HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-07-28, Page 11. erl r ., t":: • s , 1 sea .seele• I_ , , s•••...... . A ......al..1.4.....ww.raiin .. VOL. L •••••am22222........ Zghe et Iry ‘dvozatt Is published every Thursday morning, at the office, cornet of .John and Main-sts, - Exeter, Out, TEEMS OF .81,41,ISCEIPTI0T:i Dne-deller -a._ year if paid n advance; 4;1401f notse • pia. Advertising Ratos on Application. No paper discontinuoduntil arrearages aro mild, .Advortisements without sessile, ...erections will be published „tall forbid and eluirged dnrdinIy, Lfberal diseentit made fOr trans iont advertisements inserted fU' long pe2iod4, dedeription of JOS 1NG mu, in the finest st,t le of the art. and at moderate rates. C.I.Nitlee, Inene,s. unlere, &p, for radve.tising, subscriptions, etc., to be inadepayaSle to THOS. PASMORE, Eclitta and Publfidter, simmunmenaszoraftramorscsagraimassommwavatortmlame.....sresnorg. 0I1U1?0.21 DIRPUTOltir. avisovm, (RIPROTO, -ReY. S. P. R04118011, It1011111. bent. Sunday Seraikle, U a. te., and 7 p, m ; Sab- bath :..tto0l,"2,80 1+. fr,. Sarivaveli .10,SY.--SUlls10y services, 7, a. m.,3 p, ni. and 23 p, ni, •tervfres eyery night during the week, -it 8 o'clock. It•,liness meeting at 11. it. 112. ott Sunday. Mirmenistr thnoten. -James st., Rey J. Graham, pastor, Sunda) stnyiees, 10,30 a. m. and 6 30 1), in. :N111,11.11 setool, 2 p. ni. Prayer meeting. Thursday tiviuril..g at 7,30. MAIN Fritent —fley. W. IT, PrlSe0e, pastor, Sun- ' day surrice4, 10.3012. tn. and &Se p. io. Sabbath tseituul, 2.30 p. n. Prayer meeting, Thursday even- ing a 1.32), Vnung peoples prayer meeting '.I hursday evening 7.30. P8012IIYI481011 W 13„ statue, easter, Sunday aerviees, 11 a. M. and 6:30 p.'m Sabbath Eon .4. 0:4e e. tn. Young peoples prayer meeting., 21, 7, 48 Thmotay 121212»105, prayer meeting at 8 &Week. ,Choir practice In me(tiately atter. Business and other Cards. T W. 1,1111WNING U. I) O. P S. irstlust,o of Vick,ria University. Ogee and residenee- DOmf,dell Lithwatory, Exeter, Ont, Juno, 0.'87. .1011S GILL, LICENSED ADONONEElt. --- For the:Village of Exeter, and the County of mete. aa Odom preDiptIy attended to. Exeter p,o,, Ont. A 'WHOP, LICENSED A ciarterrion, resists Ton .iships of Hay and Usborne. All orders promptlx attaaled to Exeter p.o., Ont. Ft H. COLLINS, BselAR/STER 2143212tor cl Supremo Court of Outarin,,,gonunlifsioner, *Convt.,ama-r. dea, Office—Next donne Sania ell& Pick- Oqt. Money to loan at very lowest rates. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, .14,S1 L. D.5..,".extracts teeth emote, pain by seller vilanzea Aii., or using the new lea MIMS, thetle onthe gums. 277211.08 (1.0)11 PiIIilga, and all other 'dental work thc beat possible. Gue ti Zurich last ThurSdar hi each . BAK SIDE DOMAIN STREET, F.XETEE. --- /-fEeretyr., 0 6 ANDERS, 11`1.SII11.A1WE,,LOA.N2 .E131 I Ezfete md Steamboat Agents. Wealthy and re- HAN, lire ane Insuranee Companies Represent. ed. Ai.••y 'mount of money to 302121 012 first class Mort,- gspa at lowest rues (17 1112011:02. General Agents for fivron ("J., i'or E..Willitims & Co., veal estate agts, Louder, Beaver ',hoof Steamers represented. j 09,87 St,• Exeter, Ont. T 0 TA NO. 02.1. .411e..7e Oat ?deity in every risout_th. hi John's Mock s Brethren Veloolne. '.12. 12228.5, .."Joit$ Winn, Secy. 0. F. NO. 123. 11,001.2 tte wand and f mirth Friday of each month.: ill Fansen's 110,1, 01. 