HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-08-11, Page 1' •
ftI qiutets Aotootg.
Is :published every Titursdarmoriling"/
at the office, cornet vf
Tolin and Main-sts, - Ezeter;"Out.
TLIVIO•or sginsonie'rlo.N.;
ln'tbe'UnIted States or Amerioa
Ono dollar a Near if piad'in advance; 10 not
1111./., aMyr
Advert/Sing Rates on ApplloatIon.
No paper eliF.entitinned until an Arrearages Are
:Ad vertiselirmIts w.ithunt iipeehle directions will be
ti;', forbid and charged nethliklizigly. 1.11441
,dimiutuft 'made f.ir trunk lent advuttilietnents Itixeridir
lung perledx, gyory deseriptiOnf of jUll PRINT,
jNii turn 0.1 it in the finest .gyie of the itrt und ut
nindenito rate. cileques, moiler oraera, ,f.o, for
:advertising, Aubserintions, Ole., to‘lie liindepuyable to
T1108. 1?A.S1‘1GRI"?
• nintor ;hid Pu b1i,l,er.
CITVW.C.T.1 .731.41.7t'CI7,O
ErtHcoAr,Robinion, 4nrum-
bunt. Sondit3 feet', 1 La, in., and n, ;
vihtth 1iehool,, 9:00 p,
11wATI08 A ittsri.—Stniday serviree, V. a. in.i3 11. in.
and 6 p..kerYlcrs even. nisrht during the week,
• a 8 ()Meek. ilolItiesi.tneetino• at 11 a. !O.' 011 b110any. •
from now to Jan 1st 1888
.ifty Ceuta:
Subscribe Nov.
° A
RE CliAliT
• in. e
10.30 n
pastor. Sunday seitkves, , nd.312) p
• rialdrah tiebtad,, 2 p, in. Pra or oieeting 'Elinittayt TAILOR
,..„,,,„,„is,„„„,,,,„.•,,,,„es. st„ Rim. ;1. Grilbanl, • .
..,Netring at, .
.Nrsix Itatisri-7ner, w, u. Pageoe, pastor. Sun.
t:ity services, 40.30 0. 111, 00 d 0.30 p. ni. Sabbath
..s.hoo1, 9110',3). m. . Prayer mooting, Thuraelo even.
ing at, T10. VoYing peoples iirayer ineetIng.thuraday
4..vening 1107.110.
Paw:mita IA0t111:11C11.—.221,V, 'W. '111. Vartin, Pastor,
• $110daY sdriiires, •11 a. in. and 0.:'30 p. in - 8a1)1)201i
$cial'ile 04.0 a. la.. Yining panpien prayer meeting, gt
041. '1 Imrsdar.rralnlig. liraP1' meeting nt 8•0'n10014,
Choir pral-itieo immediately after. ,
Business and other Cards.
T W. ni(OirRIXO, Al. D. , X, C. P, 8.
J ------ . . . • . StOek.. •
oradoate of ilatoria university. Offieti,and reskienee- '
ion Labatury, tt. 'xoter, (MJuno, 0.`87. ...
, • •
Westfilde Nain-st„, Exeter,
A Good Fit
Latest Styles of Goods kept in
I ()I 1 N 01,1., J
1..J(.114NSED AUL' HU NUE,11.
set .. . -- . ,
A Call Solicited.
tho VIJINk-e-J.,Rreter,• and the (.1ountsr of 'furor!.
„tit. ordersttantiti,y ationat,a-to, 4.:Neter p.n.,Ont, < .
4 8 tqE
:k. itisitr, Lit,T;IN:tst:o AVUTICXEER4 , . g . , ' ' . : • • 4 g t, t
vor the 'townships of rray ana ushorne. All moms
1/roltintit attCOLended to . . . - Ezeter o.o...;:ont.
, . .
...,..............................w...../.........• '
Soileitor tit' Surrone Connt of Ontario, 1. onimi4siunor, I .
ciniveyaneet,Ita., talkie—Next doetto Vainv.ell 4:7 Pick- ,.._.,._..... , •
. rads, ES.0 WI', (48 3. 'gooey to loan .at retiY loweSt, 001044,
: .
