HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-01, Page 5410,1
e • ,
Lona= Earon 4 EJ143.0 Aailway.
0.9P,N1 NOnTn--'4rIME TA8LEPaBlentr1.
LOndon, &part —8.10 a•M.4.25 :P.M.
OroSaing . • 9•30 ' 5.45
ClatidebnYe. . 9.10 5.15
Centralia...—. 9,28 5.33 '
EXETER;9.35, ", 545
Rensull. 7 7 9 5.53
Kipoest • " . 9,51 . 6.06
.Brucefield. • ;'.. , 9,55 9.15
Olint,on .........10.10 6.35
Lonclosbiro'..• • ,10.37 6.55
Uyth. . -20.46 7.05
Belgrave .11.09 7.20
Wingham arrive . 11.20 7,30
•cOINQ SQUTH. Pasienger.
Winghamidepart. 700 3.06 eat
Ilelgrave .. . . 7.17 3.28
Blytb , ; 7,31 3.42
Lundesbore'. , . 7.40 151
Clinton . . 8.00 • 4.10
Briscefield 8.19 ' 4.26
Kippen...........8.27 4.57
,8,33 . t 43
Exeter $.47 4.57' '
Centralia ; 8,57 ';5.4' , •
chieaeheie , 9:10 a 20
Lizcan-cross'g . .13 9.20 5,25
London,arrive • 10.10 6.00
Local • News.
• —The 'etOre WindoWir ere.r,lbr i4nuig!
to esaume.0 hoId&ii ej13*.i0
London .44'0414W 'OTOS Or
hand eleen aaLd.IIeIIt ittelakereni•,v
—New is agood
cipiatie0 ofi19tiAi4e"Ple01,le;94a4,4,pt
,--seotel) is. English AndCaziedian.
tweeds; *lege situ iety 4,csiphivelt and
Pwv?,_).41,4 . r., *..‘
,7---mr4ov.ctt, opeof Agr.,100.1al. gr..4141
buyffs, lost heavily by the ret fire
at Parkhill. Mrs, Levett and family
had a zunnow eseape front being knirnt,
to death,
—The: zeal of " the Salvation •ArinY
7-111,orn „snow' to,,tuake @odd sleighing;
—The merry linglesof he sleigh bill
it heard.' ' " .,•,.
',IChi8;Yeer,i0 atrangepte in the
ratter,of weather. •
--Municipal 'candidate's •ice. •11.191Wt in
ottneibg their flaMes. ,
' --A *cold wave ,accotnpanied..
anew, struck this viciaity Suudayi •
' —Get yotie bili•heads, letter keads;•
veloP.t.11,' eh:elders, &c.. at the Agve-•
CATE OISCS.,.. , •
---Goderich'Sigria,:=InsPecter '17,irn`
ate 'hid 'Thariksgisink turkey in 'Geller-
ich this year. ; • • ; •
—Nnw,boota• and ehties,,, in endleSs
variety, 'et Sanfwell & PiCking's,"
--Let , Whit ventura on the
streets step With, care; and r• (Anis •
certain of their feet their rtibber bust--"
3es wear.
• —Our thanks are' due to Simons
Stahl, formerly' of bhis office- but 'noW„.
•eadet int the Seleation. Army, for Sam-
ples of 'Whitby newspaPers. •
—The town tire'.'enAirni" and attach.
inents have been placed the fire adpayt-
-Tnent of the neiv toivif,hall. • Air fire•.
men should make a note this: • ,•-.•
_Without a' knoek or an invitatioe
-old winter qeartered• hitneelf 'upon Os
on Sunday'• ,and from presents,
appearances, has come tostay„
',The Exeter .Ffretrigade will hold
• ,. < •
thelr.anuttel,enueert in Drew's' hall on
the evening of Friday, Dec. 9th, 1887.
An exeellent:progt•atuhie pre.:
6, finest sete'plo. of onions. we
'have' seen, are thOse inniorted • from
Spain, and, for sale'at Messra- Samwell
s'onie Of *them weighing
three and ,a,half iD000ds each. , •
- -How do the sparrows keep 'gwerni,
these nights 1. From the Way they
.chatter ,in,the tree and about the leaves
it may be .supposed thot they 'have
•comfortable nights semesrherg, :
graod Sinking match,' •and
raffle will he hell at)theiStatioh (Iota),
bere,On Friday; Decenthee 9th. In the:
evening a grand dance will take. ;place.
