HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-09-01, Page 1Mo. 1 .19441.:1:14,43c1; ••••*.f.ttli "".• ;71 .11,/•511 s'‘rOL, L Zitt evetcr q1/4,throrate is 1li1ed (iiviary Thursday itioruing# At the Oiii4e, 2.0rhOruf J.9)In•gsaii4-fiti •'" Exeter, Out. . 0:13T1/318..OF 811 IISCEiPTIONt fhte rinlIar ti. ear If Add In advance; 404 if *Wig. • paid. AritTetirIng Ratos 911 .N0 paper tilscoutimied until all arrearages Are pall,' Advertisementl without sperige •i rec4n WI 110 tb1,64).;t1 011 i0r))1.1101$1c11.10rdit000rilillik. Liber.11 . 4keernwt mule fm trans iont advortisetnent3 flisortvi for, bon; perlo#18, Every Lle.errptIon of JOB intlis.0.0, O tttjnk out in the finest Oyle of tbo art am] 4 moderato rates. Clietpies, hunter orders, it (r. tor Advertising, subsoriptions, etis•, to be inadepayablo to TILOS, PASMORK, Editor and Publisher, CHURCH 1)IRECTO/9r 10r5noiiitCUi1r71Z0v, 8, F. Robinson, rheum - bunt, Sunday Services, 11 a, in., toad 7 0. itt ; .$1115. • barb Sellout, 2:30 A nt. SAINVI1E)S '^-$UndlIV•SerVi COS, a. ru.,a p. m. and $ P. erreici4eyery oight, ttpriog the weolt, .XLh 1161i/l034 lefl i i in, on /Mutiny. Mistiternat Carom, • Jr111)Lii - Per. .1, °reliant, pastor, Pinata/ rao vices, 10 30 a. nt. and 0.90y. tu, Naldratit scrawl, '2 I,. ni. • 1,1114er meeting Untrs•thry 'evening et 7.O. ' NA0Z. STRisliT;--Ney. W..11. Paseo°, pastor. Sun- 51(ty 4.0rvier, io,30 10, Azia 0.80 p. Sabbath sehoid, 8,31.1 jt. tn. Prayer meeting', Thursday, oven - Ns lit 'Lan. Voting pecrpleriirrayer intettog Intr811,ey evening lit 4ILIM"trlil,471 AL MarOlt, 8140.4.11kyOII ricen, It a. nt. •wet (kat) A to Sabbath othool, nen a, rn. Young, peoples prayer mooting, at 01). 'I'buraLlav °young, prayer meeting at 9 o'cloch. choir practice innotalithely titter, Business otd other Cards. ir W. intowxcla, at D., M. C. P, S. oroluat,0 of victoria university. Ohio and residenne• Dominion Laboratory, Ilixeter, Ont, June, 0-'87. .. '1011N GILL 1,410EN941) Aucalonsa. ef )or the 'Village a Exeter, and the County of ifuron. Ail orti•.rs proiliptly attendukl to. ENO= p,o,, Ont. A. hiar101', LitiENSED A VCIACNEE.R. For the Tosvasitips of Day and Osborne. MI orders promptly Attended to Exeter p.o., Ont. IL COLLINS, BARRISTER, Solicitor of Supreme Court of Ontario., Commi;sioner, Conveyancer, &C., Mee -Next it (torte Somoillla: Melt - rods, Exeter, Alit, Mono" tuloim It t. very lewest L, 0. L. NO. 024. meets first Friday in every moutb, John's Block at a o'ohnik. Iiietbren Welcome. Joint SPAOrrOtAX, W. M. .1utrx Wyrrg, Seery. T0. 0. v., xo. (17, EXETER. meets every Tuesday evening in John's bin& A cor• trial welt:mot extended to via4ift,oi int)ron. • Limaner Fritz, N, 0 J, Wasveorr, It•secy.. No. 123. 1 ineeti be second and fourth Friday of each montb, itt Fansun's flail, at a o'cloak p. lireth- Tett cordially invited. E. lIonants, (7. it, S. Meg annace. IL KINSMAN,. DENTIST, .4.1-1..1 1, 3), 8., extrn4ts teoth without pain Ity ;thing Vittilieed Air, ur usieu, tho new kie.(1 Amea- Odle Otithe mita. Mttkc fiel(FrIllings, and all other dental teorit the best possible. Does to Zuvieh lasG Thursday in well month. EAST $iDE OF MAIN STEF,ET, EXETER. .4444 6 • 'W. E. CARTWRIGHT, LDS, 8LArgeOla Dam (tate ut tile Royal College of Delp tot Surgeons of Ontario. Having furnished fine den, tal ruegui 011 JAM0b•S1rO0t, two doors Otta 01.Central betel, Exeter,. Ont., whetst t ton prepared to perform all branches of the profession with ease alul skill. CNAIWES, 110131311.4.113-tEhms, "MIN '0, WESTCOTT, wstmAxcn, LOAN, Veal Estate and Steathboat Agent, Wealthy and re. liable Vire and Life Insurance Companies Itepreeent. Any amount of mow to loan on first olaira mod. gages Lit lowest rates of interest. 