HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-09-01, Page 5r see t)cat News. %sem days mid cool eighte; th. Reheet, Rowe is. vssiting friends. Glinton, Mee E'd. Roberts is visiting .friends hi Aleaford. Rev. 3. Holtnee,. of 'Teee.doa le 'vieit- ing friend's here. Mra. Stuthers, of Gederiche is the *sleet of Dr. Cowen, Mr. Sohn 13a.rnes, Glemeee Wes home for a, ,short , The sidewalks are being s•epeired in eevoral places in toWn. „Lawyer Collins attended Blyth•Dies islets Come; on Monday. , ,Mr. W. Soutimott and T. Pastreere paid Blyth a vieit on Mooday.. Mr. Henry Sweet, of Detreit, •is at present visitieg Friona in tewn. Mitchell ratepayers will vote on a- el9,000 bonus on Monday next A continual hArangue is kept up betweentwo of the Mitchell papers. , There is no use crying over spilled' ij&• 1-6 may be three parts watee. Thn Exeter Public school 'opened im 111.ondey last:with the usual ateenclance, , A great Many citizens are gathering home, the shemier holidaye aie over. Mrs. Sohn Week -es, of' Caeadoc, at proseet the uo& ofVtreekes A 52 -inch Bieyele for sale cheap, ape ply at Hs Kiusmen'es dental valve, eten Arehee, of Cobourg; is visiting her brothers, Al es.srs, J: W: J. Clark. Quite a number leave for Clinton this Morning to attend the races in thet towit Sometimes it ie, extremely hard to telt' where' frankness ends and•hripudeno et: 1 iegi Mr. J. N. lioeper; avd Mr.' Harry. 'Wilkins, of Toronto, were in town dues: the week. Mr. Goo. Daw, left for Clinton •Qtt, Monday where be has obtained steady employ men t. • The tower of the town h'all is nearly completed, and the clock will iminedie ely. be put in. A namer of our, sportsmen went to - the lake yesterday to participate in cluck shooting to -clay. W.m. Elsinore, of' Nilseetieven, spent Sunday with his brothel., Me. T. Paemore, of this paper. Mrs. Geo. pasmore, of • Dement, is the guest of her son, Mr. Thos. Pas, More, editor ofthis paper. A run.away:40114e,.*leated quite a sensation on Malieste Thur.sclay. morn- ing. Not leech damageelone. Good advice ie. worth more than. money, but somehow we can't make cons creditors see it that way. Tlie• tramp toils not, but he will spin the. moshfantastio yarn .you.ever heard. fsir the sake of a possible gum ter. The onlePeeson who suceeded its at- taiding -a g•radte O. certificate in Perth County wass Mies As MarCy,ofMitchelP If a rich ontieticessill dispense tai.ticy to charity he is celled.- misetly, , if -he doeshe is, accused' fordoing it fo'r'no- piration tei%tefe days after publioation tdriety. there will be'deposited with' the proper The rate.• of interest which some 'officatat Clocle'rich n pctitiott praying for tlee'revocation of the Order-in-Ocarn- eilbrioging iisto force iti Huron cOnitty the seeond part of the Scott Acts Thursday afternoon the barn of John Hilliebracit, three miles from Zurich vette' deatroyed by tire, with all its con - tenet: The fire started from a spark of an -engine. • Mr. Aleek. Bossenbeey •svise threeliiiig!' The fire spread sa tap- iclidly that not even -the cleaner Could. bo savi,d, *and it vasetotally deetroyed. 'Loss about $200 on the tell'ie and .$100 on the cleaner. No instil:alma. Mr, Benjelein atiecg; left Wedaes, day for W09049,01/4 ‘ehere he ihteode etUdYing for the enioistreh ' • We are glad to nothee tilat Mes,hTde, Miller, who has beee ill for a 1nceith past is able ta be mound agaih. WO received the first issue of 'the Blyth Stenaard. It is a newsy sheet and should receive good support. Mr. Wen Moore left thig morning for hfontreldr wfshre, he has seeded a sitUatiooir a -first-class loseber eltOP. Ale fl L J3zlhngs, the" dentist who eleoht to locate herehas arrived end will open e offiee over O'Neils bank to- day. Mr. A.' Carruthede, se*:' A,, haS been unanimously appointed claseical•master' of the Seaforth High School, at a salary of $1,000.' intrisbeldor