HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-01, Page 5410,1 40, r• e • , Lona= Earon 4 EJ143.0 Aailway. Pkvi§i9a 0.9P,N1 NOnTn--'4rIME TA8LEPaBlentr1. LOndon, &part —8.10 a•M.4.25 :P.M. OroSaing . • 9•30 ' 5.45 ClatidebnYe. . 9.10 5.15 Centralia...—. 9,28 5.33 ' EXETER;9.35, ", 545 Rensull. 7 7 9 5.53 Kipoest • " . 9,51 . 6.06 .Brucefield. • ;'.. , 9,55 9.15 Olint,on .........10.10 6.35 Lonclosbiro'..• • ,10.37 6.55 Uyth. . -20.46 7.05 Belgrave .11.09 7.20 Wingham arrive . 11.20 7,30 •cOINQ SQUTH. Pasienger. Winghamidepart. 700 3.06 eat Ilelgrave .. . . 7.17 3.28 Blytb , ; 7,31 3.42 Lundesbore'. , . 7.40 151 Clinton . . 8.00 • 4.10 Briscefield 8.19 ' 4.26 Kippen...........8.27 4.57 ,8,33 . t 43 Exeter $.47 4.57' ' Centralia ; 8,57 ';5.4' , • chieaeheie , 9:10 a 20 Lizcan-cross'g . .13 9.20 5,25 London,arrive • 10.10 6.00 Local • News. • —The 'etOre WindoWir ere.r,lbr i4nuig! to esaume.0 hoId&ii ej13*.i0 London .44'0414W 'OTOS Or hand eleen aaLd.IIeIIt ittelakereni•,v —New is agood cipiatie0 ofi19tiAi4e"Ple01,le;94a4,4,pt ,--seotel) is. English AndCaziedian. tweeds; *lege situ iety 4,csiphivelt and Pwv?,_).41,4 . r., *..‘ ,7---mr4ov.ctt, opeof Agr.,100.1al. gr..4141 buyffs, lost heavily by the ret fire at Parkhill. Mrs, Levett and family had a zunnow eseape front being knirnt, to death, —The: zeal of " the Salvation •ArinY 7-111,orn „snow' to,,tuake @odd sleighing; • —The merry linglesof he sleigh bill it heard.' ' " .,•,. ',IChi8;Yeer,i0 atrangepte in the ratter,of weather. • --Municipal 'candidate's •ice. •11.191Wt in ottneibg their flaMes. , ' --A *cold wave ,accotnpanied.. anew, struck this viciaity Suudayi • ' —Get yotie bili•heads, letter keads;• veloP.t.11,' eh:elders, &c.. at the Agve-• CATE OISCS.,.. , • • ---Goderich'Sigria,:=InsPecter '17,irn` ate 'hid 'Thariksgisink turkey in 'Geller- ich this year. ; • • ; • —Nnw,boota• and ehties,,, in endleSs variety, 'et Sanfwell & PiCking's," --Let , Whit ventura on the streets step With, care; and r• (Anis • certain of their feet their rtibber bust--" 3es wear. • —Our thanks are' due to Simons Stahl, formerly' of bhis office- but 'noW„. •eadet int the Seleation. Army, for Sam- ples of 'Whitby newspaPers. • —The town tire'.'enAirni" and attach. inents have been placed the fire adpayt- -Tnent of the neiv toivif,hall. • Air fire•. men should make a note this: • ,•-.• _Without a' knoek or an invitatioe -old winter qeartered• hitneelf 'upon Os on Sunday'• ,and from presents, appearances, has come tostay„ ',The Exeter .Ffretrigade will hold • ,. < • thelr.anuttel,enueert in Drew's' hall on the evening of Friday, Dec. 9th, 1887. An exeellent:progt•atuhie pre.: pp,eed. 6, finest sete'plo. of onions. we 'have' seen, are thOse inniorted • from Spain, and, for sale'at Messra- Samwell s'onie Of *them weighing three and ,a,half iD000ds each. , • - -How do the sparrows keep 'gwerni, these nights 1. From the Way they .chatter ,in,the tree and about the leaves it may be .supposed thot they 'have •comfortable nights semesrherg, : graod Sinking match,' •and raffle will he hell at)theiStatioh (Iota), bere,On Friday; Decenthee 9th. In the: evening a grand dance will take. ;place. .A.11 are,cordially „invited to:.etteed.. .