HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-09-29, Page 8• • 4 "• • •qPadiall NOW4 Notes. Stafford Court of Revision bas .strgek ,off $1.1,750 from the assessor,s leaving .the amennt $2, 711, 225, A telegram 'from Ottawa says it is ;understoed that the next ProvinCial exhibition will be held in London Alexander Ward, a Warton yeoth threshed his mother the other day, and lithuee, Outrage cost Wei PraY a fixo-d°11ar. Scott Actinspector •Williants seized and destroyed at the ;Frazer House, `Welland, $250 worth of diquor, bot- tles 'etc, 'ridrew Nieholson, ft Barnum eir- ens employee, stole a,fifteen-dellar web of cloth frqm a Brantford merchaut "Wm. Grant. During the as two months fines am- ounting to -$2,900 have been imposed upon violators of the Scott Act in Bruce county, The petition againt Mr. Freeman, the Conservative member of the Com- mons for Queens County, has been dis- missed, James Black, of Westminster, was tined $1 and costs at Hodge's office yesterday for trespassing on a neigh- bor's farm. Frank Eberts, a fernier living a few 'miles from Chatham, was badly gored ,by a bull last Wednesday night. He will recover. jame.s O'Neil, convicted of man. :daughter at the Wentsvorth Assizes, ,vas sentenced te three years in the penitentiary. Litest reports received by the Fish - ens Department show that this season ;has been unusually successful and prof- itable for Canadian fishermen. The famous Listowel bribery case was concluded Thursday by the jury, ,at the Assizes, bringing in a verdict of •not guilty against defendant Hallock. The traffic returns of the Grand Trunk Railway ,for last week were, .$397,638, against $375,231 for corres- ,ronding week of last year, showing,an .increase of $23,407. Fierce bush fires are raging in Palm- ,erston township, Frontenac county. Many farmers have lost all their focl- Kier, and the entire population are out ,fighting the flames. The house of Daniel Kerro fortherly 'County Clerk, Chatham was partially .injured by the explosion of 0, dynamitel ,cartridge this inorning. Very little; ,damage was done. No clue to perpet- rators. as Christlicaren and family took rather 4,sudden ,departure from' Embro about midnight on Sunday, and ibis whereabouts is ;not known. He ;leaves a good any (to %lomat )14 de- parture. A farmer riarned Haslem, Iiiving near -near Walkerton, Bruce county, came •to the city on Thursday and took in fthe Exhibition. Wlaile on the grounds he was relieved of 4 silver watch by - the light-fingered gentry. Rev. James Gray, of Stirling, a del-' kgate to the meeting of the Kingston Presbytery, Kingston, le,it the window: of his room open Wednesday Wght and, ;some one entered and stole his gold watch and chain, his overcoa cl A Farm has been organize& _an tlie west end o •' ersruith, a,n,d ,several very successful mac raVA been held. At lgst meeting Mn cMilian, J.t. delivered a very able Address in fat,or o Commercial Union, to a I ience of lad' and gentlemen. he body of a man found ,floating 'Oswego mile time since,, turns :.; a,of Kelly, the Engineer, an, one onvicts, who escaped fro the XitigS enitentiary on the yach Imo. Re ‘1.6 entified lay the clotbin which was se 0 the peni- tentiary the coroner. . . On Sunda right a puree co kaming .$26 in cash. an fapers was stele -Afton) the pocket of INlin Carnbell'4.sr, riear Stafford, Who, oreirh,c to Ad threw his pantaloons ov chair ne: an open windoi,v, During )t the thief came to the window, reached in and securedthe pants, took the purge containing the money fmn the pocket and left the garments lying on the ground: Mrs. Macl intyre wife of Dr. Mac. intyre, Principal of Brantford T-oung LadieS College, has returned from a three, montins abroad. During this time she has visited London,Prnce,Ger- Many and Switzerland, and spent month in Italy, clambering up the steep sides of Vesuvius, wandering through the Cathedra, the Coliseum, or histori cal places in Rome, or traversing the dangerdus and 'inicertainig1atier4Where One fedse step Would blot out an watt, a , . The Union $chool buildidg in ii POtn- !I "fpf 1 '1 ). 