The Advocate, 1887-08-24, Page 1VOL. I
. .A.XETE.R1. Ot J THURSDAY. A..t10-7(3-ST 24 18.87
NO. 12
MR, &der 411voratr.
I.pUlilished every Thueaday morning,
at the office, corner of
;Idlin and Main-sts, , Exeter, (hit,
'One dolhlr a, year if paid in advatit8lla.50 18 15t
AdrerOding R4tOS on 'Oppitokition
Nopaper itiget$ntinut.ii until ttlt arrearakes are PAIL
kAdvartisomoilts WithOut toe4Ilc directions will 110
"IntblishedtilPferbill and charged accordingly, Liberal
-a11:31.313333A Made for trans lent advertisements inserted
'for long pinatas. Every .leseription of JOB PRINT.
INO turned out in the finest style‘of the art and at
moderate 'rates, Cheques, money orders, ite, for
lativertising,•subseriptions, etc., toile Inadepitya.ble to
Edieor and Publisher,
•orrwtotr DIRECTO BY.
, Enact/rata Onnten.-Rey, S. 4'. Robinson, herint-
'bent. Sunday Services, 11 5. q rit ; Sal).
'bath School, 2:30 p, tn.
SALVOION A slIT.--Stindu set VICeE3,17,48., tn,,3 p. rn.
'and 8 p.*services every night during the week,
nt 8 o'clock. Holiness meeting at 11 a. tit. on'tiunday.
Meanonier (Mutton. james st., Beta.), Graham,
trastor. 81tfulay at:1143c, 10,30 a, m, and 0.30 p. m.
tiabbat» school, 2 p.111. Prayer meeting Thursday
eyenitig at, 7.30.
blAtx STILEI{T.-Rev. W, 81. PIISCOC, pastor, Sun.
day ,servIces, 10,00a. In. avd P. nt tialthath
,seltoni, 2.30 0. rn. /Prayer meeting, Thursday even -
at 7.30. Young pooplesrayer meeting. Thursday
leveeing' et
Pasallyrattot7/ Ctiontil.-118-4 W. M. Martin, Pfeiter.
l*Stinday services, 11 a. tn. and 0130 p. Satinatit
!School, 0:46,41.'In. VoUng peoples ,prayerineeting, at
45. Thursday evening, prayer toeettngre.t 8 o'olock.
(hair practice inintediakely after.
Business mid other Cards.
j W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. P, S.
Vraduate of 'Victoria. UniVersity. Office and.ersidence-
Demirion i.aboratory, Exeter, Ont. Jiine,
,Fnr the Village of Exeter, and`the County df 'Huron.
All orders promptly attended to. Exeter p.o., Ont.
A. . •
'For the Townships of Hay and lirsbortM. All orders
promptly atttmdefl to Exeter p.o., Out.
1,seasiter o SuprOMe Court of Ontario, Cominisslenev,
'Con roamer, &c.„Oftice,-Next doorto *unwell & Pick -
.13.111.S. Exeter, Ont. Money to loan at very lowest rates.
/...„ 0.11 NO. 024.
nicete firrt Friday in every ntonth. in John's BloCk
'at 8 O'clock, Visiting Brethren Welcome,
•JotiX SractotAx, W. M. JOHN WHITS, Secy.
T 0. 0. F., No. 07, EXETER.
Meats every Tuesday evening in John's block. keor-
dial welcome extended to visiting brethren.
ALI:SHT rUKE, N. 0 J. or.VESTCOTT, R4Cejt.
0. 10. NO. 123.
‘itteets tho second and fourth Friday ,of each month,
in Fonton's /hill, at 8 o'clock p. in. Visiting Brett].
TC11 cordially invited.
1E, xass, C. R., ,T. PICKARD, Sec.
L. D. 5,, extracts teeth without pain
by shim; Vitalized Air. or using the new local Antos -
t ltetle Onthe 3111110, Afaltes 0010 Fillings, and all other
dental work the best possible. Goes to Zurich last
Thursday in each month,
Sta rri eo n Dent:let
°muffle 01 tho Royal Oedlege of Den-
tal Surgeon:I of (handy,. I raving furniihed fine‘ildn-
tat room. on .Tames -street, two aoors east of Cetitral
mass maser, Ont., whore I ant prepared to perform,
WI brat elus of the profession With eaSe and skill.
