HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-08-18, Page 1VOL EXETER, ONT., TITURSDAY AUGUST 18, 1887. NQ: 11. Zitc &der donde. Is PUbliStied every TI1BrOtlaY 14Pr*ngt fit the Office, 004Der uf :phuatid Maill-itet 4- Exeter, Ont, 'TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION; One a011ar year if paid In advance; 81.50 if OM, so paid, Advertising Rates on Application. No paper diScontintred until all arreamges are Pala. Advertisements without specific direttions will he ;published till forbid told charged accordingly. Liberal .glisectint made for trans lent ;advertisements inserted ,for long periods. Every description•tif JOB PRINT- ING•turned out In the finest style of the art and at -moderate rates, Cheipics, money orders, &c, for n.dvertising,,subsaiptions, etc., to he madepayable to PA.SMGRE, ,Editor and Publisher, 011V.110'1110.1"RECTCYRY. EPISCOPAL CIIIMCIL-asV. S. F. Robinson, Inrene* bent. SundarServices, t4 a..m., and p, ; bath School,.faile.p. SAtvArtos J. -Sunday services, '7,c.t. ni. and 8 p. nt., services every night during the week, ,at 8 o'clock, H01111089 meeting at 11 a. in. on Sunday. MernontsT Cuuncir.-James Itev. J. Graham, pastor. Sunday services, 10.30 a. tn. and 6,30 p, m, Sabbath school, 0 p. ut. Prayer ,uttalting ThuradaY ,evening at 7.30. MAIN STILEST.-11CV. W. IL Pascoe, *ton Sun- day serviees, 10.30a, in. and 6.30 p. su. Sabbath ..sehool, 2.36 p. tu. Prayer meeting, Thursday even- ing at 7.39, Young peoples prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7,30. PRKSBYTISIIIAN W. i,L. Martin, Pastor. 'Sunday services, 11. e. nt. and 0;30 p. m. Sabbath SCI100I, 0:45 a. m. Young peoples prayer meeting, at .6 40, Thursthtv evening, prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. ..Choir practice immediately after. Busituess and other Cards. jr ur. littowsmu, M. D., M. G. P, S. '3ratItiate of Victoria University. Office and residetiee- Dominion Laboratory, Exeter, Ont, June, 9-'87, TOHN GILL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. g- For the Village of Exeter, and the County of Huron. All orders promptly attended to. Exeter p.o.,•Ont. A insuor, LICENSED AUCTICNEER. CI` ---- For the Townships of Hay and Usborne. All others promptly attended to. Exeter p.o., Ont. R H.'0OLLINS, BARRISTER, _ Solicitor Of Supreme Court of Ontario, Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc„ Office -Next doorto Samwell & Pick - anis, Exeter, Ont. Money to loan at very lowest rates. L 0, -----.- ineetS first Friday in every month, in John's Block at 8 o'clock. Visitlikr Brethren Weleorne. JOIN SPACISSIAN, W. AL Joux WHITE. Secy. ----- . 't 0. 0. E., No. 67, EXETER. Meets every Tuesday evening,. in John's block. A cor- dial welcome extended to visiting brethren. ALIIHRT FORE, W. G. J. T. WaTCOTT, 11,seeY. I0. F. NO. 2813. meets the second and fourth Friday if *each month,' in Fanson's Mil, at 8 o'clook p. m. 'Visiting Breth- ren cordially Invited. E. Itoszars..C..11. hT, PICKARD, See.' • aINSMAN, t*yf, ,,'rti!#tk,31L •-, H. DENTIST, Eil •le i • - e. IL- S., `extractsieeth Without pain by giving Vitalized Air, Or using the ne* local Ames. thetic °Mlle gums. Makes Gold Fillings,'and another dental work the best possible. Goes to Zurich last Thursday in each month. EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, EXETER. V. 11. CAR'IWRIGHT, MIS, t. Surgeon Dentist, ...,-.1/4...4,', ... -nesims. °menet° of the Royal College of Den- tal Surgeons of Ontario. Having furnished fine den- tal 'MOMS on Jamea.street, Iwo doors east of Central hotel, Exeter, Ont., where I am prepared to perform all branches ot the profession with ease and skill. ODARdP,S, MODERATE -TERMS, CASH. ESTCCi'TT & SANDERS, INSURANCE, LOAN, ---- •Real Estate and Steamboat Agents. wealthy am re- liable Fire and Life *Insurance Companies Represent- . .0.(1, Any amount of money to (canon first'class mort- gages at lowest rates of Interest. General Agents for Duren Co., for A. E. Williams & Co., real estate agts, .London. Beaver Line of Steamers represented. Office -James St,Exeter, Ont. :j)19-8,7 0* IS 24r Issuer .1.