HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-09-22, Page 51.
• '*i• OF 40 *, 0. • * *11,440,4 ***.,;..
40,4,414,4 0000, 111,0
"•'••_4 1044,4•• ,004.1s
''.. .44.9ut Huron.4 Bilice Railway.
Nort•Porn Div isipn
dougo'N9Wrw-TImu Teemee-Parien'r,
Leaden, dePart - .810 A•ef, 4.25
Lucah Crossing „.• 9.35 6,45'
Ciandeboye , .. o. 1 o 5.15 '
.0entralia. • , ....e 9.28 5.33 .
EXETER ... 4 _ 9.35 5.45'
Hensel' „ . • . • • • • 946 5.53
le ippen . . , , , . , . 9.51 6.06^
Itrecefielcl:s . - ..• 9.55 6.15'
Clinton.... ,16.10 6.35
Londesbere , . . .10,37 6.55'
.Blyth.. . s 20.46' 7:05'
Itelgrave.. .. ... -11.00 720
Wingham, Manse : 1.1. 20' 7.30 '
e -Mr, P. moRiaips, Of' L0nt1onnie
cyalrinoh Siklithtoy,' vAlfi
vieitind:frenda in tovni Orn TlieselaY.
London eapeA"etate thah'ile
Beek of Lenders bille will' be redeerhed
pi1r; or fade volo.;:ou or' 'after Octs
' -Our nesfey readers' will fie& W to
their adeantage if the'Y will read gips -
well & Piaiards change of edvertise-
ment'in this issue,
--A21arge shipment otchoice apples
Wee Made from this stetion by Mr.
Robt Lang en'Wednesdey' for for the
foreign natirleit&:
used to be cOneidered inhospit-
able 'not to serve 'le guest with the hest
Ofeverything inthe hotse; now it is
ethisiciele'd vulgak to do so.
- he store -room and cellar, two nee
CeSarytftdjlinCtS to the comfort of the
family' should be' the especial care of
the lionsewift and'not' left to the mercy
of the help.
-Sainwell *Pickard have just re-
ceived e lergeeconsignment Of goods di-
rect frOM England and which they are
offering at Rock Bottom Prices. -11.
Goleta Sober's!. Passenger.,
Wiegbanedepart'. • 7.d0An' 3.05 telt
Belgrave • 7.17 3.28
Blyth., 7.31' 3.42
Lonelesbore'..... 7.40' lee,
Clinton., 8.00' 4.10'
Brucefield 8.19 4.26"
leippen . • , s; 8.27 4.57.
Hensall . ...&33
Exeter • , 8.47 4,57.
Centralia 8.57 5.07'
Clindeboye 9.10 5,20'
Lucancroes'g 9.20 . 5.25'
londorearrive.. 10.10 6.00'
-Oiderecil clothing' a specialtoe
r1ss fit ituare.uteed. Barnwell &
--Captain eryine, Of the Salvation
A,rmee here,' ettinded; the denipeetrer
ton of th'at' Society et :Lonfloli ARM"
-Meeees, Seneyell St Pickard ere
having aNY'Yerahtlah.hU*Ilt in fr6nt
of their grOcery department of their
brick store.'
,,-Mr, Hayes,. of the MOPelithn
Tereperance house, Exeteris doing a
good business of late, being unable to
aecomodate all who apply.
.......The htheeekeeper who makes reseery
etem and every movement Pellet in do- ere- eonttnue for three days.
ing her work usuallleta's time for reef' ,ayeff:, tits ere being made for a
.tion, of more than usual inter-
irg or other e"- refs -tem 'while ese tesf
-The new departure of announcieg
the Sabbath evenings' discource by
Rev. Jets. Graham Fader of (Tema
street Methodist church sores to be
meeting with great success as an ex-
ceedingly large congregation was pre -
emit last Sabbath evening to hear the
worthy gentleman's discourse whie1
4444-0 4.0 • 4, • "4144 4.1
-St Mary's Relief committee ea-
Peti4ed charitable p.11'001308
OM pest week.
-s•••coteelt; English PIA Canadian
twe0s; 19.rge variety at Sawed' and
-The' lecture given by Rev. Dr,
junor in Cavan Proseyteriae church on
Sunday evening last on the subject of
ono Idelitries and Social Life of the
Chinese", was impressive and interest-
ing, aud was listened to with marked
attention by the cone,regatien present.
