HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-11-24, Page 4•t„ „
• V.41,7& ELT.,TOT; DenuisTEns,-
Belleitors, Coaveyeucers,
7,10noy. tg TJcian atOfX,
V, gT,POT,
The Enter Advocate.
On ICE: , Main&ifeell'.1'Iceer.
THVRSDAY, NOW, 2 4th, 1887,
Von eleven assizes hheuccessiou, .the
Sheriff of Halton has presented. the
Judge with a pair oftliid gloves,.
A PICTURE of iNiagara Falb); .wh'
is to be taken to London foroxhibition
is one of the largest ever painted, be-
ing 380 fe*iu length. by 45 feet in
breadth. The artist, , Paul. Rhilippo-
teaux, with -a dozen assistants, has
been engaged constantly:on the work
for the past six montliseaud some idea
of its magnitude can .be gained from
the following list of f materials consum-
od: Whito•lead, 8,000 pottudt; oil, 3,-
322 gallons; _essence of -turpentine, 3,-
240 gallops, and a car load of eolors..
THE Ntwer appointed sonatore:. .11,f14.•
John Macdonald, of Toronto, has- in a
substantiaheray as a memorial of a be-
loved. daughter, deceased,., given the
sisagnificent sumo! forty thbusand dol.
lora towards the erection of 'larger and
snore comfortable -quarters feet the suf-
fering peopleof Toronto in hospital ac-
eommodations w•hich are.greatly need-
ed, ard to place 4his house of Tefuge on
aepermanent footing will require nt
least cae hundred and fifty thousand
dollars. May the Senator . be spared
many years to -see .the .outflowing„, re
salts from his,genesowegift.
NO LESS than eight ballote•were cifs-
allowed by the deputy -returning officer
at a polling, place near.. Hagosvile dur-
ing the count because they had a peete,
Mi. flourish, of pencihniarks.under Dr.
Montague' s name. Everyoneof these
ballotirhad been properly marked for
Mr. Colter, the Liberal -candidate' the
.being distinctly opposite.. his name.
If this statement be trine• which is re.
petted as such hy ,Conservatives, Mon-
Sagee'a majority can be., easily account
carl-fons. It seems impossible .for Con.
aeratvese to peas over an election
aeithout committing dirty work of some
kind.imorder to retain power.
Tnz Stevioes in Main -Street Metho-
diat. church .last -Thursday morning
evere,moderately well attended, and
the Thanksgieing Day idea is an ex-
eellent providential one in theory:but
i&does-not work as well as it should in
peacticeseThe neglect to attend church,
hese-even .does not indicate eltogether
of ingratitude... There are plenty of
people who are fell of gratitude, yet
they ,cannot, bringethemsel ves to the
opinion that a specialthankagiving see -
'tee ..is' obligatory., People generally
de not regard itens a , duty_ toe overeat
themselves ..On that day as. at Chilet-
ums, nor hurry eround from. .house to
Mose as at New Years, non- to,. go on
an excursion or picnic as on the, twat
ty-fonrth of May er, the first of July:
Theichtirches.are not aerull as on San.
day, and indultof thein, do not open.
The question arises every year wheth-
er the day is wellOhoseuaerid Theeke-
gieing da :v has notiyetatteiued to..the
rank of a first-class h6lidav,.,.
F.Itebt„ti Montreal exchange, we etake
tilt following An elettnet nde hag
been issued by the Milted States Pi.etv
effiee Departaidrit, that nil parcels Silf-
paper8 Or goods haVieg edvertisemente
di Other ektriLtheOtte tdattOf On t;
terEhb.11 b Olifxrgfia, letter postage.
Many periohs itt, the 'United States
41mm bon..finol hbayily in this way for
what leg aiwayashecti eettsiclered
lawfel before, and therela likely.to
ikiotti of indignation all OYbr the
country if the obnoxious, ordee is not
togule,4 din r:shag' tttrtias.
avvoss the 'Hoes 13.1iouhl. e o4rofu1
put ilothipg, kt.tlfp .pOclrow ppl .the'
wropperi prod containintbreo
,vopie of the poet41, ide paileAr'13,7
the Milted States Pfl#,-QMOPil Poput,
ment tO ft oewspepsisoftce was ectuelly
cheesed elevee .cents postager.•fiecape
the Werc14. 9 copieenYere piAte4.114-'
dewthe .tidclresa,.showing that • the De-
partment does not follow•its own rules.
