HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-10-20, Page 14,4 EXETER ONT., `TITURSDAY PCTOBER '20; 1887 $xiter ilueratct •141 pnblinW Awnry" Thursday looming, at the office, Vain. -gt, •'Exeter Ont TERI4S OP SUBSCRIPTION: One dollar. a Tear if paid in miyance; $L80 if apt to ArtYeet/51,7g fifiteS o,, Appllootion, No paper discorfantied until all arrearageS are Paid. Advertiseinonts.1.without specific directions will be Tublished, till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal tiiscouot made for trans lent advertisements inserted lor long periods. Every desermtIon-pf JOB PRINT: pro tenet out in the finest style 'of the art arid at moderate rates. C.11equcs, money orders, 440. Inr 'aflyertising, subserlptIona, ay., to be roadepayable tO THOS, PA-gig:ORE, : r Etiitor and Publisher, CHURCH DIRECTORY. EelscOrm., Qunnon.-Rev. 8, r. Robinson, Incom- e") ' Pent. Sunda, Services, 11 a. nt., add 7 p, m; Sub - School: ft!30 p, lifemr*rtmenamr.-Suriday services, 7, m ,3 p. 10. sod 8 p. n,4 services (more night during ,the week, at 8 o'illoOk• 11011110N Weetirtg Oh fr, Pt, on Sunday. MIMIODIRT - Rev. J. Grulnim, pastor. Sunday sevrices, 10,8o it. In. and a so p rn, tiebletth School, 2 p, in, Prver 'meeting Tintr,day esening at, 7,80, Tarresponertce, Khiva. 'Too late for laet week, etc tel.. is einending couple eke ie. Michigv ea eeng xrioo4 aud vee. Mra011/1 and Ming Mary Wilhelm spent last Sunday in Zeriell, end considering the weather spent a very en joyabie, time, We are pleased to learn that two of our young men were niede happy en Tuesday ()et, 12th. Un the morning of that day Mr. T., Selivan and Mr.. Jos. Gliihan, eacii accompanied 1:7 the other's sister, depart- tbr wondoe, wbere,.owing to the en, fleished state of the church at Limerick, they were accompenied by Father Kelly, of Limerick'who united the couples by the bonds of nettideleter, We wedethenl every snccees, • eer BiathliPh 13ritlnOti3. Thea,.....iee his reeleence, 2 con., Mr, John Culbert, aged 84 years. Ile was one • ^ MAIN STREVT,-^RDV, NV, li. Paseee, pastor, Sint- oi ebe olt1 rot/Peers ot the townslinietend Om. serri*es, 10.20e. in. and 8,8b p, m, pahhaqt *1 much resneeted by all who knew hint, el .,, , )1001, 2,10 ,... tn. I'myer meeting., Thursday even. , IIir At 1,89, oung peoples ereesaineettrie 'meleeY s seethe; st :eel Ou • I 'lin village barber andertookao . Ps somgrearas.,Council.-Iler, W M. 'Martin rester. cut One el Ins ens:toner:a -11,atr with bis ,. • , e , . . itunday sarrices, 11 a. An. anti 8;30 P. in 's,r»retti ncnew patent precees, vize-an iron poker-- -.pewee 0-er, a. m. Young peoples prayer ie.ing, at glinrsday eremng, prayer meetingat 8 o'clock, whit:th affIcted him so that lie JIBS not wboir pritetice nntuediaOdY after. resumed business einee. e„............................... , Me Win. Welsh, a farmer near Lucan, 13nsinesa ana other Cards, was.returningehonte from the village . tli W. BROWNING, 1.4. D., M. 0, P, 8, -- i Wani civate of Victoria Urtirsity. Ofilee and rt dence- HOtnirion Laboratory, Exeter, Ont, ' Ju , 9-87. l'IR. COWEN, OFEICE-MAIN STREET, Exeter, L., up Stairs. oppositi3 Centaid Hotel. ,,S1de ent- .ianee on toe suuth-James street leading. to,tho Meth enlist Church, , SOHN GILL, LICF.N841) AUCTIONEER, 1,or the Village of '..E.s.ster, and the, Countr.ot -Huron Ati orders promptly %tended to, Exealr A. BlE0108, LICENSED ACM/ONE:ER. For thelownships of HELY and Xlsboram. All orders mromptly attended to Exetcr.p.o., Ont 'CV-IC.1,1AX BOLT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for VY ..the Counties of 4litidlesex and Lambton, and tbo le/west:tea ot Stephon.and Ray. Ail sales prom. ptly attendee to, Address all comrilunicaaime to we none eteteepostotuce, '101 H. COLLINS, 'BARRISTER, Solicitor of 'Supreme Court.of•Ontario.,EomutisSioner, 430DVOyItneer, tto,, Otlice-tZetit doorto Sam well A: Pick. • Emter, Ont. Money.to loan. at Tory loweSt rates. T u; DICKSON, 'Barrister, Solicitor of Supreme Court, *Notary PubIle. Conveyancer,. goLp„. tAki*A101101',110 IIDDeyitp Loan. Office -Fausoftes .1.1lock,'Exeter. . , r 0. L.. NO. 324. lIncats first FrIdaxjcsvcr,y in'Onth. in John's Block .0A 8 o'clock. Visiting Brethren 'Welcome. Anti SPACKKAN, 'IOUS Winn, Seq. T 0. 