HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-08-24, Page 8• * Thoi$ogtt At in Wo11114t04. Last week UOSSrS VOUS°, TrOghOS and 'urphy, hotelkeepers, f Fergus, were wanted fur an offenee against the $eott Act, A. censtable was detailed to tneke the services Messrs Oeese and Murphy coli net he foUnci• The con- stable succeeded in serving Mr. Hugh- es, but on court day Mr. Hughes was not to be found and a warrent was isseed for his arrestbut he has not yot turned up, Last Wednesday the onstable went to Fergus to make some services and he sighted Mr. Copse across the strees ',from his own hotel, but Clouse was on the alert and sighted the constable about the same trine, when they held a race for it, Couse sue- ceeried in jumping a buggy which was Standing in front of his OWn door, and after slashing the emistable with his whip severel times lbe 'sirceeeded in get- ting away and out of town on the fly; his horses being urged to their highest speed. We are ilow informed that Id r Couse is to be charged with assaulting a peace officer in the discharge of his duty, which will :no doubt be a more serious matter than a Scott Act fine. Mews Murphy and Hughes are said to he still absent from home to Scott .Act constables. Canadian News Notes. Grading on the Manitoba houndary. ,sailway will be finished next week, - The Bishop of Huron preaehed in St, Matthew's at Brandon, on Sunday. The contract for the erection of the new Foresters hall at Stratford has been let Some thirsty mortal stole a keg of lager from a Stratford hotel on Tues- day night. The fires which have been raging in the Brooke and Dunwieh swamps have been extinguished. The Erin postt'office was burglarized during MJnday night, but the thief only got $5 for his trouble. Mr, W. T. Rowland, of Stratford, shipped forty head of fine cattle yester- day. The average weight was 1,300 A. notice has been served on the Beth well Council' forbidding the issue of a checque for $40, a grant to Father 31 (aeon s picnic. On Sanday afternoon Mrs. J, Lebore of Stratford, fell down the stairs lead. ing to the cellar in her residence, and broke two of her ribs. The 0. P. saw mills, two miles from Donakl,B. C., were burned on Friday night. The loss will cause serious de- lay in the building of the snow sheds. A man named liescott, of Ingersoll, is charged with committing an outrage on a fourteen -year-old girl. He was up fortrial yesterday and was remand- ed. It is Anticipated that about Septem- ber 1st the time limit of regular return tickets to points on the Canadian Pac- ific Railway will be made good foi thirty days. The fine grain warehouse belonging John Shoults of Park was 'burne• round on Friday w about6,000 wheat and 2,000 bushel § of oats The traffic receipts of the Pacific Railwey for the week en Aug. 14 were $233,000 an increase of 6'36,000 compared with the correspond- ing week last year. Soule of the finest cattle in Ontario are raised in Middlesex. Weekes Bros Mount 13ryclges, recent to London, „Eng, weig.ng 1,565. • 4 Four oriminal lunatics transferred frete British Colealhia :to the Kin:e.- SUM PePite110411 A:rrilTcl there last There gppe4rs, to be e regular grieg of thieves operatingat Thedford, AS. burglaries are frequently repelled in that village. GeQrge Leggat, a YOUthfill Prig.ener in North Toronto Police Station, W gled through a hole in the .cell deer and escaped. There are eight cases of typhoid fever at the General Hospital and diph- theria i s prevalent in more than one section of Toronto. During the past two weeks fines to the amount of $800 have been imposed upon violators of the Scott Act in Sim - Cee COUllty, and one offender unable to Nay has gone to gaol, • Steps have been taken by the De- partment of Justice to secure the ex- tradition of two half-breeds arrested in Montana 'last week for the murder of McLeish, a Northwest settler... An old woman named Sarah Don- nelly 82 years of age who was com- initted to Guelph Jail on the rd Aug. by Mr. Johnston, Mayor of Palmerston for lunaey, died there on 'Monday. There are now over 4,000 signatures to the petition for the repeal of the Scott Act .for Bruce County. The to- tal number required by law is 3,915. It is intended to have a yote on the question at the earliest possible date. A horrible murder was committed at Winnipeg on Thursday afternoon, the murderer being Thomas Newton, a bricklayer, and the murdered man John Ingo, a milkman. A shot -gun was the weapon used. A sensational story published ior Northwest jourhal that Gabriel Du- mont was seeking to raise another re- bellion is positively denied by a Mon- tana correspondent, who says Dumont is living in Montana very quietly. The crop of barley. in Carlton ceunty this year will be the smallest raised for years. The smallness of the crop is due to the