The Advocate, 1887-08-24, Page 5Local Naws. Msster Will. Clarke visited friends in the country last week. The dates set for holding a number of fairs this fall, appear in another column. Many loads of brick are 1,re arriving daily for the use of the Trivitt enor 1E11 church, The Miss Thomases who have been the guests ofMr. and Mrs. J. P. Clark returned home on Monday. Our local cotem devoted consider- able elsece last week in relating the cir- cumstances of a dog fight. Mr, J, C. :Blatchford who has been visitiug friends here for some time past, has retarned to Colorado. We are plegeed to notice that Mr. John Gould, who has been laid up for some time, is able to be around again. New sidewalks have been laid down on the west side of Main street in front of Carling's Week and Bissett hardware store. Bon. Judge Tome, of Goderieh, pre- sided at the Division Court. held here last Monday, when a number of eases were disposed of. Jouathan Manning, one of Exeter's bright and worthy young men, ie now in the employ of Mr. J. P. Clark, gen- eral retail merchant The wife •of Rev. Jolly Holmes, pastor of Xing. street Methodist Church London, is the pest of her sister, Mrs. Rollins, wife of Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, At a recent meeting of the council g rate of fourteeti mills on the dollar was levied to pay all expenses of the cor- peration. This is one mill lower than /ast year, The prohibition idea was badly knocked out in Texas, the other day as it was found to be in a state where the whisky bowl is even more prevalent than the cotton boll. The copious shoWers of the past few days have added wealth to the couotry, and' the stock which has suffered great- ly from drouth, will be able to quench their burning thirst. Owing to illness, Mr. Trivitt, Clerk of the 5th Division Court of the county of Huron, which is herd at rxeter, was unable to attend and perform his du- ties on Monday last. New subsetibers sending es twenty- iive cents in silver or 3 -cent -stamps, can have the ADvocitere sent to their address until January 1st, 1888 ; a trial trip one month for only ten cents. A shower Monday night was wet - coined and re6eshing, but not of sufff- cient duration to satisfy the thirsty earth, However, `‘'every little helps, as the old woman said when she spitin the tea. Messrs. S. Manning, 1 Ruse and; J. P. Clarke. left Monday forenoon to spend a week camping, at the lake They are all j.011y good fellows and if a, good timeis not spent it won't be their fault Lad week we issned a large number of "sample copies" announcirp; that this paper will be sent to. any address until Jan. 1288 for twenty-five cents conse- quently our list Pare augmented to the tune of thirty new subscribers: After seten: years connection with the St. Mary's Argus, Mr. J. J. Crabbe retires and will be succeeded by Mes- srs. West and Mcleod: The Argus is one of the best local papers in the Pros vince; and its sums& should be contin- ued M. W, J.. Gould, son of Richard Gould of this village, returned to Oslr- awe on Monday after spending a pleas- ant time here: Mr. Gould was an aps prentice with' J. P: Clarkeand, having served his apprenticeshipand becom. :trig master of his trade, secured a very lucrative position at Oshawa Disorderlyboys who. congyegateeon thefront street of whomcomplaint hat *been made If the people who are troubled by disorderly and noisy boys wetelcl,jast take the names of the delin- quents and prosecute them they would get ridof the nuisance very effectively, The constable hasen't time to watch street corisers to catch boys playing: around them., The most dangerouS counterfeit in circulation in Canada is that of the $10 note of the Rank OVCetrimerue,Tas Ponta, dated May 1st, 187.1/,‘ letter D. These counterfeitshave the. words. "Capital $61000;000," and are signed W. Cooke, cashier. The easiest meth - ed of detecting the bogus article is in this way.. -Under allthe letters of the Words Tau DbIlarg are five hi ick paral- lel. lines of shadirig, while en thb gouu. inc notes'there areonly kor lines, The lion's face liaS alSo Ms the eoun- terfeit moin of a scared or staitled ei pression, and his right ear ismet se pro- issiiient, and poiated. 