The Advocate, 1887-12-08, Page 2;Amapa= or frn 14,40. I THE GPILAI 1411.011,40,
;fie y.1 Peter Chedetiaing lite, the Wield" Tea ,itreson nom the leetwatio-ciernaair
Prenehrertal cwerfterhineele het. In' ./eteeet sag 'kegs'. fer
Itsgels*g C.""°7-Th'il°14.1 Slim"' I reitese-horreee fir the -Crete rrienne•
A lase (Thursday) 414/hi's London cable A last (Thursday) oehle
soya: Tee Rehabetag wee ;opened te-dey,
hfililetet Von Poettieher risi the 03Peecin
ire:oaths Throne. The speech woe 'Mahan-
tiallY is felloilli "GerMenY in her
foreignpolicy hap snoceesfully endeayored
to sprengthen the pesos of Europe by the
cnitiretion of friendly relent** With of
She Pewere,by treaties awl !Mance* Mining
to evert the dengers of wor te jointly
eppose lane upiest attack,. Germany hie
no liggressive tepdenoies. She hate•no wants
le he satisfied throogli eiotorion ware. An
uncearistian disposition to surer* neigh,
boring peoples is foreign te Our German
;Were and to the constitutiOn of thi
Empire. The military orgepizetint of the
ninny is not celoidated to disturb the
peace of her peighbors by arbitrary attacks.
(lemony is strong in parrying surprises
rid in defending her iudependence. She
wishes* to become so strongthat ehe can,/ an
With compoture every danger. Theresunap-
ien of the Reichstag coulee at a serious
'me. The grave complaint with
Weir the Crown Prince hem *en
sated fele the mind not only of the
sneerer, but also, of his august allies end
he whole of Gehmany, with onxioris care.
othing that kurnao earvice, knowledge and
direful tending cap do will ,be left undone.
ur eyrs. and proyers, however, are
ireoted toward,Cood, whose decrees rule
he destinies of dare* as well *she life
f the ierlividnals men.. Brno COOfidra0 "1°414' ellovung that he ha 'I" thol
ui God aenci.dituhealfisi"ealefultbry4griarvr mow"' till, 11,19artniningrallteerbowry owf viothttlathieirdSVC a
he nied support of our people), sod they mese of dietwationewhereethe eherp betide
ow also enable' 1111 SW CIO iitetiCe te the PimIghea 11P the tlniverh4 tho;
abort' iiwaiting the, Legislation. Thsre beck' of'the heed ere frequent unitraite
es been e gratifying iraproversent is sloe the buckle, await hesuppoeed, that cereise-
bisitditni;xntofytebser ca:veuoileieLanwo bit atorLeareetrisus oeit sosiouaseaoftj.htelieb^obreypeledefeeatiim: thezastublewritois ethers oie
early! fifty million mewl* Bilk will be the premiseee showed, thee liktna heal
ntrociuced, sheliehinio compubany coon.. wiped the blood ofrshe bleeOing body °Inn
utions on the part ,of, ofherere sad h0Y and buro ea the relleleithirrhisit he dad
it. The shirt the bo worer whose In wee
nye ; One yen ego yesterday wee borne sae
Iti the Prinoess Beatrice, and the first anni-
versary was selected bytthe Queen ei aria
timing Oey for the Priecers' little girl.
The ceremeny throughout wee simple and
indeed demooratio. Little about it seg.
ifooked royalty. Doobtless We W special
compliment to Scotland, the Queen chose
the baptism fermula of the Bench Preeby-
terian Church, and selected to offiniwte et
the font Dr. Lees, only three day* home
from his visit to New York. He * the
roinhater of St. Giles', Edinburgh, dean
of the Thistle and principoil Schnell °hap.
kin to the Queen. Thes, for the first tiMe_
—tbecomee the Steeds were Ostholics--a
royal infant has been baptized into the
Scotch Presbyterian Church. 1
One e'clook was the hour selected, the
place being shit drawingroom so often re. I a
forted to in the Queen's; books, with win-
dowse overlooking the pictureso,ne 'Alley of
the River Dee, in the beckgrouud of which t
rise the shedemi of the historic GrOMPiars t
Hills. It is. plainly furuisheil apartment w
such as a successful merchant might plan'
r-16 long room, rioh in windows, light and E
views, with curtains of ,the Balmoral tartan t
dropping upon a carpet of the Stoart hunt- E
.ing tarten. There is not one very luxurious o
belonging about the room. Upon the walls 0
hang proof engravings of Landseer's famous
deer scene' ef his suggeetions of hunts over t
eetuer and hills.
