HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-08-11, Page 50404300
, .
Local: -1\fews,
• No rain yet,
1)o't waste water.
. Creeks are drying up:
Three srooll sprinkle's in .
Ila'y is selling of, eight dollars, per
toe, • .
-Green, corn will soon put in: air
'Alss M'eQuareigeof Blythp, reisttmg-
friends here, • —
- W. Fait•bairn*and wifej,or A lyinston
Miss Sciatic., gar vey has been engag,-;
• ed upon the staff of this paper. • •-• ,
• Win Slieray; of Torontkfs SPO'401i1g.
• a few lyeelks With friemIrs in town. 4
Geo,Armstrong, of Palls,. Ont, is
the -ftheseet bisther 'Mr.
„ yen, Want to ride. the goat, join.
thedndepetident Order of Foresters.'1 his pripth Will be' sent; from how'
tilt Januar y 1st 18$; for 000y -five
' The: biggeit days' safes are hated uP
, br
y nieehants. Whe-adVertise in the Ali.-
. of .-Seitfoeth,• fortnerly
• of lIcethe, Spent 'Suadkiit• towit with
'friends' ' k
.4•141 water gtillA4ard's pond has not•
• been so low fotpybars' past 1- as it is, at
-present, " •
The COmni ercial," Hotel hos received
• an, eterior coat of •red. paint amflooks
. very •attractive'., • .•
' MiSsee:Ten; of n rd and .. are
'the guests of their ,Mr, john
.Tom, of. thistowiu •
.-MattheW Pa.rkitiliey :and 'wife;
'f4tratlieoy. are' Visiting at tire. residenge
;of, M r.42bos. . Parkinson -
No orie:nee'dfenr. ,'depareed spirits,
.1,t is those. that hove eSeaPed
.that May ,delearful things.. '4! 1
‘• •
All that. is necessary' in,,Order .se
the eclipse' next nionth-)s '„ a smoked'
klass, arid a.tickta to.J'apan,
The.largi.,•.sivathips •lying. a, few' milep
west of.this town is on fh'e andthe,
village of SodenrisAn- danger.. •
Dnring the past week thirty Car oac
of stOnes'. for 'the Trivitt Memorial
Church were. shipped from St' Marys.
Charleston *Oars :!•:.state,.•that the
potatoe crop ,inthe 4dt9,',.a"
fittilare• .aed. that acres .will notilre
Miss. Hord; leading.;milliner for
-And4rson ' •Blyth, is
spending a few days witli her parents
tore. ,
We nnderstand' • third ri-Mr, La.vity;,
Of Parkhill, interuts coming 1i re to buy
grain this fall and will pay . the highest
price. . ,
Mn• ewlier.kno ell' about running
3)ewSpdpers„ are lupliy, ' as til)seem to know hew torunany thing suc.
g The Anvotimig, a.:.:-Wide,'aviake,
afewsy and ,m4terpriMrig jearna), is the:
fgstimony of its, • many 'hundredsof.
readers. 1. t •
On Thursday • last. Msr,C-..T,limes'Okre.
.shipped fi;oto Oentimlia. station,' tivo
ear loacTh of . fat cattle r •Montreal
market . • , • •
1..tIS nottiral•fe:r''atintlic fopull back-:
' also ,fbr,s,curfe. pep p!c;,esPecially
\ilien.•ertliers aie ,getting along better
than they. are.
• It takes three' 'eranks to run. a hicy-
ele,.•04`bi i1i,--sido and Ono.On- the
t'op, hut 01iEjCui1. nrny.rtin i news-
. papee:tot .
The•:gaing of bae a1l on Thtirsday
List tit Ofintbii,-,, ,*hbflYeen. the club of
Eiceter.and Ohno'n,;:wa$ cosily won by
the latter by 36
'Thogo patel.iets of omit will
libel it to their advantagt. to look well
fter the some, for wrro informed'
t hat 000lis are very plentifti this year.
—SO ardfll'e "eoon.ininter*."
