HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-11-24, Page 1LI
Zo)rre 'exetcr dr/Irate.
pehlished. every Thursday morning,
at t'ae race,
Exeter, Ont.
• ignip ddliar a yearif.maidpai.
linadvance; 81.60 not so
AdvertMing Rates on Application,
1.1nrapor disconi,i,ilted until all arretrages are paid.
vertioetnents wil heat spool ac directions will be
1,uhlisited tit forbid an cliamed eceordhgly, Liberal
eiseopet for true., tont ;olyertisonionts inserted
leer long periods. Every description. of .1011 PRINT -
.TNG terreet out In the finut sO le a the art and at
s moderate TaLN. I'llapten, mon ,y ordel 0, de. for
adrortlelog, enhccelptione, ete.,•to be madepayable to
• Editor and Publfsher,
• 011U110.17 .DtallsC7'0.81'
valscopia, onnton.—Rev„ F. M011ine01), tnoune
'Ilene 'Shepley Serviced, 11 a. tn., and,? ,p ni;
WSehooI, 2:10 p. In,
SALVATION A smv,—Snurlay services, 7. it. m ,3 p. m.
• end 8 p, m., services every n1t:10, during the week,
4 Sb'clock floliness meeting at 11 it. 10,00 S011tiaY,
MaTuonifil - et., MeV,U, Graham,
pastor, Sinulay eur vices, 0).30and'0.80 p. In.
Sabbith, 0,11001, 2 e• :ii.,erayor meeting TIIIIrSdaY
efevenleg at 7..0.
MAIN Drat:tn.—Bev, W.,1f. Pascoe, paetOr. (Jen -
day sorrioee, 100 a. 01. et, p. Fp, Sabbath
.NV11001, 2.30•-p. m. newer meeting, Thurtiday (wr-
ing ttt 7.10. Young•peoples prayer incetiorTitursday
*repaint; et 7.Se.
Peirnintit CIII,R011.--IR0V. M. Markin, Pastor.
• Sunday sonities, n 0, nt. and 0:8n p. SHboittli
, ,e1,001, 0.40 „...1n, young peeples, prayed; inecting, itt
• 45. TlittrSdity evening., pre vertnecting at 8 o'clock.
Choir practitie immediately newt, •
Business and Wm. Cards.
j W. 43ROIVNI"NO, '31..1/, 'M. 0.7,', 8.
%Qt.:ideate of Victoria University. Ofilco and residence.
oneelon Leboratory, excier, Ont. June, g-17,
De; eaten...T. OFFICE—MAN TIIEET, exeter,
up stairs, opoos e Central noted. Side int.
iance,on. the soave—James street loading to the Meth
'odlet Church.
For the Village of Exeter, mstl the Ccamty, of Huron.
'All,orders promptly attended to. • 1..",xptur p.m, Ont.
Molly) Uwo5hips of nay and usborne. All orders
eremites fittoodeel to Exeter p.o.,
V the Counties of 'NISI:Woo:: slut Latnbton, and
'the Tiitwurthips Of Stephen and Hay. All sales prom-
estly attended to. Addrees ek communications be VG
'Ugh; KilitO. pesttalice, Ontario, ,
E. 'COLLINS, t1-1,111,21:STER,
News 'FrOM'Homes and.Fiefds
of Huron Ocunly Farmers.
Items of Interett From Impertalst
• Centres.
A Rocordeer all Events—neatles,
,Rerrinval-e Fires, Sales,
ape:1 .Aecidents.
Winehelsea Echoes.
At the November .meetieg of the °file-
tiale of the circut, held.in
eine Methodist church, a very compli-
mentary resolation was passed in fever of
Mr, Feed Oodbolt, upon his resignation
as a member of sidd board, and in recog-
nition of his eervices as It cording Stew-
art. 'The following is a copy et the resol-
ution. Moved by D. Mefemes, succeeded.
by W. Minere, and earried nnanimously.