out' "Would -be -dudes" toile in the sights of Olintee on Sun: day last They did the usual amount of ashi ng.v • Mr. Vanflorne is reported to have' stated that the Canadian Emilie Rail-, Way Company has decided to extelid the southwestern branch 12 -miles this season. Befeee Volic alt t gie s tat a Exeter, ott Thursday, 24th inst., Geo. Huinphries, farmer of Ste.pheti town- ship, wet; lined $50 and'eoets 'for sell= ing cideehy the glue. Nes Henry. Taylor, the ex -president' of the euspended. Bank of Loted&e, ar- t•ivechin London on Friday last and is at resent employed in justifying the accounts of the defunct corporation: We clipped the. following from one of our eisehanges. „ hItlias been so hot and dry. up in ,this county • that the farmers have to sponge the bowY bddlcs to keep their hides feeniecreeking open: and falling off."' Ah interestingea•nd" naif contested game of *base bali' was played here on Thursday aftel•noon ' of lest week be tween the married and single men. The gaine reeulted in favor of thesingle men by a score of 28 to 42. • We wish to seeure the eervices of a first Class correspondent at each of the, following places. Dashwood, Grand Bend • Greenway, Credit:lie Xirktoe, Mare and Shielca: Drop tes a postal , card and we will send supplies. • A eolarede preacher in the South prayed at a roissitivar.y ilieeting,thimk "0 Lord! bless die yer brudder What's, comedown from de Norf to preaeli de Gospil to us. '.Noint him wid de kero- sene ilo of salvashiu arid sot him one ,tire, , On Faday last the' reort41 'remains of Adaline Higgins, wete coeveyed to their last restinii,• place, EXeter,cemet- ery, followed by many friends. The deceased was in her twentieth year, tend was imieh e•espeotdd by a11 Ole knew her. Me. J. J. Orabbe. late proprietor of thd A us has gckft:t CO 'fortinto tfur- ther u business ArrangeMents, fle.has entered the firm of WYJAS Gage cts 0o., puhlieher and wholesale 8 tatIoners', and shall haee Charge" of'the stationery deportmesit Notice is- published., the tit' thcrex-' yetzegenten feel in egirl is'proportioned, to de fortune that she- has to rate in - 0 11. Now Dominion notes of the $2 de nomintetion base beea issued, and con - teat, very artistic vignettes of Lord and -Lady Lamsdoevne. • TIi Wdlian Rohm, left on Saturday last for Ohieagb, whore hoe has secur- ed a perneutendeposition urlas 'occuph- ifon. Succdgs, llow is the thno to subscribe for the EXETER AI3VOCAl4,0110 Of the Iest local papers in Enron, only 25 cents feint), new until Jan, 1st, 1888. ee ',fide is the ege ef ievetition, an(l yet sonic married men make some' nfi's•br- able failures in inventing excuseir for corning home late tie eights • Teak' retort's of the Grand Think Railway for the week ending Ang. 20 were: - 1887 $374,01'1; Mgt,- $356,429 inerease for 1887, $17,482, All our young people who aro en- gaged in f.,chool tea.ebing, have left to take chat ge, of tldeir leispeetive tehoole for the balance oaliciiiesteign. • Tit& fait • season is. iIOWOttThe pl'etty' girls, fine hotseKtind kills will be on at 'vat:toes places uritil cold Weather' gets in • Mie S. J. Latta, a eredoato of dins toe elligh Scheel, has been appobsted principel of the Zinich Public School, fordlext ear, et a salary of ,;i125, VV 0,1*0 gioa to 1101.10 Ob. OUr Att081,8 oohs the getilal faeie of M,r, Charles; Safidees, who was ceriously ill with ty- oloid fevelfor the past seven weeks. 