At one extremity et the drawing.roorri
stood groups ot Balmoral tenants, keepers 11
and sotenciants—good, sturdy Highlanders ' t
—with their homilies, ail in picturesque
and verimeted costumes. At the other
extremity was ratiged ill aristocratic group: b
of guests—the Princess Frederica of Han- co
over, the Dowager Duchess of limbureh
and the Marohionese of Ely, Court ladies.
in -waiting ; the Counter' of Erroil, the j
Earl of Hopetoun, who is the Lord High b
Commissioner to the Church of Scotland ;
the Right Hon. C. Ritchie, Cabinet Minis-
ter hi waiting; Sir Henry Ponsonby, the
Qtteen's conadential geometry Prof. end
Mrs. Profei, the Qaeon's particular neigh-
bors and her family friends, together with
many other favorite guests. Several deer
Jooked infrom the lawn and seemed startled
When the exercises opened with the singing
of a Scotch hymn by a ideated Aberdeen
In the centre of the room staid theRoyal
Ariaidmother, surrounded by her Indian
oservants—dark Orientals blazing in red and
/.gold.. It did not seem thee a Queen and
1:Einpress seood there, but rather a vroinan
mod & mother, wearing a emile which seg.
gated youthful tenderness. She wore •
dress of black silk, trimmed with Necklace.
Across her breast she wore a narrow scarf
octal* Belmoral pleid. Beeide her stood
Azdisistather, mother and nurse, who held she
* axiom cause of the assemblage, all fronting
s, the chaplain, who in dress suggested the
owell.known picture of John Knox. Not far
-way was another nurse holding the year
-old prince, who looked around with dawn-
, ling wonderment. There was nothing royal
or pretentious in the dresses of eitherlsaby.
• slthough the christening robe, with itit
• wealth of bottom embroidery and adorn-
, anerds of lace crossed with a Scotch rib%
;ion, wits the object of muoh admiration.
Cariosity was visible upon all feces se
She minister approached the naming, be-
. cause as yet the name was a secret. He
a finally announced it as "Victoria Eugenie
• Jidia Ens." Eugenie, after the ex -Empress ;
after the Princes' Bettenberg, the
German grandmother, and Ens as a Scotch
The math used was from the River
• JUrden. °?iter the baptism was sung the
new hyinn by Sir Arthur Sullivan, and
- the service concluded with the flinging of
• a chorale known as the "German
What followed? What follows at any
'well regulated christening? The whole
•affair pissed Off in a thoroughly domestic
•way, and net came luncheon for the
.40 classes" and afternoon jollity for the
Irtmelltee *re 11Nrir 414.1YZ
;Ibe1esicIrlaser et a Cates** Atarrailloa--.
purtaig hreeverdert
A PIlicsoo flimpoich isjoi;.4_1100401!
who hid wonted te eclePe *4e ell; Gill -
lean, the II -year-old etelPerne Of 4000
11011411, Wit by his corpse on Linea/1400ot
SO-dey end soblieil ae if her blare would
*will. The child had Wen beet* tockath
by Baty*. His polar, frail little body wag
liter/MY illyeed. The boy wile the Oon 01
HlitZILIVO grit wife, whoM he Married in
Germany and who died them oboe* hare
yentas°. He married *gain within three
inept* after her drath, and Inlesecoud wife
died Jena 151h !esti& Chic:ego. ileoceilmaal
&Praire the poor little weit oL s itergion
has reeeived more kicks than ranisto and
woe half -starred all the time. The neigh.
bora soy the boy wee a hiee littii felteew-
rfe 0004 not Pier itt borne to be beaten
and stirred, but leet night he retuened
when Hotel* WI. out. Hittelni Went air
to.the boy's bed when he returned.. undo
taking * leather strap to which was
attached so heckle, simply flayed the help-
less boy alive. This was *bout '10 o'clinle
last night. The neighbors heard the,
screams- of the boy then, and loiter, about
midnight,they were owahened by a fresh,
attack, of Ole ita to brute. Nothing,
further wo$ heard untilithismorning, when
the strund.of, blow* sad groaning could be
heard once more. '
About et!eloslothiemornias Matzke, told
lane of Om neighbors thet the boy had died
eudden/Y, end they pent word to the
Coroner end notided the pollee. Detectives
found'tlie belle of the boy, yet worm, at 10
The mimeo Execution Coonteared by a
clergyman te the Crucifixion.
