HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-06-11, Page 81*.eltel...4414.44404.1.44, 444.4444.44.44•444.4.4.44444,44 1U \VINUULA.M TIMES, JUNE 11, 1897. ,�.. M. H. iiiD001 1 CODD `ldE TO BUY • GOODS When you can buy them a half to a third less than regul ; r price. That's what our '"V • SatuTday Bargain Day . is doing for you. 20 and 25e. Dress Goods for 15e. 30, 35 still 40o. Dress Goads for 25o. 750. l.,n.:k Crepon and Cashmere for 55e. 20 pieces Fancy Silk for waists regular 75e, for 55c. 10 pieces Fancy Crepons, regular 15e., Saturday 1 te. 10 pieces heavy Shaker Flannel, regular Sc. Saturday 5o. 50 pair Children's Hose, regular 8o 1 Saturday 3u. Wash Febries at a big discount. All day Saturday, Boys' Suits at S1.25. 6 pieces all wool Tweed, regular 60 Saturday 350. 150 pair Ladies' Fino I�icl Shoes at; leest ban regular price.. 50 pair Mens Fine Shoes. regular 62.50 Saturday 51,75. We will offer you special lines at special prices each day score was: and it will pay you to keep 'Varsity— 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0-3, 1' watch of us this month. J Goderieh-2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1-4 f The other:day. a sparsely farnisii- i We pay 12e. for Butter and . ed. house was breseed With twins 10c. for eggs. males and later on another son .was Store eloies at 7 o'clock sharp. added ' to the household by two ,ef_at mothers. One of the twins died from natural causes and was interred in 91 M. H. :GIND 00'S. the garden on Mar 25th. The aathorities learned of the illegal burial and under medical certificate NNW W MINISTERS The following aro the ministers who will have charge over the different books in the NI/Ingham and Goderich districts for the coming conference year according to the $nal draft of the stationing Committee ittee at the London Conference; wINOliAat mereICT Wingham,, W S Pascoe, 1) D; Kincar- dine, Andrew Cunningham; Luoknow, ID Wallwiu,13 A.; Wroxeter, J 13. Kennedy, Brussels, S J Lliin, John L Kerr, Richard Paul, W Norton, s,perannuated; Teeswater S \V Muxworthy; Ethel,Jemes Walker, A CV; Benjamin Sherlock, and J K Watts, superannuated; Fordwioh, T Wesley Cosens; Gorrie, John b Fisher; Innovate, D Rogers; Ashfield, Robert H Hall; Bethel, W M Pomperoy; Salem, N S Burwash; Ripley, Francis Swan: Tiverton, '1' L Mc- Cuclteen; Whitechurch, W W Leech; Bel - grave, F Oaten. ooDERIClI DISTRICT Goderich (North Street) Joseph gage, Goderich (Victoria street) W Godwin; ClintonRattenbury street) B Millyard, Clinton €Ontario street) B Clement, Henry A Newcpmbe, superannuated; See,forth, Stephen Bond; Holmesville, G W Andrews, B A; Blyth, Walter Rigsby, Wm Mills, Toronto, Superannuated; Nile, J \V Triol; Benmilter, Flivant; Londeaboro. J W Andre v ; Bayfield, L A. Shaw; Varna, R O Burton; recommended to go to cackle, J P Weetman. I,Awr WAWANOSH. Dti', Wm, M. Anderson was in Brussels on Tuesday. Mr. Will Stewart called on the 1211 line on Monday. Miss Mason of Blyth is the guest of Mies Sara, Perdue, Mr. Albert Fitzpatrick entertained a number of friends on Wednesday evening. Miss Sarah Irwin of the Collegiate Institute, spent Sunday at her house in East Wawanosh. The proceeds of the of the garden party held at Wm, Deacon's in con- nection with the brick church amont ed to 1;24, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toll, intends leaving some time this month on a trip to the Soo and other points in Michigan. Mr. Add.. Iloover, of Westfield, formerly 01 Stratford Business Col- lege, was at J. Reid's on Tuesday, Mr, Tl,an, Johnston, of Westfield, has commenced operations on ,the school ground of School No, 9 and already tate appearance is improved. Mr. John%Elliott Sr., has taken CLU TOff . Last Thursday evening Mr. Peter McNeil's shed was entered and a quantity of tools stolen, such as files, bits, chisels, ete. There may he serious trouble for the guilty party if they are not returned While working on Morrell's new house on Albert street last Saturday, Chas. Cook fell a distance of eight or nine feet and injured his back. In consequence he has since been somewhat crippled. At high noon last Wednesday a verp happy event was solemnized in St. Paul's church, the contracting parties being Mr. R. B. Carter, of Stapleton, and Miss Rose A., second daughter of Mr. 11. Joyner, town. A good .number from here witness- ed the baseball match at Goderich last Friday between that town and 'Varsity et Toronto. The game was without doubt one of the best contest- ed