0. F., No. 67, EXETER. 31Oets every Tuesday evening hi John's block. A. cor, „dial web:erne extended to visiting brethren, ALBERT runa,y. J. T. Wr.srcorr, It-secy. O. F. NO. VS. isnot* the second and fourth Friday of each month, in racoon's Rail, at 8 O'clook p. m. Visiting facile ;run cordially invited. Gomm, 0. a. .1. PICKARD, 11 L. 1304' LINGS, EN 'L. "Office over Q'Neils Bank,'Exeter, Ont. Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. 11. KINSMAN, DENTIST, *a iaak long the railroad •track, • on Wednesday evening, was run oveeby a ,paaeing train completely seeering the lend !from tthe body. Mr. Johnston 'Smith, and Mr. T. W. Atkineon, formerly of this place, hay,e re - returned. from Manitoba,. or ,the laud ,of Promise, of which they speak in glowing teems. The harvest therethis year has been abundant, some claiming .30 bushels of wheat to the acre, and sells readily at 55 mita per bushel. Mr. Joseph Rollins, brother of Dr, Rollins, reeeve of Exeter, we are glad to hear.has raised something like 2,500 bashels of wheat. .• 0 Our village village ‘council held their usual monthly Meeting on Monday evening; most of the evening was spent in discuss- ing the improvement °Nape street. The fall fair held here on Friday last was a grand seccess. The weather being fine, excel:deg.:crewel refreshing breeze, and the needs .good condition . enabled ka large number ef',Peeelebe turn out with their exhibite which Tar exceeded that of any previous year. 'The stook and. farm p roam% was par -excellent and sPettins well for the farmers in tbis locality. The ladies department was well 'filled and ar- tistically arranged fend the +competition very close. The exhibit of maimfactures of all kinds was well represented and com- pared favorably with larger shows. l'he eccoinadetion .furnished by our. public houses and ettizenegerierally were heart- ily approvecl and highly spoken Of. The Directorate are to be congratulated upon their efforts to make the fair e success which it was in every particular, the gate receipts exceeding those of any previous year. 4144 ; IVIiseelminy Halle has 'been visiting friend in Gederich. The hinIPS outside of the Chareh were lighted on Sunday evening. The mangold crops,just gathered are as a rule rather scrubby and tough. Mr. T. Smelts has put a coat of paint,on M e house which adde..ggeatly to its exter- ior -beauty. Mrs. Andrew and Henry, who sejourn- ed in ManitobeesoMe seven or eight weeks .returned lionmeni Saturday. ItooresVille. . Too late for last week. Mr. „Alexander Atkinson, of the 2nd ,on. who has been sick but we are.glad to hear that he is on the mend. tutelars attempted to force an entrance into the hotel of George Sellars, at Olan- deboye Tuesday night by prying up one of the windows. Tkey did not sueceed, tc ri. s:, extracts teeth without pain hy giving Vegetable Vapet, Or wing the fliiNV AMUR+ Athetio ant be gums, BIabcs Gold Fillings, and altothpr dental work the best possible. Coes to Zurich last Thalraday in each month. Il.AsT SIDE, OF MAIN STREET; EXETER. NV. E. CA.RTWIiIGIIT, LDS, Su rg eo n. Gnome° of the Royal Colletre of Den* tit! Surgeons.of Ontefie.