The Advocate, 1887-08-18, Page 4,
The Exeter Advocato,
OZ7.1.1()Nz. Oreet, 4ceter,
OU.8 ARA .1). li'Sk
Owipg '0 the indispositien of: the.
Editor, fer the past few days, the Aar.
veceTe this week is not quite up tO it4
Maya' standard. Being nothing more
than humane we've snbject toeall the
ills a the human race, and meet bear
our affliction. We trust out! readers
will beer with us this time, and we
hope next week to be able to wield the
editorial pen with our aceustomed
alacrity awl ability,
famine aed ;lows droutle the peeple of
Blyth have succeeded: in, inducing a
printer to bring his pant end 'whiting
material among them and start a paper.
The ADvocATE acknowledged by all
the leading critics to be the newsiest
and best editechpaper ever published
in. that village, died, and the cause was
lack of. nutriment, Seven printers
have tried the newspaper. business in,
BIyth inside of eight years, and the.
Anvoceteei through undaunted'persever-
anee and iron will, stood the racket
for nearly. three years, when it suc-
cumbed to the•decease of ite six prede-
cessors, consequently the ADVOCATE
discovered in Blyth as in manyanother
place, that itis put money in-
to the peblication of a weekly news-
paper than to take it out. However,
the people of Blyth are persistent in
their endeavors to have anewspapeato
represent them before theoutside world -
and it behooves them now to support it
The paper to be started there is to be
called the "Blyth Standard," and -will
be run by Mr, Robert White,,of Exet-
er, a practical printer and.good writer,
and will be energetically conducted%
but the past experiences of seven printt
ers establish the fact that there is not
an existence for a newsnaper in Blyth..
SOME VALUABLE. records have just
been published in•Seienee en the observ-
ed effects of boxing the, eers. Dr.
Samuel Sexton has fifty-one cases upon
his records in which the has been in-
jured by blows of the open hand or fist.
The nature of the injuries varied con-
siderably. One, had inflammation of
the ear, with suspicion of intracranial
trouble,. made. running: of the ear for
twelve years following a blow upon
that orgau. This patient subsequent-
ly dies. of, brain disease. In another
case the ear became inflamed and the
hearing yery much. impaired., In. all
other, the patient was slapped by his
father upon the leftear andinatnediate
pain and deafness enstied, with a bloody
discharge, from .whieh he vogs three
months in recovering. The dangers to
which Dr, Sexton calls attention are so
grave that parents and others having
charge of children should choose Solna
other method of punishing the young
than boxing their ears. It is not im-
probable that, if Dr, Sexton pursues.
his inquiriee further, he will find other
eases in which brain disease has follow-
ed this.barbaroas practice.
Tfli Cast of -vitriol throwing in
Toronto lest Satueday„ is one which
ehoald be dealt with most rigidly by
the law, and nothing which the author-
ities of the law call do, should be omit,
tett in bringing the perpetrator of the
horrible deed to meet the most exernp-
leity punietiment Even 'murder ap-
pears less hideous in Oomparison with
the fiendish nature ot a crime evidently
iniciertakeit with, the deliberate inten,-
tion ef inflicting total bliedneas.
lIumaeitarian sentiment" rightly.
shrinks final the planalt,y of the Tashi
for ordinary crimes. Rat VittioL throw,
iug is aa unnatural aid revolting, en
0418D?)0 that, as in the caee feritnihal
tissaulte on femate children, it might be
-e. wall to tey the cleteremat effect eof
0.seend ffeggitigftx addttitiii to imprison-
eailaeat or hi ia otitliacrettets,
- I t. t •
.4404 lirP going tu hatee Jeted AVOW
ia questioe frequently prepounded
(hiring the dog days every yr. Wien
the weatherjs hot; end pertieltlerly
whop a drought is injuring theorops op
bureieg, up the grass, a feeliegief des-.
