HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-11-03, Page 8VountY bttings, The aepositq in the Seaforth Pest I.OMPE ving Bank for the year euding june 30th last, moo noted te $128,000. Mr. Wm, Pylms, of Usborne, has sold his farm contaioing 100 acres to Mr 3ames Thompson, for the sum of $6,300. . The Salvation Army, at Mitchell, bave made the last payment on their barracks, and they are now entitely oot of debt A vicious mid brutal fight took place ;en,Friday evening last at an botel near Sebringville. One og the combatants • was badly punished. The number of eases that .came on for trial at the autuann assize court, recently held at Goderich, was larger than at any similar session of the eourt .for years past. john Shenklin, ,tharged with steal- ing wheat front A. Daysciale, Godetich township, last week, was adquitted by the mayor, owing to themvideece being .circutnstancial, and not postive, On the seventh of next month the ratepayers of Winglia.ni will vote ten a liy-law to raise, by way of loan, the :,autu of $3,600, to pay their Share of the cost of the new county ;buildings. Mrs. Farrow, wife of Thomas Far- row, Esq., ex -K P. has been ill for :some time, and latterly has been get- ting much worse. She is not expect- ed to live long, as consumption is do- ing its insidious but fatal work. Last week, Hugh Chambers; of Ash- field, shipped about six hundred pounds .of clothing, etc., to the Indians in the Northwest, the gift of the Wornen's Mission Society in connection with the Ashfield Presbyterian Church. Mr. James Nichol, vvho has taught aruccessfully in Sehool S. No. 10, Us - borne, for the past year, has resigned. He intends putting in a term at the Normal School. Mr. John Beatty has been engaged to take for. the coming year. Mr. James Weir, proprietor of the Royal hotel, Seaforth, has given pp the ,sale of liquors in his house. What liquor he had on hand was thrown out on Monday and hereafter the hotel 'will be run on temperance principles. At Winghain, on Wednesday, sever- al adjourned cases came up for exam- ination. Messrs. A. Roe, J. Dinsley and F. Korman, were each fined $50 :and costs, and the charges against John ,and Josiah M.cDonald were dismissed. The young girl who deserted her child on the door step of one the Wing ham hotels a short time ago is not to go scot free after all. She and the medical gentlemen in whose service :she is, have :been summoned to appear at court at the county town. The large frame store and hall, er- ected by Mr. Robert GardinEr, of Far- quhar, about two years ago, were tot - Ally destroyed y fire on last Friday night, caused by the explosion of a (foal oil lamp in the store, Very little of the goods was saved. The loss is ,ahnost entirely covered by insurance. At Brussels, on Tuesday, on inform- ation laid by Inspector Miller, Isaac Gill, of Ethel, was tried for illeged violation of the Act, but the charge 4tob being proven, the case was dis- missed. At the same time E McNa mare, of Leadbury. and W. Debates, of Grey, were each fined $50 and costs, for violation of the Scott Act. --A. meeting of the owners of thor- ough -bred horses was held in Samwell's Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday of last week, for the purpose of organizing a Branch Company for the insurance of entire horses and other stock to be run in connection with the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany. There was a good representat- ion of those interested from all the surrounding counties. It was unanim ously resolved to establish the Branch, and a cemmittee was appointed to draft rules and prepare the necessary forms, When this committee complet Its itS labOl'k a meeting will be held to ,eoniplete the work of organization. The idea is a good one, and if properly .earried out will result in great advent - Ages to the owners of valuable thoro- aighbred stock., Mr; Cox, who resides ori the 5th con of Goderich tp., this year gathered About 500 barrels of apples from his -,orchard of three acres, and out of four farms cn the same conceSsicm all in the Cox family; about 150d barrels were gathered' Mr. John Middleton, goderio towmhip, gathered 400 harretie rcom his farm, and Mr, Ben. Switzer; from an orchard of a little oker two aeres, gathered 347 barrels, The price of applee in this section has varied from '75 cents to 0A5 "a Irarrel, according to quality, and tak. as an JtVerage price, it will •easily be seen, that on. _orchard is a, SOtire() of considerable profit. It is roughly ostireated thet the total of apple packed in tbig 0001ity will be about 200,000 barrels. Farmers should devote more atteetion. to this part of thier industry, and then theia returns would be better. • 7iw It Inerested Him Deeply. "You were quite attentive to the aerwon this morning, husbaud clearr "Quo so, yes." "Which part of the discourse did you think reflected the most hutna,anature." "The sotto voee part, by aihneans.". "What part was that V' "Why, the part where he said 