--Riverside Herd of Usborne,ow.
by Thomas Russell, has again '
-van, securing the follewi,
.h ift
Meneuheeenn Lope, 90
inst. Mr. Richard nil ai MON ronn:
prey of Usboree, .4,0 37 e:
Bennie, -In Ueberne, Oth
Albert, infant ecie of .Y.iven F..
,Albert Berried, aged
2,6 days, meet
e eibntile ere;
gainst all competitors
noted and faulinv
the Western F' ' 'I.., .
eseente !Wing the
Three firs" eeepesepark •Herd, at
Flee? 1414.7eondon this week:-
°i<tiecond and two third
-• .
was ably rendered. Alto ewe' S. 0, Hersey says he is going
_About three :hun.dred Ira ,G !lit; sign repainted with the in -
delegates are expected te and vs, .eription "Cash" that is, he is going to
Provincial Sunday Sch attpp, .6y sell for cash only. This is a good res-
vrhich will open ten aoel.eerse the olve and should be followed by every
Methodist Ohne,' . envention, business man. The credit eystern is a
25th and n''°*. ,.elae"" ,Ien's Avenue disgrace to any country and has caused
,Arran' on Tuesday, Oct. the failure and ruin of many a bus-
. iness man.
-According te Nr. Winters theft, is
in Ontario congregation containing a
hundred and fifty young ladies with
not a young man to court • them. If
the clergyman is depending to any a
tent on marriage fees his financesiare
en • senstantly retrache thp and, profit to Sunday school work-
Local News. who is e-'
-Beautiful free eine er 0 t
eea,„ rsee
numbere "'"'" for printine ees . .
Div copies or the
'Hester _ .
3 la
f-awaYs behiliP'ana and re' I) -To-morrow, (Friday)evening, com-
mencing at half past seven in Caven
-1 'a n• • '1' -The Times has 1°,n. awarded the
ae- es
stir the Western , eon fins station contract eyeaws,'• .nich have just been
eelen gait every morning.
-aerie**, at Samwell & Piciard's. * cost el; $12
-Mr: Charles Trick; of Darlingtots
lorthe'dlteeveeane sanction
eiwebnotie and shoes in endless lere;nthdeallae'.dryer:s, Elliott & Elliott, at
is at present visiting friends 'in this'
-Mr. Thos. Bissett, sem, left on
Monday with hie carriage team for
London far. ' •
-0e Monday last a largo shipment
of cattle was made from this station fpr
he Eastern nharkets brsome Of our'lo-'
el buyers.
-A parte. of eleven froin Girand
nd, left thiii station 'Monday morn-
, eachfor Southampton on a fishing
--Satuwell :Re Pickard' will give a
6 and exhibition ot-millfnery and rYry
goods oneMontitty and • Thaday, Oct.
3rd and '4th.
---Owing teethe increasing ciecnIa-
tion,•lest'weelenve weed' enable to sencl
eeche of' our subscribers a copy, and
hope they wilfkbear witheus tine time.
-A' painfuPaeeident hapesen'ed to a
young sun of Mr, Portice, of •the Est-
eter hotel, bye being run over byea
Wagon Saturday' evening; one of hie'
legs wasleadly: cut
-Saturday was a big day for Ran -
ten Bros' eleven thoesance dollars Bank -
rept 'stack which is sold for cash at
greatly reduced prices, and. the net
proceeds for that day arnewited to'netiael
ly two hahdred dollars: •
-Itis a good man' whb atteerds reg.'
elarlyto class meeting' prayer meet-
ifig, and Sunday school. He le a better
Men who, pays his honese cle•bts deals
fairly and squarely with liissneighboer
and borerews not at all,
-Next* Sunday being ,the lest in
this quarter a review eereice will • be
held in the James street Sabbath
ScVool•conducted by the' assistant su-
perintendent j. Clarke,' All lovers
of•Sabbath Schools are invited:.
-The editor of an exehangeesvehe
liSr the, way must be ar bachelor, is an-
xious to know "where are 'the gielgef
the past."' why, beiriging up thingirls
of the futiire don't you think. What
a- peat head that editor niudtla.ve:
-P. M. Williams/held a Scott A6t.•
cburt here on Saturday and disposed
of the following ecceesse-W. Reyb 0) ci St.
&opts:. $50 and/costs; Win..Mitchelle
Orediten, ecljournede'W.