(MIARMAGE Life, Accident, and -Omuta: West Side of Main = 2111 :to 0 - , of IICENSEgl 0 Piro Insurance agent, street ,. Exeter. Hay Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. IpARTIES DESIRING TO INSIMP; IN THE DtSt and cheapest Insurance Company in the Dominion, onn do so by applying personally, or ny mail to the undersigned. All applications promptly attended to. Also agent for the Wellington Lompaay of Guelph: Also Auc;TioNnna fox the County of ithroti, 12. 1110SSENDtItRY, Aos.S'r. 0.87, BORN. toAnItAit-TitUsborne on the 11th Om Wife of 11It. John 'Imadinatif of a Ai -In Exeter North3 011Satin., "xlay, Aggust 13t1., Sarah, beloved Wild of D.f•landets; aged 53 years) 18 days. THIS PAPER, Witt, 88 PrilT AN'Y ADDRESS Iti the United States or America, From nowt° Jan .1st 18881 b-X1R ONLY 85 CENTS. Subscribe Now, A.r J. Snell, MERCHANT TAILOR, West side Maiu-st,, Exeter,. A Good Fit 41- uara,nt eed Latest Styles of Goods kept in steek. A Call Soilcited. 4. SNELL PROITIORAPIIIS MR. JOSEPH SENIOR 'having purchased the business of Chas. Senior, wishes Ito in, form the the publielthat he can be found At the Old stand Main Street, Exeter. 'The Finest Cabinets in the coun- V. Elegant Finish. Copying and Enlarging done on shortest notice. JOS. SENIOR. New Premises? NEW G0008. Respectfully reminds 1is many Customers an 1 the public generally that he has re- moved to HIS NEW STAID, -NEXT TO - $114034 OniCe. Main Street, EXETER. Where he has just received -A- WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF READY -MADE- -BOOTS & SHOES. ALSO Hand -made work ofthe highest Class. A Trial Solicited, and Satisfaction Guaranteed, CEO---MAN-SO N, Exeter.- tCorresponbenct. Homan. Ah osvef nexdt.dg hells for a she ort ime p aft ho J. C. Stoneman, j.ewelier, who has 'been laid .up by sickness isr000veriug. We hope soon to see him on our streets again, al‘dr:e.i.s rrsu iliVaAevsatyc°ot tn a naSti Ctutirdd tanylasittl.amTnlis wagcin being cousideraldy damaged. 13Hilcling operatios are being pushed Yorward with vigor tin our little village. '(Town) must be the name in the iimr fut- ure. Tuesday being civic holiday, budiness will be suspended. Quite a number took in the cheap excursion to Sarnia, while -others prefering a more northerly part took in Bayfield. EthleV1110, Newt is as scarce as min. Mr. Robe Coates spent it few deys at A tew persons are preparing to visit Manitoba. !Rev, J. Hohnes had a substitate on Sunday last. Mr. G. W. Holman has reterned from his visit to St. Thomas. Mr, &din Halls, of Dutton, has spent sevemL days in this heighbcithood. Our coirespondent spelt Satetday and Sunday with friends in Fullerton. The public school Tlid not open till Tues- day as the school room was not ready. 11404 - Centralia. Now that the harvest is over business is beginning to revive, the store -keepers ate quite hopeful. The hotel men are -skinning their left 'eye these days. Inspector Sprague lt&S 'again returned to active work. Mr. James ;Kershaw, son of the Rev. E.. g.ershaw, who has been home tlitough ill- ezess, left last tiNionday for Marlette), Mich to work at bistrade. We leern that W. Johns, blacksmith, lately with I.Handford, is going to Hen- sel]. to work. We can recommend Billy, as a workman who needeth not to be ashamed. Our Catholic friends are busy teaming lumber and stone through the villag,e their new church at Offa. We understand that the work is steadily progressivig; and ere the snow falls will be ready for wor- shipl If any time, the neighbors should by chance pess Geo. Essery's shop and re- quire a job done if he is not there they witll find him at his paint shop in the old schoellicruse reaind the corner. The build- ing formerly -used as paint shop, has been sold to the Bask.erville Bros., for an en- gine shed, and will be removed at once. The news has just been received of the sudden death of McKaans, a farmer resi- dent of this locality, at his home in Byron The deceased gentleman lived on the farm now owned and occupied by John White, of this township, and was highly respected by tll who knew him. We have no doubt bat that the sympathy of the entire neigh- borhood will be extended to the family in their sudden bereavement. Exeter North. Mrs. Fox, daughter of Hamilton, spent a few days at the residence of Mr. S. Westway. Mr. Louis Towers and Miss Lucas done up Brussels in great style the other Sunday. Luseems to be quite a favorite anion," the fair sex. Quite a large number went to Sar- nia on Tuesday to inhale the fresh breezes of the lake; others went to Grand Bend, and some