The Advocate, 1887-10-27, Page 1Sssel„„••••ealers"'s -TS.-1S"rssstr's""St..
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VOL. T. r j )1N ,, 4. RS 0
E ( TT IT' 41)AY 0 27, 1887
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,„ „
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l''Sbn611.1 0'44;T T.11111'irtI ay m9/3141?1V1 grittf13,
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Enter, Ont.
PlAMRor st'nswtirviozi:
ono i yap 41 pia! ta ;0v:wool s1.443 It WA %a
re rtfoi ng Rates. 9n A piqlea t tor,
p Par .11-.4. 013111313' 31 all urreamr443 ire 34.44. '
AtIrat.. iYii1 111 119 81)0'104 4.; ie w ;44144; will 141
k M1111411,11 till ffst`'1111 /II. %/1,11N101 1t1 Ir 3 3,41404-,41 3
N11407.0111. 11.3,1(1 ir 3r44c,, 3NIL DIMNI1 1S11111( 18 11,4C11
Toi low; 14.4431.44N. Ficeps 434443044 or .i4.4o 1co..,‘"r4 ;
hi 43,444 ont, III 0,e i!twet �f31t) art 14444(a,i
;3.44 •re,A.4 Iv; 01IvetHi, ,1104103' /Ur
/3111,t1•4.2 14 4,11s, ?LC., ira,lodi1'31.410 to
sae os set PAINIIIIr.
(1.11 tr)29.11 Y
A fatin of Arty ectSs situated near Di -
ears seven yea ego was sold by auction
101.1, 1 01,11, ‘.,
1)31)1311. 4)33Y1 IIIIL ofion'oir;
s VAllik be realised. ask what is A now iatlastry has .cem4 0 town. Mr.
the cause of this great ti33( ILI proport - Mery Sweet an old Stephen baSS has
'opened out a harness shop itt a part of the
John Dapg farm nu saui.)ie premises occupied by our butelier. Sae.
•,cess to. thesenterprise;.
ISitldttlph, last week to 111r. Taylor
More real estate has chrteged. hands, A -r4
Geo. ES§erY hail' bought filo Ict on Station " 1 °ruler Belta°nt 1V144 in g 1:3g414,
street, Opposite S, Davie.- Guing to build
Cidoree ?
Royal here, is enjoying himself so well
We understahd that 14r. Meitat, prop, turAniery, :T0' f S8' a?lia'aulisdkayl: sPal:isleacnutnionuguta-yt: !
. .
that he has decide'd to haeg oir little :MIA, Was ra St. Tbelnas last Frady
1 limiting up the record of George Bit-
lington, fOrmerly of Belmont, 13311ieg-
too is now tinder arrest in Sardine
Monty, on the eharge of attempting to
murder bis brother-in-law. Mr, Het-
eittgton Billington owned a farm, which
he sold, and gathering together his
valuables, deserted his wife and eloped
with a women. named Lucy ;Barton, the
paw going to Ypsilanti, Mien, There
11illington purchased farm, for winch
he paid $10,000, and he gave Lucy 11
chattel mortgage oh the farm. His
wife, nee Mis$ Herriegton went to
live with her brother in &valise county,
She had Billiegton twice arrested in
March, 1886, on the eherge ot adult-
ery, and once for illicit cobabitlation,
but the eharges were withdrawn, and
Billington and his wife started to live
together again, he paying Lucy Bar-
ton, it i$ saw the sum of $1,500.
Lacy Barton left for London, and
as soon as Billington got some of his
wifo's property ft•om her he again de-
serted her, joining Lucy Barton hi Lon-
don. In June, 1880, ho was arrested
in London on the charge of stealing a
watching, purse and other articles from
Lucy, and he served 11101itli in jail
for this offence, After seeving his
toile 110 went back to Sonlite county
whore he made up with his wife once
more. It is charged. Ito was attetapt-
ing to rob his wife of her property,
and his interfered, and
Billington set tire to a hay.staek of his
brother•in-lawe' and shot at hitn, tho
bullet not taking elleet. was ar-
rested and committed for trial. His
trial takes place next Tuesday.
