HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-10-20, Page 5---A, nomber of sewera have recent- . , • 13r be Olk Ina down on Mehnst• , esseS.ninPleer Pf (3,§olty n420e4 aP- L0114911' IIiirm3 & B_rtioec Railw4y. pear in this issue., Read them. :' , • e 13 Pnctaenn Pt -von --,-Potat,oes are selling at sixty cents ' • (l.cnare:NoisTsr—Trise Tatuassap , Pi : pe r bushel and* not Very plentiful g 4ssA. ,. ... London: depart , , .8.10'A:14; 4, 5 nal: that Ptice, „ . Luau ysessin,s,,, , ese's- e„„le ,,,The clock in the town hall keens , s . PlandehOye '. , s... 9.10 j50correct time which. its A gree.t,' pen yens . Centralia , .4, ,,.„. 9.28 0,u ience 'to the public. ' .., gxwrErv.,.,, 9.35 5.45 :, s--...drdered clothing a epeeialty a • gensall s , -•9 43 • It ippen 9.61 ' . ,Brucefield, . Clinton .10.'10, Londesbjio.10.P , Blyth, , - Relgrave...... - WinghanflititiVp ) t — k.Of/iG SOUTH. •Wingham,depart, Belgra,ve. , • . • Londeshoro'.s . . , „ • • ' Brebefield Kippen 7 „ .4. 11, 111Xeter •4.?Pntralia s.. ▪ ClandeboYe . e: Lucao-cross'g . Loncion,arrive, 5,53' firet4c1ass fit parenteede Sanisvell & 6,06 Pickard, . 6:15• —Our business Men report trade •6,35' as being very good considering the wet 0.55'•weather and bad condition of the roads 20.46 7.05 ---s"Cantata" What i it Come 11,00 7.20' te Drew's hall. next Tuesday evening 11 20 7'.3Q ad you will thoroughly realize who.t 1*:4-0,ssenger. it is, 7.0Q 43,11 3.051s.ii —Our streets are chisty again, and 7.17 3,28' if the present dry weather continues 7.31 3,42 much longer the Watering cart will be 7.40 3:51 pealed. 8.00 4.10 --Division Court wise held •here on 8.19 4.26 Monday, when a number of minor 8.27 4.57 cases were disposed of by hie HOSsor 8.33 4:43 judge Doyle, of Goderich. 8.47 4;57 —Mrs: Goo: Pasmore, of Derwent, 8.57 6;07 who has been visiting at the rettidence 9.10s , 0,20, of her son,. Thos. l'essmore, editor of 9.20 • 5:25 this paper, returned liciffieThuridday. 10.10' ENO —the St. Mary Journal has entered upon its thirteenth year, and is coming • • Local News. •, ably, to the front under the editorship of Mr. Geo. Moir, fOrmerty of this —Work is good medicine. place. ss-Breadmakers' yeast, 5 debtii per —The temperance lecture, or "chaW Package, at E ROBERTI?talk, given in the basbnient f James —We —we have receiVed a number of street. church.Tuesday evening by .14r. Amide calendars for 1888. Fairfield, was largely attended- and le —Now that the fairs are over the most interesting one. weather is getting beautiful. WHEN NIGHTS aiewloxol. —1•Tew boots' and shoes,' in endless The front gath and the hammocks. • variety, at &unwell Ss Pickard's. * The old bench in the grove, —During -the past week upwards a Have had their day and must giveassay •• forty new valises have been' added to To the corner near the stove. ; 'Our subscription list. ••—The carpenter work on the town : ,_—Siroon Stahl, late employee 0 this hall Oddfeffews'.half and Sell 13ros'. .0:)thieel hs seewed '16'611114°o on a'Whits butcher shot) is nearly, completed and - bysioarnal. Success. . is now in the hands of the painters • —Winter is getting reedyld'advance who will lose no tiuie in finishing their , froni the Northwest. There has been . coratract. atoll of snow along the Wisconsin shore —Owing to the prevalence of burg- • of Lake Superior,. • • hero in Seaforth, the Town Council • —What are ladies' taylers making ?" has passed a resolution to' the follows • niks an igsiorant exchanne. They areine effect, "That the constable receive } snaking the old man's pocketbook sick, r'e $le per head for each burglar he that's what they are niaking. shoot' ." Bui•glars, beware ofsthe con: —A couple of communications bear- stable 1* . , ing upon two important subjects in —rwenty-six little sparrovet reteived , conjunction •with the best interest oftheir death wound )st. the liana ofre i . our village, appeo.r in another coltunn. fowler one day yeeeetly. They . word' —A Young lady in this town has busily engaged picking their fekni, .solved•the problem ".why theslowness f on some rubbishon a back •street, • of a 'funeral cortege 'arid the swiftness when the gunner appeai•ed oh theseene .• "of a Marriage proceesidn” thusly: "A and felled them all at one Shots funeral is a solemn tlillig, but a mar- • —Nutting parties ate 't growing in • siege procession is "Gsay." •favor With the young folks hereabbtits. —An exchange tells "Howa song They asselabi&by paisgics.so go to We ' vas written," The not of us are nearest woods where • hickory,. arid, ' more deeply intereated in how a songbeechnut abunna,. The snarl clinks se_ ' is sung. It may be Written with a to the trees 'mid sh'ake there- down; type,writer, for all we care, but we pre- While theirfair pat:titers gdther '.' them for to4filve-it dung•iiiiaziebrernelodieus ___,,p. it is great fun on a balsas-, Oc- manners. , . a. . , . t . 3; A', tober days(When • it conies); with the —When a few more of the youngatter leech Ona'suliny hilldicidi . ,men who don't know better thansto fol- —Don't forget, binstry :and rem ern - low ladies Oh the street,, and talkto, bet "Cantata?' "Under the Palms" to and Catch bold of therissate boxed on be given in DreW's•OperasSEIbuse,Maiii their ears foe their freshness; the rest street; next* Tueiday eSning, cone :ofthens • will perhaps learn •enbugh to mencing at , seveneclock.- Thetentd.r- behave themselves. , tainment wills be given x.intler the•aus- , —These who have strayed cattle pices of the'clioir and svill ho eeThlibied. about.;their pease ises should have them of upwards of;SeVeritY,',Vorces; Those advertised as the.' lam requires, This who do not atteed will Miss the °ppoi'. ise a Matter which a great many neglect, tunity Of listening. to the best meSical and often render themselves 'liable -for esitertainrneitt ever given iri :Exeter all : all *ousts, The Antoone •is the host livery bodk, an,ge.Padtnidsiori only 5c • paperin which to advertise them.. , , , , , , --Our, local Cateinthiekt•the tune is • -:-lj-'any'people believe, , or at. least think' they 'cle, that a big ,eeop of ° 'tuft 11,0W opportune for our town council to •-s-tfallestosien is ePproactling'ancl' the sMaill).970 grn gettinas seedy for their racket, —.Get'yOur bill heads, letter heedti, ettvelepes, vircular, &e: at the ADVos 1:14TP office- • • ...a -Scotch; English • and Canackiva tweeds; large*, teddyat Sarnwellard Riegard's,• es -A nurabee of dog fights have have tal_cen placedering •the last few weeks, but tile)), hate pot been rePerteds „ --eThe on. John 041ifig, Minister of Agriculture, spent a Pi:Mph) of 043's in town with his brotherlsanc Carling last' week. ' • 4.Seanwitltals Pickard, ;will give grand.exbibition of millinery and asp