.A.11 are,cordially „invited to:.etteed..
.—Mr. It'Seldon has been unable tit'
attend to the, ditties of'his vo-cation. for
the post few, days, Osvieg to the. effects
of au ingrowing toe .nail, but is •noW
able to perambulate in the ustiel.;,,Wey,.
Thog., Ci.ve has rented Abe
stand eecupied, by Swallow Woe.; and
is,goitig to s open it blaekstnith ShoP attil
‘fit it up'Wirth all!tile:ntodern ,ictiproe-
rnentS necess'ary 'for doing a successful
business. . •
& Pickard have jest re-
oeteed a large consigement ef„goofi,
rect from England ana which they "aro'
offering at Lock Bottom Prites, *
_The armatination atjd
eledioli'dipyjilitt. be the fith Of :Dec.,
ember and, the 2nd t. of January; the
days that Willi het' obsereetle. as °briar
anis and, Ne#,VcirN „
.The turnip ei•oo rut '
is no( o• *0,41.Y fitit60101
there Wa.ci„ati tp• Aehu t
mere', thati' tta
under, Mi.:. •favorblai ;cirounistaideek
turnipit are Of niniall 14p,ioli
for the prospetity of their Master's
work WAS fully, exemplified last 13un-
day when they paraded the street dile!
big a drenching rein. •
-,-BeV. Y. Smith, of London, will
OAKUM; a prominent part of the anni-
versary set•vices it, cor.nection with
Main et: Methedi4 church next Sun-
day ,and Monday. '
your dwellingi *it); W.
Sanders, Agent for the -Loicathire
Fixe Insurance 0o., 'af-1,ittanehe.irte;
England: ,
person in need of a vehicle
of any kind CW11110Vdo better that coal
stilt our local manufacturere, whose
etnre hinnies are well hired, With ,new
and aoasenablit goods for., the sleigh
irg season. •
direct .the. attention of our
.i,eadds to the "'eitvertiaeinent The
.uaw Ceneec votive paper to
be started in-ITotonto And which will
be clubbed with this,paper,thetsin fpr
$1.7,6;per,antie ,
1,7"Pt4C.01 iatunhers, of Exeter
L.,;tNoP924: You are hereby request.,
ed.te titthrld'tthe.;:regiilar niVetifig; to
take plade vorrosi, (1`riclait)etioning
pecenktier '32hd,r Yeepimportent
alststo traiatact..-cl ;
)--The'Venrtre attiiietion On Main -
street during„t4e past few days, has
1.),ega the. Ipliolte:ettgrav,..ihg,';4of44,4114'110
Fathers of Confederstien,," WhichC'hitri.)48.
iti the ,wi deivvi op rivoorn;,oitice,,
arid' gi Els 'O..' pi•hmiuM. ...te,;14niz' „Ter.:
Onte Weekly.;./Yers.,r,e '.*1,11114,*„., "
.--,ric ggod falliine of albums. fan- 4xErEft,..A,.ILARARTA
oy go'od toys: dvo at E. Sgarlett'S _
Mite Wbsztt per bushel (aim) 10 /6 to 10 ?I
, g store, Exeter.
wa.,-,stMhor.4Ars,tEtieHeriodginert,tlf nFavriciltahhara, ?,51P:9,1,14:1 en i4YoheirVr:rob4. prt15bi be:17: 17., 17 'if:: ' ; :7%711"; 9 76 95 9 78
0 28 to
0 6; to 0 62
001486 tato 00 .74
apireeifgelir athisb.1e ,atoeasthone *wag/Toon. w as in town 141):8Ppyorrt:on.e.n....::::::.44.•...4.2: 8 00 to 9 00
On Monday and said .'ti,ie sleigh was
am, per sta •
nutter per.lb.. , – ., ...., • or ...
