HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-07-28, Page 51
Local News.
my expect a civic holichey soon.
Ian eetiieg has connovneed in this
a kindly,
Jame$ Pickard has the jele of
.4:0 ',ging the Oddfellow's Halls
:it is repouted that there are three
ceees of typhoid feter iri town,
The gristILUII here ie nearly at a
standstill, owing to the seareity of
WANTED—An ietelligent young girl
to learn the art of compositing. Apply
at once at the office of this paper,
Mrs. Flanders,. wife of Mr, Wm,
-Senders, of this village, is suffering
from fever and inflammation, She is
at her home in Corbett,
Rev. $s j. Allins formerly of this
eircedt, het vow stationed in London,
is spending a, 'meshes's:man t thne timoag
his welly friends in this locality,
Slicer Brothershave made a great
improvement in the appearance of Mr.
James Pioltard!s eetensive promises by
the applieation of a few coats of paint.
Reinemberethe garden party to be
hold on the grounds of Mr. Geo, Sam -
well's on Wednesday evening, August,
3rd,, ender the auspices of Cavan
Presbyterian Chinch.
The laying of the corner' stone d the
Trifitt Memorial Church will take
,place on Monday, Aug. theist., at 2:30
p. Ina by the Lord Bishop of Huron,'
after which he wilt deliver an address.
A collection will betaken up.
The meeting of the creditors of the
estate of 1r.Geo. Willis, announced
tor last Friday at 10o'clook was post-
poned till to -morrow,. (Friday), at 10
eactock a. na, to be held in Mr. George
1'3k111 well's hall; Main, Street, Exeter.
Mr. Mark Clark, who was sent to
Goclerich jail for two months by Magis-
trate Williams for cruelty to animals,
and other causes, has been bailed out
to appear at the fall assizes. Messrs
Wolper and Darwood, of ExeterNorth
aro hes bondsmen,
A member of one of our churches
suggests that during the het seasons the
collection plate be passed around be-
fore, instead of after the sermon in
order to catch the contributions of an
occasional worshipper, who, by the
heat is forced to retire before the ser-
vice is over.
Information ef the whereabouts of
George Newton, of Minden, is wanted
by his wife. It seems from her state-
ment, George has a bad memory, in
fact although he has a wife and four
children in Minden, he. unblushingly
passed himself off on strangers as a
single man.
Two of thefinest discourses . which
have been delivered from the pulpit of
Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter,
'were given last Sabbath by,the pastor,
Rev, W. M. Martin, and were very
illustrative and full of meaning, and
nave been commented apen largely by
• his congregation.
That this is a queer world is gener-
ally admitted, but nothing proves it
MOM conclusively thais the way family
snarl will struggle and scheme to get.
butter a cent less a pound than the rill -
ling. price as contrasted, with the free-
dom with which he will spender doll-
ars in cigars, hacks and other unneces-
A writ has been served upon the
county clerk of Huron by the license
.commissioners of West Huron, to re-
cover the amount set down so be con-
tributed by the county towards the car-
rying out of the Shott Act. Clerk
Adamson accepted service and placed
the' matter in the hands of the comity
sol icitor.
We Overheard one lady say to an-
other in a dry -goods store the other
eveaing, "Why, dear °hike don't take
off your gloves that way ! In taking
them off never pull the ends of the
liegers, but turn the glove over the
hand wrong side out,half over the
Lingers, whea the tips. with elip off
The twenty-seveneh annual' meetlhg
of the Ontario TeachersAssociation
will he held in the public hell of the
Educational Department, Toronto, on
Thesdey, Wednesday and Thursday,
Aug. Rh, 10 arid ilth, 1887. Among
tho subjects for discussion are 'Text
Books,' "Impreyement in the train-
ing of our Teaehers for their Peofee-
eionat Work,',' "The Teacher i$ a 'Meter
in IN/Mulcting: Charactee," "Tem:hers)
Ideas ofefissaeetion," "The noh-peofes-
sional; Examination 4 of Teat:hers,'
"Classical Studiee," "Dietrict Aesoeina
Von of Iligh School Masters,' "Pala-
tioo o Teacher, Trtstees." The
eounty of Ittn.on Tenchers' Aseeeiaaion
will bit roptesentad by Meeers A,. M.
