HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-08-04, Page 5:••••eeeed-
Dry weather,
NO -rein for fourteeO Clays;
Dr, J. W. Broweirig is home egeiii.
Besinees booming et the AnvocAT4
West's Belkwall hate returned to
The 'hauling ef flax to. the milt has
Our town prented it lively appear
ance on Monday,
Try a local in our 3 -cent cerium ;
there's money hi,
Mre Thee. It, Tyndall is; visiting
friends in NeW Yolk,
Those casesof typhoid fever report-
ed lest week are now convalescing,
Rev'cls. Penhale and Holmes Of
Winchelsea, were in town on Saturday.
Mr. James Oke shipped a car load
of fat cattle to Montreal on Monday
Mr. Frank Tom has returned from
aisitieg.friende in Buffalo and,/?tew
Mesdames Cahill and Sarvis, ofLon-
don, are the gueets of Mr. and Mrs, 0,
Eacrett. .
Our local people still continue fii
family pionics and private parties at
the lake-
AUgusil the lfith has been proclaim.
holiday. Hurrah
well diggers and
exceptionally busy.
ea as Exeter civic
Lor Sarnia.
Swallow Bros,
pump makers, are
this dry time.
The baud diseoursed sweet music at
the laying of the corner Stone of th e
Tri‘%itt Memorial Church.
The mason work of the Odcifellows
hall is conipleted, and the building is
alow in the hands of the carpenters.
WANTED -7A servant girl who is ac-
euritomerf to housework. • Apply at
once to Mits. Thos. PAsmonE, Exeter,.
Our sportsmen are making prepara-
tions for duck shooting. Some of 'them
are building new boats for the fall hunt
The top of the front of Messrs; Saip-
iyefl Piok'ard's brick block has been
greatly fitaproyed by tieing remedied
and rebuilt.
Mr. Well Johns, son of D. Johns,
postmaster, after an absence of over
three years, returned home the other
clay, looking hale and hearty,
If you have anything' that you want
the people of Exeter and surrounding
country to,know of,' advertise in the
Anvocame; There's millions in it.
Correspondents whose supplies be -
coining' exhaustediwill confer a• favor
by acquainting us of the fact, when
their stock of material will be replen-
Mr. N. H. Young and•family are vis-
iting friends here, and on Tuesday in
company with Mr. W. Southcott and
family they spent a pleasant: timeat
the Bend.
The front ok Mr. james Pickard'S
business premises present a very taste-
ful and, attractive ap.pearancea since
emerging from the handsof. Spicer
:Bros., painters.
Mi. Holmes, Provincial Librarian
of Toronto' and father of Robt. Holmes
of the CJIinitonaNew Era, gave us a call
Tuesday evening. He was on his -way
to visit friends in Clinton.
Mn.Hess, of Zurich, who has,*
contract of putting in the clock in the
tower of the new town hall, has it about
completed, and is ready to put it in
place as soon as convenient.: .; • •
About five hundred peoplet'v' itnessed
the laying of the corner stone of the
Trivitt Memorial Ch.urch on Monday
last.. It woe laid with' ilia esual cere-
monies, Bishop Baldwin officiating. '
Mr: Sohn. E. Toni, County Public
School Inspector, is at present visiting
hie friends in New York and other
cities ; he will likely remain in Toronto
and attend the Teachers essocietion to
be held there nextl week.
It has been definitely decided to
hold a three dote' fall fane in Godeeieli
?leder the tterspicee of the West Huron
Agricultuied, Soeietya The day t have
been liked fee the ilth,,,b111 and fith,bf
Octobert Mid' heady!. $2,000 Will be
offered itt prizes.
One Of the beet attended chttrches in
the town during the lot season .hits
been the Jimiee Street Method ist Oh ttreli
Rev. Chatham; pastor: In fact the
warns weather eeeme to be 'favorable t�.
is prospeti ty, kg Sunday .night. the
Ohurchwasw1l filled.'
COMpla,ihtg are being ' need° • by tho.
workmen employed, on the • Trivitt
:Memorial Chinch • et the number of
ince' who eringregete there rued alinOry
theni .byitheit; daily :beagle', and cil
quirieia and from theirlatuill, 0 cartes.
