HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-08, Page 1. , • 1" 'EtIEPER ONT TittIRSDAY .DECEA*113Eljt: 8 1887 NO. 2.7. 17,1* TvettrNov*. . • Exeter..Ont„ wyo,dimar 1,T:Filiyettilit,SuO;a171 titit,go Ackert/sing Rales 'en Ofilicatron. l" 1- 1 11 ' No paper a-un.i. a. arre Are pd. Advertisements wit,hout nu'ecidc directions will he pntlished till fv.rfAtf 0)M:chested aden'rtlingly., .1,11)6n1 discount mortkiVortratis icht iitiver°trxmenta inserted ;tor long periods. Every deSm iption of SOB PPINT- 'llEtrturned out In the finest' style of the art end at taotlentte rates. °herpes, money iirderti, &e, for ntivertIsipg, subSeript,le00, etc., to lie madepayablp to THOS. PASA1ORE, • Olitor and publisher. rit114811ed eVety"thurstliy trorBiklg, at tie iiice, .011.• 01:tuner' D 1111:C7 0 RY. -ErIECorm, CiintelI.-11,0v. 8, F. Robinson, Tritium- Widnt. Sunday Son:shies, 11 a. rn., and 7 p, tit ; Sah- 'bath lkhool, 2:30 p. ' SA:Nil:vox A extr•--,St‘Inday aeryieelS, 7. a, m m.' sod p. tn. services every uight during the week,, nt 8 el4oelt: HPliaceS Ineetina. at 11 n. tn. OR StMdaY• Outracu....i.htinesr. !Rev. J. Mullen), pa0r.4r. Sonlday'shrilees,..10,:lt0 Sabbtth 4)elten1, Prayer 'meeting 'frluttrsday iireen1ng441:.00.. ONAIN STRKET44,-qt0V,V417.11.. PaSCOC, Pa51,41r, 'SKri- §:lay; services, '1%800. h in, and p. Sabbath 2.40 p.' .Prayer meeting, essersitte,evole foe ;a 7.30, YOung peoples prayer tneetgfiturstiay 'evening rit 7.00. PHY,savvnatAs Cuuncit-Rev. W. 11.11artM,Testor, ,Sunday serVices, 11 a, 14. amil 600 p,In, Sabbath ;school, 9:45 a. oz. l'rsung pe4lea nleciiinfis at 44. l'hursdav eveiniur, prayer ntePting at 8 o'clock, 'Choir practice immediately after. Busines 4Ild eller Cards. 1111,OWNIN0; 31. D., 'X. (0. 'P; 8. Oraduatc of VietorinJUniversiby.,*Ohlee athrresidence- 1 Dominion Laboretsfry,,Ifseter,90t. . June, 0=87. spit. OFFiCE—MA S'rEEET, Exeter; up stairs, opposite r.lentral Botch Side ant-. ance'on the south-Jaines street leading trrthe Meth Uhurch. . , CENSED AUCTIOINIXR. , . VOK the TowaShips of Nay and Uslionie.,- ikli.orders nrsmiptly atfonded tr. Eget& sp:s7.,‘.0sit., WILI,,IA,11 noresemoseesee AUOTIONEEff,for the Countics.,01 Middlesex and Lamiston, anti TOWDS11111:i Of $tephen ;Ifni nty. All ;fares prPnt, "ptly attended to ' Address all comnuinitailions to AV. Rota, peiriOtlite, °aerie.. , fi• dOELIN$/ePAAR;STE11,'' i'enlieltos of Supreme Confiatfil,fittarin,Conitnistittid, +Conveyancer, , Office—Next iloorto Ssinrwell Pick - cards, Exeter, Ont. Money to'hatn aVvel:v lowest rates. _ nicesoe,,,parrlsior, Solicitor of, Sppretne Court, 'NotaryPublic. Conveyancer, Cern 'Inissloner; kif '1100(w tiSlman. Office- Fanson's Bloolt, Exeter. • . LO. le, NO. 924, EXETER. Meets Fume Feseev.in every month sin the new Odd Fellows Hall: at 7.30* ',O'Olock p.'m. Visitirig 'Brethren dwarf "0,1Pf4.9'9•• 0 Wtunis, Ar. W.;€4.ANDERS, Sec. O. F.,, No. 67, EXETER. , . , Meets every Tuesday evening. in John's block. AC01, dial welcome extended to visaing' brethren. . ALBERT knits. N. 0 J. T. wEsTcon, „ I0. T. EO. 123„, . • Atieets the second and fourth Friday:of each month, ttu fiansotes :free nt 4o'eloolf. p. in Visiting Breth- • wen cordially Onvited. .il iton0wra,,5. „r., PICKARD, See. TE L BILLINGS . 