games ever witnessed in this county and resulted in 3 to 4 in favor of Goderich, nine innings. The jr S k 42 eon 11 M F 0; J Martin jr out lots 'te8 and 28 con 12 M 1" 0 ; Wm. Arbuckle jt: S E •,i; 41 eon 13 Al F O: Each of the following persons had a dog struck off : Obis. Johnston, P Greenan, 0 Coultes, R Leishman, J Beecroft, P King, J Shelli G Cottle and F Warden, • The court was then closed to be reopened on June 24, Council resumed for the transac, tion of ordinary municipal business. Minutes of last meeting read and conffr•tned. Alex Patterson was appointed pathmaster, instead of Alex Parkeri11 division No 5,'and Isaac Marwood, for division No. 78 instead of Thos. Potter. A representative of the Sawyer - Massey Road Machine Co., of Hamil- ton, was present, requesting the council to purchase a machine from them for roadmaking purposes throughout the county, No action was taken at present. John Hallihan and Wm. Armour were present, requesting that some- thing be done this season on sideline the agency of. the FarmersBinder 30 and 40 eon. 5. Messrs Scott and Twine Co., of Brantford, for the Cru were authorized to go and inspect township of East Wawanosh and the the premises, and do what in their western half of Morris. judgment they considered necessary, Jrl'here passed peacefully away at On application a new beat was form. here late residence, 7th con., on ed on gravel road at Belgiave, con 8 Thursday of last week' one of the and 9, -and David Sproat as path township's oldest and most highly re• master. specter" citizens in the person of Mrs. Scott—Bone—That $100 be {1-1"81a;-11111"-' : pended this season for repairing gravel road betreen Wingham Blyth.—Carried. The treasurer reported balance on hand at last meeting and receipts since then of $626.65,paid out,$20.20. leaving a balance on hand at date of $597.45. • By -Law number 5 ratifying 'the appointment of pathmasters, pound - keepers and fenceviewers for the current year, and by-law number 6 to order and regulate the regular return of road lists, both read and passed. Debentures were passed and sign- ed in favor of Chas Campbell bury- ing two horses on river, $3; Leo Or - vis repairing culvert on north .boun- dary, $1.25, W Robinson assessor, $45 . W Quien removing -ice and driftwood from bridge on creek con 2$2. The council then adjourned to meet June 24th. PETER PORTERFIELD Clerk. AHD DICTION XL LO CALS. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE BPRINO, aiTTI:ri IOR TRIAL Or ii0`r JIIRY CASES. This court was opened at Goderich on Mon:it,y, Mev 31st, by His Lordship Chief Justice Arino:ir, there being nine cases on the calendar, which were disposed of as follows: — the little one was, by the town,iuter- redan the ec'rnetery. The parties • -confiected.with the affair are said to come from - the . neigeborhood of Auburn. Wednesday evening, about nine o'elocik the fire alarm startled our citizens. The word rapidly passed that the organ factory was on fire and a large crowd soon appeared at FIRST RAX the works. The firemen were very Sullivan et al vs. Ryan et al. in action prompt and James Walker had the Clarendon bus team hitched to the engine in remarkably quick time and taken to the tank on Rattenbury Messrs Davis and Rowland had work men engaged laying a tin roof of large demensions and the work was nearly completed, • The fire pot was left as the workmen thought in a safe condition, but the increasing evening breeze fanned the dying embers until the sparks ascended and decended from the fire pot. This was taken as an indication that the immense buildings were en fire, hense the alarm. While their does not appear to have been serious danger, it was just as well that the discovery was made, and to know that our firemen are so prompt,when a call to duty is so suddenly given. S. Fells, tkec..cctu born tt year 18.) country, taki Friends in Hamil moving to thec)u whet e in 18 • she mane rl her now bereave artner, and shorihyafter ward1,,,gv'etrtf5' ti:WfAtineeon-. ,ah slaedi For years deceased had been of a delicate constitution and at times a great sufferer, but through all her suffering she bore up brave- ly and uncomplainingly; Her lust illness was comparatively short, last- ing only one week. In the death of Mrs. Fells, Wawanosh loses one of its best residents and she was the friend of all and loved by many • for her hopitality and genial manner. The funeral which took place on Saturday to McCrae's cemetery, was one of the largest sell)!. this