"Whereaewe the menthol -a of this board.
havine hosed of yonr proposed removal
and havinwreceived your.reelenatiou, .we
do accept the same, but net withaat
cere regret, ,Personall you are held in
the higheet eeteein by us all as well avily
the community in which yon have lived.
your offieial capacity yon have discherg
ed your dales with wisdom, promptuese
and ellicienceeto the.eutire eetiefaution of
this Beard. We pray that the presence of
the Master •may go cwitIt you aud yonr
family, to your new.hoeue, and that finally
we may eneet 'le the grand ie -union
above." Mr, 'D, MoInnes was eleceed
Recording stetverkin the place of Ate
Biddilph Bre ezes.
13ohN.—On Sunday, 20th init., the
wife of Mr. Mountain, of a daughter.
On 15th inse, the Bea.bour farm, on
2nd cue -cession, geonitvilky, %vas sold by
pnblic auction to Mr. StaLirt Oxene, for
the seug sum • of seven Thousand one..'
one hundred and fifty dollars.
The new brick School house in School
Section Biddulph, has at last been
completed and now open for business.
The olcitoire was sold by -auction, to Mr.
John Lanthers, for V8.50, who gaye
farewell party m Won Thanksgiving ewe.
Proceeds about $20.
Flensall- Pickings.
The carpontere are batty finishing tlia
inside of Mr. 5. P, Marshare itew titer°.
Mr. J. C. Stoneman, who has 'been
taking a lest is home again looking 'moth
hotter for his telp.
Supreme Court (*Ontario, commissiopeef
"cote eys neer, &a., Office—Next doorto &unwell (k, Pick-
ards, Exeter, Ont. hformy to loan at very lowest rates.
jIL nicesoze, Barrister, Solicitor of Supremo
I. Court, Notary Public, conveyancer, coin
•nessioner. ke Monty to Loan.
°nee- iemsone Block, Exeter.
le 0. k. NO. 924.
• ItUcOtS• 11,A Eriday in every month; in Jobnla Block,
lit L'clock. 'Visiting brethren WeICOVae.
.10110 SeitelINAS, W.11. Jens •Wairs, Secy.
T 0. 0. F., No. 67, EXETER.
„Meets every Inesday crenitx in John'a block. A.por-
welec me extended to vatting brethren.
Appal' 10500, :IA J. T. Wzocorr, 11 418C5
a O. F. NO. les.
goceta tbe second and fourth Friday of each month,
in Faneon'ehill at 8 o'clock p. nt. Visiting Broth.
,ren cordially invited,
H. RODER/8, 0. 1).. eteeeep, see,
H 1) N '11,`Ifs.431.
'office over O'Neils Bank, Exeter, Ont.
Nantes oxide Gfte for patens extraction.
' • '
rl. D. S. oxituts tooth without -pain
.,bY ovine. Vegetable Vapor, or using tile new, Amu-
eteetic one be gums. .3fake0 OOld Villings, and another
dental work tee best possible. aims to &nub last,
Thurtdo, in each month.
Reedtling Bros., shoemakers, he.ve re-
moved to the Centennial, where they will
be foiled ready as eusual to boot tleeir
twiny oustontere.
The Methodiet bbath Sthool have
decided to htive a ehristmas boat, on Dec.
26th. A good entertainment will be furn
"shed by the children. The newel good
time is expected.
lep #
tet GraaEr'llttel,'S re aytiltrlibtieSeti Ben;
`ital Surgeons of Ontsiio. HavIng furnisherltne den,
lel reome, ne‘t door to Treble's Ilerness slum, mein -
serest. Exeter, Ont., where 1 mn p,Lepared to peRforn1
mil brandies of the profestatti witlrelixo and e11111.
Real Esiate and;Stoainboat Agent. Wealthy and to -
nimble Hre and biro Insurance Companies Itt,pro,toot.
ted, An,v Lanount of money to lean on Msteloss Mort -
%gages at Surest rated Of iiiterrsts. General Agonte for
Marinit,e. Pr A: E. VhlIk,ms & CO,, teal estate ague
iteandon. Deliver line of Steamer's rept esettied,Ino.87
ointe—d antes ete, Exeter, Ont,
OA Ar tp
tastier of
Tito, Acol,iol,ti itttdl Ire Insurance agent..
eervice: West, side ot thee steoet • Exeter
Hay Famers' Mutual Efte
Insuranco Company,
penults nitstafeite TO INSURE IN 'TUE
land elintipeet Insuraneo Company in the bothilem
,etin de so by applying' pereonally; or by Mall 16 the Two hundred and eighty heed ot
•Vidorelfnied: All anpheatione promptly atieedet to:
cattle litiVe etriCitd Atontreilit
*Altio agent for the. Wellingtett Conlpftey Ot Ciiielph. ---
Altic, Ont.(
frOthe 0Xley 1Turtit- wed To' ttitok.