Aurebill and 0: W. ifehban.
Itr, Job Mods :hOops thing,MPT-
i%; in the 44410 basloeSs. 11,0eShiPS
from one to two ear loads pea W1,0131a,
.and to -day (Thursdity) he eliippedOr
oAr' IPACI o SRA §tPerP to Al(44rpa1 for
the En.ljsh inerket
Needy all the grist nills in this.
section have had to etzepend operations
owiog to the seercity of wheat for
grioding purposes, endi.from the effects
of which a Scarcity oft 'Nur is anticie
petal by per Wed dealers.
The Loodou 4dvertiser of Monclay.
has the followine "Typhoid fever is
on the ihereeete in Stretford, and the
:Board of Health there are taking active
measures to.prevent its spread, P. C.
Chisholm, •a well knowe Oddfellow
there,. hese succumbed to the clieeaee.
Meesrs Raeten, Eacrett, end °thers.
who have been (maiming at the Lake
for the pelt week, and where they
spoilt a most enjoyable time in various
ainusemeots returned home Monday
evening, The diffieulties of 014 life.
were,rendered more pleasing and enjoy-
able by the presence of a flambee of
lady friends who accompeniect the exe
Avery 'painful accident happened
on Tuesday evening to a young Son of
the editor of this paper. While a
Cordon hand press was in operatics!),
the little fellow was playing around,
and unnoticed, put his hand in the
cogs, and before the motion of the press
could be reversed, the. index finger of
his right hand was -completely smash-
ed, Ile was inunediately taken to a
doctor for repairs. Amputation may
yet prove mecessary,
The Do in n ion Exhibition for the
present year is to be held at Toronto,.
from the 5th to the 17th of September
next, in eonjunction with the great In-
dustrial Fair, and these two exhibitions
combined in one will without doubt be
the grandest affair of the kind yet held
in Canada. The.prizes offered amount
to the large SURTO $30,000: Entiies,
malldepartmente, eecept forfritit, and
grain, have to be made before the 13th
of August.
The annual' picnic under the auspices -
of the James street Methodist Church
Sunday School, was held in Pickard's
Grove yesterday,. and was a very euc-
cessfial affair. The children gathered
at the church at one o'clock p. in:, and
=relied in two!s to the grounds, head-
ed by the bandp. There was a large turn-
out; not only tias friends ofJames street;
but of other denominations. The'after-
noon was 'sociably spelt in swingine,
croquet and other various games and
amusements. In the evening a very
sumptous repast provided by the ladies
was prepared and partakenof by all.
Some of our contemporaries are give
ing a great deal more attention than
it deserves to an absurd statement set
afloat in Torontopurely for sensational
purposes, to the effect that the Conser-
vatives are scheming to buy a control-
linginterest in the Globe to make it
their party organ. This is a partied'.
arly stupid:amhseneelessi canard, even
for tile source.from which it emanates.
As anybody might see with half an eye
if would be easier and less expensive
to start a new paper than to buy the
Globe, and wreck its existing business
while labor;ously braiding up.a new
coneection. , It would he years before
the Couserisative faaeses Would have
:Coefidence itt an organ obtained in sueh
'a deal.
We direct the attention of our many
readers to the new adVertiserrient ih
another column, or Mr. Ed. Robert%
who has purchased the rights title and
good will of Mr. Clark, of the firm of
Reherts and Clark, general grocerse
Since assumingcontrol of the business,
Mr:. Roberts has replenishechhis stock:
with the best and most approved 1110.1111-
410thrOS, and at a remarkable discount
consequently be iii able to dispose of
his goods at low -prices and; give his
customers the advantages Mrelloherts
wishee, through the celestine. of thii
journal, to tender his most. sincere
thanks to his many }sarong- or past
favors, and et the eariue tinie Solicits a
continuence. of thole patronage in the
Theaeostiat eervibes il conneetion
with janies-stteet Methodist Church
Sunday School; were held last 'Suaday,
Short, appropriate mid intellectual ad-
dresses Wero delivered by Rev. S. J.