1131K N 't (Office over 'O'Neils Batik, 'Exeter, Ont. - :Nitrous ,aside ,Otto far *Wogs extraction. act,: 14 area L. 1). S., extracts teeth withotit 3)44) 'by giving Vegetable V;tpor, or using the new Atues- Male ont he gums. liaLes Gold Fillings, and all other • dental work the best possible. GOOD to Zurich last l'htirsdny in each month. EAST SIDE 0I? MAIN` STREET, EXETER. KIVSMAN, DENTIST; H COUNTY N8ws Frobiloos'and Fields lof Huron County Farmers. OUR UliTIRING CORRESPON'S Items pf: Interest Fro), Iiialoettern .= Centre's. A Record °IP tiff h - Deaths, Removals, Fires, Ss, and Aecidente • -Biddulpli Breezes. • • The farm of Mi Joseph . W. • Atkinton, '3rd cohellidiltilple, was sold hy 'auction toeMreiTanies Stanley, ,.of Luca,n, for the slue of $5,300. The farm is well impree- ed and'a good'farte; 'and se'ven years ego, would Move sold fur $7;000, at the Price' it was was t!,()RSidOre(.1. .cheap, and is tie elitelpeet.SOldliere'foreonie thee. . ,CARTIV, NIGHT, LDS, $ursseon Dentist. arsoesteof the Royal Collegeof Den- 1.al Surgeons of Ontario. Ctkoished fine den- ial rooms, ?next door to Trebto's 'farness shop, Mein - 'street 2seter,'0111,3 ,wherd, 1 ampwpared to perfores , branches of the profess]) 0 witlrelise anti shill. , „ . CH A.RGES MODERATE—TERNS CASH. SALE REGI$TER. , the eve. oelhiedeCarture'he weirpresented hiepticils with a haedsoine dressing case inelbleek. We wish him success in his eel* oppartiire. Mr. A. Hothem, Ste1lle7 -Well take charge of No. '10 'till ' '119!I • .tte'phen. tho,f8fito,virig is .4 correct report of tlie,pupils of School No S, Stephen, for the month of 'Nevetnber. The re- port is based on good • conduct ep`d general proficiency during the month: 'Sr. 4th CIttil—W. Morrison, 482; ,A.eabeho, Alotiali, 45$; 'bucereta Jory, '367; Chas Sanders, '362'; Iff.reM tfillap• ton, 3i. , Jr. 4th. -Olass--Ecl, 'ShriPton, Ella Shapton, 552; Ada Jory, 530; Minnie Morrison, 52$; Lucy Jory, 447 Minnie Swee, 381; Clara'Sanders, 329. Olass-'-Ida Sweet, 487.; Frsnk 'Senders,. 441; jalnes Bagaletw, 263; 'EmuiaSariders, 177; Wesley Dearing, 116. 2nd Class --Thos Sanders,"6$2; Alex Box, 604; Welter I)earing, , 5211'e Thos. 492; Wme.B.ecIden, 471; Vary Mbrrish, 442; Emilia Penhale, Viet. rangshaw, 2S0; Ethel Sweet, -'240; Jam4Sandere, Martha Fad, 80. Past II_ed..,Setiders,'pl30; Williain Rweet,(607$; Haeridt"Metrish, 523; C. Dearidg, §",11;' Henry Dearing, 480; JGhrt I:awards, 468e 'Eleanor'Stanihk ell; Sam $aeclers,;,.340; Geo. ',Header), 35. 'The avereeeittendaece for thc month wee3. Arrexemination will be held in the 'aboye mentioned school, ,oit Thursday, behember 15th. All parents, ex-pup- ils•end ethers, 'who' have an interest in' the'Work of the school are cordially iine;iteel to be preseet. • , . . 'SAM. J. L.trie, Teacher. On Thursday, Dec. 8th, onlot 7, •cen. Stephen, at one "o'cAock•c" p. ne; farmsteck, implements, etc. , Jes. D., French, ,Prop. (On t1tusday, Deeember '8th, on lot 8, Bronson Line, Struiley, at one o' 'clock p.stn., farm stodk, implements„ 'etc. ''Geoege Pickwell, ,preprietor, E. d3ossenbeery, auctliessieer. -•• 47.1; loser o ees:. s " SD .UKala ZO. . : , TIIO rewo rtplis ;ill each of the akikinced dlaSses of S S No. '5, Ueborne, who ',Obtained the largest estimber of perfect lessons -are as. fel- lows:Le ' Sth Class=lst, Ida 1-Vild • 2oil , „ ? 