HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-09-29, Page 4The Exeter Advocate,,
011170E: Main ,Street. Exeter.
VESDAY, SEPT) .2 9111, 1887
Notioe to the Public;,
Qn and after October 1St, the office
of the Exeter Alovocae4 will be located
two doors north of the pest -office, west
side of Main st, where the printing
plant in connection with this paper has
been removed. Owing to renaoval, the
Aevocaere is issued this week one dax
earlier than -usual, and our usual sup-
ply of correspondence for the week
being received toe late., will appear
in our next. Our Job rooms will ' be
found 'tore complete than ever, and 1l
favouring us with anything in the way
of job work can rely on getting good
work at right prices:,
Tuella has long been great) dissatis-
faction amongstheMetlakahtla Indians
of .13eitish Columbia, ,owing to) their
having lieendespeiled of their proper,
ty. These' Indians have attained to a
high degree of civilization, and formed
a flourishing community under the tute-
lage of Rev. William Duncan, a raja-
eienary, -who has labored, among. them
Lor many years. In s ome way or other
they were dispossed o f their lands, and
as repeated appeal to the Government'
have had no effect, some.three hunch -
red members of the tribe haveemigrat-
ed to Alaska. It is greatly to be re-
gretted thet so Promising an experi-
ment in civilizing the Indians should
have been broken .up. The matter is
somehow involved with., a quarrel be-
tween the minister and -his church, and
'fiumerous statements pro and con have
appeared from time to time. But this
much is clear,that under some pretext
the Indians have been robbed of their
property, the resultt of meny.years'
bor upon land which they reclaimed
trom the wilderness. Under whatever
color of legality this was done, it is as
disgrace to Canada, and will have .a
very bad effect upon the large Indian
population of.the.Pacific Province.
IN DisOOSSING the rumor that Ma
Meredith would shortly retire from the
2eadership of the. -Ontario Opposition
(tad take a judgeship, one of the Dom-
inion Government's organs here makes
some very. unkind 'references to that
gentleman's political career., It says:
"Mr, Ileredithahas once been the
ee.}iration of the Ontario:Conservative
party and the cause. of itsrepeated de-
feats. He has doeae neaalr all the,
work during each session and his feeble
lieutenants have never given much pro-
mise of possessing brains enough "to
form a ministry, if they had been giv-
en the chance. It would appear, then,
that minus Mr. Meredith the Opposi-
Con would.not amount to much. It
is equally teue, however, that the some-
body, whom force of circumstances
-would raise up to lead the forlorn hope
would certainly improve Mr. Mere-
dith's tactics."
Ras.. G. M..„Miaaletaie, of Toronto,
took oceattIon, last Sunday, to . assail
Commercial. Upton advocates from the
pulpit. The propriety and good taste
of such a proceeding. is, a matter be,
tween the reverend gantleman and his
congregation. If that is the kind of
preaphing they likeie.nd are milling to
pay for, it. is nobody else's .,business.
.But when the preicher deliberately
tnisrepiesents those who urge corn-
mereial nnion, and eliargee them with
"agatatieg annexation"—it is a differ -
eat matter, Ma Milligan, in Making
eueh an assertion% tither stated- what
he knew to, be untrue, or showed his
complete igeoranee of the queetiori he
asattnied to.dis cuss. When a political
partson deseeeds to the tactics of the
pasty slangsehangers' he' cannot al elm
lila; het- 4nity learn, the criticism which
t eameetettiv(, of ;She pulpit when
rb. iLtL8 1(44 0 'A LL iilLSitaeALL, bet must es:-
t)c's to be handled \IiIttloot glove, .
DIE EFFICAZT of oil in preveutiag a
heavy sea ft:QM breaking, and thereby
neutrallaing,to° a very great extent all
danger of its sweepipg decks, etc„ has
been proved beyond the pessibility, of
deubt,ethrough the medium of the
Ameriettrien ydrographie Esireau. Eva
idence gore tlae most authentic sources
was collected and published by this
Bureau and the .only conclusionthee
canebe artived: at from the mass of
matter published is that if anys vegeta-
ble or animal oil, especially the -latter
be allowed to dribble into theseaee ven
an oyerledea ,stoa m er becomes. compels-
ativelye safe, .All vessels therefore
should be equipped. with the verywheap
and sheple apparatus necessarylo 'the
oiling of the.seae and if the underwrite
ers insisted upon this being „ dono it
wouldinot be eabad thing.?
Atte:ten for those who urge that4we
shoeld look to England rather than the.
United Statesas aernark et for our sur-
plus agricultural products, is the fail-
ure of the..attempt to eend;Canaclian
cattle‘to,Alberdeen. A cargo- was land-
ed in goodiconditione but a eheavy loss
is reported' ont the consignment. The
cause is partlysthe glutted condition of
the ..British market; partly the heavy.
freights, which' are nearly double the
ordinary rates, because there is no
other Canadian trade to- that' point.