' ' ' ' 0 10 te0 0 20
0 17 0 is
o oo to t oo
• Po '.toes per bushel 0 6') to 05
,--Arnong the Changes' which have APPIel Per bilit)oltf44)4.-4.T 0 15 to 0 so
taken effect in the time table of the rtssaa Porte • ea (101.,eg`t0i
- , - - . - -
Lonchili; Huron &' Bruce railway is ,
that the firming trat4, arrives at Lon- LONDON MARKETS.
doe at 0..05: p. in., (fortnerly 9 p, m.)
—On Saturday last Messrs. Snell 'led Winter, per busl ,f 75 to 77
Broi,i,reeeiyed per express, it bea.uhful• II* „ , 776to
deer, .weighingighing about 200 lbs., and was Spring . 6 o 7
Sby Thomas 13iSettsB
. . of this place, arh3Y, 44
1,19 has been on an hunting' tour in °at'a " "
'''.* ; i 6 6
n .2
Butter, Rolla 4 223235 tttn:‘3.22836:r
KneknIte. ,, 3 ••. • Eggs 1 t
..,„ -7-Mr. John Ttantron will be Pleased Butter, sjraeks %
40 ine4 ell Indies and gentlemen whO Hay per ton . 9.50, to 12;50
May ?desire to join; a Book-keeping , s ,..,_., ..
clasfl,in the BOyatTenaplars'itill, Fan,
sentatblia.;k, on Friday evening,* Dec, ' ToRozfro MARKET
44.4.v7:30...,; , ,,: , , , , : . _...... --,--
. ,. . ....•
.. . . ... Fall Wheat $ 0.78 to $ 0.80
1 7.•#litcln.;• ''.Ort, '")..1.,i0Alt has,t.e,E1. d Spring Wheat t 0.78 to 0.80'
,iat, the diegielatuiep will. be Oats , - ., 1 . ' 0.38 to ,..' 4139
called,togethr thelliiiit.'Weeluin Jan'y( Pea a ' ' t'. .0.00 to 0.6,1 .
The„Dorninion Parliament ,will be caW Barler : :'•i.4.'' g,' , "4 to : 0000
eCi''"1"14P4e4rlYfit:t41;1°i14411 of
HaY Pet .*Ir' ' ' ‘i''' ' 120.: tete 1811:
,w auvigtou.vouitutialou ere '' not Pro, Potatoes' Vert* - ' * •
i.,.,a , . , ,r, _ • ,, .,• • - . Batter. ' . ' 0.2e to 0 28
tracted:' .7. • * ' ' " . .. ' ,,.'' Eggs per ac.,s. . ." ' ' , 6.18
sidle l''66'4'u! n'atatti'of.gdetiOrotonf as
p yOir,
ab.1Q.b ID10,111,04,11'
ntangra• uit,111046
Jante.sN •: it.
one.of thelmo'St togeniouS, and liandieSt
articles,SiQki'eAdet`t,, and ritit .Only
iisefuls'hiitycl4aR.; ,y• Calf .arici
Oise, ; Iro e. sale ,ity• issett, Brea.; hard -
Ware and tinware merchants, Ex'etee.'
,--:•GeoeralBooth, Of .the Saltation
Army, has decided to sencF2scitiade.' of
MC soldiers', t� ; ulatid filtd Sehth..
A ineiica 'Some ilf.his.fott,es, haft.
til -
ready'. reecitigl:!:Jernsafeicy
streets -of tho holy, city reit-maid with
their' "eineni" and the.4itigle nf,• their
tartihonrinea;• „
' -,7-brdered, clothing; a' ,apeclaltY, 11
first-class fit: guaranteed. Sam well &•
Pickard: •
. . •
:returning from , /mightier's'
',Ouse. last Monday evening,
1ludson,• of •Us bort le township, inisied*
his Way I101118 'and' wandered' about 1,h6
Olds and wood, al night„ and_ When::
foun.d next rnerning was: nearly freten,
to death'. As he is getting' well up hi"
years slight hops are entertained fer,
his rekVety: "' '
cint .for In 'Conneetich
with the James st klethodist clitteCh"
atiniveristiry;-§4 sunci4 and MOttday,
DeqeMberid 1 ill anti 1.2th.. ;301.11,0nson
Sunday by ,Eevl J. G,"Scots, Of-Queeteti•
Avenee church, London'. 'And ;tea, fin'
Morida3T evening, to' he 'fiillowed 1",bY,
a•plattorin meeting, addressed- by the
Rev. J. 0. Scott, and Othera • .
