HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-08, Page 4.r
Solioitoro, 09I)ye,yan▪ cer*,
;Money to Loan at 6.'7,
B. V. ELLIOT. , , Er,LioT.
T.he Exeter Achioaate,
Arcot istreet, ,ErsteiS
THURSDAYi)EQ Sti,1387.
A e Moof iii41ity-five masked leer
took three negroes from jail itt Charles-
ton, United States, on'Saturday night
anir shot thent to death' They were
oharged with the assassination Isra
white man.
THE .Frontenac County Ob;1-11
uncil s
to. „
not further resist,t4R;,0,q1u1T,of .the
License Comn:issioaers for the expen-
ses of enforcing the Scott Act. The
chiim is to be paid and the legal pro-
ceedings discontinued.
, -
Jou' CLAvET and Wificof Montieal,
aria taking an action' a' ga' E.
Wood for three thous'ancl •dollarg
ages, on the ground th'at he perils -61A,
the marriage ceremony i;,f theiPiatiiisr
• daughter without their censent. Mr.,
Wood states that the bruins wereyulj-
lished in his church three:tiMes, arid
yet no objections were raised, '
p=sy,awA„ Xrce.. FICLI7 The ',IT‘oi7.
orsans continue to libel Mr. Purcell,
the member for Gleresharry. Their late
st slander is that he is. going to turn
Tory and support the Governnient.
This is a greaterlibel than that for
which Mr. Stillwell had to pay 0$209,
and spend three weeks in jail. Minis-
terial journalists should beware a
Sfiltwill's fate.
4„,r4-,11,SA•sis s , — .
7sta' sisssgessse is revi, vecr trIs
ims/ eult,
' -'rsT,1/4)19'43'0 '1;42"r'" P
tee,- cs'ts..s. run ssre , . sin was
tostri sss s e. isal.
returnee by a partizsn resuming bracer
though he had fewer votes than his
Liberal opponent, is 'about to resign
...his seat. It would look better if he
.would get out without making any hiss
about it. Baird should know by this
time that no really honest man can de-
fend his .eourse,
P-Lasls.have recently, beens adsiptett
sten 'biidge-tonnebting Niagara Falls.,
Ont., with Niagara Fally, N. Y., and
ifs acconiplidhing the work it will be
necessary 'lb practically rebuild the en-
tirestrueture except the. ter; • TO,
stroll a perfection has ongideeringislcill
attained, howeVer, thiat the wilr1.1
in no 'way\ interfere 'Vigil' titvel across
.trit AftIonxT of indesienclen4 that
there is in the Manitoba Provincial
Government can Le gathered ftein the
tact that Norquay, and his colleagues
rarely move except as the OttawasVire
iuilers decide. No sooner do the min-
isters at Winnipeg find themselVes
a tight fix than they poste offt to Ot-
tawa, at the taxpayers" expense, to
obtain, points. as- to how, they can save
their joist:, ThbsdSlegatIon noW on the
roaclitosthe•Dsaninion capital is Alessi -a
ItiStiere and Harriaen. It is known
that a majosity of the•electors as 'well
as P. are hostile to NOrtitiay,
andsthese men, his colleagues, come
east to be told ,what must Le done ft,
Await ti e puWn voice, and postpone
the day of,a.cootint. Yet there is an
• iiiiptosAiott allroad that the Legislatur.
es wero intended to'be iodepenclasit of
eentralising influences, and ant Mani-
toba is a Self-governing Iiresinee. Is
efforts to 'briiSg
fence of, the livp p
errana,ed for themisr
elly family in .Bisldull4
went inst'ile arbitration weon the.
Federal verilment, and ,t1 wino
.of :Ontario, in the dispute r
Westerri and NerthwsaterVbmi ries;
and in 18:8'4 he as exit ter Engle
one of the counser4or the';ADoin
when hebeupdaryrquestion
mated tO Her Majesty's Priv
amp being the de- '
nerS '•v'ille Were
of t.lie Donlas a •
in 1$77 he 1
1 GoVern- =
, ri st le s Commercial
•; ,, ,
l, 003,,Y, STA .41r,
,,,•-•..., ,-. ' a,
_ ,---;
,i/,,-, A
la N.,
A'13').14441,4."4' 4?`!11
-...... j;,,./...‘"vp ,•I'01.,i, .•,‘' \:. 4/.