, 1.5,41mrile, tr the stint of $5,100. Th41 The rbra,tb.. of the Sate Mrs. „Its. 8110)1,
Comers of Usbcwne wilt find it to their I )"as inielvovc1 by ,the Rev. E. Kershaw
elvatitage to sell, when thov can find fine !Sunday eyeniug last. These wm a large
value for their !arms, and buy gotta farms lturneut (as is mival in those instance4)
I at present in Bidd ul ph fur less than cost ' c'xnressive Of the synipathys felt, for the
! met they are now last improvina then, bereaved fsni'lly. The service was earnest
13 4,,444441,3t 414.11104.1.- 1v, S, F. )4,44'4405m, tneklikr,
444%. .)1.111v '14-4 let k, 1.1. a. 3)41., ).141 p, 323,51133.
Iwo 31,03,0 '11 p. 4e.
sm.% :orn 0' ,A40 - leralty 8eoV71!e11. 7. a. In 431). Pi,
&Mil 3 it, 131,, g•wilet • vor, night, 33113111g 11117
4443 4 0.1:13114t 1101)043''' /1'N-41141)1 11 1, Mr 3m 1`11.11111,1%
':',1111,111PLO 4:41.0. • e1 11(11, ,). 1.44014;tin,
;" 314. sltrtt'A‘ 33' 1t'1, It MI D., 131. z11111 11 314 10,
Wth 44 1.431, .2 :4, in, l'ettyor titecrilig 'ratIltlaq
.4): .3)33 7'..,..
23 .os rr.—Pev. 13' 11. Pai.eno, pas102. Fiito
N1.1, $1:1Ni• 'I, 1'1 7'0,, I., 11:19.1 0,30 V, DI :•1.1.0 1,111
S•c1 .0, 2 r VII. PCI,VC•11,10t1t3T, 1043)3)33.3)
11.'•1 7. io 3i.aog• irtrri pr i144911$4.110g1144144144:4,
..134:40, 7,11
l',..4:04y-t54 1,3 1." •. 31, 7'4,41,4",
d v. •N I 4 4, 1 •1, ;1,11 w.;;41 r 4,, .4.444, 11,
.1 1.), 31103,11.:' l»1 1,100 3110, 31.
1N Tii113.0,11A • .• 13.3 1.1 111
t 1.4 34 334'i ',411.33 r`, yr.
•." " • t ' "' ' . J.7* -747.v!
;ard other (.',artis.
4 , • •
NT. 2, 14. 0, l',
(,,,34,141,4 est VW'. 333 Uni • .1t30. Office .11111 10310,13)3)3)-
111,1' 1113013 14.4444. dory, ‘r. tint. .134140,11-51'.
'if 11.1. t.O'V' 3) (01,1C P.- N1.1/X 1,3 31(3)12', 153)e3e3',
11” ..1.1:111 33)1,31. Sloe Nit,
31 11,1 1.13 3,0. 31112'1-44141.3 'DNA 10111.111/g 1., ,no 31etli
Olt N. '3' •01 r 4,1.11 ‘1,,t 11()NP
- •
tl101•111113.4V e32s3e3)is anti tile (.044.ty of Hmron.
*lt 4.01433331,34311)3.33'•t,3)4.101.1 E. wr
el.-inot., ors 4333) A1.11 -T1011211.
• Lite T4)3o1i311?3 3 elf tal.rnato. All orri,ira
44.1340) 11,4,441 to ' Olit
3,4,'( 33333) 1'13313)EE31 kw'
4(44,3 C.., . 4.0. of ‘' vt311 I1.11111001, AAA(
alo 1.1, 44.44 if ..4,,plom. .4,1(1 1'34. All 41)3)3) 3441411
4.4•0c, .
40.14.sesr, se sonam
ness, tons to 33'.
.17333 1.41111,11 ,11111:,11.1.
1 >1 r. CO 1 LMS,
1 a
3.)444, 4i•,,43 e. rr nu: 0013t 4.; Or 0.40, uni4Nstrticr,
f.I444o 4, , %t doors. .-.4',./41% 4.V. PkI
r414 t".4 I•••
•, 0 114.11,•,y ;,C) 1.41 11 at vcryloviorit, ratos.
T 13, 411 3:1•:.••ONI, 11 [f 2+.0•„ $441,4%4,40,4
4',44,441„ 1. 1 11:o. neer, Cunt
tillarfraivr, ••ro 1474i.44::• Lei 14134.
1,131,1 , &3 313'.
I 0.11. Nu.
