HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-09-08, Page 5PP
ft.t-1" ,V,11
• oR °Pk
non Rtirpli & BrUO6 Railway.
GOTN02g4T.11—T1ma TAnms—Pass'n'r,
tendon, deparV. • ,•8.10 A.M. 4.25 Am.
Lucan Crossing., 9,35 5.45
ClancleboYe, • • • 910 5;15
•Ooatralia...•..... 3.28 5.33
EXETER,: 9,35 5,45
Hensel , . . 9 46 5.53
KiPPen 9,51 6,00
13rudfileld., . ... 9.65 6,15'
Clinton. . -.10,10 6,35.
tondeskiero' 10.37, 6,55'
Blyth_ . .. . 20.46; 7,05'
Belgrave..... , „11100 7.20
Wingham,arrive,1L20- 7,30
GOING Soterni , Passenger,
Wingbam,depart. 7.00"Xati, 3.05‘P.si
13elgrave....... 7.17 3.28
Blyth . . , . , 7.31 3.42-
Londesbord'.. . . 7,40 3.51
Clinton., „ 8,00' 4.10
Brucefielcl•... •• 8.19. 4.26
Kippen.,......•••• 8.27 4.57
Ilensall. . , 8.33 443
Exeter........ . 8.47
CentraliaP 8.57' 5.07
ClanclelloYe 9.10' 5.20 •
Lucatacross'g 9,20• 5.25
liondon;attive .. .10.10 ' 6,00
rocal NeuA.
—Rather coo/'wither fdr camping=
Out •
—Everybody is coming - to the fair,* -
Oct.. 3rd .and 4th.
---,Another case of• Typheicl fever is
rer.torted ih town.
.—Mr. P.•McPhillips, of -London was
ie town during the week:
—Mr. L. IL Dickson's buainess card
appears in another column. -
—The village hell has been placed
in the tower of the new town hall.
—Miss. Renton is' visitino• at her
Uncle's, Mr. G. A. Mihell,-Alsia Craig.
—Michael Elferd, off Elfin vill s
iii th* ondllonelay.and'gave us a call,
—The' milted of twenty nine new'
stibscribers were added to our list in
two days la.st week.
—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowe. who
have been visiting Mende ih Hamilton
returned hotne on Saturday.
—There will be a - larger crovvd and
better exhibits at the- fair this year
than ever hefore, 06t. 3rd and 4th.
A.Scott Aet Convention 'held
in Clinton on Thursday, Septembet
1411. All iiitrdstclshbu1d atteed: ,
- Robeft•Rowo, who haa been
Visiting her parents and friends -in Olin
ton, returned' horhe on Monday evenin
last." .
—The many friends, of Mrs' • jarnes
Miller will be pleased to learn that she
has recoveredironr a redent seVere
by-law prohibitinethe erection
eiliame buildings on Mahi street haw
passed th first reading.: of our' town
- rnitids 'should 'go to • Akron,
Ohio, at once: '• saicltliat 60,000,-
000 matehecaremade in that toWii
„ eery clay..
—The first of Septernber hlis come,.
and thesfat and lazy oystee is dragged"
from its little. bed 'and' compelled • to-.
shell out!,
—Mrs. Ann Ca'repbelf,'. of C1‘,-ichan,'
Ont.,. is the guest of her daughter, wife
of Thos., Pastuore,`editor and publisher'
of .thils paper. •
-.--The day of rnivaeled is past, but 'in
thiS country the younger brother may
become the elder by simply entering
the miniStry;
—The scenery., of the town and sur-
rounding eountry, which presents it,
Self to view from the tower �f the %Wii.
htdi is graild'in behold.' • .!”.
Now -is tfie time bo subscribefor th.e
ThgETER ADVOCATE,0110 of the beat ideal
Vipers' in Hatorl,' only 25 cents from
nbw•until. •J'an. 1888:.
London. Huron ttr. •Blitice tad -
read time table call be teen in another
col. um ii, • andprOVe`a great seettree
of oonVenience to the travelling public.
Merchant a and -tilers who wish Ettlf
Erinting done • neatly cheaply and
promptly. will °Omit the' ir own inter -
este by having ail done ad the AnvefoiTt
bran'teiv verlindalfliitt
been added to the front of Messrs 3:
Bravin andq. W. Broderieles
• block whibb: makes a Vell.paid improvo
—The weather it new • delightful*
cool; especially it the evenings, and
the crewa who promenaded the streets
ott Saturday and Sunday evenings;
seethed to apprebiate
—TheSIISS'ASerys, who Ilavd 'had
their dreSAmelting ostabliSlune.at closed
for the past tWo weeks, and been away
spending their holidays, have rettrnedi
a+td RPO it gain at the old steed.
