HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-09-22, Page 4;1. • The Exeter Advocate. • Tie ear daily and weekly exchanges NVO ObSerre 1.114ny notitea Of 'X ns era reOrwiug•to their 41. 4rga ater a ilea - EDITOR .44•Paorinavor.• tioni of five or six weeks." They twill OrtiCE: - Marie $trcets.Vreter, have to work pretty lively for the next few months, to, make up for lost time, for their particular my --the Devil ;lever takes any holiday.. niORIAS PASMORE,. . 11;11SPAT,. •R117. 4ecit• .1.887 Mose of the farmers in this vicinity, have their fall wheat sown, and leeks slice tied green. Thereehas not ,hbw- ever, heen such a large -breadth sown as usual, some of our be larmers not putting in more than will do for their oWn Ilse- In this we think they are very wise. Wheat has beoonie a very., uncertain crop, .and under the most favorable circumstances, at present prices, it is not a profitable one, whi1e. the prospects for increased prices • are net encouraging. The time, has now come when Ontario,farmers will find it to their advantage to .devote less at- tention to the growing ofwheat and more to the production of coarse grains, dairy products, fruit •andestock, A farmer will make more money -out of a good three-year old colt than he-.yttill out ,of a ten acre field of fall . whaat, and with much less labor. and Ina -any more risk. Dairying, also is becoming a profitable and tolerable certain braneh of agriculture, and farmers would pay the necessary attention to fruit culture they pould easily•reake it• profitable- While, the market for wheat is. gradually growing more con- tacted, the market for ,fruit, dairy pro- ducts, eggs, eta., is continually extend. in. These -with stock mustein theim- mediate filture form the sources. from which Ontario farmers derive their profit, and those who will shapen their operations in this direction willecome out best- The days of profitable crop- ping and greia growing except inso fer-as.these ,are required to promote thkOther branches, have . come to on end -in Ohtario. These other 'Wenches an he made more profitable to farmers than ever grain growing has: been, so that instead of feeling dinouraged over the change being forced upon them, they have the best grounds for hope, as it will be the best thing that ever hap- pened them. WE sEB it stated in some of our ,A.Inerican exchanges that the Salvation Army amiss the lines, wishing to raise .,14,.000Aoresnmespeeielework,ip New Gritessue-raise,d•itein a week' by setae they calla "es . weeks of self-denial." During this week they abstained from everything but what was necessary to life with a reasonable degree of com- fort, and raised the money. We are not much in love with the "Hugo" and some of the methods ,of the, Army, but We are strongly of the opinion that this is a much better way 1 to raise money than some of the methods adopt. e4 by many congreg ations.. A. week's self-denial would do congregations inerch more good than soine,tea-meet- legs we have seen. It is qnite pessible that a week's or month's self-denial for some good purpose would help a _con- gregation much more than a week of so-called revival meetings, at whieli Fensuotas excitement may easily, pass astheswork of the Divine Spirit A dozeuemen in each cangregation lead- ing consecrated and self-denying lives would soon make a revolution in the Uhurch. Tire • Yo u Ne 001,7sEEVATtyte g veAtion.i was an .ignominious fizzle, The delegetee were, for the meet pate, oiot of mecline. poll ticians, The pub- lic tneeting announced to be held in confide...then with.' the gathering ,was abendoned, and the, banged et 'Which the magnates Of the petty were eepect- ed to .be present, wee -indefinitelypost polled,- a • Convenient.