HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-07-21, Page 5,
.44.41.44.• • •
LQcat New
(frpggryi, is sponftiPA 4 fAW.
Slays in Torouto,
Miss Mantyre, of.Godetieb, is the
.gtiest of My. Rosso
Earoum's sinus annotsneed to be
in London on Sept: isttlt
Miss Ida. Gibbings,,ef Clinton; is the
guest of Mrs Rowe, of Exeter.
51r„p, 74:414efoy, of Ioric1esbo&
OPellsting getiple of weeks at home,
Samuel Penliele, of Toronto, is
spending, loolidAys at home with his
° mother, ,
The organ in Main:street chprola
Las been shipped,to factory for repairs:
.tunieg, etc,
. The two Miss Gtee,ories, of 14etess
are spending holidays with friepds• at
Bra m pt on.
Mr. john White, Sr., of Than °Moe,
is home from Windsor where he has
beet) attclidipp; school. ,
Master Willie \Vyrnn of Woodham,
44,s speueling a few weeks viaitin& his
sister, Mts. Swallow, of Exeter..
E. Carley and his Another have re-
turned from a •trip to Toronto. mid
Barrie, where they were visiting friends
Wickliffe 33011, who has been attend!,
ng school in Hamilton, is spending
the holiday season atdaome: No place
like home.
Out of the. tse entreight candidates
-who wrote at the entrance examinatien
in Exeter, tweoty have passed and four
yecommended. .
Miss Ettie oftlie Metropolitan
House, returned home from St. Mary's
and Woodstioek, where the has been
visiting friends,
Miss Nellie Crocker, of Exeter, who
has been vending a week visiting
friends in Goderich, returned home
the other evening
At present there are a large number
of insane people confined to London
because thereis no room for them
la the asylutn.
Miss Aggie Henderson,who taught
here a few years age,. Was in town last
'Thursday, visiting her moth= She
is 31,0SV residingat Dunbarton.
' Many stamp vendors have thrown
up their liaenses in consequenee of the.
Governmen't reducing the commission
&towed from 3 to 1 per ,eent,.
- In consequence of the sugar refinery
fire, the Canadian Refining Company,
of .ildontreal, On ,Shturday raised the
price of sugar one-eighth, of a cent per
A hen belonging. to,W. X Hicks.
laid. an egg last week that measured,.
by aotual measurement, 61,..x74-• inehess
Probably this is owing to the,prospeet,
of Commercial Union. '
Ranton, C. Eaetett, IV: it Ver-
ity, Melile Banton, ,Rayinond Eacrett,
Miss Icla Baena, Edith. Verity and,
Ada Tom, are camping:at the lake' near
Grand Bend, for a week.
Mr. 0. H. Sprague, licenscrinspector
ter South risuron, has gone on a three
-weeks' visit among his sons in Michi-
gan, and has not resigned his official
Position as statedby the Times last
.A meeting ofthe creditors, ofMr
Geo. Willis, will be held to -morrow),
(Friday) at the office of R H. Collins,
Main -street, Exeter, at the hour of ten'
o'clock in the forenoon. Important
A Myth correspoodent says "The
Misses Southcott of Exeter, were in
town on the glorious 12th, As the
young ladies had eompany with them,
it was a hard dose for some of our boys,
to Swallorr.!'
After tea yeats.of' constant, service;
Mews. &unwell b Pickard have had
their oldwindow blinds replaced by
new ones which ate artistically letter-
ed end, very attractitig, and were pur-
chased frooi,a than in Toronto..
In the 51.arket RonSe oli Vridax last
befoi"0 3?o1ice Magistrate.Vl) tams,
Messrs. Piney; of Zuriela end,Moilistt,
of Centralia, pleaded guilty tcaviolation
of the Scott Act, 'and were aceordingly
fined fifty dollars and costs. 'The case
against Mr..Willertof,Dasliwood,-, was
It is reported' tliht wife belonging.
to a painter of tlus village, and who
has clohe coosidetable ismatinladating
with yoveig ladies !tete, arrived Alen -
day mornings enct. o1annd hee'husbanda
who Wag gently astonished: at her 0,17;'
3,4v41 f: 0111 lilegland, There is a moni
in thia item fa ladies tieking, mein,
A ineetima of, all' 1/2ist'cretted' in the
;i):0,1)b&I,I). School., will lie hold this
(Thursday) evening ie the linstmemt, of
the jam es-stteeb i4nliodist t'hu 'sib, at
tho 10 c' of 'the regular pita Pr 111130bing
tO Inalco atrangeinehte foe tl,e ant al
Spacial scrs:icest and iho ar-
i,angorner,htt foe the atilinal p.ie winob
f.);1o, the VOL
The new hri0k.a.we11nheuPe. of Air
RArSen%s heippleetered,
$alt apriekied ever anything' tllat is
burning en the stero w111. preventany
disagreea,ble oder.
an who waato pulitishOleyssa
paper to aeit everybedy e1Pit, of
Noah's Ark and was drowned, •
Mr. Lobo WOode returned •fiann
Toroote on Saturdays whose he had
beee with a. car load 'of fat, cattle; He
found the market rethee dull.,
Mr, -Jame Sathlios tiPtglY settler
of fIshoroe- township, diedt Frictay
last at the age ot 66: years,, The funor,
al -On Sunday lasts wasa very' large
one. . .
