HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-01, Page 8OpenuofQtarig Leals4t4re. • I•13T.TG.BUGS.)311G8-1 Mowat fuys, thelJegi014 ere vh11 13ue's are' '''frAM,P 'anti 'yOu !must '14109%.R(.4rPi• gree4 4 Y,94 RaPt .t . mallow point :ite summoned theito:t week Of .TerluarT• 004* Te directors cif the Veutrel 144' have brought Mr. Archibald Clampbell from Befeetreal to ms.le thorongh in- gPeetien of the concern, He expects to report within three weeks, where- upon the Direotors svill call a meeting of'shareliolders. Mr, Camphell enjoys the confidence of the banking commun- ity; and any report he makes will be accepted by them as i very way trustworthy. , Commercial Union in Toronto, The Cqpinercial 'Union Club of Toronta,1Priclay night, passed the fo- lowiug resolution:—Thie chub, feeling that unrestrieted reciprocity with the United Ststes is of the most Yitel im- portance to ()amide at the present .time thialcs it ouelit at once to represent to the Right Hon. J. Chamberlain the British Cornmissweer, and Sir. Charles Tupper, at Washington, tho views of the very large portion of the people of Canada, who are now advocating coin. Mercial union with the United States, And with that object the Presideot be instructed to eommueicate with $ir. Charles' Ttipper and Mr. •Chamberlain and arrange, if- 'possible, that they should receive a deputation from this club who would explain to them the views of the club on thisinostimport- ant qUestion. A Parkhill Blaze, A, destructive fire took place at :tarkhill, on. Wednesday morning 'about one o'clock, resulting in the destruction of the Levett and Gardinsr Weeks. The sufferers are S._ MeLeod, Thomas, Grundy, John Scoon, Munro Broa, A. 'Os.rdiner, Mr. 11. Hutchins, W. W. :Shoebottom T.. R., Palmer J. W. , , 'Green, the,proprietor of the Parkhill .Goactie (which ives% totally destroyed), :_Thos. McInnes. 'Tim. Misses „ S'hinner :Etna E. J. Pnippen, inffered by removal of goods; also Andrews' barber parlor and billiard rooms. Fortunately the • 'night was: calm, otherwise the lths would have been very serious. Fire brigade worked aclumra.bly, and through their effort s ireveuted the tiro from making a fearful havoc. •, The Lovett :family, the Gardiner family, and the editor of the 'Gazette and his wife bare - /I: escaped with ti.eir lives. Mrs. Ievett was badly burned about the face. The. following are the losses, together with the insarance:—J. Scoen druggist, loss, $1,500; insurance, $1,. 500. Munro Bro., merchants, loss, $5,000; insurance, $5,000. Mr. Lev- ett, buila dineand household goods, loss about $3,500; insuro.ace, $2,250. W. W. Shoebottom, grocer, lose, $2,000; insurance, $1,000, Jas. W. Green, Gazette office, loss,, $2,000; •itiSurance, $1,000. T. R. Palmer, jeweler, loss $500; no insurance. W..1.1. Hutchins loss, $3,100, insurance, $21200. Alex. Garden, general merchaet, loss on stock and leuildieg, $13,000; insurance $7,000. Dutton's, block, _McInnes' feed store'Andrews' it Appleton'S barb er.shop alia billiard hall, the -Mses 8'e:inner's dressmaliing, rooms, and Phippen's photograph gallery to the %south, were more bi•Jess r and the' contents and the,buildga.ri,jordd. • and the contents-,earried into- the etreet. Magladery's , and 'Smith's im- plement rooms and Gruntlyis book 'store were emptied', of tbek ntents and the 'building' iujiired,....:Magladery's being torn dowe to prevent the spread of the Baines. The comlagaration is axle of the most deplorable which ever, ,aceured in Palthill, but it is likely the beautiful block of building will be rt - placed at an early a date as possible. eause of the lire is unknown. Komikalaties. 