HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-12-01, Page 1a
Vitt atter AdttocAtc.
OrerY ThuriehYlngrOlgat
at the office,
tteter, Ont.
Tztuteot surisceintotri
One dollar a tam, if paid In ada•ance; 91.50 if tot pa
pad. ^
Adrartisilg Rates on Application.
NO paper discontinued until ail erre,rages are paid.
_Advertisements witbout specille directions will be
publishrd till forbid and charged art.‘ordingly. Liberal
diecount nude Cr tr..nai lent AdVeratilltiletttfl inuerted
lor rang periods. Every description of J0/1
13M-turtpt..1 out In the Snag stele of the *rt. !And id
moderate rriArs °intoner, minnow, orders. die, for
,edvortising, subseriptione, ote.,-to isoneyleogyablo to
. TH0.4. .P .it S MORE,
Editor arad Publistor,, ....
' .1r= 1.1"..0”.1/IIMMINNOBNA.1141.01...011•:•••••101110•1110.101a
., .....
., 011(71?Cli IliftE.02'0Ri. .,
, .
EptscapAz, Curium -Rev. 13: P. Roldria0e; ir001290
:Sent. Randal! Services, 11 a. M.rand '7 p.111 ; lihus
'bath Sellout, 2:50 p. in. ,
Hetvarios Anyi•,--,fiondayser4lees, 7. s. m .3 P. in.
' and 8 p. in., services every nimbi .during- tbe week,
v8 o'ciodlc Holiness riteeMng tt Inc. ca. on standar.
morsrocisr mutate. James - et, 'Saar. .1. Gindikuli
morn.. Stitila) iie,Nictia, 10.30 i'. ra. 44,1.30 p. m.
Sabbath' neboall ..IC p. tn. Prayer refeefutAlitireday
wooly,* at 7.30. . , ' '
Mem ii•rostvi;--Iteir, W. IL Maces, Plater. Sufi'
day. servinet, 1,090 a. rn. and 6,90 p. In. Sabbath
wham, -..1.so 'p. in. Prayer.meetiog, Thursday ,sven-
lug At 1,30. Young peoples prayerineeting Thuraday
evening. st, 740' ,
, •••
PF.101,1}YISHIPLV Coivaci,-Ror. tp,,11. Martha, Pastor.
Sunday servines, 11 a. m. and 6:30 p, an ElsbOath
rebo:d, Deth 4. rt. Young peoples priyar mootisg, M
1 415-: Tinn'eday evening, prayer inestift it 9 o'clock.
t.hoir practice ocniedia.tely after.
, ...c.., .....0, .4.
4.• 0.4 'ix...44..
. AV' fiROWI;f170;) g.
D.MC.P; .*
rlt1"Viletlratj7ntta"andrtg. id.".'"fooi,,,lhiisreory,eetr!ent. June. 9-'8.
esuce on *to eouth-Jameestrnet loading to the Maw
odlat' Church.
'the Village of Exeter, and the Cmitity of flume.
AiForders promptly attended to. Exeter p.o., Ont.
di • „
.5feri;th:1 Toworbips of'llity and Osborw atitordeis
ororaptiy atter:don to t ismer p.o,, Oast
Ni7.. 1f, rrofir,t,toRNSIC0 perfoNgsa for
the Counties of 'Middlesex safi Lambton, and
the Townships oi Stephen and Bay. All sales prom.
iptlf attended to. Ad,isers.ill eonnettulesAiorts to Vt.
Mow 'tiara poatildleo, Ontario.,•
pc'iter f Ooprerne Court of Onteriti, Commlieloner,
Domayincer,Ae.;,Office.--Next doom 4:t' Pick -
aid. Exeter Ont Money to loan atiVery lowest :stem
1"'„ H. DICE;s0N, barrister, Solicitrir of Bantams
Court, Notary Pilo, Conarlyancrig, Corn
soisejorier, c;Molloy to , • •
*Mee. ransun's Block. Exeter.
News rrontlinnies and Field's
LestSaturafty a;n1. „§PtidsaY ,Paing'il;
hl4 /sfintdaY eYeilTtLing entteido was cov.7
ered,with snow, -
,ig&laughtering, sad Sausage, Making'
all' the rage juet-oe,w.' ' The stpteelti of,
ptge can be heard da1y.
