HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-09-22, Page 1• VOLa la & EXETRII, °WT., 'THITESPAT SEPTEMBER422 1887 :extto dm*. • Is :published every 11,1harsday morning, ..at the Offieereoruer of ;ALM alid Maimsts, ExeteT,I0At, TERMS OltifSIIPSCRIPTION: • One della& a y VIZ' 'If yak? advance; $1,80 .AVVeiliBiftg.Ratets 4PI/V11/0/1,, /stomper diecontiuned unt,lir.11 urrearages r,opaid. Advertisements without *twine dirLetions will he published till .6311.111i tlltd eh; Tged, lizeoritingly, Liberal • discount made for tranS Lent iidver tit.:0111671tB illS3rt . for long periede. Elery4lOseriptcon of It/i; PRINT - /NO turned mit in the finest Style et the art and et Janderate rutea Olarquo, money orCers, 4e, for 004)Scriptions, ete,, nindepayable to /EROS. PASMORE 'Editor and Publleher. 'CffWOi% DIREOWORY. rdsteeMAL Onintort.-Llov.S. v, Robinson, Thom - Rent, Sunday Services, 11 a. m., And 7 p, Lfl ; Sub- nh Scheel, 2:80 p. in. SAM'AVON.AVIr.--fiutelay services, 7. ti. m.,3 P. in. and $ p.„Services every night during the we'ek, s.t B o'clock:14611nm reeling at 11 a: in. on Sunday. Merin:tom Cuunou.-kmes,Rev...f. Graham, pastor. Sunday services, '10.30 0.80 p. nt. Sabbath sellout, 2 p: m. Prayer itneeting .Titursday treuilig 8t301 STICSET,,ROV. W. IL Pascee,, pastor. Otto. daYservices, 10.30a. in. And 0180 •p. 8abbAtli sebool, 2.30 p. in. ;Prayer meeting, ,Thursarty avert- ing at 7.30. 'liming peopies prayer meeting Thursday I evening ist 780. Peltierreufa): Cir.ftiCti.—RevW. AL. Martin, Pastor. Sunday sotviees, 11 n. ni. rind thee p. in Sabbath . school, 0:48 a. in. Y‘,ung poepies prayer meeting, at 40. Thursday evening, prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. Choir pudica immediately After. 111.1•111..16.111*111.1101,14,10111.11•,,......0.1.81M1111.1.1111. 1311BiZOM and other Oards. W..BROWNPIO• D • • 1' S. 4 tiraduate of Victoria Onivoraity.. Office and residence - Dominion Laboratory, Exeter, out. June, 9-17. DR, 0OWI8'1. OFFICE -MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs. opposite. Central Hotel, Side (Mt.. 0Z011413 PM tn SOLItil--Jmnice street loading to the Meth talist Chore), 011$ COLL, L!( SED AUOTIONEER. --- Per the Village a Exeter, and the County of Huron; A11 orders prentpcly attended to. Exeter p.o., Ont, 4 0ISTI0P,,110ENSED ALJOTIONt.ER. Per the Towirshipa of IIAy and Ueborite, All orderta !promptly atteriderlto Exeter p.o., Ont.. ILLI Alt 17OLT, L ICENSED AVOTIOIVER tr V the Clunties of Aliddleasx Rad Lainbten, and . the Townsh:ps of Stephen and Play. All sales prom- ',ptly attended W. Addrear all COMILUAlieubleue to W. .11011r, "WM pow elbee, Ontario. 71) COLLINS, BARRISIIER, .1 oki &Inciter of Supreme Court of Ontario, Cenunistrioner, Convoyahecr, :Go.; 011ita-Next doorto 3.taftvell 9 Pit*. anis, Lixetftr, Ont. Alouey to loan at very. lowest rates. -f IT. DlOKSOLI, Barrister,Solicitor of Supremo _ KJ, Court, Nota,ry ,Conveyaneer, Com- missioner, lie Afonirto Loan, Otlice--Panson's Block, Exeter. T 0, L. NO. M. ,Inects first Friday in every month, in John's Block .e.t 8 o'elook. Visiting Brettlitee'Velcome. „Jolts 92ACKM4N, AI, Joss WHIM Secy. ”" • " I 0. 0. .F., No. 67, EXETER. Meetz every Ttiesdity evening in Jones block. A cot,' dial welcome extended to visiting brethren. A) aR't FUKB, 2. 0 J. T. WasToom 11.8003t, O. F. NO. 123. tiwet$ vie eet•ISna Andionrat Friday of each ntonth, In Penton% Hall, at 8 o'clook p. itt. Visiting Breth- ren coo. hotly invited. Iteettems, 0. it. S. Pierian)), Sec. 11 L. BILIANOR, Dentist, EXcter. 011ice over O'Neil's Bank. Nitrous Oxide Gas ior 'painlosti extrautton. • t`li. KINSittiO.T, DENTIST, - 7). S., a:061U3teeth without pain ,by itivietr Vt.:total/le Vapor; or using the new AIIA:fi• "shet:C1 on he Ltale). .f.lakes, Gold Fillings, And all otLer erek t1ttsest. pessitdo, Coes to Zurich Last .ThuisdayItt taco inolith. s $177e. OP 'LAIN STREET, EXETER, , 0.