A. largo number of whet we would
ealPbeet• barrel, .vere• taken to the
station Tuesday far but
then we may have been deceiv:-,q1 when
i'5 rem e m hot: that th ArScOtto .A.bct
eminty. •
re very plentifel 'is
5005011A*Iroad,y. cam seen the aver -
;Igo boys with a pair of. .4ained hands'
-which he has l'eeeived by.stenring the •
kernel o the.1.3t%eelinitts•
are also.'veryplontiful'
by some • trfeanS becoming
(At -tangled in the lilti ilt'5 nini throWing"
itself ac't'ess the Aaftb of the ,.1,41ggy
and falling down, canded• no•littio
eitement 'Main sti.eet last- Priday
eveuing. ND dionage trone,
'.1';arg:-) tatdienass
tIOS .einblod at theta.
golar uarterlyo
sviet% 1K+111 in t'enhec,
that with^ ;tames , street' Mhiliodint'
'Murals; last,Sabliatli morning aildO,r,91,•
ing. putopi Rev, 01.,%1,-am,-ofil,
rirrketi „and 1101iv01 013 iit0b ,0.114
Ae diseettrsos, ,Nt the el!, 11 0the
oVeninglervico a large number remain,,
ed'at,' the ditver don 0 tho 0IX"aunnit
tif the supper, •
are visitirr friends hero,
• •
Arr, J4mea., Week si,'" 4.0f,ard'seery tci
-leartrt, is:Opropent :ctinfined 0...his bed;
NisitiPg APP10 L111
,"4: wife,
LiincipshOroitgli-„,-toxisiting.;their many
friends n totyrr1W t -A„ .
setya,tiV,g,4 wl.!ao is ac-
AnstOrneti t.93.kouswor,lc. Apply at'
once to,;.14.1149; Tgos.
APS} 4)Arz Titqtartl attended,
SerViice:at Main streei:on Sooday even,
111 et last
i. Richard HlirN6;.tif
).4ottr thanks 'for a..• lg full, of line
haryest.epples. , . • ,
A portion Oft -he roof degessrs Sato -
0:01'4 ,store, has beep
replecedc.a•ith new material, z; ;
, • : r .
111iss Wynn!, WoOdhorm, ctlbxw!
speeding, several..,weeks,With
here, retutmed-heme .Saturday
Wheil it popes' ,te i 0,1. eating ice
'Cream and drijildng lemonade to help at
elniraht her 1,a'ioti i tiouoded Uy,a;',-
rery'ela'stid coesq.. ' •
, „ .
Rieke. and .fatoily left last
Week to visit!-friendt ,London,
onto Aody4i:.'bqaway,
;a1m3Hticil**00,., , : •
N The,Tht-ralfStilioOldWiopen on -Mon-
ditY, nth' jAtigust. ' High .SAoois,,
porlegiate,Institfit'es and Public Schools.
in towns ,and cities re -open on,Nonday -
August 29th. • '• • •
• -
. Mr. ThoMPson has sueceeded,
.yeryisatis'faetorily indceeping,down the
dust on:Main St. We never had the;
street' Wathrinve 'Ono; better ;: 4nc1e,
is 5:ightj a,
nd proper • to.Write"op,
.yoUr /Own-Own:and snrronnilines,*that
dtcjn citizens, as welt as,onttsiders
may. know: what you have and. what
you ,are., &nowt • ; •,,
always* wWing to make a
note. of , arrivals, . and departures.of
tOwndpeopleand Yfriends, but we'•Citti-
net keePtiacir of eVery.bocly,.40:fiiVe lis
pl Oak... • ,
physiciarrthiehs a Man:ought; to
saw half a cord of wood before. 'break' -
fast, Aphysieranis husinestseems to
,be not only to look out fon himself,
but forthe.undertakee also:
, We ;VP .plortsed lo•state'thaf
3. Clark e, ,formerly of the firmof Rob-
erts Clark, has so recuperated in
health:as to, he. able to spend* a few
days visiting'frienda uj.liorth.
The 'Missei.E;and•g, Shipley and
,Igra.,,,Aohlosoo,,or Clinton, and Miss
Halsie'of. Goderieh fbrmerly teacher
in Exetyr publio sChobl, are visiting at
the?' residenoe Mr, Geo..Samwell.
.The itern,,taken • from,tho'. Parkhill
Gaze1td,Ai4bieltrappeared in our ,eolumns
las , tho. shoeing of Dr.
