The Advocate, 1887-09-08, Page 8• . • •••••• • •
4)illiadian NOM NOt.00..
Manitobe petatoes, are being shipped.
Ito Ontario, - •
A theatre -tire at 'Eseter, England,
,cauecl the lois of ebout 100 lives.
Tho 'demisted Police have trouble in
awn:sting .0 ming 131eckfoot Indian.
..„ Work on the Geelph Junction Rail-
-way will be oommeneed Monday or
"Tuesday. A
john Boyd, of Harristom lies fallen
Iheir'to $12,000 and 200 acres of land
sin California.
The Canadien Paeilic rates on wheat
froel Western points ,to Port Arthur
have been reclneed.
3Irs, 1.3urne, of BurnsHotel, Elora
;road, a as stabbed at the door by a
,tramp the other night. He eecaped.
Several freight cars Attached to the
-through train going west ran off the
-track this side of Paris yesterday morn
ing. . •
It is expeoted that the mote on the
petition for the repeal ol the Scott Act
Bruce county will takeiplace early,in
A petition signed by 2,800 names,
for tho repeal of the Scott Act, has
been posted up in the office of the
;Sheriff of Norfolk.
Summonses have been issued against
Arthur and Wm. Smith of Nissouri,
who are charged with putting poison in;
-,the river to kill ,the fish.
Police Magisteate Williams, of Hu-
.ron county, during last week imposed ,
eines upon vicilators of the Scott Act
Ito the amount of $050.
The Rev. Father Rouen netted uver
1500 from his picnic t Wallaceburg
„last week, while the Maidstone picnic
-netted no less than $1,500.
A splendid flow a clear, cold a,nd,
wholesome water has been obtained at
depth of 66 feet on the farm of Mr.:
Duman McAlpine, lot lk Metcalf.
.The other day a dog frightened a horse
,drieen by a young man by the name of
.Feil Brown, of North Dorchester, who
was thrown from the buggy and badly
Tile Stratford police are after a
young man named Thomas Lyons, who
etole e watch from Patrick Bannon,
Eesthepe, for whom he was
On Wednesday afteraoon, while at
work:4n Romney woods, a, young man,
Joseph Liddle, aged twenty-one years,.
r.m.inamos.ogromnrsombarn AdiatiosiMIN
effiteurant, were discharged, and T. W,
Bradley, of the Fermere HOW, was
I:ned 00, Meere.ekinpeel Put
Detective Burrows and Grand Tennk
Detective Shane returned to Termite
from Guelph yesterday, where they
encceeded in &evicting three young
thieves for breaking into A bonded car
between Toronto and Rrempton on the
eright of Atone 18th, judge Drew
•booked them for the Central Prison:for
eighteen menthe.
eonnection with the "bold robbery
of a gentlemaree residence near Mont-
real recently, the detectives have ar-
rested a man who has been identified
by his victims and who gives the name
of Nelson Martin, sent from Brantford
•year agoifor horse -stealing, and who
has just emerged from the -Penitentiary
a.tter eeiwing a term forfeiting.
Brant eounty Council refused to
pay P. M. Grace's saleasy And he enter-
ed suit for the same. eti. writ was me
cordingly issued And served on the
warden, -Since then the Connell has
evidently thought better of the matter,
and a few days ago they paid into the
court the first quarter's salary, togeth-
er with the costs of the writ.
:Mr. Jaynes McLeod and his young-
est daughter were badly injured near
Hyde Park by being thrown from .a
buggy, the horse being frightened by
passing train. Mr. McLeod had liis
right Earl* broken And sustained some
internal injuries. Miss McLeod alight -
•ed on her head and it is feared her in-
juries ane of a serious characte,r,
On Sunday morn* three ',youths,
one from Toeonto and two from Ham-
ilton, entered the house of Abraham
Betaner, on the 2nd concession of Bev-
erly, while the family were at church,
and stole $G,2 in gold and bills, a gold
brooch and .sorhe other small articles.
County Constable Anderson, of West
'Flamboro, traced them and they will
stand their trial at the Hamilton 'As-
e It 4
Report of Crops in America.