went sporting through bush and weeds for game. if our town fathers were as anxious about our sidewalks as they are about our taxes, no doubt they would be in better condition; but they aro still in the same rickety rackety state as usual. Thedudewho went to Clinton the other Sunday wearing 4 shtove poipe hat and O, new s?,conded; twaliotv head Coati- had better take 4 ii.Ont seat as the "bird" he Was after ta well cared for by another sport, Mrs'. Frank Seedets who has been tilling for e long time, tiled on Satur- day last The funeral took place Oft gonday and was largely attended by relatives :and friends. Iler disease was cOnSitinptiOn. A IiVeiy tow took pIttee keit last week when one brotnet theeetefied to , 81100t tho OthOP And 11.0ted like old "sit- ting bull" till it Messenger Was hastly gent to summon the Olcl Maie upon Whose arrival a sucrdeti Change present- ta itself mut things itaiked scarce. Schooling commenced last Monday. Mrs. Toll i$ visiting 'friends in Exeter and viOinity, MT. D. Stein'hael 'has been laid tip for a week 'with a bad leg. Miss Heinzman, of Newstadt, is visit- ing her cousin Alis Zettie Zeller, Mrs. Elines, accompanied by her sister Mrs. Williams, is visiting relations in Cairo, Mich, The new part of der arablie sebool is just about conapleted and will be ready for use about Septembet, Mr. Elmes.1 Williams, -our celebrated millers have 'est received 500 bushels of .apring whettlfrom the North West. N r. Renry Faush and wife, who have been the guests of his father for the lad week, returned to his home in Cairo, Mich. While Mr. 0. Benedict was assisting in putting a new beam in the tannery, met with it serious accident which inight have teen fatal. Ho was helping to raise up 'one eiel which slipped from the hand- spike, knotking him over, which caused him to strike his head on the floor. He escaped with a badly bruised face. The ehildren of the Lutherian Sunday School had a picnic which was held in Mr. Vollands grove, about mile from town. The day was fine and everybody enjoyed themselves in all kinds of games and %ports. The event of the day was a foot ball match between the old men, Mr. Wurm and Me. Ilaberer were choosers. Mr. H's side winning e after a hard tussle The edibles on the table were splendid. -County Huron News. The new paper to be started in Blyth by Mr. R. T. White, of Exeter, is to be called the "Standard." A. (Poo deal ot sickness is reported in the vicinity of Seaforth, and several cild residents have been laid low. Springs which possess the properties df petriflition have been discovered on the farm of Mr. Aster, near Colborne. The 0, P. R. 'entering Wingham is 'nearly -completed, .and one ot the best station houses cei the line is to be built there. The new salt bloas at Wingliam are turning out large quantities of salt, while a number ot cars have already been shipped. On Friday last 1Wieltoe, hotel -keeper of Wingham pleaded guilty to a viola - ion of the gcott Act, and was lined $56 and costs. • The Lucknow Caledeinian games will be held on September 7th, when the Lietenant-Govenor .of Ontario is expected to be preSent The hind wheel of a Portable En- gine passed over the foot of H. B. Evans, Goderich tet-neVelp, the other day and completely smashed it. A young son'of Newton Campbell of Westfield, was blidkecl by a horse one day recently, an as a rest& received a broken collar bore and other injuries. Leet Sunday afternoon While Master F. Corman, R. D. Simmons, 'J. H. Nicholas Deichert was ont driving with Conover, John Mc. Donald, of Wang his sister and another friend, they met barn, were each -fined $50 and costs with an accident while in the ett of turn- ing the corner on Main street. His inten- for violation 'of the ;Scott Act, last k tion was to driva Straight 'ahead, but when wee . they came to the corner. his sister caught Three young men who areold enough hold of the line, which caused the horse to to know better had to pay $2 and costs turn the 'corner which gave the buggy for disturbing the services of the Salva - such it ewing IS to precipitate Nicholas tion Army at -Seafortk one evening between the box and the front wheel. The lines caught in the dash -board whichtor- last n•eek.. ed the horse in the dite,h, throwing his A man named Arthur Wyatt, while sister,out over the dashaboatd. They all digging