HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-09-22, Page 8•,0 0 eat, t. •tle . ,,tie*4te • 'leer .‘ri/ ' - of° Oisjn Ma4itObat The ttpuble. ever the constriction of ethe Teed River Valley Railway it 'Xsuitettsaltes EntettMeAtiett (ICAO icou, • eruttS may Pecur Meaner •time Which will enttin an appeal tp,foree between Manitoba Geyer nment ened. the Dentin - :jou Gp ,ernegent. tit altegether de, !pen& pn the pm -pinion Government whether open rebellion with consequent. .bloodshed will result .Nov that the danger stage has been reached it would 'be well for the people a eastern Can - aa would reeell the eausee and course of the troohle. t1arises out ofehe enonopoly clause ef•the Cenadian 1atti- 44: Conipanytt contract That ceause was so obnoxieus that nothiug but Sir ,John Ma.cDpnald's statement titat Manitoba could not be checked from ,chartaating competing lines to the fron• tier savedehe centract from rejection .on its eteeennt elan°. Goldwin Smith .said et.the time that its insertion did 4not nitwit platter, as e. rebellion oftthe, people of Manitobp, would end it. All the ministeial organs reiterated and ;expanded Sir John MacDonald's state- nnent, and the contrect was passed. ,Then Sir Jahn MacDoneld, with that ;hardihood which haS ver.charaete rised him, did check Manitoba by clieellow- ing her charters to competing lines, (The gremier and his supporters did not attempt to dony Sir ,jelm's falsehood; they did eacpso it, hoteever, 'Whey ;said, we pee not bound by the coretract ;to disehow Manitoba chaeters to cow- Ipeting lines—we disallowthem hecaoee .yee believe the good of the country de - attends that course. The people, see- dng that Sir John has given bitneelf and thee the Dominion GoVernmeet was at its back, In the meantime the petitiens for the injunct:on Are being argued befoie the Manitoba Courts; And it appears predahle thett thee' ere all likely to be refueed en ate gitound ur another, The prteeipai ground ee howeven•that injunetions obtained by indieideMs or eorpprations are power- leseeageinst a government. This has forced the hand of the Dominion .Gov- ernment which had not yet entered the cerarM against the Manitoba. Govern- ment. It has done so DOW, and an in- junetiou obtained by the Fecleretlegew. eminent against the Local Govermateli qf Manitoba will be effective as far es. thelaw is concerned. tWill the imillria"- tion be granted? That remains to be sewn If it is granted then the crisis will cella% It is RS, certain as anything can be that the people of Manitoba, indignant over the ,deceptious .that ham ve been practised upou dle, and justly exasperated by the injustice a being belind end held down under a. monepely,plAce.d in the heeds of a cor- poration, ttppeal. to force rather enes thubenit. ,Work has been done, enoney spentnd competition so great- ly longed for te just withintheir grasp., It is not to be suppoed for one moment that they will retreat. The personell Df ehe Government of Manitoba may •change, but as it is the people who heve driven the Government of the day into action, a change would anake 0o diference; another Government evopld be compelled to,obey the wishes of the people. Is the Doetinion Gov - in , ernept being driven tte iM course by the people or the Cernedian Pacific? VQil aneeppeal to tforce (be resorted to in Order to compel the Apeople of Man- itoba to submit to a dishonest and un- istpoltcyi We do not believe it, •and his Government to the ,OanAdien Pacific: Company, believe that the.Gov- ,ornment has no other .thought than that of serviee, the Canadian ,Pactfic Company. When the Canadien Pad- 4ie Railway Company was on the point .of failure. when it confessed that it .could not go on with the ,constraction ,uf the road unless the Dominion Gov- enennent came to its Assistance with a ,loan, which it conld not obtain ,else where, the President ot the Company dared that the Company were willing to give up the monopoly, and the Fi- /mama Minister, in introducing the re - elutions for the loan, declared that ;the monopoly would be ended on the completiou of the Lake Supirior sec - ;Lion of the road. The loan WRS grant- ee], the Lake Superior section of the waving a red flag. On looking out the road was completed, and yet the Gov- passengers were horrified to see the ex- ernment's prolleises and the Company's press coming at full speed. Before promises to cancel the monopoly clause realising the danger there was a terri- were never fulfilled. During all :this hie shock. The express cut through lime the Manitoba Legisleture, relYielg tha .excursion