Caiven'SelherSk4,a. Parkhill black.,
smith, iSa JahricatiOn manufactured
from wli6le aiidexpOses the
"Green"-ness of the. editor:• ,
• The: A.DvOcA.TLI'.1itiodene Moron the,
lits& od'yanco e
d'StS 'ofliMer,” than any other papey in
the coo nty,,...,aod the ..:21.0voft•ro will
sdon reap the.reward; for it knows hew
tcPo'cast i4s bread upon the wadi,
thet,'„ij may. •return; in Jnagy
„ .
. Mrs, F& G, Zealand, Of St,' Thomas,
\olio Was injpred in the reCent railway
-accident in thatcity, succumbed'to ier
injuries on Satirrdhr evening. She
was the eldest daughter of E. Holmes,,
assistant Parliamentary Librarian,
onto, and formerly' publisher of.the
Clinton 'Nem EPa: fr
Du 11 g, the teinnorai7.A absence of
Mn of this -i1I.e.
for some weeks,lie has engaged the ger,
vie*4 of Mr. W. heay, of Toronto,
rt gentleman ‘vell informed inthobusi,
ness,•to-take (have :of his- •business,,,
ded•we ean•Safely Soy, that all 8rf1itys
1d Wit1(11iFwill bp. promptly?,;0;•4
,carefii4 donv, ;
is.reported• that -Air.;Loht. 1! bite
forrnOly,..of. illNeter, has bought ',the
plant of tim defunct, alledoe in thut
villugu clad will tridvooToead sbia
pripok J f 110 apes it will „ho-rathee
all odd sequOlIce of eveitts.,., `Ph.S.11e-
'fiaeloe diutr AM/emir& left Blyfli
to.replace. the ./410401, 1,(4-1q.:: the .4ifile:r-;
Mr-piant is to ,,•,,aod'replace
the A nvonATE.-70.11/7r; ildnecs'porelent.
• Ci
11.0 .i1.".Gr.,Akam,-,-.pasiet.4-• of Ja)nCS
Street iNiethodisi, CAPreb, ,Eteterr, has
is:iued little,paMpitlet.. entitled '"The
the mightier -it- i-actnr 111 human
pr'ogress-, 'with hint44,6. 'ErY-Ctltit'anlistSi"
I; is more the :notes Ota leettth; than a
careful 'prepared Lssay, giveo the some,
free.arti.onsy style $•,e) character.
nstio' of Mr. Orahlare,Swho, a$ a logician
buY, few superierss.,in,Qatiade. t.those ivho.
o ever )1eard...Ininiex,pose.,flftf
trios of If srettitealik t,lbg10*.4'
Steart 'annihilate •.the
Divewitn'a!i• voitiliag 'ow
tit). ,Th•N mil) I', to), f•op
Tit,t;it'depeadent Order of Foresters'
is ilottr4hing ; several new members:
are admitted at pearly every meeting..
Miss Liz4e Thomas and 1)01'COUSin)
Sliss A, Thomas, are the guests of 114,
P.- Olarlc, merchant of this town,
-Mr, Rebell 'White loft this, weer.
With the defunct Reflector' plmit to
start a paper 04 ,Elyth, May his doils.es
never grow less,
„ At neetingof OJflci1 Board, Uabi
Street,•60 Tattday, evening, Mr. .114
Seiclonwas appointed. as delegatirto
; UaVing 8c'ellm41 the services - of:
good live correspondent, our readers of
Eneter N'orth Will, be 'kept posted' in
all .thattrauspireslo that locality,
Et int*U.e.cpAr, op Ilarthi said a
fri0y4„thellt,her qt(yr,for 1 spe two or
Ih'r.oe,iiropi. down, town young, mew
moving; *that w,ayuenrly eery eve o-
innef*• to have -discovered a
.. . n
,soltance ivhich is-J-ithie, hundred
-times as sweet as ,sfigar:". .Tho sub-
stance is *opposed to be,Olicnit eighteen
years old; and wears.a bustle.,
• Attenthalih, o Monday last, Mr.
