HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-10-27, Page 5• • eeteesseeaseeetaterestasemet- ;lee 0,,,,actetliOtglSc.i., 0)150q7731 410-';',ORN.k.•4 , &.., ":..474.r.,Lc __:, .London ittlro14. 4 .11-1.061 RailwaY, Nol,thetql pivision (geiNG N OT! —Tine Teer,E—Pass'It'r, .Lottdott, depart , • .6.10 eot, 4.25 p.m, ietetut Crossieg„ 0,31 5.45 enande hops . ,, 0,10 5.15 .9.28 5.33 9,35 5.45 Wesel!, -•, .940 5.53 9.51 6.06 ileueelield.... , 0,55 .0,75 _10.10 0,35 Lotelesbero'- .. , 1.0.37 0.55 Belgrave. , - .. -11,00 7,20 '‘Vingleue, ale i ve „ 11.20 7,30 GOINO. SOuTn. fghafff,depa et, 7.00 .11lolgravo, 7,17 Blyth , _ 7.31. hondesboro'7.40 . 8.00 11rucefield, . 9 ippen , 8,27 0,33 Exeter, . _ 8.47 Centralia, . . „ 8.57 Clendeboye , .9,10 Luc -eros',. 0.20 Londolearrive.../..0.10 rta$5ting6rt A.31, 3.05 rest 3.28 '3.49 3.51 4.10 4.20 4.57 4.43 4.57 0-20 5,95 0.00 Local News. —Muddy road& —Snow next winter. —Dieagreeable weather. --Beeelmet, parties are abOut over. - assizee opened in Goderich, on Monday. - d ()Dalian Hodgins, of Liman, was in town on Monday. —Time eellare were stowed well With vegetahles for the coming %Outer. Large lot 110W overcoats, prioss raTalize. Casli only, Banton & Co. _Why does; Vae Goderich Star use figure 'qv in plvee of letter "l's" ie its reading matter. —Profeesor, Bush passed down, Main street Monday afternoon with a Itag flying at 'full mast. --A ea e loed of fine sheep was ship - rd for the eastern market Tuesday morning, by Mr, John Wood, of Ex- ater. —Aoommunication from Mr. W, Doyle, seeretary of the Undertakers' ekssoeiation, of Onterio, appears in anpther colunm, —The first "real old fashioned' fall of snow put in att appearance Friday nfternowe and brought with ib the bi- itiai snap ief the seueon. --Miss Chegnut is the name Of one of the tnost beautiful yo ladies. Some man should be gallant enough to irieg this Chestnut belle at the altar. —Owing to wet weather the services in the various churches here lag Sue - deer were poorly attended, and the Sunday scheois were net an exception. —We have seen a- great teeny med. ical advettising pietere.s, but heve never yet seen one representing a small boy "before taking and "after takiter," a whole watermelon. —ALL immense and peciiiiat wave of economy seems to have struck the Grand Trunk Railway antlimities of late, They now intist on all empty tnk bottlealong the line tieing for- evaided to the head °filo at Montreal. What about the .cork, its '1 _Oeffea to the changeable weather <luring the last week, the '1'own clock tia.s, from mearances, been teoub- he] with a series of colds-, SOIlletilUtS Vol-MIAsometimes idle. If it cmtnot eto.nd the autumn exilde where will it be when the ehilly winds of our Can- adian wihter arrivesl • --The ettractious offered by Exeter eis a plate of settlement foe meti of ineene tied a young femily to bring Op, are manifold. The eductitional advan- tageaee very good. The elturches are ..mitrieteus; end comfortable to worship in. The village is lietathy, well hiht td and well drained, —Ite LT/ 13 W' —ThaeA dv o cote will he clubbed with the folio Wing 1eic1- iig pipers horn now until ,fan. :first, 1889-.' London Advertiser,. $1,15; Lotidoe Free Pee$!:;,- $1.75; i'Nlotttretil W i t ess, $1.80; 11 Mail ten Spectator, St.70; Fon-tees AtIvtheatta $1.80; to, kortto Atty of the above papers will be seet to tiny datired ha - ‹fres,, vao,a,,,d paid by the ptiblitheil, ee --Metiday evening 1('\tmine tiot- low:e'en people should keep a etriet wateh oeet thele prop t4 egailmt the :detseteletietes Which tire usually com- e -atria on that 64,entftil SOW .aWay your cabbage, take in vonr neys, end lock on our oeti.euses, for Only nee epedial objeete foe the boys to tempo Afitli that