—Mr. It'Seldon has been unable tit' attend to the, ditties of'his vo-cation. for the post few, days, Osvieg to the. effects of au ingrowing toe .nail, but is •noW able to perambulate in the ustiel.;,,Wey,. Thog., Ci.ve has rented Abe stand eecupied, by Swallow Woe.; and is,goitig to s open it blaekstnith ShoP attil ‘fit it up'Wirth all!tile:ntodern ,ictiproe- rnentS necess'ary 'for doing a successful business. . • & Pickard have jest re- oeteed a large consigement ef„goofi, rect from England ana which they "aro' offering at Lock Bottom Prites, * _The armatination atjd eledioli'dipyjilitt. be the fith Of :Dec., ember and, the 2nd t. of January; the days that Willi het' obsereetle. as °briar anis and, Ne#,VcirN „ .The turnip ei•oo rut ' is no( o• *0,41.Y fitit60101 there Wa.ci„ati tp• Aehu t mere', thati' tta under, Mi.:. •favorblai ;cirounistaideek turnipit are Of niniall 14p,ioli for the prospetity of their Master's work WAS fully, exemplified last 13un- day when they paraded the street dile! big a drenching rein. • -,-BeV. Y. Smith, of London, will OAKUM; a prominent part of the anni- versary set•vices it, cor.nection with Main et: Methedi4 church next Sun- day ,and Monday. ' your dwellingi *it); W. Sanders, Agent for the -Loicathire Fixe Insurance 0o., 'af-1,ittanehe.irte; England: , person in need of a vehicle of any kind CW11110Vdo better that coal stilt our local manufacturere, whose etnre hinnies are well hired, With ,new and aoasenablit goods for., the sleigh irg season. • direct .the. attention of our .i,eadds to the "'eitvertiaeinent The .uaw Ceneec votive paper to be started in-ITotonto And which will r be clubbed with this,paper,thetsin fpr $1.7,6;per,antie , 1,7"Pt4C.01 iatunhers, of Exeter L.,;tNoP924: You are hereby request., ed.te titthrld'tthe.;:regiilar niVetifig; to take plade vorrosi, (1`riclait)etioning pecenktier '32hd,r Yeepimportent alststo traiatact..-cl ; )--The'Venrtre attiiietion On Main - street during„t4e past few days, has 1.),ega the. Ipliolte:ettgrav,..ihg,';4of44,4114'110 Fathers of Confederstien,," WhichC'hitri.)48. iti the ,wi deivvi op rivoorn;,oitice,, arid' gi Els 'O..' pi•hmiuM. ...te,;14niz' „Ter.: Onte Weekly.;./Yers.,r,e '.*1,11114,*„., " , .--,ric ggod falliine of albums. fan- 4xErEft,..A,.ILARARTA oy go'od toys: dvo at E. Sgarlett'S _ Mite Wbsztt per bushel (aim) 10 /6 to 10 ?I , g store, Exeter. wa.,-,stMhor.4Ars,tEtieHeriodginert,tlf nFavriciltahhara, ?,51P:9,1,14:1 en i4YoheirVr:rob4. prt15bi be:17: 17., 17 'if:: ' ; :7%711"; 9 76 95 9 78 0 28 to 0 6; to 0 62 001486 tato 00 .74 apireeifgelir athisb.1e ,atoeasthone *wag/Toon. w as in town 141):8Ppyorrt:on.e.n....::::::.44.•...4.2: 8 00 to 9 00 On Monday and said .'ti,ie sleigh was am, per sta • nutter per.lb.. , – ., ...., • or ... ' ' ' ' 0 10 te0 0 20 0 17 0 is o oo to t oo • Po '.toes per bushel 0 6') to 05 ,--Arnong the Changes' which have APPIel Per bilit)oltf44)4.