Mr. 1.3. Stolier is visiting in ethe Village.
.Mk. and Mre Robieson .haVe moved
into the village.
Mies Edith'Smith is visiting 'friends itt
Zurich Jottings.
which they pen obtain the true facto of the
ease, awl yon will see every item there in
it proper place, instead of e dew eeireete
preiniscuouely pieced, and the propel:
plenation withheld, Our rulee are sub-
ject to Omegas from year (to year, and
NVO 8ee these pe.eies quote hem the book
01 1885, which new:Idly eteteed to be our
guide over a year ago. The rules of 1/366
18S7, which are now our true guide, are
have since oilseed away, mid the Tutees of
going through the prom at the present ,
dine, and are not yet isseefl, but We will "
show them to any ono when we got them.
S this will show how little oetrect
elation these parties are realls t.blet to give
you on tide subject, They epeitie oe "deal
ing with a, price list in the future." Tins
can nowhere be found ,in or by -1 ten.
Perietps the,y have g it the minatee of the
meeting of 18$5 mixed up with the by-
laws, where se few perties .ni'emittedet priee
list, lint if they wilt open their eyee a
little wider, they will see that it was lee'
over ieratwet
eiiieritiLe, /1111 at the inset
kicked out almost
inianimottely We are emotes thetee wh
opposed lc from the yery tiedt. With re-
gard to an extreee from a cortaln "card"
they menden-even will see that iteloes mit
rater to tie uudertaker at all, le eituply
says tho "weelfl-be-undertether." ff Mee -
ors. Rowe Se :Andrews think thew own
etandard meshes no higher titan felts, we
certainly cannot control their thonglits,
but we will epolueize on hehelf of the
Association if it hurts their feelinge. They
sey we have boasted thet "teey (end(' not
:set geods," In this. they have beee mis-
inferuied. What we say is thise—thet we
do not know where ive nee buy goods as
cheap, mad of as goed crudity outside, or
our preeeut finarket. Now .as we have
offered the pablic the priviledete of
eiveling mu: by-laws, we ask.to be exectsed
if we take no Author nut 00 of any false
istatemeets which may be made, agaiust 115
in -the future. We renedu
Yours telly.
C. dre-S. Geom.
; Sunday. and Monday we were Severed.
with snow storms. - •
Mr. Deeds'etouse on the Bronson line is,
near fluished.
Pig killing is all the go -now, quite a
u umber have been shinglikered this week.
Mise Sarah Merner is very ill at pres- •
ent. This the second attack for Sarah
thite su tn Ine
Mr. IL Happle shipped. a carload of
poultry, andalso a carload of sheep to
Bullitio last Thursday.
Mr. Philip Steinbach and wife, of New
lambing, aerived here to attend the fun-
eral of his sister, Mrs. (3. Tumid.
Mr. Robert Nicholson, of the el3ronsoe
line, purchased the farm of AIL Robei
'Moore, .for the handsome stun of 2,600
Mr. It. who has been up t
Dakota all summer, .arrived home las
Saturday. ele is looking hearty and thee
ful. ••
Last Mon'elbjelefeee' Tolsold pateed
'a:vette, after a, . weeks illness, leaviug ..to
mourn her loss a largetiluelly. She lived
to the afte.df 46 yule,. S'he was interred
in the futheru cemetery on Wedrieschty
A son of Mr, John Deithert's, of the
Babylon line, period away litet Sunday.
The 0111180 of his death was from the er-
reds of white -swelling in, ids bip. Be
was buried in the Luthern Cemetery ;hist
'Quilting'heeslave been minimills, and
matetially arouse suspicion that our via-,
age may lose sonee inhabitants.
Missionery sermons will be preached
throughout 'the cireett next Sunday, and
M ission env 'meetings will be held th rough -
out :he tollowing week. The•pidpit of
the Elireville,cirarch will be occupied by
the Rev •Quance in the ;morning, ansi
by the Rev. A. Harris, of Parkhill, iti the
evening, and the slime Rev. gentleman
will deliver addresses on Monday evening.