• e -Wo. are, indebted 'to' Mr, WiliM
Clarke for the receipt of a copy of; the
ketme entitled,' "The Pulpit the Age
Needs," delivered by, Rev. Geo. Web-
ber, former1y. pastor of J arnes.street
Metitodist,chnech, before the Theologi-
cal Union of the Teronte Conference
in 1880; find; ,peblislihd• by reqoest in
Jihsertphlet feraal
—The 4xtter branch of the Mitish
-andli'breign Bib] n Seeiety,hok14their
anneal meeting on next Tuesday even-
ing in the Main - street Methodist
church. at 7:30 p. in. Resident and
other clergymen have been invited.
The united choirs .of the fOur churches
provide the music- and- a packed house
)8 alh now, Wislied‘lor. • Remember, it
is fhb child and mother of every Zion'
chureh, its God -nerve& arms encircle
the globeits, issues .number
and to itse-work• beyouch disputes you
owe both yeur ,pelitical and social bless
ingse. Has it tot then.a claim;on you
for one evening of 'tiles year Come,
for its author. gave liis life to make
the book it circulates the medium of
eternal life awl bl essing toque. Com.
.congratulate °unwires upon
having emerged from the bungled criti-
cisms of our local i.cotem • without. any
other stain upon our escutcheon than
to be accused offelipping an item d'i•om
a daily peper .and appeepriating, the
,P.tfayed'Iroin the premises 'ofthe sub:
scriber, .rlot 13, pop, 11, township of
Stephen, a large WHITE .SONle PIG, WW1
kWh' 44 and one ring M nose:• Anv perJ
sow giving sacii inforillation as will lead
to tho eocovery Of the Stkate will be suit-
ably' re wardpd:
Weems llfeWureexeri,
Of'llaitO4P. 0., onts
Farm for Sale 14
The undersigned has receiied iastrutt4
`ions to sell by Public Auction,on the
premises subject to a reserved bid, on
Wednesday, November 23rdeat 1 o'clock:
p. in., the estate of Thome Sims, being
Lot 18, con 10, Township • of Stephen
eentaining 100 acres. The terms will be,
made know)) on day of sale. For further
particulars apply to •
H. Meilen, W. LEW'S; AssmemEi-
Auetioneer.s. „Crediton 10.
WeSt, $ide, of, Main - Stteete
Opposite the new English Uhurchat
'gated Styleslof Goods kept i.
tr. G. Sxnaiiicombe.
Sallie as -news 1.1i this jeurnal by an au-
thority.rof no greater consequence than '
thil. EXeter Ttezese • We might, say that • tt
in his.femarkS last 'week he quite for,
got to tell his readers that "the maj?)rie
ty of - editorially, wbieh appear • fron?, ,'
week to wflek in hi's. paper are ablys
. •
written with a air of scissors and the.
; •
Nev; Premise*
Gf. °VS
pat e pot from n•Witinipeg• eichhangei"
while tha most of his. : news is
clipped frontcounty • exchanges and
‘cobbise ithsuch a way as•to appear .
inost•local:" The mode of -itado ting"
and "adapting" the literary pr'othictiois
ot other men and; panning theeoff on• .
an inoffensive public au his awn manti
faeture has becorne ,Etreh a practrde
with our cotern that 1b cart scaeody.
produce .an original item of hoed news.
Further 'It comment is unnecessary- for
Gine and space will not admit of re- ,
production of tip "elippings,'! the-clates
and papers from which they,have been.
stolen ; and , marapply bore
the 'adage "a man too -lazy to find em-
ployment for himself has always tithe.•
toefind fault with. other.