Allita Of London, both morning and
evening, there being a large turnout of
childrehs parents arid friends, In the
afteenobit a mass meeting of the child-
ren of the school Was held, when- short
addresses were. delivered by 'tore,5.
J. Aniui Pascoe; and others,
• The pulpit mid platfeieti. were, attistis.
ently and handsemely decorated' for the
Occasion with beardiful flowet* of all
kinds whieh, were Appropriated' for the
ocension by the Nen& of the congre,
tioti, 1:1-10 collections taken. tip at
each servio,d ardeituted to the handao,to
5111)1 of
Owlxig to the wipers illness of her
inothor, COO Wale, of the Amherst -
berg COATS of the Selvetioo Army, tias
been fereech to resige her pesitioo, and
PAPP ti:Phor home ju Exeter An ,Satur-
day Uats
Esh stories ere now in order, This
else given ae a g),Pb APO. is alleged to
.be new. if the first, it should be fram-
ed if the latter, its author should be
decorated ;--A Muskoka caltiper alleg-
es that he set out a night -line baited
with a minnow. This was swallowed
by a shiner'whieli was taken in later
by perch which at a subsequent
stage was captured by a black bass. A.
maskalunge woke up before the camper
and swallowed the combination, and
the wholesautfit vas heeled to shore in
time for breakfast. Muskoka is a
wonderful country.
Dominion Organ to the front as us-
ual, T. D. Pendergast of the firm of
B. J. Wade & Co.,- Music dealers of
Brantford clz Stratford, sold to Mr. A,
Wallace of this town last week, a very
.fironDoininion Crgan, god received in
part pay, style ninety-four, the highest
grade organ manufactured by the Po.;
herty Co., withal organ ,Mir. 'Wallate
purchased from theirs agent about ix
months ago and being very much disa,
tisfied with the organ, go the Domin-
ion in his house on trial for some time
and the opinion of all musicians got to
test the instrumentbeing the same,
that there was -no cqmparison between
the two, for the Dominion organ being
so muck supprier inquality of tone, as
well as in the. workmanship of case.
—Port Elgin Times.
SA'runDAT papers tollt of a sixty-six
year old man: who had blbven the top
()Ells head off:because a young servant
giel wouldn't ...Marry him, One of the
queerest freaks of nature is the loye,
sick old men. He is aenerally a wiel-
ower, and' commences' the• eampaign for
a new ''companion." • by, telling his
friends how "lonely" he is, If you*
ever hear a widower pouringhislone-
liness into the ears of the general com-
muoity, consider it an annotincement
of hrs, determination to start "spark-
ing." again. As a rule, his friends sym-
pathize witli Mai andtell him he
should re -marry. •what he ex:-
pects thein to dot and armed, with this,
excuse, he consults them as to whouv
he should approech,. He, asks every,
body'n advice except that of his child-
ren, and as a, rule wants some young
girl who isn't old "enough to 'be his
daughter. • Boys in calf -love are sights
for the gods, but olchmen who are -bad-
ly smitten with lovesickness are worse.
The sight of an ohd. man with dyed
hair and juvenile etthing, spooning
aroundl after sweet Sixteen, is at once
laughable and pathetic. Funny be-
cause surprise; incongruity andttiefOrrie-
ity form thcebasis.obasjeke, and noth-
ing is more surprising and incongruous
and deformed than "an old than wi'
young lassie:" It iwpathetic'becailse
woe is generally the result. There is
nolcompanionship between youth and
old' age; no -common impulses, no mar-
itall Sucliunions can Only
be maintained: by perpetual sacrifices
on both Sidese and by forbeatancewhieh
is in itself te heavy arid. , galling, yoke.