„ Having furnished fine den- tal roconsammtainco-street, We doors east of Central 'hotel, Exeter, ,Ont., where fain prepared to perform altblasuches.,of the professh h with mum and skip. kqk 'CHARGES, ,MODEItAXE-TEMS, CAS11, JURE T.. iVESTOOTT, 'INSURANCE, LOAN; acitl Estate and Steamboat egout.. Wealthy and re. liable Fire and Late Insurance Companies llepresetit, ed. Any amount of nioner to loan on first elassinort. gages at lowest rates of interest. General Agents for Innen Co,, for A. E. k. Co., real eldate nets, Itention, Beaver Line of Stoamors represented. Office -James Si,, Exeter, Ont. ,in9-81 „ Z-4":1* VA 2tZ 70,8„. Issuer of (h IARMAGEULIGASES, L fe, eeciacirt, anaeirti Insurance agent. *tints: West Side t,f lha if.street t'xotcr., • Hay rat„mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. , The vessel Kollege, meetimied ie last weeks correspondence is still etrancled on Yoardiacef Nurder t,eturnea. the beaale ft seeing they were driven to •shore with such rapidity as to sink the hull of the vessel 4 feet into the sand. The cause of being drive:etc) shere wee the breaking of the anchor-ehain which held eet eY.A The jury inithe- Mitchellstown Ire - r nfurder against inspeetor Rrewnrigge Berets Kerman Rydr and Brenna ' It fast to the vessel, end the lekelbemg so kin. ,. L .ri. ' Cl° A ,T01.1allt the boa,'; coaldgiob be steered. The 4n" ''''Pn814"IPs %-Taval/ and T)eran. l' vessel is not datnagea inn4, lutt all the , _ it vtitelbeeir,s tete eckozziropz Arry,.. inqhande .8. rating Farinor IUf3taaitly Killed ;14 fine sailors. The veseel is nearly Iilled lbeV a, rtral.P. Near Imam. with water. Captaie McDonald, the ewn- I' er of the yesse}S says the loss will aineunt T"`367 IliglIt ltV* AVaish, 'new'''. 4 to all he can -earn the -rest of the POS4011, Panied i:ly an°therlarMet named Hari- I i everal. tugs rfrom Sarnia and. Goderich ton, W88 walking along the Grand « here been trying to pelt her off shore, Trunk Railway about a mile from Lu- ` land, ease heVe'rendered verdiet of bat it seeme she le stuck fest in the sand., ean, et A lAttce •MorgarfIe Quite it number of our villagers went in.. The ot se •ved a, freight train ap- e. Y ' 1 - • - 4 &AYR to see her last week. , proaching end, both apt out of the, wa•e,. e l• Too late for last week, .A:s the •trairepasseclethe two men, not . F wn :,I,Artst ;Bit ,titIliplielesokIde: tipageyabpis. oi paring -bee eat) iege;%q:e.tsi ,iilteellete(bi ;101 nill . 10; baNevraa5:7: itloo4Ittiloshipietzinotnileet earrru, et; :tid.hn eme tfpProal4lekntWi:ioPing:reil shoutingo: ),si ei: very muddy, azidthe Termere say 'it is too' ly, etepped back agam inside -the rails. our yeang folks were in attendance, to Walsh to drop igto the cattle guard. ` 'Whether 'Wahl:. tried `toPtio'this or oot ,. , Laet week the vessel "Te.ollage".enrolite Harlten -could not tell When the . , .. from Sarnia to Gocleriel, was overcome, tin passed he was.newhere to be Seen. by the steam end was driven a shore near Lighting 'a Lake View. It was laden with tiniber, -match liareiten eearelied alongthe emelt', and abotit'fifteen yards . which was am. washed away except eighe „ hnurds, not mech. damage was aerie to rthe, away tennfl Walsh's lifolPss body, with .' vessel and all the,crew was saved: • the headanat off. Walsh wee only 1 4 ' about 'thirby Tears of ,ag,, and lived To the Mit Sni.-eDo you know whither the town "11,y-hitvc," (nee, °nee ineax)ena,ke Communipations. with Isis jiiitlewed Mother and support- ed her, or ot:tho.attivoactte. The apple paekers are being anxiously ,nrovision tor the removieg, or ptee-enting looked,fer 12)y maw, who have had their men and boys, whose stilrobject and aim ap,plea picked:for weeks, and were prom- appetite to be Much as, follows:—The ised'by the „purdhaser that they should be blodkine and hinddring theiree nasding,of packed.loogbefore *is. • genet and reipectalde citizens without'hev o t LthaesiSS. 