'bert' Hodgsoe. , ' • . : ltle Gertie MeCord; 2nd, Aisne ,AfcCord. '--:-- Sr • Srd 'Thos : Russell; 2nd -Edith We t ott' Jr. 3rd Class--4st, Lizzie Prout; 2nd, Robert. McCot•d. . '2iel Class--,Ist, Charles trout; 2nd, Violet Russell, • , GREGORY H. Tom Teacher. • • 3611g: :r: We'stde11; *fRAISTiE, LOAN, Estate Steanibeat Agent.; •iVehithy and r- 1 itbl' and Life Insurance Oonipanies„Item'esciit,' ed. Any annwnt of money to lean 00 firsiteless Snort, 1.rages at lowcat rite§ of interest.. .11e0erill 'Agents for littroft Cie:, foe A, a WilljaIis & Co.', real.'estate.:002, . landed,- :Bea,V8t Line of Steamers represepted.' • , onteor.JittiLes SI o Exeter,Ont, n.0 87 V' Stag ffr lalIARRIAGEKULIONSES L fe, &ccldont atit Fito 1,11Sitnined agent. .essies: wost Sidd of Ilk u stot Exeter. flay Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. . . • „ pAltrica imsntiNo 1:9tilit it tIttEES'i' tuld tlitOpeig Yilstirenee Oompany in the thunitsion, ealiodlY no by applying personally, or he tnall td the undersigned, All applications proniptly,atteinfed tb. Also agentfor, the weilington Gotnpa.ty of titiorpe. ales AU0T1f)N1ER fOr. the COiinty of Buren:. ' DOS$LNLliRRYi.Acksxr. 4 ^ Aereeti-St. „ . euriee-Ont- Iniva Notes. .• Sausage and bologna making is all the `1!1iss Mary Wilhelm is absent learning the dressmakin g wo bolieve. „ The protracted meetings are going son in'this section, an are meeting with suc- cess. , Our swamp wild at has mede hiniself scaroe lady. Thanks to' Mr. Grant's ..getirle hint. 0 • On Sattedase 26th ult., Mr. Wm.. Holt, 'of this place, shipped a carload of poultry from Centralia station. : - We are informed: that the school well is. about to be eeleaned out and. Secured. Peisona concerned will be pleased, as the water has not been fit to us a "foR some time. P 4 „w IfenSall PiakinAa. Sleighing was of short duration. Great eburidttnee of Much -heeded 'rein, • kiss Nichols, of Hibbert, is visiting friefals in town, . Miss Dent,, or mitehop, v ha ues,t of of ) • , Wil•fire pleated to state that ,Re'v. 0. Briclgeteaer, of St,' BatilleChificli;'ia'c again eble td attend to his Milli -Aerial' duttts Mt. Charles A. Therein, who got his fiend badly jammed while coupline cal* in the G, rr: R. yard is selfish:nay recov- ered to agittik at!...enti to his duties. Our grain buyers ere receivieg in their storehouses .1 arge quantities of all kinds of "grate, andlighest prices were paid. • " We eith beast that HeeSall. bayers ',pay bettei prideS.thaii any buyers en it B. S. • see A. 01 Case, who has Very, efficiently filled the, position of principal., of S, S. No. 101 Rey, for ti number of years pat, has resigned this: position.and. is engaging in the itercantilebasineas in the village Of Orietilarty, to which plate he\toolt three liar& loads of goodeekiMbrithir.laati On • . • Usborne Mind. Meeting. ° ers, $6,/50; W. Moodk, $1.00; Thohia Kerpick, $2; R. Cann, $12„20; T. 'Owl - more, '$22.05; Jas. Moir, $2.3.10; $1.75; C. M'onteith, •$25:25.; W. Kernick, $7.45; W. If, Verity, 0.; W. •Mitchell, $3.25; A., Bell, $7.76; .0inti; Dorwood, $4,80; W. Pybus, $2,0; Abray AL Edwards, $136:84; 3. GlourleY/ $18; A,'Shier, $5; J. Temkin, $6.25; T. Tufts, $10,10; NV. Kirk, "01,169; -Wiseman $4,05; e. Anti.rov, $47.31; litr1,2„ John Iry in e,118. 60, tr.