HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-07-21, Page 8canadiaR .:..e,wt9 Note%
Augnst, the 15th., has been Appoint -
sed London's civic holiday.
Sixtystwo per cent, of the Wheat
epes red t Winpipeg last season graded
No. I hard.
The absence of rain throughout a
large portiou of the Niagara district
doing considerable injury.
Brown, is the familia r name of the
.oldest printer iu Canada. is ninety
.and lives at Tiverton, Ont.
Rest is reported to have. .setionsly
araect,N1 the wheat in several townships
in the County of W"aterloo.
'Pim ninety days' quarantine for cat -
tie has been extended to Manitoba and
the Northwest Territories.
The vital statistie of $t Thomas for
the past, six months show. 114 bieths,
marriages and „70 deaths.
The Salvation _Army barracks at In-
jsersell are to be disposed of bx mort-
gage sale on Saturday jelly 20. ,
file root crops are 'beginning to suffer
for want of moisture and thetruit trees
:sh-ov the effect of the long drought,
A now areival from the oia country
leieg $ertt to the barn foe a "cant -hook"
retioned, driving before himma .‘inulley"
°co vs,
Ailsa, Craig boasts a street szin which
Llivs no fewer, thanseventeen widows,„
with only two marriageable men to
-keep them coMpamS%
'Tiro G. T.11..1ately prosecuted a d
got, cammitted for trial a seven-yeisr-
old Georgetown boy for placing an ob.
struetion tlie track. :
Tho Guelph &hoot. Board Lave vote
-ed down a, motion to expel the book of
Scii4ture Selections from tke schools of
the eitSs.
(3: population of Stratford, aceords,
in; to the Assessoe,s retires, 8,.82S,e
with an ass:essmeut of $2 MOO,
inerease of $332,100.
At the recent examination for en-
trance to the St. Thomas. Collegiate Ins
%atilt° 78 candidates were successful •
of the '141 that presented themselves.
7,51 -eves scrateh the oars with any-
thing but the fingers if they itch. s Do
not use the head of a pin, haiipms,
peecil tips or anything of that nature.
Chas. Hubbard, aged 8 years, son of
G. T. R ndector Hubbard, of Sarnia4
while j ball on Friday. lest. was,
strtitik nose by a .batted ban-
eful sp. blee.1 to death, dying on
his gal
v./Lich h
try the p
4.f Illinois'
*1100 ,cas1
n tli
Jas. B T
the Huron Lt.,
the oars rut
.r,si years ol
site. in En an
n, of Mitehell, has sold
Young Lord Haddo,"'
tr,avelling this coun-
son, to a Mr. :ICniffin,.
the handsome suns of
rpson, road maSter of
!Irie Railway, was killed
n 'Wednesday last, by
in over him. ,He was
t.s wife and family ro-
A petit n is beh circulated in Oak-
ville askir the Clove ment to appoint
tommis On to inves te the affairs
tsi the to as they ar 11 mixed op
no lutes have beL, published ,
fur year and Mayor Anch keeps
the tow funds in his bank o afety.
The llencoe Salvation Arm re
raeks, hich were burned down so ,
tisoe i. o will be re -erected Shortly.
A a) 0 ti $ ;10 in cagh has been subscribed.
. i
i.r Le on towards thee. objea, 'and
nUmbei. oi IllagOil$ ' interested in 'tiler
Army h.. ..e eonseeted to.lay the 'hAcles
Ni it!lOOt. charge. The Captain atseden-:
cot, seems to ..,hink that they will meat
with some o sosition but is detertnin-
P1 I
1 to have it erected at any cost.
The eensatIllItion of :beer ill S`.eNs.
sYcn;le Olt% i :estimated at 12,000,000
lasses per.day.
Chas, Dames, was tned last Tises-'
for aentravention a the Saott Ac
$50 and costs was the emu.
Thos. Watts, of the 'Royal Hotel,
Guelph, wits fined $50 ,and caste for
halation of, the Scott Aet,.en MondaY,
1 Liquor fines totalling $6,5T0 have
!bean impoaed in the Montreal Police
106art einde ;Tan. 1 up to the present
Messrs P. Reynolds asid Milne, 'of
Clinton, on information of Inspector:
Paisley, yesterday, pleaded :guilty and;
writ fined.
Since the first of February, about
$1500 have been levied in fines for
violation of the Scott Act in the West
Riding of littron,
To the charge laid against Mr. Jona-
than :Nliller, of Beinniller, by Inspector
Paisley, he has l'ilead guilty :and paid
tho ii of $50 anti costs. .
