HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-08-04, Page 411 1 3 OoMomosoomo The 'Exeter Advocate, THOMAS 1)45MOligi, i f.....emm.s$0 PROI'mETo.r, OPP IOE: - Maim, &reel? .4'xeter. Wn41p, %lig wealth of -nations, na., tonal lcnowledge, friendship and chris- tw).. principles, sentiments mid. sym- Patbies are niteStbighly exalted and atr, . tam the broadest spread by pnrestrict. ea commoreial interconrse, there the, TnosE . vim ,assert! 1 that there are strong .objections 94 314101141 grO1111(14, to Oommercial Union,or Unrestricted IteeipFeeity, when aSiced to state what these .objections are?merely repeat that either mast lead to Annexation ; that ' the people of Canada 'should not,con, ,sePt" 0 au treatY or4-r4gurigeroolt ' j.4- volt/lig discrimination • against the manufactures of Great LBritain ; and ti at such treaty or arnangement ea, is now proposed Would ',destroy .91.1r legislative independency by depriving „.... • , ,,,„. , ,LL— .., —\ VI • Durinot3 . the Monthl ,cif J.-L.11v -,OFFE— R, AT , ' eic.14,4,0v.,4 1PoriR.!.c..t. THE BALANCE OF urs PAINTS, DiMSS .UTTSTAN "IVIirM P.414 c01.40B•A" ,PTQVga; ,..01-TECK$, AD STIME.S, AND ALT..! OTHER 11 1)1 Mi li ..pii,ss rABzne$, . . TL-fl,TBSDAY, AUGUST 4,* 1.8$7., . reTt blush of moral consciousness de- On OF Tiffis,,things-uotiOeabie in the rise and progress of the wheel in 'Wash, .ngton is the groat,inrease within two )r three years of the number of women ow. ride, • tricycles.. A few years ago Ws.. 130116.0 Lockwood attracted much iotico by appearing on the streets On A l'ieyore.,-... She was the first woman to Ty it; andlaer independence, it is Oahu- •tr, belppd1mr considerably in her an r-s.ss against Blaine and Cleveland for c'srSideney:, .althongh she was AO elect-, at'. About four years ago a number of adies, who were enthusiastic riders„ mnded together in a,1 ib, with several ;entleman, and every 'pleasant evening , iou.g; train of tricycies,,,. NNIth their ,winkling lamps, rottldame seen sweep, ilg along on. son % of thewwide avenues 1 the city,. The- woman" tricycle club vas out. Gradually, hoWeYer, ladies mgan to,appeateingly.on the street in road day and now a woman on a to; ,ycle attracts no more attention than „woman on a horse. . elaree that it Shenkl pro 111. s without atop, let or hindrance,' Especinlly $o where nations are separated onlpby an astronomical lino which cannot be 6666 hytthe !minim eye, , but .exists .within the bounds of a certain space, having neither depth or breadth or an)5tan- gible property, The Dominion of Oan- atia being separated from the United States by sueb a line only, every ration- al eonsideration declares the., moral, 114411641 and patriotic; necessity for,un, bounded intet cotirse. in all the, transae- tions. otetvilize4 life, In fact between nations separated only by snchInvis: ihle barriers intercourse .will continue in defiance of all the laws ever clovieed. m by pnrblind,.. statesen, The Nort14 eastern States with the: state. of New, Tork4deniand with.: imperiousvoice thosemiimeron$ siipPliei- which the .0:fe Tower ProvinceS of Canada are ready to furnish in almost any desired,quan- Wye and yet this much, clehired com- mercial intercourse . isr obstructed ..by tariff laws that require educated gentle- as of the right, to , change our tarid' when. we please, and, would make Can,- atla subject to the United States Con. - gress, Those who Object to thipeStriet. ed Reeiproeity beeause, as they say, it] would .discriininate .against Britiali manufactures, aro for the most part supporters of the tariff. which now .CALI:...AND. EXAMINE GO 008 ANI) GET PRICES .., ... —FIRST iCLASS.:-)- 331Orrlea73Strt PC) 0 ''' ,"I . . . . . „... ..„ . ... - .. . . _ . ... Will bo taken in Eebaiigo fc.1., above foriods, and•liigliee , price paid fo.