„ W. E. C.AItTWR/GIIT; LDS, Surgeon Dentist. Oranntite of tbe Royal Collet;eot 13en. tril Stirgeoirs of Ontario. • Having furnished tint den. Ltd Moms on Janies•strect, tsve doers CUL of Central hotel, 88itel, Ord, whore a not prepared to peeforal brastelns+ of the profession with ease and skill. Cli.t EWES, AIODEPATE-TEEMS, CAS1I. l'OlIN T. WES'ICOTT, 1IOtJ1Lt17CF, Lave, 3.1 lteat esiate use steamboat Agent. V, calthy and re- liable: t,nd Life luau:toile Cotritanies Represent.' sed. Aro amount of money to loan on flrstelass wort. *ages 01 )11ke1.11 rates of interest.. General Agents for for A, G.Wfltlaiit0 & Go, real eutato agts, lkinion, }lemon. Line of Steamers tOPIcseuted, EXeter, Ont, 41,* ett,; ai& 211 Zs* Imam Of (1111Taiciii $11.1050ES Ateident, and Fite /nsurafice seem. •Orindifi West Side of Alain -street • tketor.• Faitnera' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. ItAtafES 1./E01,11;11 INEERE I21411E1IEST . , 'add eftepost Itinerante C,reripahY th the Dominion,' eatt doRO by applying /*moonily, �r by mall to the tikidertrigned. All applications proniptly attended. to. AleO agent ter tiet,wentagtee coMpsay of Guelph. Ale6'AUCT1ONEER for the Connty of Ihiroti. E. 11013SENRE1,E,y, Anne& ; 8nrfch1 Ont. hr,isti o's leommerdal LIvERy. trA etr itigs'and Horses finit-olass. kr Orders lett at the Ilawanw Douse, onat tno rtable will be promptly attended to. TEBAIS, REASONABLE. THIS PAPER PILL BE EEET ,411.1.4 .4i.11)13 the United hiitifieforAinerteal From now to Jan:180883, 'FOR 0141,Y 25 CENTS. Subscribe Now. A. Js, MERCHANT TAILOR, West,side Yaia-st Exeter A Good Fit tirctust eed ,Lo.test Styles of Goods kept lin stock, A Call Solicited. PHOTOGRAPHS xn, JOSEPH SENIOR having purchased the bitsfness of , Chas, Senior, 'wishes 'to in- form the the public that he cam be found, At the Old stand Main Street, Exeter. 'Ilia Finest Cabinets hi the coun- E,lega.nt Finish. Copying and Enlarging done on shortest notice. j06. SENIOR'. 16. 1311031 BtiGS1131JC+8 ''Adaro 'Items. Bongs are 'trillap And 7.011 ,ninat • play Paris Green if yOti utoraclxe a point, 41311RE PARIS vtiBEEN :DOMINIDN _LABORATORY • Aso Hellebore and Fly Towrinr. *Always R. ftAlLgupply Of %Drugs, $Dyes, • and Palley Goeds, Fishing tackle a specialty, Ja Virg 1111 0 W NEI I if? a ,PROPRIETQA Job Printin NOTE HEADS, B ELL HEADS, • STATEMENTS. LETTER HEADS, iCOUNITER PADS, PARCEL LABELS. WILLIAM SANDERS VOR emPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CARDS, CIRCULARS. READ THIS rar 'Our Stock of Printing, Stationery, consisting of all E ' the leading grades of Plain • and Fancy ruled and un - fa' ruled papers, Cards and Ea- r" velopes, is most complete. CO" Call and get prices at ".TITE ADVOCATE" Main - street, - Exeter. A number• of people from here sam at- tending the Western Fair at London this week. ttorresponoence. Winehelsea. .0n Sunday the only son of Beryhills died very suddenly. The remains were interred in tho Zion burying place on Monday, Mr, Beryhill has the sympathy otthe community. Mr, Fred Smith, formerly a resident of this place brit »owor Kansas, is visiting hie sisttr krs. Fred CiOdboit, stLys he is a tirm believer irt IfOrt168 Greeley's id - vice "Go west yonng man." &Wan. 'Baseball is thetntler of day, bOadeovrfane 1.1as get'llis buggy Painted. ..V-Ot 1)feesrs Callender and Lang, of Kirkton, were io town on, Sunday last, The night operator front Mooreville Was in "WWII last Sunday eve. We hear about another curn pay 011 the 2nd, 'Wonder if it it true? Mr. James Lewis has sold his stallion ,,Young Goldsmith" to a buyer from Lon- don. Mr. James Drummond who has beeir on the sick list this past week is recovering rapidly. Mr. P. Curtain. sold his fine iinported stal/ion M"Glenturk" to a buyer from the United States, getting a handsome sum for him. ComMercial taion Agsuraneo • company ot 0 -ALIT BEIIAIX. OalAtid and Atilsetg, $21,000,060. Lancashire FirOln8Uktilacb CO, MANCItAsTBR, ENG. OAP4,TAL, - •$14,600.000.00. the beat at tooth reilable Fire inikr, ane O�t panies in the *era PDVOOATE OFFIOEW kXTERD Dr. McDiarmid is spending a week in New York, A considecable