1, ) 1 allvi[le wAs go,PletelY cle'4°Y4 by II ' i inc ,P11 1:40§04y night, Lose, $15,00.9;, ' , „ ., . .1 .4 insured for 319,000. TIIP flr '744"p" Nirgei'10e pesed Ito have been incendiary. The traffic teceipts of the Cfrnadiat Pacific Railway for the week ending September 14th were $243,000 an crease of $24,000 compared with the corresponding week last year. The Montreal "boodle investigation committee met yesterday, when charges' of corruption were submitted in %. rite ing. Only one witness obeacdOwsup- lamina and no further progress could be made. Remains of mastadon have jot been exhumed in Chatham lownship„ County of Kent. Cne of the tuaksi brought to the surface is ninety-fiv,c4 inehes—seven feet ninein length, ;and' twenty-three inches in circumference.. lar. Jos. R Guttridge, of Guelph, killed a chicken recently and found.a )ailk snake about a foot long in its gizzard, The reptile had in all prob- ability been swallowed alive, as the head and itail ,protruded from the di Restive apparetue:as if trying to escape fr91.11 its prison. ,Joe did not eat chick- en,for dinner that day. • N'orth Dorchester farmer, .naineck Ed, Dundas, it is said, has recently. taken to himself wings and flown away He last spring leased his farm, north of the Thames, which it has since been discovered, was mortgaged to itsfull value. He borrowed money to,4 con- siderable extent, And this with hi'S •. Matheson,J. .T31RNO13,TH. ,,„ • Qqr :atink .14 .5vell assorteci for 010 „woree c trade, 1..ow prices stm inetauda. . • erTtOOETaF8 (fornoo; 13 40, zwjaite sugar -for $1.0Q. we cen'tbe uncl9rtiolit 14 "g*.affroua pa to :Thu par lb. Boots d Slyes.(s(i Sty/c3) Nw Prtos, - fAelicely sorted eked! ef 244113ovesAm3m, WORKS, SCWHES and GLASS All ANS (010.1411,) Dost Islachine 410u, per gel. .0%1 Oil es IOW 118 thelovest, a nice Tea SOU of 44 pieces, .$2.75. 4 gaoll.suit tit Itettily-nielr ,Olottiltv for Orilerippuits zottup .14 61)41144o. Qui'Dmfies Qoocl s are ne rk- tr4.5.10.xviri to the lowest ,• notch, • yds, •Lor $1.00, • ,a411,,,, A haus° nnd loV 6 a, farnp far sale, Apply ES J 071'N" MA ay poO N y !Pstoilice. other indebtedness, will foot up to —GO TO, - $10,000. His widowed mother looses HASTI S heavily by him H . . Mrs. ayes, the inhuman mother, central who left her twin babes 36 hoursAlone in her house in St. Thomas, ,soin weeks ago, on willich occasion :tone Iva found dead. The mother was tried be fore County Judge Hughes, on the char ge of manslaughter. She was foun e uilty saar gd sentenced to 18 months' im - prisonnient in the Mercer reformato' On ;the oliarges of abandoning the ing child, shea was also found gn and sentenced to six. months in .111,1 same institution. The alleged fatlie of the children admitted having a wif and seven children at Port Hope. 11 was committed to jail for conteropt o court during the trial. The women' busbnnd is in the 0,1d Country. 'Terrific St= in Texas, New 'Orleans, La„ Sept 23--A Brownsville, Texas, special gives adu account of a fearful storm in that sec ion and At Matainorits. The darting in that notion is estimated at a +patio dollars. At Brownsville 70 trinal houses were blown down, and 30 others partigly unroofed and re dared amtenable. In Matamoros, 1 houses .of the better class and from 1,, to 2%) small 'houses bouses were pi tatted, while from 400 to 50.0 oth were unroofed. In the country ,on t ' American side of the river ince:1111a damaga was done. Counties heads cattle AO sheep have been lost, : the cro:p of cotton, corn and sugar c were completely prost,rAted:t troyed. , Diaz PEOftE who oppose unrest eoiprocity on the ground that wou e out some Industrips.,:i are kept y the tariff are of class as .se who opposed railroa se i ou4 lett, St e coaching. mit " EgconriEn of Quebec has de e ed that Salvation Army, being association o acable citizens, wit a. good objet in vi are worthy of •e protection of the la and haa11 d one of the assaitantS, w t, it is t� hoped, is a sufficiently 1 aie Oho h sum of meney to deter other fr.