• thb sacoe,.. ' taxes all. British manufactures heavily and discriminates againsttheir cottons N, B,.—Niathing,but an a 1, 4rtiete. ill bIltt: ar (14:woollens, We import coa.rFaeot-is desiredbutte). bought acoon31ng:',0 (24? -14.) tons and 'heavy woollens exchisiand Color, lvely. . from Great Britain, and these are,ropeli more heavily taxed in proportion to, .. , Yahle than the gotten and woollenSA.MWELL cloths we , import from the 'United - • ' • ''"'' • States. The .-assertion that by a .11e - ciprocity Treaty, Canada would sacri-. ; 'flee ho legislative independence and ., ' • beconitraubjeot to the -whims, the cap- , T AND PICKARD 4 - • • - • ,....t), • ' ' .. -44"".... / i 's • l'-- 'c Sift - rices o.r..the hostile polley of the Mimi- . .• can,00tigress, is simply '' is ----N_(-- \- L- . aw. S L l i men to watch the axictx- TUX,. LIQUoR JOUIratz made A great oleo. recently in reference to Michael ;urns, of Augusta, Arain,e, who was elling liquor in unbroken imported •ackages, containing twelve bottles, he State .14W has been set iii Motion- gainst Burns, who has•paid one hund- ed dollars: fine and costi.r, and had his Lttle stook of liquor, less than Jour .rdinary.casks.full, confiscated. There ias been, and . continues to be, some c..niht whether the Federal license law ,oes nottprotect 'these importeis, of vhom it appears there are ten a the whole State of Mainepidy ie all to be prosecuted by order:of he Governor. This • method of eyed- ng prohibition in., Maine is no new hing. It has for political reasons been ong winked at by the authorities, but n, response to public sentiment they re now talcing action, itis believed for ampaign. purposes. . passwaya), amine young ...ladieS' .private4.satchels even vimn on: vieitpto lady friends, ..It. hs been asaertedihY creditable ss itnes- ses that even Vpira,tea on the high seas" Wben.agenring a priie.will not examine a lady's pi iVate • box or 'stoi•es. • 'Their sense of delicacy forbiding such, iiideli- rate practice.: The Free Tracle.laws of England:in all their circunistantialities are beyond all controversy the grand- est achieVement eyer attained by Brit- ,ain's Parliament, for during the short period of 'their existence they have. doubled Britain's wealth as shown by, her statistics. But the greatest in- crease of wealth is nott the greatest gtory of Etitain's• Free Trade laws.- They have given to the mighty nation a prestigAand a staying. power" unpar- allele& since the genius of history wrote her•first chronicle,. In fatkikir D10I1U- factories till tile stores of the earthsop to the land of• 6 Esquiiinau, and,;iier 01 groundless, . We Would sacriffes none of our power, • ,, -,. authority or dignity by an arrangement binding on COL.:, parties. Those who . • are opposed to Reciprocity need not ex- -':. : / • 1 ': 1 It. $ • ''''s% •••,..r -- ---. • —• ---- .-,,, ..;:•-k. - . I. ...,, poet to influence: the opinions of in 1 ••,:` -1.1.--2.1,,,o--`11.'"--.i.-oloV-6.7.— telligent Men by mere declamation and / .t.. assertion, The advantages which Re- ,11114b eiprocity would bring . are numerous ,,. • . , , f and substantial. The objeOions yet made are vague, misty, unsubstantial and undefined..• - 1 .0.7,„?-•••.-- ,_••:i„.,,,#. ••"'''• ,••;,- It -o .._ . Hi 1„,1,401 •• ..0; !lit" . st...-, .„.., , a,. ,_. . TIM OTTAWA:: .:. Sons of - Tecaperance are on tlie riglitt• track in condemning 'CREAT 1the treating system as one ofthe lead- . ing causes of drunkenness, but hardly:-: - ikactical in. demanding its .suppression ' . . e. . by law. ' So long ,a9: the sale of :drink '' ' ' Dringez"ummer is lege‘lized it wilLbe impossible to pre- 4. ' vent one man, ,paying for another's • For the beverage, 4, -Kr ,ineQnsistent tuat6upt • it 14Icanwhilm. much is being. done : towardsIhe overthrow, of ithe•treating., Newl:Silks, colored, bid system. .A great revolution of drittlalUV Prints, New Gingams, ing customs is 'ciliantly' going -forward.' New Scotch and "Treating the crown" i'a.:gbing: out of New.BootsiAnd fathitin, and ..the4. practice of taking • • • ., , r ,splitary drinkS.:iw becorning•-fiequent NEW MILLINERY,' and does, not entaibany•social •istigma, ' • nafit would have clone a few years ago....:* ' Groceries -- . CLEARINC 1SALE ' OF ' . - ,,00ds. next thirty days,. . wen we a h8hll .