Shipka, adjourned; Thomesi Hodgins,
Centralia, $50 lind cats; P. HO Offer,
$50 and costs"and Joe, BrennereGrand.
Bend, $50 and costs.
-There seems' to have license, HAW
induetry started :in this tillage and
which deesshot Meet with the apprdval
of the inhebitante; wistringeto be-
come naenibers of the concern and to
graduate with honor S in distilrbing the
tho quietude of others by femine and
ehildish noisee, eheuld apply td +a hey
liSr the name of Smith, who nibbles
bones and looks efthr dogs, a fer doors
south of the post oleo. ,
-We clip the following adVrce from
an exchangot-Farinern, be " careful
how you let' any nueohiiie oil or lubri-
cator gothein contact 'wren a acre:deli or
cut ore your • hand,' or arm. In the
manufacture -of some of those 'rettehine
oils fat from diseaeecl aria ileroMpased
fell re el is 'used. .A.11
)10W 1)0180110W; .511611 ITIatf Pr is. The
obirsitmoard is not to let any sot
where the skin is broken be ameba by
aHyi no oil, or itibriehtet.
-The cells of the ecooller" were oc-
cupied Monday night by two men frot%
Clinton evho were run in by Oenstable
Creech for being -in restate eel intoxi-
cation 'and unable to' take care of them-
selveze 'When they became'sober they
were' allowed to go:
.-.-This week and the" Iatter pert of
last, two rnoreeof Eketer's fair litlies
were led to' the altar,. by two asting-
eished gentlemen, one from Steathroy,
and •the other from eivast Whitby:. e
join in with/their merry friends in -Wish-
ing them etreey meccas in their new dee
_Statistics shoes thittlfive years age'
the Selaation Army was convened of
three hundred corps and -two hundred
officers, while toalay numbertetwee
thoneand corps and five thousand' offle
cern and during the past year theough
the efforts of the Aeney, • twente-one
thousand one hundred and fifirthree
souls hrtvebeen bought te serve the
-0 where ef threshing outfits ehould
'bear id mindethat *slew has goneeinto
effect evhich yequirea.a man to be' sent'
althig the highway iroadvance ofstrac-
Von engines to given -retied. of their. ape
preach; thus lesseningethei probability
Of rueatviiy accic.1411ta." Aso if an en-
gine be stationed pear a, highway, it:
tartlet be steppe* whilettennis are pivot-
-The North and 'Soutli'leueon :Cfte
ange,Comrnittees nieeten Clinton
oneFriday October 7th, to diecuss the
matter of a:redivision of the 'anittiese
A'stipper will be gottem-up in the even-,
ing at whith thiebretherre are, expeCte
edv'to be 'preemie in largen numbers.
tfieoulars partioniiirs will be
oet in a few days. Albilehethiere are.
-Mr." LtswiieBiaWatl, *Whie basebeen
re winger of "the. clothing department
of Messrs.-Samwell erePickardiere the
pest sevens oes eight e yearea retnened
Mondeeneverlingsereni igoglener where
'he ha S been -fere:hie pest ewee mOritliL
and while therethe.was not .fer
has secured thb pleasure -4m amiabl
partner t,� atscompeer, hilt' Mite -life's
jeurney's iends.'; • ADvtioATAP with
his teeny friends, entetid • hearty • con-
-On Saturchiy night hitt tame evil
disposed persons entered the premises
of Me. Ileejareire Case about 2 miles
north of this place on the London Road
end et,* therefrom a teani Of hones,
hernias and wagon. to the pre-
sent no clue has yet been had to. find
the guilty partieS: Horse and cattle
thieves'are "very. prevalent in Ontario
just now and if thy are caught fifteen,
or. twenty years at Kingstrni would
likely"straighten thein."
--During the past Wecic- the
grain marl -cot has been very L.eodi
several litindred bushels having .been
bOught by aur local buyers. Prices
have teinieirrecl steady with a slight acl-
etiewerglity 0cints per busheabeen paid
in some eases for excellent good. Wheat.
Baxley; oats and peat have 'kernaioed
about the tan% The preeerit,
lute bon well Supplied Withati
ance -of all kitide Nadia int tight two
dolisirs per blithe), A. 'el feht veneer
in perierree tentreket, better. tod ookt. be,
gnite prentitd-
n ,
Presbyterian church, 13'ev. Father not in a very healthful condition. /But
Chiniquy will deliver a lecture on the
subject of "Why left Rome with
thirty-five thousand of ereecountrymen.