8-o'clook p. .nt. Visiting Drab., ren' cordially •I E. nont1Vf3. IL Pteitaiin, See.. 6 flay FamerzeMutual Fire Inatirance Company.. PARTIES 'DESIRING Tf23 INSURE IN THE BEST and cliewaSt 1 ,suranco (1,unpmy in the Dominitirt, ran do 1,o 1.y erpiying POteeeelly, Of by mail to the Iniderdford. All ,,pnlications promptly attended to. Also agent 'ticilttniton 1. ompaoy of Guelph, Also A L.:UV UNV.I..at tn. the County of Uurou. is, eosateseenev, AosX,r. .11028.0 S. Zurich, Ont. `1=6662•••••=moninammmmo612.622•62661.16, - .t.XETER,. ONTJ rjpjjppy JULY..28, 1887! IT'S PAPER, wItt seur •ALVDTIMRS n! the vatiod ststed or mpOrlits., from now taijaa,10.1.588.,. ciftI.,',. Isseer of ( .;%P.3i17;;'-"T;P 74-4747.7; ( ) i iCititlIS elltit ........................,-.. h„,,-..............:......,........ LIR., kezith,r.,, an 1 Fire Insurance agent. `03121e11: Wo: Side of Mrtin.ktreet , Exeter. ...27.2„...x." 1,........:„.,H..4. 4 IV r: 2-20Vror4'0qrs 014.11".1.2121 ....L. BUG (6' 4 GS BUBUGS • 111 Bugg are trump ttua you Must • play Pstrie Green it you want Vs make a point, *PURE PTht S *REEN relT111,--= 'DOMINION LABORATORY ALSO I,Tik'llebati, and Fly Potrao. Alsvaysct sopply of Dresse, Dye, and :Fancy Goods, tadcle a give:fatty, 147,,�rIfieraVirties PRonalovn, FOR °tine! Fifty Cents. . Subscribe Now. A. J„ MERCHANT TAILOR, West side Main-st., Exeter. ,A Good Fit guarriaiteecl. Latest Styles .of eboda kept iit stook. A Call Solicited. RadRAPHST „ MR. JOSEPH SENIOR having purchasgd the business ,e1 Chas. Senior) wishes to in- form the the peblic that he can be found . At the Old stand Street, Exeter. the 'Finest Op:Binds in the coun- te Elegant Finial. ,Ooipying and Enlarging \den on alerted totiee. JOS. SENIOR. New 15Temiset ? Torrespnnce. ' ^ KiliVa, Oa Monday ()Mast "tveek As Mester John Paterson Wes working at one a nerTtrhe I' lytlin ti;olietgiTi isilei t,?e,,eisseelieg,igilTb°hrehyg.°eda ll i.•er.e. the ilelhbeeelatms eir.4 his f caingiirl'sPi ilielrtlielrnallatgnlineilrYI: port go -R1 crops. and barely escaped 'receiving very 5e1- .31rl7.iiii,i.aiic)re yrsiWe aTi.plaleltol,,i,r11.that..Aijoh: tots iujury, ,hsitVlsliisclottigw 000pe,o4.satiidav7lli Ficivipi‘eafd\giitei,vilohttsbLnstoilQfran4ilereeoveipainfutho4) the iteighborbood, 4 untsly ill for seine time, is age's' conYals not serious injuries. l Mr. Robert Willcoik's ' as had a neat ce of the villae. it ! i ,- . O pearang M. Wm. Holt, proprietor of the "One "We ere sorry to ,record the death of house erected:which an dder ,',, o the eat apHorteHotel" weet to Goderich on MonMrsAlbrahem Orich, of the end on.„ - thtIi01:12,e1 10 ettemi an Anti -Scott Act dele- which ocdurred on Wednesday last If the weather contimie ,:eley thw is eek, ga some fanners will finish li isestina. It is Site has been 'ailing for about a year a long tims since harvesti o. Was over in 130,1‘Ifillftel's. eiracmslinelfoSrittliti,Psi°8nv' i°siftitililee ‘f8rilemriPd; Past' with Mr. Philip Halls, Wito ' As 'Tent soele come guest, , 'Marriage she was a Miss Oudmore. eensumptioa, and leaves i . three small children. Prior to ber jinuoli3trt.lis in the States, visitjig Ohicago and min Katie Barry, of Lontlon, arid also he was a 'nember of the Methodist in this vim n ity, Tom My j8 al Ways a wel- Kansas, is home again, He is higlay the Misses Mary and Lizzie Barry of De- church, and was only 28 years and six pleastl With IC.ansas, osp jelly %vita UR; troit, are visiting their numerous friends months old. Her husband has the country aroutisi e Clay"? etntte. and relatives here. . sympathy of their limey frieads in his Among the names of the Candidates bereavement." ; Biddlliphi ' who Were successled at the recent entrance For the past month an employe at _ l' examination held at Exetes, We are pleas- the car-worke in St Thotnas has kept scomtlr:imsda,mtlei Rodgins 14 returned froth jecelutioliren%i(oteuRthllien,nap1;isoforaArgriell awl .' 