331143)13 it,: V 1 , 4331‘. Ifl 41.41414's Bleak
at o't t 14.. V .41.04.; Pi ..14 Weleoinc).
.101:13 3.1. .3011:3 Wnrof„. saes.
-1) 0. 0. F., No. 3i, EXETER.
.11e;•13 Ti 1411443' 3)3)11333213 111 John's block. -
1.114.1 34.4.."043,443 4•.,(4‘,4s0., to ll33it1l41
.31,1.1011' *r Li r, 31 a;'"LC V, it•SCDY.
T O.. E. NO. 12.1.
A ,
410.:;') one S11" 33 111313 l'Arrio, nifty ot eaeli month,
333 11.!,...• 5 o'clook p. Vluirttig• !troth -
eon co1Ia1i4Py iiv, 14331
lkinr.tre j". PICKARD, see.
13 t4- x* -al
Offiee over O'NPils Exeter, Ont.
MUS 1),A Ide 1.1.-t kr, 311(0143)3) 11311311.31113)13.
e3tiv,f-”:!/4,„ 1!. K 1 )3 MA N. 1.) ENTI ST ,
1, s„ oxf :114t3) p In
143. 3)14-314 Ver‘ret 1410 17. 0., (1:1,'43,1 1110
3)31 '110 Olt 310 f,440, ,I,„,1,4,1•1,,, (a) (Aber
(IvrIttl Vork 1.44, 101,3 34, e.. 4.44 ,310d1 last
'11.34'14, r Ivo 10..1 14
'1' 3,1'11", ,;.4. rar•
W. E. (..'A `r; 1;
4, T roeoti
Granter la t:c 44; J1,4141 04,I64001 Di 11-
tillerun 44; of Ontario. Pa ulna. , 4404.11100 4.14.144
.1;4 4.4.033•- next dia.!' 10 'Pre'lio'it 1. rt.( 3,1403), 3.71,33)-
8( 13.1. I' :ter, (I113 4.040 1311., Ivo,. 41110 1.e3'3orin
211 lirar .14.; 4)i" Om p,.,33 (311) 11 11' • '1 Or 444-1, 3)34411.
447 14 1101.M.11 .11 I., -ITT:Ms, CAS' t.
•—... .
eopert witty.
are getting better in awl itrOttitd
()seen way.
hew, aml. repairing the old
honse, the Whole t tislt hero. •
Miss C. -Olio lsroptsey et, present con -
/hied to the house wittif auvere illness,
Ms, Thonias • sohtbi3 valuable
two -ever old 0011 to Dr. Caw, el' Parkhill,
for a. L1111(1,401110 Sam ish Satiably.
, Suedes, night was a very stormy time
tor a Cerlidit votith toge. North, but at -
13)01 ions are very. powerful in that (E-
T01111 "I'. IVII.%5TC0TI, IN4§1711411;10F.,
113)1 7'4 41e .1440 seseesess seals V;.4,14.1t 13' (11,1 3)e-
Ii444444. o.4 3114) 3ll33r.1411 410 Onnpaniea lam 0,01.
.L41. Al: 07 Haws:Tin 101.3Id, first 31h411r1I3)3)
1. INive81, 3133e3 ot latore44... Genotnt Agt.ts 44•4•
1141r .13.',., 1.0..1, 11. 33,.1111331114, Co lea] 3)43113e
133).Vo.• 1.13,030 S1011101.1 repret4.41tCt1,
01.4i4.03.44.4»e33 tNettr, jut) 87
44)** .2* V'. ‘rit•
44** , 8o4e1; (Vex tfr
iftrs 1)—LITL2-7717.r.77-7,--7.
•, tu, K.47,51
s s's
1.13e, A414.1(lr ot, tin 1.41-e1n511113111ee agent.
0341.1tAt: 1Ve3t 81(133 of Aliihostreot Exeter
Hay Fa merst Mutual Fire
Insurance Conipan y.
pAlttitE '1)1,81111,)I0 '1'11E 311353
end etieseest,„tre,welette in the n3)3)infor4
een 110 3 1/31 i13110,01' 1,r-soltifl,. Or 14"' mall to 1110
ionioN1004.1. All nipbc,,'1631,3 343'0141 '13,) attottilcol 3312.
Alro wren(' lot the lt ello4:14444 1..444114,10y ot (30431 433.