11fise Kate Gundy, of Aylmer, is visiting friends in town' Winnipeg weinen is reported to have given birth to triplets. Lawyer Collins attended Division Court at Zurich on Tuesday. Miss McLaughlin, of Aylmer,. is the gpest of her aupt, Mrs. -Wilson. Swin- erten. The brick work on the Trivitt Me- morial Church was commenced on Tuesday. A heavy white frost nipped the vinea at East Tawas, Mich, on Saturday morning. The tower of the town hall is being proceeded with, and will be completed in a few weelsa. A neW sidewalk is being laid down on the east side, of Mainstreet from the town hall to —street, Mrs. Chapman, of Ingersoll, is spend- ing a few days at the faroily residence of her brother, Mr. Richard Seldon, The voters' list of the town of Park Hill for 1887 contains 462 names 27 less than the number on the Forest list, Messrs Wegeott Ltz. Sanders, insur- ance agents, etc., have dissolved part- nership. Notice appears in another column. Mr. Evans,who fell frona a scaffold a few weeks ago and received a broken leg, is able to be around again, but not without, the use of crutches. The rural es:Imola. reopened on Mon- day, 15th Aagust High Schools, Col- legiate Institutes and Public Schools in towns and cities reopen on Monday Aug. 29th. His numerous friends tvill regret to learn of the serious ndisposition of Rev Father S'Ilea, of St. James Church, Sea - forth. Ire has been confined to bed for several days. Scariett's Telegraph Oil is appreciated as a household remedy. Give it a trial. --Sold only at E. Scarlett's Drug Store, Exeta The Seaforth Expositor says,;, --Mr, Robt Coates:, who for the past three years has been salesman in Mr. James Pickard's store, has secured a good' sit- uation in the wholesale house of Mes- srs Struthers, Auderson its Co, of LOH, don. lle is a steady affable young gentleman, and will elo. well in h•isnew position.. A western paper supplicates. thus:. "Tell me ye angelic hosts, ye mes- sengers of love, shall swindled printers here below hayeTho redress- above?" The engels flapped their wings and said: "To yo e cv hope is given, delin- quents on a printer's book can never enter heaven." We hope subscribers far and: near see. the point soplain, pay for their paper: -.never dear,. and figure bliss obtain. Again we repeat de oft even advice stick to the home merchant. TItere are no more honorable or fair' d'ealerS anywhere; none Gaff Ite. found else- where who have as much interest in, your welfare, If you shouldgo abroad all thesalesinen esapect from you is your ready cash,, whereas the home merchant wants your steady trade, wattts your esteem as a neighbor and wants to see your prosperity. The firemen and their Mo.?* Picnic - ed at the Bend on Wednesday, Don't forget the concert in Drew's opera house oo peat Toesday evening. Everybody is going. Mr. H. Seldon and WA/ And his sis- ter Mre. Chapman, of Ingersll, spent a P1eas4.14 #tee"oaMPing at the lake for a few daA. Antnal Monster Excursion. The great Excursion of the year takes place Saturday 27th. to Niagara Falle and Grimsby Park; train leaves Exeter at 847a in; tickets only $2.00 good fot three. The wonderful 8aear, donee preaches at Grimsby on this occasion. You can visit the Falls gf Grimsby both daYs, Go! Got Go!: THE LATEST' Iregetable VA - per. It far excels all other Anesthetics. Known as *her Chloroform Nitrous Oxide gas Vitalized air Aic,, Persons with affections of the heart and lungs can inhale it and have large operations performed estending bver /5 minutes. So come one, come 1111 to Mr, Cart - *right's Dental ofike and have your teeth mftracted without