neighborhood, for some timehe sorrowing friends have the heart -felt sympathy of the coMuiunity. Now the laborer's task is done, Now the battle day is past.. Now upon the farther -shore Lands the voyager at last. Father in thy gracious keeping Leave we now, thy servant sleeping. The first sitting of the court of revision for the current year was held on May 27th. Members all present, and having each severally subscribed to the de- ielaration as required by statute, and there being no appeals against assess ments the following business was brought up and disposed of. Thomas Wallace, owner of W lot 28, con 6,1having recently puchas• ed the separate 2 acres on the N W corner of said lot; applied to have same assessed and entered on roll along with the other part of this lot. which was agreed to, the assessment ofsame for this year, being placed at 2,500 ; Alzona Parker assessed tenant E i• lot 35 con 4; John Arm- our assessed T, S ';, E r• lot 41, eon 5; Henry and Thos .17dwards assessed Os, N ?; lot 37 eon 5; I G Marwood L (x Mar.vood, and J G Marwood, assessed Os. W ? lot 30 con 7 ; Wm. Ilele, Wingham, and Dr. Godfrey, Mimic°, assessed Os, P 0 store Bel- grave, part lot 42, con 8 ; Christo- pher Skiin assessed T, N pt 33 and 34, con 9 ; W Gr Paton, assessed T, S l• lot 39 con 12 ; Owen Donnelly as- sessed T, of N WI, lot 32 con 12, and Benj Wil -.on and Thos Gregory' executors, os owners of this property, Application being made leave was o owrn7 nam 7 of Kerry Ireland, ere in the year 1829. she , emigrat up her ing n the to this sidenco with nd afterwards of Oxford, to grave declaration made as to title of Iand in the township of Stephen. Judg- ment declaring that the late Thomas Ryan, the younger, seized the lands men- tioned in the pleadings; and judgment for plaintif e, with costs in the reference to the Mashie car Goderich. R. H. Collins and P. Boit for plif's ; B. R. Cameron of Lon- don. for deft. Ryan, and J. T. Garrow for infants. Bno vs. Eno. An action for alimony. Judgment in pl;f's favor for alimony, with soste. with reference to.Mester at Goderich. E. Campion for plaintiff; J. T. Garrow for deft. Doke vs. Bean. An action for money lent. By consent of Council His Lord. ship Piro to l a reference to .1. A. Morton as a spial "etre, with the same power to amend toe. pleadings as is possessed by judee at trial. It Vanstone for piff; E L Dickenson for deft. secoe7) nAY. T,�vn;hip of tog,an its township of Mc• Killen, an action under the \Vater Courses and Ifiteh<�s act, in which it VMS sought to enforce an award for a drain, as made by One Honest h1an, the engineer. Some of the parties tared objected, and His Lordship ruled that the Dion Errron,—Please inform your party instituting the proceedingin the first readers that if written to confidentially place met be the actual owner of the land 1 will mail in a sealed letter, particulars of on which the work is commenced. Judg- a genuine, honest, home cure, by which 1 nientdrnmiesing the plaintiff's action with was permanently restored to health and costo, p.oa^ocliugestayed for 30 days, manly vigor, after years of suffering from Johnston vu Crok, an action for bower. nervous debility, sexual weakness, night Judgment was reserved. P. Bolt for losses and weak shrunken parts, 1 was plaintiff; 1'1 ie Dicker son for deft. robbed and swindled by the quacks until 1 ars lost faith in mankind but thank ' ion to sot ' nearly , 1 At Stretton, eta an c y c ra Scott , aside a cc vc;t•anco as fraudulent. By con. heaven, I ani now well, vigoronsaad strong sent Ilia Lordship directed that plft, is and wish to maks this certain means of entitled to redeem the grantee, Win. cure known to others. 1 have nothing to Stretton as a mortgagee, with reference to sell and want no money, but being a firm the Master to determine the aeeennts be. believer in the universal brotherhoodd of tween the cleft ,e J. T. barrow and Sin-. man, I am deeirous of helpiug the un£or- Clair. for plf3; 1: L i)ickenson for defts. unate to regain their health and httppihess Prang et al vs. Wurm, action for the I prornise yon perfect eeorecy. Construction of a will Said to recover a Address with stamp ; Ie ac Dienniesed with costs, 1' Holt and Wel. T .vaw'm', Agents' Supplies, Dickson for l lff; Garrove k'roudfoot for 1•.'. 