'Sometimes the dude says a Clever, thiug;ilbut generally the best thing ha gets.off are his clothes. , . Is:there a woman living whe douldn't farniSli her .neig,hbor's house better and more tts.stefully if she only, •litur ,cbaticel' • • 44- lie1en---4Aaintori, what is a eosin Willi Mother—My ehild never Speak anythine. so indelicate. it iS the Latin for belly ache. When,A,.young lady offerS to hein a cambric handkerchief for.a rich young bachelor s.eguaitits.nee you can :Set it dovra that she ItleAtIS to sew in order' that she may reap. The tnan,svho is omirting 'tt, Widow has no si4oultif • in preposing..,110 brought around t4o gra4oally that jAhe proposal in bade, andJ ieeePted ituahe eagagetnent initiouneek.befort 'he marei i'va what he i doin. , 0 • PURE q4gEli DOMINION LABORATORY ALso lieneliore andVly Powder. Always a full supply of Drugs, Dyes! • and Fancy Goods. Fishipg tackle' a specialty. j. Wa BROWNINO pRoPth70R. - ILLIAMSAhDERS Conmercial tinio4 Agoura= • Company ot • .i..4-REAT Capital, and Assets; $21,000,000. 12ancashire Fire Insurance Co. MANCHESDE1?, ENG. CAPITAL, - $14,600.000.00. the best and most reliable Fire Insur2 • ance Companies in the world: ADVOCATE OFFICE. 1XETER. THE NEW PAPER. PrITE new Conserrativs,Jountal about ilat be A started ht Toreuto, to ha culled hz Tmpttc, • 'Will make Its 'appearance on er about thelfth tal Xee %ague b;arPe r No grof arombll,g Aida Vtht: great party of whose vieys it will be Um irie. poneut. It will :tart with a Staff of Brilliant Viriterac' And able Journalists in every depitrut, ' The public Way exped • , iliMil News from nil quarters.' ity.ble Editorials, ' Accurate' Ilispedge. Este Cornmeal*, Echubtr Coniniereini Nemo, interesting Sporting ilatteliigedee. And all othet DePartments well sustained. Is Short, Tatt Etismu will be a Bright, Readable, and Beliable'Pn.per. • •Everybody Looks tort. • All should Read it. Erna' EMPIRE, • • WEEHLY Emma; 85 per Annum. 81 per A.M111/111• you; Hubsiiriptions now, accompanied by the cash; so as to commends, wftla thetas* imam. Address, • D. CREIGHTON, • Atioasor Eurtalt,,l'oroszte. E,T,T4E BES111.'1 . • • , TgENtrEsTERN AD 'V ERT IS ER, OF' LONDON,: ONT. " • , , , Vastly Improredl • ,Illustrated rtIclest • All the. Nato.) Popular Departmehti. .ifesulng 1 12 Pages liegalarli 0 , Balance of 1887 Free': To all now subscribing fox the year 1888, at the`low price of " ••••••••••••••-,- st PER ANNUM • Tarmages' aid other Sermons. Excellent musical Selections. :International Sunday al Ls'u. ori -1E HOLLY QUEEN' A limited number of. this beautiful • premium picture is offered sub* scribers for 10 cents extra. , T10 tY,ESTEI?N ApilEllTISEN AND PREM, $1,10 Agents' wanted eeetyWhere. Twenty. five, talttable'priZes to be awarded ever and above the cash conirnission to the most successful agents. Registered fetters come at our risk. Pot free sample papers, tertria to rigentst etc.* addeess,• . , • Advertmer. Printing Co... .• Loridoh,cint. The A A1C1ubin Offer. . 'can lia.ve,1116 estern Adver, ,tiser and itsfbeatxtifakreniium, tooth Cr With' the' Anvdokin for 1888, for dritt341,7kfitadcltioalug tPasiatntsi Azeter, . a .1,L'a • "• "iro r • it 17, • IteurrdIttusal West Side of Mtlin areot EXETE13, Opposite the new' English Church. A GOOD FIT GVARANT'P Latest Styles of Goo& kept in 8T9 ' A CALL SOLICITED. G. Stn4llicornbe. BU'FTEII- Afl EIIGS• virsu,seis. J. Matheson, • EX•411git ,NORTH. Our Stook is wan assorted foe the name/ • trade. Low prices atilt maintain, OROCERIBS:—I6 lbs.'sugai for $1.00 ; 1.3 Ibs. white sugar for $1.00. We can't be undersold ta Teas from tdc to ` Tao per Lk Boats Shoes (all Styles) at tow prices. 7 A nicely wont/a stock ot 2$.143171? WAZI FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS at slue Best Ifechine 911, 60c. pa gal. Coal Oil se lOw sa the lowed, a nice Tea Sett of ,44"pieces,', 42,75. 