amount of grain isbeing broneht to market. A rload of sheep shipped from this station on Saturday. A great nanny of our villagers are at- tendialy the ifiestern Fair at Lena6n. Mr. Jai. Sutherland, postmaster has luta his taouse and post Mike painted, thereby 'adding greatly to its appearance. The brick Work of Mr. Westoott's house is vaoll unficir *lot, while tho reef of Mr, Ctulniorele ie'tiestrly completed. . •. Ten thousand.cens a day •is about the work' done itrthe Aylmer canning factory •nt the present«tirne, The livery stable keeperS 0 Guelph, have decided to •have a .uniform l'ate for'hire, and elso`to keep a black list to,protect themselVestfrom dead beats, Mark Sutton, 'Of Acton, uvliile driv- ing a team attached to a 'load df tan- bark fell 'between the :horses, causing them to run away, upsetting the load, which fell upon •the driver According to the Exa reiner,Peterto- re has had seven marriages in two days. The movement for Commercial Union and eheap living, is pretty live- Iresonit'd P'eterbero, may be partly to blame for it all, W. P.'Ociker, a Norwich, and . O'Neill,' of I3urgeseville, were tined $50 each on 'Wednesday, for violating the Scott Adt. An angersoll man named P. 'Roberts, 'was fined $50 and coats Friday for similar offence. Exeter North. ,A large autnber from here attended 'the Western 'Fair at London. Mrs. Muir has left for Seaforth, there to spend a few weeks under the •pa,rental roof. Mr, A. McPherson took two cases of birds to London, where be willmotoloubt carry off first honors. Mr. Robert Muir of the woolen 'mills was accidently shot by some duck hunters Bob thinks any man able to carry a gun should know a difference ',between him and tt.dnek. Our colt 'trainer gave a free 'exhibition one day •last week with the mustang. Mark made up his naind to see the work- ing of the tannery when he drove into the dews, the home got through all right,but mark and the sulky got stuck. Be thinks it TIlliPt be a great trick for a .camel to go through the eye of a needle, whenhe can't get through an open door .without.having 11.1.0 (2810 pinned back. Zurich, Mr. E. Ilappel .finished threshinglis flax about a week ogo, he finiehsd 'two weeks earlier this year than last, Miss Dora Heinzirmat who has been vis- iting Miss,Zettie Zeller for the last few weeks returned home last Monday. Mrs. Thomas Skinner, who has been en° gnest of Mrs. D. Seinhaeli for the last week, returned horne last Saturday. Rev. J. Bauch and wife accompanied by lijA brother and wife, kir. and Mrs, P. Hanch, returned home last week, having ,gpent it few days in Bntralo. The Exeter town clock mannfaetured by Mr. G, Hess of this place was on ex- hibit at the fair, and attracted the people's .attention, and everyone's speech was "it is it fine piece of work." Our Fair, which was held last Friday was it grand success. There were more .tickets sold at the gate this year than any other year. If Zurich 'keeps On, it will have one of the largest fans in Western Ontario. The products were good, and many prizes were taken. The Orediton Band was in attendance o.nd Twittered some nhoice atingle, Setoikl:go tO bear awl -ter. Sean Jonee and take in tile fair at London. Rcv WtU. Ponlade and family Visite frieridS in .Weetininister +this week. Mk. It. Lung Much:vied .q.tientity Of apples in this neighborhood and the peek - erg have been busy. ;1. horse belonging to Mr. T. CoOk,.of 1Vinchel8eal received it bad eat over the, bye one night recently. The bridges in *Mit Of tots II end 12, co. 7, belie been Undergoing repairs at the hands of Mr; Thermal 'Veal, „ Mr. Frederick Sinith, of Xt111Liiiri, ar- i'od here en Saturday, and on Monday accompanied Mr: P. T. }lab to London; where they will take advantage of the exhibition to offer for sale County rights of 6 doer Mete:her Whieh tlil bad Igitetitdd The people of Wardsville are agitat- ed owing to the :Middlesex Council ftranting assistance to Glencoe to erect s new high sehool. If the Minister of Education concedes the privilege of