goods'on Monday and, Tuesdays:, Oct. 3rd and 4th. ' * Now irs the tinee b subseribdfor the Expmen anyooasre,one of the beat local papers in Huron, onlys20 cents from new until jan: 1st, 1808.' —Diaoond Dyes, Lactated Food, full supply at E. Soarlett'a" Drag Store, Exeter —On, SatatdaY last the seadon* for deer hunting :opened. The sportsmen Ilene the differenttowns and villager; ,eongregated in'the Ziitioh swamp, and three deer the num's, . b* hot., _Soiziathbu!ist6, jierpetual motion inventhis, elppislps and suicide cranks had better gird up their loins and pre- pare forework. • The moon will he .full on two different oedasious this month. • "•—On Thesday last Mr. John Woods shipped the largest number of theep, that has led thiestation for some time. They were shipped to the Eastern markets. • —HALT? BE 'W-IsE.--.The Advocate 'Will be clubbed' with the following lead- ing weekly papers fi•orn now 'until Jan. first, 1889: ,London Advertiser, $.1.:76; London Free Press, $1,76; Montreal Withess,'$1180; Haroilton Spectator, $1.70; Farmers Advocate, $1.80; To- ronto Globe, $1.80, Any of the ahoy° papers will -be sent to any desired ad - „dress,' pottage paid by the publisher. snake a mote in the matter -of prolp., presages a: hard. winter, but why such4 ithyg sews is.eseisuaylieg. at lisp withhs a ngotstion'• abroad • is a mystery. the corpot ations'for he says "one hund- They eadrit is 'Previsioll for the vital ed cows destroyed One hendeed heads ' t•el VeliAeli:reguire more total in r' of cabbae'e one nighe'recently." only a cold. winter than in a mild one.' s idea is rank folly; yet. is gravely one head' arta, not a very big lot sifter The afl.,spnicen Of'occasionally, Might as well ....sEketer correspondent —The E'Scs ."-Y*4114t Ps fu °r gb.°r6'°1'°11.°f° 'Ithettt. °ter Fusilier Band eereinidesi end amen of '0° sat" sort to the hu- Mes. Sum. Gitiley,' the letttlee of the man race'- The nut crop as a weather litand; on Monday, nighthist, it being 'fittlige Muarelievlo ',Dean 'started by Wig-. the event of theie- twentieth year fgins. , • imittida life: The band 'report havifig, —We's% tot wattllo 'he' toe' strict' good time, upd State that "father': iri One i•elatieine•to thoee esteemed cor, used them well. They hope that he 'respeedente who help tO make the AO, and his partnet May live to eiljettheir Vedkrn interesting to our .Yeaders, bt ;Odell wedding. • we threw out this guggestion, in.stoto —Walk , io, Walk it ladieg" aed' of Writiiiraboriyiniaitely and Ihtsvering' gentlemen,' and 'see the greateat Vender outside the questi'dn of'Infant.taptisnap of the century. I • The rootlets. Why: we would it mot e' well to answer the had sn'elt a, hot sunimer this year iSN,just question in a fetteneaMbigtious word.,* that the spots On" the sun' hey° and give to the answer, etich,eitithoritys hn wiped out *existence!bSr fliti rip- as iieonneeted With the Writer's name pbarance o the•AnvooKr.., 13y ter,d- and posit ion. The'. qUeStion is net 'log its newsy • columns • you will poio., whether it liaabeen customary to bap- , 04 ve that the ' Cdtiadian OoVernineht ttze infants as Well adhlte,•but Whether , COrnthission is btisify engaged ott` the an infant, Without .15(414, baptize], is or, itoon, and there Will be- nO Peed; for iS not condomUroct tor ethrnalptthish - rJleetrio light On the toboggan hilit'this Anent, , ,oUghfr, th, tiiow , the n'ttfei Y�lin Ast Blake, No kat and. trilth Oil so iMportaiit altiestion,• and n disgrace to , "dudetioin,;ff There ate. etea a few inerninge essese, talassass the leading tieiatts five wonder, the men wile :have Mtalel Setittl,stuely , of late, girls inbouaes at the wealthy; Dtitioat's Stort, 1te11hll,,416134bign ;my how it is that snail 11 newsy paper of the NOW l'OltilYtht,dlighttalst at4o whddo IRA Obji;t..t to blackeningbotiq T sbyptlrnlkb therits•:bitt• aft hter- • t3i1 ADve0A.TP, tan be salt to any to state tho,tale sO,04,101y iea'70 Iitit, i1 ti r&3din lititit(o, the yo0ig t(rtool1, 3s1to6; address from now to jailor,/ 1st ,1888, .6:ifiefs or Any', doiatbey; ukt11.4(3.1a,,a yicr0iis bea•redeee Oughts to 1A3c)(e" the l'e•Y" "*Pe4r.1°43xiri ig66d8 eirtnify '204Sn:tat shOittk it, , • • ftheir own boots,,, 'Y--1,Thes "graduated • devil" at Ws . office'wle els rhis ,"reunds .the other day overheard the following conversa- tion in alMent-st hotel, between two tough looking citizens,- whose noses ;would make ,adinirable headlighte' for locomotives,atud which must have cost a good -round aunt tolaint: First eiti- zen—"No,•sirees, never drat*. id much, seaters ha nay life as since the' Scott ‘Act came, in force." Second cit.; izen.s,ss"HOw de you • make that .01,01 your nose is redder than ever:" 'Plitt citizen. --"13eciause ',they are ,pritting more of itifie the: whiskey new than - they eve t dish .1 • . Era.—W , have re- peatedly •ceetietted" farmers against sighig, notes • oil,' blank' orders'i for strangers, s.i4 thefeiappears to be So many gullible people in the world tlnit' tlurcantiOn must' b;-) repeated, in order thein guardsegaiost 'ins) 1444' foiM•,pf swindle divised: Assianhas been selling pateot chums tefarriteres taking; in payment notes payable tlentatid,' and made "net trasisferahle,"!,-44..pledgibg himself ' to 'demand payment within ascertain rerig • peeled:. ; Then, he changed the ,svord"net" to "note," sold the notez irthe farnieri Were called upon to, pay. The only safety is not to •sigu a note or paper ofsany•kind, unless one is satisfied that the thing is a straight deal. *—A•yOung Englishwoman who has .bleen. dirt fronithe-01c1 Country some live months, and who has been engaged foarinonths of thatstime in a board. inwhoute, nett one handfed utiles from this village;:.sedcls' the knotting 'ques- tions- "Is it a• part of my duty to blacken, the' , boarder's shoe..in) the 'mornings. Several other girls'. I • have been speaking to about it aclviked me to leave my place rather than blacken shoes, What ivorild you advise -Me to do about it -1 We would adnise the young lady to quit. She can get any 'number of situations where she: won't -have to blacken, boots for a lot of "cads,' .'• and safety coesible person will agree with us giving seek ad ice; Lt, perhaps acme of our eye-eless,, cig- arette, dsaavingsroetri pets, who deem it the .proper caper to have a gi el to black- en their tootre!think differently. Men, Titswever, clon,t, care what the above weaksininded 'eroattires think, why, if We isecl a Seek slookey that did not exhibit inote seitee than some dudes that walk our etreets, we would hang thein up to dry, Any male who Would allew. a woman to clean their hOetS is not worthy the rime° of Mat, Alia' is es -The Missionary eosins?