- • offei .. . black; N4V.,/•'Dress :Cliiildat" all Shae13; ' NAr'Muslini, Fancy avcliwhitel English Tweeds, '„New Hats mid Cap, . Shoes, New Ready Mack:Clothing,. . . . . . ALL LATEST STYLES.. . Full line of . Ar, Crock'ery.4.. comine-rcia1.61,1ipt mark the oceaniti the Truth lrguy pertinently remarks . • then it says the Quebec volunteers are "vS aing their ery best to:make heppard the Toronfo News, a hero and a iartyr.' The offence has been com- iitted ; explanations have been given . ndapologies made They have had leirvirdictand .•, vindication, To do nmore is a spirit of small, embitter y - v a malignity and indictiveness which. iys little for tbAir .soldierly instinct ad manly good sense. Nobody hi:, ntario has much, or indeed any, syn.% aty with the verbal assault, eomplain, i of But mall the way...in which the ersecution is pressed mayk lea.d many . . i believe that there is more meant Ian meets the eye, Gentlemen of tie direction of eivery point andihalf point of the compass. . And to day they ;are carrying not only a very largl,Shartiof the merchandise, but even the govern- ment mail of the •tariff -walled United • States to many parts of the,. civilized woild. In fact the Ocean incluStries of Free Trade Britain, calculated in dol- • lard, number thousands of ,millions Ari- nually, and demand, tribute from every nation whose shores • al% not. barricaded b .by :impenetrale ice Such is the effect of Free Trade laws among an intelli- . . gentoenterprising people Of 6 truth the glories of the world encircling eta- pire are Free Trade free thou ht- ' • g ,. free speech land a free ress •• And to' - ••• the radianee of her diadetu illuminates the world.dition, • REoniim REPORTED outrages have arousedthe.Hamilton... Society for the, : ' All the above goods Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, an& so, as to:clear •and Will be offered at greatlf,reclubed Meg, :make- room for Fall importation: . they are preparing to take such action : as shall thoughtless intentioria4 • curtail or .........A.:-.......,... al injury to brutes: It has been tv. d source ofNregret to inalay considerate '' ' :• - ' citizens that so -many horses have been' over -driven when in anexhausted con- . • while others havebeen till:11(nel- fully treated - ' . ., ' VIT644,40411 ' - ' 1 I ' ' . 1 1 ' i ' , r„ '' ' ' ., . ;Ir. ,r,Ig' s' /..,sit.4 ti O.' . it 141.1 IlLit; 5111, show what yoU are, by.droppiag, .through suffering from -- the most galling sOrea. As we under- - j M tli - .. ..• . . ' a .02013, stand the intentions of the. society; it is I not their desire to be too ekacting bi EXETER NORTA-Z1 — NOTEMEADSl^ BELL .IIEAbSr • • STATEME —..... ie whole. thingYou are making the Tut FINAL stage ill the long struggle ' •hola affair a'very contemptiblepiece of Premier Mowat to secure for Ontario f btiSineSSthe ownership a the disputed territory has been reached, the Privy Council compelling- kindness„ Or. Consideration . for• -dumb a.ninutls,bui:molittr as in their ; out stona is \volt l*Sorted for the soatoteS ' Lo trsilo. iir riLrioes /ISM Maintain. ',• lies • they timean , to,. reduce the 4 . GROCERIES:-ARibs,'sitgat imam; of oases of ,positioe ill treat, foi, .11.00; 13 ibtl....)'White.tttga Txrfnljapt "pm& ---"---- • -----•",--0 ' TtR ' PADS, COUNPARCEL-,LAB ' .