'Messrs Bisset( MO- 011ahtgs EX.0 ter, have boon nweisled the centred for the furnace and heating peretee fey the ter town hell. The St. Mary's Aroue says : The people of this town who were so badly roped in by the "gold watch" fakir; have thee ceneblation 'of knowiao that there wore hundreds of others as badly sold As thernselyee le all the imighlane ing towns, The "greenies," the'pepere way, "bit like Rocket's," but the kelps hewed medicine wale gdt away with elie swag. Evidence thee the Pail hoeriPilit Chatsworth wAs the delt berately'Oati- ned clot of morconery wreckers is row leg daiV No Adequate punishment, eould be inflioted mobil the gaeg. thee capable'bf 66011.itlg StIOli a(!ti.lattlity as the massacre of six or seven eisole people, aad the grievous injury of three tiU)135 11.8 wally more, besides cau8ing thbusall6 sorrow ttild iu isevy. The country appears to be completely overrose with tramp just 'stow, Not wily dove the eutsueben mid rural len iwn stair bill, the railway efficiiele tula tr,on men are aleo weedy Peatered with thent. NOttriY 'nverY fre'(ght teein eatiiettite •qti'otiMnpa, tatICI t110 011 11 ttots 'ectr the tf!q)M5,10:1- AVO frequently pule Vo 10 reultle tetavg tioyD,.ft(Stao‘ thole ays, The ereetien of tlie nesv English Alemovial Church is heitig eepidly push tpfoloryweajter-04,0"filafge steff of seen is Alerehaeits arid 'othel's who wish Fall Priuting done neatly elseeply ana promptiy will e6hsiiit their own inter- ests by havieg it done at the ADY0/04TB office. Aleseri. J, P. Clark, • F. Ruse e,nd others who have heen • camping at the Jake for some clays,' retuilnecl home on Tuesday evening last They say froge are Scarce, and we should think so. The musical and 'literary entertain.' niorit given in Drew's opera house, under the, auipiee of the Royal Temp - !are ,sf Temperance was largerly attend ed was a suecese financially and otherwise. The anfoutit of ''space clevotedby our Alowli town coteta" of one dayslishing by its-etlitoe and' two other gerlitlemen, otto'syliUld be led to lielieVe that they fl'adhbeli.bn a tWelve mouthwhiting esspidition. Farmers look JO 'our os ti ifitereste told peruse advertiping coluihils of the AnVocevris when in need of firsteclass goods, tenet: not purchase' from wish's, travellingvendor, as is inva.rritbly thd rule, they arcefeauds tif theevoi.fit kind. Capt MeDetnald,- of the Salvation Arrity, Quebec, while parading on St, Ann street' Thursday night, was siintil- taneousledbit by, tivb stones cowing in opposite directionsieand was knocked iiikensible. Her injeiries, thougliesev- :erhe'ate not serious. I5dring the seoete whibli 'passed O'er the country last Thursday afternoon, lightning struok Mr. Wm Richardson's barn, ort lot 29, cOncession 8, East Nis- souid, mid it, together With the whole of the seaion.'s .crop and a valuable horse; were burned. Loss heavy. Mr. George 'Samwell, of the firm of Samwell & Pickard, and MissMcIntyre are away on .a millinery purchasing tohrttd will visieLdnelbte and 'TdPoti-, to and no trouble will be spared in selecting the finest and most fashionable goods in that line for the fall trade.' Mr, R. Hicks, jeweller,' returned last week from a tip. eastward, and combhaing business with ,pleastre, he visited some of' the leading jewellery establishments in London, 'Toronto and Meetreal, aildeucceeded in purchasing •someexcellenegoocli for the fdll treed. tenderstaod that shoddy Pedlars are operatieg in the near vicinity. We warn all farmers to have'nothing with such gentlemen, a. every one who has any dealhigs with such, are genero allY.Sictiolieed to tile exteht ' of from 25 to $50.- Give them is witleberth. Mrs. Bailey,- widow of the late Geo. Bailey, of Oxford, who resides with daughter, Mrs. • J. Smith, in the village of, Morpittle;:is now 'in her 84th year, and has never worn spectacles,. as she has never suffered in the leaet from failing eight. This it all the Mord re- markelele as Mrs: Bailey was never nearsighted. Prof. F.1.1.. Knight, formerly' oftx- eter, 004 whohas'been travelling for 'some Inefitlik thr'shi,gh the Western States, has settled down to the practice of shissprofession music - in the city of Cositsoretoe 'Reessits, at has been ap- panted organist to the Granel-Aeitly. Reunielt4 .whieli will be held' at Coil- eordia. in September. • • 