HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-08-04, Page 1•ligrommon.oproingiorigod,
NO. 9.
rat exact
lo Publiabecl every Thuniday morning*
at the °thee, Willer of
•J'ohn. and Nain-sts, - - Exetor, Ont.
One dollar a your if paid in advance; $140 if not so
AilvortIsing Rates on Application.
Ripener discontinued until all arrearages are paid.
;Advertisements Without 'specific dire lions will be
published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal
,tilseount made for trans lent advertisements inserted
for long, periods. Every description of JOB PRINT,
17(0 turned out in the finest style of the art and at
moderate rates. Cheques, snoney orders e &c. for
ativertisIng;*rabseriptions, etc, to be turedefilVablefo
Editor and Pettesher,
. .
IiI•ISCOPAI, 0iillt(711.-••Rfly. S. F. Robinson, Jnetun-
Sunday Services, 11 a. Itt, and 7 a in • Sab-
ath School, 2:30 p. ul.
, ,
SALVATIoN As:O.—Sunday services,l, at. ni.,*3 p, m.
and ST. 113. services every 'debt during the week;
it 8 o'clock? Ilelittess meeting at IDA, tn. on Sunday,
. . ,.,
Xittnoraigr vuonen.. James . et, ' Rev. J. Oraharn,
eastrr. Sunday selvices„ 10.30 a.'In. and 080 p. tt.
iebbath school, 2 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday
tvening at 7.80. , t
Id Ars lino:pt.—Rev, W. H. Pascoe,. pastor. Son.
lay services, 10.30m. in. and 0.30 p. m. Sabbath ,
010°1;3.30 p. Ill. PV11.3ier meeting, ThOrsday even-
ing at 7..0, Young peoples prayer meeting Thursday
ever:leg-et 7.30,
Paisnrrzat.ts CIIIM011.—Rov, W. M. Aladin'.Ptu3tm..
Sunde.;,,servitea, 1.1 a. m. and 13;30 p. nt Sabbath ,
too? f45 e.45 a.vn. Young peoples prayer meeting, at‘•
6 41). Thursday e.,voimig, prayer meeting at 8 deloek..
ohoir practiee Immediately after.
- ThIsiness and other Cards.
j w. RI:OWNING, M. O., XL
Oratilinte of Victoria University, Office and residetMe-
Dominion Labora'zory, Exeter, Ont. ',Tune, 9-87. ,
., . . .
For the Village Of Exeter, and the Cciunty' of Buren.
All orders promptly attended to, , - Expter p.o., Ont.
Ver the Tywnships of lay and Oshdrne, All orders
promptly attended to . Exeter p.o,, Ont.
. . .
. —
iteliel.40t72 fiupretne Court of Ontario; Oimbnisiloner,
4Joutcyncer, &c., °Ince—Next doorto &unwell &Tick -
Ards; Exeter, Oat Money to loan Kt rery lowest rates.
,... T. I). s„ extracts teethAVithout pain
by giving Vitalized Air, or wing the new local Alva.
thetic nettle gyms, Makes Gold Fillings, and all other
dental work the tat eossnio. Ooei. to Zurich last
Thursday lirdr,cir Month. .
WESIX.4,1T & SA ..r.'. nn,as,,INSURANCE,, LOAN,
Real Estato ',All:Steamboat Agents. Wealthy and re-
liable lire emi,fele lusuranr:e Companies Represent-
ed. Any an.a.unt of monev to loan on first classntort-
gages at.loWdst ra.tes'of interest. General Agents for
Huron Co., for A. hl, Williams 1:. Co., real .estate agts,
London. Beaver Line of Steamers represented.,
Oince.-.James St,. Exeter, Ont. in9.-SZ
'11' 0. L, NI. 024. .
meets MIA, Fridn$ IP every month. in John's Block
at 8 o'Clock. Vislth,g Brethren 'Welcome.
,_,....,.....--„ ....-.
I, 0. P. NO. 123.
meet; the Second and fourth Friday Of each -month,
in Pansmi's Ifell, at 8 o'clock p. tn, Visiting Breth-
ren coma, ly invited.
E, 410.EF.:V18, a R. Jr, PICKARD, SOO.
• ‘• 1
,Hay Famers -Mutual Ftro
. .
. . insurance Company. .
...eal'a cheapest Insurance Coinpa0.1tt the .1/0111i1110fi,
fill11 do en by applying personally; or by mail to the
underigned. All apolications promptly attended to.
.Altto ttgent for the Wellington COMpaoy of Ottelph.