-4.T 0 15 to 0 so taken effect in the time table of the rtssaa Porte • ea (101.,eg`t0i - , - - . - - Lonchili; Huron &' Bruce railway is , that the firming trat4, arrives at Lon- LONDON MARKETS. doe at 0..05: p. in., (fortnerly 9 p, m.) —On Saturday last Messrs. Snell 'led Winter, per busl ,f 75 to 77 Broi,i,reeeiyed per express, it bea.uhful• II* „ , 776to deer, .weighingighing about 200 lbs., and was Spring . 6 o 7 hot Sby Thomas 13iSettsB . . of this place, arh3Y, 44 4, 1,19 has been on an hunting' tour in °at'a " " '''.* ; i 6 6 n .2 50 Y0 Butter, Rolla 4 223235 tttn:‘3.22836:r KneknIte. ,, 3 ••. • Eggs 1 t ..,„ -7-Mr. John Ttantron will be Pleased Butter, sjraeks % 40 ine4 ell Indies and gentlemen whO Hay per ton . 9.50, to 12;50 May ?desire to join; a Book-keeping , s ,..,_., .. clasfl,in the BOyatTenaplars'itill, Fan, sentatblia.;k, on Friday evening,* Dec, ' ToRozfro MARKET gs. 44.4.v7:30...,; , ,,: , , , , : . _...... --,-- . ,. . ....• .. . . ... Fall Wheat $ 0.78 to $ 0.80 1 7.•#litcln.;• ''.Ort, '")..1.,i0Alt has,t.e,E1. d Spring Wheat t 0.78 to 0.80' privitelyM ,iat, the diegielatuiep will. be Oats , - ., 1 . ' 0.38 to ,..' 4139 called,togethr thelliiiit.'Weeluin Jan'y( Pea a ' ' t'. .0.00 to 0.6,1 . The„Dorninion Parliament ,will be caW Barler : :'•i.4.'' g,' , "4 to : 0000 eCi''"1"14P4e4rlYfit:t41;1°i14411 of the HaY Pet .*Ir' ' ' ‘i''' ' 120.: tete 1811: ,w auvigtou.vouitutialou ere '' not Pro, Potatoes' Vert* - ' * • i.,.,a , . , ,r, _ • ,, .,• • - . Batter. ' . ' 0.2e to 0 28 tracted:' .7. • * ' ' " . .. ' ,,.'' Eggs per ac.,s. . ." ' ' , 6.18 sidle l''66'4'u! n'atatti'of.gdetiOrotonf as the p yOir, ab.1Q.b ID10,111,04,11' . ntangra• uit,111046 ' wtio,tcio Jante.sN •: it. one.of thelmo'St togeniouS, and liandieSt articles,SiQki'eAdet`t,, and ritit .Only iisefuls'hiitycl4aR.; ,y• Calf .arici Oise, ; Iro e. sale ,ity• issett, Brea.; hard - Ware and tinware merchants, Ex'etee.' ,--:•GeoeralBooth, Of .the Saltation Army, has decided to sencF2scitiade.' of MC soldiers', t� ; ulatid filtd Sehth.. A ineiica 'Some ilf.his.fott,es, haft. til - ready'. reecitigl:!:Jernsafeicy streets -of tho holy, city reit-maid with their' "eineni" and the.4itigle nf,• their tartihonrinea;• „ ' -,7-brdered, clothing; a' ,apeclaltY, 11 first-class fit: guaranteed. Sam well &• Pickard: • . . • —Oii :returning from , /mightier's' ',Ouse. last Monday evening, 1ludson,• of •Us bort le township, inisied* his Way I101118 'and' wandered' about 1,h6 Olds and wood, al night„ and_ When:: foun.d next rnerning was: nearly freten, to death'. As he is getting' well up hi" years slight hops are entertained fer, his rekVety: "' ' cint .for In 'Conneetich with the James st klethodist clitteCh" atiniveristiry;-§4 sunci4 and MOttday, DeqeMberid 1 ill anti 1.2th.. ;301.11,0nson Sunday by ,Eevl J. G,"Scots, Of-Queeteti• Avenee church, London'. 'And ;tea, fin' Morida3T evening, to' he 'fiillowed 1",bY, a•plattorin meeting, addressed- by the Rev. J. 0. Scott, and Othera • . .....The lecture hall, of James.steeet Methodist church, was literaly packed. Tuesday evening to hear' the ,pr:ngra„Mnie provid1'hy , the., Band of -„Kope committee. The nietting Open .ed at 7.30,, and 1 pleasant hour and ft: half was spent in listening to Muttire; ,DialogueS, 'Readings and Recitatious. 