ROW Estate and Steamboat Agent. Wealthy and re•
,thildo Fire and tile Insurtmee Companies Represent.
teti. Any =Unlit of money to lean on first class mort-
,gages WOW, rates of interest. 0e1e0a1 Agents for
Huron Co, for A, E. Williams & Co., real estate agts,
Londen. Beaver Line of Steamers raproSented,
Ofilee-danies St,, Exeter, Ont. Mt.07
s ri,33 Zaa Ziaa
lassies. of
Ifillirifila piEFISE%
14110, Accident, an I lira Insurance agent.
KhrPitt: \VOL, Sideof Main -street *Atter.
Hay: Favmord Mutual .Fire
'Insurance Company.
"and choa 060 insuf ace Company in the Dominion,
•0101 do Lc by applying personally, or by mail to the
tinder:IL )300. All app'mitions promptly attended to.
Als0 .nt 100 the Wellington toinpany of Guelph.
also ATIOTIONVIt'at rrw filo Comity 01 Miro%
13. UOSSIINunattY) Aoksr.,
4066,0474 Zurich, OM,
A Boston barbell retied after 60
yettra of service, tied while he was pack-
ing his kit he remarked that he was
tired to death Of hearing so much silly
tolls irtan the castonieta
1r0 A-Ps1-1" APPIRIESS
an .the United Stales or America,
Subscribe Now.
J, Srell,
West side Main-st„ Exeter.
A Good Fit
guaritnt eed
Latest 'Styles of Goods kept in
A Oall Solicited.
Ai 4* SNELL/
having purchased the business a
Chas. Senior, wishes to in-
form the the public that
he can be found
At the Old stand
Main 'Street, Exeter.
The Finest Cabinets the•ctisnas
ty. Elegant Einisla.
Copying ad Enlarging
done on shortest notice.
Autett, Clinton, Sept 27-28
West Huron, Goclerich, Oct. 4-5-6
Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Sept. 2649.
'Stephen 10 1.T '
sborne Exeter, Oct. 3-4
Morris Bran -h, Blyth, Oct. 11-12.
Grand Central, Hamilton, Sept 26-30
Western Fair, London, Sept. 19-24.
Provincial, Ottawa, Sept. 19-24.
Southern, Brantford, Oct • 1142.
Central, Guelph, Sept. 20-22,
Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 5-1V.
Northern, Walkerton, Oct, 3-4.
North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 9-7.
About four o'clock Friday morning
two 'freight trains collided a short dis-
tance east of the station on the Air
Line, Aylmer, completely destroying
theengitte and several cars on the east-
bound, while the west bound, which
had come to a standstill, had ita engine
damaged considerably, It Seems both
trains had orders to pass here. The
east bound arrived first, ancl pulled
through regardless of orders. The
operator in ohargo of the station on
seeing the train go through put up the
east semaphore to stop it, but the en-
gineer seemed to pay 116 attention, and
soon struck the west -bound, whieh had
stopped Ctli seeing the semaphore. Tho
trainmen jumped and escaped injury,
eXcept the brakeman on the east-bottial
who Was thrown violently to the grotind
but not hurt fatellia
Many.ii man has ruined his eyesight
by sitting in the barroom looking for
Exeter North.
Miss, Knechtell, from neat; Stratford
has beenn visiturg aer eoustns, Mas.
wer and Miss. Ruby,
Mrs. George Southeott lett for het
home in Toronto !last Sattnalay, efter
opendina several weeks with her parents.
An attempt was made to blutlarise the
(residence of 11'r. ,Alf McIntyre, 'brit before
asainiog entrance by the back winaow, they
'were frightened away by the i7/114131tIllIts.