.,\l,, AU"; ' ,
Apsiti the wedding bells are heard
Mr. Jedson Corbett, at' Clurbetteille was through the columns of your paper to
muted in the holy bonds on Wednesday contradiet the absurd stateinents that are
lets, to Miss Jane •Baker, of Eiarpley' regularly advertised 131your vicinity, by a
Long and happy may be their livestirm abose sole object 'aPpears to be 3)3
1)3, not forget the blIt of November, the venue, for havine been refused admittance
oingting. of the new Orange Rail in. this to its inemberaliip. ' 1Ve '41soyeotA," nu one
oace, A, number 1 Elatmt. 11,13 beoi se_ either by "ironclae or ' "Sugar Ring."
eured for the 'ocearsionIlo there and donot bind any of our membetss Ur a
enjoy 333t6 (+rand treat that is in store for Pr" ,,i 13,3101.1 eVell 1')U1
all whoatt tend. : •
Khiva• •
4041 impressive throuvhout.
It is () Iiild anparent that we -have some
petty thieves in ottv midst, as recent thefts
of poultrrand What indicate, and the
feeling is ciblaining ground that the guilty
parties aro not more than ten miles away.
We trust that the law abiding population
of our quiet neighborhool will take steps
as will entirely stamp out this cowardly
sneak thieving busint.Iss while it, is in. its
i»finey. When parties go out stealing,
they don't want to take bags with them,
that will give them away, should they be
tweed to leave them behind.
Po ail &Woe ef•the A.fivuate.
DEAR 81(11— 013 behalf' of the "Under-
taker's Association of Ontario," permit 100
30 w (383316401 33130 thasher may still be
The apple packers
/nits were cheap.
'3)'13]'i 3) night's wind storm laid ,low a
uninber of fences and made tho tops Of
straNV stacks scene.
Mrs John Krein has been called home
from her visit by the unexpected death of
a relative.
We are pleased with the improvement
made by fixing the culvert on the Crud iten
read, a little east of the Ono Horse hotel.
Mr. Jas. Mawhiuny, is, wo believe, ap-
prenticed to Mr. }lodging, biaoksinith. of
thoditon, where he will learn the trade
in all its brandies.
wish eider-L.10MA
Mr. E, Willichnhas obtained the as-
sistance Of Mr. Chas Wrestler, in clearing
a piece of laud. of its wooti..L, lie is the
right man ia the tight place. •
We are sorry to miss the pleasant face
of Miss Jennie Coughlin, in this nei .11-
horlwod, She is taking d course in music
in London, kind will, we believe, return
home at Christmas, a master hancl.
As many readers of the A I/YOCUTe Will
remember, Mr. Michael Elford, jt.' had
hiS right band cut off Within aboutlour
inches of the elbow, by a eleiff cuttee 931
Lite last of Februaty, and thinkingperhaps
it may benefit swum one else who has
a hko misfoitune, we wish to state
thretigh the AuvorrAtli that es 80011 (331 the
remaining portion of his fir111 wita healed,
ha procured a patent stool itilq gloved
hand. from Mr. Jas. it Bowes, Pitiketteth
Ontarii,) which hes WO very tiseful tO
hint. The steel hand which is worked 'by
the motion of tho arm opens and closes
two or th ee elaws to hold thitri.s ficeord-
nig to size and shape. With this hand
he has been able to do any kind of farm
a or*, he can handle a inteli fort., 11014 a •
sell his goods sit any price he may deem
necessary. The leading. feature of efir
Assiariation is odue.itional in iLs diameter,
and the scientiflo ileVolepotent made by its
methbers 111 the art of ouilyilining, received
last September the commeudations of the
Mayor 'of Toronto, Rev. 1)r. • Wild, Dr.
Ferguson of the Tdrunto School of Medi-
cine, an others, who refuse to association daunt, if their
metiyes were as liage-heou- leotreyed 'by
your mistaken Exeter 'firm. slitscondusion
I advise this lirm to be more ,eareful 113
future of the, language they use towards
ns, otherwise they may prepare theinselvea
to defend their gross exaggerations. 1
remain, yours truly.
W. H. Hoyr,s,
a Sec. tr, A. of 0.
Wonderful Records. '
Mr. J. W. .Parker„ Of the 7th line,
West Zorra, has it turkey heti which
has a eecord worthy of a piofessional.