Mons onJd, be 1MA0 'believe that,
the *ore fibre 'competent of perfeerre
ti0 Weee 'than the 'WorkMen theft.,
.40/vra •
The shady side of the street Was the
meter one Wednesly afternoon, The
thermometer ranged from 90' to 90',
Twenty-seven Police Marristrates
have been re -appointed to their respec-
tive townrato comply witli;a formality
rendered neeessary by the decision of
Mr. justice O'Connor' that a Police
Magistrate in a Scott Act county has
00 jurisdiction in an incorporated town
in that eoenty.
The Thrieris offered l'free gratis fur
nothin” for one year, to -the farmer who
laings the first load of new fall wheat
to market aud ecqueintethe editors of
the fact, lie may be a Reformer and
not appreciate the local sheet or gener-
ous offer. Aro • de subseription het run-
ain Awn, cli 7
If you want to disports() ur aoods
whatever they may be, like Mr, George
Manson, yon must get soine carda
printed attractive at the A.ovoteere
ofilee; at least so George says. How-
ever a trial Will not cost you much
.and will return you. on hundred per
Mit on the outlay,
• Mr. Horace Harwood formerly in
the employ of Messrs Samwell & Pick-
ard of this place, who has been speed-
ing a weeks' holidays among his many
friends here, returned to Lansing,
Mich., where, he has for the past year,
been fining a lucrative position in a
dry geocle establishmeo,
The postponed meeting of the Credit-
ors of Mr, Geo. Willis, grain buyer,'
vies held last Friday as announced,
wen two inspectors were appointedlto
manage the busieess and winding up of
the estate whiela will 15.e sold;. and the
proceeds, after deducting expenses, 'will
be divided among Ifie creditor -a':
We are informed that onseveral,oe-
casiona lately, elm& flowers placeclion
the eaves of departed friends, in the
cemetery, have been stolen shortly
after tieing left there.. Thefts of any
kind are bad enoughabut thefts of this
kind are particularly so, and we hope it
will not again be*necessary to direct -
attention to this :natter.
The'dign,which was taken by two
"youngmen” from the office of this.
paper some four weeks ago, con be
found' immediately north of Mr. .7,
Grigg'1:3 book store, Main street, where
it hartain for some time waiting to be
returned. We pen this item for the.
information of those who gretituously
.took the centred of removing it.
The promenade concert Monday
evening, under the auspices of Christ
Church, Exeter, held ihadommemora-
tion of the laying of the corner o e
of the Trivitt Memorial Church, s
largely' patronized and a most en oy
able tire spent by all The occasion
will long be remembered by the friends
and members of the denomination.
The directors ,of South' Ititron Fall
Show are meeting with good success in
their canvass for membership, and the
list will likely succeed: that of any
previous year, The fee, is one dollar,
and any person beeoming a member is
entitled to, three tickets whiA admit
them any time to the grounds: Let
every one put his ilibulder to the wheel
and make this the County Show an un-
expected .suacees.
Itt speaking of One of our prominent
citizens. the Parkhill Gazette of hitt
week -has the followin,.,0 : Dr. Cowan,
of Exeter, owns a trotting horse which
has the -bad ha.bit•of cuttingltself with
its front feet when travelling. He ap-
plied all .the embodies he could find
and had niany experienced horsesheera
operate *n the ani mai without steetees
until he employed Mr. Peter Johnston
horseshoer of Parkhill, who Made 'repair
of shoes which completely cured the
flne animal ofthe defect
Our genial friend, Rev, J. E. irei-
tnes,,of Wfiseheisera paid i us a flying'
visit last Saturday: Severallyears have.
passed sine:es last We saw the, Smiling
countenance and heard the merry cack,
le of the veite of our young friend,.and
altheirgh Iis trisiteWas like the inteud,
mg lover who Makes his exit out the
beak door:fit th'eangey parent issues at
the, front; yet. tliere was plcoute itt tho
meeting. Past* rectilleetiOnS *ere tee
vied, :the ineideets of boyhood Were
itcalled and the scenes arotted the
parentallmarth related. Since we last
saw each,' other nature has not been
Slothful in performing:: the duties •cl43,.