'The selections, were ot a.; first-class order, and 'reflects ore.dit, on the man. agement committee.. We might make 'mention that not Only do young per.. a'ollS take part in .theso • meetings, •bnt ati excellent reading -was giyon mi.. T1Ohn Taylor, sr. Look. out, 'ter the next in four Weeks. --Ale new officers in "chaige of the D'easriall°g8t'e'r tt* •6.54 in, 7.00 Salvation Artity.corpti here; .ure from present 'appearance, determined to , melte, it interesting. for the Volunteers,' of the enelnies 'eaelte. •4,The 'Captain and Cadet are zealot's hard-working' felIoNes kid are bound to, cid' all they :ta to advance the, catise.ef'tlieir Mast —We have received a 7'c'opy °of a tiagrtigcent, historical. phatO-et,graying "Tbe ,Vatiters'nf Confederation,"; the premium; giv•eii with theqoronto Week ly '/Vetjaa" The News with the erigrftv.„ this..papei will be pent to any eddrees'frenknew Jan.. 1st, 1889i; for.Mily $1.75. '1 Thiwis the best offer y'ef, • ••. - • • J,:, • .1' ( • / f P :,rk WoultLsar.. tO the, lacliekt. of Exeter and vicinity, that Mi sti S#eet.{ who IS %fell and tiVotably:',1criown;ks d1iarA6 et,/ohr dressinaking departnient. Those, Who, intrest her with 'their work. .may • rely on having done •neatly, •cheaply,'.erid in` the latest' and' knost fashionabletstife. Wegearati4e•sati4,-:, faction. RANTON & CO. - . " . ot Ger 4,9 sikRafy thalcutvaltY •! young these.Who take it for: granted,t that. younglady 'of CentralialutsJlieen, ont to penitentiary fer life, as reported :in the -London 'weeklies- Emilie time . age,. we might ay that the young lady ro.. f,irrerIte; simply, got 'married' to , tectiVe JOhn,4),:iGrahtihi,- LeitdOni a'trap,Whieh :alrypling led* are ibIe to fall into., . • the:P.60'4ml cons of Commercial Union - 1 -,At St, Marys on Friday e0ening;• weik lai4,dobated upon by'the Mitch- . ell and St, 'Mary*. ,debatiftg-ttecieties, the ccintest was so cies°, that it was :l4t with the audience to decide, and small majority was recorded against Commercial 'Union; „Mr. Geo. Moir, formerly of this town, toOki,an active part in the'discueskie, and Came out on the winning side. — scarotty,o copper coin is always noticeable before, -the. holiday season cornei asound. r The question is often asked where de they go off .to; With. in a few days of'Christmits, thliy 'return again to money drawees 'of 'the- stbrirt , and, shops, in such qtimititicit as to he - come' ttimeot. a. nuisance. Their scar. 'city is uncloobtedly tine tobeing hoard - in the ,lianks the little dhoti, who lay np every coin, to participate' in the giving of fibristtnas, presents. r PUBLIC) ()11111E Hhitgl3Yf'401.VEN THAT II/MESS W. SOUTHCOTT DESISTS rapAs 914L,ILIS47 TAILOR -FITTI N G ClothinG at ruinous prices, ATM 4LX KINDS OF ,GENTS' FURNISHING • GOODS at panic pie, he will get MITRE TRADE IN TOWN P Se saint Custonier. W. Southcott, . Mainstreet, JOHN ti 1., .