* ia James street chore)]. were ably preached by Rev. 4.04.t at St. Tligniast last Se.bbatIn'te large cOngregations. -1-41reiTehlt 'loll, baying sold his :baking. busiees to Mr. Follick, a former employ,ce, id leaving the village for To- rontd'Where Ire' and hts 'are going to continue th'e same business but on a more ettensive scale: 1Dnring the fourteen yearathat Mr: Bell; Lusa been. in business here,' he bruited ta battle endwih sr 4784 YS1140PcLadredd gi°n$*xlesstabh'illitshitgth paying business and an enviebl e .*repu t- ation relialser,' and his kind 'disporti- tiers. and eosteouivess to custemers has gained for biro. a host of warm friends, who will regretto hear of his intends ed terucival from our reid'st, and his malty friends will jOill With ue in with- ing him every stleeeSS in his new* ven- ture. Tbe .701.1.11g mall who aesurries control ()Nile busines's is welleknown in this vicinity anti IS highly respected by all, and being a man of shrewd busi- ness primiple will no doubt bring his Venture to a iticcesSf61 issue. .—Complaiuts have been: made from times,0 time that the Pest Masters send insufficiently Prepared letters to. the Dead Letter °Ma Ottawa,,, irhere they are.openeicsnclembsequent. after delay, retilthettlethe writers, ifithe latter can't° fohridsts system .of prdceclure whiehinvelves delly and in. - conveniences besides being more or less irregularsand• unlawful. 'Bur' author- ities' have put'. forward tho'fbllowing- clefence:--,lirst", that they:Aie powerles to net -otherwise, inasmuch as the statute. tosses the proceedure' To this it may be. replied that the statute was promoted the cletartinent and pass- ed by the instance of the Postmaster - General; responsibility, therefore, he - longs and not to the pUblic, which has to take whiififie' gieeti and do that as it is bidden: . Second:—that the safne'rtilesprevails edger countries. This is not our experierice. English letters are &Ill.:el:0 here with the in- sufficient postage collectable on deliv- ery; and the TJrritect States authorities write to the"Cantsdian aciclFesses Of 'un- paicl letters'asking for a rentitto.nce of the unpaid postage. The department's rule has against -it atdeast three objec- tionsi—(1)11t is a' direliction of slaty not to forward a post -letter to its des- tination,- with • all possible dispatch; issa/criene to wilfully open a let- ter iaideedsecrte another; and '0), it is 'reprinciple of law that e post -letter tie - longs to the addressee and not to the writeror sender. EXE7'.E11 iff."41-4IfETA wiate.Wnsst pqrbuobill(49r) SO:14'14 fo'/E1' Ited•wheo pox. o 70 to •0 78 Sprin Wlzeat ' 0 75 t9 025 Parley per 1.011941..1, • r 45 td• 9 57 Oato ner boaltel -. 0 29, l..9 07 Peae Per bushei....,.,......,.. 051 to 0,13 Pay pr tort f ' 5 00 to 0 90 Ptztror per ip....4... , • f•- . ••• '. , p • 7 • . 9,11 to 005 'Argo per clezczl3z' • - ' ' ' '0 17 0' 15 Balt per bbl.....,,, ....„,, ,,,,, . 0 00 to 1 00 rsteSue5por bushel- , ,'., . . .. . . 0 00 to • Appies per busiers,r, . • ....-,„ , ,•. fi 15 to 0 so pork per 100108 ' - — , • 009 to '11 10 3,00 to 05 10 g-410.‘STA,,. Rea Wint,e.r, per' Wel f 77 75, t. 77, 77 to 50* 52'1403 18 tit 20 0.4) 28 ,, 23 to R•5" gi5t) to 12, 50* White ic • • Spring • Barley t4 Oats Egge' Better, Creeks Bey per ton TORONTO '1114.4.R.ITS; •Fall-W)leat 6.7,5 tc; 0.so Spring wheat. s Oats • Peas Barley • ...14Y Per ton Bitter -t�'0,78 0.80 • 0,38 to 0.30 056-t3 10.01 o (Y.54;,toi 0..65 1200 t'0 ; 18,00' 4264"tti ;..0,9,8 ' Potatees Per ' • 0:90.