The Advocate, 1887-11-03, Page 4The Exeter Advocate, THOMAS PASMORE'„, ?PM'S 41P r4PITIETO.r. 9F81041Z • Orect,. 4';e*. THURSDAY, NOY. Ord, 1887. LAWYERS Stand up in a court house. before jure, in the presence of large audiences, and denounce men as liars, scoundrels, thieves and perjured villans and when the court adjourns, the men &us abused appear to harbar,no illvrill against them„ But let a newspaper faintly intimate that a man's character if not without a blemish, and the editor has ta confront a horse pistol, stand a libel suit or at least suffer he greatest of mortification—lose a subscriber. Tns successful application, ofthe air -brake to freight trains is announc- ed. As nearly MI freight., train acci- dents occur from the difficulty of bring ing heavy freight trains to a stand, the importance of the announcement can be seen. A freight train, running 52 miles an hour was stopped; within 184 feet by an air brake. A plan has also been found of automatically. stop- ping the parts of trains that has brok- en in two. A great reduction in the expense of railway companies will fuh, low, ARCHBISHOP LYNCH has put a stop to a practice which, while it has largely prevailed in connection with that par- ticular denomination to which he be- longs, has found its way also intp other. religious denominations, viz,—bazar contests, for so-called religious purpos- osea, the case in question being a con- test for a silver chalice between two priests. Such things, and all of a like natureawhile they certainly serve the parpose of raising maneyi,are contrary to the true.spirit of christianity, and have done much to shake even the niaminal faith of unbelievers in the power.of the,gospel to change he hu- man heart Protestant denominations can take a profitable lesson from the action of their co -religionists ONTARIO usually takes the lead, but in some matters of social economy is sadly behind some of the old countries. In Siberia, for instance, the people buy their milk frozen around a stick. The inanifold advantages of this arrange- ment can be seen at a glance. In that eauntry, when the man of business curries home from his office and is met at the front door with a request to "just rtintdown to the grocery and get me a quart of milk, please;"; he does not bite his lip in two with vexation and feel— as he skuda along with the tin pail dangling by hi: side—as though the neig,hbore were hanging their heads out of the, windows all along the routeand eery one of them grinning like a hy- ena., Not ,at all 1 He simply goes to the grocery, buys a stick with a quart of,milk frozen around it and walks air. iiy:home, using the stick as a cane. A- Sidelrera„the ,mauy,nattural embarrass - meats, coanectetlaasitla carrying a littlp tin paij, it ulw.ays arouses a suspicion of beer when covered and invariably spits when.,unaoyered.i There is np. belp for this; and it, may be set dewn as a philosophical, and scientific fact that the business man who , can walk along the street with "notes" and "bills payable" running, throughr his mind • ad a small, stream- , of milk running, down the leg ofihis pants and still look dignified hasn't been born yet.! An Iithusjastjc Artist., "Painting," • said the broken,arme,d, man in the Artist/IA studio. "Well 1 should smile. You fellow you, you go opt into the woods and you set ui) camp Under .e. tree, and you,latif around and sketch, and yeti think you're howl= ing bg. artists. 1—I've been in the RnAties.,1 never tackle anything So • COnItti6iiiitaK hs Austin Creek or the Big Vets. :Griye nle natiire 1, Say! Give me .a towering errig that you -can't shin typ, aid the silo* atd 04,0„ and tho 6torn,I've been in the hiciltest part of th,f1 Rocky INIountains." "Painting iCertainly." "And have you got any sketcheS r "Sketches! 