ifirain. The express „upon the stetetnents eif the Goeern- eVees badly derneged, bat kept on the pent that it could not led,ehecked, and rails. Its train practically sustained n eon the promises that the monopoly no damage. The'scene was horrible. wotildbe ended on the completkin of Scores of people lay bleeding or dead, the Lake Superior system, granted,chan wedged among the splintered wood - tern to cempeting lines, These have work and debrissheieles and greens en disallowed over and over again in were heartrending, but it was impos- e; rte of all declarations and in spite of eible to releaee them .u.i.tefl. tiechanical ends CS. The, charters grant- appliances arrived. Many were shack- . di -allowed acco CY to the or- ingly mangled, with arms and legs sev- gans o 'Nis • evernment, bsise the .ered. Others were almost decapitaeed people'of the tpion sanctioilledethat: end disembowelled. The dead were 'Course 14 the e latt4fq.leleral eleatoP• laid in an adjeinieg meadow. Some Axcept in Manitoba, whette‘every cand, ere only recognisable by their cloth, ;Mate was pledged eo support-T*0.0w- me The injured were conveyed in mute, that question was not before b4impel% ed ambulances to the nearest people, though in some places some ef- fort 'ewe made to placeit before there, .triteptit*einetner gave any mandate to that tinestion. Y.,tlietak, is every reason to hiniem, an the confteety) that the 'Net majerity of the peoeMeotOestern eatNee„. are opposed ' to disafttaweance. INtee egolet and Mail po5e i, asSehe. truly independent p per; only those foot to tee rleeer eans adveettee disa. Yet, the Dominion Government has en- tered ppon a coerse, which, if persist. ed in, must inevitably end in an at - ;tempt to bring the volunteers of Onta- eio.and Qtipbec face to face with those ,of Manitoba, for, as the Goverment .organa • show by their despatehes, the. people .of Manitoba are ready to go to, war, end the Maniteha volunteers will: change their alleeiance from the Dom- inion to the Local Goyernment at the. 'eirop of the glove. The Railroad Horror, The Midland train was crowded with; exeuraionists going to Duecaster to see the race for the Doncaster Cup. Sud-: denly a plate -lore was noticed wildly ,ners bond hand and, ent as slavish or- vanee, end it is S epeeelet in uurnerou toke am'.putation. ll Mc to remove wefe ary. The guard of t11e had a na,)TOW escape. A mother with her bahy in her arms was killed While .the child escaped unhurt. In another . ,tance a mother and child were both killted. One man had his head torn comiNtely off and his b otly was found .gikfe to sny that they BO iaVly be, lumber of surgeons Were ance, 7,1tere were egs, sone requiring tri ee was possi. leo an infirm- ersion train sittinglenright in the carriage, The eainte it ie the policy of 4-11eit master, extrieatio,kwas conducted by imam Seel g that the DolninionNovernment of a saw ae , an axe,which caused was dta erretned to disellotvoll chert. acute sufferingie the injured. A curve il .ers to tNeipeatioe, and that, herefore, in the line hiAthe express until it, the railea?tecould not be eo, $tructed was 'within a sliorlistmice of the ex - et a pit, ate theterpriee. The 'II unite- eursion -train, whenisbe ariver and stro-. tia '0,)vernatent, Thi.v.cal them* by tip 1;er were seen frantiyly nulling the poop!! of Xieuitoba,, lArtfretheconstrue: levers. The driver, netned Taylor, in tit:a of the reiletay :asa puldie work, an old servant of the '''coropaity. He They ..lid eu under the anthority of % beg net explained hew haeran past the genere,1 tailway aet which the Dentin- daneer signals. He prefers to with - tote Goverinnent bed already elloWed. hold his statement. It Ns rumored The toate wee eurveyed, the flee plan- that the brakes were applied'bet failed ,out, the coetracte let, the grading be- to act. The mejority ofethe victims gun. Then an injunction was seuered were residents of Shank' altd ilestorpe. by a Me Browning to prevent the grad- The latest- reports piece the number iug el the road aeronS hie property. dead at 2.3 and the injured At 804 The rod was graded, heel/ever, betfere Three more injured in the accident the ieitinction death] he served. Thenon the 1V1idland railway near Doneast. Al r. Ira ,1 riollin)A little "tick" of build.- er, Bnglend, have die id, pig a spur inc of the Canadian Pedfte . rteietse the route of the Red River 'toed, , A petition for the rfepeal of the Se* and relying open the Dominion Goy- Act in Stormont, Thindas Glengarry, penmen& to refuse to sanction the MOSS- has been; prepared, A d the music has ing, was beeposed but was abandened, to be faced Once ore, One' of the if Thee trick only gerved to prove that the questions which wieenale up is as to p#nadiaii Pacifie Company were the the success of the m asureduring tbe rgti Opponent§ 4 the Red River toad, period it has been in opetatiOn, .. , , . . , . 