...,.... t„,-,.,., ext.:01i teeth '•;'11,11011t, pll'ill
• 1 ,y• airing Vita'ked Mr, or using the new Meal 'A 0188-
1 hetie on the ge113S•,A8111181 tloia FIlli IN'S, t111t1 all other .
.11.8)101woricole. hest possible, tioe's to Enrich 1058 ,
Thursday 111 inieh uti•intli..
klAwr stet: OF MAIN' tcriniitIr, EXETER.'
ifvgsToorr a sANDERS, 1Nfitli1AI'OE, 'gull,
.11 Nil Estate' and Steamboat Agents., 'Wealthy and re-
liable Ore mid 1.1fe bison/Me C0101100102 Iteprogent-
od. Any amoont looney to lean on 11014. class ttiort,
gaftes at lowest 1311os ofinterest. (Jeneral Agonts for •
&iron Co., fur :•••• Co., rea1 estate lasts,
London. Beaver vine of StetunetA represented. •
Oirlee.—Jcinies St,. Exeter, Oat; pos7 •
T 0. 4., N1). 024,
meets tint Fridav in every Month, in John's Bleak CoTy in g and Enlarging
J.A •
at 8 o'eloek. 1.Vi'siting 1301throirVelcOmo. :
Jens SPActNAN, 117.M. .T0iis Witrrn,Seey. done on shortest -notice.
:haying purchased the .business •ef
.Chas. Senior, -wishes to in-
4orin the the public that'
' he can be found ..
At the Old stand
, •.Main Streak, 1 Exeter.
, .
. .
. ne Finest Cabinets in the cond..
d -,y. Eleffarit Finish. .
. . " .
'I 0. F. NO. 193. .
, k
sue'ets the-seeond and fourth Friday of Emelt Unonliff
10 FittisOn'e'lyal 1, e0,'8 o'01001c 1 4 in. Yikliftig Broth.,
(3'I4 cordially invite. ,• .
B. Itennirts; C. R. ,T. Pico 111.11, ke.
Hay MutualFire
hisur-aric6 Company.
TAirriEs p.t.::•011IS04 'IX) INS1.1.11E IN 'ME 11EST
, .—......
mini elteapi%t 1, ,,Warovl. ,Con1110V in tbo 11011118 2,10,
'0044 do "0 1 y el' t. kw,' 1,erhona111.', or liy mull to tht
.4 101eavign41, All tit,Illicationg 1)1oe11'y.attelide1 to.
.711,4) i.r.-tait lin thu l'..., 111,01..1 .t tummy. of Opelpb. ,
Als.) Al ICTIONF,,,'t. 8(1 1111' (10.mf.8'. of Huron.
t. h088 4.-NfrAtti, V, A4:1% '
Zurich, Ont.
-Jane. 0.8/,
" 43;;1 'II ''''Ir II' M .
(oAr t . ,).N.13" 4A, .t,:•.a i44. :I4sii-9 ' ,, '
. .
Vs.to,r ol '
, . , . .
• a.,-...,..".1.......:—.....,,....-
, e
\ 011,:illw, an 1 virti I".siinuire agent. '
.01, P10111 W38% ;re at 82eita•s3r;iet ' - v,zeter.
- ... 4 *.• A Vi t 3. *.i.ce 0,4..... 1..4., ...7raimiukt...Ylerscit;
nags ate tavola an(1 you, must
play Paris Gre'en iitou want
to make a point,
PVICE • la 111: REES
Atso '
a,l-td Fly. Powder..
skiv,,Ays 'L. tun scITly 81 Drug&,.. Dyes,
aildliaticy Goods4
taCkl,43 a specialty.
IV op./In./7mi%
New Prernises ?
4tiv coo, ef4
Respectft lly reminds 1 k
Custon ors •and the pubille .#
• generally that he has re-
' moved to, '
.t" •vill
rtgOif 4t4,004.
Main' St r Oat, EXET.g11.,,.