A Hartford (Conn.) despatch says: An
excited meeting of the Society of Unity
Church (Unitarian) was held to.night, hav-
ing been called to dismiss Rev. John 0.
Kimball because of hie enarchietic gym-
tiathies. His sermon on the Sunday fol-
lowing the hanging of the Chicago
orlarobiste compered the affair to the cruci-
fixion of Christ and gave greet offence to
many of his congregetion. After a sharp
,debete of two hours this nesting Mr. Kure
hill secured the floor, and said the sermon
wee inspired by 4,• *tromp power." He
Raid also that the principles of the &net -
objets were destioed to triumph, and that
he could not take back. 'Ingle sentiment
he hod uttered, however iniPoPuler or
whatever the result /night be to him per-
sonally. The vote to dismiss him was lost
—yeses, 38; nays, 49. The lady member!'
of the society, who chnpose nearly half of
it, voted altnost solidly for Kimball end
secured the/ result.
Asether Sad (mise or she loess or Nearly a
Whole rend ly.
A Cleveland (Ohio) despatch say.: A
German workingman named Friedel, who
carer to this city a few years see with a
yonng eon, hearing 'Managed to lay up tome
Money, recently' sent for his wife and his
five other clan/Iran, who had reakined.ih
the Vatiaerlend. Mrs. Friedel andel** , Tenthe Bereenoneet,
little ones sailed for Anierica on the !Ammar A Syracuse, N. despatelt Nevi: The
Scholten, end they Were all eradrig the lost. wife, Arid eight children of John P. Frost.*
The unfortunate' Man horned Of his Ion laborer 'heath mills in %hill city, were
toolay through !fleas Ana if hind with ldist *ith the *threat Scholten. Frost
grief. ' • came from Wad Prussia ebout nine mouth"'
ego end asved, all his money to pey for the
'peonage of his Wife and children. It took
all tile saeinge, OA to btiy the§ tickets.
Imperial officials to. the. widows' sad
orphens' fundsi,inoreasing the corn Ohne, whipped was•fdrend dinonnevio, a abed
back of the houseoft weaslioaked *thole"
blood, and the clean. shire wallah, Dhaka
pot on the poorrlittle• fellow he almeett air
Matzke is VP years. old, nut WIWI OM.
ployed los furniture friomrY• Ifo'heetvive
tittle sons of his. oven„ aged 4) and; %yea*
respectively. Henke el:Asir:8dt an unen-
viable reputation in the neighboshoed OOMO
time last summer. by %resonant of sr
yoeng woman whonobe engsged) se- house. 1
keeper. He mad:. proposals- of marriage
to her after she hadibeen, working; far himi
four deep, and wanvery much. enraged as
her because she wmplodready betrothed to.
another roan and, decline& the hones of
being hie wife. Itiondated *hat hooliaegedi
her with stealing half, a shush of hisoktop
wife and some piecsocf,table linerabutabw
net only proved her innotienee„hui showed.
thet he lied out the shaedi himself, end'
hidden away the liantli
When officers arrived at Illatzkiihe homier
they found him sorted in. the Menem
smoking. He was promptly eirrestedi /ha
man had evidently, been drinking. hue
whether before or after thetnagedy twosome
apparent. He was very reticent, and) pee-
tooded not to understand English.
modifying the"Landwehr and Landatinan
system so, that it will be considerehly
strengthened, relating to. the ineurance of
erasion in case' of old age and. eleknese„
modifying the friendly sosiatiee. law whit
regard to the sale of wise, temporarily
prolonging the Austro-Gennan treaty acA
ratifying treaties of comma,* with. soon,
American States."