- . , - . TILE 1.44WLEas liquor sellers,:ef Ont- having granted leave to appeal fi om. .io have, within. the past few inonths, the debision Of the Canadian court in. APower lade ttieh flagrant, desperate -and qt. . '.'o of this Province: As Mr.- odic attempts to, breakdown the Mowat'S.' position has all along been aott Aot that the ten thousand dellai's sustained by the Privy Council, it it ated by. the Legislature at Toronto.• h i ' • ` ' ' ' • • altoget er i nprobabie that a different 11. be reached in this case The :et:Session -for 'the enferceinent Of the dIssuletsit:io al' t f the Priv'' . . et bag been entirely absorbed, The Councilpliana0lwriay: trioarSnaotain lett] oiiiri overt -inlet -it, however, are determined decisions, unless 6.• veny•StrOng ease on I . vindicate the sovereignty Of law de, behalf of the appellant is .made out' moltO anzam : . . , : . f.' L00 . . . • 2111,1 /ITimuiroN !Seam f • . .. Wo can't botindettOld In TS or theprpt 7.5,1 per 11). . Tedit frorn. 20cgto, • a • vention of -Ciaielty to Animals is. now Bbots if Sheas Oil $tyles) at .1610/10160. " A fileglyttootted stogit<iit • fully Mr. Itay, SHIPPINC.x. TAGS,•, . , BUSINESS CARDS, , . • • CIROUL ..:.--_ under way an active;•. inember, isigetting along tiooiy in hig'''),•..,4•Ult)Wc/44.atti eanvasS for.meinbers and eased- t' • -• - : • : - P '°" IMES, SCtTlIES dna GLASS ' ' ' - ti fa t i '' - are Coining r.n.osot la s c y. Every: , fill Oitioa (cheap.) Post ItitgObind Oil, one should ermourage u society of this 4° 00' P'rgal'i C"a1 °lit' I" 'aS Lie lowest, -.1. kind lints gootihwork.. r. -a tii.06 Tea SbEt Of44.:plocesi. There are.other places besides IIttin- '- iIt n. •, whoie a. :m• tj.0f t kmcl' Ag'od fit,tif- IO.adyh' lc 'Milling, ide Could be organized' withp.„tOti table it. Rd. oideroci Suitif go t uksi) good style.,-,.. lt, and the town Exkor could to ouDress Goods are riarirk. saa or. , quoted as One' of them. Tliti.snbjeba doWti to thelowest ct is to alb androqiiire0 no expla.U6— - ilititclt 'ON. $',. ' ydsfor 100 tier'. The Peel; conduct Of an. Ei,:iiter• ' • r ' ' ' • ,I1EAT) THIS' , 1107'0 •S ' 'f .11 ' Our took ,o =fluff: IW 8tatidlidry, eatiaistiag of tt14 - •.-- the •leaditig grades Of Plata ftna Fancy piled!, and ,'Llii, Ear rilledVapiere; Cards ami Iii=, , . itlePeSo is AnOtt doiii1A6te. , OA and lotC011.AN) priaeg at. at the pecuniary deati ttt the efforts . !Abe liquor -traffic to und6rroino it Mr.,.Ratiai told a .Mentreal re- la they haw .aet apart a further anal 'Perter that he dtd not, ilitend to rescind. ,t!Seetti Aet enfoinceinent, of twenty- Ilia regulation fo,allowing, onIyI pe to thousaad., dollars out of the, r ate emit •commission f>ti the Cain of stamps r ttnfor;eSeen eXP'etiges, )3Y Plaritritig hilt he - war ould otage to;.. hard tho , trMe champion Mchampions -of stamps sold at the, central 4.1.4,8t.Oitioes;, 6 law, oVeit,thotigli'ProWnocl Upoo for He way kie Well gathor op ,tho street 'obvious : doing by Prok Goldwitt Smith and letter bo tea mut .Sell themf,o,r,old iron, 1611oWetai. th..4: °Marie atoetintient Of What vae is a letter 4-01e6.66 then'a t dOifig 1161516 sei.Vic,6 for the moral reSidonce if lie liet.te Send away t6 -the ell.:1)ong a the ,c,,,,hoto Dotatii„On and central post•efilee . to buy a; ..Itituip? icie -6z61606,14 'worthy " into Air tho. 6461'it:„.._ Pao% scinebody ppaad•soh.to , . . , ml gel.stOn, wlich. iid, . 45 taking his 'hell, ! 06 othor PrOVideird.adtdzire:0t tI"OIL - it -.1 ' ' ' Ily , `1'..0i-th Man jUStiflea the' ,tietioti in this. A Igriikf it6dIfsti Os/ a farni taiga,. ,Atii• V l dimel°n• „ .. to - ---- • ." 'TIM A.-DVOCA111 _ --N. . MttiA,strdot, ., • , ..i..,. • . . , 7' JOHN MATHESON: 'Sticky Ely Pepor' inseet Powder , ., _ .. , ---, L.ttiy,poatoffidO, atirli.T,--.4.11.•02.`,A, , i I ......„ ZOA.1.11ETtgIDAtfO. CIPORE. . .,...,,,,,- oo. ti• r:•18. •