Where lie hag jusb *dyed
Hanannado work oftlip highest
alms: •
A ti,,* lltit oliated„. and
Satisfaction, outtrkili,teed.
. txoter North, ! • County liuron News. Zci:
'Mrs, Fred li'llitwerretitined home from j,
.) 1 , (.. ,
tO ViAi t t II IS IV o0c, She lias beu to
aDash- 1 ..A,.. Woman's '011r
iaii ',mp 1 ane o
'w0x1 and Zaire)), 4413 011. ' S110 spent a very Tilden has twee fernied in Dungannol.
cii,loyable time. •.,' On Saturday Mr. J. Hearn, of ,Q1in.
ended, d. the sound
The harvest 18 over; and the min emir,
Constable Crueelt should k0318 heyes l. tan, shipped a load of sheep to Li vet-
anof the StiWitOr 14 opened. on.fast.driving,coining bow about I ,,),01,
h•ontd. in our land.
iMr. Richard Curtain has been. 0.-ronnd ill,eleltli;,41,1";11;ttitf:. .h411c0101 ituornirosid(ilitiviaililig*,n'iwtihi 1 Cantelon 3,
1\1'1 Clinton, have 21-
1114o.suelasfillOgdgliTsresile litti)CP1Iiiig.ilsIt 1,(A)'11:31.1e'l;(.t?ttil, cmi, )1 iehio,„th, whore ho has heel, spend., ttppl es. .,
"Mr. George:Mutt-hail has returned home reaclY commenced the shipine,nt of
one from 'W,' "W. itevington, one ;rein ‘teo • -
Ildorgati andli, fine young mare from Rich- .1.84.n141,;L,(111,v3...Quoll<ionilLeitl, tifilnie!,Itiirill''d pinic:: 0Z).'"ts'•"• •in jrt.iisIstoi\ivIteelnfcelerd trie.(iist11.4spbleit!tlilonaliztfailign(T
arcl Neil, all driverk
from Exeter the.other evenint,, his horses
As mr. David meonire wo.s. rettivning. gr01311.,•ingT.i111Ti.iii1slacenla,liletitini141iilaieshit ssitainnt.if4locair, and T,3318,S meters.
' he Ransforcl [188088 Mar 'Clinton,
took fright and iall 141V.V. riley rao 1;1:13011033 ifFro%!eereslitg'rett:,,,4:11. w"\IN'Tii°3101 c)1148141 1°)0121.111tFiY., contains over 'five inkutit ed acres or va11-1.- :
the OrAge Hall clear to the Rimini able laud besides a quantity of busli..,'`' .
1111(1 scattered bottles of pop broadcast aini LAs 11 jrzlyni,111.11..raera leasotittly. of . tan barki.-
in drills the entire route. , , ., tei g 1 1,1 seasoryo Mr R. Blake, of Hillif4t, vaa yack-
I i‘w 11...7811y11 $1411 1:14‘:.:1 01 0 1:c
14111:1.1m 1
1i 2-3 itseeoa
1 i eptir cll jittursirn. arists ed 113 the side by a harse, on Frida‘Y
s , .
Ii.esboa recovered from. tho effects
qi,, 3. Wright, of Gedericli, couttibut-
td ':',$50 last week IA.' t1,d,8e4icsn of
working the Sctitt Act ; fol.,' yieltitioil•of
,the same. "i.
Mr. S.,.A." Moffatt, of. Vb.r.rib., 'Ma-
elline agent,says the' crops ;generally
are _very light, and he has beeii iill'eyer
Winehelsea. ' 1Ve hear a great clettl of conipl ai ins about
our sidewallili, They are ill a neck:3)&0:1k
Miss 'Donis of St. ilfarys, and Mists C.reg- ,
Piano and 08d1841'28430, to Oily town. What
city of Clinton, aro visiting in the ntn '
- our road inspector doing, to have them
borliood. in such a state, at this 800.8011, Of the year.
Miss Sennie Goth has beet, caned by.
telegram, to the bedsicte of a d'y4.4lg gator Mr. W'n• 1)3tv88) a the math% 3'o1105
in Michigan.