Collections taken up at the close of mph
Khiva Notes.
Mr. P. Coughlin is improving his farm
by a thorough draining.
The municipal council •of Hay eta
In the town hall, Zurieli, on StIt qrcla.y,
fh ijnidelieibere 1)11 eresOret
The reeve took the chair at .10 a. ne
end celled fir the inienteit of previous;
ineet-ene which were read aticl;approv-
5Ioved by 'Mr. Kelbfleisch,' seitondea
by Mr. .Sererus, thtb the taxes on Lot
1, L E. be remitted for the year
1557.-0erriud. '
Moved by Mr, ffeyrock, sfeeonded.
by Mr. Surerus;,thet JoLn RamseYer
be chaegedtor taXes o 4. Let 23, .
Lion 15. ----Carried,
• 4..toeed by :dr. Kalleflelsoh, seconded
by Mr, Hee reek, that the 4te1iowinee
portions be appointed :leptity rot
OitJ01'8 for holditig the municipal eleet-
ions for. the. year 18S8,
Subelivieion No. 1, Jamer,
13onthron; No. 2, Alex MeLeain; No,
3, S To-ster; No. 4, Mono Giigee; No. ,
5, John Ff. Schnell; No. 6, Reiellerat
CJoetc• u 7, Chitties Troyeroand that
a by-aw be passed cor1ite:411g the
igadmirals were passea
• A.. Albrieht, rep. 2 , culverte, $1;
/heti/Ian, do, 3;J;S',Applemen, do. $2,
J. Pollock, Making tile drain across
road, $2. gravelling road, $15.50; M.
Occieb, ceder for culvert, $1,60; J. :Dill
er, rep. 2.culverts, $1.25; H. Lipphardt
(leveeing culvert, $2; O. •Oewald, gravel
• $1.8.83; P. Bradley, work on town hall
$1.26, &hod', taz miffs tided 52c:; H.
john Smifh, of the 10th con., has
just moved into his elegant eaet brick
On Monday (Welling, 14111, ft Vali, was
.given in honor .of some of the Khica
young mer, at the "One Ifortse Betel,"
theVoting mon leaving next morning for
the Michigan lumber woods. We are
glad to see thein industrious, but harry' to
lose their coin/Amy,
The .ferineee have staded betchering
eo 'look ont for squeals. The time
IlittSt haveesonee of which the pea says:
"And not kill pigs and sausage make,
And inuertee the ducks that ety quack,
quacke Lty in ft aria: Ot'whitelf fuel, and
evenings play tit Hilo jitek.
Our Muskoka iiitnrods have returned
'front their heeding tome en(1 beve bought
'with them at the trophies of the chaee,
seven flee deer1 having shot ton. Mr. 1/,
i8 3.18i) UP: Inoeseesoe Of a fine young
Mtn: They are eli in good II -66111I, anti.
high spirits; and ,We M'e:glod to see them
se, They. report a foot alai ti half of enOW
hi Mnitkokii;
Stephen Co-anoil Matting.
'Cotracil met an 21st inst.
. All members present.
Minutes of • previous •meeting =ad
and signel
Itesolced that the plates for polling
'votes for the eoming ratinicipal election
be same as last year.
After passing the following orders,
the council adjourned to meet again
the second Monday in December:
Mr. Holbine, $6.75, Exeter S. It.;
T. Haulton, $15.98, con. 18; P. Mittle
holtz, $20, grading 16 cert.; Municipal
books, $10; H. 13. Proudfoot, $1;
d?ord, relief, $15; J. Night, relief, $1.75
,Q. Tapson, work C. E., $38; II. CY-
'Rourke, $7.03, work $. B.; M. Ziler,
,error in dog tax, $1; M. Finkbiner,
work 16 eon, $--,; White & Son. $12.-
50; E. Adams, $2, grading Exeter s.r ;
James Mitchell, gravel, $38; E. Barry,
contract, S. 13 $61.30; Keep and En-
g,lert, $11, log,ging Exeter S. R.; W.
