; . ; ; ,,r.., If Of to ' O. Oilatatstoir)o:tbtois:0:1,,.,., .. ,. ,F7,... ,10 , 009 81076 ltoo r400,,,r118, , IIIY Pee t,t,q.,..,..„.,.........,..• Peas i'er bdshol.• . ,. . ..:. . o as w a so Plegsigr tteiii:...,.... • , roo to so 00 rotat9c0 pc' beibel. - svt per bbi J. .- .. ,., ...,. ,.. -I' 0.0 . 5et co tti .0, 180Il._ 00:4 , f,,, hiltnrklepadit;oiro'ablips.lior ' • " 1, to .. .. Bacot% lase lb 0 :' 008 to 00 10 ' -ONDW 44(44,Kra;- 1ed Winter, rim burelt $, 7:6 ta,1.7 75 id 7.47 15 to 77 48 to 50 32 t�33 18 to 20 to,28 23 tO 25 9.5010 14' 56. 'White • Spring Barley Outs Eggs'. 130tter,kolis "Butter, Crock*. Hay Per ton A lc pRiAgnie) A"fitywarg."*- Fall *he; t 0'0.76 to 4'0* . Springswkleat# 0,78 to 0,86 Cati, 0.36 to 0,39 Puna' 0.56, to 0.61 • 0.54 to '0.165 3Iny• *oft? 12.00 to '18:06 1Thttir 0.25 to ' Potatoes per Isag 0.90 to lffid Eggs per doz 0.18 to 0:21' tliessed kings per ,1001 , *40 to 7.00 ainiu,•••••awwwww.moon. Sa!!!!..0...maiwianaa , • PHOTOGRAPHS!' MR, JOSEPII SENIOR' kaving purchased the business of ' Cliat &bier; IfigritAY iff,- farta 'the the public that:- he.can.bd fowntl • At theOld staTid Mita Street, Exeter: Zie Finest Cabinets the coun- ty.. legant.Finish. Oopying' :at Enlargi▪ ng. . duns oh shortest notice: JOss„, sENioas. 1 p ,,, . . 4 41 t , I - . , , IS T:IgAEB1,0411/AW Tic.! ult.liss . .'15•QUTP,VOTV lOstatis znatit,figirizglo TAIL03.-FITTINO'‘ Clothim10w prie1l)' 4141. ;mow 0$4* ^ GENTS'. FtritiOSTUNG, Golo];)s pamit prices; lin will ggt Att THE TRADE IN TOWN fx1 say'l Cuatonter.' W. Sou thcott- , MaiipAtte!ite r:' Itizet0. 1:1 114 RP.INNE$1.).1 Dustin ni FLOUR: and FEED' , 01 all kinds. Ilieakfast Cerals, Cakes','. Greund Flax and Empire Citee .Feed always, 0110 harid. poops yiELIVER.FD TEt.E04 F A RGES. JOHN McINNES; Aft.IN Walla; : 1.11.M • .41•10.111711 .,rENNyitovAL WAFER Prescription -of a physician who treahmaons thtihandfr afwelmitfthitie eplOner,drigeseceastXpeeesue.zieessuencysaboil , ovor.19,0001adios. Pleasant. ago; etnatinil Ladies ask_ your drug,. 4 eintt4 for Pennyroyal Wafers alPf/ • lujSao substitute, or Inclone pow awl for sealedparticulars. Bold by EU:R. EV* tie.:3rDb.°46r", zizrg:.! Sold in Exeter -Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere: 0.ctP7 the church, where A beautiful spread can be partaken of by all present- • This' Committee of management have 'spore= 'neither time nor trou`bleg in securhige the blest: ;possible for the oecasidni. ilicknission'25'oetite, children lb cents. • -Auction aI atEintk of a Bankrupt Stook ofDry-Goods, groc- eries, grookery, China, and Glad ' ware; also a magnificent stook of jewelry, Silverware, eto., etc:, This stook of Jewelry is a city stookl)atil has been purchased very chimp at private sale lind consists of 'Gdia. and Silver Vatohes J. Gold.. 011ain4 Rings, BOZO*. !j3koaches;: tat' Rings, Scarf Pins, tifutets, ,Stestad les, &Ilya; Perks, SpoouS, etc;, do. r with a chome lot of Toys and FAn'ii9 Goods, and a'splentlid Assortment -of Silver Plated ware. All to be sold igithbitt, ani reserve whatever. ones were keptr igndrance di, the Thee° stdeltS will all be Opened out eve] u 1 • a c angei wa •' o on ay , Loss, $35,000; woH,insured. COnsider- 8aib will commence on Tuesday, Call 'anti .exittnitie. the t 2 d o'clock p. M d ±t nti th A ti a e to on 1111111111111 IVIcelary's Vele") rated OflZZ giotrICS L_. FOR .SALE 'AT RISSETT OF T You will also find at theiii store 110' largest & best: stock of , rir 0 Of all kinN,:-..:4A tolVa4i.e-taid I,tell von toy They are nbioil§hoWingra'0.eigot'itibortitiOhtionVILDIlqG ItARDWARt atTriees tha6lave never b8811' OCit ailed Etdttlt. C.0 W.; ;Iiht;reediv6a 'logo colishininent of Xelir CroSSocil wSaWS„, 'Ho the ditto -ace tlio.firemen had ° g° 1.3t111.11st., at - • )471. the prompt'manne,r hielf an, d lov Jo • 6ffi extinguished the harp, elements a oontinuinco for one week. t 1°1 WING Maellan'' Witle /OM) been a moSil hoort4bochog Itylro ctt141` PatTrYarts°tmatat:16fidta/Tew6a4eaarlis ""k r a ve ted w !let inevtibly, weeld, I ei bwill nrii -,ott +,,A4Mi),',ielt`tepst41,! s'toeIr; pHetl, and 3 chs6st1:1 giftS.' Ail must be sold as t su - • te(1 for ' 8old the premises, aria , more than k.1,iighly complimon their inettimable services' so promptly son ei mtideroci, .o.hd toovio toodoli 'IAA to vacato 016 Stdr[4., thO Ot have great retieen to fed r 1etticie Eteterat1iZecA887, )••• 'Jo aoptrtiotit, Vroil6ritk, ALA A • A