& ;R, `Qhintop, $16; W. SeseVart,;V1.2.0; A, Stewart, $7.,16; \Wright, Vl; R. Doupe, $28; A. GanieThell, $.5.50; J. Ballentyno, $3,60; J. ;Kelly, $33.88; flue -ter, $1.50; T. \Ames; $21; J. Copeland, s-$5; R. Fletdker, $33,15, The above Peltousits were for gravel. kravellieg, graditsg, quttrber and cul- verts, Board of Ittilth, $22.50, M. Samwell, $13, U. Fettrson, $9, Total *$690. 24. '60n ;ehotion of W. Kvdd, seconded by 'the cduncil adjourned to Meet agsith, Mieday, tile 26th Dec,, tater the elomiliatioe is closed. " Glee W. lioestax, Clerk. Th,e Connell inct on 3rd inst, All the members present., , • , -Minutes of previous meeting read and siened. • '1- .,•Moye,4 by '1'. Cameron, seconded by j. SHes, that.the nominatiiin for reeve and coencillbis to servo for 1888, in fhis munieiiality,„ be ''receiVed at the Town od Monday, the 26th day of Dec/ 1887, at the hours of • eiilook, a. m., and 12 o'clock, noon, respectiVely, that a W. Holman pre- side at,such nominatiop, and in case pane be demanded, they be held as follows:4=S, W. Wo.rd, at the Town Ectinsville; G. \V!' Holman, Re- turning. -Officer N. W.,Ward, on Lot 6, N. A., Geo. Lowe, D. B. 0.; S. E Ward, ote Lot 2/, -cote 10 S. Skinn. er's residence, W. Walker, D 0.; N. E Ward; at the hai, IParquhar, A, Dentate D., R. 04 that said polls be opened at 9 &cleat a n and closed at 5.o'dlock, p flt, On Monday, the 2nd day of jantiary, 1888, end that the clerk be authorized 'Le' advertise the sathe aceunlifigto law, and that a by- law be drafted teetirmtng the satne.,- Carried., , 'Meeed by J. Hail; seconded by W: ICydd, that by-law no. 6, 1887, as now read a third time be conflemed,—Cae- ried. Moved by J. Halls, seconded by T. 'Canieren, that the clerk get 150 copies ,of the ininutee of the proceedings of thin council printed for diStribution.— Cerried. . , On Motion Of J. Shier, seconded by T„,.Canieron, the ei:mheil 'adjourn fora Short.tio.'p.-to allowbOard of Elealth to Meet. „ On reeiseentiblifig the Clerk read the Beard, of ,14,e,eltll'e• tine u al report and the SI:ilfeal Officer's 'report for the rgeYed by iTSliiereSeconcled by \V. Kycldetliat.the eeceerit:. of the Beard amounting, to $2.150 bo paid.—qtrriod. Moved by W. ityttti, 80,Cotelod by J, that.Geo. Ferguson be paid $9, for six weeks board;of Ofitried. Moved by 3, Ilafla;'Seentided by W. Kydd, and, 'resolved, that ordere be granted for the following /111101111t8, viz. God bolt, $11 55e Tc Balmen, $21; W. Jeekell, $7; JeliittraYne; j, Glenn, $19 .50; 3. dittneron; $10: V. Mitchell, $.25; S.'Westcott, $20; .,tehia Johne; $16;' Bletehfoid, ail; with otto, $10; 1.).:'ktitifieki It1v. et outnumbered, and after a stormy sees= 104 were coro011ed, selfelefenee t :itecure ae indefinite adjournment. It is expected that the fight will be mewed at a future meeting. ;It is said, apParently on good autl ority, that the President's message will make no recomrnendatien about postal telegrephy. The reasons which pre- vail against sech advice are said to be mainly a belief that the firm establish- ment of civil -service reform would imperiled by the sudden doublirg or trebling of the employes of the Pest office Department, and the doubt whether private competition is not sufficieut to keep the telegraph service of the country where it ought to be. There are about 1,000000 employes ill all grades of the postal service. To