BObei t Buwefl, o 000dalber;chhi,ofwelirfrae:
of Huron Ccunty Farriers;, erly 01 Zurich, accompani
1011/1eitiog friends and relatives in ,this
, , part Me are all glad to see his smiling
race once more.
OUR UN-JIRO(' l'ORRESPO• ) One millers are litaviog new boiler Put
r • ' s
a •
log the„repo' tkat could 'net pbtai41
A'Oedit• "We o;in Pl'Ore Pfrid
it .iti•se we) koown, thet it really needs
no proof, Hoyle); letter, threat.,
eniegna with legal action forced bito.
this coritroyersev, we have need just the
the saille'langilage Wedid ru our pest.
els; dkc,, end he closes. his threats by say, nig. The iiterease of 5,000. rank 011d
be does hot Want' '414 o°11t"Yer'ieY• file, chat is reecoreended by the Lieute
As' fel' Ivo had net 110Ped anent General commanding the Armyt
srtiea‘ricitShaa3Ibeetvteeir,.prosit)ectwooftl'idbeiglitvge eta4
in their/Mil, it iu 60 h. p. The boiler
t There never was seah a chancefor
'the .A,int'y :tir'get'llfliat t Wan% p.s OAS
winter will. arrord: Events , have dee
oustrateel the eecessity of an arroy
that shoirld be small bat •constantly
litaintailied upon the moat peril:et foot-
&,, Army the three-bottaliou system that
was manufactured by (whim McCulloCh tr)y,lat• 'iof'debfe"'und exists all over the Continent. While
Galt, The old boiler, tilthoinlb 40 li, p; and iher are wise in Doe trying: le1617.!,,;„ chtaitir ii)nefettnn,toriyiseirtttry,intenttal tor,gt.tinizu:ion
was not suitable for the•amotint Of molt say We have& taken a flew extrolots, e or w y. y ars.
being done in the oUI. The new boiler 19ilw with 'the exeel)thet of the tv,19 sehteri The cavalry and lartilety ren•ittelit 'eitCh
NVAII brought froth IfeoRtai;• distance 'of 'des loolltioDed hi,:ortv fag& latirq.,%•tva "say ' •
Items of LiterOst Prein IrnpartaU t
Centres. ° •
. 0, L NO. 924. "
:moots first Prfilay in every montb. iri, Mock
st 8 o'clock: Visiting Biethresi WahrPla:.," '
,Joux OrAcammr, W. M. • '
I. 0.0.. .F.; No. 67,)EXETER. '
.0 • .
utZota every l'utedfty eveidnl
g'inotitil block. A *Gr-
as' woIconio r.tenetod to visiting brethren.
sti,bicitT Yugm, N G J. T. Yonro'or, Wow.
F. NO. vb.
-soot Uie LwTN1 ana &email Friday of each •see
th,.Fancon Iron; at 2 o'cloak p. to. ,V1aDing
gen' tordially invited. "
.56.&iiounfers. 0. R. 3. !Imam,
Offitie ever O'Neils Bank; Meath; Dot.
„ .
, OXIdd Eht..3 for painless extraction.
1,4) 0,,„ extrauteteeth without p:de
N'ePor'• fmusing the neW Awes.
thetic (oft .4171111i. M40 00111 Filllilg9, mid all other
dental v. ''k tEo hest possihib. Glees ,to Edrich lit
ht .
, .91.4 9F 35.3111,9TILEET. EXETER,
Reenrct'of nil Events -Death%
Removals, Fires, Sales,
and Accidents. -
rexquhar Gleanings. .
• Sleighing is et hand. A • S
rt The Linn ofwoqd choppers, ase ,Will
lioon be bearJ.'
Mr. William Slemmons intends: taking
up his residence at Pluglown: .
erel%ettrinAg *iota lie 831; 3 XI t (Id duringnd
the coining silting.