••••• ...116...••••••• 'rm. • a -
F. .4.1.11FMAtotAilF.11
• •
—Mrs. Ed, Fielt, who has. been vis-
iting frienC1S in 1fliihigin h,a returned
Ed. Fish, our 1:40Pnlar. barb*,
has secured the services nf, Mr,
Preut, of Lapp,
G. C. Blatehford,• of T.Taborrie,
440 left for Colorado, `but not before
.subscribing for the ADVOCATE,
—The Executive Committee a ift,tf
Ten pioceSe will meet in the'Ohaptet.'
Huse on Thursday; 2214, ,at 2:30 p.Mf
—Mr. • 13,Oberts has' returned
'from 0. trip up mirth being *veil re-
freshed by the Northern atMdsphere..
—A number of Our merehantS have
cleaned, the front windows' • of their re-
spective places. of bueineig Mid madd
them look quite it spectable.; others
should f.,llow theite example,
_melte, there; whet:dare you botind
foil MO Yes, Ch,,I am going,down
to shbacribe for the Exeter •Ariveatan
mid keep myself posted in all that is
transpiring in town'and countiy•
—A report of the local, London, and
Toronto merkete can be ,seea in anoth-
er column, and are revised' ever Wed-
nesday, thus keeping our readers post-
ed in foreigires' Well as ledal market's.
—Owings tei unavoidable' circumstan-
ces in crifinection, with the carpenter
Work, the fiticklayers have 'been unable
;to proceed with _their work on the
Trivitt Memorial church forthe past
,-Messrs. Fred Elliott and N. D.
Hurdon. arrived home on Tuesday
morning. from •Southampton, where
theyhave been for the past two weeks
enjoying the pleasures of an hunting
expedition,. • ,
ON "rum INCREASE.—During the last
week about forty new subscribers have
been added to our list, fourteen being
booked in one clay: The enterprising
people of; Exeter apprepiate a wide-
awake, newsy paper;
--Mr.. Joseph B,'olph and wife'of
Forest, Ont, were the guests' of Mr.
Robt. Fi:ayne, of this village, last'week'
Itolpl; attended the races lit'•
ton and.drove the horse whioli" took
first money. They rotilrnecl li'Otae •on
Saturdayijast.• •
—Messrs DoVd5 Coltynhoun of this
place have brought out two very fine
horses •foin.Abei•cleen; Scotlaod. They
are four yearsokl, one weighing 2000.
lbs., the other 2100 lbs., a visit to their
?tables will well ropay any lover of ttlie-
OlycleSdale horses; ,
--;Mr.•Evans who bad the misfortbrie
to 'fall: from a ecatiold while workieg
eittlfie town hall, a, few weeks ago,' is
able -with the 94sistatice. .of a pair • of
crutches to 'be 'atouticl• again, and 'will
be able in a few weeks t° assifine ' the
duties of his vocation.
---1,1k That:Dearing having repair-
ed and thoreughly fitted up his dwell-
ing 'house on , street, ilia the
same to rent 'oh reasonable terms. Mr.
Dearing hag' spared neither tinie tier
money in niling this haftiee very 'Cam -
Pike and coninibdious aidIs very 'con-
veniently locatAl to sehbois - and 'the
.-.-Th e hut crop thieseasoeproniilies
to be the heaviest known for years.
Butternuts are of prodigioud; size, 'arid
the limbs of the trsok are bencling un-
der the Weight of the fruit. There is
as big a crop of beechnuts as. the old-
est inhabitiiet ever saw. Look' out,
boys.. for a 'big orop of'blaok squirrels
and lOts of fun •
—As e:'rtile, very Men Are
not those who build up a ponnaunity;
and create hoeing, 4 single' bitsiiresk.-
nian; full ef life, and oftterrise, who ig
not afraid to talk, and talksense and
know' ho* to advertise, is' worth any
dozed:nal men, who usually only' take
advantage of other people'albooming to
increttSe their 'Values. •
eminent Bostonian said he al.
waya` regarded an. advertisement in a
newSpaper as a personal invitation' to
"W111.10 P sometimes hesitate
about' entering a store, the proprietors
of whieh have not'sent, their cards to
my residence, 1 alWays feel certain of
cordial welcome theMetabers of
of an advertising thin."