Distance and ocean freights will always
be a drawback to- our trachbg with
Europe.- It is fcilly to tell us to look:
entirler to- the English' mark -et, 'and
pass by that whiehe lies at , our own
TIM APATHA of the .American people
on the question of Commercial Union,
has done great service as an argument
for the ultra.protectionist s, regardless
of its bearing upon their argument, that
the .whiele thing .is a put-up Yankee
dodge to -bring .about an nexation,
will not be • available• much longer.
The United States Government is mak,
big inquiriesin order to 4obtain fuller
information on . the .subjeet,• their. con-
suls in Canada having been directed, to
furnish returns, of. Canadian exports to
the States from . each pert for the last
three, years. • This is a decidedly sig-
nificant move in viewof the fishery
negotiations, and,theacominercial .union.
agitation, ..
THE OFFICIALS of.the Michigan Oen-.
tral Railroad iare•endenvoring to solve
the problem of the best method oHmat-
ing passenger. cars mi the ut -the dangers
ous cas stove.. Th 'e best appliancesiet
invented use live steam from the loeo-
motive. This: system, according be
President Ledyard, has one serious
drawback—it is of no utility ;when the
engine is disabled, land the engine most,
frequently becomes disabled- when the
weather is coldest. The company is
making a thorough investigation of the
subject, with a view to equipping their
cars with the best that 'is going, before
the wintor opens.
IF IT be true that Mr. W. Re Mere -4
dial, the leader of the Opposition in
the Ontario Legislature, is about to re-
tire from political. life. to accept that
seat upon the bench, which he is sing-
ularly well qualiffe,d to fill, the only:
Conservative leader in Canada who en-
joys the respect and esteem of his pol-
itical adversaries wilI have disappeared.
MraMeredith has been unsuccessful as
an dace -seeker, but he has maintained
throughout the most unfavorable cir-
cumstances the oharacter of not only
an, able,but of an honest Man.
As Tittnn Wag, ti..., traitor among the
Apestles who :sold his Lord for money,
it is not, perhaps - tea be wondered at,
that areerag the woriteit for prohibition
jliclases should be found willing to be.
tvaAtheir cause for • dollare; IL .it is
duty to4roceed agaitet 4c1rielt sellers.
teif..bibsking the laSee surely it .is gill:
incite duty to proceed egititiat it pretend-
ed te.,mporatde tittvodAto Who dote -
petunia With then i for air Mirefi money
1 :and beteaye,the.good,fiatue of his tauso.
A mmi ran p.wily trEln, his (nnoloye r
with the.. employer's daughter i aged
fourteen, whom he had ,persuaded to
inarrY him, she Pct knowing that' he
was married already, andawlio he then
deserted, In the true spirit of our age
the newspapers chronicle this Illegible
crime, ender the. heading. sA Wayward
Daughter," as though!,the- inaneaser-
able coweadlyeerueltaa of the. man was
entirely lost in the sins of - the young
girl who fell under the glamor of awill
stronger than her owns. Our law, in
harmony withethe spirit of the age, af-
fords little or no punishment for this,
the worst of all crimes.. These•peripa-
tette bigamists, whit are becoming
strangely common, should befogged,
No other punishment bets their crime
or is calculated to reach theirdegrad-
ed nature...
WE II,.tvs been w etching inevain the
oohiliens of our esteemed and facetiOus
cotena, the Exeter Times, ,for 'some ofx
its side-splitting jokes on the "bald-
headed". Y oung• Conservatives, whet at.'
tendedetlae alleged "convention" in To-
ronto.. .A.linost all who appeared on
the platform were old .plirty workers
many of them grey-haired—whora Mr-
Melva's, and his followers have "jerked
bald-headed" in many contests. Why
the humorists who indulged in idiotic
glee at the "bald h'eacled Young Liber-
als" a few years ago should not have
noted this fact we. will not undertake
to explain. The Times has lost a great
chance to work off its surplus. "chest.
nuts.". ,
Tlie ereditois • of Thorne s Holloway,
gentleman, late of the village of, Centralia
in the.,eounty of .Huron, who daed on or
about the sixth day. of April,. 1887, are
hereby requested tosend by poet prepaid
to ICHicks and,Thomas Kitchell, Cen-
tralia pest °Moe, .executors for Johanna
Holloway, wife, of the said Thomas Hol-
loway,,, on or before the first day of Janu-
ary 1887; their olivistian and surnames
,sacs and descriptions with full par-
ticulars and a proof of theirolaiins•tlard a
staternant of their. securities (if any) held
by them, and notice is hereby given that
afteithe.said first day of January,. 1888,
the 'aid executors will 'proceed to distri-
bute the assetts of the deceased among
the parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to theclaims of those whom .they
shallithen have notices, :slid the saidex-
ecutorswill mot be liable for the said as -
sett) or:any part thereof, to any person
or parsons of whose claim or clonna, they
shelf noahave nuticaaatlie, time, of such
Mgoneaa, 1 Executors,
Oestralia, Sept. 24th, 1887,-3in.