On Friday hist, Messrs. Piney of
'Zurich and Moffatt of Centralia, plead-
ed guilty and were fined $50 and posts.
for violation.of the SiNstt Act.
At Brussels on TueAay, Mr, Dead-,
man.; druggist, was charged with viola—
tion of the Act, but it being proved he
gave the liquor away, the case was dis-
anissed; .
Mr. Hargraves, a Brussels druggists,
svas charged with selling liquor, but as
the:evidence showed that he sold under
a clstsggises license, the ease was dis-
missed. . • • ' •
Mss Robb. Agnes, ef Om Dominion
Hotel, was fined $20 and costs at
Geargetown last week, for ' the viola-,
tion of the Scott Act by a member of
his family—first offenee.
The temperance people are jnbilant
over the dissolving of the Scott Act in -
j unction by Judge Tuck. A boom in
prosecutions is expected. Thu liquor.
dealers talk of a repeal agitation.
F. Jarvis was fined $50 and costs at
Delaware, Thursday tor contrevention
of the Scott Act. . At Strathroy, Sat-
urday morning, M, Bixel, proprietor of.
the Strathroy brewer, was taxed the
regulation fine. F
Tho following Scott Act fines for
South Ontario were, enforced last week.
Jolla McQuay, Port Perry, $50; Wat-
son Hodgson, East Whitby, .$50;
Robert Willeockson, East Whitby;
$50; S. G'. :Bennett, ast:'Whitisyr$50
Mrs. E. Chinn, Brooklin, 4.P.$0:;: japies.
Goidon, Pickering Village, 100,$John
Bessie, Whitevale, $50; E. Deruslm,
Claremont, $50; 0. Forsyth, Olare-
mont, $50,
' Roman Oatholie Priests of Worces-
ter, Masse have been taking their coe-
e•rs,eentions severely to task for engaging
in the liquor traffic. Onc of these said
he,naticed 3,17.4 Alamo that out of the
thirty -cm '," s • iquor license
withit , ants' of his p .'issii twenty -
nm ante from members of ligeeEigi7es
gat)bn, It is a most encouragi44 ect
'.,. ,
that so many of the Roman Oath° '
cleray are becomingawakened to the
diSgraceful =stare of this traffic.
A collision on the O. P. R. at Myr-
tle, One, last Monday, resulted in the
.de,ath of a. fireman and the seriously.
-iiijiiring of an engine driver. The two
'in es...mj•ere singhed to .pieces, and,
,tt., e .s rolled oyer an embankment
' con ten ts, .co ns:stin "
cauSti ,
barrels o' .. ,,d Carriages, o
most'complete i'%*,..i'"' " .-4.l', : aks-
'man was also crushed to eath: The
loss to rolliug stock and freight is .esti-
mated at $40 000. '
At Goderich an the 12th a sudden
jedginent .overtook a vagabond whose
iry was the nut -shell eeosee, .A. strang-
er was just going to bite, \sten one di
tl.(•• tratfore sionists gave him a
pyinter on the ,ga, The thimble-
resger objected to the i Mice, and
eitercation beetight Cron Yule
t„.i the spot, who, seeing what wa
ois grabble(' all the movable parts
tie -e fakir's parapheenalia and threw it
in his face. The Cheat begot to talk, ,
and the constable theseupon stimihed
kis whole attfit against the ienCe.
Lt Wednesday wase, field day fel.
the Sat./Mien Army in London, A
I tege number of visiting officers were
present, inohicling COM% CdOtnbS and
D.v. Officer Bitraliett, fn. the after -
nowt nil dicers council took 'plate at
the barsaeks, and in the evening there
was a large turnout of tho army, the
Land heading a parade through the
t.24lbeant streets. ttrion the return of
the army to the barrackS Com. Coombs
tIolivel.cd an address on the workand
progress of the army since its founda-
tion, There was a Very lai'ge attend
. Blaok Cnot in 'Trees.
At the meeting of the Fruit Growers'
Association of Ontario, held at Coiling -
Wood last week, a paper on the above
subject was read by Secretary Weisel,
ton, accompanied by explanatory dia-
grams on this subject, contributed by
.ProfessOt Panton, di Gueiph Agricul,.
ral College. After an exhaustive
'fie description of the ineeption of
the s by whieh this pest is pro-
dtieed, t it went on to say that
in spito of a research and eXpel i.
molt that had ' devoted to this
matter 06 remedy ha been round
but the knife, and rectem d its im-
mediate Ilse on the first s , the
pest, The infected limb when r
ed should be burned immediately, as
otheriViSe the SpOres would spread the
disease, He SteonglY reeemtne)Ided
thoSO engaged in the Culture to pay
more attention to the enforeement of
the otcellent law on the subject, the
non -observance of whiels he charaeter-
ized as a "silent Mentiment of the ins
differenee and ignorance of these Who
Ishould Oa -operate in fighting it ASA.