SUOMon Xatming,, 'of 'Ws place, was
.thrown•from his gig) against the rail.:
way fence -and received several•brdken
ribs. He is doiruva$ Wall as can -be ox
1sText :Tuesday being Exeter's,,ci,iic
bushieSs• place's io' tow:n.
will' be, 0610. for the'"day, • The band,
hos madearrangements for an excur-
sion to.Sornia. Farefor round trip
only S'1, 1 0 ;' train leaves 1;40 0, in.
The- flest.cider of 'this season was
'Manufactured lost 'ThUrsday liy Mr. A.
Cottle,' who ext. acted eighteen gallons
of the fluid fronr three bags of apples.
Mr: Cottle has excellent facilities ,fOr
ranking, eider, and . or., the shortest
Carpenter =Alin Evans, of'this town,
trhile•working at' the cornish ofthe
town hall last Menday forenoon, • fell
to the ground, distance of twenty-
five feet, receiving;a broken leg and
other injuries: He, will, be raid up for
some time:
Chad Wick, Inspeethr, .and•Arr.
CI en En al Agent for Temperance
'and, General .Life Insurance Co., To,
TOrtti), N.VerwiA,t0Wri last week, • work-
ing:up. the ixiterest of 'their ekompariy.
' Miss 'Burrett, of "Mitchell,: Ny. hos was
vis [ting Mis4,Verity, last weeJcs. return-
ed home on •Safturday. Th i runiored
she rather likes the foundry '15asiness
One day, last week While, Me. Ho:,
bein was heeling in oats kntlie,.vicinitY
Of,the burnine, swamp nean Dashwood,
his load caught lire from a dying cin-
der, and owing to•the prevalency of a
high wind lie was unable tt-i" eXtinguisli
the :droopier unhitch' the„ .teani which
elPots Orthe additional heat
ran away anc „ .
' efero oeo n'tin detach
ed irom th :3 fiery element whieh threat-
ened their destruction, they 'well! ter-
ribly buried; one will' probably hove
to be shot The. wagon and. eontonts
wore entirely d.estroyedi
ft is the editors duty to speak of
his town as the loveliest, place beneath
1ieaven'S,l.)1n e' arch. Speak of a deeps -
1.0.1 eitixen.,US a falleo oak when he (lied
Of the•jiin-liim S. C0.11 a man. a pron.in
ent and influential citizen, when yeti
'know he is the best poker. player
town. Speak of a 1,itt1etstreet
a briOt-ey:ecr, youth, ort theroad to
fano, .and a, big-footedi red-headed,
newly .Married WorlTail ag the most
beautiful anrkaccomplished bride. Call
a.Man i'vhei has 11, few . diistsr* bolts of
ealico,, and a- sold ier:s• blue" coat. a prog-
),•erotts, and tsperie.need thr goods titer-
ehank''Oail a lawyer a 16ading light
orw`hom 'the profession. ought to he
protide when you know him. to be only
411) OrdittaryTettifogen, •
We ,direet the atteutiOn of farmers
and others to the axlvertisement
Messrs ,Bissett BrQi90 hardwaie rner-
chants, .1‘rain Street,. FfXeter, '.4119Y
have a lai:gc, stock of various leinds Of
wire fencing, which they' are dffering
at reduce& prices ;' also 11040%i/eke, tint.
ware, and' lanip goods. Agents for the'
noted Bay -Mond Sewing Machine. The-,
past reputation of rids enterprising firm
it widelyknowit mid' requires no COM-
A. Steady rain' whieli will' continue
"for three days is what farmers and
crardener$ warit and if it does wit
come soon great harm tcrthe fruit, root
and vegetable crop will result. In fact
now the growth of 'potatoes ancrtemat-
°es' havyboon qtarcled; and peaches;
prams,. etc., will not be more than half:
the siz0 they slioNld',. The cereals' have
been much injured, • late pegs &mg
especially a raihre: 'The ail -round'
yield Of the crops appears to be rather
better:, in Quebec' than -in Ontario;
Pdr•peOple who liVe in :1:11x' etr, and
read the.' cluily papers, realize how
faVerablY amsithated for J'eceiving
the in the morhing, ithhost 111
time for the'breakfas'; table, the London
Free TWA. A dre'rtl„qtr l'oronte
:elloN3 are d el i vored, the day of publi.