Tlte droutlf,in-thi-/ section iS tutpreeetl-
en tea, Root crops ttud pasture holds aro
suffering lad y.
here, 11112 received another large' Consign-
ment of monuments and free gtoile, aird0
from the quarrey of Cleveland' add Ver-
-meet, 0'. S. Ile is*a flaoroundi wdrkinou
Mr. „T. Simile, who has been teaching and tolc.ol'stalidf Ills trade. . 401Y .Parson
fierrte F.3,1,001, has resigned ids •rnsition in need (43 18 heiat stone should not -fail to'
110 h. Tile. section, re- eall 011 14111 -
dJl1)artltOC. .. The greattlaw suit penclingibetween tto
,or our most prominent citizens, the abia
' •211 '11 bodied mechanic. Mal the poor cripple, has
ben finally settled by .T. Mattice pay,-
, Mg the sum o4',;25'Ali% 'Mark Ciark,,
" Mr, .71011/1 Davidson and wire, visited.
this neighborhood en Sunday last.
. Mies 'Gregory who formally .tanglit•at
2<114001 .No, was •visiting at Winelielsea.
• Mr. Ed. Liddicott pays a• flying visit to;
this neigliberhoodr Nearly every week
be comes in quest of butter, but perha,ps 2111'i0h.
there am other rdircetions.,
Mr. Thomas' Simtle wile is always on Most or the ferment around here have
the lOokout for n.ell die,ging or well clean- finished th6rinuatesting.
ing,' (lac,. a well for 111r,°Lawrence Parmeft,
recently, and Struck a splendid spring,.
11 any ono has a, .sciniity of water,°Ini11o,i8,th43'411ao. 'to Mr.
,find Ton ,an
The harvest is past anti the brindle cow
roams the farm at her Will. • Tho 'binder
having done its work.for 1881, put' away
and the plough is 'undergoing - tepalvs..
The weather klin SS N eligetly. watched ,to
eatch the catboat glimpse. I 1
o: .0024.11U arta.
lunch net:dell rain.. The . fartner isi s 011
the verantlithwith' eobtent lieintring upon.
Itis countenance and ...eatling 1 110 Exeter
The first quarterly ineeting. of t1441 ts.4
borne circuit was held an manday *After..
the country. •
. Prof. Clarice, of Codeilieli, 211182 been
'engaged 'hs.orgaiiist of Teinity church, •
1141 3181t4398 'upon his duties
'October 1st.
The town of Wit -lemon is trolibled
with a ghost,.and c..-ty fathers have.
the colt trainer'. •••5,1tis shothi he a wain- corPoration baby, which would be
int; lbr yoe., ",40,,",.never to Ilog another
ehn Darling, Nen Is well
:phased With the settlement.
Miss Minnie Melick wha has been away
to Fol.ast for the htliit two weeks, Teturned
home lagt Saturday..
Miss Mitchell, or Dashwood, is again.
visiting in town. "Wonder what great to -
traction Hattie has in town ,
Parties and bees 3081e all the go •now
daYs. Last week. our young folks Made
then:assembly at Mr., N. Deicheres where
they spent an evcniieOf pleasure
Miss Edith . Steinlack. has been away
visiting her Yriuids rind relaCous in 11:set-
er 'for 3110 last l'eW' days, but Yet rned
home .company WW1 her cousin, Miss
Edith Dyer: ' •
1‘1.. 'Ruby, of the Bi•onson line
disposed of cheaP, . .
Rev. W. F. toropboil, of Dungan:- -IA
non, has gone to..see .1n,s brother, Rev., —
T, OantipbK1,'of Owen Sound, who, .. ,
is ,at presofft'in'rather poor health. , • ••
Messes :4a.n»ing (3,, Scott have re-.
ceived an application .froin Seot:and,
for a farm Goderich township, that • '
tints been advertised, in the . 'Clinton
gat?) Er4. •
Els tofcIship the Biatop of :enroll
has appointed the Rai-. M. Turatill ,to
the Rectory' of Wingham,' lately made
YacAnt by the resigns:Mil of the Rev.