.,) -7.''''''ZI:--44.„...-,-,•-,-,,,,E,,olt..4-f•-'-'_,.'. '
•Riga acid Horses firgt-Oaps,
SW Orders left at Hie Ilawkshaw 1loi,s, or at
he stable, will be premPHY 41(41uleatt).
lots, ft44s0413L14
:114Ong t1IP"'Peam.1"Pfn1e11l.sed nu)st of '011r 490,15 direct frPrIS .intninfactn2e10
in England -land Gertnany? to do so C had to,give out nrders very early iji the "
season, and as the prospects looked well we Uptight largely, Ithts goodS liave
now armed ,and we find that hard times are causing as great depression ui"
trade, we have therefore decided to )neet the ties b, markiug goodi' at •
cil. 'Ile`tiad a "bad case then, and
able P*reentation of •the Macdona
side could not savethe" Men who at-
tacked tile rights of deProvitiep from,
discomfiture. He is st brother of Dr.
Ma6Mahoh; M. P. P. for North Went-
Mr. Sustice Street, Who goerlo
Queen's Belie]) Diviiien, has not the"', ;
reputatiolas.itli 411 -round lawyer that
IlacMalien pOSS8S8687 but he has never
thelesi beiliVestetidy, 'plodding fellow's
devotinghieta,lents chiefly to indoor
,Work in equity" and real estate. He
;<v'e.s first a partner with Mr. 'Beecher,
Q. C,and at present he ASSOOlftteS with
,that'vetefinti. lawyer's son. It has been
few Years that Mr. Street had an eye to
the lietccli,'"infd 'Whenthere has been a
vacancy itis jeurnalistic friends in Lon-
don have not* failed to Put forwaisl
.1Ie was Chairman V the
Northwest Halfbreed Claim Commis-
sion iu 1880, amithat was about the
only time when hfs name was. brOught
priiiibih'beii'A'tlpublie' •
Tnl AdiaTinek in falior of 'unres:
teted trade between Citijadri and the
United ". States proceeds' with vigor,
Mn Cluniton, K. P., spoke in favor of
it at IN atford the other day, and his
position' was ably endorsed by Dr:'
Tegart, a leading Conservative. SO
well was the subject placed before `the
meeting that it unanimously.'passed a
resolution pledging itself to stipporlf=
-&3nysfeii'sible am:V=rehohable'Scht!nfeiter
'odiiiiel'atil Union ' with the''Tinitl-Ar
States, which was carried without a
dissenting voice. At a meeting of 300
Noth York farmers at Newmarket a
resolution vas ' passed endorsing the
proposal for Unrestricted Reciprocity
between Canada'and the United States,
and by adoptingra freelewrimercial4o1-:
icy.betweem thes'tivol, countries•Would
not lessen,ioure ldyialtr ' to egteers*ie-
tsiria, or 'end/anger" !British comtectiou.
The Eastgaliddlesext.Parmers' IiistitaL,
te'met fits Vongn lastl Thursddysaial
passed a resolution116 , the" effect that
ce,oinidrew. Union.. with the United
Atlas 'would Le of material benefit to
the farmers of Canada abd to the peo-
pie of our Dominion as a whole.
In the matter of George Murray, .of the
\Tillage (.1' in.the County of litns,
on. Tvlercletrit.
Notice is lieoeby given that the above •
named George Murray has made an assign
merit to me,'undcr the provisions of
chapter 26 of 48 Vietoriu,Ontario;Statutes,
of all his estate and dhow in trust toe the
benefit of all his creditors. ,
meeting of the creditors" of the, said
Estate is hereby enlivened and will bo.
hold the law offiees. or 0 ib bon s,
• Me -
Nab & Mulkern, London'on Monday, the '
121•11 day of 'December, A. IX, 1887,, at
2.30 o'olock le the afternoon, for the nit,
'as to insItoilv.sPootlY Clearatite, thereforewe weal(' invite all., intending pilr-^
Ta Call and Ii3spect our -Stook
BADS, mid note, ..P.A6t1§, of a1l:Ne5v GOodi, -
. Er
Our- Stock of NPri 'ing -St4
7' Stationery, consistiiig,to all .4e3
107-sAhtilleading grades of P n -401
ftriilind Ailey ruled and it 'itAi
Ca'i"tileil Papers, Cards and Eti
6:4; • "ieloPes; 1initist complete.