eaticM.. At 4:15;' supper tithe, conies-
. the 'Toronto Null and . :1\7hrt:
fury poNsal; tuld' (J'01 ThUrsday,
strange Wilt may .,peem to those who
de not know. conici the .fiobh1 Any°,
:the hest; df qtp,,leypp .041014, to
'he road at the idle -4'ettr" of noon,: Thus
people living zu Lxeter, long,: before
supper table is Set; orthe. then -Oil', of a
fi ih the lcitChft 'stOve enters the
mind 'of 'mistress or dame, req,r1 the
vbr'it•rs nOWs----the local llappenthp,s itt
their own 'town,. and the 51,1 von
country, (won hefore hoard of by their
iiearest riete.,11hots, OlOriously
tdis the town of ttetero and peOple
who Actolt t.cr live where health, prfis-
:Pair's'', and eAol sasollior alvie
ri,At ,Lrid
+i it it as a ay.,. bright and Shining
TOrowitio Dies•Itricets.
. Fall What ; 0811 to • 0.1)0=
Spring, wheat • 0;60 to C000
•rattls 0.135 to (1.13h
l'igt.4 • 0.50 to Q.
Parley 0.40 to fKril
Hay per ton 0.00 to 305,00
Butter' 0.16 to 0,1S
, l'Otttbper bag4 1.10 to- 1,10
A'ggs poi.loz. 0.14, to .0.1.5-•
.11fogsper 100 7.00 to 7,-7.1))
EXE'rEK, Jp.t10' ft: 1847.
Iktiet(t Per 'bushel (talw)' Frs4 et
Ugcl "neat per bwhe1... „ . 84 zo
Spring 1Vhea.t ' " •;; 0 ti0 to 0- titt,
' Barley per 10311t1 . ... 0 35 to ' 4.;
, Oats per bushel 0 30 tn 0 .1
Por tatsui . • 0 00 to 1/ r,f1
ntty per ton 0.09 ttr P
.Iptter 00 to 0 14
1..ges per aozolt ,„ . o 00* 0 40,
Indus per. 10........ ... .... 00 to, 0 19
51100P 0 00 to, 124
Wool, wit, lb... - 0 00 to p
Salt per 50) 0 DO to 1 V t
Potatees'per btrshel„. , . . • 00 1,)
. Apples per bushel, . 0'00 to 0
i e former has alSO.." stir,,:irecl' 94.11'0,,. p 4:.; -.,", "."."' ' 0 00 to'
11 1
thoughthee k'
ifdin drouht, " ' .. -; ... li3O,ireho)p41: ple'ri, 0110)11.4,S, . , . 0 g u0051 tt-0(1 '0Toq V;
: Ii'there' 'ist anythittgpeopl'e Sikalld, ';---
not be- negligent of, itis Pegt4toribg then • • 1 . • i
births of their children: But whetliee ' " I,./ h,r 1 s ti as. Commercial,
it is if • illness on the part oof the I V El R'''Y.'
. 1 , ' .. •
f .
.bappy father or care.,easness, the clerk 7' :.,
tprice)bvpoirt,l4ierlaes:1,0:-ir.insolublrva.cs° iiottuite. mfaajocitivtitfiek .,' ' ....,crtr_'. 4,4. y .---e..,'`''-‘'gnY --17113--L":4'
... vitt
veyyinipoitant, rqgistratiou, . All,those 7, • l',
Ili; '
i i ,..,
tQ MI01)) this BM)] i es shouldtake,warn- 4: =
$ 4.O • At.
RigSp,nd Horse s first
tr. Ortrateiersci eilf1t.is.):11;hrowlniptirykaltzalnittspe: . or at;
1 . TEitm8,,R0AS0NAT:1,1,1,
.int.e, at, thee isa heavy fine, for 4tie1i an
Offen:6e: Of thifinec large portioni.
e.,oes to the, informer and some of those
days• some smart fellow with more' cute-
nessthancenseiente: tnake'a
pile Out of -other people's 'negligence. '
, The Tepor't di, the Inspector of Diy-
ision Courts 'for 1,8$6, is just fulled:
From.it the follbwing facts,
concerning.DryisiOnt beret transactions
in the county of Huron :--There are'
twelve Courts intim dotinty, and tine
iminber of suits entered, ekelusive of
TranscriPts of ,Tudgment and Judg-
ment smemonses were 779. The total
amount of claims Mitered was $30,860.