The' reputation of the i Lecture, • who
was a priest of the cher& of Rome•for
many years, is well established.'. A
collection will be taken up(at the close.
of the lecture.
Now is the time ter' sulsoribe for the
EXETER ADVOOATE,Oile of the best local
papers in Huron, only 25 cents from
now -until Jan. lit, 1888.
Scarlet* Teltraph Oil ie highly
appreoiated as,a household remedy.
Give it • a trial. -Sold only at E.
Soarlett's Drug Store, Exeter.
-Here's another thubder and ligh
ning stery. It` comes from;'Lincoln,
Neb., where a young ,girl was dressing
daring :athunder stone, whereher pug
deg rate in. Sheclasped it to her
besorn veh'en a fihsh of lightning he
stantly killed it.'. She was horrified ter
fled that the imageof her dog had been
photographed on her bosom. There
seenssto be no way of removing the
picture:which givessevery shade, color
and wrinkle of the canine forme
trice held, -in Min street church, Ex--
-Dareng the, absence, of aanurnber eter, Wedriesday. Sept. 14tee, the follow
of local reeidenteewho were attending ing was orelered to bo inserted in the
local papers.
Moved by V. J. Clarke, seconded
by Rev. W'. Quance, that this Distriet
Meeting composed of clerical ad lay
representatives having learned that an
effort is about to be made by' the' liq-
uor Men to'repeal the' 'operation of the
secorrd' part 'of the Can edit Temperance
Act in the.cmenty of Huron be it theta,
'fore resolved4hat we•use our bat en?
cleaver to oppbse subh an effort at rev
peal. We feel named that 'the Sdott
Act is the most effiliient instiesinent at,.
our disposal for the repressioh of the
monster evil stronorink. And what-
everidifficulty there may be•in its stria
enfdrtement we can never willingly. go,
bacioto the licensing ofesuch an. in-
iquity. • And we strongly urge upon'.
all 11hthedists and alrgood-citizens
the county of Hiraon to give stroll; an
answer at the Pollagainst the peti-
tion as shall filially define the attitude
ot this ounteeen theeleolicy of i'etztin-
ing loall'option law, whin such
tinie as we 'obtain a prohibitory leiw
for the Deminion. Revs A".e 0. Barrie
Secretary., Rev, Mk,' Pliscoe, Chair-
man. Thti next meetiiig,of the Exeter
District -will be,held, in May in the
Jamess, street church. W. Clarke'
was appointed'iDietriet representative
on theelelissitai' beitechlor the Exeter
STEPIIItH, SEPT. 19trI, 1887i
; Alf members present.
Minutes of last meeting read aid
Council &tiered a 10V0tling instrue
meet from Toronto for township use,
els certain pieties in rear of t01'1n..
ships have petitiorted the council to'
cause the riyer ttj •the" lake at. the
Greed-11611de it 'was
Melted by le Coughlin, seconded by
D. etli•eneli, that the prayer of the- pe•-•
titibeers he.granted, and thet 'R. Coed;
Este; P. L.$,, be employed td oet as
erigineer to ineke the iiecessatee survey
andeessessirient Orteriecl.
The fellowirfg orders wee& greriteth
relief,' $5; Name Forgot
.$7.50; J. Sanders, come $5;
extra work on hell seats, $18.,
Pnovrit, Clerk.
what a magnificent field of operations
this congregetion would be t6 the
Northwest bachelors 'who • are , pining
for domestie bliss! Theerailway corn:
panies are giving .settlers' excursions to
the Ntirth-West; they shieuld also give,
bachelors' excursions to the town in
Oidtarkein which these young ladies
are located.
--Thelgerrat Storm whieh was predict-
ed brPrefe Wiggins to have swept
over thee' continent on the 19th of' Sept
has not yetereacheel That he an-
ticipated a very, unusual disturbance
in the elements is apparent from. the
concludingeremarks of. his prophecy.
"I assure you I cannot leek upon this
toren and 'We approaching tidal wave
inithout emotion." When his emotion
subsides sufaiently Wiggins. weuld do
well to go out behind the woodshed
and kick himself in the -neck. A large
number of people in this vicinity took
no stock in thie prophecy, but are at-
tending -the Wnttern Fair at London
and expect to return withoubefeding
the effectgof the •seerrn.