Call 'atia list prices at.
Main - strie4,1 - Exeter.
• New Plemisesr'
S 0 IV -
Respectfully ren inds his matiy,
Chstotners and'. the ifrublic
• generallY that le has, ne-
lassvetlstossi '
o% *MOO*
• Main Street, EXETER.
Where lie has jgst. received
Hand -made work thelighed
A Trial Solicited, and:
Satisfaction., Guaranteed,
;IWC:1_11 ttifild7)
For Balance of 18.8T
Another spell of,weather ! \Var
the east ! Terrible cata5trophe..f1
poinininit'of inspectors and the giving of. ,. itti,N ew ' York). 53 people. sue- •
directions. with reference to the,disposal . eurabIto base ball fever. ,.Police,:
of the said Estate. ordered _out to keep back' the ,.. •
All creditors of the said Estate are here Crowd * from ottr 'Weitikimus
by re(Inirell to file their claims, with, icy Stiveiel seriously jimmied,
Solicitors, Gibbons, NicNitb' &.,.1‘11.11kern, ,
London, (as dir,.etett by the Said., S1Vbv,rn
tatute) ' ' ' ---'-- - -"--
. ,
on or borer/Alio day of such meeLin Look out for snow. Fathers with. '.
. 20 .
after February 2nd, 1888, I shall. 'proceed eligible. daughter:4i ,Unhangthe
10 distri !Ate the said Estate, 1)4111'1,e renerd. '., 1...Limit oaf and bity one of our .
w ' •
ily to such claintsr,es 1 shell have noticosY sofiis, warrantedto 'bring
ce ..i;
of ; and toliall, not be responsible for the'. . Ilie "'""' bathful iYoung.'1343' 1)1'
its.sole tir the said Estate or any part there-. . ,. . the country, to !iiiie, ll ,.hart
Or 10 any person. Or liera011S Whose elfiim , Ortlo'f.' 1.30(.18i SPrnig. 'Al attrasse.S,,,,
Or elai ma filia)1 not have been filed; .0, . toungcsi etc, etc., 'in endless:. '
Dated iSeceitibet 71h, A.0 D.'1887, i variety. '
. A. S. Iscsierensans. row() 11)(.tcq,,ii.ribei*.
Uttalge in., Ile ilitiOlij ,,-and ; Mere ,
ttimoietwialtittg :-..". '
Om Stock ni Caskets, Coffins,' ,ffelaffi andfq. '
, .
it all a dettision Nasmsay and hit Gineows, Alas A B 1VIt1tt:sass
coadjuters appa'rently,,se hold. * ilh' retft1t'6, Tionao'co
Tun IttizfAiNn-ft vacant jUdgehipS.
111 OntaCio'berffillcd at the Meeting Of
• the Doinieton Cabinvt, the. lucky men
being Mr, Pugh MatMaliont Q, C. of
Torontoand \V 1?. P. It. Street, of
Lemke, Mr. ItlabAlal(bil built up a
11%,.0 o..ti itnt..at..;yo'racti2e, cao
IR it it 1.1; I).
ioN 'en
h u
. 30tlt., by the Rev. 12), M.:1'.i-seri-
110(1,y, _Mr; George iNleltss to ..Altikss
Lc e Li lit itcliel 1, hodi of D. akliton
X30 ,
11:A1"A. L-1.1:11 s the
Wife of 'Valentine itat4, Of a gen.
Tritninhr.ifi, are itlielfddied.
Undertakers, ne Wogs, 0 tilimies„ ne atie
I1 c111c. .00i• jaleas,weir,vel 0mirselvo'i
rind mi most people iconiv thy are very,
moderato ; ne undtridand, and make
ceirdly at this ,.1,1.141 lir 1111' 1111,411611il,
CI11116 ftl sae befate•z4.fiti 'fitly,' Open daY
Ladies' D ,
olmans Jackets &;
rlsters, Misses' and Maids:.
Ul ste s, an sizes:.
latk 81 Colored Silks
SATIN Dress goods.fttiatf tire' neweSt colors and • style.% Pjaiw andFancy?