....pearporiorm44i4snamoncanim....4 •ftamismalLows4.4.1.44444.44L“in.a,A4o446i,A..,r4.61ML,"
Having this season purebased most of our stock direct from maipsfastarers
in England end. Germauy, to de so we had to give our ordervery early in the
season; and as the prospects looked well we bought largely, the gonds have
now e'rived axd welind that hard times aro eesaSing a great depression iu
trade, we have therefore 4000 to mdt the times by. marking all goods at
• frk 74,
p N P '"g4
NIP 4.64. 061'10
as to insure a speedy diesmsee, therefore•we 30704 invite all; intending ptir •
To Gail and ins -beet our Stook
and note Prices of all New Goods, including'
Ladies' Dolmans,jackets, (Si*:
Insters, Misses' and Maids'
C d
SATIN Dress goods in all thismeweet colors and styles: Plain and Fancy's
Flushes, Scarlets, and Plain and 'Fancy flesierysaral Gloves. _Also a full•liasee
of MEN'S; YOUTIIS' and BOYS' •
READY: ••• ryiMM 0141101%p
A.TS ...And CA PS:
All 'of which will be sold:at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIM
MON _DAY &rr crEsi. AY- OCT.
Be sure andtcall and inspecfr our stock*aud; get prices; if will We a
grand exhibition.and we, ft el confident it; will Pay yOu:*
V P.' 'CrA.111:E' is thankfil)'fdie'
pot patronage • and will continue,'
to conduct his busineHs as hereto- •
fore. with 'equal. 'fnlvors to all. A
centinuation.of patronage is.kind-
4...C. • t gri
Itletlii„ •
• \le‘pitif
respeetfully •call Yoila attentien to a rfew-teatitriellials whibh the Gil:6' 8iiIhy EtfirroVIVIondacturing rOotop4.4.
0.11;-. of Windsor, Ontario., have recoiled from some of their patrons, Eeety brie Who 4S purchased the Implement
pt1inounce'it a grand success, and an iImplarnent eVerysfariner ehould have.
A,R. golytAx-ug is n eliarge.ef a company of theft atid eight wagons, at Exacta and iodoibg a thriving hug*,
'a. in Huron County.
Creme% eopt, 53r5, 1887;
Cl Sulkeij ridii•Oto Co,Wtndssa
4entlenum-1 purchased one of loin. IIarrnwS and
S'falers and have twormighiy tested it on kinddlof
ourid; and after seeing the work it will do, have nO
3k9 t len in recommending it to lay firmer friends
thc ho“,lropletrient in the market,
Centralia, Stmt. 240,188/
le slimly OsProw co. Windsor.
plowing, and 1 atittotivinced that the One is best
and most useful implement eVer IDLY0AtICUI LA L410
fiirAlAtii a naton County. Respectfully yenta
WILLIAM ANDEnsoN, Stephen tp.
'SarePti', Sept. 24th 1St,.
Gate rfarreeo ta, INAtleor
Gcnts--/ hitVe tonght and tested eine of yeti*:
lia*roWs and Seeders, and think it Is just What Cory
farmer heeds titul it will do all yout agent eliding for
11. IteSpectfully,
boar Sirs -1 beught one of your Sulky Ifarrowa'and •.'
Gale Harrow Co., Windsor, ,
edora ancl-fritiattay that, I am well Pleased with ,the .,
ay it does It work,,l,prepa.red and soled wheat In a ...0eptlemen—Tbis is to certify that the ccirkibined
ry touglijurnpy field' where it was, impossible to mallow purchased froMdyour agent has given entire
so iny drill, I alsO:uset1 it th dig petatooelind after. 1 satitfaction, and I tons' or it the hest implement of
frards prepared and ftolved the tune Sold wIthe44,thOld. nd ever introduced .hi this Neighborhood, 1
prepared'my Mitategionnd for wheat withotit tide*. •
ing andl eon liny that ,the machine (idea all your '
agent Mahood for It, and cari cheerfully reconiniefid it;
On my farmer friends as thebost: Yours 4e.
JA11.8811ATIS, thbernc,
d aft gulky liai'raw' tea WiellaixtO6et...6rf. 844' (3.t11.188t
, . .
boar Sirs --The Sulky barrel* and Seeder bthight
'frein.your agent is jUst ivhat. We need; I' haVe `used
It to harrow, cultivate and tired, and can truthfully
Emit that it Li001 tit0 Weil'Ic better, easier and with less
labor than any, implement 1 over saw, 1 will also
state that I hare a good drill, hut think that broad-
casting to done by the Gale is the Way to sowgrain to
get the best results', 8 have worked ten acres of
ivhent stubble With the cultivator without plowing
and ft doa the'ltorlf te Perfection.