volved upon .her, for the subjects r Of
hir, It tied have ripened into :manboba,
and Ma Hohnesi has becorneothe run-
istee and Ithe rasinOre, has become the
printer. JO01',V.*e haVd otitshone
our worthy and " much esteented friend
itt that we aro,tha happy possessor of
All estimable, .leving wife and partner
tta grate our fer end sornews and two
I0'17 eheeked little boys to cement the
tmiott yeta imeeritheles.a we do liot-de-
epise Mir miniateriat friend in tithf re
speet for his Chances in,e•gerid :yet and
im• rrainy, yearg trycome;
.K.4,,r•okritiglik,•11aLri,, • •••••',4—",•"•111111=4,— "
Tho Taprial Qhurch.
The Members, adherents and, friends
of christs Church, Exeter, after many
years of, worshipping in. the old church
became enemies for the erection of a
more s'uitable and commodious edifice
wherein they might adore their Maker.
Of late years the roll pf membership
has augmented with unexpected sue.
ales _andamany names have been add-
ed'e' nothing daunting, the active
members took up arms and went
to work with a will. A thorough
canvass was made, but was found in-
adequate to meet the large expense
=mooted with the erection of aifhurch,
edifice, and the undertaking had reach-
ed to a clitnax, when Mr, Trivitt, a,
gentleman who has been blest with a'
Wage wrount of this world's goods, and'
r rpm as hearb, aa
a prominent and active member of the
church, came to the re.cue with a few
thousands of dollars, .Finally the
Members came to an agreement with
Mr: Trivitt in this way, Mr Trivitt,
membets hay
. or, supplies tli,e riefoovsts1;and„efiilanntheees
°repletion of t
These matters being satisfactorily com-
pleted by both donor and people, plans
and specifications for the proposed edi-
fice were prepare ealed tarader4 were
advertised for, ngo the'rr-
respeetive contractorsA prepared for
duties and all things being ready/the
first sod for the excavation of the foun-
dation for this wonderful piece of
architectierewas lifted on Thursday,
july 7, l87. The work of excavating
was pushed along with all possible
shrewdness and alacrity, and all thirr
worked ttether for good until the lsti
of Aleguet, when the usual” ceremonies •
in accordance with the custom of the
Episcopal church, the Corner. Stone
was laid by the Bishga.,
the presence of &Lii
spectators. A number of clergy were
present; among whom .were Archdeacon
Marsh', Of London ; Rural Dean Craig,
of Clinton ; R. Xerr,,Oritlitchell ; J.
Downie. of Lucan ; 0; B. Dridginan,
of Henson; T. W. McGaghy, of Sea-
ford? ; R. D. Freeman, curate of St.
Paul's Gatheclral, London; arid Samuel
F. Robinson, rector of Christ Church,
Exeter. The Rev. Dr. Pascoe,presi-
dent of the • oonference, and the Rev.
Met Graham trepresented the Methodist
Church,- and the Rev. M. Martina/3:D.
represeited the Presbyterian Church,
Dr. Rollins, reeve of Exeter, represent-
ed the town corpetatien. Coins and
documents; including the %localtkp, los
ADVOCATE 4,61.4isizws Londorler-
tiser and , nd dee Toronto
Globe and Mail, were deposited in the
copper box under the stone,.
Bishop Baldwin conductettthe ser-
vices in his usual style, and at the con-
clusion of the Nyin g of the corner
stone, the solid silver trowel which the
Bishop used,. was presented to him' by
the donor, accoinpanied by thealtsev-
appropriate address trii•ieli-wfote•-teltio
reatiette-theredener, and a Mali bear. the'
The following evening en entertain-
Me4t,in the or o a Prontenade ecru -
cert, was held in the skating rink t9
mark the event and was largely pat-
ronized by the members end friends of
the chinch. and others'. Our neted
brass heed dicoursed eweet music at
interval§ which was highly enjoyed by
all. The rink was handsemeky•decerat-
ed for the occasion and presehted an
attractive appearance, Mr, Ocerge
Hyndman was there and in hie usual TH.11; 2114 PREY'S.
liappy style catered to the want's' of all
wh de 'red to're esh themselves with a
ice cream or a
draught of lemonade. The gathering
broke up at a latehour all'feeling that ,
they had spent an enjoyable tiine in
friendly concourse and soeial chat and,
er time long to be remembered. The
church when completed will benthe
most handsome structure in Ontario'
and will reflect everlasting credit upon
its promoters,. The receipts of the en-
tertainment and the contributions • re-
1:01rf?Ilt t )01.4rif $S.,
Serieg wheet.