* e zgg. perapz , spit '1`,10,21 Dieesedliogsper 10d.; , ;. 4 ommiummommum...1....Pmemmulomporemium......z. 4.4 IS HEREBY OISTEN' THAT [7:714E80 W. SO UTRCOTT HES7PT8 Intalif sgararso H78 - TAILOR...FITTING ',Q1btltigGi • 3IA 1t3EidllE Safii:vo.Wi:'—Gliusossa-4-Iii London, on the:12th -inst., by the Rev. Father of Offa, M r. P. Sulivan to Miss•Mary daughter of Mrs. Js • . • Ghinim.• All of ptephen. GIViNAist—SOLIVAN.—In London,. on ' the 12th inst., by the Rev, Father Kelly, of Ciffa, Mr, Joseph Old - nen to Miss Maggie daughter of s • Mr. Suliean sr. All of Steplien. 'SALE REGISTER; On ThUrSday, Oct. 20th, on lot 14, con. 10, township of Hay. Farm, stock and iniplements and household* furniture. William Schwalm, props R Bossenberry; auctioneer. On Tuesday, Oct 25th, the implementi . Red household effects of john Belt; • Nos. 108 'and 109, . Andrea, street, Exeter, at 1 o'clock% sherp. John Gill, auctioneer. oun y and GeneraLgews, Mts. ri,il Grange, dealer in fancy goods inWirighath, has Made an -as-' , signmprit. The Bayfield fall' show, on Friday. last, '• winds up the fair business 'for. this Seasen, ' • The ticustels 11:iaget, the 14th nrip- es: in thes•ceatity, will make its appear - alma thiS week, 'slohii L'eckiet ferfuerly wz.;1"clen of Huron, has 'bee appointed chief hi - 81767 t:f, he, Freelioid Loan Societqi ofgerentiiiiridefrir..,Arnilitrong retired; 3.. G. Ward,1of Gocierkis has been appoieted••treattli*er ef West Vt'rnstviiesh• and Will hereti.fieis reei'de in Duriganon. • at ruinous prices, • AND Jaw RINDS OP • • • • . GENTS' FITRNISEITNO GOODS • at panic prices, he will ger/ • ALL THE TRADE IN TOWIt,'0:1 , says Customer. • • Scitithbott,: J. IA, • Main.street, - L.- 4 dketer, PitiOTOciPiis MR. JOSEP,H's SENIOR • A hkVing Purchsfsiesi',t4 basineti,of Chas., Senior, • wiShei to .isre form the the public that he 'can be found , At tht staii • • . Main Street, Exeter, Tlie"ViziegOallineti in *the ty.. Elegant -Finish. • • Gotqino. "and 'Enialiffig • done on shortest notice. • • JOSu, SEN.1.10R FLOUW- . bhALtn , . • .4 nd 'FEEI Of all ", Breakftist Corals, Oi Chkess ClittTe , ono Croutia 1117mpir'd 5:1661D.t 'p'6:1-41tkit,'.-1) FR.4 EOP ; p•-;;\;ACkg.. Hs a thoroughly reliable man aitd ( ' .101114,1VIIINE8.' will snake b. good township official. . •, s t. .... • . t Last year Mr. R. Sellars, of .131,ylle ' 1.11kIN ST., ' ' . •11.AUTER sowed one ounce of seed oats of the' ' ' ' '' ' ' ....s.-...... , s SVbite 'Star Vaiety fraiii whiell Ate • • ' t • .• • .i , . , reepetl'181hs. This year lie sowed the' t'ENITVROYAL; t'VAFEtRS,- 181be. and -the prodnet is Trines 'hush4ls, Ph20Cflptibet./130 A Ohysloitia whd t nos hs,(1,sikife long,. experisroas lit ; ilea. they weigh 48 Ills' to the bueh. - irestlier4eneilo,diseaseS, Is aded : lk.ii'cliilara Stela. $1.00 UsortIC"of- s' ilk, r. isentitly-Ivittc))6tteet siletiss by orSe viicati lathes. seteateht„ saes, effestuAlt Litidirs 'ask yreir drug- erst tor ilsettnyrokal Wafoils sna ' isko staittialfo, tnolossisoso, ; rt.#ii tor tee -Joel pt'ortit;eltirst i;old by. , 1,1`t. d „ 33.1i Cl/131160444i tler.bost, Atlases," • TREETIES...XkOlIENIOAT. CO„ siresaerraseices I :C4oldl'Olf)Vo !lir...! ' • . 1,ite,11 Ind. three, 4 Istiuggis s'1" ksva's • S.• • ..sesseStatess