0. B,ix ;,9, St. 1Isart, Q ie deft. MEE EXOITEMENT MINTTY!E'S ex - the and A FLUTTER IN LACES Having picked up a special job line, we are going to Sacrifice. Don't fail to see them. A BUSTLE IN DRESS GOODS CASHMERE, SERGES AND FANCY EFFECTS, with trimmings to match, at prices lower than the lowest. WE HAVE EXTRA VALUE IN • Ladies' Vests, Something Special, also a full range of Women and Children's Cashmere and Cotton Hose. sorts:. GIBBrNs—In E t5t Wawanosh on Juno 3rd the wife,of DIr. Petrie:: Gibbins a daughter. ✓ NIQBI,NTLAIS—•On Monday June 7th, the wife of IVrn Quinlan a daughter. rompt, Pleasant Perfect. Cared Weak Back sor b Cantu ti Norway ?ino �Syrnp is a prompt, pion - For two years I was dosed, pilled and sant and tierfect cure for coughs, colds, granted to have thef ll n es 1 added to the roll, G Lawler, W If' _ ... - . 33 con 0 M P O ; S Daer, 35 con 1, ' '¢7,®1nos >z� ¢�s1� 3x¢l+ioxiTa�. hi F 0 ; Iii Keehna N 1, E •, 36 con Hie Great English Remedy. E � Tc 1 antes to ea Quar d ' acb s�xr • 3.I con art 1 i1 0 • I3 radnoclt . 1,MFV;TLunney,jl',3k, eon 4,I ': Mi';I•IDMason, W3r34•eon 4, M.1 II' ;WJbiason. , 36eon 4,At %'; Vint, � AVt, " 1'V1 38eon 4MZ W Syl Change of Busiaes� Having purchased from D. E. McDonald his Butchering Business, I ani now in a position to supply the public with MICE MEATS at lowest prices and earn- estly Solicit a shar e of the patronage of this commun- ity. We will always keep on hand the best meats that can be got for money J. D GEDt ES McDonald s old stand. t'�te EN'S ATS SPECIALTY OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Needs no mention. all Goods Fresh and Sea- sonable. Try our Specie] JAPAN TEA AT 25 CENTS. • a MACD0NALD BLOCK.. N E W ruirsitirti Uridertaking5Oto. —IN— Ireland d, Button are putting in a complete Stock of 'Furniture and Undertaking consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING SUITES, TABLES' and CHAIRS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Etc., in fact everything that is kept in a FIRST- CLAS FURNITURE STORE A complete stock of Undertaking kept en hand and prices ream.. agile. °Remember the place, Ireland's old store,. opposite the Mac- donald Bloek, (Residence opposite the•foundry. promptly, and permanently euro au forme of s crvo,u neer mess, L,atasteruegnerm- atorrhea, X,npoteneyanct a71 erects of A.buSe or Encases, !ental i�orrv, Ca00�l::t'6 05C lib, lot 28 con G hl 1+` ; lI M Henry, t. ofrobaeot,OptunsorSti,nu. S 33 Con •6 'tf F 0 • J I� ,1 wards �e ore aizr"'I ftt� tents, widah Boon read td In• r ' musty, Xnsantly, Cd,Womptdon an S cele oar U Crave. N •t, , `, 36 eon G M 1 O ; J A • nt ae beers pregcribod over 35 yoara rn thousands of I•tnctli W 1 38 ' eon Ii M Van-' cases; is the ongy rcUcb;e sari honest .3fedtcine cam j 41 eon 6 Il'I lir , C ; kno:vn. Askdru�tstfer Wood'e i'i.oeDhodl ici it p s abetters someworthless medicine ru piare of this Suite, lot 35 con 7 Ei h•' 0 ; J T t tneroao prlco to letter, and wo will nand by return Black P. - 38 con 7 M C+ 0 ; Wm. mai• rt ace. one paokaao, £f: ala, t8, one teW Conery lot 42 eon 8 lit 1? • Jl o r lot pgt te,siastdigeura i'amYihiatstto0torxrtywddrose. Tho "Wooer Company, 'Windsor, Ont., Canada. !watered for weals buck, eoaldtng urine asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, sore 29 eon 10, M IP 0 ; fig• Cruiekshanks,, potimntrpa icon w stn � , or Okaese $ ]I.tdrrel-liver Pills re- Ing cough,d quiff, troubles, V 2 add all 7 cox limp; J Perdue, V pt t' iib t benefit. One f throat pain in the sheet oroup whoop- S 41 eon 10 Iii I+' R Stapleton N kitir tr i eat I�.J.$mlth, )) throat arid lung u'. buts 88 and $9 coif it 0 s W Abram, i It elm seats at all drag eters IRELAND • BUTTON .0 Sold ix Wingbara att+l sr•eryvritele y sil l resp Irltr1e dr1tt; 'Its Minn1 When purchasing your Summer Suit of clothes remember G. Carr keeps in stock the largest as- sortment of new designs in Canadian and imported TWEEDS., WORSTE DS, SERGES, Fancy Vestings, Also the most up-to-date C?,„ GENTS' .0aJ y� � RSHI1.�t GS We can give you the best of 'Workmanship, �jy GEO. Ct..ER, Opposite Queen's %Intel, Winuham. Ara YOU RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Winghanil. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE 6S THE OWE FOR YOVV 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment wittout one, 2. It will never rust and is conse- qucntly durable. 3. A person wearing a Warners does not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to bold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This trnss cannot possibly move after adjustrnent, 6, fi tnn of our townspeople earl tcntify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. GORDON& CO •