11t.. J W. BroderickWho souse time ago purehaseithe stole) recently own- ed by nos. Mahe; has had the sense thoronghly renovated, and the iuside will furnished 'With Shelving and two new counters. The large and epee:lout hall above the SUVA he has he* I/0k- .. in, in good 'circler. The'wooditoek was done by Messrs 'Iloia•hnd Taylor and ties painting and, goeininse executed by Mr.'Fo'rtuue fie test ilass stSles. The seeeeee Branch Agricuittiral So- eieties iLt the South Riding sa Huron have returned the folleWireet'!ns' the inelebeeship list of each ioribts season; StePhen and VSbortie, 397; Tucker - smith, 287; Stanley, 2i9; Hay, 158„ This makes a total 4..!)eint,ershiP.focglhe societies of 1,061. In alaige and pros- perous Riding like South Peron, and considerioe that the inembelehip fee is oidy ono tf'ollite, thete should be tit leest three theee this Mitilber of members.. Farmers do eat take the ititerest ilt these societies that they should do. Lizzie Synder, It plucky and museular elinesel of recieden, had read in the newspapees about etestale fellows who were in the BLit of insulting girls on the streets, and determined to plug the fits( one who weilld insult her. One night a dude eilleideeut to her as8110 was pesehigeOfe Omer Of ,Detedei and WellirigtenAitreetts and She filmed rouini and Meek bini we:stashing blow on the eye With hee elenehed tiers and he Measured his leneth 'in the duSts Miss Siredee wise warinly applauded by •the spectatere. Isiezie :should eoino to Exeles• ,Ond try her hand on oneof the Avestlia • s••• "'s• ZisiseicsoOsSlit 13rueclon sum—The Bishop of Huren who is without question the most pop- ular and ploquene preacher sn the lenge lish Chnrch, arrivocl with Mrs. Bald- svni in the city on Sunday, leSt. They were the guests of Dr. Spencer. The Bishop occupied the pulpit of St Met- thew'S oil Sunday moralises anti evening. Large congregatidas at both ',services were greatly edified and delighted with his eloquence. On ' Sunday OtffnoCtln, he addresed tho children lof the school and aid° baptised two children of Mr, R. MeKitn, of MoSsrs. Meredith & Co. It is oely 'repeating •the opinion of 01 present togiay that the addresses' by thd 1314hop Were II% most eloquent and in- stioictive delivered in this city."„, Bishop goes ori todVictoria B, 0. WANTED. --10 hundi:ecl young men of all shapes and sizes, from the tall and graeeful dandy, who hag hair °hough on his upper works to stuff a barber's cushion, down to the lows'egg- ed, wrinicled-faced,scarAd-head uPitart The object is to feria a 'gaping cltoir to be in attendance at the James street Methodist church every Sabbath even- ing, particularly in fine weather, to stare at the young lediesas they exit, and make delicate' utiodialernarily re - 1, marks on their dress, person and be- havior. 'Whoever wishee to sjoin said regiment will attend al tlib 'Market Squaee oh Setnedity el/ening," where they' will 'be duly examined' and their quantityof brains registered in a book kept for that purpose. • However, to avoid a sudden ruth forvenrollment it Will be well to% obierye that none need apply who possess intellectual cape:city: aboVe.that of^a'vell-bred monkey:* • NEWSY NOTES.' • At a threshing on'OcarY Bros: fame' near Bisthevell; a young man named John'Parker fish frohi'a straw' mow to the ground qft6.A feetbelew, sustained .serious and and painful injuries. Thos. Lai* (Meg the injured Sali)a- tienists, had to be conveyed to Jeffery Hall Hospital. on Saturday. • He is still delirious this morning. The ringleaders of the riot will probably.be' ar- rested to -day. On Saterday last a 1ittre•11041 of John McBean, Ekbid, while playing with other children in the barn got his fing- ers caught in the gear of a cutting -box, breaking the bones arid lacerating the flesh iii a harible manner. Bradstrecies rePorCi 'a total of lfid ilures threghout the