nig1.6. A posse- spouial cormtolitee should le, eptiott- ed to petrol the4e.tterts and a layWays toe that night, A. Vale* /094t: frien.da are ble. ten liegere, --411:ri) 01)PC IS'Peiv e, in who Never told ee uritruth ite Me 110, He Vas dumb though, —NM boots end shoes, in endless variety, et Setewell & Piekard's, * Now is the time to eubeeribe for the Ex ne ea A ov.uoiVr,one of the leeet le* peyote in Huron, only 20 cents trete now. until jan, lst, 1888, —Breeehoakere' 'Tests. .5 emits per package, at E. 119.13Ftrfte, ---The Hamilton S'pectafor, the news. iest tiewepeper in Canada and the Ex- eter e'inveaeme, for oue year for $1.75. Sabseribe llow and get Om halrfune of tbe yvar freP. ----SCOtil, EngiiSit nod Canadian tweeds; large variety at krinweli ;Ind Pickard's, * —Those wishing to attend auptio4 ,sales should road the Srele illegiet,er Odell is published weekly in this pap - ea ef you do not take it, send .10ets Rod get it till Jemeary 1st, 1888. _samwvii 4 Piek4rd 114170 just re- ceived a, Isre onsignemet of goods dr- rect from England and which they are offering ot Rock Bottom Prices. * —Get ever bill heads, letter heads, envelopes, circulars, ka at the Aim - can office., —The "cantata" • given in Drew's hall, Taesday evening, under the aus- pices of James street church ehoir, was largely ettended, the various parts were exceedingly well rendered, ad was a tjuancial suceesa --We reeeived a communication in regard to night wetchman this week, which cannot be inserted unless the writer's ewe is give'', not necessarily •fee Publication, but as good faith, We will hold until next week, in hopes he' will forward his name. —Sentwell & Pickard will give a rand exhibition of millinery and dry 0 goods on Monday and Tuesday, .Oct. 3rd and 4th. * —Diamond Dyes, Lactated Food:., , I fuli supply at E. Soarlett's Drug: Store, Eteter. --Merchante and business men re (pairing bills, posters, circulars, or any other kind of job work, are informed the ADVOCATES facilities for turning out fest clasn work,either plain or fencical, is second to none in the coun- ty. All orders exeeuted with neat - ;tees aed deipatch. —Those who have strayed cattle about their premises should have them advertised as the. law require. This ie a matter which agreat many neglect, and often render themselve's liable for all costs.' The .A OVOCAVE is the best paper in whieh to advertise them. —Ordered dabble- a specialty, a fiesaclass fit gum -anted. Satinvell & Pickard. * --Chief Gill, of this place, received a telegram on Tuesday morning from the thief Detective, of Toronto, stet - ire that Gilmore was re -raged and held in Toronto, and Fox. in London, on :charges of burglary committed here, Constable Gill is at preseet awaiting ordees from the Clerk of the Peace, Goderiche in whet direction he will act —On Sunday net. -(,130th inst.), the annual Sabbath School -sermons will be preached ill the Main street Methodist ehurch. The pulpit 'will be oecupied at 10.30 a. ne and 6230 p. ni. by Rev: Joseph Philp, of St. Thomas. There will also be 1 111E1E8 meeting ot the childreu and frimels at 3 p. ine to be addreseed by Rev. j. Piffles, 3. Gra- ham aod Win. Sleuth; interspersed with music by the choir and school. A collodion wilt be taken up at each service in aid of School fund. All are cordially invited to be Present. Large lot new. 0eter001tS, price$ paraliz6. Gash only. ilanton & 00, —Mr. William Gay, who hat beet) employedas book keeper hi the ,atiel established house" of Mr. James Pick., ard, of this place, for the past sN years, left en SaturdeY last to accept' a per- manent peaitiort with the Guelph ear - liege company. Mr. Gay, since his sojourn hmei lms made III/LOWOW friends in and around Exeter, who will be very