• Ger-
Of a Valuable and elesirable •
LA1-1'.r..c7t:. FFIER
Unapt aa assibtfruncnt fa the beuefit of
Os editors. made -by Georgi. Midis' • to the
voridor, there will be sold by public auct-
ion or the premises, an
Satatdq, the 8r'd clay. of December,
11687, at the hour of 2 o'cleck in.ibe
by Joint Gill, Auctioneer, the loll,
oWing iialuable land and premises:—.Being
Part of Willis' survey to; part of Lot
number' fifteen, in the first concessior of
the township of ilsborne, cut:lidding of
Prat house and lands lately owned, and
occmdill as a residence by George Willis,
The property is a 4nost desirable one,
poptiming one of tlIP finest lites in the
thriving village of EXetercand.cumists ef
over 11.11 aore ot landon whi61) are erected
VOult storey atid,41,liall btid. iiouse With
kitthen and woodshed addition, and a
good frame stable. Then is good hard
mid r,soft,',, water on the promises, also •
a :ottinber,of excellent fruit, trees:.
Tlie propeiee will he offered • for snle•
ett,bloef or-dir separate torads to suit par,
cuagers, andwill belold strtjact to te
scrrea bir4.%
'lliere will be also'sald at the same time •
4od,qx1Iceidia4.1ilowing chattel property
12 nirlor stove and pipes; 1. gas cupboard
olimet oin tn1 MO:4 1 et titre table; ,
and $7,50 stwkin gis Exact Salt ivorhs
Company and a number of othin,
of &e.
Matidi proper ty ea1t arid the real. '
ttate 10 rel cent,. of tho ruliMSO 311toiley
on the dev of sate, end the beleacetin one
month, th'ersefter,
For feedasepattleatiars • and ,vyndifions.
of oak, apply to GsortiV • S A lifWin,Lif,.A.,48i,
Respectf lly' ren inds his many,.
Custon cps, -and the public e
geuerally that he has re-
movedto •
• Ld
Voat Cencei.
Rain Street EXETER.
'Where he lo.? jtiet received"
Roza -math work of the highest,
011us• • '
A Trial Solicited; and.,:
Sa-ti;larti on: Guaranteed
‘En .
For Mance of 1887:'..
(Del oher:,,
Another spell of weather! War .ife
the east! Terrible catastrophe
in New York I 63 people suc-
cumb to base ball lever. Police ••
ordered out to keep back the.,
crv;d from our Warereems
Several seriously jammed.
e,)-ii7 ern heirs ,
Look oat for sum Fathers- with -
eligible daughters, • anhabg the k
front gate, and- buy one of our,
Coy sofas, warranted t� brii!g •
themost bashful 'young, num in -
the seuntry to time in short
order Beds, Spriug Mattresses,
Lounges, ate,. -etoe in -.endless
elinage.,111 the moon) and more
weather, e
TY 11 ie I• t tr iac':
'rio h H./..V.Di :41141,0,1:M11S 1100t18614.
.1113pm:tors or to
,31,1,1N" 041,L4 'COLLINS, ,
A.itetioneer, Soheiter for. Ayeigne& t
••-•..% '
Onr lAec le of Laski:le, EnbeS and
Trlion,iorqo ere tznexedilednttornied
imdortplzees, a Ithigs no(:11cities, o etme
til hliko, Out pito w'r, gtotefitlottrsv1VO9,
and 11108t 011)10 kilt& they are very
ihnilLmtlo ; We understand, tuid innke a ,
Specialty oi this /Aka of Auk
Cdikit and see bc,f61% you bilyi ores ass
tint slim.
1).resv'il OltJ.stend, --one 'door
lienth of Mol.iot.'t Dank.
Itayingthie•season' purehe§ed owst ' of our stock' (140'0 from Itlanufact4rer4.
in gliginnci 'and Germany, ,t0 OQ 49 We 'heti tq give OP orOers very gr1yin th.0
season, and as the prospects looked wt11. Webenght largely, the gondS have
now arrived and We find that 1104 tirfle4.1kr0 cansiv a great deliressioll'ia
trade, ,we'liave therefore decided to. meat thEi t,iinea 1;i' Watling 'aW'17,0iala
ARO—or. ..PAN-
. , .
as to insure aespeedyi eleerasses, therefote , intendiiig Iner.; -
°Wafers •
TO Cali anti' rnspect our Stock-
andenote Bilees of altrtiew Goode, incltiding
Ladles''Dolman8; Jackets, ct,
Meters, Misses',I and Maids'
U1ste s;,, all sizes.