,ponckncy is apt to :peke itself appar-
cut in commercial cirel. Now that
the 04cessive heat and lack et rein
have lasted so long, everybody foie
"dumpy," but there is no reasonwiy
trade should not be geed this fall and
winter. The strikes Lem depressed
real estate, but to•day property in Il&e,
ter end surrounding ceuntry as worth
the h*hest prices asked for it. There
is no reasele to fear "hard %owe Our
grass and grain crops were mostly
harvested before the dreeghtt did EDT
great harm ; and while the- eountry
Jooks di'y arid parched, the farmers
bave a crorein theirbarns
and then complaining is largely caused'
lay their disappointmeut that such a
magnificent' promise as the spring.time
gave, has only yielded! an ,ordinary
haryest. In Manitoba. the harvests
are magniffeeut, and wholesale. Mer-
chants whl•soon feel their effect,
THERE s sui4 to be -a great demand
among contractors for railroad labovers
to build new roads, and farmers in
some sections -are clamoring for help,
No doub tthese demands will be utiliz-
ed by the immigration agents in War
ope as showing the opportunities Otte-
adr offers to immigrants. It ought to
be:borne in mind that this sceacity of
lb.hor is only fimporary. Neither rail-
way laborers nor farra workers are in
demand during the whiter months and
the wages paid during the summepare
not sufficient to keep them in idleness
until next season. Nothing is more
delusive than the -summer, but it is too
often represented as, being the steady
and normal condition,of. the Canadian
labor market..
Chatsworth, 111. by which it is' stated
that a hundred .people 'met a terrible
death, exceeds in horroralbsimilar cat-
astrophes of: late • years,. if, indeed, it
is, not unprecedented, in: history of '
American railroading- As in most re-
cent disasters, by far the greatest de-
struction of life was caused by. the raw
agee-of &e'en:011g the- wrecked care.
Repeated, catastrophes of. this nature,
have not.brought us any nearer to the
adoption of.a system for heating, and
lighting which will minimize the dan-
ger. 'The. heartrending details will be
everywhere -read with feelings of, hor-
rorand sympathy.
twaddiug away about the inconsisteecy
of free, traders seeking.admission to the
markets of a protectionist county,.
So far as nine -tenths ot theepeople of
Canada are concerned, they want such,
traffic regulations as will secure the
greatest material benefitwithout car-
ing two straws whether they a,ccoed.
with the theoretical, principles of free
teade or protectionism. or whether
they are consistent with the viewabf
this or.that party., That is the practi-
eat commozasenseeway of looking at the
Tns C4LoBlekSgEbrAL fast..mail train
svhieh has been running regularly to
Londoe every morning. since March
last, Wes run to Windeor last aeturtlay
aid ' Will be, continued every succeeding
Saturday% arriving there at 9:08ea.
The managers and direetors of 'the Olobe,
are a lot of enterprising bact wide-
awake felloWe and will spare neither
time nor money in deliveting it to their
thousaeds of readersat.tin early hem',
Tni Xvtoiuiu Cainpbellford coal
mining lands aro to- be pitied if they taitid fancy prices, and:therefore
suffered severelosees, but a, little ordin-
aey, caution woUld have prevented that
mistake, Any firmer, With ,a si'natter-
ing of geology cetild heve told! them
that a coal bed 'et: Oatriptiellfoed was as
:iHpn41rsi.oluster) 04,pal tars at the
trbrtit Pole,
AT OPP science is taking all
the poetry out p iife. Senee iugen-
ioPs fiend has 1w1Y Poll.trived an eleetti-
cal, attachment to a WI red, whinti
rings when a fish bitesand hereby
does away with the ueeesstty of gaatag
at a cork or keeping alert the sense of,
tone)) along the!tne.
`Ins Delunil9N CouNei4
Templars of Temperance, baVe adopt!:
ed the report of their Committee OD
Temperance, ergieg on the Dominion
Allianee to make prohibition a Praeti.,
cal in politics by bringing out prohibi-
tion candiclateS forpaliamentary honors
all constituencies.
ONE ileauve of the unprecedentacily
hot and dry month of; july has been
an imnaense increase in -the lose a pro-
perty n the United States and Canada
,by tire. The losses •for the month ags•
gregete over fourteerrquillions of cloi
lara, just: double the average, -for the
meth during the last twelve years.
SATURDAY the convict Grelish„ who(
wassentenced to two months in the
Central and 50 lashes for outraging a
little girl, received his seemed instal- •
tnent of the cat. When he stripped
in the presence of the warden, doctor,
reporters, guards and prisoners he look-
ed defiant, but the first stroke 'brought
a howl of pain, and during the progress
of the 25 the fellow yelled and bellow-
ed.for mercy.