extend postal telegraphy to nil pies of the 'United States and make it coin- cide with the present postal servise would require as many more emples•eee if not an even greater addition to the Department. The sttain of such dup- lication' of the service is 'something to makeeven the most •sanguine beliceer in postal telegraphy pause. ' I do not remember a time when the opening of a new Congress has been attended with so little excitement as is apparent in WashingtOn at the pres- ent time. The hotels are ;almest quiet as mid -sun -neer. eourse* this • will all be changed durin'g the conling week; But as it is quite 'certain that -‚'Ott:Washington Letter,• • . (Froin oui- own CorresPondent) Compulsory examinations for Pro, motion in the -executive departments were inaugurated last semmer in the War Department. Now that the qual ifications of all the clerks in the ,differ - mit Bureaus of that Department has Speaker Carlisle will lie reJelected, and been tested, and the results known in.. and Ps %here isyeally ho reason to stip- individual cases, it is hiteresting to hiquire whet, effeet the examinations have cm the service, sted if the new rules attain the object for which they Were elesigeed. 11(.icent investigations by your con•espoudent in this direct- ion, among both officials of the War Department and the Civil Service Com ruissionem, diecloee a diversity of opin ion. „Some of the former think. Oat: the .txtrinination do not show anything 'ntsbrif:Iready known about the tnerits of clerk's, and have no otlwr effect than to worry and demoralize tketilericel force. 'Thel 'W as not a single official who was, net in fever of civil service 4.kninat- ion for admission into the servitee. it keepaout dead wood and admits only Ihe4e of 'a certain degree of intelligence 'but above all it relives the • 1) pat t - Assents of the former •distraeting press- ure of influence to secure offices. . have teamed that they ean do hothing by intercedieg With the De- partment heads for appOietreent throughlavoritisw, and whe,n a vacancy occurs now it is a routine piece of bus- iness to .secette the, Certificatioti of four successful candidates Of intelligmice and to ieleet irtne among them a man without regard to politica and friends. While .acknowledging the debt dee to the U0 11 1 6quiremInts in this directioe, many Officials hold. that the preliminary examination doe' e nob def- ieitely settle the question of qualificat- ion.The probationary term of six months',service i, aftee all, they -say, the real test of 'the clerk's efficiency, and that thibais as it should be. No more, they think, tan a man's fitness for promotion or retention be ascertain ta by .putting himthrough an examin- ation. The true testis his record at bi8 desk from 0 in the morning .tintil in thefifternohn. ..eArguing fi 0111 this standpoint it is not thought that the proniotiun rules really attain , the end for which they -are designed. , Naval ofile6rs aie much anfuSed over the result of 0. receet nttempt of the hoe offieers of theSavy to come to ae agreeinentepee it bill which.. it was prOpesed to haveintredeced 'htCoh4 gress, providing 'for the readjuStevt. ,pf theientiy, The ,ipattee,''Sviis eon- dueted with e good dol of kBeriey, aucl hotieee were, sea out priVately to al, 'cots intereeted to moot