The Advocate, 1887-10-27, Page 4" • ,rff .,51 The Exeter Advocate, THOMAS PASMORE, guITC)11, AND rAir1zIET011. 02,7PICE: - 4110n, Street, V,ceter, , TIIIMSDAY, 00T. 27th 1887 .80ME one yelled "Fire!" in 3 ein,cin. nati theatre the other evening, and all the -Ad maids fainted right away I, the building and got 6varrounde4 by luen's arms, lti'is *believed that one or more of those sagacious females set M p the scheme in °Merl() get. hUgged. THE ROOT of the troubles of tho share- holders in the Ontario Investment As- sociation, of London, is to be found in the fact that owners of stock were per- mitted to borrow more than they paid in. The Northwest land speeulation fever, practically promoted by the Do- minion Government, induced stock owners in authority to "borrow" vast sums in this inanner, then when the crash came, honest stockholders were Made to suffer. THE EVILS of tight lacing has again been demonstrated by the fact that a ,,,',.orrtrin thirty-five years of age died of -heart disease. While laughing at the work of a low comedian, she uttered a cry and almost fainted from intense pain -near the heart, She was a cor- pulent woman, and the worse than barbarous tight lacing of her waist had caused the trouble. The immediate cause of her death was heart disease, due to tight lacing. Ton .Saaroirru TowN Council, in order to check the prevalent crime of burglary, have, by resolution, offered the eonstablg a reward of. $10 for every burglar he may shoot. Care will have to be taken that he does not go gunning for ordinary tramps and drunks, and work them off on the pub- lic as the genuine article. But would it not be better for a place like Sea - forth to get a few 'more constables rather than put a premium on reckless .revolyer practice by their solitary guardian of the peace BRADSTREET ESTIMATES that the wheat surplus of the United States is 110,000,000 of bushels fro* in the States and TeriitOlies east of the Rocky Mountains and 25,000,000 from those upon the Pacific coast. Of this sur- plus 40,000,000 have already been shipped; 15,000,000 will be required for consumption in the Atlantic States, leaving an available surplus for the European market of 55,000,000 bush-. els east of the Rocky Mountains, This is much below the surplus avail- able in some former years. Silt TUPPER having been taxed by some of the Nova Scotia temperance men with lukewarnmess in the cause of prohibition, has written a letter for the purpose of setting himself . right with the. cold ,,water learn that he iiregards the suppression of intemperance by every possible means as vitally important,' and that "the friends of temperance and prohibition may confidently rely upon all.the aid 1 ani able to give them in carryiag out their principlas." This sounds einphatic enough, and will no doubt be quite sat:sfactory to all t en' crane men of Conservative procliv- ities. hut as the public accounts 51 oW that Sir Tupper is the posSOSSOr of n. well.filled wino cellar and an expen- sive and costly lay out of eUtglass dt canters atid ehAmpaygtio glasses, it may occur to some thattthe twist praet: ical proof hel could give of his zeal for temperance prineiples would be to it. organize his London ninasion in Cu, - cot clan o therewith. his death, Since the death of John Brown Brown no event in the royalliuehold has take; such an elfect on the Queen. The triumph of the Jubilee even paled before it. She had brought the dog frOM a peppy with great care, and be was her censtant companion She called him "Noble" at the suggestion of Jobit Brown, and on account of his distinguisbed demeanor, he was treat. ed more like a member of the family than an humble follower. Handsome rugs and blankets were provided for him in ,his early youth, and he was literally n very lucky dog, for his lines were cast in very pleasant places. So there WftS ft'dog born with a silver spoon in its month, and he bad a collar of solid gold elasPell around his neck before he could tell the differ- ence between a necklace and his tail, ....