* '4presS of lAtsi- 1,ess' detained e Sit Jhi at Otteetes The result was te to expected. There pleety Of ‘iiitel4ent public-spirit- ed Yonng".Conservatves . in sOutettie who Obeid have made the Convention tesuctoSe, but, they Welt not • there. It was to their eredit that they - wete to itidepoideetenieded•ta, •bh. gth!gged Saaithe pally lit:niers. • Menereee still continues greatly ve- cited over,the Red Iliver•Valley Rail- way As large meeting•was held last Satorday for the perpose ef promoting enti-disallowance nesitettee and to force the Dornieion Government to abandon altogethbr itlfi practiceof interfering with the -local affairs of .the Proviacest ST. Dienes and a few other tewns in Ontario have lately shown their good tense byrefusing to grant bonus- es to .secure manufactories. Gradual - we lope, mun icipalities will learu. the stubboreefact that manufactories whieh cannotlive without bonuses are, not worth having. The bonus hunter must go.. SemeSeieer., confessesthat in his uni iegenerate day e he stuffed ballot boxes in the interest -of the -Democratic party and he speaks Its though this were,some redectionon the party. 'anfessions of this sort do not do ranch goodin any vase, and they do less:when made inithe pulpit rather than in the prison- ers'Ame.. In either case, it is not wise to revile the party of, which he was himself gnilty. ItinarrOWN IS,TilitoBBING: It has a hook -and- ladder dispute. The fire- men raised $750 for the purchase of a truck. The Council object to the style\ of truckthe firemen proposetto buy, the firemen threaten to disbaed and divide their funds, the Council get out an injunction to prevent the division of the money, and.. there the matter. rests. Some people, it 'would seem, have -a faculty. of making a • great- deal df fuss over a matt -sr of very little con- cern... As Sae as can be seen, the fire- men .have the best of it. THE Pexeseeveme -mining regions are the scene of chronic ind ustrial dif- ficulties, owing to the grasping course of the coal mining corporations. The position of the miners is continually growing worse,. criany,of them being in, coedition of virtual ala.vereeenving to the truck store system under which they we comPelled to deal at the stores of the c,ompau,ied and pay extol. donate - prices. l'Aork,is intermittent as well as ill -paid; as cOnsequence there are fre- quent strikes and cliattsvbeeces.•• At present 60,000 men are out on aetejlce in the anthracite region around Hazitiz ten, Pa., having demanded an increase of 16 % in wages. It is expected that a compromise will ,be made. Tern SO-OALLBD• " Young Conserve - five" Convention assembled in Toron- to last week with elosed dJors. - News - pekes, with recognized party standing will no doubt, be famished with a re - pert of such of the proceedings as the party bosses consider it desirable to finlike public, bet the fact that no re- porters of.the plass outsid e of the party organs 'Were admitted is mai- ent evidence of- the fears netertaieed by the promoters that, in epite of all precautions, something, might be said or done to show that everything was not harmonious. The d is tu rbi ng gees. tion of commercial unioa has, created' much anxiety among the party leadees, At the various meetings held through- out the country many life-long Con- servatives have declared themselves in its favor. What mere likely than that such member of the partyas alread stand committed to the movAnent should refuse to be gegged or give a si- lent assent to any resolations tondenne Ing their opions PJio ekelusiOn Of the independeet peete is -a sure sign of weakness or .chkintegretion. The di- stew:rice of opinion within the tanks tailst have gone very far when the heelers cannot depend oil the ordinal), political Machinery in the heeds uf ex- perienced workers