'Hever they trythe same experiment 'they
will likeSy know that Alf is not elassed
with the almoner coon.
reaident sof this place gat fall of
something stronger than Scott Act and
then went prowling atounci, %disturbing
the peaceful slumberers in a mean aud dis-:
graceful way. 11 this ever happens again
by that party, he will most likels receive
a new coat of tax ana pose 'clothing.
Fanners are ploughing for fall 'wheat,
knit at is rather a dry.job. '
.A.,graria conceals, to be, given in the
Winchelsea public sehool in about
two weeka.
Mrs. Amdrew, accompolnied by Ilia
,'youngest son, took advantage ot the privi-
lege nem:chid 'by the excursion to vssit her
eons in Manitoba.
Mr, Samuel& Vail, who made his way
to Montreal some time ago has secured a
sitaation As switchman, amid visited 'home
for alas •clothes last weelt.
,Mr. Erlls has secured the tpatent
tight for a door. holder (a very conarenient
thing to keep doors open) and intends, in
onmpany with Mr. Frederick Smith, of
Kansas, viaiting all the fairs in the Prov-
ince, atal offer comity rights for sale
Mr. Thomas Vaireriet with a painful
aecident last "week. at -seems he was in
the ,tet of descending 'from a straw stack
on the premises of' Mr. 1Villiam 'Wood,
vilien some one on 'the stack threw straw
on hirn causing 'him to miss the ladder
and:fell heavily on the stone bottom be-
aow, breakitig .souie of his'aihs, and other-
wise injuring him.
Itclbt. Beate, efthe 2nd con. of Stanley,
had, the misfortune. ot losing a fine three
year old tally the weel5 before last. She
was vetoed at$200, which is a heavy loss
to Mr. Boice.
The sound of the whistle announces the
arrivid in our midst of Messrs Harvey and
'Wiley with their genial smiles and affable
enamel's, and that the threshing aeason
ihita farrly commenced On the Parr Line.
The firm is doing as good work as ever
and enjoy the fullest confidence of the
farmers in thio vicinity.
At the last meeting' of the Council the
'following bills were ordered to be paid :
Messrs'caarrow & Proudfoot, $18 ; F. G.
Neelin, $20, foe printing township by
laws 'School sections No. 1, 4. 5 and 14
$4 ea'cli, for use of school at last local elec-
tion ; Alex. MeBeth, $289 for building
bridge on the Peri. Line ; Donald McNair
was granted $5 as charity, he being in in-
digent .circumstances. The clerk was
authorized to draft a by-law toltise a rate -
of two mills on the dollar for county pur-
poses, and a rate af one and a half mills on
the dollar for local and railway purposes,
also a by-law to raise the sums required
by the several School section corporations
The teouneil then adjourned to meet again.
on October 1st, next at 1 o'clock p. in
Centralia. '
Jas. Oke of Exeter, shipped a tar load
of cattle here this week for the eastern
Mrs. Haight and daughter, the guests of
Rev. If Kershaw for 301110 time past, left
fur home last week.
We 'understand that Charley Fairhall
has 'decided to move i,rons MeGillivray in-
to this village, having bought it house and
lot from Dr: Rollins of Exetei•. Welcome
Charley, you did the right thing
A. R. Huston, an old. Centralia, boy,
paid allying visit to his folks last Satur-
day, ramming agein on Mon day. "Al 1"
bus bece working ea the G. T. R. for over
three years neasat,nd is doing well.
At it regular meeting of the Tint Board
of the Methodist Church here, it was de-
cided to go Oti With the erection ofa new
church here Which is badly needed, and
we have no iloabt, plat if liberal subacrip-
ticam are fortlitotiong, the Work will be
begun the toinieg spring.
Rey, E. Keith*, of this village, aful
BO Mr. Sellery of Lucan, exchanged Ott,
pito Stinday last. Those who had the
pleamire of Retelling to the latter gentle -
mama discourses, ONgreSsed theinSelVes 113
highly delighted. ed. isa vigor -
0113 speaker, and we think could do some
effective Work in a temperance 'mese.
1Vir. William Simpson lost a valuable
liorselfrom inflammation.