Mr. McCosh.
Mr. Thomas' :McGillibuddy, of the
God Mich Signal, has been permanently
appointed Secretary to Mr. A. Blue,
'the ASsistant Commissi2ner of Agri-
ottlOee, of Toronto.
Olt Satutcla), last a field of white
oats on the Ransford farm was emit
110011111 th,eBliaviAle chureli when the
as* dr"i‘ home from town, he met tlie with a binder and so heavy Was the
lowing re,sol titian' Was tynanitnously Missed flax -tiiey. were no,kimg ,neh, 3,, noise • . •
,That this quittitoriviI3thirrl' views, With re-, that hisgan"liorses took and Tan away crop thtit the machine. could iict."'ettt
pet the exertion s wl the o mOS ers of the full width af the knife...
smashing the luigtq to `pieces. Mt. Ruby
the Scott Act arc' to 1.ev6rse the es,„
'without 4113, serious injury' A youth named Anderaan, wile has
decittion ,of the ',electors of the county , . "
or !our village had.. been employed Clinton for a short
P111018 the .A ticlopted, mid urged out The. married ,,vomen
'friends to withstand ly (1.very: legitimate. a 1110" d"wil to. tilro 011010 . 1.4314 tiine, skipped by the light of the moon,
1 all .eutompts .i.epear the Aet"4,1; 'Week ail to themselves, not e. man was at- lettyrag a tailor, boarclitp:( hotise keeper
comiht. imved to no near 1.4)1)1)).Patti ng • al id
and others to mourn. his .der/a/tute.
strallinr, along the shore we; the order ,
• ' Centralia. • the day. • About o'clock the hushancls• on wcd lesday .e„
were lookingifor them but they did not
,yo'u'-old dhulyhter • belonginn. to Mo.
make their appearance. till about 10 o'clock ' • 7'hn kilnatrie.,, f tre •••••t concussion
1 r' , •
The'quartcrly meeting of tlie Methodist-, when tbuy came into town at a goad rate Jori
ChUrch was: held at Eden, Stinday last. 11 1 • ',Aft ' • ' of Aslifield, while about the yard, wa,.,
A hut attendance from Um other appoint-
inents WAS present, and a good meeting
was .1
We mid erating .tlie Bask ervill Bros.)
, have ordered another engine of greater
power. and intend to rutt two. 181131118111011
this season, The farmers sa3 the boys do
toiti they are getting all
they 01111 (1'). „,,
The Ladies?: ,Nitl of the Methodist
Chnrcli, gave a serial on the pats nage
l3143 018 'Wednesday evening lAst; which
Was well patronised coniidering„ the busy
thiles. A first class entertain Men t w•y8
ruVided. The iawn being illuminate's'
with Chinese and abet lanterns. This
being the tirst, augurs Well 0,0 future no..
casions. 'Pio receipts were SIS,, -which
goes to church building fund.
Mr. S. 1\laniting: or t'xoter, while in the
station purl here last weele; had tlio
18 t tone, of being thrown. out or
horf-ef it seems, took fright, probably
at•the i111i11, mid beloro Mr, Maiming
could riLyhoy seethe the reins, bolted with I kItyxs.—In Centralia, cui Mondqi
the exception of sh.dzing the 3(841)1.1.41(53131.I August i4813; the wife of Mt, Ifichartt.
considerably. No other tlaninge.was tiono ef a $0n. 2
Big Toni caught the home at Ile corner. (3;.0vInt,--1 11 Adam, en the iith lost/
Ili,' 1101 '.1!, form 12 3111 001:0111341 barriet to the wire or James Glover, of 4310)51.
anythino. 0101.attempts to pass the Ditt-
feria 1.1intae:
We learn that Mr. James Neil E4q.,
AfeGillivray, met :with ,n,ii accident over a
LASt. Sa038811/1y' ttbout 10 O'clo(.k t1;e struck 1)Y a 1 "go 'ti' -'1''' wIlkh h'1 1 fr"
people or this village were startled by see- ft, wood pile, killin4 her almost, idstallt
ing a large cloud of smoke to the west- ly.