realfziug it. At Esseter, on "Wednesday fast, be- fore. Magistrate Williams; the follow- ing pleaded guilty to violaton Of the Scott Act; 0, Ilumphreyt Crediton, $50, and costs; .no. Lambkin, Wood- ham $50, and costal Jas. Oke, Jno. Hawkshor and Wm. Brinacombe, of Exeter, $100 Baehr and colts. We understand that Mr. John IlaWksliaw has appealed. The leading °oncost of the season will he given under the auspiees of the AoyaI Templars of Temperance on the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 31/th inst to commence at eight o'clock. Some no- table foreign talent has been seemed for the occasion, also our local talent which is too well kno*ri to require ref- erence from is. The comniittee have spared neither time, trouble nor money in making this the concert of the season and we can truthfully say that all lov- ers of the production of such an enter- tainment will miss a grand treat if they 'do not attend., Thio price of admission is so low that it is sy.t.tn tire reach of aft, being only twenty-five cents, If you cannot afford a reserved seat get a 15 eent one, but be sure and go'. The indication eoneerning: the ex- tent and quality a the, exhibitions at OAT County fl show hold at Exeter thie, fall, promisesan usually large and fine•display of livestock, farrePreducts implements and other articteS unusually seen, at agricultural and industrial ex- hibitions: The su pelisse' railroad faciii, ties and numerous dlireet routes to. Exeter from all portions of thecounty. will be duly appreciated by the' ioniti- tudes who are inakingaretingements for attending_ the eounty fair. . i The Suprenie. Coat of the lndepent dent Oder of SIOrresters met yesterday inoining in St.. Laweenee Itallir Sups reiee Chief Ranger Pe.. Oronhyateltha presiding. The'eeportssof the enpreine offieers were submittedk and were. Of a most encouraging nature. The in- crease Of' inern bership is about 3;000 Seventy-two new courts have beer formed' duriog the year, and $35,000 was adtled: bringing it up to $70,000i In, the. even int; a El igh adiurt for Que., bee was formed. Among Other thang,- tise har•ffeeders, saloon-, keepers and.Ito telAteepers). who, Sell intoxicating flq inns were pleeetiliti the esetre InViardOus elasa, Tlie8upromo Courtof LOAF, yes tePday VOttiC1' 821000) trO. tho UhiefRan- ger for 50 nes during the past yoar' and that in future he be paid *2.500; The election of officers resulted as folleWe: Stiptettechief ranger, Dr. Or- miliyatekliaksiipeenie vicoriteger, IT .0 Reed" gtiprenie Semetary, E. S. Cum - bar; suprethe tree:Surer, T. G. Davy; sliprerne physician, .Dr. T. Millinitn;sto proem councillor, J. A, MeGillivray; enpfeme Etua itOtf Bf Greer and 'rhos, tovloy, Alt deeted by The following item was corresponded to the Clinton New' Era fast week and bearst reference here :—A family living in this village, abott a year ago adopt, ed feoen the orphan home, London, a bright youth, On Saturday last, a lady, a relation of the family, was there. and ordered. Cho lad to go and do some little ehores ; thelact at once set about the work, halt did not do it fast enough te,.. suit this fair lady, who at once com- menced fieeting tile child, until Ms cries of murder etc., wetheard fully a block away. Not being' satisfied with this' beating. she toolr the child Ily tho legs and dropped him into a tub of water,. lieepirty, hins there until 14 Wa'S, nearly' drowned', We hale heard of cruelty tcr atainals;, iltrt in. a civilfzet1 plactslike Canada, wedo not appreciate such cruelty to the animal, leaving children out of tile question; and if the act is again repeated wewill see that the lew' is enforced, . , . bifIS01114111 of PECtifergitipl. NOTICE' is hereby. givew that tile part, nersisip heretofore existing: between john Tr. Westosti$ and William. Sanders known by the style and Finn name of Wi3stcott 3.5 Saselers, General Istsurance,_: Loan,. Ifhetr- ine, CodectinKand Real Estate Agents, Exeter,, Ontario, has. this day been dissolv- ed' by mutual consent. The business hereafter will be conduct-. et]: by John T. Westeetto whit). will pay all debts, and to whom dr accounts due the late firm must he paid. ISAAC BIBSETT, XouN T.. Walarceerr, witness. Signed . WILMA' S'Allsi Drifts,. Dated at Exeter this '19th day of Aug- ust, 1887.. ,7,',.., 3 -in. Exeter Divition Curt., iestIlted le at the, tamp.; c.141440f called me a blackard objected to be called that; told deft. )shat the wonma had palled Me; effered to gay til! Op, last sheaf of fall wheat was in the 'barn wanted to cut wheat; .deft,.objected; I left hine,_ did not ask hiin for pay then. the following Monday asked for sett1emen4 deft, said he )144 no incoley; offered to take a note; deft, re- fused to give note; would not bind my- self to stay for a. year; goi, all together abortt seventeen dollars.. --- DMsion court was held here on 'Nlon- day last before His Honor Judge Toms. The bar was represented by Lawyers R. IR. Collins, Is H. Dickson, Jno. El- liot, df Exeter, and W. 0. Moscrip of Ste Marys. A number of local cases and judgment summonses Were dispos- ed of. The most interesting cage dis- pilipaised of wad the wages ease of Rob- inson vs Patrick O'Brien. The plain- tiff hi this ease was Sehri Robinson, hired num,who left the defendant rat, rick O'Brien, abont tile foiiiteenth of July last. Titis case and the ittaiff ivaa siratchk] with much interest' by both farmer mid servant. Plaintiff diposed said: Agreed to work privy,. ear. for $160, board slid washing included,. and list& to be dismissed sty tithe they. disagreed conunenced to work Nov. 14,4 1886; worked till ,July, 14th. 1887;. Worked for cleft, before; washing sewiag was rot done' according. 05' agreement '; Cross eSemined:—Hired three melts ths separately; renewed agreement every month; hired then Eta long as we could agree; wa.anot drank; had liquor in my head; thie was not the trouble with the women; deft: offered me $150; agreed for $160 for a year, if we could agree; been there nearly ten montln4 coMMenced work 26th' Nov. 18$6s: Worked till July 14th 18d7; never quarreled with a female member of deft's. family; went to see friends on Friday; was to, return on Monday; did not return. tiff Friday; got perenis- siva to go; went to work; worked till the kiirteenth; eameto gseter deft.; returned with hires told deft. 1 would Stay till the wheat was cat; re- fused to svork; then left; retarned and aske4 for a settlement Peft. said he woold settle met cleft. at R. 11. Col- lin'a offfee; was to conditions an which deft would settle; would not go back to work; did not tel my agree "nett with deft to anybody; refused. to baild gap; could not carry poles. Mr. Russell, farmer, diposed said : Worked for deft.; heard pink. ask deft. for a settlernent heard plink offer to work till the lust sheaf svas in the barn. cleft said he would pay him; said he had n& money; refused to give note; -would pay him when his time was up; have known deft. all my life; would not believe him on oath.. Cross examined: To Mis, Collins; Would not believe deft. on oath; pltf, was away when 1 came t6'ere',. did not tell me the bargain.: heard deft. ask for a settlement; woulnot go to work; heard deft.; told him to' settle; said he had no money; refused my money. • Mr. Campbell, farmer, diposed said : Live in Hay; worked for deft ; advised deft to settle; said lie had no money; offered him money; would not take it. Cross examined' by Me:, Collins; Great inconvenience tot farmers • for a hand to leave at that time of the year; know df.. wells know hini for the past thirty years; am next door neighbor; would believe him on oath; consider $ta or $14 per month fair wages from Nov, to July. Mr. Patrick O'Brien,' defendant, di: - pose& said; I am a farmer; live in Hay township; hired pintf. for three months