Tiarien Mon S ltletrrone • railway
charters for the censtruction o lhaesto
the boundary int competition with the
0. P R monopoly,. have been disallow-
ed. Bid the news has not created mich
excitement in the Prairie Province.
The charters were:not being made use
of, and furthermore, the 'Manitobans
now know by ,experience that dthl-
lowance is only an empty threat.
When they get ready to build the oth-
er roads, they will go ahead regardless
tbe slaeetiroa thunder from Ottawa.
• Tut CLIETOS New 7ra last week
took exception teen quotation which
appeared in the editorials of our local
e*otem on the subject of Commercial
Union, and in winding up a short
critism on the published extract, says:
Wee are afraid the Times opposes com-
mercial Union more fon profit than
from principle, as it gobk nearly: seven
hundred. dollars last year outni the:
DorninionTreasuryin Such squibufoust
eclitorialseas appear from time to time
in the.Iimes are not rortli,noticing, as
they are simply extracts • from more.
wide-awake and popular journals.
THE BoxusrEG CliAzE with which
several ,cities and towns are still afflict.,
ed has induced ,several of•our contemp-
orruies on botir.side8 of: pelitics te de-
clare in favor of legislation against
bounseS and exemptions to factories.
It may, be argued that the people -of
municipality have a right to spend theire
money foolishly. if they choose, but
elearlpthey liave no right to. saddle
theirpesterity en& future inhabitants
of.the locality with burdeet of this
sort, as is often donealike, provid-
ing. that every; bonus should i take the
form of ta, cashapayment to, be ',raised by
eurrent taxation would probably kill ,
the system efteetuttity. •
StiokyllY Paper,- Insect Powder,.
tugs ate truinp and you Must
pay Paris Gen if you taMt
to.make a Debit.
itLSO •
geffebore and fly Powderi%
Alwayg a lull supply of Drugsiboo'
and Fancy abods.
flati.ilg tackle 'a, specialty,
PE Ma gr OE,
Dp4r-iug the Mont1 o4I41Ne,,
ii DRESS FAIgliW$4-
au, A,ND) E,XAM INE C4001381 .AND Off PIIICES.,,
laurogrwam3E:t i3w4mc4,10,
Will be talmvt Exchange fOr above good4, and Iiii;hestl,
price paid for the same:.
3—Nothing.but an A 1; arti41e in bOter•
Is desired.. buttez bought according to Quality,
and Color.
SpringeSaminer gooclist
For the next thirty' days,-
•Whell.we. shall efferr
New Silks, colored and black; New Dress God i; al/ shades;:
New Prints, New Gingams, .New. Muslins, Fancy and whiter,
New Scotch. old Bneish•Tweeds, New Hate and Caps,
New Boots and'Shoes,., New Ready Made4lothing,
Full line of
M1:the above goods will be offered at greatly 'r6dUceul.rates;').
so as to eiliar:Ittiol make room feir Fall iImportation.
J., Matheson,.
Oar Steck is well asserted for the seaSon'sA
trade, Low priees still inaintain•
for $1.00,r13ibs.4 whit) sugar;
for $1:00;
We can't he -undersold In 'rean•froin sec tor
no per 1th
Rots &Shoo WI Styles).,fit /ow /woes,.
A nicely assorted staercet
all Mr.& (Oleo.) hest Iltifthine Mit •
60e, put gal. Coal Oilq,C Iow
A Mee Tea Sett of 44f piedes
A tow suit of fRos.dy-inala 'Clothing intV
Op Ordered Suits gat up in gbod styles
OW- Dress Goods are Mark—
ed delveh tb the' 0West
beftch. •
OOTTO0`yds. for t1.041.
toA litidS6 and ickq alio a fikrAl t�t Wei, Apply
• pestofiice,
Our NecW, et Printing •
Stationtry.i consisting Of ell,
the lertalagegraciee Of Phan, 10
itaP' and Paney, ruled mid, uti- 'Vat
iJ"ruled papers;, Coale and:Eta
ttSr• Velopee, meetteemplete,
Cal nu& tjestti 1:01 j
Blain • stteeti. litotor,