.....The lecture hall, of James.steeet
Methodist church, was literaly packed.
Tuesday evening to hear' the
,pr:ngra„Mnie provid1'hy , the., Band of
-„Kope committee. The nietting Open
.ed at 7.30,, and 1 pleasant hour and ft:
half was spent in listening to Muttire;
,DialogueS, 'Readings and Recitatious.
'The selections, were ot a.; first-class
order, and 'reflects ore.dit, on the man.
agement committee.. We might make
'mention that not Only do young per..
a'ollS take part in .theso • meetings, •bnt
ati excellent reading -was giyon mi..
T1Ohn Taylor, sr. Look. out, 'ter the
next in four Weeks.
--Ale new officers in "chaige of the D'easriall°g8t'e'r tt* •6.54 in, 7.00
Salvation Artity.corpti here; .ure from
present 'appearance, determined to ,
melte, it interesting. for the Volunteers,'
of the enelnies 'eaelte. •4,The 'Captain
and Cadet are zealot's hard-working'
felIoNes kid are bound to, cid' all they
:ta to advance the, catise.ef'tlieir Mast
have received a 7'c'opy °of a
tiagrtigcent, historical. phatO-et,graying
"Tbe ,Vatiters'nf Confederation,"; the
premium; giv•eii with theqoronto Week
ly '/Vetjaa" The News with the erigrftv.„
this..papei will be pent to any
eddrees'frenknew Jan.. 1st, 1889i;
for.Mily $1.75. '1 Thiwis the best offer
y'ef, • ••.
- • • J,:, • .1' ( • / f P :,rk
WoultLsar.. tO the, lacliekt. of
Exeter and vicinity, that Mi sti S#eet.{
who IS %fell and tiVotably:',1criown;ks
d1iarA6 et,/ohr dressinaking departnient.
Those, Who, intrest her with 'their work.
.may • rely on having done •neatly,
•cheaply,'.erid in` the latest' and' knost
fashionabletstife. Wegearati4e•sati4,-:,
faction. RANTON & CO.
- . " .
ot Ger 4,9 sikRafy thalcutvaltY •!
these.Who take it for: granted,t that.
younglady 'of CentralialutsJlieen, ont
to penitentiary fer life, as reported :in
the -London 'weeklies- Emilie time . age,.
we might ay that the young lady ro..
f,irrerIte; simply, got 'married' to ,
tectiVe JOhn,4),:iGrahtihi,- LeitdOni
a'trap,Whieh :alrypling led* are ibIe
to fall into., . •
the:P.60'4ml cons of Commercial Union -
1 -,At St, Marys on Friday e0ening;•
weik lai4,dobated upon by'the Mitch- .
ell and St, 'Mary*. ,debatiftg-ttecieties,
the ccintest was so cies°, that it was
:l4t with the audience to decide, and
small majority was recorded against
Commercial 'Union; „Mr. Geo. Moir,
formerly of this town, toOki,an active
part in the'discueskie, and Came out
on the winning side.
— scarotty,o copper coin is always
noticeable before, -the. holiday season
cornei asound. r The question is often
asked where de they go off .to; With.
in a few days of'Christmits, thliy 'return
again to money drawees 'of 'the- stbrirt ,
and, shops, in such qtimititicit as to he -
come' ttimeot. a. nuisance. Their scar.
'city is uncloobtedly tine tobeing hoard -
in the ,lianks the little dhoti, who
lay np every coin, to participate' in the
giving of fibristtnas, presents.
PUBLIC) ()11111E
at ruinous prices,
at panic pie, he will get
Se saint Custonier.
W. Southcott,
. Mainstreet,
.„ • AZALEA IN. •
PHOTOGRAPHS! BreafastCoralsOi1 alr,
c4t1.ii.,,1:geit., always one
.,poops REE07
he-cari be. found * McINNES, •
, t 5 ,
It&IN ST, ' • EXETER, ,
having purchased th 'business or
'Chas: Senior, 'te in-
, form the the publicthat t
Main Sr ieter..: .