Probably at no time in the history
of the clop growing season of 1887 has
there been a more normal condition of
things existing than at the present time
While the.effects of the great drouth
of the present season are more and
more plainly visible every day, it is be-
coming very apparent thet its ,force
and destructiveness is spent At the
same time, the country cannot be eaid
to have experienced general rains, al -
was killed from a felling tseee striking, though they have fallen in localities
him in the breest
.copio.usly, and at periods of short inter,
vale. General deficiency in the rain-
fall for the season ranging from fi 'e to
fifteen inchesin the Tiissisippi valey is
being gradually reduced, and. ,atthe
same time•we have an sxcess o rain-
fall in some portions of the spring wheat
belt, particularly in the tereitory of
It is estimated that the loss on Fri-,
day night' e fire in Montreal, in which
the Harald building was burned, will
be from .$100,0,00 to $150,00; with
:about .$40,000 of insurance. '
SIx large panes of pass in the store.
of Mr, James Kelly, sr., of Sarnia, .Dakota. As a conservative authority
were smashed the other night, it is Ise-:
Aieved on account of his connection
• h the 'recent Scott Act ions
" Typ,
Teal. There are
tho generel hospital a oi
elraiime,e to the city and de
plumbing are said to be the causes.
revalent in Mon
n 70 cases
iarind abcm
tin. The alumni
known; probablY $300
:safe was blown open and th
artially wrecked.
sir -law was submitted to the tette
the rillaese of Glencoe yester-
o $1,000 for the purpose
one or more artesian
riew of obtaining a
ea and was ca,rri-
rton post office was burg-
'caoek Monday mor -
is not yet
'J. The
remarks, .'everything now turns upon
crop prospects. Oonsiderble injury is
no longer disputed, indeed, its effects
are already felt in diminishing demand
m regions most affected by the
for soin e man ufactu red paoducts
truetworehy scource of infer -
"Advices accumulate to
eory that the dam-
age to the corn crop -in the drouth yeg-
ione has at no stage been over estimat-
ed, and the public are taking this view
of tho situation beyond a. doubt"' It
ding is truethat in this count", with such
wonderfid variety of climate and
il, it is almost impossible for a fain-
' 1 food to take place. Theui again,
stries are so varied and diver
our people are continually
• attention from one to an -
lave no such instanoes
1, where ono generate
have followed the
ust regard the pres
whieh ought to
ineke a very radical chaege for the
better for everythilig that conies out of
the ground is consumed by man and
beast Hence, it is not at all surpriss
ing that advices from the Pacific slope
are to the effect of an unprecedented
demand for canned fruits of that regibn
which are yearly becom;ng more And
more popular, and are a great scource
of revenue to the state of California,
The Northwest will be obliged to look
to the Ease and Canada this 'winter for
it supply it potatoes,' and in fact, all
vegetables are practically a feilure.
The general situation at present is
normal. We have cool Weather, and
,enough moister° in the groend so that
fall, ploughing and fall seeding can he
done, and while we might think under
the devastating effects and resulte Of
the drought a feeling of despondency
exieted among farmers, sueh is net tho
°ate, and they eeern rather to think
that the present eentlition of things is
an beech for better dasie:
dear -for a,
nutting e
ev s with th
'bate etipply ot
ed by site. aiority,
Arrangmen Leon made for
holding a great Conenierciel Union de-
monstration in the township of Wool-
nwieli, Waterloo, on Friday next. The
'demonstration will take the form of a
reonster picnic, .04 the banks of the
Grand River.
A few nights ago a home was stolen
from jase Duncan; another from And.
:Duncen, and ii buggy from F. J. Mc -
of the 12th lino of Moore.
Treece of the robbers were followed as
far as Brooteetield, but When the pur-
euers reached the front road, the trail
was lost.
A new indnetry is being started in
•13othwe11 by Messrs, Meader Bros. in
the shape of a trisit nvaporating buei-
miss. The a'oovss gentlemmi are erect-
ing a two and a hgt story building, 38x
23, brick foundation arid bride yermer
-to the flist floor. ,
P. M, Campbell tried three cased Of
Ocot t Act violation at Sarnia. Joseph
Moore, of the bowling alley, was fined
BteWri & Stearns, of the Alpha
turning t
other, and N
as we.find abr
ion after anothei.
same trade. We
ent situation as on
Printing Office Secrecy.
Vfar the. benefit of •smne Of WO read -
ere who seem toinnigine that ell, that
4 necowry is but to ask the printer
havelhini reveal any secret desired,
we ,publish the) following evinerlse, and
tiest eur re3rso0ne and all Will reed
them earefullp—
preperly conducted Tainting (ace
is se much Eecret as a Masonic lodge.