One hundred and fifty. deputies. wear
present. The placesonereedfor members.
of the omit were not, ocempied. The tho
diplconatio gallery there Weft only &dew
military attacher, bufethe- public. galleries.
were crowded. At =DOW the membett of
the Bundeerath entered **White Rant.
which was illuminated.. seat took positions.
on the left of the throne. During shamed-
ing of the speech the Minister. wee. often
interrupted by slipknot end embusiastic
cheers. As the hose he &cloned the Reich.
stag open, and Herr Wedell, Biesdorfff.the
President of the body, called kw cheerio for
She Emperor, which weragivew witbeenthuo
4111131. The Presider*, in his opening
',Odra*, alluded to the serious nature of
the illness of the Crown . Benno sea**
grief of the country overliatate. Ansiety
concerning his conditionoelegated all other
'thoughts to the bookground. The MOM -
hers would join, the Brendan* said; in
expressing their sorrow and;declaringshat
they,placed their confidencain God'agrace,
andliercy. He asked authority to convey
these sentiments to the Emperor and send
the following telegram, to the 010WW
Prince: "The Belching). in profound
reverence and cordial, Iowa thinks of "Spurr
Imperial Highness. Mey.iiiod proteotyour,
precious life and preserewilefor she salve -
Son of the Fatherland."' The Deputies,
listened to the addresa standing. and
unanimously approved the President's.
TANNING A 110411,11111)11.
Private Justice Owestabies. •Toosaw
Georgian with. Legal Comsat.
An Atlanta (Ga.), despatch says olNacon,
officials have adopted a novel tun cruel
method of inflicting panishinent on biro-
nile criminals. young negro, named
Parker was aerated, yesterday on, tho
chargeof abstraetiega sack of corn from
the bairn of a farmer hy the *moot Damien
The latter withdraw his complaint with
the consent of the. authorities, the boy%
father agreeingendlog him if leniency wan
shown. At neon the peaent ap,
peared at the. harnicke with a. long, ugly
strap that had done service sot h buggy
trace. The boy was not *period of what
was coming, wad when it watt annentined
tbat his father had come the yonk-
ful offender wee about to, jump with
joy, but whoa the door of the cell opened
end the strap was noticed he wilted."
The father wee not dispond to hartA
upon ceremony, and at one commended
the lad to relieve himself of his coat and
shirt. Thie wan done, but with greet
teluotance. As goon as the body was bora t listens,to, their speech* and replied. Ho
the strap swung high in the air, quivered I confided. *My friend sleet it was liner,-
fot e second end then came, down with sible he could be, captured, became, eoeti 11
swish and a stack thati mined the black the indica effected an "finance, he hoid
skin chi the boy'e body to turn white in secret, Mein of exit. The interview was
stripes. Thirty.nine titnes• did the strip ended by Pyxis letering a bottle Ind w
come down with owl/Melilla smoke. The tuniblet by a kag chord, and his, viiiitor
son was exhitisted Wit tin, and his pledged him Inalth and W0000211 good;
bare back bed a nekening appearinde. IrishiWhiskey. Nothing could 'how better
The hystarideni interfered at this point. **saddened seriousness of the skentioe
fearing that the hated fathet would kill inhotter dots Ireked then the fah that
hie atoning. liVheia the hist • kali fell the this comical episcide awakens so, smile,
As Amusing alteteh ot Kr. igna.,,,IIIRIN.Spo
idetiootgi -1ElioPt•
A London cable says :. A oorrespondent
now in Ireland sends a whiessical socomik
of & visit lie paid the other, awr www cssIIs
neer the Blookwatestiu vrhishlideireouglas
,Pyne, M.P., now resieti, ilia. sondes el a
writ. Lisfinny Castle colon* alb sing*
tower or keep, shout ninetyfeh• high, dat-
ing from Sir Walter. Relent/11e. time. and,
surrounded by a Inge farmyard. It hoo,
only one nerrow door at the Whim ark a
small window mar the *won. the same
side The other opening...are tioy, hinge
loopholes too smaileo adoull moole head.