11111 4, Y Mr. R. Safktienrntehr'es Selsiot, language, havii;.g to hear the most black - Meta hear:the Most 'foul and fulsome which was attached to a covered buggy, guard remitelte made updli mare and ge- became restless while some young ladies male, because they desire to welk not in were getting in, and when starting Mr. their oaths, and prefer to take a more citi- Skinner used the whip, when the horse zee like way of oonclueting themselves. went gnickly out of the gate and turning At the corner knowri Scarlett'e Drug suddenly to the south, threw.off the box stere,, and jridb Opposite --corn be from the gearing; tbgether with occupants fouad squads, larger and smaller at times, and started for hone, the wheels pertorei- acting ou thie line. Two ladies complain Jag cartons evolixtions with every bound. ea having their di-esses Yostanately no damage, wae dope. besiiatted with eeere, tobacco 311St as Sent n'041 the mouths of these vile persons. Irao you wonder Mr.. Bawl: that eare beeakere house pluneler- ' *den etealere, proplete ecleetroyere, soul Mr. Marshall has almost completed the and 1)04 kill ers and eattle stealers are so plentifeki Why sir, our own ,,hernes are brick work of his new store. largely responsible for. these characters. Enough for the time to say,- we send cier businoss,” said Maxwell, "Well, doe't you hit clat, woman ho mo'," Maxwell responded by hitting Sanders in the • . face; and a short fight ensued, after which Maxwell ran into the house and shortly returned with a razor in hes hand. "I'se ready to' yo' now," he said, and ran towards Senders, who also drew razoe. The two meri eyed each other for a minute and then grap- pled, the .twtr sharp. weapons flashing in the air. Sanders ltagL,Tering back saying "I'se cut:" and then Steeped up- on. Maxwell and *gave •hini an. awful Slash across the Need, the -cab extend- ing from the' right side of the head .neat the top clear through the flesh on . the head and cheek to a point under,. neath the, chin The blood spurted, s from the arteiies; and the 'wounded •, man dropPed,hig razor and rag toi,the Armory „Police Station, where he ',re- ported the "affair. Ms wound, which Was a terrible one, was dressed nom) • too soon, and sent to the liespital, where his injuries were pronoiniced not ne,cesssarily fatal. Two &Beets were sent to look for Sanders, who was, found leaning on the fetid° in front of 397 Clark street, bleeding freely from, a cut In the right side, fie acknowl edged the outtitig, and expressed eel.- ro*.ithat he had not but Maxwell's bead off ,Tor abusing a woman. He was locked up in the: Armory, and his wound, a rather 'deep mit dreesed The ivontan said that MaXvieIl htul beatee her in the morning and Sextette% had interfered. Again he abused her in the afternoon, rind the cutting was the result. Both , Men are about thirty years of age and have borne geed re- putations. Maxwell is stonecutter by trade, and cense here three Menthe ago With the wentrail, whom lie induced to leave her husband in Spririglield, ChM. Sanders tame frotri Toledo 411a Mr. R. 