0eneral Agents for Minot Co., for A. 13, Williams Sr Co., real estate ag1s, London. heaver Line of Steamers represented, fit,..Exetor, t, 1:10•81. • ea CS 20 mdlqra 20 to 'saner Of ritrailaRRIAGEK1)1 ICHSES5 ,sy g Ile, Kcoldent, and lire irishranee agent, Exeter, 4#7ric9i. Mat 8Ido of Ma restreet • Hay Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. pARTIEa DESIIDNO iXstitt tut ntSt and stasiaust lustre:thud ounisuay fit die Dotritnien, eon rio 114 by -applying personally, of by mail 10 the undersigned, All applications promptly attended to, Also agent' tor the Wellinatim Lompany 01 08e1p11# AOC'010111I113I1, fm. the Oninty of Duren. 1. 13088E9DEltitY, Atutxt. ,sltnro 6.4. Ehtielti Ont. — • EXETER ONT,, TETIPSDArSEPTENBER 1, 1887 Tifl$ 1)APER rIL4ei 0 tN Ig the 3.41$14(1 States or Alnelleit r.;EKom ncw to Jan . tsf1888, 4.)= 25. CEN7.5., Subc.4cri be Nem J, I' MErlOsithfiT TAILOP, West side Main-sts, tx.eter, Good Fit g, titawa.n.teed Latest Styles of Goods kept in stock. A Call Solicited. A A ‹Zlittst t 4-41 u444.4,w4-44, PHFOGRAPHS XIX MR. JOSEPH SENIOR having purchased the business 0 Chas. ,Seilior, wishes to in- form ,the the publie that ho.ean be found At the Old stand Main ,Street, Exeter, :The Ifinest#0,abinets in the .coun- ty. Elegant Finish. . Gopying and Enlarging done on shertest notice. JOS.'SER1107. 4.<17VILLIAM SANDERS,b*, Pon Commercial Union Assusance Coarspatray of EAT BRITAI.V. AND T1I11-(-- Lancashire Fire Insurance Co, mANCHASZER, ENG, The.best and most reliable ]'ire Iistn auce.Companies in the world. ADVOOATE OFFIGE, EXETER, Stephen. Couuoil. Connell tauten guialay. Aug, sotb 'An niembera present. Mit-Iowa of tate heat Meeting road end Wood /loved by C# Inbar, seconded by P. Coughlin that 11. B. Proudfoots appointertcht as &Ail (engineer be eatteldled.,-Carrieci, IlOved by If Mbar, Seconded by r, ohighltn that S, 110911.1911 bit civil engineer ati 83 or day whilo go,ged.-Carried. IteselVtal that the felleieingrates he levied fot County (Ltd 0. 8, 21nv, for sinking fund ito, town. 8:11, and tho autonats rewired by the alfeetent 0. ceticatif /loved' by It Either. iideotided by 1'. Conghlin that the Connell Meet again orI Merida/I Sept. (7141 itt p, for the eurausu of densidering the petition handed in by Olt', Itoltuittr having for its object an ontlet to the river 91 11)2 Dotal to the lalto.-Cen stovutt by it, Either, aseuitded by D. French, thot CL trowel, be oL)Ileetor et it suitor of sea, bucas 01 1)9 tYKeented ut, next Ineeting.lakriod. Tna foliowing orders- wore granted. -4, Lerma( ,gravel, sir,o; Iktker, (leder Peat, 83; J. icalliatr-, 1101iilat.08 bridge, 131a 00; 0, It, haurust, 0300: sundry 1,0. Stanley, breaking steneir $11.50; W, VOI• lett bruit= $10; .i. Ireton:in 0011)6, 90,30, Charles VInktither cont. e. r. 8.764111. 11,tkblnt)r 0 sox svis. $3,71; L 0, Votingeadtte peg 99.261 .8, 11/1111irnifeli:' etilVert t,06; tssery &Avert 1St ton, 82•50t51i Changer 2.2tt0 eett. 1)14, lP inlaid Mk ens, Kee; tv, met Eltitth-forlhatIy *100 W, lifetittith dartiogire IL ttos cav.btiago Sn.Jaratal BOO Yelief85, J,Me ILtrevto eeta. 5, 33# 044 111111 1. tiehical4 co 14. 0, rnot :40iork; 'sir •" to. ; NO 13 S, No. 'Tho folloryingla it correct add inipardal import Of the plinth:11)1S, a. No. 3, for the month of A infest retort is bused uu good eonduct aol genetat preach:tar, during. the month, rot nen Non i5o11. 230: Arabella Mor. 19b, 220; „Ilora tiagsbuir. 