The lower half hit* matliehasbeen com-
pletely separateddronothre 121iplee• peat by
legs and mammy, alai the heirease is
said by Pyne to. be so =demisted that
many lives willi be lose ifs an atatempt is
made to force it. My frienditailed Pyne
from a haystack outside. Ityne waif too
shortsighted to. recognise Wine hat lie
knew his voice and let himself demo on a
sopa inside to oloophola some thirty feet
above the gromd, whence he conversed for
tt long time. He is in high *huh epirits,
end saye the exercise he, go* in going up
sled down theorope keeps him its splendid
health. Thiponly dieffissulte was the cold,
but he had huffed the loopholes, with hay,
and when a stove wee lighted he Wise emits
onnfortabla, barring the fah that the
stovepipe was too short sad, filled the top
of the chamber with sinoke. He had '
plenty of whiskey anOtobaeco Ana cannel!
/meats encogh to last till spring. When;
deputatioris come to, visit him he lower, I
himself down tothe onside in an arm,
chair, suagended bent a windlass, to about
NOT 4/ NO1110 /0 hid NIPX F014 '2140.4;
The Colette Thee' Ititarratted !WWI Ph,
WI111 Fornly ski+
4 °Moeda deePateb say.: Willsem
Myer, who 'het MO Wifi and child, reel
wooly and ofterereple gene himself up. ee
bbs police4 hie mida * WtilwntwO of tkwo
gleam Whine te tariMe.
don't know hen I come to do the
iihoetine," he Mid. 404'0 mee4 tO oar
was not peeve of whee I woo doing,
but rather that ; liednot premeditated it.
The trouble hes been brewing for two
' / hen) been married for 'about
taventy-foor yeertai but for the poet, two
years I, up to Suncliay last, ;spoken
',Word tirmY wife. Infect' ',had Pet, eveo
seen her more than three or four *sea We
lived in the omen hen*, hut whenever 40
would hear *renter ohs would shui *melt
in her Mom lead remain there until left.
About three eeere ago she began to treat
inc with a sort of Wens contempt, whieh
began finally ter he so unheerable thee I
couldn't stand end I loft her compere,
lively to hereeihi I fareiheed the mesiceof
nipport, however.
everathing went hong in thnt
will until Siimity 'aftiontoon, when I wene
home, and, going upstairs) went to a store.
room to get sontething I found the door
Inked. end was about togo for a key when
my datighter, seeng me, told me I should
not, go auto that room. mired her why,
for insomuch as it manly hone I, sup-
posed 1 had a righe }logo where I would in
it. Just then my wife appeared on the
scene wills • poker in, her hand and de-
plored I should not enter.. 11 thew went out
and bought a roVolvt/01,intesang it for WI -
defence only, for I feared there aright be a
man in thee house who -would Greats se dis-
turbance, for which. li wiener'. to be iptee
I returned home about, liorolock end,
going into, the parley. now anuenber of
stringers there. .1 and good evening and
sot down. Sham tins* after my wife tarred
to me end asked lf Lind not bee* there
bog enough,at the seine time slopping me.
I left the rooms, end aftearthe compeay had
gone I went te where mpwifit wawand shoe
her. Not knowinj when the mule el nay
work would he /eft thinhousar
There is very /ink hope of, eaviag Mire.
Myer.' life.
reerieast rein*
• GOissUOr Ames, of lifeesachuselia
her life nummance to. the. Italowst et
2126,000. ,
Mrs. Celia Maher. the *Obit and) Poet
ha* become a convert to enteric Buddhism
Theyoung English woman, whs. figured
1. 85. ValentinsoBaker &fiber Wile alive
sad unmarried. e
Robert Mancheeter laperhaps the. oiliest
songoind-dance man on thedtmereisonsge.
He is worth mos thin $50i000+
English newspapers anuounoe•the dee*
of Hon. Captauseleyng , the:poled*/ A.D.O.
of Lord Lansdowne at. Gnaw* *year or
two ago. Ilia had only. been, seseatly
Mrs. Soottdiiiions. that a Masa iat
Kingston that heibuitand amain. kineatio
asylum in Austreekoand that lobo Ins net
heard shoat Meador somatiene..
Dr. Horatius recentlatter 50
a friend, .els:: My writing dayisare deo&
The public mink* contented with what I
have written intpeose auditoria.