CAA TWRIG,litf,t/DS,
t, 5.1_11A1 surcieop Dentis
have three hatialjops, eked ,us stipule/
Ythe infautry, the artny that above -ail,
others need it most We. riewhave in
,the'tylenty-Iive 'reAnterits' Of Inftinfry:,
,10„00 /lien; The ,addition' ;of 6,000
asked ler WOUICI give us 15,050
The, main/ obje,i6tion '16 ineref;fring: the r
ArthY' Iras been made' by Certitio „West- ,
ere arid ',Northwestern., Cdrigresdnihn. I
*But now that. Chieilifantro has 'donated
Vose Y '80.100 t
six. Millis, Fist Friday? by l‘Ir lIatittRupp
the Weight id' which- is hot,' tons.
Mr. Coloshy, oiir eldtst pilmeerk
pmseci.itailik lest' illididay, morning. Tiee.
cause of his death w'ss dropsy. HO stiffeic'
eied all animuer. .He was one' Of the litif
settlers '4'.this part 61 the country, When
firS: got tied' ar9- every* fig Arai binsh.
Hi death beirieiretted by many.' tie'
leavee huge, family „and a, minder, .of
friends ,to moons his loss., . remains
were buried in the•Metliedist cemetery on
the 13rouson Line. r
The sleigh bells can now be heard.
MulaXetpal_elections.ivill soon b� ere
We gave thi_lse'hY9taws, ;word for word, aid
ve'VerY word' it Itrs-pltice, the' Whole
i• u..tiie Copy befoye, and
those, bv-lawahliye,tiet been.eluidget,i, or:
cannot be changed while the ring reMaini
'inoperaction, for if Messrs. Gidy le
the light 0.1)03" PutIodr3'° the 'Mhnuf.lIct' total or; 200 more ter Cada Wihnient
ors mssocial ion' if „they choose, tha
inannfaiittivers clann.the right to: sell oat -
,Side also. By the teriv 4woulth1ie undert.
takerst" IS Meant, 04011. and every -natty or
parties,' win.) after„ this date (I 88"Or 'Sart
bv;i;l:rie;s. aswinertl4hdriltlitrs\',ve:t.a;'ve,artntie)tnips.t
ie ft site for a big of' ln pipvicie4 t� 6f4.4y. it., ;
,e,otf.00 of, 11381,-, in)*(1! they take- gOud gare :It' is.; nO,t prebable, that there will ever
I18,110 rjce lit in nt tile ptr,0140:042 ;.he,that bitter opposition that once es::
liniment, it is beetnisesp :the cmppn4,i,41.,Itg , asted i
to an ncrease in the Army cork -
the Associariosi, Wt have Messrs, merisurate with the country's needs
16w:14d-tab prehlie.- .,..,Iftlitn.4t, 'to their and. demsolds„
. Postmaster Generai'Villts has ruled
that the male and female cleric's i ti his
clepartinent may get Mari -tea and: .ret-
tain.it heir positions.' This deciejo*-}104/‘
• hoomedi'the matrimonial" Illaykett
Made the Postmaster- General Vtrr.
,o‘rona,tser on t,orrespondejit,) popular. It is rumored thal Secretary
, The members of Congress.arm *flock- .Lamar, whose department almost Ad.
irig to the' city andin ;the 'inte,tval be- jouros that. of Yilas, does riot
fere the opeltiog,of the ,k4siens. of ,the the monopoly of popoleritywhich
national legislature they are huntiog has fallen to the Postmaster 'Generart;
'up quarters for the Winter:, Ocuerally and has wider consideration a: Propors=''
speaking they. want turiishd houses, Ulan to.gratit'fifteett day .eXtra. leaVe`
as the's° who rent iinftirnished fatalist's
'have already .made, then, Selection and
.have their, families located for the wiet
er. The- list .of furnished " houses' for
rent is quite' eiterfs, Mid there is ft
wide ,range for''SefiNtion„. Some of the
,finest private residences in the city'
conipletelyand even elegantly furnish-
ed can' be rented far the season, and a
•temporary, resident cap be comfortably
housed. .The -.number of ' expeusive
houses rtineed' indieates that society cir
cies this season will receive olanY rittot-
addi Hons.
" The British .mertibers of the fisheries
'cotimission' Were presented to the
President at ,naon Saturday • by Seere-
tary Bayo'r.c1:: Chatliberlain, Sir
Charles Tupper, 'Minister West and
the British -attaches of,the CotLaiiSSiolt
called at the State Departinent 'at an
early'hour; aecl were acoomPanied from
there to the White .House by Mr. Bay
arr.. The,usual formealities werob.