1 don't sketch 1 gu up there and T pint. I broke my arm np there; was holding on to a reek and I slipped----" "And where are your pi:ctures !" "There was a picture of, trine in A magazine a few weeks RV." "Yes ! What was it 7 "Did you see an article on Signs of ,Pivilizationi There was a view of an enormons cliff." "Ah, yes; 1 remember. It had Bub- ble Soap painted on it." "That was me; I paintedlthat." • ESTRAYED. Came into the premises cf the under- signed on or abent the inido le of August, WHITE EWE and LAMB. The owner will prove property, take 6unie away, mid pay expenses, $STANLAKE BROS. Lot No. 9, North Eoundary Stephen. Hay, P. 0. STRAYED. Strayed from the premises of the sub- scriber, Lot 13, con. II, township of Stephen, a large WnyrE, , Sow. ha, with stub tail and one ring iu nose. Any per- son giving such information as will lead to the recovery of thettarne will be suit- ably. rewarded.. GEORGE MANDINNEY, Crediton P. 0., Ont. FaIrD1 for Sale .by Auction. The undersigned bas received instruct- ions to sell by Public Auction, on the premises, subject td a ralerved bid, on Wednesday, November 23rd, at 1 o'clock p. m., the estate of Thomas Sims, being Lot 18, con, Township of Stephen, containing.,100 acres.. Tlte terms will be Made,known on clay of sale. For further particulars apply to. 11. EILBER, W. Lswls, AssioNnu, Auctioneer. Crediton P. 0. SEE1N IS 13,.E I E V N C And the preof of the pudding is in the eating, and if you are not already a customer of A. E. ROSENTIERGER2 become one and prove for yourself that he has the best bread and confec- tionery in town. Wedding' Cattietai A. Specialty. As, E. ROSENBERGER. Two doors north' Drew's Opera House, Main -street - Exeter. Christi e's Commercial LIVERY. kANITS.?Y. STA ql.t. • Rigs and Horses first-class. sir Orders loft at the liawkshaw House, or at ite rtab'e will be promptly attended to. TERMS, REASONABLE. rhe, Great Engitsli,Preseription.1 A successful Medicine used over 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous Weakness. Emissions, Impotency and ail diseases caused by abuse. farneos.z) indiscretion. or over-exercion. csrma] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Faa Ask your Druggist for The Great English Preit'erlpttos, take no substitute. One package El. Six $5, bv mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Entekoreheralical Co.y.Detrolt, BlIch. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and dr,uggiats everywhere, e, Oct 1 7 IIAMILTON SPITCATT MORNING,,EVENING, WEEILLY The Leading, Lib -Conservative Newspaper of Canada, --OET TITE_ Hall SPECTATOR ONE DOLLAR A .YEAR,• Bright,Anci,sive, .Able Editorials. The Complete News of the Day. , The Choicest Miscellaueotts Reading., Serie) Stories by the, Befit,Atitli ors. Dr.,Titimaida .f3reat Sermons, Tlitf F,Ltl$1(SSt JlitrJtet Reports., Thu CIllaices Hunter. EVerything far Everybody. The SuSetstnit, nova nifsses news., never end never shirks a public question. 11 is ala•sys ()teat, and strong. $1-4111 • . • Will purchase for you for a year tlie 'Irratutv Soto - "Trott, the bt•st Conservative Joureat and llio best weekly newspaper m Canada, • '0'6811%11y ithotal coutatiations to A.etits, address THKSIVECTATOR fiantilcon, Pitt. The 'EXETER. ADVOOATE 'arid the spo.ttatr for ciu,b3pribe New Premises!? NEW G001)8. MANSON Respectf illy ren 11 ds his many Onstotners And the public generally that ho has re- moved to EIS NEW STAid :Pout ineo• Main Street, EXETER. Where he has just, received; —A— WELL ASSORTED - STOOK OP' READY-MADE —BOOTS & SHOES— ALSO Hand -made work of the highest' Class. A Trial Solicited, and Satisfaction Guaranteed GEO. MANSON, Exeter. HELLO, THERE! ROWE A L. IA A N•A - For Balance of.. 1887. 4ae,tober. Another spell of weather! War in the east! Terrible catastrophe in. New York I 53 people RUC- eranb to httse ball fever.. .Polire ordered out to keep back the • crowd from our frArerooms fieveral seriously jammed. ov.em E'er. Look,ent for snow. Fathers with. daughters, unhang, the front gate, 0)(1 litty one of our cosy sofas, warrau ted to . bring the most bashful • young man in - the country totime in short order Beds, Spring Mattrasses,„ Lounges, etc., etc., in endless variety-. 11_)ecember. Change in the , moon, and more weather. 157iitlt,rt a 11 i no, Our Stock of Caskels, Coffins, Robes and Trimmings, aro unexcelled. Reformed undertakers, nu Rings,..no Cliques. we use all alike. Our prices we govern ourselves, and no most people know they are ri5rY 1110,ittratO ; we understand, and make a specialty o r this part of tux. business. Cottle and seo before you buy, Open day and night. REMEMBER the PLACE Drew's old stand,—one door north of. Melson's Bank - Rowe & Andrews. -Shik m" w & \c"-'6PIC Ltr, A [2L flaying this seam purchased most of our stoek. 