Mr. John Greg, ?ALA:, eh Bdinburght is
the first Scotwetan who, laset aellidaleil the
distinction of pneeing theimaininatioate for
the degree of donor of.mulaio at Ceder&
The documents andliphom fon she eimpel
built in Bury. street foe Dr.. Watts) tin
father of Modern hynnology,,Inerty cake
into the handed:if Dr. John I/toughie:I, who
mentionsthat the totab hot ofi the. building
was only 03,500o That no doh* lbobse
large sum to,* expended for soak a por-
poise t'he diaya.of Qin* Anne.
The stew Canon of.PH4101 Ehehad. who
*deb to bis other dieldnotiens, that's! being
father of tbs. anomphabed editor or she
London 2'inerois a ripe scholar.. end ob.
tainedhis fhb:moth/omen than forty years
ago. It is understood. that Croon Ilitookle
leans to moderate limed Clinrole views, but
he has never been homy sensessipearty man.
• Killed; Toro. Mori an Oner Mot.
A painful sensation, wow caused yester-
day Dengoon. by the news, that twe cor.
porals of; the Eoyal Scots. Ihisiliers had
been shot by Poirate Mulligan, of the same .
enrol on the previous day between Cor -
regimen,. Some toidingtoorrel had coo I
pond. Thomas sad While
Thomas, WS& Seated on. Oorporal Crisp's
bed 'Mulligen, witicut winning, fired his
rifle at a distanee a a faniv feet. The bul-
let passed through Tinton' head and ,
entered Ceiseli" chest above the bent.
Dehh te ' both a
The, murderer narrowly eisceped being
lynched by the soldier*. The murdered
men were buried yesterday -with full mili-
tiry beano.. Gen. Gordon and hie staff,
with the entire reenteet of the Royal
Seote Fusiliehe were. preserit—Lovidon
fifteen fee* from tin ground, where he
. . lairesereat Igitakere.
Apnoea of gnaket bonnet, I woe told
last yeat that Seine autiquerion, wishing
to obtain a Complete dress belonging to thee
een„ shed the "comp* heathens of an old
Friend denally for some of their grand.
parents! gemenents. One can betray in -
.gins the horrier inspired by the unitive!,
"011,. you can hair* triti bread-htiinnied
hats, bat Shea* me no *neat' left, es we
took off the silk end Used there footlight
shade* in our thestrioals lest 'holidays. I
shirt and coat end wee teed home. He 4e, • 0•181 ittirii hut they did oseitel 1" Oh,
fainting boy *Mt forced to sesame hie outyWhere.
i VrIlila ailsaii: - AD tithois Ainpntoit int il I:. sit *aa , ritock should lone so little 'thieve** left-
. that the ' eteenrietiti Of the old Queket
ren's Fastity Magnin,
for the nterribry of their ancestors
. ,-,-....,.............., ' •
A reverend cahOri of, the church Mine
iihet On one oboesiOn it . fell to hie lot to
'ha deiniestiCiated, Spertne_f_hh,nanftitt‘irtah: lth,inittithrYttli;lof°,.°:0121stto his book. The .foot.
Witd bird.., including ;113 tie mg thrOORhotit the service
- - 7 in petting his finger to his' the/toad *Ohl/
will else be teeteined.
ii,,,, • . ,, , • . .. o • ; time his ninth laddreend Mini in 'Wend,
h, • , • •,• • it, ; beata oe . 4. renientrated in an nntiertoile t " Don't
' A tetas "'candidate for Congoke ii•eota 'trice with enteittnia.- the tee. gentle/nee
Will probehly ticketed say More core. fot•
Itikit °de" EaP4"1""
sta Etephaut as Notionai watitro
A Bridgeport, Corm., telegram sate/ s,
Prof. Seguin aria Dr. Godfrey hive dib%
noted` the cetcase di *ha -elephant Alice,
burned in Ilunclae's are at the Bereinn
Bailey winter quarteri, In the mtdreach
Were foetid over 809 penpies, patt of a
picket knife, four eerie ferules,* piece of
lead pipe end some pebbles.
—If ell the Preeidetits electenO in the,
tinitedfhisteti &add ben placed in row they
woeld reech froin Waithingtoe to Cleveland,
pens caught neer Grohs slated, river St.