'darn' that tfiy.' Kissing Not Na,ughty• Mrs. Elizabeth Basker, of Windsor, complained of Henry Corbett for inde. cent assault. At the trial Thursday morning the evidence showed that Coroett's assault consisted in kissin,.,e the woman twice, Magistrate Bait - lett held that kissing did not consti- tute an assault as charged, and dis- charged Corbett. J. C. STONEMAN, Watchmaker .and Jeweler, HE.NSALL ONT --DEALER, IN -- Watches, Clocks, (Old, Silver and Plated Jewelery. and Musical Instruments SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES Repairing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. C. STONEMAN, HENSALL, ONT. GET THE BEST! THE WESTERN ADVERTISER OF LONDON, ONT, Vastly Improved I Illustrated ArtIcles1 All the Newsl Popular Departments Home Reading! 72 Pages Regularly Balattce of 1887 Free To all now subscribing foi the year 1888, at the low price of St PER A NNLIM St , , Talmage's and other Sermons. Excellent musical Selection. International Sunday SI IA. 'THE HOLLY QUg8N,' A limited number of this beautiful premium picture is offered sub- scribers for 10 cents extra. THE WESTERN ADVERTISER AND PREM. $1.70 Agents wanted everywhere. Twenty- five valuable pries te be awarded over and above the Cash commission to the most successful agents. Registered letters come at our risk. For free sample papers, terms to agents, eta,, address, AdVertiser Printing 00.4 London, Ont. The ADVOCATES Clubbing Offer. You can have The Western Adver- tiser and its beautiful Prelnitan, togoth er vit,-1) the ADVOCaTg for 1888; for 014 Iti4,‘7i by addressing. T. PA8MOItt, Eieter,, apt. waatect.. sj, Matheson, - ExEm, Nowa. Our.Steelt is well assorted for the season's :trade. Low pries still maintain. GROCERIES lbugar for $1.001 3.3 lbs, white sugar for $1.1)0. ean't;be undersold ).io Toa.,1Tota :sae to 75e per lb.. Boots d Shoes (all Styles) et low pekes. ileely assorted fitock 01 $1447$ 1;) alkaIR 3% FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS alt sizes (uheap.) Best Machine Oil, We. per Coal 011 e.s low I, s the lowest, a nice Tea Sett of 44 pieces, $2,75. A good suit of Ready.made Clothing for O. Ordered Suits got up in good style. Our Dress Goods are mark- ed down to the lowest flOLCFL COTTON -20 yds. for $1.00. A house and let, also a farm for sale. Apply to JOHN MATHESON, Ray postoffice. --GO TO— A. HASTING'S, Central BC011.1611:). FOR Arisic Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing • Hair Dyeing, et., etc, Ladies' Work a Speciality. SATISFACTIONI>o eIGUARVNTEED. Farman' s Blank, EXETER, Ont. MOMME/b, 411•011.11,10611•MIIIMMIN to.-( cf) 6 41, 1 0 7:37.4, a, ,24 PP 4 7,3 ▪ ri • C.D bp t`t54 (1) 0LJ, M •".4 .r -C7)4 Mtfl "..4 'r1 4- • r-4 ▪ r".1 92 •r.4 tp. as 4.4 e-4 4 ° 0 C;fcp.,. 1:1 11 Q ,cluo2 ai P.4-4 r-4 in ,1 as .74 P-4 71' 0 P-Crl t am,1114) ,„ (Dr= 944 rob, r) g °al 1-5 $.400t2,00 (1) r"4 EvD0 .14 0 th^Z) rbq tn 01,) 04 0 )(I') .•• ga4 gai (.) p la,( -)4 0 wc.13 „ 4 . Ti its -Pt (it a) PI HIP Ct rn al tti•P•4 rw..4 701 "I•• C.) Ce rn Ge rf)"" ct 4 Would take tbis 'method efteturning thanks for past -support and also invites the attention of the general ,public to his new Fell and Winter Stock comprising thefollowing— A.B.rst -class stook of Furs —„--coNsigrnao PERSIAN LAMBS, BEAVER, AND MINK, FOR WHICH HE IN- VITES THE CAREFUL 0-sPwyrioN OF gis OLD CUSTOMFRK AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARE PLEASED TO CALL gigtu.A. First-class stock of Boots & SJIOES, RUBBER OVEIISBOES, in Ladies, Gents and Cbildrens; comprising on .the different kinds. —ALSO AN EXCELLEN9 f ASSORTMENT OF--- CROCKERY, CIIINA & GLASSIVAT • ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF Flannels andiVinee,yis, plain ane check; 72 inch wool sheetinv, Heavy all 'wool Blankets, -White an Grey Hoods, Tamoshanters, Wool Jackets; An excellent assortment of Hosiery. ----ALSO-- GROCERIES AS HERETOFORE, grr . A GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL STAPLES, AS REQUIRED IN Pa -EVERY BOME.-clA sit1.3La3La (circ V7,125:1141.10BC3E1V30. IS IN HAT YO.0 GET EVERY TIME! NEW TEAS. C HINAW ARE. Baking Powder, with present. GLASS WARE, SUGARS. 1 COFFEES. A SQUARE DEAL— IN EVERY LINE. Lamp Goods. VASES. SPICES. — GRANITEWARE Fancy Cups and Saucers. General Groceries. That so? 11•10.1••••••• If you want to find out the Truth of this Statement ME US A Tata And if you are not atided we will REFUND TOUR MONEY. That's a square offer ISN'T IT? ioarmers' Produce Exchanged. Ell ROBERTS' FANSON'S BLOCK, MAINS TREET, EXETER ,.,H,Iii 1 I i 6 c ,,L(_v.,,t,,._ L BUSINESS, ,I MR. E. FOLLioK Wishes to inform the inha,bitanta of Exeter and surrounding couqry that he has purchased and assumed control of the 4' ' usinoss an 0(441 Will JOIN BELL, And that he is prepared to furnish all who favor him with their orders,'with FiRsT-cidissEltEAD,GAICES Andiall kinds ofresh Cenfeotionery. WEDDINa CAKES A SPECIALTY. A trial i:iolicited. VOLLIOK. CDne dool, tAortli �f 1301.14s old s%ta.ixd .a X itTE 4