The path of life liecomcs desolate with
jealousy and garrulotie fault-finding,
and plaintive Seeking after sympathy,
and vain striving toarouse.a tender-
ness which' caninit be quielketiedl by the
kisses of age on the lips oVyouth. And
then the weariness, disgust and .petu-
lance Of youth replies totge caresses of
age With little thoughthow rebuffs will
chill the hearts of the dged and exaet-
ing lover who pethapi ; needs, a)- tinrse
more than pawl* #ithssurroundings .
like thecae., with the alienation Of
family,. perhaps caused by the second
marriage, it would.Seetti t� be e warn-
ing for old, mon net to seek yentig
wives, but they selderia take heed. And,
whet can be niore lonely than a a inti
of discontent, the last days of life, ult.-
loved and unlovely; unhappy and torn
by the fears and failings whith come
upon us in the sere and yellow leafl
lit contratt.with it; , how strong and
noble is tho dignity of age, the 8,,thime
hairs of Wisdom mid selfreetrainle And
the gelitie companionships evinalathis..
ter arelind sut4 Irertert t
404ing 4.40
r 1
WlZxnE TilE leading reporter of the
.n$eckling" was eamateeing down the
West side pg Maio -street the other
and as he Was passing the AP -
tonne to one of the stores in which
a number of Grits and Tories had con-
gregated, and who were .diseuesin,g
Commercial 'Union with heated. eeis
illation, he overheard the remark ;'
"What do the' Coannerial Unionists
want'?" Well, now, that is irburning
and a paralyzingquestien in mid sum-
mer. 'What do they want 1 Well,
first anch foremost, they want their
breakfast, a few hours afterwards they
hanker for dinner, and along towards
sundown they begin to el e little
peckish for the want of some Sapper,
Thew they watt shelter, and a few of.
there like to have clothes. Some, in-
deed, are so reckless that they are not
averse to having a dollar or 0. dollar
and a half in their pockets occasionally
just to buy such little trifles as willi
gratify their taste, their vanity or their.
needs.- This, we believe, is whet 'the
commercial unionists want, and ON is
why they are commercial unionists.
AS WE HAvs BEEN accusedby our
local cotem, of clipping news from the
"Brick-a-brack" column of a daily
paper, and publishing locals bhreo
weeks old froni the local sheetswe pen
the following for their considbration
and the consumersof sugar in general :
There is a miserable, vile conspiracy on
foot in Montreal to ruin a grocer who
has been guilty of the heinous offence
of selling more pounde; of sugar for a
dollar than the °thee grocers would.
sell.. The groeers' guild fixed a mini::
mum price and the firmisf Lightbound,
Ralstontk, Co. declieurto‘ join the guild
or t� be bound by the guild's decision.
Then the Canada Sugar Refining com-
pany refuses to show samples to the
disobedient firm. Things -have come to
a pretty pass.an this Canada *of ours.
• Here intExeter merchants vie with one
another in offering cheap goods to the
people. Messrs Renton Bros. boldly
advertise that they are ready to sell
black gross grain silk worth $1,75 at
$1.37; Ottoman cord at prices away.
down. Now suppose the othermerch-
ante had formed a ring to keepabhe
price of silk up to 81S75, and the price
of Ottornatacord up to•the usual retail
price, and.suppose the manufacturers
ofsilk ant!' Ottoman cord were to tell
Renton Baos, that their supply of silks
and cords would be cut off„ how would
the firm and their customers.feel about
it 1 Possibly they could.End relief by
buying from foreign, manufacturers.
But the offending grocee in Montreal
cannot do that °Vie sugar duties have
beeinso fixed that the importation of
refined sugar is practically prohibited.