At thi: beginpmg of the season she
laid 15 eggs and afterwards hatched
them out She was then put upon 17
hetia' eggs and these she also brought
out. This would have been considered
a good seasons' work Jor an ordinary
turkey' hen; but this was not att mann--
my hen. She next started and laid
25 eggs and 'is now considering whether
she will hateh them out or not before
wintee comes On. But this Wonderful
hon is not the only thing remarkable
at Mr. Porkers. His fatnily is com-
posed of eine reetnbera, including Mr:
Parker and his wife and seven of them
have thole birthdays -in October. Who
can beet either of theatt cueious &dal
Nearly a Reit.
Tuesday two men g;ving their. names
as White and Williams and represent-
ing theitiselves as cotnieg from Woods
stock, went, to Paris with the avowed
hstentiou of buying a tane
nery businss
plough, last sho
for Sale there. Just previous to -their
es,. tie etas, bold a table
Cork, us (I a. kill i 4$40, Ali astonishing
case. With the g' loved lewd, which is a
splendid iiiirtatitin of the natural band,
opens and shats on tho sante priaciple as
the steel liands and which is not tised for
sough svork, he 03113 ciltrY 1118 1110 OP a
113 7)431 book or eny.anch tiong with cold,
fort, and alineet without theiNftideal hand
being defetted. Any orio wbo has lost art
arrival in the town it telephone fees -
sage was received froth Beautrotel,
werning Pais botelkeepers that two
whiskey detectivea were likely to pity
thetti 1.1 visit end, 'describing the meta
On the arrival of White and Williamt
quite a croWtl toitetted and chased
them armind the town peaty lively a.
arm will find tilt*: Of; ttivel1CeS a great, fore' the 011ientla could quieten the
convenience. eroWc1 and get White and Williams
Alesers. Coughlin's slopped as eek a
carload of cattle for tiontreal markets,
A, Hooper, and J. Viakbiner, of Stopli-
co, ore in Goderich this week on. the jatT.
.11w4. 21332l0 is little doubt but that
they Were infortnera, They did net
get any convictions as they Werti spot.
ted immediately 011 their arrival,
There wits every indication of a riot
for some time.
Jail _tatistios.
The following 1)3 1). synoposis of the
retorns of Goclerich jail for the year
eittling Sept. 30th, 1881:
Number of prisotters commItted du-
ring the year, 62 males, 8 females, to-
tal 70. number of prisoners earned
over fvout last year, 6, total 76. Of
the above number, 14 elected to be
Vied by the county judge's criminal
eulirt, weee acquitted told 8 found
gitilty. Of the !lumber of prisoners
committed durine the year the Govern-
ment defrayed th% expenses of 233; the
num? ber'whose expenses were defrayed
by 010 311Unicipalities was 46. Total
number of days in custody, of Govern-
uteut prisoners, were 458; total num-
ber of days custody a municipal
prisoners, were 3160. Nutlet lel ities of
prisottets committed during the year;
Canada, males 335 females 7; total 40;
England, males 10, females 2, total 12;
Ireland, males 7, females 2; total 9;
Sdotlancl, males 6; females 2; total 84
other eountsies, males 1: females 0; to-
tal 1. ,Religious denomination of pris-
oners committed during the year; males
2; females 2; total -I; Chusch of Eng-
landonales 17, females 2, total 10;
Presbyterians, males 19, females 4, to-
tal 22; Methodist, inalee 15, females 3,
total 18: other denominations, 7
,Nomber who weee 3311330164, 3211016112 28;
fein&les, 7, total 35; number who wore
unmarried; males 20, females 6, total
35; number who can neither read nor
write, reales 6; females 4, total 10;
number reported temperate, mares 17,
fernalei 7, tdtal (..4; number' reported
intemperate; mates 40, females 6; to-
tal 16. (Minces for which prisoners
were committed during the year: A-
busive 10314 obscene language, 10121(312,1,females 2;. assault, males 2; attemped
titicide, male I; 0013t01111)u
of cort,
111(3)05erimity to anittiels, l; debtoes,
males 2; fraud, males 2;borto and cat-
tle stealieg, inaies 4; 1314(0334133 '131120333,
males I; last:city, malea 10, fetnalea 2;
luttatiets Males 8; females 2; receiving
stolen goods, males 1; vageants, males
10, females 5; other °Weems, males 5.