1 , , , t company with a GOTrIestiC in an.eas Kinsman'. ' , ' ' end family and the acquaintance 'ripens Mr. Patrick Curtain, of Biddu101i, has The corner stone of the new R. c. ed into marriagb preparations. The - returned froin Detroit; he is at present on Church at OIL was laid on Sunday last. bride's trousseau Was 'ready aria the the sick list. . After the -usual cerethonies wer'e perform- day appointed, when. spliClenly '.ilie Mari. The fan whillt and barley crop is pearly ed, a very instructive and. interesting ser- had to leave for Toronto, but wrote to all in the 1)122 00 and the oat crop is being monswas preached by Rev. Father Walsh the girl to come down andeneet him at harvested and is a good tine. of Londonthe depot, when the mareihge eereminiy Mr, G. D. Revington, of Tennessee, is , , would be consummated. ttle girl was np visiting friends na Bedsit/101, and !Vie ' County Huron Newsready to leave, when her sister object- • John Taylor, of Westminster, is instigat- • ect and instituted enquiries, 'reeulting ing aloeg the banks oftles little Sesible It is reportedthat a business teanof in findinrt that the Man :had already h, and taking orders for nursery stock. , Blyth has.deca niped. wife andbfamily residing in St, Models. The midden death of Mr. Joseph "Kihg . of the Townline of Stephen', caused miteli Friday, Aussust 51h will be obsesev- The accident at St Thomas was, it appears, directly catised be a defect in surprise to all wile knew him. The tin- ed as Clinton's civic bohdaY- fortunate gentleman hes for some tilde Mr. James Croskery, shoemaker at the, air pipe of the atitomatic brakee, past been in a despondent fr,.tme of mind,aused by the introduction of a freight Gorrie, has made an assignmentc . which ettused him on l'hursday last to endcar between the.engine and the passen- leis siee by haugilig himself in his driving- D, Vreennc �1k Win. McConnell Of 'ger cars in the ell -fated train. It in shed. DeePased was in his 87111 yPzir and Lltepparclon, have gone to Australia. ,probable that Iltime miik'eshift arrange was highly respected by all who knew An effort is being emade to ,organize ment for a cdniplete air:•break to en' hint His sorrowing relatives live the Et brass been sympathy of a large circle of friends in the 'village of Luck- • • ;b • . able it to e used in a ,passenger traen, t and thatthe makeshift gave out It 13°‘;ir. IL Gs"Warner, a conductor on Ls the clay of the condedtor to test the '• , Centrala. the L. H. & B.; has drawn $15,000 . in breaks of the train before be takes it , a Louisanna lotteryout of the station, and as the conductor Miss Thayete'the guest of :Blies Peesone Tho eeneeee fee.pai„ei„g eho eseee. of this train failed to do this, he has for the hist t -Wo Weekt3; has 'returned to her home its'eesudone- se: , .