The printers aro not under eta
seereay but al ways feel themselves
as trely in honor 'bound to keep office
secrets as though tnipleeeetned, Any
employee in a printing office who will-
ingly disregarded this rule in reletion'
to printing office secrets would not only
be scorned by his brethren of the craft
but would lose his position at once.
We make this stetement because it
sometimes happens that a communicat-
ion appears in a ;newspaper under an
asSqlned signature which excites com-
ment, and various persons try to find
out who is the author. Let all lbe
saved the trooble of questioning em-
ployees of a printing office. They aTe
"know-nothings" on such pints as
these. On such matters they have
eyes and ear, but no mouth; and if
they fail to observe this rule let them
be pet down as dishonorable members
of the craft. It is the same in job
printing. If anything is to be printed
and keptsecret, let proper notice he -
given of the desire for secrecy, and you
might as well question the Sphinx as.
one of the printers.
FOR;c Shaving,
Hair Cutting,
Hair Dyeing,
etc., etc.
Ladies' Work a Speciality.
nomtalramermsr van, armsaree.....,
Ti1R0111 THE
• To the people of Exeter and
surrounding. country :—
Throw off the Yoke so long
• borne by you under
your Tyrannical
High Prices.
And not with a freedom dear-
ly bought if you patron-
ize me. 1 will keep
high prices. ever
in .subjec-
Pronzim Absokute Safety
from cal manner of over -charge.
1 supply all with reliable and
stylish goods etc.
At Lotted Living Prices,.
,oisTaagi SPECIALTY,P0
Stand OppoSite Pickard'S
Main 8t. Pxetety
H icks.
. New .Prpmises'?
Respectfully yen huts his gnarly
Customers arid the public
generally that ilse has me-
meved lt�
-,–N.E.,NT 50—
TP*04 *in***
Plain Street, EXETER.
Where he has just received
Eand-made work of the highest
Trial Solicited, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
ill , ,s, , 11 4
R.01).? E4rII.rin'IVVI`
A ' C
For Balance •of 187.
Drizzly or pkaso.,,,t Jviib1e
echnse,at the 2*15011 Werk like
fere, or never get through
time 4,711 i 51111 (,ne el thoae ex-
4raordinary ba2lri Oust we are
gaming. Fu-ney ry
suipLion at reduccd iric.
(.13:e c .civ 1) zees-,
Another spell of eseittlice ! MIT
flit; est ! Terribia /rata Itrophe
in New Voslc ! 53 psople sue.
cemb to base 411 ft:vrr. Polieft
ot(lert4 out ;to ksep back the
• crowd from oee sVarerooms
• Sevenel Forionsly ;Jitessned,
c)-v.k-rynakb eir
Look out for snow, Fethers with
eligible daughters, unhaug the
femit gate, and bay one of our
cosy roles, rrni.ted to brilig
the MOM, ba'sbful young man
the •minas to time in short
order 13eds, Spring Vettrassee,
Lounger, etc., eie., in tiellesm
ri )eCtenlber.
Change in tlie noun, and more
U see. t stiefinnee
eer Stock ut I, comas, novo anA.
TrUtaufugr, Aro acionakt
unilultakees, no Itipgs,r)Oapies, we nue
all Olio, Oor riaos we povon Punch Cd,
and aa moat pcopto know &huy . aro very
Inadurate ; untie] • toi 4, and imam a
avaohav ot .1.1i:a 10t11 • nur buvinesa.
<Miro and aft dudnre you !',uy, oven tlaY' "
and uigia,
Drew's old stand,—one door
north of Molson's Bank.
Iwo & Andrews.
May exist in the mind S Of 'Competitors but that will not prevent us .
we rely upon our integrity of purpose to carry us through and aro
never troublek with—
oaid swot 13
Our Strength lies in DAZZLING- BARGAINS in
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware.,
'Superior in quality and PRICES which cannot be beat.
If yo don't want to buy we will not try to force you, but if, you do
. buy we will do oar best to please you.
Batter and Eggs takenExchapge for Goods at Yghest mark-
--et price,
CUT NAILS,. Both Steel and Iron; PAINTS and OILS,
Barbed Wire Fencing
Plain Twist Wire Fencing, Woven Wire &tieing, and Galvanized
Wire Fencing—All bought before the recent ndvanee in prices,
and will be sold at LOWEST FIGURES.
A..lwaytig 0111
Agents for the RAYMOND Sewing Machine.
•- For Plain and F6-rioy
0.13. Plt.INTI
• .-Corner John .and Maini-,stg,„ •