The total amount ofsuiter's money
paid into Court was $126,100. Seventy
suits were entered; wherein the.amonnt
claimed was oyer $1•00. Seeforth
Chntellad the ihrgest number of
cases entered., 338, while the total
amount claitneil" was 'finger. in ,Glinton
Court than i11 any. ether, being over
$10,000: •
On 'Weclres-day evening of last week
a garden party was held under the, aus-
pices of the Ladies Aid of Caven ereS-
byterian•Church; Exeter, on the spac-
iousigr ounds of Mr. Goo. SareWelL•
John Street, which were alive with
the largo number present who enjoyed
themselves most `heartily. The prem-
ises were. well Tigttroir witli Obineso
and other lanterns, the tables•libo.Aily
.spread, and the Exeter hrass band fur-
mished a good stipply' st excellent
musie. The' hanclsonie sum. Off'$,5D
was realized. The members . of the
Saviety desire to tendert their most
hearty thanks to, 'Mr. and Mrs. Sem-
well for the fr60 uSe"of thar grounds
andthe able and friendly manner in
which they entertained the gathering ;
alto the band fot their valuable services
rendered so kindiy for the occasion,
The Division Court has been called
the poor man's tribunal, and the in-
spector's 'ort shows that s9 far as
the number,of ma. suits disposed -of
ly Ware concerned it is well•entiticcl
*04 that name.: The iuspector shows
that during last three years 180,943
snits were entered in,the Di rision 00414
rts of tho Province, involving' the latge
amount of $6,61S.,109, or an average of
more than 60,000 suit.% allt1eter:M-
00,000'for each year,. besides .tt.enscrpts
of judgments and judgnmt.sutramenses
which ran up into the tens oftlionsands
in number, and htindi•ec14. of' thOusandi.
of dollars in amount. TheDivision Con -
rt, the inspector. says,- aro giving satis-
faction to the great- bulk of the people
h whoseintbrest tiley veva brought in.
tta (cell oil epguisblitiovniaisuies
TworWeeks agio the editors of our
lootrl'cotem, the l'imes, antiouneeci that 1
rt copy of thatpaper would be sent free I
fOr one year to the farmer who tought
the first load if new Wheat to market
and acquainted them of the fact," I
appears that Mr. MOSC:4 Ilodgitts,„of
Iiidelulph, near Mooresville, was the
first N110 brought ft lpfUl :of this season's
fall wheat to :flatlet, and, it was pro-
nonnert. Ars 0,a 5, .1att, ant 0,Yrt.
t ' 1- 11'1`0
becanse 11fr. Itodgins committed -60
'"rinpardonahle sin" of bringing grist
with film, oonsequesitly thorn Maori'
say, "Therefore he, int entitled tn,),
,the Miles! for blifi tyear." P-robahly
4r. Trodgint .ferg9t.,tntdiVido .the .);rist
'itr i-ecngniz th getekons
14.o4iiis is ottilur to the'nnel
for two:: var, -he ; vottIrl oe-•
•=•-...G0' ,
4,13fe 811aVirl&
• Hair CutCng• ',4
Hair Dyeing,.
etc., etc.
Ladies' ' Work a 'Speciality,
ifans are jilariik,
• •Vv-. SOU.1.11.1:LCOTr
D'ESPiTS 31104 S1iLt10i TUS
arruluous prices,
• A)'1) Att, RINI% OP
at' panic Driees, he will get' ,
So says Customer. •
W. •Sou:the-oft
41tTeeli • - 1Iltoter,
, r LGUR, and EEED '
Of all Ichals.
13i•im1tfast CeraIs, on oiko,,,,„„
.G11,1,11,1' jr1:0., and tmpir0 s,
' elattle one
Pli•f:L(11.4 always'. -
po-0.05 plitk•tt.x,t,:r:2,...4.t!I77 45"0.."••
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