139:- Bony Publiale, 1(.4; Elmo( a/Lipton, 8I• 1, tterett0 Jory. 72. rotor> Ankle Sweet, 353; 'Minute 'Morrison 95,„,tda4ory, 837; liala 81115ritoik, ;132; 0111.04 AFtlatifs, , 1,ns 4ory, $14; VAL, :•,1J#Ipton, 303. r z roan CLASS, Ina 6wc, t; 39.),; Attry Afresh, aN; ,svc 4113; u. in. INtideit, 234. ,e0 11, ;5 tte rSe,—TilonIas Sanders, altir Bag 'taw, i. CI; 4tii°1 Sweet, 187; Mouthr 11 .11115,1o4 gonna Peilintle, IPA l'Allr II, .1139100.- Wm. Soot% 4)4; P.d. Sanders, 40I atirle.'•eDowIng• 285: lierrey Dearing, 274; oeu 11 247; lilleu Stant:Ow, 3111; Aland itarins, 1111, Lieu/et Mortsli, 00. Thu average Attendance for the nutitil was 40. 89U, l'eaulter. , 10.55 .orresportbence. ,Eunivra, A splendid three yo kr 01(1, colt,W210110- . n ing to Mr. #Taities 1-lall4 had a three ince Lail run into its feet aboet two weeks ago and altaoligh carefully att tided the rout had pu til suelt An txtent that ou &nicety lasa the spinal. em 1 wits sevmed. by Dr. Sweeta student and the lout taken tor 1ill/0444)4. A vote for the repeal of the Scott Act, is eXpeoto.i, attdyet torte 0, 0113 6443 4.tit A3SObluti.Ctra 80141)1.1)111(1 )1'2l1 for tile bir 11- test..Lt o thins the:, were up awl /doing, Let old 'Lisburne lead the van. (Too late for last week,) 'Pail, plough/ Ng IS '1.094 and The. ground breaks lip ranch ...better since the. late sliowers.. r1.11e'lit14 and‘"Vitistle br the thresher -is :heard v.v esy :day. • 1.40atis'of•flax. no .continnally ,going into aloog oat load, Anil 311 the litelds the joyous shout of the spreader i$ A. young man Is be-' Wiliam to prepare for some iniport.ta event Marria"c eh? We aro sorry to learn that althnegh 0ou giant, Est1, lias sank a Well over a.t4/b.- Le foot he lies net yet rstraok water, We (non soe loads of briek going to the' site .of th IIOW Roman Oatirolie aintrela .whieli is )apidlramaring completion. A .1teek ofsheep, belmigiog to gr. Fizath,i1,0, 3,0110h 1t101 bowl loot •fut• over two..weelis,wvas recovered on 'Ilttesday avg, We are pleased to see that Mitts, A. i0oeg1ilin is again .folicaalog lier V/20(.499444 OS a tsacher. .She is teaching the.Littrer, .iela Separate .School anti cutanimitis 4 541.- 1147 Of -475' fur the fall term. Nooreayilte .TA 0190. 4ectut of Alt Albert -Goodaere, 1.(103t38 ono of its most respeeted citizeils. 1 -le was respected by alt wao knesvhill. He was rimed fur Ins sterlipg ehristiati character; was stverisiteattant of the Metliemst Sunday bctiGol Luau; Awl has been a liaatung reformer, and tit mune was associated with. every good cause.. that would tem!. to help on his felivw math lie. died .at his residenee 011 Luau, on -Sunday rueianng Aug. 2/3311.. ,On aceetint of the 'unusual .early harvest • '1144 year 1t1.L ettarcity 00 money the giant. is going to antrituli trarritit, 113111 not be su.aineh attired up a. usual oy farmers.. floattalla Quite a few left here on Saturday last ou the.Niagara Falls Eatatrsion. intending to .,,Lanai1t i,ver at Grimsby Cutup Grounds ..to 'mar 6aui. Jeows preaea. Mr, Paramus of this plitee left Friday last fur Wininpeg \‘'Itere he intends 81.117- i,. 1.40 11 tnuntili or 111000. X.b.0 Armers aro calling or more zasiu ask John.A. to 3141111 11 atoug. Graini$ begioning to eume into atir storehouse ant1,-,..kir. Hicks our buyer will be pretty lively before loug. Mr. Robert IleUtiy itt having his house thst is at pteseat oeetipied by A. Chan- .ville covered -Mk s coat of valet -My .gracious.its a. dee jub." HensoB. Mr, J. C. Stoneman who has beeli ill fur scum time i8 now convalescent, The farmers a/PO busy preparin& for fall wheat, but complain that th.e is WI) dry. Arr. J. P. 111arsha11a new store is being rapidly pushed forward, wheu completed it be a blialk. that \radii do orodit to a city. The briekwork on Mr. Cadinere's hode io (r)rlipluted. MO framework en Messrs. BIQA ehford wad Brown, new hunse is being rapkily pushed forward. Eleaen tickets were sold oi this station for the Epursioa to Grimsby mid Niag., ura Cxeler North. Rey. A.tr. Hanna, of Paisley, occupied he pulpit- ia the Presbyterian elitireli last aridity mornin,g and aunts. Mr. 