-A•••••••• ESTRAYEP, • Came into the premises or the ender- )ot3, tum.. 3, Usborae, Mt 01 about the middle of August, a WtitTO EWPI. The owner is reqttestod to come and prove property, take same away and pay charges. - 4011x S. Donn', lNeter, P. 0. • ESTRAYED. Came into the premises cf the wider- -signed on or about the middle of August, a WRITE EW) and LAMB. The owner will I)1'0'0 property, take same away, and pay expenses. • STAN.LA K.3 BROS, 1,ot No. 9,North Boundary Stephea. Hay, I?, 0. • STRAYED. Strayed front the premises of the sob— scriber, Lot 13, eon, 11, township of Stephen, a large Wurfe,;. Sow Pio, with stub tail and one ring in nose. Any per - sot; giving such inl'orination as will lead to the recovery of the ,same will be Ben - ably rewarded. aKonol: MAWRINNET, OrAliton, P. 0„ Ont. Farm hr Sale .by Auction. The undersigned has received instruct- ions to sell by Pablic Auction, on the premises, subject to a reseryed bid, on Wedaesday, November 23rd, at 1 o'clock p. m., the estate of Thomas Sims, being Lot 11, con. 10, Township of Stephen, containing 100 acres. The terms will be made known on day of sale. For further particularsapply to 1.1.. EMBER, W. Lams, AssiaNse, Auctioneer. °radium P. 0. Lost. On or about the first of August last, a iui and WHETHER. 1...431.13, (MAI With a round hole in left ear. Anyone giving Such information as wili lead to the recov- ery of the same, will be suitably rewarded. JOHN S. DoxEv, Lot 3, con. 3, Usborne. :Exeter P. 0. CHANGE Oi? SIN Advertisement will appear next week-. E. FOLLICK. —4.....1..e. .......7....; n,A, (10r.ii;:e V ioroillA 'S. , favorite dog la l dead, and sad faces itee the faShiell at 1 lIatinbral tier Majtifity is pitfORR(11- i ly gritival over the death of her collie, I i 1 and she hot& throbts that ail aboat Let tit ag iteeply touched as aka, ty • Christies Commercial LIVER Y. osIEPY STAPtc !..17=-7-% Rigs and Horses first.,olass. sv Orders left at the llawkshaw House, or at, toe itale will be prom lolly attended to. TENMS. BEASON.% Itt,E, rhe r rent En1Ish Prescription. A successful Medicine 'mod over SO years ttt tholutttnibt of cases. Cute; S'po'nzatorrhect. Notedits' Weakness, Ellt,i8SiO718. Intpulenc# 5/11 11 Ltiattkinii it4s,./(rilq4161)S.etrCrnied e):Ve;)0'1, trutiiraittodfe&,zretaiAlth ir"t°1 ka 1luts,ftos 511 acit(4,11(r;tit.1121)ifgal:' 1 Cu., .1aarollti 31101. px 80Ift it,to Cb liggi trt eVc:pyWiilerelY, Dr.0tAct ''11.11()T1 4,4r A 01, New Premises!? (SA NEW GOODS Respeetf ill yen 11 ds I is many Onstoe ms and the public gens rally that he has re- ' moved to 11 IT IS a in s A —NEXT TO— PCOat Office. Main Street, EXETER. Where he bas just received —A_ WELL ASSORTED. srrooKoF READY-MADE BOOTS &SHOES. ALSO Hand -made work ofthe highest Class. A Trial Solicited, and Satisfaction Guaranteed GEO. MANSON, Exeter. 1 HELLO .THERE! ROWE iv• ANDREW'S. (iii.aANACO For Balance of 1887. fc.ve tober. Another spell of weather ! War in the east ! Terrible eatastrophe in New l'ork ! 53 people suc- cumb to base ball fever. Police ordered out to keep back the crowd from our Warerooms ; Several seriously jammed. N overnber Look out for snow. Fathers. with eligible daughters, 0 nhang the front gate, and Lay one of our cosy.sofas, _Warranted to Wog the most bashful yonag, man in. the Ountry to time in short order c Beds, iiprie.g_Afattrasses, Loungqs, etc., etc., • in ;tentless variety. , .keeernb Change in the moony and inure weather. Und erg ahiner Onr Stock uf Caskets, Coffins, Robes and 'Trimmings, are unexcelled. Reformed undertakers, on Maas. nu Uliques, we use all 1111103. Our priccS we govern 001111 es, and as most people know they aro very moderato ; W5 understand, and make a specialty oi Oils art r r bUSilleSS. C4,Il1e and see before you buy, (Von cloy and night. • REMEMBER the PLACE Drew's old stand,—one door north. of Molson's Bank Rowe & Andrews. • 174; 14„oi) K.; • ; j., •,..3 Ai. 56 :nosingtilis season purchased most of our stock 1-lirect. f101» maeufanterem.. iu England and G'orinany, to do so we had to give oer orders Tory early ii the season, and as the prospects looked well we bonght largely, the got4s have pow arrived and we find 0.1# hai'd thOOS are eallOing a great &Tit ete4i011 trade, we have therefore decided to Meet the times by marking, all goods 4- HAR1) ,Pt. 