sotey to hear of his de- parture from this -plate, and We are certain that tiff join with us in wish ing every SticeeSS hi. his new splieve. —We obServo that limy v4611811- , roonts in the village still keep tepen un- til nine and sometimes tee e'elock at eight. This is- pot their fault, how- evr'ite as ite otte eau leltime a men foe eellieg• goods. The faith lies with the people who do bet elf4:(1 thole pur- tutees earliee, One night last week 1 wn took. a -walk v.ip Main Street, and ,netieect that trimly stottS Weve open, mid were doing it brisk business; toe. I Hat jr,st imegme tedeeladtee aid eitee- Imert grinding leshied the pouotellt ft mm a rmoak 19 dm morning natil 1:0 et night.! —011 Sagrav lot, Mr, Ed. pi4e.. ett Aod. Mr. 1-teht, :$444er4 toed tiwir wit,h the .1p0, at five birdo eneht with the followmg reseltet—Bieeeet 3, Sanders; 4.. --A bell whielt was heing driven ' to the station here for ,ehipment leet Steiteetl ul rcliaYie1;ereR:'1 beec11TW47iibigWltie tge4lge-an4h mete in its wayi A, young moiler) wile happohrci to be -leell4itg along the street of :Eeetee North was .badly frightened, and would . .4,yp been ,sentmsly hurt, but for e timely escape, The next object of betred wee ali6i,se and buggy driveit by Mr, 1. $packmett which weN e.tt4ek.ed with all vengenee, the horse being badly gored, the baggy upeet mei the oecupattte thrown out but not seriously beet As soon as ,the new was .spread a posse of men, well armed, set out and soon dispatch, ed his lordship, tbe property of a ar, Nartin. —We heard 4 good fitorr the uthor day about e newly married couple which will hear hping: retold, The husband was going to takehis young wife to the cantata and he strongly ob- jeeted to her paieting or powdering, which she was in the habit of doing. She persisted, :however, end told iihn that if be did not tog° and get another girl, or something like that, "WO, then, he said, if paint and powder impreve your looks, they wili improve mine else," So he wont to the powder puff and a box of rouge, and began to deborate,hituselt, "What aro you doing 1" she asked. "Only making myself hand o "I will not. go out with yea like thee" "Why not l'' it would mortify me to death.' "Well but you're jag like that," "'Jiie-e's a different thing." Well make a bargain. Ryon will wash off 'ours 191 wash off mine." "We won't go out then 1 "All right." But she thought better of it, and elte accepted his bargain. She was N'eiy pretty after that. —We were much. amused the other day as we watched the antics of a nob- by looking old boy, with his bat cock- ed jauntily on elite side and his eane under his arm who tried to catch on to a young lady on Maio street. She was tall, handsome end gpoil-natared looking and we peak! ')/eee at a glance from the merry teviahle in her eye that she wrese_aeteseeeeefs the old fellow's efforts to Scrape up an adittaintance. The young lady was carrying a roll of meek in her hand, it'll(' Wtt evideutly in a burry, probahly going to practice for the cantata, as he walked .quite repidly. The ohl boy managed; des- pite a perceptible limp, causetrperhaps by rheumatism or gout, erboth, to pass the lady once, but she demurely turned her face the other ;Way, Then he stood on. a COPI1Or until she went,ley, although he smiled his sweetest, she gave no sign of eeeognitien, He Al- lowed on, however, itutil she tripped lightly 'up the stops of se residence, and after she got inside and pulled aside the blindsof a front window we dis- tinctly saw her point her fingers out- ward &era her tiose to the beau. lie must have- felt- pretty' cheap, for he noticed that we were on to his little game, and the next thee we see him at it we shall have to publish at last the initial letters of his