Served. • Mr. dbainberlaid and Sir C.
Tupper' wore preSented..by. Mr. Bayard;
.the rest of theparty by Minister West,
1'hi4 Presaderitt received. them .• in: the
library on the seednd &pr. Mr Bay..
ard entered.the rodoi with ;Mr.,01-Mitt- ,
berlain alone and. presented him toil
.President the re.eat of tithe party re-
maining Outside. Alter it fu* brief'
words exchanged:the' Secretary .j State
left the room, and. returnetlin a. morn,
Ant With Sir. ,Charles, Tupper, whom he:
presentiid to the Presideratl He then,
iskett Minister, West to introduce " the;
rest id the party. . After. a polite greet,
inc and a few tudinelits conversation,
Mr. A. K Hi:On-est,- lot 1..6, coo. 10. Wood bees will soon be the order 'of the judgment of, the sountipi,ssp ot, upp9sition.
he purchase a frill bred suffolk day. • '''• YOM"A 11:111Y/
sow, which received firg-prize at all the • Our butcher lais"purchased a lot] front ' aoivia & AVottowa.
shows, from Mr. john Lindhardt, of 4i Inikwood. , •
pogan, which he ,iatends keeping for breed -
ir Ito. a 'Dumber is visiting friends TIT ' .
ing purpose's, uur. yvaeuington Letter.
We already hear the.jingling of the
sleigh bells.
' Mr. Davie is Wily erecting a'leitelien,flte
to'store" recerbly ectnpied by ',Reediting,
'wber e Intds to liva'.) *ha ' keep
a. grocery: . .
The average IlenSallitish small hireil
face is no4,radielit with 'sniites caused by
the stabiv:givinghint * clieraie%to use this
sleigh,. to, Work off histsUperfluon; energies..
vmtv. 'painful ::ticicitlent happened: at
the G. T. ft. station, here, on 'Monday last
• As Chittiolk Ingrasp. was coupling. ears, he
got his hand atight 'badly .ini.riaihitig hi
^thunib and three'llogers, and it is doubt:
lid whither they:Can 4)1,9 savO o'enet:
. , . .4.7#9)fri. •
The bealitifill Weather 1iti4 enabled the
farmeroto make geed prep,argtioni for
winter.; . .
Mossrs„,Pred John'
witiebdse„, with thcir tainiliet Isse've this
week for California.' We'whihtliem pros-
The Municipal eleetiOns will elbow take
.place'agai», aurl a live!), time' expected.'
The,managernent tifthe L. 11. le,r B. R.
fiiia doubtless get another airing.
Missionery se1rno12 were preached in
the Elinirille Chnreh; on Stinda,y) last by
Rev. W. %lance in,the meriting marl Rev.
A. Harris iti the evening.. The serinons
Were excellent, but the congregatioris
snatili,"otValig to the ,ialersiency 'of the
Weather. On MonclaY0evsniph :t platform
meeting was. held,. *bee Missionery ad.
dresses weredelivered'by ,the SaMe gentle -
hien. , albe,goileetions, and subscriptions
taken up =noun t.etil to $43.„
'Oredito.n.Briefs. ,
A few aleiOs are leett'onfont:etreets:,
'rdo nate of tho,Royal,9olle,,,e of Den,'
lit'g'00A Marjng furnished fine den.
tioxt,doek to Treble's rtInrness"shripi Main=
etroct..Eximer, Oct i.tvliere 1 run ,prolared :to norforna
itt orm.cite of tlin proicssit,n with' d3se mut skill..
011 A at1.119„514.DERATE-45:9515,'CAstio
101iN „WEETCOti,' ikttRAINCE,i ICAN,
.fttal Ettoto and Rteitnihe.4 Agent., .'Wealthy end re%
liable Firs anti bite bistironow Corripanies, Repreiie»ty
'a,puont, ot inolleV to loasi on first class mort.
rages at lOwest rates of iiiterest.• Cohere! Agenta for
Murou Jo., for A. Witlkuna reaVestatti ague,
'3Joadop. Beaver Line of 8teamers represented. ,
effico--.1ignes st,,. txet.er,.Ont.:. 89 87
,ca Ikt xi 4 Ze,
Issuer of 4 • •
Life, liceidoia., and Fire Inenratiee agent.
niftier: West Slile of Slain -Street, Eager.