'PAN as to insure a speedy alearance,, therefore we would invite intending n14 - chasers • To Call and Inspect our Stock. and note Prices of all New Goods, including Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets, & Ulsters, Misses' and Maids' Msters, all sizes. Illatk & Colorod Silks & SATIN Dress goods in all the newest colors and styles. Plain and -Fancy Plusbts,Scarlets, and Plain and Fancy r I osiery and Gloves.. Also a fall'lima of 11l?.*.N7S, .youTuis' two say.‘4, arltalt is IVIttOE CLOTHING HATS'and CAPS - All of which will bo sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. REMEMBER Ciiiiii-XGRANO.,XyllaINERYAPENINGXON) SA_TUIZID'Y & MO NIYY-0 CT. 8-10_ Be sure and call and inspect our stock and get prices; it will be a. grand exhibition and we feel confident it will pay Yon. BUGS! BUGS! BUGS ! WILI 1AM SPNDERS ----AC:1'5T FOR. WU' Bugs are trump- and you must play Paris Green if you want to make a point. PURE PARIS GREEN --AT THE— DOMINION LABORATORY ALSO Hellebore and Fly Powder. Always a full supply of Drugs, Dyes, and Fancy Goods. Fishing, tackle a specialty. Js W IMOWNINC PROPRIETOR,. Commercial Union Assurance „ Company of GREAT BRITAIN.' Capital and Assets, *.$21,000,000: AND THE Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. ALA NCI-LASTER, ENG. CAPITAL, - $14,600.000.00. .The best and most reliable Fire Insur- ance Companies in the world. ADVOCATE OFFICE EXETER. To THE FARMERS OF IIUHOIN .00 u-NYY. „ OUTIVA Olt AND SEED Elt We respeetfully call 'our attentiOn to a few testhnoniala winch the Gale Sully Farrow lea"-nufacturibg any, of Windsor, Ontario, IlivA3 received frOm some of their pAtrou.§, Every tnie w he1,1aS IMi.eliftSed the inipleiatait prom:Wine it a grand successAndat implement every farmer should have. R momANug is iii charge op a dOmpany oi indll And eight wagons, Ekker, taut ig ilofpg tt dirts,1pg busin- ess in Huron County, 0111;114m, 5011,:i2ard, last; (Mk stake!" fhee=n10'- Windor. nurelmsed one of :vinif Ifittrohl and Seatls told haVe thototigltly tostO.l is 11 11 kltulg ot ofotttul.., luta tattle tutolog Nt'Oelt it tvill do, butt) Ito hoSitUt tot) in rtootonielitling frienda as' titiS best Innplement in OW 111»11:01, l'burs trttlyt TOlifAS WtitrA., :Cclllr 1, SOttt, Ind), It$t ofas Nutkey 114)110e 0. ,1{1,1(1$10r. Imar 1>1,581 o110 c)1your Sulky Irnri•ot54 104 Seu,lor0 fled iawthttY that 1 Ant tWetseaoyidtts,.y o tttt"LoIy'I1'15t.5ti'\1an\velit.1)i tole $t1y' tOt it work, iroprodttillst)ued1,h,tin .11 tnIlfett;I. tlifi tf.4.rv)lA)tR ,thr.c, egi".,„ Ver"'ii4111tllIt'°tiW"ttC is WI6I :I6yil,.wy.1%kaaeligiosii,:iveQ,14 tIrrfoioood Ittodigtottotodta' raI ttta, irrerl (ll' ti(0t Itt)fiteritat of aloyingottal 1 tun con vincofi that the t1att3 Is taaat proortro+1 roy pr4in0grount1 for o. mot NI1ti,11iIt. ) tJrlW molt iaust 118011 11111)1e)))elli, eVer bit.roatoof to tad , 11)5 and 1 earl 51)1 0.41 t1,0 11,51.8ine (100$ till..‘oile , . tat 1100 01 )(molt 0, 1151 11i:8pm:50011y st 011.1'4 ilgunt (11tliillid twit, mai tun ult,•.,.0 billy r,..i.otiiiiit:iio it ' IQ my farmer ii foals as tbo bog. '00(0 MI. 'ft'll.f.,1 A i A N DP,RSON, StopliOit tp, gad liarmie ed: Windsoe 844'6114' S'ti°t.' 11.101 1887; . , 0 oof$-..1 1,ttte tottpa 1, oc0 It steil alio of yocif quitiy MI 'TOWN itlid tqe(ree,l, :aid Uri Ilk Is to jaw, ttara Ottry fat fuel, Dolls HAW. lt WIlttivall 'ottii uguLt utuinui fur Ite nespaauuey, si.oxzo l'OSTER. ) I . IMtrAOoE,tr.,ol.•itooi't.4.h1Ait•r'/,C1s.)1st, : 11lieA .I t oolys1, 1cotor,SeptMk)881 6(111001w ItareitWii,; Utit iluro; tStaaletheneht femyouaanotis Post 11111 sodLVp to tity,eiItl,ito fnd ;lila CA 10 11111 it ties he wrk hdler, istser and with Its labr thananyMplethent iqiw, 1 wi04 itM I io‘tlgod thh t thIr s5110114 dono tad Cho sai11:115 geobof ) , pt 110 fitt iosoarf atyq NutPod 1011 og wheat 01! 1110 wthDtaliVot Niltla at tott it duo titay 1(1(155110111aa W1111kit h , pr airse, ca Rasd st(a.to tlett ttitliout tit* khs, ett)r fatroattettl itt thia neftfliterhoen, 1, •