hathe. A Fapmer's Club. The Thames Road Farrnera have thought it advisable to orga0ze a club in their midst for the purpose Ai dis- cussing subjects whiCh will be of 111- terest to them. The oflicers apeoliited are as follows: --s-- Robert Gardiner, Pre4. Hiram Borloncl, Viee-Pt es., Wire Mons teith, Sec„ John Allieon, Treas., Thos. Russell, Chairman of .Com. The rest of elle committee are • all promieent farmers of.this neighberbood, : The first meeting will be held ou text Friday evening, the 4th Nov, in School House No, 2, Tharnee .Road, Th programme for that evening will be an address by the President follow- ed by e 1)efe.r en the benefits deriyed from farinet.s `.1'hen swig will be given by John .A lissom MP Paul Afxdge \vill read a. paper on feed- ing eattles" A reading will lie edema by George Monteith, a paper will then be read on the advisabillity of a yenta; man attending an Agricultural College, Any Person will he allowed a few min - lave to criticise any of those peperee All taking an inteetst in. theee meet- h)gs ttee, e:vt:11.,,,ail. 01 y1.1 \tilt,ets1 otooteattettp7d tu Tiventy-two St. Thounie hotel-heep- have 12001 mitenloileil fer SCCOrld Of. f011dOS against the Scott Act and ono ati. "Monday, October 31s2,. 'Parte foe a fleet, All the liquoe derdere keelt 0.tt,1 00:1(:e 0. tit)' Eignelt 41IA Wan, 0ounoil PrO0eeding* r.l'he Council net p uaf In ad- journment ot the Merket Hoese, Mc, der, lath October, 1887. AU peeseet (except Mr.. johns) The minntes of the previous nreet- ing were read and Confirmed. Messrs. Pickard and ilissett to ox - Paine drain at Mrs, Camerons'. -Moved by W, O 1:.fssett, secondeti by 3, Pickard that orders be gtetn4s) for the following items vie, 3. C. NcIntesh 25 cents for taking affidavits for clerk, Gem Hess, $2001 for payment for Teem Clock mid John Thompsore $70; balance for street watering. Calved. The Clerk to see te removal of John ...Tolleson to his friend. The Council adjourned Until call .(d the. Reeve on motion of W. G. Bissett, seconded by j, Picked. M. Eecnerr, Clerk, Nagistrate'S.QOUrt, A INIagisteates' Court was held: in SarnweWs Hall, on Monday. Out, 24th, Their Worships, Messrs. Snell and 0leeke presiding. It appears that a Fred: Worta of Dashwood, was .walking along the street in Dashwood and by some means lost his pocketbook, and a man try the name of Julius Thong pielted up the pocketbook which contained $96 in caea and a note mai other papers. Wortz some time after, missed his pro, potty and at once asked Thone for it, Thole° denying all knowledge of the same, 13elow we give a copy' of the evidence:— .john Gill swern, says;—I am a eon - stable, and reside in the village of Ex. °tor, this morning a werrant was plac- ed in my hands to erreet Julius Thome went to his fathees-place in the town- , ship of Hay; sear. Julius' Thozie, and • told him 1 had a warrant for his ar- rest: he said "arrest.awey" 1 told him him to come into. the house, we both weeteinto his father's houte: 1. then arrested him, shoWed and read the war- rent'to him; he saki he did not know anything about the Pocketbook or money; 1 asked him what he picked up off the street in Dashwood, lie said a plug of tobaeco; he went and took a plug,Of tobacco from the shelf which measured about 5 in. 1 'asked him then how many trunks he had, and he said tome five or six; 1 told him that was too mail for me to search; he said he wanted to change his coat end put on another coat and vest; he was then in a room near the bede. f told him E wanted to search him then, he then handed me a little poeketbook and money, which I now produce, saying this was all the money he had; while 1 was looking at his pocketbook, I saw him put his head in his pocket and then throw tome - thing behind the hedeI told him that 1 wanted that wallet as that is the one I am after, and hesaid we will go and settle the thing. 