Lawrence, arrived by, Dominion Espies.*
for the Central SeperingentelYstra They
Will ba,added to the live peed* collection,
and ego** will be nide to See if the este
children resgrid from 8 niontha up to 22 `na P"Pealbig?"-"oilEte:t4rt,,,,ititte, wt7r4ahaY°Aitriortbinmeh.tad'Tjahnn'albouttkd "Wilt
His Wife whiehout 45 yeera Old. and the
years of age.
A printer in the Ptianktity (Pe.) 3511
named Segel& Reba, is lint years old. Ile
the 6:Often:lent of the ericesion Allowed the thou takeSi* woman ?" jobb, beer.
unread pert of the roll to beeartie unwound 14, in mind the vicir'i hie*, tetilied
neon the hoot,' Where lie twine tO rail-!' After you, air," kha theetehereibled friends
road isilitie; he aiteitoreted thet nreti beret into leughter.
Was arrested for " maliciously trespassing."
It deniea• inthotiv tut th inteetient hearer, •had out Oft ilia poet, Ateinhere Of the VedetaiiitialoofetY soosarI
For. IS on moment he steed oirdeteri, Mid then' *1114 fruit frbig ig 5 Perfect toed, the aPPle alone
of aunty' Ward Bee -cher ie -.boning Joni 11cihuridete4 who the has stoith W44.1'618 to intatain bit. end linage for A
of merited ditiedeinee. my teiliae011' !keg time.
lifhttesiMre odoki,
A Arg7g9rk Apipoa oky• so-ripim
reser510, Ruona404oke, folowiiit7
gilds* petit,:
Tbarthe in old eiga-senise ere toe
Far healthiLthe Midge, Om, the' iinPillf01° aft
,f4W.441.,11we We, - -
For Proigeltot, everdieshies reeneries for you.
my •;nother, tlestp'1,011, PO4,1?O!,140:
brotheni,. mitten. Mends/.
FOr all Mt alto-41ot Mem cr peewee atopir--tha
darks! oar this same,
Ifer none wook, comma ,g*te Item foreign
Fetebelter, wine sod meet,der sweet etipteofti-
(Telogiotent. diet,ne)moien-07 Yount Or Old"-
sonntlesu imupeeided, beloved,
We newt met, and, iies'eav shell meet -and ritbetit
Bowls emorma Army, chew lied lose),
roz,, being, grimpia lees, Weida, words, booluitor
, colts% ternol,
For ell the brave, wrong; mes-,devottid, boadr
ineu-whcevotermient sprang in tonsitioesp
all years. all leads,
For btavirr, stronger, more devoted men -(s'
speolal laurel ere I go ke Wes wer's Owasso
The eannoneers of scow Audi thought -the gr. esde
artillerymen-t)e terentest ;eiders, eop-.
tains or the souk •
eseoldier from in•eudediwareetorred-iiiii travel-,
ler opt 61 zuy rii*44%, te the long preceptor*
neanks-iorfut thaninpf.-e: soldieeti, %wenn',
thank& WAViii WitiTUAN.
rsohnetric ernaceseLeiff.;
P10. Families of Childfew Ilroughe
TogetherUndene Goo Beef,
inarrilige ceremony wit* Performed
Ineday et the Ohio House, on Carter
street, saye the Chattesooga• Tenn, that
attended * great deed) of attest -iota. The
bride wee it mother and) the groom had
Site64; lwittWO wive*. Thee maniage wee
the outeeme of an inquiry, which' Om lady
roads share' moithwago'for • coureepon-
dent through a Cincinnati men The ledy
was Mra. Mamie C. Iloylet. cet, Oineinnah.
The mon who saw the inquiry, andl replied
*0 18 with. soccer' was John It Wendell, of
floottsborel, Ala. They roads lows by
letter, sheincepted by NAM, lie proposed
lo her by letter, she accepted byletter. and
athnel Mboltdeniwirrioniedutzeinseintechbortitatoop6Or soar. 2
Wendell arrireed in the yosierday and
procured the, license and' made- alt Ole
sorangemennto have ths memos], per-
formed by Squire Snyder at the Ohio
House as moos as his intenckdehoeldreorrive.