T leOity COU7 paper published
in St Thomas, has joited the. prOces.
skin' of failures in that city. Adeercl-
ing -to the Times thatkcity is R. jcitlima1-
18tia graveyard, as no•leas than tee. *pa.
pees havwfailed there.-- Less than two
years since -when that piper whe beim;
ushered intolife as a Labor jatifnal, it
has now gone op the
Monday last Mea§rd. W. Had-
Josenti Brenner, Graud
Bend, Orel) At Smith, Zatich, and Mrs,
Portico of Eketer, WOC bralgilt. before
R M. for•breach bi the Ociii-
„„, fl
ada• Teraperatioe Ad, TIV: tirst three
,pleado I' guilty and were fined fifty
dollars and cats, 4'Llid Mrs, rottice
after a lien,ring, was finle ed t same
•amettrit with toil depg for payMent,'
. in default sixty days.
Two residents have Pine to stay, a
b4 at the residence'ef Mr, john ptr,
,ierclid a.girl 4 the bole of M. Ed,
d.r4ertiser::---That ,gentle-
man from lhster visitdd our' town
again this sieek. Wonder if he is aft-
er the bonus or ,a partner so as to ex-
tend his busibess.
• i
--Att the FcoTeeterS ddmonstration
at Brentford a $400 set Was offered to
any cotiple who wbuld consent to be
publicly married in the Park. There
was. ne one who accepted the offer-
-Bradstreet's rePlort a total of l72
failores throughout the cotintry during
the week' ending September 2nd, a-
gainst 160' for the week previous.
Twenty-nihe of the; number were in
Canada, siic more than the" preceding
—Mr. Thos, E,ussell left for Toro/It
Monday morning with a nuteher of his
pure bred short horn cattle' which he
will'have on exhibiton durilig the fhir
which is now being held.
—The Clinton .11retv Era appears this
week in a new dress - an indication of
a prosperity which it has well deserved.
The paper has been ably conducted,
and now stands in the front rank of
weekly journals in the west, As a
matt& of course', the advertising pdb-
lie are not slow tOrappreciate the fad.
---Building is ij4Fely in Exeter this
season. Already completed, paitly
finishec14& under contract, building to
the value' of aboutsixty thousancrdoll-
ars. The principal buildings beino•"the
new Own hall, the Oddfellow's hall,
Snell bros.' butcher shop, Messai. W.
H. Pard' anclUolin Crocker ebch a,
two-storey dwelling honse and are all
of white brick,'. besidis several othei
private reSidenees.
--Sonietime% it is diffieulete disting-
uish between'a green and &ripe water-
melon? The ripe melon haaa ronglier
appeafinee,‘...cilticlie. when iiressed` and
gives off cedtill,,kheavy sound when Alp-.
ped, while some contend that the dry-
ing up of the "curl?' at'the conneeting
end ii'alskr a sign of ripeneis, The,
green radon is sninoth and brigh't and
gives off a loud,' clear sound when tap-
ped With the fingSre.
• ---Messrs W. H. Parsons and' John
Crocker are progressing finely witiv
their' new houses, and 'when finighect
they Will bd daises. We understand
their wive d were the dahitects, oil' at
least suggested the pinzi7 The' are
arranged with all the medern conven-
iences go essential to a 'd4elling.1- We
admire' their aclaptioa to conifort.
Women are better judgeg,of suchthingi
than, a man any way.
--Farmer's daughteel--"Oh -Papa,
so want to go to the SundaySehooll
picnic, but I have lost mY bustle and
cannot.go unlesSayou purchase' a new
One." Old farnier.,-LJt as thought
Ma.riar. seed 'one 'O'lh'em that -town
dudes, Oiayiti' bill th'e Utter dty with
the blank!. thing, on M&, and I
says tOnly$elf, 9Thar's ariar's thing-
umy." Nbf,"Pean't waste any more
money in thli?Way, Mariar; you must
go without."
—Mr. A. J. Snell 'a'Stirf time ad
opened up a merchantte.iloririg estab-
lishment Dr. J. W. Brownino.'s brick
buildirtg, next deer north of theDrilg
store, and •on: aecothit of ' good Weil,
haw prices, and striat attention to"' ints-
iness, he has succeeded in establishing
a7profitable'and flaying.. businesi.,•
J, is now enabled t�' fill all °filers
promptly, and invites eVerybody who
wants satisfaction guaranteed, ..beith in
price and fit, to tall and see him..•
.....Applicatic;fia in answer to an 'ad-
vertigement which • appeared in. these
columns last week w'aiitingrdctWo hun-
dred boys and young men Wall shapes
'and sizifetei fOrin a gaping choir at the
entrartee 'Of Vames st. Methodist hui-oh
tine stinclay 'evening" were* in excess`
of the advertiser's neut.' se,tiguiee' ex-.