at$16 per month; hired pink. for one year at $150; made bargain at the sta, blek nothing stated about leaving; hired pink. for it year; pink, made nocorns plaint; had no fault to find with his work; an, a cripple; eataaot donty own work; plat. was drunk; asked him. to 'cisme home; came to work Friday morn- ing; worked two days; came to Exeter kr a cradles got under the influence, ,of liquor; came home; went to cut !wheats. told him, not to; pink, left Fri- day morning; returned Monday. Re - felled to settle with pink, by note; told him tog° to work; pink refused; came to Exeter; met pinft there; was always treated well by my family; washing: was always done. Cross examined by Mr, Elliott.— know pink.; worked for me; have a good memory; remember date when Omit. began work; miide entry in book; agreed for $150 for a year; nothing said about leaving if we could not agree; never found fault with pInft's work; left Friday; gave him permis- sion to leave; did not come back Mon- day as told; came back Friday; work- ed Saturday; came to lExeters. went home withtne; refused to go to. work; said he could not carry the large poles to repair the gai*nevercomplained of being 'abused at the tables or by any of the family; had no moneys would not give note; would seettbout a settle- ment; intended to pay pinksome thing; went to Campbell's; advised Me to settle; refined to take moneys,Pliift offered to stay till every sheaf WaS in the barn' . !levee complained of the con- duct of the kinale menibers of my family; heard my daughter say he was blackarcl; never offered to go bitek to work. This concluded the evidenee which the Judge did not submit to the Jury, but dismissed the case with costs to be paid by the plaintiff Mr. Collin's act- ed for the defendant, and John Elliott for the plaintiff. The decision of.this case, no doubt, will ext a t dethient upon these hired men and hired help gAtieeatiy who make it a practice of leaviiiir their employees pat at the time when their services ere the moat needed, There is a law which protects both eniplOyer and mnployed, and it should be strictly enforeed, Worento FalrWheat $ 0:8'0 t.C? •§ 0.90 5pringw1at 0.89 to 0.90 Oats O. to 0.35' Peas 0.56 to Barley f1.40' to 0.55 VaY Pe; to» 9.00 tp, Butter 0.10 toUti potatoes.pqr)348: 1,10 Eggs per doe 0.14 to. 045. Di essed egs per fa() 7.90 te, 7,50' THE AfARKETS: Exrrsit, June S. 1887, Wate *twat per bushel (new) 80 84 to 40 84 Red Wheat Per 0 84 to Q Spring Wheat " • • • • •.. 0 80 to 0 84, Barley per buShel 0 86 to 0 40' Oats per bushel.. . , Q 30 to 0 41 Peas Per bushel,. ..... . Q 00 to 0 60' Butter per lb... . .. 0 00 to Q 12 MY Per ten .. oo. to 00 sees per dozen - 0 00 0 16 /Mee per lb 000 to 01 Sheep .„ Q 00 to 0 20 WsPaoc*ItaPitoepreesbri. Phel6.i.'b.6-st.:e. . . .l0 0 00 0 290tt: '1 0: Apples per btothel 0 000 tuo, 3 0 0 000 Oatmeal. per bbl 00 1P.noirik°wper 100 lbe 0 00 to ,— oo oo to 12 OD' Bacon per lb 0 00 to 00 10' •••14 C h ri st ie's Commerclal LivEttir, ow( sTA/Ar " I ,r• •." 4 101 # • i , ,.• *it!r3:- So' • 10'7; " Rigs and ilorses fiTst-claSs. •prOrders left at the: Hawkshaw House, or at. She rtable will be prodeptly attended to. TEEMS; REASONABLE.. —GO TO-- A -IIASTING'S A. 3 Central .sig FOR Ar:isfc Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, , Hair Dyeing, etc., etc. Lades' Work a Speciality. SATISFACTIONI›* olGUARANTEED, Peacoat's Most EXETgR, Ont PEDIAC NOTICE IS. HEREBY. GIVEN THAT UNLESS, W. SOUTHCOTT DESISTS PROM SELLING EIS, TAILOR -FITTING ClothinGi at ruihout,prioese AND ALP KI•NDS GENTS' FURNISHING, GOODS at panic priees, he will get ALL THE TRADE IN TOWN So.says Customer, - 1k, Southeott, Main street, Exeter. JOHN MeiNNEso DIIALEW ENT FLOUR mid FEED Of nll kinds. Breakfast aortas, OW 0altes1,. Grrnind Flax and: Ilmpilt Catflo Reed always oins hand, potitas' yEttvgst.M riatt 0100 fr-tietttGt8. JOHN MIcNN 4 Etrotr),, II &IN $.1' • $