Ha/ Fa 'rners' Mutugi Fite
insura.nce 'Company,. •
. ; •
fiontinS EgttitINO iii4Siinz iiternt *EAT'
clsocuyA insursnce beanies). to the notautataii
osn; ao MS* iipotyllig )1011OftnIty, 1.1” raid/. t.d.i.ht
atilaorolgnoir, All apoDeittitinit prBeePtly iittieded to.
hied ageiii forthe GonlyianY Of Otielpb.
A.Wo ACCTIONEEM fOrilteCowntynt Alures4;
' 4 „A°41, kerloSo
analoiroulitt'the village, ,
, ,
'The new bidge ncross the creek is laetng
built by Mt. Ilardy, 'of tieter.
Mr. John' Copeland; near Woodham,
haa disposed of his theron;,h-bred bull,
rv. 1.7 ,
Bsyfield Notes.
The ineiry'peals of ti10,01eigh
'new' be, lits,rd'throu&ont the laud..
Mr. John. Polloak has 4parehtioed
shootist's trap,Irom parties ili Zarich.
!I,Qut mereitantvai.e, now expecting to
liaveu boom iii the winter clothing line.
Christmas will seen be at'hatie, 'aucl,the
sinall'ones are anxiously looking ler Santa
'Mr. Stalker, Tinsmithhislemoted his
4thilttiac:!!),rbusinOsii to more Conlenient guar-
. r
Who will eompose our council. for . the.
coming year is being freely -talk of. itt all
quarters of the village just now.
,An oyster,suppor was .helch at tSwart'si
0110 eveitiv.recently. An excell-
ent` and enjoyable tante iyas.' anent/
Oxir.fishertnen, who have been up te
Greenet:.lt Islands, returned borne last
.week. They, report the season arra profit-
able.one.• .
On Tuesday niorning'of last week, Mr.
Hobert Reid', aged .10,; eat'llie'breallfast as
Mr. Wm. Stevens, adjoining the
had a number sheep killed. bY doe,
night tor two ego, ' ' • 4
Revival ser7ices arein progress in the
Bethesda Obilla:11, and are .conductecl by,
tho.Pastor. the ReV.11r. Itennedy. .
A A.1
r 1.110;.v. itunterst returned. from' Mils-
„ , , _
Tliere were suiccessro, mid brought
Ittene.ivitl; theta saute very fine ones, ,atid
little lawn, ; •
1'dr. Ileanian; ott the.
east side of pi4villeg,e, died very.auddenly,
last Monday morning. disesse was
asthma. His remains were interred in
the Bketer cemetery on 'Wednesday after.,
fell:ft:ma tibeir, and ' expired in-
stantly,. ',It i4 siipposed heart disease was
the cense., •
a ,
gALE R.-CdtgER.
. , • —
ICI:necElloaetkurrid.auly,., iDe:,icdeenni obee,r tewtiod:
chattel property, lately owned by
; George, Willis. , John 'auction-
eer, R. H. Collins, Solicitor for ass-
ignee. • .
On Thursday, Dec. 1st, at. one. o'clock'
p. 111.j on lot 23.,• South Boundary,
Stephim farin stdelt, etc,' W., Ilolt,0
• A.uot. Prop.
011 Thnrsday, cc. 8th, on let 7 con,
2; Stephen, at one o'clock p. ru.,,
farm stock, implements, etc., Jas.
Oko, Auct. D. French, Prep.
On Wednesday, .December 11t11,. on
8, ‘.6ronscin Line, Stanley, at, one o'•
clock p, na., farm stock, inipletnentsi
ete. Geor,ge 151616/yell, proprietor.'
E. tease)). erry, auctioneer. •
I s
tont'. of as Adu4acs. '
, to. young couples, marrying in de. s
pertinent and an additional fifteen days ;.
anti a now sot of teeth' ter4loid"maidi
'and 'bachelors.
C .
• Vessel's are prevalent in Blyth.
The Baptists of Stratftirelywill erects,
a handsome new brick tchurch
summer. .
'Seaforth High SchooPwill be raised
on the Ist ,Iiinuary to the rank.