17 UTTER iND wssitet. J. Matheson, IME,TER NOUTH. ..0tar,ptook t•wou ossorao4 for the •Bomiovo rfAkto. bow prices still maintain. 001.113ATER ..-16 ib$,'ougar 'for V1,00 ; 13 lbs, 'white sugar forALOO, retlbo tixidev,014 in rreas froin !O .10 eseetilletee, 'Botta ofieee(all $tyles)* IOW prke11, nicely 4sported stook of ZIAVVIATAVIS. FORKS,,SOWIMILEStand GLASS all sixesloheitp.) Best Machine Oil, ode. per gal: iCoal Oil as low as thajowest, A nice itv settociiifi 42,75. A 1;90 suit of Beady -made Clothing for $O. Ordered Suits got up in good style. Our Dr•ess Goods are mark- ed dON ivh:to the lowest otch. COTTON -2O yds. for $1.00. A house and lot, also a form for sale. Apply to JOHN MATHESON, Hey postotlice. • —,Go TO— A. liA_STING'S, Centrai S �JXIP1.1 volt Ar isfc Shaving, kiEti r ,Cutting, Mao pocirg flair Dyeing, etc., etc. 'Ladies' 'Work a Speoiality. 'SATISFACTIONI>6 <1,C)/tifARVNTEED. Fang iz'et Bleak, EXETER, Ont. vOir....ansownvowg,ernmemsemaer. awerevarormoommoreermtimmems . 44,4 rip Q 1/4.4 0-) 7.4 ,c; En 0 (1) r• 1 '1 0 • 4? -21 '1;5 41 :1- c1.9 (L) f -C) c4-1 0 0 g • Pi ,+,.) • en At rarg O.) eeee- r4 •,....40) r'C'; 4 7,4 r-4 -4 es,•1 Ct C.) JD0 (1)or) >7 et141°. 7,24 .1.•-:•1 C.) o• 0 0 ;41 Q 0 9. U) 06' ▪ 4 rt I.vo sr. p.4 opt•as ga 13,4 o 0 c g Pci ct 44 as 9 ee'etetete- t,c) ""' e•aTh 60• .0i 1:-.; *as cf) 0 4-) peel 711 7.1 t-.1 f---1 0 0 4,4 ct *1-4 1"s (,) UDp.--4 (1PRiji r4 (1) •r"'" •rt4 o CD ri QCi coCld C4) ' CD •r-1 tin 0 •r -ii Cr?4 Z4 ;---f • 0 eg re p4 ca4 0 41 0 4 0 *(141 _ +4 73 4. 03 CO tn 45 0.4 el. () (r5 _ aew PreiWsesR NEW 'GOODS 4espectfelly Ten 414 1 in 4,10nany ,OustonwrA nod the puhlic .generally that Ile has re-• alcoved to Votiti *Moe. main Street, EXETER. Where he 'has jut rotteiVed —A— WELL ASSORTD STOOK OF 1REA'DY1MADI--- --BOOTS & SH •,ALSO at.ndlmaile wofl Ofthe lighest Class. Mal Soncited, And Satisfaction karanteed BEO. MANSON, Exeter. 0 MVP IN NE munmrs For BalanoP df 1887 ,s Drizzly or rpleneaet'l eclipse of the motet"! fury, orymell neree get through in thne.to Seattle one. tir•iiitnal ex- traordinary bargains, that !we are !offering. $1urniturc nf evaey de- tacription ettaentical et Lea. Another spell of .,vanther! War in the east TeMble ottastrophe M New irorke 113 people see, cumber) bane fever. :Pollee ordered out to 'keep back the crowd from our Warnroome ; reveral'Fieriouely jammed. NI (a so.7 etn17fae• Lodi: orft Tor snOW. Vo,aters with ,eligible daughters, unbang the !front gate, and -buy one .01 our :tosy AAA, 'n rammed tu bible the moat 44441 young man in ,the ernilitry to lime h. short 'order Beds, Spring lfettrassea. Lounges, tete., .etc., in andlass variety. ee mb Maw in the moon, and :move weuther. Vitali ewe:akin ,anr Stock of Caskets, 4.lcdans, Rebel; and Nrimmings, ,are unexcelled. Reformed amdcrtaheraone Rings. DO Nirrliell. DO MC .111i p1iee3 we go‘ ern (=sell es, nind as mostipe 1..inw they aro vary anoderate..; oxe male) stand, and make a .specialty0 ti port of .ur business, Como and aoe before you buy, Opel) day and night. REMEMBER the PLACE Prew!s old stand,—ono door north of Molgoes Bank. Bowe ez Andrews, WARLIKE REFLECTIONS May eXist .in the minds of Competitors but that will not prevent utt ' from SHOWIC OUR ST P-7: ,we rely upon our integrity of purpose to earry us through and are never troublek witn iu f t oiea •foe4: Oar ;Strength lies in DAZZLING BARGAINS /a Groceries, Crockery, ,ssvvare. S'uperior in quality and pgwgs which cannot be beat. Jf yo don't want to buy we:will noe try to force you, but if you do buy we will do out -best to please you. Outter and Egg g taken in Exohatge for Goods at highest mark- - ot prim En. FASON'S BLOCK, •• • -- • - , ,f:',,,,,wor; ell tell. . ' el ... . . 0 1 • • • 4 );,161 a .tiv,k0 MAIN -S TREW.11, EXETER. 61M•1111•0111.01.110.M41•11,911.1•21V.TIMM{•111,tflttl.44 31 -II' ri toiT PI 0 Ck.TT NAILS, I3oth Steel and Iron; PAINTS end OILS; SPADES and SHOVELS. Barbed Wire Feioig, Plain Twist Wire Fencing, Woven Wire Feneinp,,, and aelvanized Wire Feneine-411 bought before the recent aclvccien In prices, and wilt bp 'sold at LOWEST FIGURES. AN EXCELLENT STOCK OE LAMP GOOI)8 .A..1V17114"ell C1/1 klutnet. TINWARE OF ALL KINDS KEPT IN STOCK. Agents for the RAYMOND Sewing Mathint. BISSITT BROME138, MAIN .STREET". EXETER. 1