'Warring is. having a porch Mrs. Stanley who died at her residence built and his house re -painted, A car load of eattle was shipped from in Lucian ,ou. Wednesday, ag,ed 70 years"' here on Moliday by Mr. Bellantyne. was well Irnower and universally likea throughout the toweshiii, of Bicldulph, which she •had been a resident for mor than ferty-five years. . The Affairs of David Atkinson, Liman), who failed some tithe ago, came• up for finel settlement 'Monday 10th inst. after being trailed in all directiuus for the last five weeks. A man having ample to pay one hundred cents on the donee, mekieg it over in such a way a$ to only have to pay fifty-five cents on the dollar is hardly tit to go into the patent right business. Vitt itg DESIRING TO INSURE THE BEST' stud cheapest insifinneo Cornpany in the bendnion, ono do so by Apply.bg personally, or by mail Le the %tilt:reigned. All applications promptly attended to. Also agent for the Wellington t,oftipaAy of Guelph Also Allarlotifillilt for the County of Unroll. .1103$1.1(410,Yi oz.sr4, rich 0e -fleet -A. e„. nt, Ventrglia. Too late for last week., Mr. Wm. Shinn:en:in of Ottawa, was in the yillage last w,eek,'the guest of Rev. E. lit:lel:are. Mrs. Joseph Rolling, of Crystal Oity 'is home on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Thos, Hodgins, of this village. Messrs. Neil & Davis are good reliable framers and baiidere, and any •pereort to lieve work done well, will find it to their adynnitage to give them a call. We trust that the parties Who were thinking of building a flax mill in our next spline, will not let the pro- ject fall theonell, as we feel eorifident that thh inyostment will be d good one. ;We eog,ret to record the loss of our fel- low citizen, Prof'. Niegand, who has gone to relide in McGillivray. The Prof'. and his*fignily were 80 kind and neighborly, that we axe certain that they will be greatly missed. All their friends will be pleased to learn that. Messrs. Sullivan arid Ghiluire of our township, have eY,changecl sisters and left here Tuesdity mottling Met, amid the eongrainiatibile atid appleuee of then' friends mid. relatives. The Whiteford boyo, foritierly of thie village, but now residents in the lotality of Ohnibeeltaid; Wistonsie Where they have each hiker' op land, dave DS a eltert visit last week: We leate that they fond taking it or load of stock aild iiri- pleineiitsotit with theta oit their retere. Bayd.ela, Our tat rate is fliwoh tiins, on the dol. Int is beginning to be Whispered a:Child alreadY who is to he Yeeve net year, ' Me Jas. A.. Ingrain, who has been in Manitoba for the last two menthe, has re- turned much improve ti in health. • The addition to the G. T. R. station is now completed and the old part re -shing- led. We now have one of the most com- modious stations on the line. Mr. George Ingrate, having leased his farm,for it number of years, as better pre - payed than ever to supply all who are iu ,need of first-class fureiture at right fignres Give him a call. Mr, George Ingrain. bf this place, has rented his 100 acre farm, comprising of Lot 5, coneession 2, Tuekerstnith, to his son Fredeaule, for a terra of three years, at a yearly rental of $350. During the past „few weeks an iramonse amount of prate has been brought to the village, Farmers coming from near other liewns and in some Wes past them in order to nuirket their grain here, and can do their trading to jut as good adveutage. On Thursday last the shooting match between 10 men of the London Gnatie Club and 10 men of the Exeter Club, took piece at Iledgin's hotel, for the inipper. The following is the score, hitch Awe- ing at ten birds each, LONDON. NO.. EXETER. No, B. Drake 5. T. Iliesett, 8. J. Evans, • 7, R. Sanders,' • 9. N. Sitnpson, 6. J. Heywood, 8. G. Rapley, 9. • J: Westcott, 8, J. Smith, 3. E. Bissett, T. Grabiati, 8. '1'. Sweet, 0, J. Avery, 3. I. Handfeed, a. Sainigian, 4. br, Sweet, 5, Fledgies, 8. It. Coad, 4, W. liodgies, Eilbur, 8, Total 59 Total 62 Zurich. mr. 1. Steinbach is having is house peintech Mr, Charles Whiteman is deiug the•work. While Mr. O. Dieitte, Bialys wee hauling apple-beerels front