Daily eveengo of the prisoners during
the year Was nearly 5; average num,'
1)011 Of days in 'jail for each 1)011)01120100'eison
during 'the year, Crli; increase of eons=
mittals oyes laat years 8. Not 'oho lats
been connuitted 'during the one Svelte
foe being detaek and 3113.034eely1 these
The 'Whiteford nros IP ft lot week foi• Ari'g4 Sllolifig, of Porter4g Hill, is, an increase of one fee assrailt, elan
• . t 3 „, , , ••• 344
44 44. .104, ra, • "
. • '4 .• • .
.34 • r. • V • a• .1. .••• • , • .• 4' 3 • • '• • %
• . ^ ^- A -
per carry over 10, an illerettS13 of 4,
thata Owe iog that business is com-
metteites with much bettor prospects
than it did last year,
4 RailwayPAO 14,
The terrible collision, or "piteltsin,"
o ase the techinal phrase, on the
(Thi4.ago and Atlanto Railway, whidi
took piece on the night of the •tentb,
appears to have been caused by mis-
management, a the very 'vorst de-
scription. A heavy passeeger trait
was allowed to start from the stntion,
with it pertially disabled engine, whielt
could only make use of one half of its
•cylinder power, and a fist freifr,ht train,
probably. quite as heavy e tratn stile
passe,nger, was alio\ ed „stark. two
minutes after it. At a way station
where a stop was made for water. the
distibled imeine of the passenger train,
"got upon lier eentrea, that is her pis,
ton and cranks got into such a posi-
tion that her steam power bad no ef-
fect on them, and the traits was delay-
ed for some moments. Although the
engineer of the passeeger train was
able to see the lights of the fast freight
buland his train, while' the two trains
were in motion no special preeautione
were taken to prevent tut accideut. A
danger signal was hung oe the ;seek of
the delayed train, but brakeman was
not sent down the track with a. lautere,
something is done on every well man-
aged road when a teain is stopped Mt
the main although no traits should
be almost in sight bellind. There,
seems to have been a switch behind the
wreeked train upon which the freight
traiti could have been .41in; ,ted past tho
crippled pa,enger train. Cf courst,
when the Wavy freight trent crashed
into the helpless passenger •4ain, crush.
three coaches into one, and wrecking
the entire train, the a.ccident was
"wholly utexpected." The wreck at
once caught tire from the fire-bo3
the freight engine, and there -,were, as•
usual, no tools at hand to break up the
wreck and free, the .passengers.
'though the wreck was at a station
where there were en appliances at hand
for putting out fires, and between thirty
and forty Hives were Jest. It seema
hardly possible that anything move
weld haVe been done to sender this ac-
cident as complete and fatal as poosi-
ble. The ofileials who weve responsible for: virst, sending out a passeeger
train with- a partially disabled engine;
second, startnns a freight withio two
minutss of the disabled passenger trait):
third, in not sending a -man down the
track to stop the approaching freight,
fourths not switehittg off the approaelt-
ing freight; and, fifth, the lack of tools.
to beeak up the wreak, should certain-
ly be criminally indicted.
• County and General News.
The schooner Caribaldi, which ran
ashore near Port Elgin during the late
storm, has gone to pieces and is a to-
tal wreck.
The town of Goderieli paid twenty-
seven dollars for services rendered by
special constables, at the recent fall
Dr. -Coleman, of Seaforth, is anxious
to•tost the territory it] the vicinity (tf
Sarnia for salt, and if successful will
erect•avorks there.
Messrs. Snell 31 White, of Rector,
has purchased from Wm. Rollins that
celebrated cameral purpose stsuis,1
131ack ince.' for a handsome figure.
• A goose belonging to Capt. A. Bo-
eie of Cada ciiir has laid it .aettine• of
eggs during last, month, and is now
setting, on them, eight in number.
Il'orse thieves attempted to break in-
to the bent of Mr. :Bolt. Mason, base
line, on Stmday night last, but, worn
frightened awaw before they secured
their booty.
Since OW deer season commeneed,
butobtere of huntatten have resorted to
the Hay swamp and have ti 66(30404 in
bringing down qtlit6a nuttibet of line
John Ent', is horse thief, 5033 ii11.
ctite111"e 1133 (4oclermli jail, escaped the
ahoy dav, hut, was 3100001104 and sees
.• .el . ••• 111,", 43.,' 1., 4.or ,,
Ju D. 1, °:/.. 33),,,•, ,