, The many frienda a Mr. John MTh-
thargy, will be sorry to hear M his loss df
four valuable horses by 'lightning on Wed-
mesilay last. His loss is all the more ser -
'wits as horses are the only stock that there
is anymoney in for farmers at present.
Quisseat number of fanns are changing
occepants this fall. Some selling -some
renting. A number of those on rented
farms, we :giving them up and seeking
fresh fields. Mr. King Hodgins Enid his
farm, lot 22, on 2nd concession Biddiilph,
en Friday last to Mr. Robt. Clooper, of
Ushorne, for the hamdaome unix of $6900,
11 the prke is good, The farm is gootta
Wiley Atkinson has els° purehased fifty
acres rom R. Stanley for $2700, All they
'Want now is Commercial Union to houoine
wealthy, contented and free.
Mr. E. It appel shipped our load df flax
laSt Monday.
Mrs.'Elines and Mo.' Williams have
agaie.retnened home after a short sojourn
with Mends in Cairo, Mkh.
Oar little town ia making evident head-
way and pro. ress frnu &ae numbe: of
build:alga whit& are gbout to'be completed
this fall.
The employees of D. Steinback had a
picnic up to Bayfield last Wednesday. By.
all appearance, they had a good. time
They arrived home about 8 o'clock in a
heavy shower df rain.
Mr. E. Apple, who has had the control
of Mr. D, 'Steinbach's tailoring depart-
ment for the last two yens and a half,
left here 'fair Pew Hamburg, where he .en-
ters the employ of Meas Rieder & Baby,
Onr millers have just pet in a now set
of rollers ha their mill, and it' besiness
keeps on the increase, as in all probabilit-
ies it will, they ititend to hate several
more rollers in working order before long.
Our Fall fair is to be held on the 15th.
arra. 16th of Sept. Remember the time
and. date. The SoeietPs energetic secre-
tary, Mr. D. ,S, Faust, will have the prize
list out in a shoat. time. Look out for
Mr. E. j. Hardy and. wife lr etroned
home last Tuesday from Lake View, Mich.
where they have been. visiting friends and.
relatives. Mr. H. says oar section of the
'country is far in advance df that where he
has been visiting.
We had a very heavy and nourishing
shower of rain here lest Thnreday. This
is what the farmers have been wishing for,
the ground .being so dry that they could
not commence their ploughing. The re-
cent showers has enabled the ploughing
business much easier.
NOTIL-Persons corresponding for the
ADVOCATE, will confer a great favor by
forwarding their reports so as to receive
them by Tuesday evenings' mail, as we go
td press Wednesday afternoon's.
When is Crediton's civic holiday 7
Mt Crooks and wife, nf Michigan, are
the guests of Ma ,Toseph Banes.
Miss McLaughlin has again accepted
the engagement as S. S. No. 2.
Welcome back again.
We uederatand that S. S. No. 2 has
been undergoing certain repairs in con-
nectiOn with a new roof replaced.
Commereial Union, in this neighbor-
hood, ia au uninterested topic. Farmers,
see to it, for your own advantage.
The brick work of the nee hardware
store of Mr. John Young, is completed,
and ia now in the halide of the carpeuter.
The flax mills are running in full blast
and it is feared that the ont-door work
will uot be finished beike the tuatinni
rajas set it..
Farmers are busily engaged preparing
the grounds for fall wheat. They are
smiling all over their fades to see the fine
showers of rain,
Mt Will Hoffnian, of Blyth, is spend-
ing a few weeks with "the old folks at
home." Will says there is no place like
home, be it evet so humble.
DaYid Stahl had Ins fine bank barn
fernished with eave-troughs on Wednes-
day last. The contract was let to our en-
terprising tin smith, Mr. John Yomig.