pectations. • The naines of' the. appli-
cants are too numerous to adniit of
publication, but those whd were oti
heed last;SundaPeebning are best fitt-
ed'fbf the position:' We libpe izirour
text iistio to be able to .` publish 'the
names of these "love-siceswains"' who
"held - the fort"'
' —Tuesday next; Septernbef 13.th has
beer, chosen by Bet: Eathq Kielty, of
Limeriek,to hold Ilia grand' amnia' re-
union picnic, The pienic will bb held:
in the beautiful grove of Mr..4arnes
Doyle 11 miles east'of Limerick.] There
will be good prizes awarcledl all
kinds of running, jumping, .,anct etc,
First.class music hits been engaged for'
all those wishing to participate in the
healthful. exertise; dancing,. Admiso
sion 35 cents whieh Will entitle you to
chanee on a beautiful china tea set.
Everybody should attend arid enjoy a
good days sport, as• Father Kelly has
spared neitber time nor inottey nal"!
I./aeons td make this a grand stleceas,
413Ssrf3 Soreuel Set and Thomas1.1.1t4 8p(tat $oitclay with friends
10 May.
,Return.' ticket' will be lasned
thd clePet, here next Friday for
fdr Toi'OntO,'.goOd Until the 13th•
nunilier of our more promin-'
ent citisend are attending the Exhilii:
tion at Toronto this week and next.
—Rev. W. S.! Pascoe officiated'af
the re -opening -of Queen Avenue Meth-
odist Chure14. London, hitt Sabbath
--Mr. S, 8*g:et has codimenced to
study' for the'profession Of veterinary
surgeon witIV Mr. WM. Seet, of this
—WANTED! --A' smart intelligent
boy to learn the' art of printinvone
with'a fair education prbferred. AP -
ply at this office:
—The' weekly Prayer meeting' in
connection with' Caven Presbyterian'
Church will be held at half past seven
instead of eight o'clock heretcifore.
--Rev, Mr. McMullen, of London,'
occupied the ptilpit of Main-st. Metlio•
distchurch last Sabbath' evening, and
delivered a very able and profitable
—Mr. Thos. Russell returned home
from Toronto Tuesday evening to at-
tend'the funeral of his mother-in-law;
Mrs Margaret' Foley, -whichtedk placd
—Mr. 11.-B: ofIT;Oronte,gits
opened out a Dental Office Over O'Neil's
Bank; Main-atibet.• His dental rderOil
ard:thost elegantly fiirniehed and' hia
appliances are of the most inodern
iiiVentions. Mr. Billings comes highly
rehommendecti See card in andh
• ?Pot' oow o. o •or to.
7 --.Many- friends Wilf regiet to lidar
of'the death of Mrs. Margaret Foley,
of ITsborne township; which took ',place
at the r,idence ,of Mr. Thos. Russell,
bef'soinn4levn on,,Aionclay afternoon.
Deceasetl,Wita in her 75•611 year an old
and -111g16. ertreeined resident, being
muelPrbapeetedbt all who her. The
funeriir oil' 'Wednesday, was a vei'y
large 'one."'
—,34:•deorgd MoBtpoin 'the' Secre-
tarY Of .the Western Air Association,
icrifisreeeipt of a eirenlar from Pro-
lesse4L'ilipiVn; of the deil'ph .Agricul-
thief Colli4e, with reapect to establiah-•
nig-41410dd.; Dairy in fall werking ord-
er'at the Westetin Pair, -only a nominal
suin"being sikeilior the slime. It' is
proposed to togethe milking capaditk'
of the digerent. breeds', and also the
butter and' cheesdmakinglqualities of
indiVidual cows."
• --Ddring the Peet'. week'the grain
Market has showed considerable' act-
seVelloads libinge sold. The
fruit markt.. has ',been 'well • suPPliect
with all kinds, and we can truthfully
say that a a fruit p'rocrticitig country
this s'ection can.' beat the world on cer-
Wen ligfieVolfthese frukts. The'deinancl
gives evidence that 'the peoille'aie 'fully
aware of the nutiltiout heilthful.
ness of fruit 4a.ffi aftia'ordiet. The
supply wire pilee of •these nutritious
fivits within the reach of all, and it
may,:be truly eaid that we live in a
land flowing with milk and honey.
Scarlett's Telograph Oil is highly
appreciated ai'a hOusehold 'remedy:
Give it aqtriaLL—Sold: only at
Scarletes Drug Store; Exdter.