a well for Messrs Sherill Bros., escaped without serious injuries. Tuckersinith, came very nearly being Last Wednesday while Mr. Jacob Koeh- suffocated by foul air on Saturday last ler *as helping Mr. Henry Lipphardt to at a, depth of fifty feet. tthreeh a Valuable horse of his, met with a. Rev. -.LP.' Parke, of the Episcopal fatal accident by some means, and broke Cherreh Blyth made known to his con - into another field where there was a well• - .' - / . It seems it was looking for a d:inla, and gregation at the relation that between broke through the floor of the welb and pastor and people for over four years fell in a distance of 30 feet. Itsroans at- would soon have to terminate. tracted his two little girls *he were the The residence of S. G. McCaughey, first to witness the scene. They immedi- ately gave their father ilotice who soon got help and brought the animal out of the well. When it was- taken out it was found that it beeke its back. It lived about two- heurs after it was taken out. (.15 --- Town Parliament. The council met at the -market house on Wednesday, Aug. 1887, All the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by D. Johns, that orders be granted for the following sums, viz: -Mrs. Thomas $13.50, for board and washing for john Johnston; Thos. Bissett, $34,50, labor; Walter Weetcott, $31.00, do: John, Stanlake $51,25, do ; Richard Pin- combe, 6,50, do; John Stanlake. $1.- 26 do, Thos. Bissett $3.00 do; Walter Westcott, $1.00do; E. It. Bissett, $102 do; S. Handford, $3.00 do;, Las. Bals- den, $3.00 clo ; Albert Bissett, $3.00 do; Win Long, $48.13 do; Chas. Dor- of Seaford', was entered by some ras- cals Tuesday night Who demolished several jars of fruit and searched* the contents of a nember of drawers, but got no money. Tuesday night last the neve bank barn belonging to John -Stiles, Ashfield was completely destroyed by fire, to- gether with the new Attain, implements and harness. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. The report that the, notorious Tom Little was in town, created no little ex- citement among the residents of Blyth one day last week, and as a consequence a passing stranger was captured by Constable Davis and put in the "cool- er" over Standey, and on Monday was released. Tuesday, Selotember the 6th, has ' been fixed for 'the holding of the Cale- donian games at Seaforth. A magnifi- cent programme has been prepared and eve*, arrangement will be made to se- cuee one of the best celebrations ever wood, $69,00 do; John Keyes, $3.00 held in the county. do; Wm, Horn, $3.-50 do; Isaac Baav-, A match for the championship of den, $1.00 do; Samuel Anson, $1:25 the counties of Huron, I3ruce and Perth was played at Clinton on Wed- nesday last, between the Mitchell 13aso Ball Club and the Clinton Red Stock- ings, Insulted in an easy vietory for the home club by 27t� 11. Saturday afternoon while 4 young man named Christopher Switzer was attemptieg to put on a machine his head struck a rafter pole, which threw him back, and one leg going m the cylinder was literally torn from hos body, He lived a few hours after the aceident. A horse ran away in Seaforth last do; Donald Taylor, $10.50 do; James McGinam, $8 00 do:; John Thompson, $3.00 do; John Gillespie, $7,6.00 do; jenn IVIorsehead, $36.50 do; James Bolsden, $78.00 do; Silas Handford, $66,25 do, R. Pincombe, $37.50 do; Albert Bissett, $102.00 do, and John Thompson, $10. for street watering. Carried, Moved by T, 13. Carling, seconded by W. G. Ilisaett,thet this council ad- journ until Wednesday, the 17th inat, at 8 o'clock p. m. Carried, M. EAcaziti. Clerk, McLean13i 08 shipped from dinteri week with two ladies ancl a man in the buggy ; the iiin.11 was theoWii out and considetably hurt, but the ladies stuck to the ri,t.Y, like grim -death and after be- ing teesed around town with unusual speed, aiicl the hotbecomingdisust ed with the streets, took to the stock from Clinton emphasises the walk whel'e it was caught ; no sot iouq eenteality of this pitted and its skpetiet injury heftier dote, &though the 1E141(14 shipping *ere badly frightened. station on Saturday live car loads of beeves - 100 head. They were looked after by Major Ake-Ilil len who is pro- bably the 'most experienced inan in this business in Western Ontario. The cet- tinual heavy shipments of all kinds of 4 Ar•