4ire0 from 'manufacturers. Bogio.ncl 4na aeriopy, to do so we bad to, give :our orders wry early in tho season, And As the prospects, lOolsea well we bought largely, the goods liar) now Arrived and we find that hard times aro causing .a grout depreSsioti ni trade, we itaye therefore decided to meet the times by marking all .goods .H.A.1.313 'PAN 'PRIGig.S. as to insure A speedy- clearance, thereforewe would invite all intending pur- chasers To Call and Inspect our Stock and note Prices of all New Mods, inolUding Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets, & Insters, Misses' and Maids' • Illsters, Black Colored. Silks Sr SATIN Dress goods in all the newest colors and styles. Plain and Fancy' hushes, Scarlets, and Plain and Fancy Hosiery and Gloves. Also a full line' • of MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' READY •• MADE CLOTHING; FIATS and, CA PS- • All of which -will be solaat the LOWEST POSSIBLE P,RICE.., REMEMBER S.A.TURDrY & MONLYY.0 CT. 8-10:. Be sure and call.land inspect our stock and get prices; it will be grand exhibition and we feel confident it will pay you. BUGS ! BUGS! BUGS! Bugs are truinp and you must play Paris Green if you want to make a, point. PURE PARIS GREEN. —AT THE— DOMINION LABORATORY ALSO Hellebore and Fly Powder. Always alull supply ofi Drugs, Dyes, and Fancy Goods. Fishing tackle a specialty. J.. 11' i.1RWNiNig. PROPRIETOR. WILLIAM SANDERS AGEN'r FOR THE Commercial Union Assurance Company et ' GREAT BRIIA•IN; Capital and Assets, $21,000,000. , AND THE . Lancashire Fire Insurance C MA NCIIESTEI?, ENG. CAPITAL, - 0:400.000.00. The best and most reliable Fire Insur- ance Companies in the world. ADVOCATE OFFICE, EXETER.. •••••• ••=ara.IBI TO • THE FARMERS- OF HURON, COuNTY-: 117,1ICEIr ristiart.rc 3217 CULTIVA.TOR: AND SEEDER.. • any,. of.Windsor, Ontario have received 'from soma oi their patrons. Every one, who lias purchased the implement Barrow Manufactniing, etmp- -.We respectfully call:your attention to,a,iew testimoilials which the Gale ,stay pr:unotince it a grand suecesa..,and an Implement every farmer should,have. A. R. McMANUS ia. in charge of a companrofften .and .eight wagons, at Exeter, .and.is doing a .thriving busin- ess ia H.atOri 0,)Utity, Crediton, 'Sept, 23rd, 1867. • datti Stilksy "'artiste do, ll'indSor. Gatitleme111 pareltrated one of your liatil/S114 and Seeders and have thOroughiy tested it On itli kihda of • groultd, and lifter 8010 the tverk it WM do; .haVo ne hesitation ill reeninin ending it to inY fainicr Mende 'ea' the best Mildew ant. In the market. Your, truly, TOBIAS' WURTZ, emitriax, Sent: 241.b;$1887 deiresaiko zatamal eaa weetaa Vii . airg-r hetightOneof your lazika iiiirrowli and. ..oedeis and 1111i10t iaa eat 111111 Well pleased 'With the Way •it does it work. 1 'prepared tindei.ewed Wheat iit it suety rough littapy ileld where it was iihntlitaible to WO ink drill; I aleir tiSed ft to (Ha ataaatdesmal aftet, *040 prepVtdithd ilt.stred t541oslse field „Withott • • ploying, and 1 ani, convinced that the. Gale is 1,ost math most useful ,implanient ever introduced to the farmers of Huron County; Itespettfully yours WILLIAllt,ANDERSOX, Stephen Op. Siwopta, Sept, 14011 1887. 'Cale Harrow Co. •Frindsor 00010-1 have bouebt.and.test cd 01/0 1,6 .1'61114 111112V Harrows and Seeders, and think. it le just what every farinot• needs and it will CO all yetar agObt claims for it, licapectfidly, ALONZO POSTER. dale !Amite. Co:, WlmIsCr. Genticiatn-•,,This is .to certify tiutt,ibri corahine,1 .1.1arra* purelitoted from your agent /10 111(00 entire initisfaethni; and 1 cOnsider it the bdst hindelnent of llls kipcl Svertalrod.Uced this*aelkhtorboed, 1 . . prepared thy petsto.'gratind for wheat without, plow-. ,ing and I ebb say Ustitile machine d000 your agent elaithod for ft, (111(11 (12 chew fully roardnitionti 11. tu thy )armortrtitais thu best, Yours &o. 3A3IES MALLS, Osborne, Exeter, Sept: 261.11 1887 Gate sing Het ftets.CO.„ Wimdsce. rient Stilt -The Salky flari•ow and Seeder bought from yoar agent 18 just MO: 'WO 11(0(1 1 bate nsed it to barrow, eidtivate and seed, and tan truthfully sav that 10 does the work bettor, eaSler and With 15 labor thee anyMipleinetit 1 ever (50' 1 will aled StAte that I )(eve a good (hilly hut thildr ago* (.10Ab by the Chile the 'way to SOw grain $ get rho hest results. I have waked It,, acmes •• Whet. stubble With UM cultivator iVitlictit ph:4! be, • aed it devs the,Worktatierfeetioit, WILLIAM IIOWTQf .