1 now product the wallet which contains $96 and a note for $7.85, Fred. Wortz, sworn, says: --1 posi- tively swear that the wallet noerpro- duced by Constable Gill is my property, and all that it now eontams. The prisoner'e statemeet was then taken, and ivas as ftellows:—.1 saw Feed Woltz and he asked me for tha and tOld him that I had not got it. My intention was eotto koPp the. money, as I had done it for a joke that Ilmt night. I was going to Attila: him the money on Saturday, but had to go to Exeter for tny- pods; 1 did not see Fred Wertz until Constrilile Gill came after we at Dashwood. 1. passed him on the roe(' on Satutday, bub did not speak te. him, we were bath going home from. Exeter. This concladed the .evidence, end after their worships eerefelly viewinee the evidence, committed the prisoner to Goderich gaol, to await trial at the coming etsitee. Wednesday niornitigi Coestable Gill eccompehied the peisote or to GodeVich, 0 15 to $0 11; WIt41144vitYwiTt;sttwIrt,1,6"1811,;ie,1,(.1":e,'..r.),., ..7.5 o 2-2 Stit,Irroicilict)1.1.,,,,t1,41,01.• • , • btishel 41.068,01 ttt:(1:00: 021:(.0,0!, . iluTtcr tper :l'o",z.t;o• '' • '' •:, • • 00 le: ° .14:0 $l1 cr 11 15 to 0 x0 bielri I ...................(2 t4e. 0,04 t,.4 Gpip ino ko JtVr ..... . viku;cr(lt,,pal,rer10101, , LoAr.porv- Red Whiter, pee bu$'1 White Sprine Bailey . Oats Eggs Butter, Rolle Butter, Croeks Hey per ton 0 75 to 77' 7,5 to 77 75 to 77' 48 to 50 32 to 33 18. to 20. 25 to 2et 93 to 25 9,50 to 1:1 TORONTO Alui:EKE,T8`,. Fall Wlic4tt 0,78 to $ Spring wliciat 0.78 to 04te 0,38 to reee Peas 0,5n to 0.01 Barley. Bay per ton 13ut ter leatetoes per bag Eggs per doe Dressed fiegsrer 100 0,54 to 12.00 to 41.25 to 090 to 0.18 to 8,50 tb 0.67r 18:(0 1,(Xr 021 7.t1.0 •worateraiotowww...s. Brioow --T11 tnn—Off Wedneeday, lhe1 19th Of Oa, at the tesident et of 1 the brides mother, 04 Butherst 54 Londoe, by the Rev. J. Holetete W 11 Broek, Alm -Amite of ton, t don, to Lee, deoghter of the late, Dr. Timm. Ulf It t.v.„ Ilona VS. —In Usbeene, eft 9"ed feet, Mary Hoteey, aged fit; ,t'010$t tisliorne, o22 gist insf,, Sarah Ann Dempsey, eget' 16 yes, real I mentli, the cif,y were okdodod„ wtto the: ex lato 11, Oha.: vette; ou lot t't litiCitV Of T. C0104 111'0111P0 itt Fo)I1 ":14 11'14 1), ' PEPLIC Nf)TICE IS HEREBY QIY.EN TitAir UNLESS W. SOUTROOTT DSSTSTS 7805r SUEILINC TS, TAILOR -FITTING ClothinG at ruinous price, i',N.zn ALL xiNns 010 GENTS' FURNISHING at panic prices, he will get ALL THE TRADE IN TOWN P So say Customer. W. Sou thcott, Main -street, Exeter MR. JOSEPH SENIOR. having purchased the business of Chas. Seitior'wishes to in- form the the public that • he can be found At the Old stand Mains Street, Exeter. 'rile Finest Cabinets ie the tonne ty. Elegant Finish. ••••••••••••••••.• Oopying and Enlarging done on shortest notice., Jos SEINIPOR• JOHN muiNNEs 01',AtAnt 1,74t 9 FLOUR and. FEED Of all ldios Breekfeet CerniA, Oil Cokes, Geottini Pirtx Dna :Empire tattle Feed always oil hand, poOtes TAE tot' pet reCt Se JOIN M.oiNNES', ,minestau4smerammermordrame EXETER, .1E24NVROltAL. WAFERS. f:,.;:cri tPtre6:thrloptrieon6i,n15): .614 „Li)2:111,1"le,t4.4tto-i1:::::, Jrh, bo a tap lotig e;;pertnee 'at LI n oethly With Ptl'reet eitrtessi IS, , 1: 61vor 10,ANY fm41, ki. Isloratznt, MC* eittvrtvit, 1,112i.it rd,k„ tour diva, -, i1,,fw:::-rwvaI4.:re,t, ao ve:oe:att:,1tute, de India:toK:ri*4 ,i,,.rr:0vortlt5tte:.e;dtr . sl(1X'1f'i'i 1 oeetki.t. Aco•iNelt 12,1'1MA., ccrroutc, 4(T i../ ' err, e e %v.'s: et .1 J. IcitelK.IIep, w Imfef aliveoly rett', Chtie '1\ . . t 1 - tt‘e eattP:y t.:(11.'neos, ra, IV; f v.. •