' n f "
Fr .13alano. of: il$:$7,
en4 more weather " Fine
nights.; but bad time for flont
gate. sn some
places. e';'oesie and get a set of
furniture that an eartininake
won't lize 012.
HAS Better I ! Hottest!! Don't
Don't get excited ft Try - and.
force your way in to lyty one of
oer extra cheap bedroom setts..
We liave aliTerolt. styles in
stook to pick from, mut can,
get. Vat:. if you only Jseep eool.
Drizzly orit-411rleal,rititit.1
eclipse of the moon k like
fury., or yeti'''. never get through
in time to $OCUle em, or oleo ex-
traordinary ,hargains, that we WC
olfoing. iikuniture of every de,
sciiption at reduced prices.- .
Another spell of weather ! War in
the east!' Terrible catastrophe
in New York I 53 people sue-
. climb to baso ball fever. PON
ordered out to keep back- the
crowd. from our Warereomi ;
.Sevesal serioasly jammed.'
(-)v ember
• Lookout for ,snow, Fatheis- with,
, daughters,.'unhang ,thp
.front gate, and, buy ,one of our.
.cosy sofas, Warranted to in i»g•
• tAie most bashful young man in
thd e•nantry to tune in short
order Beds, Spring MattrasseS,
,l,ounges, etu., in endless
1)e• eembev.
:Change in the 'moon, and more
Tlutillelq :
Onr Stoeleof Caskets, Coffins, :Robes and
•TrinonIngs, aro unexcelled. Reformed
undertakees no Rings. no Cliques, tie use
all alike. dor prices we govern ourselveS,
and as Most people know- they are Yen'
1110.kl2tte Nee understand, and make a
specially or tills nal t, a cur busineso.
corne and seo before, s•nu buy, Open day
, and night.
Dr.eW's old stand —one door
north of Molson's' Bank.,
Rowink .Andrew,
1 Fir:10LS'
Tela0.4 TH,
NCH .'PritOESi
To the i? eel)] e of Exeter and
rrrounding country. :----
hrow Off.the 'Yoke so long,
borne by you Under
yourryranni c al
. astesi
High Prices.,
And notwith freedom dearly bought if you patron-
ize me. 1 will kocp
high prices ever
in subjec-
rrOlit2,5C AosiNutc
r 1' Wit oil mallow). of over -char ye.
I*sit.zip/v all with reliable cold
stylish, goo a
1K/11'61/ES, ,
CI 0 OR'S,
Etc., Eld.
At LOWeAt Livitg
ti=5 PECIAITY,>6
8tanci opposite 3. Pickarclit,
R. Hicks.
And it seems to jingle a merry chime,
As liearei by PAlly affigekt t.ar ;
Bub harsll and grating it is to mine,
1.3ecause it always is so dear.
Chle end Black Oros, Grain worth $1.75, to be sold, be-
fore Stock taking at $1.37.
Absotber worth 1 5, dropped dowo to C,12,
DQ yon wan't a dress, then :feel for your purse aud look
islissebefore they're gone.
A couple pieces of Ottaman Cord and a rich Broche
we've left ; the price is down down, down.
Four Bemn bS, Flingeri 215 Well. A baigain
Tor any it the Cash they've got, el. trade to pay,
A Gents Ties., in ,Great Variety.
A half a dime pays for two if You wish ; or, it takes a dollar
for another pair nicer, to be sure, but call and see
• them, then yon'll. know.
Shirts and Underwear.
We wan't losell tbens all, and that right early. So down
tjapy go, ancl out they go, at prices which please ,
. both one!and all who iYan't to buy.
• Then notelhe place, its
. . , . • • ,
Ca.gh, —.Fresh -g-ggs, Chdieq,Butter in go.oci'
• '
.::fbr this space rext
;1,7,! • 1.4'. •
• ,..; i,.,t.
t .2.14
at a
Tffl P. 4.
' • BELONGS. '1'0 „
• „ ,
- Hardware • Tercharits„ •
Advertisement next week.
For Plain and Fancy
Orner •John
..,Ati.30.1030:10t4 •