The big sugar refinery in Montreal is
master of the situation. The grocers
have to buy front that concern or go
without sugar Ancl the despot at the
head of they concern decides the mice
at which his customers shell deliver the
sugar to the public! This is a case
,for which the heroic remedy should be
applied. The refiner has abused his
privileges and has trampled upon the
liberty of the subject, The suppres-
sion of competition among grocers is
not in the public interest, A recruc-
tion of the,daties on refined sugars, so
that the boycotted grocer could supply.
Winself from foreign zefineries, would
be nothing niore than justice toliim.
Such a change would be a great relief
to the whole trade and a great gain to
the Consuming public. Thereis some-
thing degrading in the idea that f;eo
wholesale and retail grocery tealae of
Canada should be dependent irtea the
t ,
great suger.mogal of. Montaohl, who
issues his orders and comsdanaa &Stole.
once on pain of bankrtepteye If the
grocers lack indepen6eace to strike a
blow for their own, mintncipatioh, the
farmers and °thee consumers of sneer
ought ta take t1),e matter up. How
elegantly and expect itiously would com-
mercial unisea burse that. sugar ring,
Bboth, painter, of Toronto,
pithefing a eign Friday 111;111111g,
wee( precipitated to the ground, a dist-
if 30 feet; through a seaffold on
which he was standing giving Wel.
II° was terribly cut ea the heed arul
hruised about the body, Recovery is
Messrs 0. ,Daw end 0, Doledefa
Tii'tOI ho irm yesterday, front Glencoe
MUT St, Thoiono, where they have leen
,..rpirfgpto. io,-ta.r.utloi, .
v.4.1l w4p4t. # .p.80., w ,(:),Q0."
Spring wheat St.0 to 0.00.
Oats 0;35 to 0,35
Petta 0,50 to .0.57:
lArl or. . 0,40• to 9,55
HAY PQr OP' -9.00 io: 15.0.0'
Butter 0.10.0
Potatoes per bag 1.10. to 1,11)
Eggs per doz. 0.1 to 015
p,osocigoppoploe 7,00 to. 7.00'
ExErsa, Juno 0, 1587.
White Wheat per bushel (new) 00 04. to 00 ,b4
Red Wheat per bothel ..... .... 0 0:0 to 0 1`4
Spring Wheat " • • • , ' •... 0 50 to 0 0-4
Barley per bushel „ ,.... ,.,.., () 35. tb 0 .0.)
Oats per bushel 9 30 to 0 .11
Peas Per bushel 0 00 to 5 50
IDLY Per too 500 to 000
lieges per lb . 0 00 to 0 )5
Eggs per dozen,— • , „„ „„, 0 09 0 10
Rides per lb 0 00 to 0 11
Sheep Skins eleb.... , 0 99 to 0 I.1
Wool per lb 0 00 to 0 :.,),
Salt per bbl ., . , 0 00 to 1 5'
Potatoes per bushel _ . ..... ,. , 0 00 to 3 01,6,
APPles per bushel...,.... ... . 0 00 to 0 t 0 -
Oatmeal per bbl 0 00 to 0 (A
, • 0ggtgorper100lbs , 0 i 120)
, IlacOn per lb. , .... ....... a 00 to 901)
C h ri s t i e's Commercial.
. a'ssaleasee
Rip and Horses first-olasS
air Orders left at the Ilawkshawilouse, or at.
the rtable will bo promptly attended to,
Ar.isft Shaving,
Hair Cutting, .
Hair Dyeing;.
etc., etc.
Ladies'. Work a Speciality.
/00111.10.1101,01141•10”..1"0,1.911•MOOSIiiitiVf .
at ruinous prices,
logo Ar,n KINDS OP.
at panic, pekes, lie will get
fair says Caetomer.
W. Southeott,
F.LOUt attat ELIED;
Of Mode.
13rcak feat Chrals, Oit Caliesi,
rountl. Max. und. PlAopiro
Cattle _Fee& always .0110
poo.os (nas
pat A
JOHN. Mbl.NNE.S...,