Colorott Silks
SATIN- Dress goods' in all the newest ''colora•• and styles, Plaisi. and' Fancy
PlUshes, Scarlets' and Plain and Fancy 'Hosiery and Glove. Also a full Hue"
of .MEli?S; YOUTIISt.und BOYS"'
.itrAtrfr: •fir,..121111E: 4:.•vt8tttc;:„ •
• • •
AIrof 'will be -sold' at Ole ONVEST' rossinWriuct. •
C h ristie's" Commercial
LI VE*Frir':
tvItirf orAetz.
. Mks an. rrorses' first -elms.' •
tar Orders left at the liali‘kshaw House, or atiif
• the stable will berpromotiy attended to.
Improved I% Illustrated Arabia! .`
All theNew1 filipular Depar1:7:We".
h'ome.ReadIng f. 12 Pagea Regularly
• Balanur of 1887 Freee
.To alls now subscribing ,fox the' year
1888, at the kw pride of
Talmage's antVo' thel4ermons.
.Exoellent musical Selecting;
International Sunday S'l Ls!;
4141E AOLLV quEEN.'
A'. limited nuitober of this beautiful
premium picture is offered Sub, -
scribers for 10.."cerits extra.
Agents wanted everywhere,Twenty-
five valuableprizesto be awarded over
said above the cash'cominissien to the
most successful. agents. Registered,
letters come at our- riskit. For: free
sample papers, tarns to agents; etc.,
:1 Advertiser Printing
London, Olet.
The ADVoCATES. Clubbing Off4r.
You cite have Tlie Western Adver-
tiser and its beautiful Preinitne,h
er with the A DVOC-STF1-261, 18s8, foe
Only $1.75 by acideessing PAS3t0RE,
Exeter, Ont,
Great En#11sli Pre*erlintitift:
' Stidoesaftil 'Medicine used cverzj
10 Years in thOusatids of eases.
Cures Sperniatorrhea. Neeif Out
1Veaknerls, Entis.§tons. impotency,.
find all diseases caused by abilite,%., •
fnurontj indiscretion, or over-exertiori !Arran]
Six packattOn Guaranteed to Om when a i.otherr
"r'leti;erlAntalkony,6tuarkeDrtitioggr4ilsItstatrt:trOl: ineeeitrilft:engiliT61
$f. Six $5, Witte forVattiphiet. Ittldret4
Eurekei•ClienliCal Co., VetrOit,
Sold itt Eeetee by 1.)r, Lt1t2; anti
arriltn9ftlq 'eTtl.pvtlet0'.* t
am, .
S 13 L I S. Immo
And the proof of the pudding is in' the
eating; and • if you are not 'already
• i a customer of
A'. E.:11,0SEN BERGER,
becorne•one and prove for yourself that
I; he has the best bread and confec- '
• tiotiery in. town.
:4; • •
A Specialty.
Two doors north Drelw's Opera House, •
Main -street Exeter. ' •
--1.-2,--A0ENT Fon THE
Com:menial Union ASsurance '
Company of
Capital .and As'sete,' $21,000,000.
, • DIIE
Lancashire Fire Insnrance Co. •
CAPITAL,• - $14,600.000;00., '•
Tl best -and most reliable 'Piro In sur -
mice Compauies in -the world.
Bugs are trutnp and yotx mest
„ play Paris Green if you `want.
:s tcernake a point,. •
i)UBsE*1).A.1tIS GREEN
liellebete and Fly POwder;
AlWayaa full atioly ot Druggs Dyes, •
and :Fancy -Geo&
tackila a.‘specia1ty;••
1110.• Ivo • anti WNEIVA,,,,,