l'or eeetning the tip peareneci of uurecireity, , faashoet thne tbet it WSW. PI* a high critne for enY one in clierge of a train or Do; pesseb p tf? drjnk 4ny- thing intoxicating, Theneis rio state- ment that the. engineer' Who in Eng- land ran pest.ell (Imager sigrials into an excurn train had been drinking any- thing, bnt the practice in England is so common that it is always -the first sus- picion when an accideet'happens, • Tees Canada Presbyterian sayst— Theresis no atorce.important' work for the Chidstien familY and,the Church of geeeration intotthe knowledge cm& be - G od than thatt of training -the rising. lief; of ahe Bible; 'and the fteeeptanee'of La •Jackets,. , salvatiOn which itteveals, The adult . . Ladies' Do] ,&, t 11.5'1, %Ivry" 11:1,1n1 Ar* [LIM aiblPig Haying this it.soti put..eVas'eti moSt of out stock: direct' Venn ruiteefadturers in Finland and Germany, to do seswehed giehettokir orders eery, early in the season, and as the preepects looked well we bought lergely; the goads have ' eoWearrived had wafind that hard' times are ceusing a great' depression in • teede, we have therefOre decided teereeet the tinied meriting all goods at RD, /*-- PAN **PRICES clatsoerisnsure it •ep,eecte• clearance, therafure WO ^TWIN intending Par- . „. To Call and Inspect our Stook Christians of this generation will soon be gone -and these.. who are childien will havesto fill thiiir places, if theseare filled st all. The niost effective way of propeeating pension is to eductate 4 the childeen. THE4 OTTAWA ColniTY election for the Quebec Loral Legislature has resulted in a victory for Ftoclion, the Reform Candidate, by a• sweeping majority The result will greatly'strengthen Pre, mier Mercier, as the, greatest efforts ivehe put forth by the Conservatives, beaked by the whole poever of the Do- minion Administration, to defeat him. The Reform organawill, no doubt, hail the defeat of the Conservative candi. date right under the shadow of the Ot- tawa Government building with a shoutesf exultation, as foreshadowing the downfall' of Censervatism. , ArtuANGEIdExTs HAVE been conapiet- ed for thesholdingeof ga mass meeting of the people'of Huron for the considers. - tion of the great and ithportant ques- tion, Commercial Union. The meeting will be held in Clinton, on Tuesday, September 27th, commencing at one o'clock, sharp. Addresses will be de- livered by Professor Goldwin Smith, of , Toronto;• Mr. Valancy.E. Fuller and , Mr. Thos. Shaw, of Ham Mon; email others. Any one wish ing to speek.in opposition to Commercial. Union will lie allowed the prieiat;ge of doing so 'There will be• ced railway fares to CI n ton cal 'eat clay. anti note ties of all4ew, dOods;inishitiing Misters, Misses' and Maids Ulsters' all Sizes., laok ' . °lore Silks. t%, SATIN Diess go'ods in all theentwest colors and- styles, Plain and 'Fancy Pleshes, &arras, and Plein and. Pettey Hosiery and Gleves. Also a full line ' • of MEN'S,:YOUTIIS' and BOYS' READY •• iVIADE CLOTHING#. - HATS and CAPS; All al be sold atrthe LOWEST POSSIBLEPRICE. • 'REMEMBER �RZ GRAND hilLLUIERY MONDAY- & T L.TESDAA7'- OCT. 3-4. Ile sure and call and inspect our stock aro 'get prices; it will be a, grand exhibition and we feei imufident it will pay you. --A' public unclee the auspicesof lbe Independent Order of Forresters will be held here shortiy. Oren- yateklia of S. cr; R. will be presene, 11•10.•••••••••••••••••ft. AM, zuommwma$•••=mmanremsammilk CLARKE is thankful for • past patronage .and will continue to conduct hie business as hereto- fore with equal favors to all. A continuation of petronageeis Linde., lyesolicited. •Immin sasio*,,odiersimeasiedm;$1to********obdiroiorsiwabgeakilingsWiAlilioanthismiebiikdderr ANOMMINIlid1111.1.01.1*.fgas t ..