„ se. house at Goderich, .hasbeen awarsied.t(), ,bn6ottl,ne.oanr.irpeisyiteitlig3, blvtil'ttilet'ielhe rf6•141.1iusl'agtnioilott . Elliott, 4k Pfeity of-Iliall'Olvie- -' The hotel-iseepers have been to Goder ad. miffing, are not those who furnished . 'WI this week to attend an Anti -Scott _eat The largest schooner shipment that him with the train in question includ- inn delegationelse: Is is 'ItPettl,' 01' 8°Inethin^ has entered Goderich harbor this year, . the makeshift, to blame'. . • contained 2,700 beetle's of 'corn. . Quito a number of the villagers went • out to Oft Sunday last, to witness the 111essrs. Eltues & Williams, of Zurich tE' GOODS*. GigAtkikl, fai) Respectf Illy remit cis his many 'Customers and the public ignore:11y that le has re- tnoved to ES HIV STAill 9 •-•--NExT TO— Vogt *Moe* main Street, EXETER. 'Whore ho has just received —A— • WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF escent. A 171.1.0k.erereith _correspondent writes: READY-MADE-- --BOOTS & SUES ALSO li-aiiain- W0.1.1t &the highest Oh* A. Trial Solicited, and Satisfaction Guaranteed, CEO. MANSON, Exeter, 66' Scott Act in Milton,. • laying of the coruer stone of the new R.0. last Week shipped three car loads of D - avid Dewar, who does or clict rqis nivel dour to the Eastern Provinces. the Commercial Hotel at Milton, has. The Baskerville Broshave started out T,wenty-five acres of fall wheat were four convietions hanging over his bead with their new engine and separator, the cut in one and a half days with the for Scott Act violations in that town. "Triumph." The machine works well r. Dear's combined offence e en• rind oives entire sheisfaction mid we wish biinder on .thuckersmith, se .farm 0±\b week. .Mr. J. Thorp, of Mw l the e boys .good seasons wor'ls. title him to am eight -months' sojourn • in prison, His last conviction was Two of der old veterans had a setto in The Rev, R. Ir. Thompson, pastor of y. the village last week, and it is difficult to Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensel], over a ear ago.1111201 01110(3 that time, to toll how the injuries were inticted) 'hut legs last week '<lin a in to Manitoba, althongh 117 112 said he lived for the , greater part of, the year in Milton, the itnpmssien has got abroad that they for the stoodot his health. 0 • License Inspector end. Constable Bros did not hurVeach other, but were only rolling around on the greyer, The "Forty A. correspondent says the most fash- titers liave never been able to lay hand** Rod" cattle frdm Exeter, and meet certain- ionable things in Loohalst during these en Dewar and satisfy the law's behests. ly gee, in the work, hot days is the measles. Nearly every Ile has carried a warrant for Dewar's; The .funeral ofthe late Mr. King, took house has its soot° of patients, arrest ammg these long twelve month% place on Sendayeast in the Fairfield bury - Messrs Shbrrill Brothers have been hitt 'never a clutitee he got to esseatte ing ground, After the interment a very impressive mid interesting sermon was de- awarded the contraet of excavating it, ' livered in the Fairfield Unwell by the the new reservoir at the watetwoeks, On Friday Inspector.Brothers home!' Rev. D. M. Kennedy, of Credi'ton, the ,Seaforth: it cost over $200. that Dewar had passed throw+ Oak - Pastor of the family. The procession was - ville on his way to Toronto. Th -6'1n, ve.'y larone ge . A' span of horses belonging.to Geo, Calleson, of, 1-lullett, ottoohod. to o specter lost no time in reaching the w, tt----------------1,.e abet