A lso AtICTIONE, illt for the County of Huron.
June, 0.87: Eurieh, Ont.
• --
CA ifas 21 ,11.ra Z. Zap
Issuer or ' ,
411"airgi.-11.34$11JOENSES, 1
Life, Accident, and Fire Insurance agent.
tOkriols: Welt Side of Main street • Exeter,
Bugs are trump and yon must
play Paris Green if you want
to intik° a point,
ooboro POWado
-AlWayS ftdI8upp1y Of Dttig,S, 'Dyes,
and Andy GOOda .
tackle a pecitt1ty1
TJS P.A.Pg.R. •
Wl!,14,1311 CENT
tro A.npp„-Ess
In the United States or Amegta,
.From now to kn.ist1888,
'T04 ONLY •
Fifty Cents.
Subscribo Now,
A. J. snoi,
West side Main-st., Exeter.
.11 'Good Fit
Latest Styles Styles:Of Gooda kei In
A. au spibitia.
having.purchased the business of
Olia.s. Senior, wishes to in-
form the the public: that
lie can be found
At the Old stand
Main Street, Exeter.
The Finest Cabinets in the coun-
ty. Elegant Finish.
.0cipying and Enlargiflg
done tin shortest notice.
New Premises?
tittlitt G001381
Respectfully ren inds 1 is many
Customers and the ptiblic
generally tinit has re-
Jnovea to
Main Street, EXETER.
Where he has' just receive
liand-ma,deVork of the highest
A. Trial, Solicited, aid
Satisfactiolt thiaranteed.
The heavy end 'of harvest is about over,
Threshing has commenced and 'farmers
are smiling.
Mr. Edward Neil is home froth London
on the sick list.
Fruit has every appearance or being a
good crop this yen..
Mr. Geo. Neil has gone up the'lake for
a pleasure trip and a good time in general.
. Greenway.
Messrs Gilbert it Aikens have comufen-
ced threshin,g operations.
Mr. W. J. Walton'ie away on it visiting
tour among, fiends at St. Thomas and
One day laettiveek Mr. W. J. Wilson
disposed of 5000 pounds of butter to a
buyer of Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Wileon returned
home last week from an extensive trip
among friends in the Eastern States.
While engaged in hauling in wheat one
day recently, l‘Ir. A. liotteton received a
sprained ankle vvhich will 'lay him tip for
some time.
- TCktVileased. to learn ilia Mr. Fred-
eri8k Glanyple who has be'dn ;very ill for
the"past three weeks, has &meet entirely
isammored that weddings aresoon, to
be the order or the day. If so, boys you
may' as -well come to the front at once, but
don't allifick on the same day.
Mr. John SAnith, of the 10th 'con., is
erecting a large and handsome bilek rest-
denae, May lie and his family be long
spared to enjoy the comfort it will afford-.
One day last 'week Messrs Hugh and
Angus McCerridelc of the 12th con. of
Stephen, pulled an acre of flax in one.day.
Who cad beat that ? If any cif"the bays
think they dap, let than try it.
Mrs, D. W. Dulinage itt spending' a few
weeks with her parent e in Blenheim.
Mr. Homy Doupe and Mrs, Robert
Doupe are visiting relations in Chatham.
Arr. Geo. Yienrs, has deckled to locate
in Mitchell, with hie family at an early
The ,ecruenaidneorh
ryt he erpeblis nag
s givliannggenzelaetnstati
R°1881V. Mr. Charlton, our new Meth-
odist minister. is rapidly growing fn popu-
lar favor.
Mr. Cyrus 11f. Callender left last Friday
ior Smith's Falls to spend the remainder
of his vacation.
The Rev' J. Hale, preached his farewell
sermon last Sabbath Iantl intends leaving
here in a few days.
Mr. Antos Doupe, the renoWned ath-
lete, goesto kentreol to take part in the
Caledonian sperts there on the 20tli prex.
Mr. Thos. Somerville has commenced
building his new house which, when com-
pleted add greatly to the appearance
of the village.
Messrs. Vicars arid Hazlewood began
their seasion's threshingon 'Monday.
They are naturally energetic and'bbliging
aud possessing ono of th'e very best macht-
ties in the distriet. They will doubtless
Teceive a very lat•ge share of the public
,ehipment of fine battle Was
enade from there, for the English markets,
ten Friday last.