Brown, gravel. $29.30,; W. Riley, $11-
50, culvert S. 13.; T. Falkner, $2.75;
G. Wciu, culvert, $1.50; A.. Leary,
work ist 8.; R $6; A. MeGregor, wprk
3rd S. 1K $44 3. MeEathen, 3rd S. E.,
$35.25; IL HaWker, work 1st S. E.,
$25; J. Rollins, OM. and gravel, $5.25
T, Godsave, balance of contract., $16;
3. McKeevet, corn. S. 13. $3.12; M.
Winer, teaming, $1,50; Me0an and
other., 0. It,, $8.50; J. Lawson, AL
D., $10; P. Coughlin, work C. .111 SO;
T. Sweet, corn, $4,37; flogartli,
culverts 0. E. $6,85; W. Mg, culvert
2nd, $150; Secretary B. of IL $15; J.
:Boyce; raid,- $5,
C, Noutt,
.1 11540*
Reese, rem. scraper, $1.50; 11. Bell;
luulber, e,21.19; H. a Bairp, road
seraper, $6.56; A1.011 ets Mack, repeir.
culverts, $3; J. Alexandor, gravel, $20
88; P. 1).. Bell, lum!oer, $56 62; H.
Holtz, gavel. $22.26; R. Bell, gravel,
$48;56.; Pfeil, rep. scraper, '$1.25i;
11 fleyrock, making enbankment 011
bridge and beeline plank, 68;1{. Cotta • •
Maw, in fuundaticon etet bridge veithee
'311000 $5, P ,V,riwtiiina'it; . •
W, tNtritheott, work •oa culvert, $4.26;
htess, work on town hall, apd rep.
scraper, $,4 5; W. Ford, grhivanio,tc
eppreechtts to bridge, $5.86.; •Deichert •
sk.Weislob, blaeksreitbe bill $a; H.
Gills work 00 1;0 rt13. line, $2.504 "W,
Caldwell, work otticentre road, 4;23.75_ e
•edar, t24,20; J. Hey, rep. enlverte
01.60; lie Pfeil, do, $:s; kV. Battler,
work on sideroad, $10; E. Wideman,
dog tax refuoded, $1; W. gehevaluei
velvet; .$3;22; White /.5 Son, part pay -
went for printing, $30.
By•law No. 5, providing for thb
srection of snow fetwos 00 000. 11, AVSS
road and sigLed.
Al verbal complaint against. H. L.
Peine, was laid before the council,
charging him with obstructing the..
sidewaik.hy erecting an entrance way
indront of his hotel in the village of
Zurich. No action was taken at pres-
ent in the matter.
By-law No. 6, authorizing -the trust-
ees of School section No. 7 to 'borrow
the sure of $400 to pay repairs and
additions to the &hoed building In the .
village of Zneich, was read the first
time and laid over till next meeting
for Gaol reading.
The council adjourned to meet on
Thursday, Dec:ember '29th, at 10 a. •TYY.
Si FOSTER, 0101.14%
George Dnnstor, lof Woodstock, .and
Maud Carter, of Eastwood, wore tried
before the Londoh Police Magistrate on
a Otero of child desertion. The evi-
donee showed that the couple come to
Lontioa last April under the name of
Mr, and •Mrs. Sherman, and botird was
engaged for the woman in a fumily
named Crawford on Adelaide street,
Minster himself went back to Wood-
stock. SAsequently a itme ehaa was
bore, and with its mother it romained •
at the place for about six Weeks, until.
sane three weeks ago. 'Then ono
evening Dunster t oiled with it carriage
and took both away, Ralf 'ItS thO evi-
dence 8h:wed, the child woe:subsequent,
ly left on 0 doorstep. Miss -Carter, who
ls railer a fine !Oohing girl, had taken.
•every 1citiiit to provide the
with v. good outfit, having' Made it a
liberal Stook of clothes ,and putchatext
Li, tow batlo and it supply of food 'he,
tore dem..,rtinA it: Both defendeeSteee
were eteternitted for trim!,
To lPtS Viler ef. the .4
DEAR; is net entr niteetion to
enter into tory rieeetipitfier controversy with
Messrs. Rote & Aedreyve, as we think we
have already tinetered them by inviting
the public to exoenine the ley -lets and
proceedings of our Aetiediation for their -
eselYes, as.ttiS ie the pul$, 4iiethed