day, causing city. Ile had his warrant backed by The Methedist picnic at thelake Thttrs- Slay, july 2:9111. When will our Mayes! proclaim fot a civic holidgy; before long We hope. Miss Hattie Buroh, of Lemboth, is visit- ing at her brother's Mr. Arthm, Burch, of Rod gerville 'cheese ?rat:terse Mr. J. a, Stenamen, jeweller, has pet lel a fine, new safe et' Goldie & lottchTh make, Os% Ontario. Mrs. It. Coed, ivho has been visiting her parents and friends in the vicinity of Ottawa, rettniied hank) on Tuesday last. Mr, and Mrs. 1)avidson, of Saltford, aro the guests of' their. dmighter Mrs. (Rte.) E. A. Pear, pastor of Ilonsall North. etre lYli iteve been handed the "nancial eteternent of the Hensall South circuit. end from the report should. judge it to be in a, flourishing condition. Slr, (John Byre, who was operatieg a bieder fois J011.11 rib116, of Tucker - smith, got WS lingers, severely hurt by it boy startieg the herses while ho was do, ing eomething to the machinery. Large shipmeras d stock have been made from hero during the past seeelt, Messrs. Ballatletio and Cinte cacti shipped tWo ear loads of lino Steers tor the Eng- lish market, pa Mr, 'Lippe' two ear load§ oi lambe: an expensive break to the mechine. a J. P., and asked Inspector Stephen, Mrs. Guniatet, of Leeburn, broke ;„ her efirigaar),otancslul‘tilryss, CwahoisIdayi-nfiertll dheestria -.1)--e;t1.-1:\VTIS-arresied as he was about' little, but she is able to attend to her to stop aboard the 4;20 train on the Credit Valley Railway. He was lock - duties now. ar ers aut ed up at Pollee Iteaclqu t 1 The crop of h&es in the vicinity of heeded beer to Inspector 13rothers. Lochalsh, is an excellent one and has O't been sexed in line condition. All kinds If you ere troubled with insomnie of spring. grain are looking well ; butthese. sultry nights just turn the *elect fall wheat in warty cages le a partialof cold water in your bath -room for a minute or two upon. your feet end 'then ,failuro, The root crop le 01.63, teweahip, ill_ thoroughly dry them Haul taut your Mosquito bar, let your head lio down, elading potatoes, turnips and Maneolas Tho recent alum,. and, like the pious country blacksmith looks well this year, ie his piew et church, close yoer oyes ery 'weather his gtven thettl a good and think of nothing The. told water start and they catoset foil to be tne ab- drivcs tho blood to the howl rind Two - dant crop, duces a soporific effect. One of the Mrs, Zealand, W1 1086 )1 1161)6.11a ft1.1d 1)1" 1.101;ttl YLICSO 011i01.16 SliCed and nioely child et e d ntl Ito self fearfully seaeoned and eaten. with thin limed in 1.1),i'L'vellaytlthecelitti:1°trilvtis°stinsItillto'enditts:ni5th: the form ot sandwiches would be good. sistet of Mr. Robert Holmes', of tho og11:601A,btlalt;i); Cfaeniaiod‘ivan 60t1.161 0101 uNtVillofdethi(f, Olintou New Era. market, Onions are full of opium, inePting of the directors of tile Let business and all Mental. labor go St oy .Bratelt Agricultui.al Society out of your head, Keep the though% will be held at Pollock's hotel, on Sat.I of maturing notes, intorestt upon mart - trebly, the 30th taste tst three o'cIook gtigcs, the goodslooking. elms) who was p. m., tor the perpose of vovising and attentivoto your best gttl, and all tnch preparing the ptize list. for the fall enemies to repose, . on the (MUMS) oi sleteso yonr moequito nottnig, of Police Head for assistance quarters, •