country- during he weekaending Aug. 26, against 170 oeth e Week • •plev'iotas. Twenty-three of the Minrher weie in Canada, three leis Gail the preceding week. Hon. 1.11e: Mowat is how spending a fehr days itiethe North of Ireland. He sails' from-Liverpoot'on the 2nd! of Sep: leterher Or Sarnia! I -le is in very geed health; and has been' 'greatly beniffted by the:trip across the Atlantic. enthbee 'of Warrants' were isSeed Friday tigainet'parties imPlicatbil in the attack on the galvritionists• in Quebec oti"Thursday night and sdme arrests haVe beets made, a.enellg. "'them a LoWer Toiin leititauiletiaiNrho' led the attack. AttWo O'clock on' Saturday Morning the ',warehouse belonging to Mr. Me Malan & McLean, grain merchants of Glenebe, was 'burned, 'together with all its "contenti Loss about $1,500, mostly`coyered with insurance. The civese of theefire is unknown. LOCAL NOTICES, goailett's Telegraph Oil is highly appreciated as a household remedy. Give it a trial.—Sold only at E. Searlett's Drug tore, Exeter. Dr. Kinemeet L. D. S. of Exeter, has the latest, safest and best Aniesthetic Vegetable Vapor, sefe foe awe one to take. Wh e the e ��tistin1tiVl oi sub!, jab to heart disease'or"any othee ail: meets. Icesons taking it can have their teeth extracted and not feel it, See card on another page of this peper. Tag teeter our—is Vegetable Vas per, It far excele all other Auestheties heeoWn as Ether, Chloroform, Nitrotti Oxide, gas, Vitalised ui .c. Peron' with odes:tone of the heat end lungs can iiihnle it and have large operations performed exteeding over 15 ininntee, So come bee, tome all to Dr. °dad weight's beittal office and have your teeth eittea_ctiLciwittfr.illeet realisieg it 13 114; 3:). I1torttNt Exet6r, on Thursday stinguet 25th, Adeline Higgins, tigh4V19 yi.$. nionths end 3 daye, bititeltiSPo-N Ortkliton, on' Debora Dickey, in her 15th year, keiaev.—In thy, on Tnesday Aug Weeley telly, aged SO yrs, and 6 moathS,, • ut.:1::••'t•:;,,q', este* 1:1-e'1.lktf! mxtocc,a, valt wileo 3 9,9 to 9.9fr Spring wheat 0.89 to 0.0 Oats 0.2ti to , WO Peas 056 to 0,V7 Earley 040 to (Iv,' 'iv per to, 9.00sen 15.00 Butter0.11; Potatoes per bag- 1;10eto 1.10' Eggs per doz t3r3f4.`p ' 0 15' DI eased Bogs per 100 7.00' to ' 7.50 4114•151111111101.40 VIE MARKETS .Inue 9, 1997, . White Wheat per bushel (new) ea 70 to 71t Red Wheat per 0 70 to 0 74 Spring. Wheat " • • ' - • 10) to 0 77, )1arley per bueliel 0 40 to Okts per bushel 0 25 to 0 27 Peas Per bushel, ... 0 49 to 11 s Hey per ton 8 00 to e liuttor ....... .10 to 0 I -- gaits per dOzen.„ ..„ 0 00 0 10* /11des per lb ... 0 00 to 011 • 8/Jeep 0 00 to 0 20 , Wool Per ... 0, to o vt) 8alt per bbl ...... • ., 0 00 to 1 011 Potatoes per bushel., .... ,..„ 0 00 ti.) 3 DO Apples per bushel,.., , 0 00 to o 00 Oatmeal per bbl • - 0 00 to lt 00 0 Oa to Portz per 100 Ite „,... . . , . 00 00 to 12 01 Beam las lb 0 00 to 00 Au G h:ristie's Gommercial- i.IVERY. oeve*I. Fasee. ;Ri hid Horses first-olass. res. Orders left at thi) littWICHIlaw House, or .st* the rtable will be promptly attended to ' TERMS, REAtiONASLE. e A... 11:ASTING'S, Central TOR Arlistic Shaving, Hair Cutt;ng, Hair Dyeing:. etc., eta. - Lhdies' Work aSikiality. • • . SATISPACTIONDo 4.1GUARANTigED-4:- Popgun' (6 lintoig; EXETER, brit. PEIILIC NOTICE'; HEBELY GIVEN • TUAT %MUSS. I W. SOU THGOTT DES1ST8 P11031 snt,15ao 1118 TAIL011-FITTING ClotiitnG at ruinous peetieee • AL1., 1111fl8 OP CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS at panic prices, he will get ALL THE TRADE IN TOWN 411 Su se,ys Custosaer. Sotteli.,‘"b t.t.„ Main•streetr - Bleier,. • INNES1, Dee rsen res FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds, Theakfast Oerals, Oil Ceke.s,-s Ground Flax tool Etepire Cattle Feed alwoye ono hued. • Goomi pv..tvttl,0 fkisgg'441' FttAtkat.17:1, JOAN 111cNNES, EX ETE‘i,;-, 111111ti ST,, 4‘t‘ t •