•••`• TEE PA MERS OF HURON CTLTIVATOR AND SEEDER. WO respectfully tall your ettention,eo a few testimonials which the anT Windsor, Ontario, Gale t Harrow' Ma nufaottiling' Corop- " have received from some of their patrons. Every one who has' perchascd •the Implement prune -once it a greed suecess and at Impleinent every farmer should have. A R MoMANUS is in charge Oa company of men and eight Wagons, at EXeten and is doing n thriving busn ess inaeTuton Ceenty, , A DI:11,mm, oNT. Atio..4.th, 1887. Gale Sulliy liamoto Mfg "Co. Windor, Ora D11.% It SITIS, —I botiehis one of your Sellty Us:trews mid re6,7e, mei have e onted it,ist primmer ol low, . where the Mare:sand, Pigeon Grass weep very thick luta I muse say for Abe iGale \that it is better for kitting Thistles than, ny imple- ment,1 eVet.• saw. LPVIS CRU 1MER• s Knesuai ONT. Aug" 3887. Ca& Sulky •Uarroul Co, Win sor. Dear Sintr-4 have hOught and tested 1 of your Sono, khrrows,/and ithik it is just what every farme 'need .. For teat- itsl) one thistles it has io (elite , Respect. itil rtes. 11. Timms. Gale Sulky Marc* ill ili. Co., '11.7igu1sor; , Unt, I h.oGsetatriectlenr4nrisowTithiiisd.. ?:oodereetioi Ifieg.httb 3 eieer Agent lestsspting h I gi en entire astisfaction. I hate used i to arrow, sod ) and to How oats arid peas, . ed. must say f consider the Mae far see ioreto any im- plement aow on the in lot, eied meth easseee tor it ena be ti ed for so nany dia tbrentabels of work., otottot th trxv, P. 0, a aaerss, Wyci °eta r Gale Sulky Harro ' 00, Tri'ndsor. , I have used yo e" Sulk Bestow on my Sintinet knew this SUM i, and am well satisfied with 'Om thbrO wit manner in which it pulVeti2es the s it and prepares it for the seek,and would redeinniend it to thy neighboearrnerSo • it Very . 'Useful attiele, • • t 111 ' af,400Lhas. 'AMPBELL. hliddleraiss, ,P, Cie Aiv°ettat aid, 1887, . i s rd StiftittO AllE$•AtIOUSit atie 1887, CalesatZ/r•V .71a POW CA 1Vine/80. . I belig,htioe of vote Stt ky Harrows and Seedeteetil ate used•it II ine •stuireiee follow sec) ea stubble vid ere the gtourid as very hid, mid by • meg ()est twice left it i.11ifitst,elasS Abarei OV. my falls:wheat which 1 itiet viiig to soy without plOwing W. CLAIlli, yo4,e telly, .'te. AO:St/aline, Olpi'AU:ro, ,t), gala 811174 Ilart‘u; Co, , .,, 1 beWriat One r rhir i arid Seeders. 1 aveabo on el t kinds of land, and is the bestan 1 le merle): as Well as the cheapeSt, 'On 4 ,e0tint of i's clothe 86 Many dittetieit klea a, works s\•ti a tfolloW led - .August Oth salt Wierlsiet Icestows wieldy tested it I sin -tidied il . les • • : -- * tiva•tot for getting ril ef Thistle i it is ., without doubt for a eattof any implement t that has over been entroduced to the farm • ors of Micbilesex County. After -using the Ciale I inn 'convinced that we have got to quit using wide tohtbed intelerrients if we want to kill Thistlesas 1 howed wheat with , the seeder over a mon li ago, just e smell piece,to teat it,and it came up eYener , than•any seeding 1 ex; i• done, 1 anocon- • (idea that it is,ilie/vay•to sow grain. with = good 'results, your 'Leidy, JAS. CURDY. • 4 Oale 17afroto Cd.,.41,71nelsor. 4 Deen Siris,--- In seswer to yeereirrese, • ha,to my opinion!of the slo Barrow; O 'I Would state that as tr. cultivator for ' lopsenieg and teari, g up the .ground I :would aSsigti it thd4iigliest place, of eny thet 1 haVc ever ,.trib4, doing itS Werk more effectually,' Ica Vir;14, tie' blauks,, light of dealt, mid invatiobl` nnironnity of ' depth, Not luivieg tos sl it as a seeder, 1 moat not spook t positiyely of its moths as midi, lint lint its cOnatInetiOn; . and what .1 tave scot!, t hero ne dhubt it will, fulfill all that Not be claimed for the : ;very 1)e4Yobeirliet,11.1tted;1,41A t' . sa, 1“)SS, Nelda * . Eest,%Ilitanitelhil l',260, leeee.