'A goad talit•of ,Roady-sasiir Clothing for 'Ordered Suite got up Ur good styes. , Our Dress Gooch> are Mark- . - .ed down tO Ole lowest notch. COTTON -20 yds. for $1.00. A house sad lot, also • farm tor oats. Apply te • , JOHN MATHESON /IRS 00.091,#‘4.P. • T.-) A T Caveats, Bc-ultu,vi and Trade -3/4r 8Ppured and ail othez patent causes in the Patent Office and betore the Courts promptly ud carefully aeandedte.'„ •' Upon reCeiet of, 14.;ca:lel or s441e ve ntiou, 1 make careful examination, and advise as to patentability Free of charge. , ilia Montnavt,°intil tnake NC charge mikes patent is second'. 'Information,' .hdvice and I - Would take*this method returning thanks for past support and olact mvitea PtfPntio!, 4,f the PIRO* Publie ne* rot And w,olsr *94 cOmPrising the f011ewi:--• 0 A1irpt94se .stooko 'Furs •-1---e-aee--cofisisme l'RSIAN LAMBS, I3E4.VER AND MINK, FOR wHimi vim. THE cAREpul, nsTsPEontsw Coi HIS OLD OUSTOMM .AND'ALL omEs$ wjp), ARE FI.4E.ASED TO CALL. , First.olas.s stock of Boots & SHOES, BLUER OVERSHOES, In Ladies, Gents and Children's; comprising the7al1 different 01Lizuls. --ALSO AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT o— r CROCKERY CHINA &GLASSAV ALSO A .COOD SELECTIO.N Or Flannels andWineeysiplain and cheats:1 72 inch woollsheetictcle,. Heavy t11. wool Blankets, 'White an Ctrey Hoods, Tainoshantersi, Wct ,Taoketa; An excellent astiortmetra of Hosiery, GROCERIES AsitTERETOFOR A GOOD SUPPLY -O' ALL STAPLES,, AS REQUIRED ETERY 110MK-Wl ti• eb 30 XX. JAL., 3313E X Par AL. • While 11,013E1:LT8 is selling the best brands of Corn meal tind _Oat' utear At DOR'T DaERK. • When you can get good Coffee, 36 .ceote per pound a E. RoaTir For B.OBERTS can give a pure uncolored Japan tea --75 pounds.for Wif1)--11 good isalirr. , • DON'T,' Groceries, special ,refrentiesti appli; cation. V7hen you ean get'every•thing in that lin-e4.ef the very best q' uality:41ffernt,E. . • • , ROBERTS. —• J a. LITTELL,,Washinoon,,D. " opposite u. a Piton Mee. A r p LOST A small boy, abaut tiae •size 'of at, man', bare footed,' with his father's shoes on, cross eyed in the,baCk of his neck, with his hair cut curley; carrying a bundle of bung holes on his back, when last seen was look- -ing • -Fria EIC 5 —NEW Irbr further information, walk' inside and take a look at R. Hicks immense stock of Silverware, suit- -able for— CH RISTMAS OVEDDING V4122.:$26:412'64. at job lot prices, his stock of, Watches, ClockS, and Jewelery was never larger, nor More, care, fully selected, his stook of Wedding rin,qs is of first -Class quality and a sure fit guatanteed, his faciltien 'for. turnining ont 'first -Class work wag never better. Cart in your, Sick Watches, cloaks and ;broken down Jewelry, get them put in order, for the coining Christnuts holidays. The okl Maud, opposite Jab, Piekardi. , • on't Run Any Risks y'eating inferior Canned Goods, when yoii, can, get the best iniportkl Bias& • , from ROBERTS. , • 4 Don't sell. all Poultry' 13utter, Eggs, and Dried Apples without inquiring about Roberts' , , . • • FORGET• That:iii all the tabo've.lines,Roberts gives gOod,values. Ell. IRO ERTS' • FANSON'S BLOCK, •- .11110 .114,111111 OPM,1111.1.1111.• MI11.11 MAIN -S TREF3 EXE'IMIL •• HAS Oi'ENED 'AND NOW • 'cootltirs tits NEW STAND Where he is prepared to furOish tho.Public with FIRST-CLASSERElaCAliSS BUM and -Confectionery us he ttgett onli •Fitst•class Roller Flour. ' , t d Chrt• teas (lahes , 'NOW- the tithe' to' leave 'yOnr,Orde,rei for; InCeiy. ninenbie des. . W-eld'ilg:Ciikekiiiiti Party CakeS, at i,eae.otat �ne doc•oz• tiort,11. ell eis old isitsisid, totwa.N.stkZT, EXECTE11.. •