'Wm. Meltityre otMi0l1. is horue 011 •-• visit, .& three year old child of Mr. Mcbityre 101)1 40100011.8 legs badly. eta by some bro- ken eroultery medical mil was sumonmed 501(1 stitehes inended the woond, number of cases of sickness are re- ported. 111r, Clitistoplier Solidi who has neon hilt' up with a leleri on one of his Ilagers for the last live weeks is again at walk at- tending to Mora Large nuniocr's of eattio pass throileli here daily futshionient still farmers are grumbling of hard times geed thiag we all kit= what they' are. The meanest sneak thief in the world must be in this neighlanliutal as a party complams of littr/trig ithIll stulect 'ttrIlitts talk WW1 Ilia friend al tile front gate, and another declares of having pig feet stelcil it ilita noW conic to the line thing. y t111 i8 011111 larthisA‘Itith‘bvyityIVI:i;Ileotilob,:te)1,1, serio - The pleuteoasuess of the erieket insect being very 31001:able this year, 11persen was heard to ask "Wli,y are erieltep so lasiiimiable' We think it must be be- can.e they are Pat is-itas. Everybody buy it tieket iur tho 11. O. Pieirie. 110,, areenway. Mr, Mc Drummoad bonght a heayy draught team from a farieur.of Stephen paying a lttutdseine.ligure. .A, tti1dbeli mart paid one hundred and twenty-iive dollars fot a three months' old colt which he bought front Thos. Mr. W. Fowirty sold a three year old colt last week for $208, and Mr. Jas. LotIghliu also sold a three year old for .A. couple of the Centralia boys had a pugilistie encouil ter in. Limerick a short time ago. Aud Tom came out secone. best. Mr, ,A. Behan lost a valuable horse last wrek from natural co.uses. A. harvest dinner will be 0.ven Amder the auspieea of the Methodist (Antral). on September the first. Adi0is8ion,25 emits. The loeal band will be in at- tendance. Bverythiti,g 'il1 be clone to make 01 10. pleasant and prolitableenter- taininent. Rev, ,fas. 1-0145sa1' preached to large congregating in Sarnia. A. most pleasant and social time was spent bylt large number of friends at tile Corbett parsonage last Friday eve- ning. The flintily of the Rev. P. Jones have arrived home. Hard look bas ,a,ttencled Messrs 3', McGregor and R. MiOlineky, both gentlemen having lost a valuable horse each during the past few clays. While working on the Presbyterian Church at Corbett last week, a lad named John Moore felt from a seatruld and received a fracture of the skull. *4 *-4-444-44.4.• County etud General News. Goderieh town clerk gets 4ye hund- red dollarS for his yearly services: The Clinton Dohetty band took iirst prize at Guelph tournaments lo.st Fri- day. No lest than than three weddings occurred in Clinton Wednescley of last week. While cowl hunting the other even- ing, Mr. Swenerton's hound caught It p0113 -eat, and killed it, Inspector Paisley, of Clinton, hat -de- posited the stun of t21100 1019 dues eat, lected ho Seott Act eases, 1:11iss Alicia Cottle, tlf Clinton, fell into 23. cattle -gourd and fractured her 00114 boire, and she wateut tirttnk elther Olinteri youthj named ntivia; 'has recently been tined fivi dollars, and 00St8, fa' disterbing Salvation .A.ruly 32rViCCa.. A Itiotiily living at the north end a 13lyth took a moonlight exairsion the Other aight, and left creditorS to morn= their 11048, 1TheSectUary Of the Elytli School Epard received no less than, sixty affl" Ucaions for the position of pl inop4. in the public school: of that place. Farm erg of Goderieli township ra. port the average yreld of fall wheat 1) be twenty bushels per aere and •oats from tifty to eixty. tPotatoos are al- most a, failnre. 