Heiman to Mr. J. Iteith's, Bland, tilet with a serious acei- deet last Mondev tiig,ht, It seems as he •wai enterittg town a barrel fell oft the load, and frighteneti the heeses, which ran eway throwing Mr. DiVine frorn tho load. He wits nicked 'up uneonacious, and was iminedititelY taktel to Dr, tilditturiu, who soon brought ldns to. The liorsea eau to ethaeliieg t gen an4 barfels. Raters Itring in the Air. About 3 s,clock on WednesdaS after- noon, the ecileauee of .10. woman: were had from the upper story of a tene- ment house at South Clark Street, Chicago, which was occupied by 'Wm Maxwell, rifles 'Clark, a colored man, -and his mistress, Jessie -Porde a rather prepossessing rbite women, about ,26 years of age. `Xaines Sanders, a (Tiered dock, laborer who bearded in:the house, 'was jest returning from his work and was the on/y one who paid any atten- tion the noise, which wae no un- usual thing in that lout*. Some children in 'the yard leard him mutter: "D: -Ln him, he's licken her again," and then: ran toward • the , honse. The women's cz•iee Ceased; and a Moment , later Sanders and M.a.xwell came down enteethe back yard. "It's none of your thildrento Sabbath School, and there they receive sneh instruotion as shall prove a bulwark against all these evils above mentioned and afterwards allow our boys and girls to roam the streets until mid- night.and expect they are going to be men and. women, to fill honorable positions, when the parents heads are white with old age. Mons ,Aero.:e. • ••••4....r...1*. To tha Tclaor o.)* the .thop.ta. ^ MR. Enrron.--It is sometimes supposed that Editore or liewspaperknon are expect ed to answer difficult questions, as wethas being chargett with putting them. Perhaps you will be able to answer the following, or ascertain the cause: -'-How is that the grain buyers, of Granton, are able to pity 79 optsper bush. for' wheat, and 55 cents per Muth. for 'barley, against Exeter buy- ' me who offered the same farmer for same wheat and barley, 73 and 50 cent e respect Feely, and no more could or would they give, Now Mr, Editor, I ean Understand persons differing widely iu their opinions or judgment as to the quality, plumpness, color, ete. I can see witere men may hon- estly and intelligehtly disagree in judg- ment, the same animal, article or commod- ity of life, but where such it difference in price can be made in the same grains is where 1 ADA at it loss, when they were acknowledged to be grains in all points, classed amoegst the best, the cleanest and possessing all the qualities requisite fur the bleat scrupulous buyers. May I ask the tplestion, have the gram buyers 01 Exeter eambined 1 Formed it monopoly? Arraitged thereselvee against the best inter est8 of their town 1 When I recall last fall Lied Whiter prices, the name that Exeter gained ler herself, that of being the best market, this side of Tovonto and ectith of Loudon, kir all grains, by giving the h4ghost piece roid obtaining good weights. These aro cal hr questione Mt, ..tenvoceee that I think elioald he answered, either by you, or by those engaged iti the grain bueinese. By no means do ,/ emiciem your buyers, becettee tilosej. buyers know best then' OW11 ttlgileS84 bet probably they can fattish readers With tees - oils and eiiiiisee why such difierenee 111 bas toiteded .With IVAN‘iftfil 811100 IIC P'°° s tee be pent reed. otity 12 milee apart. atrived in Chicago. 'fliankieg you Mt. Editor for thia space, ant, yotirdtrtoly Pito tono Puineco. DtteglarS are still operating at ..4%ent• fOrd, :Messrs. Kisdta and Crefti 'Of i)rest1 en have then "toped in" by thepretonti: ed puttip ti,ettits. The "orders' they gave torn nut to he tOtet at tO:i eaoh,- .1; e este