hetet in this city a few days twee' Otte ,of, the main prepositions to acted ;?,,ipoti was a plm, to increase the pay of eh- Sighti by $100' fonevety sovie; slid on this point there Keein4 tie have; beeii Mitch differeuce of'epiniOn antorn the Hite officers, Tho atieetings took placelast Week, 1.6 itpliectre that the representatiVes of the NEiyitr,-Neederuy 'were futly prepared to inaititItulleertain righte which. th6y, bolioved to be in jeopardy, ROCI C,a1116 to the ineetitig armed with:Proxies in such numbers that the resident >line officers who had balled the- mottity fentel. theinselVea pose that Mr. Raridoll 'Will be displaseel froni the chwitmanship of the Com- mittee on Appropriatoes, there is wily the contet oVet the trninor House_ offices to engage metch attention. The fun will begin later in the season, wheit the committees get Ito work and tho struggle ovetr tariff reform begin's: • Fruit Tree Swindle. In t vicinity of Tilsonburff /ast week a young man respectably drees- ed, called at the office of an insuranco agent and money broker, well-knowit for his shrewdness and integrity, and suffered him three farmers' notes fer sale, or as collatrel security. The notes were drawn in favor of the Vie- toria Nursery Company, or bearer for sums of $4:200 and $150. One of these notes he recognised as hosing been giver./ by a hard-working Gbrman farm- er named John Amburn; of the town- ship of Middleton. Beingsatisfied that the farmers would not be likely to. buy that many trees, he, after asking a few questions, in snob a Way as to gaih the confidence without arousing the suspicion of the stranger, became satis- fied that the signature was 'genuine, but obtained by fraud; and though he ain'i,! have bought the notes for a third of the face value he immediately wrote the farmer that he had beeii ofrored note for $200, but refused it, and to at once come to Tilsonburg, if it Was ob- tained by fraud, About six o'clock a very excited German appeared on the secue, accompaied by a couple of triend3 and, acting on the. advice of the byokee the farmer secured the services of the Chief of Police, and in it short tiro° that officer had his bird safely caged in the eool'er, He.gave his.natne as .Jas. °avers, of Galt, Ont, and sufficient evidence was found on him to verify this statement, and also to piove that lie had been succes,tfully carrying ma the same game, Only on a smaller 8=10 in the township of Carrick, Brute Cetinty, as he had a receipt from W. 13, Tisdale, of Teeswateie for $95, worth O f notes left as collacteral for money loaned, and a. 'Mintier of notZts fov /';;a1"I'dtte Subs. ` He bad been doing ,businesS under the name of the Ontal - ie. Nursery Company, 'of 'St. Outht•ines, 41be top of the ehecit. contains the melee the faYiners gave to be delivered next 'spring,:end lib the 'bhttoin was a note at froth siX to 'eight inehthe 'for the amount which the tamer signed; and the fibteS Were still attalihed to the (mad, His "SlideSS BracO Seeing to haye'giWil eontidence,!and2as „ , Witi.t.to have been flute Months bu'sineSS lid strack higher, and the party -,-,who had hint 6 i•i'eg ted Supposed he was buyiug. out appla trees at 20t. tatlf,- bet signed the 000 note,Geri 1yia115:860.11 t flaVO len tin) Vintinn9 AS tilt names- oii the Brine tinteI„ fito ahi of 11