Hay per top
That ter 046 to
Potatoesver bag. 1.10 to
Eggs peoclez 011 to
Ptessedliogsper100 7.90 to.
$ 0 82 to
a9 ta t'tt
0,37; to
0.56 to 0.V7
0,40 to 0.55
0,00 to 15,00•
0.18 .
0 1 7)
ceived at.
inst. of the corner stone
amoulielo e laridsorne BUM of $1130.
The many friends of Mr. John.
Gould will be pleased'to learn that he
is now considered;out of danger by his
physicians ; they may leek. for bier,.
pe itioriNaki been ei culaterl and
lys2Colvily signed by the residents
4...--rig•ray a civic holiday, consequently,
the Reeve has proclaimed Tubsday, the
16th of August, civic holiday for Ex-
eter. The band will likely get up an
excursion for the enjoyment of the oc-
did:I6 7 r "..1 Ex)‘.4.44‘rn.., Juee 04887.
L .
Wiiite wheat per bushel (tlew)'. to 844, ttuo eg 'f, -
god Whit perichit,te,h_e.1..::::..... 0 e
tipring Wbeat " - ...- 2; .1g Ili. (1 It
trti:pY 1:er.f ig:11 : 0 't) io 0 At .
Peas P. er bushel.. ... , . , . ..... 0 00 to 0 :10
11e). per ton.Butter per ih
— ........ ,..,'00 0000 to 00 10;
eti 0000 :t4)to 00 13:.
1544,.',Etife dozen
Ivo .,.. p
MtaptShee ,..* in a each, .. ,. .. .. ., .... .. .. 0000 000000 1:000 100.1 0.2':.
:resbbl..1..i ,Iii , 1 „ — • , • • 00 0000 to 1 r
,Aolpispi ril %It pi ollErrb bblilstielle. ::;, ., : : ; .: : ::)) (a too° ?i 191,1
Pgionik‘pv er 100 the ' ' ' . 00 0000 ttoo 0,...0 10. :
.......111•••••• 1.•••••••••••••11.11.111111•••••••••••••••••••••111../.00.1181MAY
Omni per lb
P resented .04,e 11
Seellevd Baldwin, D.
of Hurn,,by Christ
or of the.Trivitt Heo
eter, atnthe laying of
Lammas Day, ilia:just
ht Rey; llieturice
.01 p
trek Exeter, don-
rial church, Ers-
te. Corner stone,
ist, A. .D. 1887.
TO the Riiihrtleo. Bis op Balchitht:
rhave great pleasure in presenting. to
yoer Lordship, as unt a wise master
"Wider and, workmanthat needeth not'
to be ashamed." Tit trowel used on
this happy occasion of 1 Mg the Corner.
Stone of this new ehure ; and my =meet'
prayer is that the buildi 4. to be erected!
thereon .may be for the lory of God and ,
the good of precious sot s. --Anda should ,
our lives through a gra ious providence,
be lengthened out to se the comption.
and "The Headstone bright forth,,q may
We have the unspeakabl ' happiness of
sembling together agan and under the
shadow of the reef n ite -in shouting
"Grade, Grace unto it." '
In replying4o the d4nor's generous
gift the Bishop made a Very suitable
and fitting response and thanked the,
donor mot heartily. He was also pre-
sented with 'three -lovely floral boqueta,
for his estimablewife which were hand-
ed to hint by three, little girls, Mrs:
Trivitt was made tho recipient Of! Vase
of beautiful flowers by the members of
*congregation at a §light token of
their' appreciation and .esteem in which
she is held by her friends of the church.