111r, Samuel Brown, tYlio took itt the ox-
=siert to Sault St, Marie and Mackinaw,
and after spending a few weeks with
friends in %Malay, artived home, smith
better in health,
liev. George Brown, on Stinlity moan-
ing last, delivered an eloquent aerinom
which might betttld"Tho wonderful
Works ot Gods" Bereferred diatinetly,
yet briefly, oh some or the InOst important
planets of the world. The Rev, gentlemari
deserves creCdt for the manner ia which
he dellyered the discourse, which present-
ed itaelf mere la the foriti of a leettire
Shan an Ordinary settaeli;
We have been informed thfl great
transaction has taken place between some
of our enterprising brick makers, which
is to take effeet next •
iVlay As underatood
Mr. Samuel Treeinner has rented the
farm of 31.e.,/fohn Mitehell, on whichl, itt
tonnectioa with farming, he intends lipitd.
in and atarting a brit* yard, while, the
wird now 'managed by le. Truemner, has
been rented by Mt. Geo. Holtzman. The
brick yard belonging to 'John Mitchell
has been rented by Mr. Lewis Stahl.
.Tolin Mitchell intends building e saloon
in the east end -formerly known as Ram-
'County and General News.
The man who will not listen to reas-
on 80011 be3omes a crank; but trying
to cure him is a waste of time.
Weismiller, 'Esq., Id Henson, has
been appointed by the Legislature to
the honorable position of justice of the
Peace in and for the County of Huron.
During the heaVy thunderstorm
which visited this section last 'Churs-
day evening, the barns of Mr. John
Salkeld, jun.., on the Bayfield road,
were struck by lightning and burned
to the ground. Mt Saikeld's loas is
Leavy, as the 'barna conthined the 'en-
tire crop for this season.
A reward el fifty dollars is offered
by Messrs R. Martin and A. D. Wil-
tsie, 'fanners near Clinton, who mourn
respectively the loss olf a 4$200 horse,
buggy and harness Which were stolen
last Monday night. The animal is a
bay mare, with black mane and tail,
small white stripe on a face, one white
hind foot, our years old, weighs about
1,500 lbs. The buggy is a. good cover-
ed one, with wine colored gear.
This is the breeding season of the
fatal cholera, the germs of which are
being sown in these hot, dry, dusty
days, when the thick-skinned,fat-laden
hog sneers from the heat and becomes
weakened in vital vigor. Every coina
fort should be provided for the pigs.
Fresh, jnicy, clean food; cool, clean
beds; shade and pure, clean water will
greatly help to keep them in good
health and hasten fattening in the cool
weather by and by.
' A remarkable incident 'is reported
from Arthur Township. Mr. McGilli-
cuddy, of that neighborhood, has a cow
) of somewhat pugnacious disposition)
and there is also in his herd another
bovine who rejoices in the possession Of
a pair of horns of large and graceful
proportions, which curve upWarels mad
inwards until their points come within
about six inches of each other. While
being driven home these animals ene;ar
ed in sundry acufiles and trials of
strength; and at last the hornless one
charged recklessly -upon' the other.
They came together fiercely, and the
head of the niulley when they met slip-
ped upwards between the horns of her
rival untii the points of the latter'a
horns were firmly fastened behind her
jaws. It is hard to say which cow
area in the wot•st position now, and all
efforts to Separate them for a long time
proved futile. It was at first imagined
that the only way to separate them
would be to knock the horns off. Final-
ly, however, a half-dozen men effeeted
their separation after some hard work.
The thistle Act is still in force in
Ontario, but one would not thirk so
when riding, through the country.
Along nearly every side road in
every township the pest is growing in
rich abundane, and just now is throw-
ing off its milliens of seeds The muni -
Mimi authorities seent perfectly indif-
ferent to their duty in respect to this
nuisance. It might be thought that
farmers, knowing the difficulty of get-
ting rid of thistles once they get into
the land, would be very particular, it
they even are too lazy to cub them on
there own farms, to compel their town.
ship authorities to have them cut on
the roadsides. But whether from care-
lessness, or {fickleness or supreme indif-
ference to their own interests, the this-
tle is allowed to grow and flourish and
oast its seeds iri every part of the coun-
try, Mt farming conintunity are th0
greatest sufferers from the nuisanee,
but strange to say they seem the most
carelesa of any in this matter- The
worst feature about it is that 'those
who do try to keep their farms dear
are compelled tO auffer hy reason of the
tiefigenee of the others.