.y .
o .
. ..
ward r Uslonethowht 'a0 ut tt T —ima!te, merchant o
. -f . Lo.
laitlings 8881' the Bi.onsonlne, 111(13 011- ,
The farmers aro working herd to keep'it safe opn ,Incl raed terero
1. t spronding, althouh has already 1.0(18111 30 and 540 in money, as well
done serious damageis several si,,iiccl cheCks, 011 Tanfier't
WhileTil. Holicin was &atrial, oats :Batik, 131yh.. . , 3-
'„ , ,,
.cittirr wo 1Ntrntt11ttit was teclier'S slagh-
desboto had his store burglarized th
1113), 08130811)' (0318 1)111084 sont11„west')t'here.other nightTho thieves blew the
I8(.( 136101
T.- 1' 1 1 ' 1
,0111 a ( 11( J0111111,5 the woods that v."1.3 Mr. 1). Cameran` Af
0111118. The load. by some means caught presitif,a' ' bi'the 011 3,1)1,i4
fire. destioyin!, it iiiqtatitly. T1110a
backs wore 11,1 caw,ed Association, stiggoits thitt as this is Om
them to ran away. Irthey 13,31111 have fiftieth 181 170111 ' •
ran: toward:4 tip! barn it might 1131'0 be.n MOM ill 0E111:tan, ti 10 e301,1't 11101114 1/E'
0(1 30(18, btit tlitty anathet direction signalized by holding a convention of
waking 118e wagon. and rack a total tvreck tho 'V'oting Liberals of the Pi 04)1)00 111
caught within half 18111110 or a i
,,,,eptem,ier next,1481 91(3(1, •
On 0,e11te1811rt 1 st fello winq races
%vitt come oil An thoi. ilratiki of the 0)184
ton Driving"Thirk Atariciation t—Tho
first race will Stallibini" trot lot' tt;
purse of $'..).„0 ,se:coed fpr
faunyears or under, for,,it purse
mile heat 3, op4•31H to all'
Els..eter North, on the t1s comity# '4 0.• o r 1 c' ' I '
3, , ttato ing thirc race ,
1115.3., 31)0 3110 or ,)1r. 11. Fink,
03 8018' 3 tnimito trot, open to 1811 1108808 (
orses 030110 1
the'County of liuron, ptiese 1;',41 00,F
be4t 3 in, fi.
sycolz, ago, WhIell 1:1likoly tO Oep 111e1
from working a:ttthi 1*(4,86111e time, It
appears that while in ilia batia and in at,,,
tempting to awls film the mow on to a
load of r.dicat, awl ntiasitig Ids footing he
. 1
he-Utatvti1l•y lee 4110 (1001'. .A>ftetr 00101113),tis
ho wis taken home and cared for,' it P°"1'1°, in Air. Neils' timeoi'lfrthathis
I)1 inuriesi whib;are ill tersal, may pertna-
twontykA 1;ad
Itt?nl)?.ct111tuhtt11„tsllr lna,est on e :'!11 1., by the Lef„rtodiawnhal tily 11t(111P 11Iru)gthe opera
1LYNN, -411 Stephen township, on. the
8111 inst., the wife W, Viyans-of
801.Pogn,.41Exeter, on [110 10th ult.
themilb 51rPrier,o-a daughter
. a,t , J
se •••-
On 'Wednesday eyeliing of lat Wek
i) aympg' tlyof Westied n
CrOlitm, eft the '3184111st totedRot.for (1011till roams qllll
ot,4thelifu of WinM MAI, of a sonfn, and with We relnariVia slv,
= ,at ed to the0.25trgin asI
: to have sot teeth extractedShe mt
Wrrr,-411L1", M'r>i
_, tIec(uil,:iiilit3,bs8
tgeitioitutn111t,R.T,INhitt,formerly(11lixete, ' t
hijltl.100p0eted.0114110inn 80)11 )-0 iinvenoeAnniepent) • tion,and stteeeetlecin idaeliiittht
•Eilt0M1140111, Onttrain. S 4,13131 bbd neves
• : , ,
.• .