„ • AZALEA IN. • : " FLOUR' and FEED PHOTOGRAPHS! BreafastCoralsOi1 alr, (nph, c4t1.ii.,,1:geit., always one .,poops REE07 , he-cari be. found * McINNES, • , t 5 , It&IN ST, ' • EXETER, , ....,egrat.m...conauxssuoveservimi;Rownelmearoweare4e.01," MR. JeSEPli' SENIOR having purchased th 'business or 'Chas: Senior, 'te in- , form the the publicthat t , Main Sr ieter..: . •" The Finest Cabizint4 ih Elegent Finish; or - , t ,- '7•• • -7-'t -4.,,,,. ,,,,, ,- - - ' ObfaVing'and',.'Enlir int , . g ., ,. - , , ; - .• a 4 J r • dene on shortest notice. . ' .4. I I JOS.IVIO ' , „PANNYROVAL 'WAFERS. rrescripopn a a pkweloinn*who , boa p. ,15t1,,,,* ozporionoe to treatirly featale dizeakeS.. is 11304 •Z • znikAltly p6rfeet EueOeca , over 10,C00 ladies,t Plosaanti etreetwil. Ladies fle4 your dor-, gtst'for' ratinytoyal .wafers ant.), 44rAke no outatttpto. or Inclose pest- ago'for sealed ft'etiottlers. Sold byalt ntr no=r,urrigc.i!Attie, 4C101).ez., rpbsTozuo..rrA,dzidiresat! Sold in Exeter by. pre Lutz, and' Iruggists everywhere, Oct 1 7, Irtr • '41 -The annual the 'Exe.ter Branch of the British. &• Foreign Bible Society 'was held in 1Viaizitstreot Odist church .Tuesday evening and wa1* tivfin 'attended. Atte .the' filditie4i had been'dispinisecl able, :elaborate ae&epprOpriate41444*. Wee ,delivered..44 41,410110i;t3P. ) it' rtiea-sti'Ret MetlietliSf Oh ii)„,'',,,61);;Jrckftfi Iose of, Wh kit 'Av ii4titt" subs.'i'ipUoii list was tt;iir,f5:0 ettttiti,m,givoti ithowod tho Scielet ;WaS4 itt h 4i1,4„ii4g iq Sai9i1.; The otiioo.ollAe4lador,togiot tue t017, nt,tfilthaellilelatet4lignoswatith,t,oerk:beisapwolou; in that dii4ectinn, -a' Mild Winter would vhfligd1,,,y1y, licibei es,ir4atettle,r„T tt'in'b(beingebotruutn.ayis drop ,in the bucket ot the ferment' needs. Already in:all ;parts/0E: the, .,eottritry •watee 800.y. .46 to bo'i'ailkttui from long distaeces„ and Were a severe frost to set in now before tbe Usual rainfall ibecurs, it wettish bee Very' great mid - fortune to thousands. * DrOuth Ad first of December in this 'country is rather 6n e Their vo 41'1'''"ugh " "' faith. is this; - 0 or *three mon are 'travelling h country eareying with lty !" ih i variety1 icIi hf6eyrndest 1 io:ifr: ;:or fowls, thithtitlet:tocke,baaoozf. ILIM,' They vilI so) him eggs' , or tp aU,ti utake a tcontract gearanteemg purcinise every. °wok hatched and, lloing for Itit *deice at #5 . °ilk. "The tg hitio be�tt, dppo into bong Vater,befearktliele „deli i•ery,'; can tebatiOsortt , 'the thit1 oredit expotioditig the etiett* at nentniitly ekillettdd'higlo0 ii:sgit ass ftoevotity of Ow 44:41,y, 14 . •'‘ 4.issair... • e itrt rt! t $ 4. 1,, • d • .e.oet . e, 3, ; f.*1 114+ • • RI etliary's C0ebr4itt-ci , oour, , AK, ‘`,41 e 4 . t 11111 HAVE W//// icit.t, tut . • FOR SALE' AT ' BISSE13ROS'. You Will also find at their store The largest& best stook of' 412 444.41, Of all kinds,—in to*.rf Z, -and' 1 teli you they Sell They are new showin' 'F; •Seleot hxsort' ment, ;of BUILD:10G unDwArz •'at prioes that h4ve nelier been equalled nvEixeter‘ Just receiveda 'area cortaleinnetit Cit4 Axing Cro:51,73Givit elaws:4 and exatnine their stock, ge,h pricee, apd sou: will Ise well repaid., • 1 '1 , g6111t.' for the , ;E,WP,EOND SEWI,k,;f0,-, Machine, 11 t131 ▪ " .tr 1-11"1 .)74 *