•" The Finest Cabizint4 ih
Elegent Finish; or -
, t ,- '7•• • -7-'t -4.,,,,. ,,,,, ,- - -
' ObfaVing'and',.'Enlir int
, . g
., ,. - , , ; - .• a 4 J r
• dene on shortest notice. . ' .4. I
rrescripopn a a pkweloinn*who
, boa p. ,15t1,,,,* ozporionoe to
treatirly featale dizeakeS.. is 11304
•Z • znikAltly p6rfeet EueOeca
, over 10,C00 ladies,t Plosaanti
etreetwil. Ladies fle4 your dor-,
gtst'for' ratinytoyal .wafers ant.),
44rAke no outatttpto. or Inclose pest-
ago'for sealed ft'etiottlers. Sold byalt
ntr no=r,urrigc.i!Attie, 4C101).ez., rpbsTozuo..rrA,dzidiresat!
Sold in Exeter by. pre Lutz, and'
Iruggists everywhere, Oct 1 7,
• '41 -The annual the 'Exe.ter
Branch of the British. &• Foreign Bible
Society 'was held in 1Viaizitstreot
Odist church .Tuesday evening and wa1*
tivfin 'attended. Atte .the'
filditie4i had been'dispinisecl
able, :elaborate ae&epprOpriate41444*.
Wee ,delivered..44 41,410110i;t3P.
) it' rtiea-sti'Ret MetlietliSf Oh ii)„,'',,,61);;Jrckftfi
Iose of, Wh kit 'Av ii4titt"
subs.'i'ipUoii list was tt;iir,f5:0
ettttiti,m,givoti ithowod tho Scielet
;WaS4 itt h 4i1,4„ii4g
iq Sai9i1.;
The otiioo.ollAe4lador,togiot
t017, nt,tfilthaellilelatet4lignoswatith,t,oerk:beisapwolou;
in that dii4ectinn, -a' Mild Winter would
vhfligd1,,,y1y, licibei
,in the bucket ot the ferment' needs.
Already in:all ;parts/0E: the, .,eottritry
•watee 800.y. .46 to bo'i'ailkttui from
long distaeces„ and Were a severe frost
to set in now before tbe Usual rainfall
ibecurs, it wettish bee Very' great mid -
fortune to thousands. * DrOuth Ad first
of December in this 'country is rather
6n e Their vo
41'1'''"ugh " "' faith. is this; -
0 or *three mon are 'travelling
h country eareying with
!" ih i variety1 icIi hf6eyrndest 1 io:ifr: ;:or fowls, thithtitlet:tocke,baaoozf.
ILIM,' They
vilI so) him eggs' , or
tp aU,ti utake a tcontract gearanteemg
purcinise every. °wok hatched and,
lloing for Itit *deice at #5 . °ilk. "The
tg hitio be�tt, dppo into bong
Vater,befearktliele „deli i•ery,'; can
tebatiOsortt , 'the thit1 oredit expotioditig the etiett* at nentniitly ekillettdd'higlo0 ii:sgit ass
ftoevotity of Ow 44:41,y, 14
•'‘ 4.issair... •
4. 1,, • d
.e.oet .
e, 3, ; f.*1
• RI etliary's C0ebr4itt-ci
4 .
11111 HAVE
W//// icit.t, tut .
You Will also find at their store
The largest& best stook of'
412 444.41,
Of all kinds,—in to*.rf Z, -and' 1 teli you they Sell
They are new showin' 'F; •Seleot hxsort' ment, ;of BUILD:10G unDwArz
•'at prioes that h4ve nelier been equalled nvEixeter‘
Just receiveda 'area cortaleinnetit Cit4
Axing Cro:51,73Givit elaws:4
and exatnine their stock, ge,h pricee, apd sou: will Ise well repaid.,
• 1 '1
, g6111t.' for the ,
;E,WP,EOND SEWI,k,;f0,-, Machine,
▪ "
.tr 1-11"1