As Mrd. Palmer was washing on Mon-
4.1ay, she aceidentailly fell across the tab
fracturing, her rib and receiving other in -
The 116816E1rd 'picnic on Thursday last,
was it grand success. .A.t an early hour it
start was made for Taylor's grove, Lake-
view, and on arriving there preparations
cv4re commenced to have the "aching
void within" satisfied, will& was accom-
plished in due time. The afternoon was
spent on the Iake shore according to the
sweet will,of the'picniceers. They teturn-
ed homeabut dusk, feeling well satisfied
with the manner in which they had spent
the day. ,
The farmers are busily engaged in the. will grow tesixteen feet.
preparation of fall. wheat land for nexLegg t:
yet*. Mr. Jas. Lemof libitaOn township,
while trying to catch' a runaway team ,
attached to it 1binder, on Friday last,
was probably fatally injured.
Twelve of the thirteen lorSes,4Oleit.
by,„Charles ;$torros, the Waterloo thorae
thitf, arid reco*ered .Detedtive
Hodge, havetbe en identified. ,
An unknown lunatic, 'whose linen is
marked W. Henderson, was arrested
by the Windsor .Police Friday night
and seilt to Sandwich jail 'Saturday.
Jas. Anderson, a Grand Trunk
brakettan, while cbupling cars at In
gersoll on Monday last had his arm so,
badly crirshed that amputation was
bounty and General,
Rayinobti,s mfl at Mitahell's Bay
wa,e0b0101r.noithe otlfer day. Loss, about
Burr Oras:; of Guelph, shipped on.
Monday 1,4()°' chairs, two parlor setts
-and VW° beclrebrn sets to Brandon.
‘Mr. S. lIellyer, a farmer near Lyn-
frOnt a load of wheat the
other day and had three ribs broken.
The petition for the repeal of the
Scat Act in Wellington was filed yes-
terday in'the Court House at Guelph.
Tire brnatender is' alwa ys doing a
shaky business in weather like this
when mixed drinks are in such de-
On Monday, E. Milligan, °none
Station, was fined $100 and cost'sfora
seedricl violation of the Canada Temper-
ance :Not.
On Wednesday last, twonnen While
bathing at Stratford, had $306 'taken
from the pockets oftheir.pants bytome
parties unknown:
Five convictions *ere 'tedfired on
Monday morning, against hbtel-keepers
in Mount Forest. They were each
fined $50 and costs.
A. S. McKay, Nait.cikrrh,%has'obtn
eight feet ten inches iilheight'and only
two months growth. Ile 4aelleves'it
. A number of 'farmers har-
vesting this 'week.
Alta H. S. Faust, of Michigan, is Visit-
ing friends here at preaent:
The recovery ioni dropsy of Mr, John
Kolaskey, is voty doubtful.
Mr.'Gea. Hese is Making tapid heta:
Wit with the town clock for-Exetet.
Mt. A. Geiger recently sold, it mato and
colt for the large sum of two hundred and
forty dollars,.
One hinidted awl 'thirty dollars NvaS the
slimrealized by Mr. A.ugustEhnes fertile
sale of't horse recently,
Messrs. Voelket & Vidom 'have received
their new thresher Which they purchased.
troin ait Hainilten then,
Messrs Alexander '& Beasenberry have
vitae:mitt new steam, threShet, and are
prep:041e do good Wok,
Miss Susie'Stacey„,.a, Lumley, spent
last week visiting frienas in Excite= ;She
bus 'returned home.
kiss Lilly Gill, of Exeter/who was the,
guest of the Misses Cann', last week) re-.
turned home on Sunday.
&me of our yedmen have been °denting
at the lake, recently ,withtheir
Surely farming mat be a good busineas,
when farmers can leave .in the midst o,f
harvest and take their holidays.
Harvest is almost completed in this
neighborhood ; oats, which is a v4ry
akundant crop, being about the only grain.
left to garner. Wheat an& barley hive
been saved in splendid condition, and a
fair crop of each in reported.
Mn Parker and wife or St. Paul, (Min)
are visiting with Mr. Brown.
HarVeating is abont over. Some have
threshed arid report a sample only medium.
.The public taloa buildinr,a is undergo-
ing repairs and when finishad will be neat
and attractive.
Mr. Powel,, of Berlin High School.
teaching staff, is home mi vacation, and
visiting his uany friends,
Mt James Bontley'a team inti away On
Satur,lay. hist while attached to a self.
binder,, was smashed considerably.
. .
Our highly aospecten citizen,to.