'Duriog tire 'skorro last week the electric.fitkid set lire to the barn of J, W,'8alketd, •Bayllerd road, hurtling .and its contents, Toss ebont insured for $'1,100. The town of Clinton can now boast of four journals' being published withit its boarders—two weekl,y asta ts. monthly. The latest addition is tho Fruit lievietv, a very creditable month, ,ly, gotten up by Mr, Ed, Moody.lo is intended to further the interests of the fruit grower, shipper' and dealer. Police Magistrate Williams of Huron, held court at Seaferth on MoodaY, 22nd hist, when the following convic- tions were made, and fines Of 00 mad costs levied: Alex. Davidson, John Killoran, EL P Kennedy, Eaward Dawson, Wm. Hawk.shaw, Wm, Simp- son, ;fan Carrell, Thos, Stephen, ,Tas, Weir, anspeetor Sprague prosecuting. Otte day last week as Thouias Walsh, of the 7th con., iast WaAvanosh was engaged in hauling manure with a wagon, in some way he slipped•ana 'gell front the load, and in lighting on the ground struck oe his head, break- ing his neck and killing hina instantly. Deceased was a highly respected farm- er of about GO years of age, and leaves a large family. Brussels is going to hare another pa- per to be published in the interests of the Conservative party, but they have a task before them if thv can make Brussels a .T01;y110W11, :as that day is past, and now they can give as large a 'Reform tEhionty as WV town in Hu- ron. H. jenkins, 'formerly of the Durham 0lIr07200, is to be the publish - et of the new pa,per. At the Division -gaud at Clinton oil. Wednesday, Judge TOWS gave a decis- ion that is of particular in.tereat to liq- uor denims. A Waterloo ,brewer had sued Mr.Kelly, of Clinton .for the priee of some beer sold, but the judge decided against the brewer, on the ground that the Scott Act being in force in this county, the sale was ulegal in the first pluee'and it was, there!ore, not a pro- per debt. Quite a neatel spectaele V/924 seen on illooday of last week by N. Morrish, while driving along the Jth conCesSion of Colborne. He noticed it buraeli of straav drop clown apparently front the clouds 011 front of the horse. Upon looking tip the air was full of oat straw which was returning to its mother earth, after having gone on a19 exeur- sion with a whirlwind. Old 11.1ts„ Winters, who resides with the family of Jos. Morris, Garbraid, 114 beyond doubt tho oldest residerbt-in town 'of Godeviela and the townships of Colborne, .Ashileld and Wawauosh. If the old lady is spared until next Ulu oh she will have completed her hundredth year. She retaitie her fac- ultios to an extent fully equal to that of many persons folly thirty years lier junior. During tho thundpr storm of ThuV8 (la Y 00 last Week, aut bftrit Pill riek Riley, of the 4th 800003s10n of MoKillop, was attlick by lightly:11g and the barn and adjoining stables, togeth- with thole ciltire contents, were burn- ed, The barns contained' this entire crop of the season Apt forty bushels of old wheat tuiii some implements. Portunttnely there was no stook itt the stables at the time. Mt. Riley had just driven into tho barn with a load of grain and they hardly had time. to 'to ,get the horses unhitched from tins wagOn and removed before the build - were completely enveloped in fittute, The wagon and the load were burned, and the, flames spread so rapidlssa it was impossible to save anything. There is 1011 insorance of $1,000 in the McKillep rontual, but the lost will bo,scons.ider- aoly beyond tbia surni.the barns btatnit nearly )1.6/6 4,4