—The 'fifth Doniinion. anniversary
of the Saiation Army will be celebrat-
ed in •Woodsteiele'dif September 16th,
coinmenciii`g with a war cduried in the
afternoon. - •A'• banquet'. will' be" held
from fiveno'beVeh o'clock, after 'which
the tredpewill" muster for inspeUion
on tIA'rnarket sqttare anti paradh' the
town with brass, string, arid. thnlirel
bands, Afterwards an ."indescribable
meeting" will be lielcl in' the barracks.
Commission Cooihbs- -will preside and
willybe assiatect by nuMber of protnl'
inento °filters?' All -the' ofileera irora'
surronfiding bortis'ilre expected, toile,-
blISPwith hundreds of the rank and'file
ineluding."Saved drunkards', swearers,
gamblers, wife -beaters; dudes, respeet-
blds, etd."
• —We' are again defied- uPon to
chroniele the death of ancither ot
Exeter's favorite young,' ladies, in the
.person of Miss. Mary Ihnois 1iiff6ghis:
Deceased was the old* claughter ;of
Mr. Benjamin L Higgins of WS' place
and 'Wag highly tespeoted and whll•he-
loved by all who know her. ' About
three weeks ago she was taken ill with
that dreaded disease, typhoid fever,
and finallysuctunbeci to its decullyeffeets'
on Sitturday,last, Mr, Rig,gins and
fatnily have thetyinpathy of the 'en.
fife neighborhood in this their sad trial
of affliction," this being." the seeond
daughter which has made her home On
the heavenly shores above, in less that
two weeks. The cortege was followed
to the Exeter Cemetery by a large con-
course of PooPi tt8utclay.last,
o ' '
R4RmEn--In Exeter, on 3rd inst„ the
wifbof 'John Farmer, of a eon,
EXet4r,4 on the 4th'
he"virdaiftie4ohfter;Mr, E. Spactc-
ANDREWS.--In•Eiete14,/ on the ht
the wife pf Mr. Walter Andrews'
of a daughter,.
J6NPs.-,--111`1Isb!011ie, 911ttie•-6th'
the wife of.Henry Joties a a son,-
In Dieter, on thii lst
the wife Of•Mr, Jikit Shell, of a"
de -tighter.
• 15i1E1
OLE .—In rne °on ▪ the 5ih inst.,
Mrs, FOSS!, .aged 76 years.
LI-Pootris.—In Exeter, on Saturday
Sept. 3rd.c.MarY Francis Iliggins,,
aged 20 yrit, 6•mos. tiacl 14 days.-
White Wheat per bushel (new'
Red Wheat per hushel'
Spring Wheat • • • • •
Barley per bushel
Gate per bushel
Peas .Per bushel
Hay per on
Butter per lb. ........ „
Eggs per dozen
Salt per bbl
Potatoes per bushel
Apples per bushel
Pork per 100 lbs '
so 7P4 SO V.44'
07uar 0 70
8 00 to 8 00 C,
0 48 11150\
0 le to 017
000 018'
0 00 to 1 00
0 90 to 100
0 00 to 0,04)
00 00 to 12 00
0 00 to 10 00'
WRehdit7inter, 'per:Tut:Tit
Spring iilW
Barley; se
ElOgatgss 4(
Butter, Rolls
Butter, Crooks'
Hay per ton'
; 75 th 77
75 to 77
75 to 77,
54 to 60
33 to 35'
13 to 15
27- to 3 ,
Hay per ton'
Potateeff Pei" bag4
Egus per doi
pagifed Hogs sPeio oo •
$' 0: 79„ to $ 0.81
0,79 losra.,*.tio."4„,
0.35 to 0.3.1r,
0.55 to 0:5ttif'
QiM.to 0.65-
0 elif" '0`cr$3,' 1'
0.90 to 1,00" -
0.16 to 0.17'
6,50 to' 7:00'
• oft— ••••
F • • 440, .
. , FALL FAIRS' sErms.t1:8::; .
Dominion ,faqiidustrial,-TorOnto, 5-17
Western, 'London,
Provincial,. Ottawa,._....... -
.18 -24
So.titherii; Brantford,
., -•
. oaronsa. `
Seuth Perth; St. Marys„, 4-5.
Blansharcl,,Kirkton,I 6-7!.
North Perth, • • - 6-7
South Oxford, Ingersoll, • 3-5"
South Dorchesier, Belmont," 7
East Nissoura Rintore,, 117'
. ., • . • . ,
at ruinous* mics,
at panic prices, he will get..
So saps Customer.
W. Southcott,
- Exeter..
LiEktEk IN
Of all kinds.
BrealciV: Corals, Oil Oakes,"
ground Flax and Empire
Oaths Feed always one
pOODS pELIVERg pkts' atfo-
..JOHN 'MlotiN881.4
ST' 21•V1,-:4