Collegiate Institute. ? , •
TItil Central Bank Of Toronto is. the, ,
third obartored 1aRlc;t1}i9kilas
sed itt Canada ,this: year.,
The Erin Advotiatstean calls ha de-vy
lirtgoeia. subscribers ...t‘bloodauclicre.”
.attel publishes a; black list f
0,1,111 Patterson,: of goderinh, has
been committed tor triat for, qtealing a.
that 'teWn' " " '
onerai igeWstiotosii ,
beath hag neen itg WoOt in Wig' MR Sit,We see -it ornet he intent-
,riinitY. ' *idtit• :fW„e,
ar& Gidley, or W. HHoyle, to
hes been sio'vtoe tnne, at' brot1, a atiV ianitroYersey vith tra: Weli
ere residenCe, seine three thi1e14, i'Vetti, eflifips it no the best cOnehision they teat
11. lIoyWs lCtters to
remain. 8 W(ir,e to
144(1° 431' 1)411 nhr.SeS.,'atlh 3'ett Will gild'ribtithgr but the
here,„ died on Srmilayieieninglast,,(,)'.b,)atibii,itlia18.,so.e..v":„Aolliftt' W.
Is." ‘'-' " t bileiV.'4pplitki itoti
ALT- the talce out all the -sekiiidhl,g
11111.611 . that ig8.4ifig
g..nt email {tast r
tis,w0soker *ell cola Mtn." We httVe answered "th
Is Juni. bar• stateinents and do ilot prepose to9154,01rod;
Vise saist. Metteia, *bet trent the:joint' 'IV Were .ferced
Seitio tioiS, is rev) —
'Mr:' 0. Mason, of Brucelielti has sold
Iii`s'eelehrated inifiateci, stallion, Me
Alpine, to Meas-rs„ I3orry. Millar, of
liensall, for the sum of $2,000.
"Thos. Rowland, the M. R. }matte -
man who had 111/4 right hand alp putat,
ed while toopling 'ears in St Thomas.,
at\Illels,sue, We 'Company for $10,000 dam=
al; it lz9e (81 urn
ricifeleliagthi ttyY'cnoileerctio, lilatir:sBr;7:171
els ono everting reeently. The ret,si',
,the 'party rettirned to their hote1.4 •' .tlents believe in helping the .p,fio4r
Nerth-west: v
this county, this year, mostly` to the
000 harrele of apples, tfie product of
men's Associabiort-of Western Coterie
apple king Of Huron, has shipped 25, -
oil the 111101;12th and '1.611 dayef 'Of
Will be field in the 'ttrwit Listowell
Tito annual ,conyentiOn of the Dairy -
Mr I). Cantelon, Of Clinteti;: rtht:.
CongteSsmati W. S, Of 1M- teens.
Janimyyl uckt,_
i 6 t A
A Meeting for the pitrpOse Pti4,16.0,4
in conamereial Union wi,11 be bY
_ ,
the Ferinera' inttittite$ ot
next monthi tind an effort -lin' being
isiin the city, He has been in,
()dogrel:a for the last twenty-two years,
and ought to be able to foreeast -hi the
light of.so much expeuetwe, , spine of
the probable,aets tho coming .session
He says, Carlisle, will ,be, re-elected
Speaker without any trouble/ Ile re.,
gards theiThobe Contest adi having rni
impPrtiince:. 'Ile thinks' ,c1n5 chairman
o the:Wnyt and, IMeans. Committee
will no longer be considered the leader
.ek the .party on the Boor. Thiel 0,991-
mittee has- been shorn of trateli Ot itl
power by, haviog the tippi•opriatibris
eliminated from it, and Mr. Holonte
einieder'h the cuAtbrii 'of tegartlitigAlie ,i'
' I' ' ' 'f tq .aa -0 1 , .v.i. ht nlecte te Secure aeldkaa -1,t,,(r Smir,ke , , .
0 tarpon o, 1 , u e er , n tit, 1, ig 61 ,t ti it,. -, ',‘ ,-/ 0,, . Lt ,r,:.,2,- f CI, 4',4"„ '..'
Pt..it.pNe4dePt ,whiCh . has falloh -Into' '''' '"''' %" i'lln3)- .„‘.! i'...tf%i,"31,9`1.0'''. 1 r*.,40 d ,,,,,,A:
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