* tacking the Army: At all °Vent's, highest- punishment permitted by e law Was imposed, and the magtr Fretich-Cartadian Roman 04th deserves the respect of all loveri Of erty, and all the more, 'foi he h n attacked untherdifuly by the peit t- ing: bigotry of wine Quebec nes' a- perS, •4,0 --We are pleased to note the: r. Cartwright has leas(,d the pre a next to Trettlelp'S harne,ss shop.ari.' opened up a dental office.' replete all the lateati appliances for 010 ektritetiOil of...teeth and the Matilda. re Of hew Seta. Those dosirli* tiny done inthe way of dentistry Cahn A better' Than give hirri a calI, n ext or to Treble's harnead ,ehop, esst sa of Mein Street, Exeter, li 37 • .1 PRARX0111k1i1/44 rcm, Ar';istic Shaving, , Hair Cutting Shampooing Hair Dyeing, etc, etc. 'ladies' Volt a S,peciality. SATISFACTION>) *IGUARVNTEPD 1 insoles Monk EXETER, Ont. rn prat I C1r'4 ‘1) !!--t -8(5$-• (i. .0 biDct.d ;..cr L) sr( .P.4 "5 CZ • Cl.) .r4 "to rn cu A g ,r„1 cv cz en pa/•P.11 72 4) el"irj C.) e• +.4 Cjrl • v C/J CLI) b.ors-i P4r—lan 4'4 :II +4 • ••• C.) -.4" 1>) • (,) (I) Svi 0• rrI<1.) rir) ,.„ vv•r4 h.,4 • r•• j?"2v....1 v-41 •••1 1, a.) C-'.' (I) t•104.../ ai pEi rd , .e.cs 6 4".el( al CZ to 4.4 ct LP.5 • ° P`.1 rLti P'3 pi 0 0 ) CD + 3 vvv-i ° r4 tIO 0 (12Up's 4)c::4 02 CI) Cla) e"..4 rirr' 4 1`.' .4 0 ..cu cr) 4-',4 4. 0 0-1 'w C.) AN v • ..0•4 '444° C444.4 rir Cg(:5 rg -P . • +3 cl) 43" 43) CD - •Fv." c. 7:1 P.1 rarti fit rcrd 0 ct ta) el6+J ci) 0!!-.4 0 p4 -oc.) 0 pp cp 4,;,;t2i t. . gP-1 751 8 • rethisesT NEANt GOODS.1 A LITA ti A O' :For Balance of 1887. EO MmsUN ELLO THERE ROWE & ANPREW$ flikspectfully Ten inds I is many Customers . an 1 the public generally that'll° hasire- moved to . STAID —,1+711XT T0 -- Main Street, EXETER. Where J llas just received —A— " WELL ASSORTED ,sxo01K. OF . READY -MADE- -BOOTS 86 SHOES. ALSO Hand -made woiik °file highest Olasa Trial Solicited, land Satisfaction Guaranteed BEO. MANSON, Ex.eter, 111.10•116•1•••••111111•4:.........,...• Drizzly or pleasantl eelipse of the mobil ! Wollir lika !fury, or you'll never get through in time to seem° one of those,ex- traordinary bargains, that we are offering. Furniture of every de- sotiption.at reducea prices. perobe 1". Another spell of ,weather ! War ht. Ithe east ! Terrible catastrophe ! in New Vortic ! 53 people sue- 1( mini!) to 'ha e 'hall fever. !Police ordered out to keep back the crowd front our IVarerooms ; Several 01 101151)' jammed, r tyveiti her Lookm t for en ow. Fath-prie,'wih. eligible daughters, unliang the Trout gate, lout huy one of frilr e0t3y sofas, marranted to Inlieg ' themost bashful young man tile ceuntry to aline 171 shoat errder Beds, Spring Mattrassea, Lounges,tete, etc., in endless 'variety. 311:ece_,:irniber. chloy,t, in the ninon, and .Anere weather, . Uirt (14.1.4 stnck ofeaskottr, Coifing, IlvIlleTang 'Nina -ohms, are uuexcesed. eafora01 undertakers, Rine, uo Cliques. 'we usu all ahlie. ‘Onr uriege we norero ourselves, and ss most people ;knew 1,ley are very :moderate ; we ,understnnd, andnnalie speeittlty o I this pert of slur 'business. Conte etiO;see befuy you pluzO, ;cuen dey anWttight. R E ME M SEX:t 411*" 4=3;1,4ACE • Drev":„‘eld Rttandr7peisidon,r axerai.of Ndilerile Bank, ,Rotve . . 2 VVHAT YOU GET , EVERY TIME! NEW TEAS. CHINAWARE. Baking Powder, with .present. 4GLASSW.A.RE, SUGARS. COFFEES. A SQUARE pgAL IN , EVERT LIVE. Lamp Goods, 1 VASES. SPICES. GRANITE WARE Fancy Cups and Saucers. . 4 General Groceries. That so? tf you want to fincl'qut the Truth of this Statement GIVE US A TRW+ And if you are not satisfied we will REFET D TOUR MONET. That's a square offer ISN'T IT? irmraners' Produce nxchanged. 1 ROBERTS' FANSON'S I3LOCK, MAIN 8 TREET, EXETER. • CUT NAILS, .Bdth Steel and Iron; PAINTS and OILS, SPADES and SHOVELS. Barbed Wire Fencing*, Plain Twist Wire Fencing, Woven Wire Fencing, and Galvanized Wire Fencing—All bought before the recent :avarice in prices, and will be sold at LOWEST PIOTJRES. AN EXCELLENT STOCK OE LAMP GOODS A.1-vvirkyo on Hand* TINWARE OF ALL KINDS IKEPT IN STOOK. . A.ontgf�r tli6..liiIMOND sewitigNitChitl8, . •BISSITT BROTHER -Si,, MAIN STREET. . • • • .vwf