Mrs. Doyle *rived here Mom:open, with
her 14.year-obi son on the Cincinnati
Southern train. Mr. Wandehled exchang-
ed photographs, with Mrs. Deiyle,. reed he
W55 at the dope, ready to recognize his
bride. And* did. Is was the first time
they Ind met, hat they were fest friends st
once and quite anxious that the brief' cere-
mony that weatomakethemterain should
be performed a! once. At 1 sielooksio the
afternoon Squire Snyder tied the nuptial
knot and hula lister the couple, ire com-
pany with Mrs. Deyle's son, leitsfookkette-
bozo'. She is about 35 years off age. Mr.
Wendell is a business men st Seheshoro'
and is 40 years of age. She has. beets mar-
ried once and haw one child. Et Swabs=
married twice. Each time hs' married
widows with children. anci he hadichildren
by each wife. /11k present marriage there'
fore brings together five sets of; rehab:kern
who are brothera sisters, stepbrothers and
stepsisters, and moose of themalehough
brothers and sisters by the menage of
their parents are, after 'all not rebated fa
smolt other at all,.
A LOM1011. chemistry*
This is the laberatorY that jackbuilt.
This le the window in the laboratory that
Jack built.
This is the glees that lighted thiewindow
in the laboratory ehat Jack built.
Thin is the sand used in inahhag the
glass that lighted the wiedow, en tine
iaboretory thetas& built.
This is the sods that, melted veil& ,and,
coropounded tire ekes that lighted the
window in the laboratory that Jana built,
This is the sok, ri molecule now thet
furnished the -soda thst, melted wire:sand.
compounded tee glass thot lighted the
window in thelaborstory that Josh
This is thee ohlorine of yellowish hue,
contained in the salt, a moleculonew, that
furnished thttooda that, melted with sand,
compeundedt the glees the% lighted the
window in thabdinstory that Jack built.
This le the.eadistrin light and free, that
united witbehlorine of yellowish hue to
form eommore salt, si molnule, new, that
furnished tier sode. that, melted with sand,
cornpoundedt the glees that lighted the
window in the laborsitory shot Jock buitl.
This is the atom that weighs twenty-
three, consisting of *odium sea light and
free, thet uoited: with chlorine a yellowish,
hue to foram common salt, a molecule new.,
that funtiehed the soda that, -melted with
sand, compoended the glass, Shit lighted,
the windovr in the leboratory that Jaok,
Thise is the science of chemistry, thab.
teaches. of atoms weighing twenty -and -
three„ and of sodium meth so light and.
free,,that united with chlorine of yellowish,
hue to. form oornmen eitle„,as a inolecule,
new. that furnished the soda that, melted,
with eandf compounded the gloss the&
lighted the window in thee leboratory, that.
dark built.
A Story or These Ladies.,
Two ladies in Dover. Me., sew a men
kying,desiiik in the ditch one hot,' automat,
day,,velaiie his wife sat by his eiaaeltnittmg.
She had been walking home wills. him, and
when he 'Mo.:admitted and tell "'herbed coolly
taken 'Mt her knitting kneerlles, and; go* tea
work, so as to lose no time. One of the
ladle' anxiously said to the knitter
"What would become of him if he 'Mould
diei is thie Condition ?" " 11 deolare,"' said
the wife, as she was toeing a the hooking,.
" I dork't know whathie destiny 'would beli
in tin future, but he seenui to be having I
goad time now."
On the deck of tile Dutah entente Sohot.
ten, it. With a horrible hole in het bow she
rapidly filled with the Watere of the Eng-
lish Channel, an English girl hood coin -
posed end said to her emintryixieri about
her, "L44 AO stand iiide by side end go
dotiitt together." The spirit of that girl ii
the spirit that three the holloW alike° in
the iitat desperate telly On the bloody field.
It is the Opirii thist rnekee the loneliest
trader, or Missionary in tke lake of the sea
look up to the flee arid feet not in his hard,
/ship, It ite mo spirit that brings the
rori. Ordsis to the breast of so obscure
Millet, and nerves a Gladstone to await a
new day for all of Iltitain.--i,Cliioacia later -