retaliatory measures taken by brewers throughout the country against those counties which accept the Scott Act. , A. person at Clhatham refused to pay a bootblack who had cleaned his boots, and the artist, in order, to strike a bal. ance,, collected a crowd of youthful sympathisers and followed the debtor over town demanding the liquidation of the account, until he had worried about $5 worth of humiliation out of the owner of the boots. Yesterday morning abut 10 30 a young man named 611fills, a G. T. R. brakemah, living at Stratford, met with a terrible accident at Listowell. He slipped and fell between the cars, and the brake beam shoved hiin under the wheels, breaking both legs and one arm Ile is believed to have been tribally hurt, and was not expected to live through the night. . A fellow named Maginness, who lives in the country adjacent to Goder- ich, has lately been frightening w amen and children by obscene acts and langu- age. The hext time he is hi town on a iilar errand we hope our young men w• t t nim under the town pump or s give' a coat of tar and feathers. He has be arrested several *times and a ards allowed, to go free, A fatid ened to a man named John Rogers, at the barn of Win. Bruce, Peel, a few days ago. He as on the pea mow when a "patent" el of peas, after being deposited, rol ward him, and crowded him off befo realized it or could save himself. t ling he struck the rack and fell from ce to the floor. He was fatally hurt d died soon after- wards. He was on twenty-one years of age. Two yeung toughs om Stratford, awed William Mu ay, the other . ,tunknown, deman adedmittance ab o'clock Frida ;night to the house 'dow Macdor ld, on the St Mary's Being refused, they tri- ed the wind° ancle?finally broke in the door with a ce rail. The sound of a rig driving alo he ioad frighten- ed them at this juncture and they made off and did not come Wok. The police are after them, Fennel s of Newb ceived thecon of consti Mc. Master drai.sa, WIt give employmeilt ti men and teams. , averag3 • have re- ing the will of The careless handling Of a g terday morning, caused the death bright little boy five years old, a son o Mn Jules Quesnelle, a rancher, of Maple Creek, Man. Mrs. Wm, Bushfield, of Logan was seized with a paralytic stroke while partakieg of the sacrements in church on Sunday last: She never sgoke af- terwards and died next day. Mrs. Geo. aark, of London West, who broke her leg recently on Mount Pleasant avenue, has agreed to with- draw all claims for damages on the Reeve, promising to .haVe a new side- walk put down on the street to the vil- lage limits. J am es Donald, an old and highly re, 4epected farmer, living on the Stratford road, about a mile from Bt. Mary's, tit - .tempted to stop Dr. Mathieson's horse which was running away near the rink in SC Mary's on Tuesday Ile' wag struck by the horse in such a way that the injuries caused his death Friday 'morning, • liontelreere Who heated with pride that they would not know one if they saw it, hove sadly confees.their farnilar- ity with the appearance of chriex awl even in the abodes of wealth chneX has been lately known to make dills. The partieular cirnex of this season is herd to banish He laughs inaedt powder to scorn and thrives on the most deadly mixture that &Mid be pre- pared for him. The fortunate house- keepers who have not keen him yet are takiiig extra precantionti against his visite, THE '13golcEN 134NIC. The undue ekcitemeet ,ceeeed,,l)y tho failere of the Ilenk of London had the effect of cleasine corishlerable rue on local teeeetary iestatutrons which ar'e Iceown to be perfectiy.solicl. Peo- Ple aPPOAred toliaYe got k,110Pc p.10.S rattled and tn. haVe lost faith generally. They seem to think the .whole*fittanciiti world was in 'danger, and foi:got that the Bank of tendon did not suspend under pressure.; but as a matter of`poli- cy to protect the shareholders. The c'reunistances of the failure aro simply thee: Soree trouble haviug arisen among the shareholder* and directors of the Ontario Investment, Mr. Henry Taylor, manager of that association and presid,ent of the Brink of London, took up his reeidence 4 Alexandria Bay on the Anierican aide of the„ St. Lawrence to Prevent Aqy Proceedings being taken against Mid. Hp made no secret ot his'whereaboutt, and kept up communication with his friends in Pan - don, Stating his intention of remaining away • unless he got a sufficient guaran- tee against pro'Secution should he re- turn, All attempts to induce him to come to Toronto to conclude the-egree- ment for the transfer of the 13rink of Lydon business- to the Bank of To. roto failed, and the directors knowing that the neWs ofhif 41104 would create a run on the bank, which they. could only meet by calling .in their ievesttd moneys -at a great