Plushes, Sonnets; and Pla.isksand Fancy Hosiery and Gloves. Alilo a fall. nue:,
'of) MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS'
RATS and; CA PS---
wilMe sold at tie t LOWES1 rfOSSIBLE.PAItr
A Positive Cure. • A Painless Cure..,,
• DrstAszs O laAist. •'
7..,T.:,T,73301NT'S EM5MCIVIC ' 8, .
rtlE REar He.1LTII IlEdrt;grElt, ,
Marvel of Healing, and Katirmor of medicines• ,..
tiae aerrIbilti=paire2=iiiictevevorrZoireiretIoni,
1-a., (DIM
Who art 1.,rokeu ilown fiavle,thii effects of libuso will End in No. 8s radiehl mire fei'Mervous.
deliffityparganic weakness, involuntary vital losses:etc.)
• STurroms von wawa No. f:PlitiferniiThd US14113.-Wluit of energy, vertigo,ivtant of p,urpose,
• dimness o, sight, aversion to Atichity, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation,'
• fiesircifor listlelasness and inability to f the attention on a particular subject,„.
ii.fAtardiusJititpression of spirits viddiziess loss,ilf memory, excitability ifi* temper spar.,
instornhota,o?sloss of the moil:nil illuiclthe result of ,self.alinso or maritatexeess-
taeosisiunatts. .1), emaciation, barrenness,. palpitation of the heart, hystirTocreelinWv
a firenrikA tirinfinf inelancheiv, disturbingdreams, ova, are all symptoms of this terrible' ,
ofteniar*Vriliocently ncquired. In'shoxt,rthiS,upring of vital force having lost itte
tensionfisv,e)tyPhiytion wanes in consequence. Solentifirrters and the superintendents,
Of Insane asylvni.unite 111 ascribing to tho effects of selifiliuse the great nanjority.of
wastectliVes1Whichicome under their nersiaa. If you aro incompetent for the arduous
duties of titefinesesiyincapaeittited for the; enjoyments of life; NO. 8 offers an escape fronv
ithe ofrattwear1y1 tee. If you aro advocaat in years, No. 8 will give yon full vigor and .
.? -strength..., it you arc broken down, .physically sea iners,ily from early indiscretion, tho,
?alma ot-iibtaiotanco•sidd font, send your address and JO cents in stamps foHlr. V. Lusoff's
Book .tksrin on,Diseases ("tiffs% Sealed end secure from . observationit
Address alebomattlik tendons to MI. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington $t. E., Toronto."
Man withewisdeffe '35 in a leers paradise.. CURES GUARANTEE% .. HEAL JHE,SICK.4.
A Permanent' eirtre.,
And the proof oCtliespuddifig is' insttns,
eating, and If 'you rare not,already!
a cuitonseisof
Lbeetn:e ono and prove'for ybilr,sOlf that,
,fie -has the Lest broad,,and,Conlec-
tionery in tci1itt.0.
%Veddinr ()Ake s
' A 8ii.eaillt*:.• ' " •
, ,
,TWoidbors north Drew's Opera) HouSes
' Main -Street - Meter..
. 1 ,
Irhe Elirtni, English Preseriptiono:
14.. ,FoJ ccesi3f ul Medicine used over ,
80. years in thousandsof e
Ciirefi ,Spermatorrhea,, Hereotis":4:ft' '
, ases.
Werikareas, E.ntisstonn, .1mOotereO i,„ ,
And ali diseases causedby abuse, .."' 1
•Introincl'intliseretion. or over-exertion, lAttEal
six Ottekhges Guarani eed 1 o Cane w56.a a ietsPr$
1I.(111. Ask your Druggist for 'EhGreat BROW.
d'eeseri of leo,. take' im substitute), One ,package
RED,i/Z, m StR , the pLAct, ,fit, big SA by. mailt.Wrivti;or
Eutetta ‘Cht,evait
., .31,r C A.
Dre4 g.,•01(1. StO11,11—011e c10bs 1. sold irc •ut7J, it 71 d
•aortlt,. ‘.1\folson's Bank. , degrad
ists e,. ,
Rowe •dt: Andrew% erugg
• Watchmaker and 'Jeweler, •
OlockS, ,
Silver and
11ated Jewel6ry0:.
• and iiisicaLiiiStrumenis.
S'' ftLfilifil (II UV to '
i.till I iitilivJA !
\21)1111:11141111?)S. Is,'
' If 1.
vb. 'folk
Pepatfin I,*8r
•S.alisfaction Guaranteed,'
'1 '" s,C.'TtoNtm