F 1
tIodbolt, has decided to reinove to Califor-
nia, where he lies ninchased an extensive
farming ranch, inch' ding a valuable orange
grove. He has rented his mercantile bitsi-
nos to Mr. jamas JOIAS of Eden and
leaves about New Years, radii to the ac -
vet of the Cominnnity,
OWing'to the lting drdught, the creeks
inthis township 'are dried up, itnd in 'a
great many places kthe water in the welts
il very low. Pasttire is getting badly
withere1 and burnt by the exCessrOe heat
cif the sun. A shower of rain woulcl,greav-
ly revive both herb and beast.
Foxe; are very *plentiful in the neigh-
bahoorl of Lumley. A great many have
been seen of late, and a great many hens
have Itecome then preyfrom the farmers
in fhb aricieity. They even cometo the
barnyard fence for the ,poultry in broad
day, while laborers are at work in the
yard. This is a good place for the sports -
ellen to visit in hunting season. They
should note it.
Tett). Parliament.
The Coufleil met by ordei of the
Reeve, at the Market lions% Exeter,
July 27th. 11387.
All preaent except Mr. Johns.
Minutes of the „previous meeting
read and approved.
Moved by W. G. Bissett, 'seconded
by T. B. Carling, that orders be grant
ed for the following sums, viz : Ross
& Taylor, $875, estimate on building
Town Hall ; Ross Ltr, Taylor; $10., for
water closet on Town. Hall site '; ' Jas..
Creech, $81.00, pt. salary; the Cletk
$2, registering Suit claim deeds, and
Mr. Welsh, $20, service as inspeetor
Town Hall. Carried,
M:ovecl by J. Piekard, seconded by
T. B. Carling, that John Johnston be
sent to the London Hospital at the ex-
pense of this eorporation. Carried.
Moved by W. Or. Bissett, sedoncled
by T R Carling'thee this Connell ad-
journ until call of the Reeve. Carried
M. EAORETT; Clerk,
The bones of a human being were
found in the ruins of the barn of Mn
Thomas MAO, Prince of Wale§ road,
wneeacik. ,Orangeville, destroyed by fire last
Larnbton County Council ha§ granted $1,239.09 to be trace( iti the enforce-
ment of the Scott A.ct. The East Rid.
big gets $056,60, and the West Riding
Peter 1Naittle, the man who shot an&
killed Geo. Stevens, near the Interna-
tional Bridge on Wednesday, has
been committed to the Welland goal on
a charge of murder. '
The general adoption of the 24
o'clock system is a mere matter of time
The Canadian Pacific led the van in
this reform, and last week the Inter-,
colonial adopted the system.
Since the St. Thomaa disaster, an
order has been issuad by all the lead-
ing railways in Ova country to the effect
that all trains ere to be stopped by
hand brakes a't diamond eroasings.
The youngest murderess ever known
in the Rath of South Carolina, is a
seven year•Old colored girl who pound-
ed it. one ear -o] child over the head
wi.4.;13 a board till it was dead and then
tl.rew the body iit a well -
The Inspettor of Weights and
Measurea at 13e1leville has seized a
number of bushel measures made by
manufacturers of threshing inachines,
which were found to contain from one ,
to two gallons more than tt bushel.
Young folks tell What they do,' old
'ones what they have done and fools
whet they will do. ".It may be a reflec-
tion on the civilization gf the last quar-
ter of the nineteenth century, but those
who tell what they "will do" aro in a,
large majority.
A young child of Mr, Pottinger'a
fell into an open cistern at Alvinston
and would have been drowned. had it
not been for the presence of mind OA
the prompt action of Mrs. Pottinger
jumped into the ciatetli ntid men.,
ed the child as it came to the top.
A copy. Of Hee Majesty's ,proclaina-
tiOn extent:trig pardon to soldiers 1,i, -ho
may have deserted /rent Her Majesty's
land forces have been filed in the De-
partment of the Provincial Secretary bf
°rift:With 'Where it may be seen by any
Oro whom it may concern,
An eastward beiind Grand Trunk
freight train from Chicago, ran into a.
number Of tows lying on the track. "
$583,M, neat the railway staler' at Bati611, on
Monday laet, The locereotiVil Was
A writ has been issued adninst Mn
Benjamin W arrell, a wealthy bachelor
of Oxford, at the suit of ti Eidgetowm
thrown off the track end badly wreck.
ed and seven oi. eight 'cars broken iiito
widow, askino. $5 000 datriages in fl pieceeA brakeman by the ramie of
breach of prOtiiise Cage, T.s.tchot *OA