The llishop's,address for the Occasion
was next on the' programme, but we
are tillable to gilt a veebatfin report 6'.
it, owing to the act that Out topoeter
was late in arriving on the tome mid
in consequence d the great snow& Wits
unable to repert it. 1.1 o wo yd., it was
short, doeisii,e ital appropriate for the
oceaaien aucl wa: deliveittl ilt 0. most
eloquent mai:tor' A vhoir hid by the '
EXeler band ocrieetra, Odder tile dime -
don of Mi. Oath el, taidley, 'fiteeisaed
the :Mod retial
• • •
It is estitnated, that threedendred
thousand bricks will be required to
build the Trivitt 11ernorh.,1 Church,
and that one thousand will be Utilized
in the construction ofthe toNterrwhich.
tv. be•sev nt - 'Abe And the
, „ . b„ in the
neighborhood:of ti -en -five ' thousand -'
dollars, of which sum Mr. Trivitt will
donate about sixteen thousand. The
building is to be roofed inbefore w
er according to contract, and to be
ready forreonsecration, or opening, by
theist of September, 1888. There
will be erected at'the rear of theenain
body of the ehurch a large roomfor
sabbath school purposes, also a com-
fortable trod handsome rectory. These
two additions will incur no small out-
lay to enterprising people of Christ .
Church. ,
Aet a meeting: of the hotel' men of
West Huronabeld in Goderich Monday
'week, it was 'decided to .go on with the
' ' ' ation for the" repeal of the Scott
,X :e There was a stroog representa-
tion presentand the unanimous oilin- ,
-ion was that neither money' nor time
slelt • tired in the matter. Wi's•
alki . that alreadrnearly 1,000
signet= msre than are required have
been attached to the antiapetition.. 'It
is quite probable that the .battle atthe
polls will be fought on the question
during the coming autumn. ',romper-
ance organizations should eminence
op,eration at one.
Christie's pommercie
t:t4 rtnT
Booms- neyer strike a sleepy town.
They never slip into a Lost like a thief
in the night to dispoil them Theynever
drop clown out of the sky like rain all
readyeto be utilized. boom is noth-
ing mere or lOss than a tremendous re•
vival of business, which invariably suc-
ceeds the persistent, efforts of energetic
ruttlere, Who get up early in the morn-
ing and who plat wisely and tompre-
lemeively and utalize the resources and
advantages of the town M. which they
live. Mr. Trevithick is one of those
rustlers, and has let, the contract for'
the erection of a frame office to bel
built on his Vacant lot, north of I.
l'inyne'e hamlets shop, Main street',
and which, 'when completed, will be
occupied by the..kbveelt:8 Minting
Compininte reached ale last Monctio,
of the depertued of sigea from the offi,e0
front of.Messrs, Westeott St; Sanders,
insurance agents, and, like the Indian;
meteber of the firm says that iso,§Mall
boy denid reach them, coesequently the
misdemeanor fallsupon boys bf an ea -
larged growth and from whom better
thilegs are expected, Boys, Imp out
of the alleys, backdoors, yards, gardenS,
houses and barite, and retrain from
pelfering, destreyilig Tligna or property
of any hie. of other people., and ),00
will staa, tt far better ehanee to keep
out orjail, reform schools and peiaen-
tiaries, The Officers will be after pa,
boys, taid the law -will have no innfey
nor listen to yet21 cries f0 pardon if
you longer peilsist iu yew wrong doblg.
Ib ; good mei lioriesia no metter how
larrt lteaSk and ,ypti will heitcnie
bncl O
reseteity all° Worthy people.
Mr Wo 1Valle004, editor' of the t
1),.(31 4ermlre1y
111 (41+,4 the past few t,celts, and his
Rigs and 'Tors. es first -glass.
Aur Orders left at. the Ile.wksbew Houee, or at
the rtable will be promptly atttesdod to, •
Artiifc Shaving,
Hair Cutting
Hair Dyeingy,
etc., etc.'. ,
Ladies" Work a Speoialiti.
Pawn's? Moak
iN01111. .
• DESIliTS rrtcrat,sEritmo ms
• at'ruinouepriees,
AND Ail; KINDS 01'
ut panic nriees, he will get
So sayi Uu9temer..
. SQL-14AX° tt
Al Dill 4treed.l. Exeter,
OZ 1.01 Muds.
treahl'ilAt Cerals, Oir
(A rowel Ilex anti Empire
Cattle Vevtl flys ir.t
pooDs .
A Irktiltty.
kts- ST.N.