Wardsyille school.will become defunct A cotillion took place Monday night at 'Wilson Juliet ion ,on ,the iChicago St, PauldtKanscts City Railway. A sleeper was burled over into the ditch, light- ing almost squarely bottom side up. There were fonrteen passenges in several <0 whom were more or loss injured. Hon.ii‘fr. Carling, Minister of Agri. lturesluts instructed Mi', MeEacbren Chief Veterinary Inspector of the Da- .partme,nt, to ascertain the exact nature of the reported outbreak of ia contag- ious disease among the cattle in Nova Scotia, which is believed to have beaxt greatly exaggerated. A man named Cram, Trem3 BOthw611, reported to the Chatham aut1ioritie4 on Friday that he had been drugged and robbed .of $5.5 by it -woman with whom he had been intimate. IIe skid she was being held in "Windsor, but he was not desirous of having her brought bad: if possible to get his mono, with- out it, John Eno, of Colborne, charged with horse stealing, was brought before his Honor Judge Toros the other day, pleaded "not guilty", and was remand ed until Tuesday, it looks now as if Eno was connected with a gang of cattle thieves who have been cow mittirw a •series of depredations in the townships of Colborne Wn- wanosh end Millet. Already sufficient is known to justify the anthotities in taking active measures to bring others to justiee. ODmmunioations, To the Miter ef the Advoeate. DEAR SIR.—Piease allow me space in the oiluni ea of your most val liable paper, to refrize it ince4 vile and shenderees at. toot on our tIfago Constable, by an indi- vidual wile sigus himself "Sitfferer " If "Sufferer" had taken the trouble to have walked down Main st., on the night in question he would have found him on duty. do not think that it yillage in the county is inure properly eondnoted under the legislation of our town p•tters and office holders'. With regards to so- briety, I do not know who was the most sober, "Sufferer" or the parties in gust - ion,„ on that eventful evening, amd de not know he* he could have suffered So sever- ely., .except th resuscitation of which no doetbt he would feel somewhat indiffer- ent. "Sufferer" shark] be the Litt one to speak of sobriety. Hopitig Mr. Editor have not ihtirtlthot On your space, I remain_ yours truly. Pao Boxa it'untroe, °MAY And Genera Newg. A. Jatneson, ho tem -flied from ean ado sone weeks ago; ig in ilansaa with his family, Tho jury ia the ease of Stevesom charged at, 1.1(idon 'with killing Ralph Sham, Ohatha.m volunteer, disagreed. A man waa found dead near the big bridge west of St Thomae, On the Can- ada Southern, on Priday night. His` leg wet badly mangled, and A is sup, posed he was eaught by a train while cressing the bidge, Nineto en. Buildings Burned, Fire broke out in the dwelling of Mit Wm. Brown, at Newbury, at it45 74onday afternoon; The wind being very high at the time the flainesquick- ly :Tread, and the Town Hall was in flames, The fire continued to spread until Mr. Kelly's store and ‹lwellirgt Mr. Mitchell's store and dwelling, Mts. Smith's dwelling; Mr. •Gtappy's dwell- ing, store o,nd stable, Mr, lobinson'.8 store and dwelling; also four Other buildings Wort) consunacd, no Both- well firemen responded very promptly to the call, but could .do very little on itak ount of the scarcity- of water. Every .effort was made to .SaVe proper. ty. The lose will be heavy, though partly Covered b,y inaurtmee. --aeraria. SALE REGISTER„ OR Thursday, Oct. 6th on lot 9, con, 10 Hay atone o'clock p, 111., farm stock, implements 'etc. 8. Bossenberry, auctioneer, Joel Beehler, prop, On V'ledneAday, Oct1.5th, On 10t 13, CON 10, 11 ay, at one O'clock p. tn., faun stock, implements, etc. E Bosseto berry, auctioneer, David Schluch-. ter proprietor. On Ttintsdayy Septettiper 20t2Z, eni 24, Lake Woad West, Stanley, at (Me o'clock p. m., farm stock, ha- plonents etcE tossenterry tutc4 Augult Oherret peoprietot On Satunlay, $6teinbet :14th, on LOt 21, con., IZ toVenship of Stephen, Fttriu Impleinents, etc. • Bossexettit„ Amt., FAT,