......At the 'Fihaticial DistriatVeeting.
of the'Methedist Church, Exeter »is -
the Toropto Fah last week, some most
contemptable sneak' thieves- entered
eeveral gardens and- were not satisfied
with :stealing thesfruit alone!. but were
so' evirdesposed este destroy, -the vines
antrtlehteencheserf the trees on which
hhng, the -delicious fruit. It ire a great
pity that' such contemptable "scally-
wags", Oahe -not be caught and made
an extiniplie of. Hanging • seems too
gool for ,suell wretches- who delibeettee
ely destrey.she produeekof people's gar-
-Mrs. George Pasniore, ofiDerwent
wire has beeu visiting at the 'residence
of her son, Thos. Pasmorste• edi tor of
this paper, retermed herriee Tuesday
Morning. • During her stay' here she
had the pleasure of mitiglih&with those
with whom shh. was acgeainted some
forty,years ago when childeeir together
Playingearomid their parent's homes
and • enjoying themselves,' with the
scenes ofOld England, threiend of their
birth some thirty.fi re year's ',have dap;
sed einewthey have seen each other and
the pleasure of meeting orme more with
whom childhood hours were spent, can
be better imagined then described.
-Ths grape market is • no* in fall
siifiner and such an abundant snpply of
the delicious fruit has ss/dom been seen.
Dry Weather is al ways good for the
grape crop' and the long drOuth of the
past sumo:lee-1ms been, the ineanvof
yielding an itnnacrise.' Supply of the
tempting CilifthiPS. The d ry weather
rule has been carefillly observed; and,
its truth positively," established. • Vet,
rainy seasons prodemes the rot that, is
the grape'e worst. enemy. A merehant
who Las beetelnindling grapes irony
years said on Sateteleyt 'Yoe can pat it
down ns a stated feet thata dry teas -
en will elway$ herr cropdniI
varieties • of grapes t. their a wet one,
Rain drops h big to the lerive8 an clime. -
Pies, and'When the Sun domes out/ end
heats' the water a wren genetated
that peed u ceeetsbeown speck on tie%
grdpe. The infection gradually speeds
oVer 010 Ontim surface, trail linens the
whole berry spelled and it dries On
the vine. This SeAS033 has boon ret•
Marl:ably gooreetie for gewers, the
eitpply is as 'line Around this Nicinitse
en I lueetees•efeetitinesedet
C1LH AN. -.At the 44eies
erest Parsonage by the RV, jes.
Graham on 'Wednesday elst ,inst.,
Mr.J. H. Morey, of Fullertere to
Miss Mary Ann Loadman, of ay.
04}HIST0/4,-MANNINGL-In Exeter,
'Wednesday Sept, 21st, by Rev. •
Dr. Pascoe at the residence of Mr
Rieberd Manning, uncle of the
bride, Mr. 'William Ormieton, of
East Whitby, to Miss Luereeht •
Maneing, of Exeter.'
. .•
Red Winter, per Intel • $' 71,.th."747"
White "' It tb ir
.Barley ire 54 to 56.
75 to 77 •
Spring- 11 . •
Oats • 33. to 35'
4 t00
Better, Roll V- 13' to 15'
Butter, Crocks .1
23.to 27
Hay per ton 9!5b'to 12 00 '
Fall Wheat
Hay per ton •
Better • •
Potatoes per bag
Eggs per doz
Dressed Hogs per 100
0'.30 to ' • 0.10
0:00' rime
FAIRS. • ' T. •
8,0.79 to $
• 0.7.0„ to 481 -
d:31) k7• 0:351y:
' to"- 0.50
" 0.05 •
720046. 4wy S;
'0:25 to ,0 2,.§.': •
0.90 't'o- 04'4.'4"
Western, London,
Southern, Brantford,
Sou W1 Hunow,•ENETEE, •
South Porth.; St. Marys,
Blanshard, Kirktou,
North Perth, .
South Oxford, Ingersoll,
.South.Doechester, Belmont,'
East,Nisfieuri, Kintore;
• ;•3-4
• • • 4-5
Is HER t
at eninoue prices,
at earrie.priees,-lteevileget
Se stir enstorner.,
w, Southeotto
Mh in -street, • Exeter; •
PIDUA andr rtED
Of all kinds.
Breakfast Ceisila • Oil Cakeees„
Ground Flax • mid Empire
Cattle Feed elways ono
poeitegeyeenetkt fettte
refetednee •
JOHN- MI6NV:g',',
tFax tX.MV4i
• . .