saerifice, deeded close its doors, and save what they could for the stockholders. There seem to be nolloubt 'about the, deposit- ors and note-hi:Aden getting eVerk cent that is due thein. , Farmers are owbough harvesting and will be seeking a ;market fox their produce. Let them bring it to Exeter. No matter whdt they have to sell, they can dispose of it here at the yery high. est prices. Exeter:buyers , have estab- lished an enviable reputatiqKfor honor; able rind fair dealing, and always. pay the highest litotatiens. • Let farmers make a note orthis, and see if what we say is not literally an-rect. Then, fur- ther than that,'.our business men carry the very best ,stooks of goods to be found in the cohntry, and offer thein at the closest prices, eo' that after selling their produce t1d,gh prices, farmers Catt buy their impplies at law ones, and thus be a gainer in two ways. If this. item should meet -the eye of it farmer who has not hitherto made Exeter his market, we hope ,fie Wilb give it a trial being satisfied* that he will be so well pleased with the 'experiment Quit he will ever afteri .ipeat the operation. .*******..***********•.******i..dimmilmorsop WATCF:34' Ql...00KS1 LyiY,, ! 7 PRO CLAMATION ceer.'tr. t ••• $ FrTnIXS4 FROM THE TYRANNY & OPPRES§ION • --0E— HIGH 14-110E8 a, To the people of Exeter and surrounding country :— - Throw oft kb e'eYoke so long borne by you under your Tyrannical Master, High Prices. TO -DAY YOU ARE FREE? , WWWW And not witICa frpedom dear- ly bought if you patron- ize me. I l'illkeep high 'Aces ever in siihjee- tion. Prortise Absolute-, Safe v from cal 9n4nner of oveOpharge. r 8upply Olk: with relicOle and stylish goods fte. WAX ORES, ei; 0 0 K JE IVE LL ER Y, SZLVERIVARE, 17O NEL IV E S BIC. i • At 1,.owek,,t thiing Prices. '4R8PAIRING4 entmo. spE6IALTY, Stand opposite J. Pickard's Main St,. E*Pter) ,Hick;•'• • „ • New Premises? EW COOtS. Respectfully reminds hie ninny Customera and the lad* genera); that he' has re- eieved to 1: -NEXT :rotsi osticoto Main Street, ,EXETER. Where• he has just received —A— .4WELL A.SSORTED : STOCK OF flEARY-IVIADE-7- • • BOOTS:4 SHOES • ALSd. " Hand -made t orljoi the highest f Class. • "A Trial .Solicited, • and Satisfaction Guaranteed f GE01 MANSON: 6 .Exeter. Yogio•••••••••••••• • ..HELL0.1..411.1ERE. • ,figilvg ANPR.F.w$ ALMANAC For Balance of 71887. ;a- fteept • - . liziezle or pleasant ! invisible eclipse of the mewl I Work like fury, or you'll never get through in thus to secure one of those ex- traordinary bargains, that we are offering. Furniture of every de, scliptioll'at reduced prices. (October. Another st)ell of weather! War in the east! Terrible catastrophe in New Volk ! 8 peojile I ine- eumi, to base ball fever. Police ordered out to keep back the crowd from our Warerooms I Several seriously. jammed. 4,-)v.inti•er. Look out for snow. • Fathers with . • eligible daughters, nnhang the front gate, and buy one of our cosy sofas; warranted tobring the most bashful young man in the country to time in short order Beds, Spring 11fattrassesy0 Lounges, etc., etc., in endless variety. II•ectember. Change in the moon; and more . . • wea cher. tud4lIa1rinj :— Our Stock of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and Trimmings, are unexcelled. iteforrned undortukor0, hbBinge, no C1Ij1ies ISO use all allke. OOP erleOs w AteVern oufselves, and as Most peopie know thty aro Very Moderato WO undtnetand, and. make 34 specialty oi this Part of our business. Conte and see before you buy, • Open (ley and nitolt. REMEMBER the PLACE Drew's old stand,—one door north of Molson's Bank. Rowe & .Andrews. 40.e! memmemorovememorirs*****, When our coinpetitors talk about us not being able'to sell * RELIABLE GO OtS At lovi, prices, we feel like shouting "CHESTNUTS:". • We know just what we, can do and 40 do,our .customers;, if they • did not we should not have so many on our list, • Dut if you will only make up your minds to give any of otir toads in Groceries; Croekery, and Glsssware, a trial yoti will soon be running, around town calling out A " is %alit • • But thereis ouly one place to get the combination of • • Good goods at Low prices OD THAT 15 AT . a • ED. ROBERTS'- FAN$ON'S BLOCK, - MAIN -STREET, EXETER, ARD.W.ARE. . , Kin NATLS, Both'.Steel and Iron; PAINTS and OILS, ' SPADES and SHOVELS,' Barbed *Wire °Fen.chig, . Plain Twist Wire Fencing, Woven Wire FenCin,„e and Galvanized Wire Fencins,—Ml. bought before the recent advance in prices, and will be sold at LOWEST MURES. AN EXCELLENT ,ST.00KL,OE„ LAMP GOODS . • TINWARE Or 'ALL KINDS KEPT IN STOCK. Agents for tito..R1Y1110ND Sewing Machine. BISS1TT,BROTHERS, .MAIN SfREET.o. . • 'EXETER, ' • jr he- HADVOCATE OFFICE. . • For Plain and Fancy J! P NT N I ... Corner John and Main-sts., Mt:ELM:WM 3EL ... • "•1 • .t4 4 10