The fit Lawrence mato, refinery at
-was horned Friday Morn-
ing and one or Mtge lives lost. The
17)1!railits: refinery ininiediatelyndvaneed
'Keep filo apparatus . fey gleaning
lamps eti old, tray; and never use
bushes, -scissors or any of the
articles -fel -any other purpose than
trip to log, Amps,
forinersaid;. "Ono thing 1 don't
bke about city folks -they be either so
stuck up ,that Or can't reach 'ern with
baySt4elt pole, or so blamed friendly
they forget to pay their board."
An ',la man of Exeter, by the name
hae beeo sent to Godetich jail
for two rnooths, by Magistrate Wile
lisans,for cruelty to •animals, andu. corn-
bination of iniMoral practices. '
• Rev. Father Kelly of Offa, notifies'
us that the comer stone of the new
Catholic Church, which is to beerected
at that place, will be laid en Sunday,
July' !:34th.,' with the usual ceremonies.
Last Thursday a red, shawl was ad--
vertised as lost, and the following Sat-
urday the attiele was recovered. Thi$
itanother evidence that advertising*
pays;.especially •in the columns of the
•A. eabbage leaf under the hat is said
to•prevent sunstroke ;. but be careful'
says an exchange' teeget only a leaf;
and tiotthe wild° vegetable thereun-
der. Nature, unfortunately hos in too)
many cases made this friendly caution.
One day 144 Mr, Geo. Sams
wells merchant of this village, sold to a
gentleman of Seaforth, one of his Jersey
heifers,. and by, the transaction receiv-
ed a handsome,sum. . Mr. Samwell has
one • or thelin est droves of ' Xeney cat-
tle that can be „seenfOr miles around.
Tho following' Was handed:. to
,us for publication. Mit 0. C-
Gloughlin, • Exeter; and Mn. W.,
BalksVelr jra bound and steaks
:ad" On the farm of Mr: Parsons,,Londen
road, last Thursday afternoon; seVen
acres of fall wheat. Who canbeat
that •
Clerk. to employer :-"Whala eltall
mark,that new lot of black silk
Employer "Mark the selliea price ten.
shillings a yard:" 'Clerk : But it costs
only four shillings a yard." Employer :
sionk,k care -what it cost. 1aM sell-
ing out regard] eat of cost." • •
Last Saturday and Sunday weuethe
two, hottest clays • .experienced hero this
season. The thermometer registered
iine.httudrod. and tee degrees'7' in the
shade,' It was thought advisable
.onetimeto cut the top of the glass
tube eitanduthue prevent an explosion
.by.allowIng the memory to,rise,
. .
'We were. presented the other day
with 'i. dish of fine red cherry eurrantsa
grown on the feta Of Mr:. Cahn, Us-
borins, .The,y Were the ftnest we ever ,
saw,.. • Also a line lot of gooseberries;
grown on the 8n1310 farm, wore present-
ed; aemse• mettsuting threc,-and,a-half,
inches in citentriferenee.
"Mr. Geo.! Moir,who, run the In
Polo here for some,yearsa but finding;
there was no money -b. -Lit; seld out and
retureedlo, St, 1\ larys,.. Rasidas•study-
ing law, he has .a.acapted the position
tba- Editoe of the ',roamed, in that town.
'3inee coining Under his COD tP01 tho
paper has, greatly imoreveds,-"Exeter
Than,' . •
A. au bacribets.e Hat tOW,Itship telio
tlicfollowing stoiy :,---About two
weeks -ago. he purehaseda reture ticket
fecan•I'llaetet to,Loridotal but en tetates
ug to Exiiter ln wanted to go to Hon-
sifl oniiissiness,. consequently he asked
• Conductor Bailey the price of a tieket,
ill respOnse to hit inquiry Wits told
it' was thirty et litS, ioith, a rebate of
ton cents Oh tho thiket if present-.
ed to any of the, company's offices with-
in. thirty dfivs, -The money was given
twOonduotor.Baiy.but“ tioket, was
given in e\Citt)f,, 11thot1g1 aeked fol
ssYeral times, .0a atrivitta attletteall
he related (he eireenistaneee to the
P3Atit:331 liI(333;603' 30id acinanded ti nf ton
roots. rebate., Hee-civet he was told
.te keen quiet, .1)1'0 Our informer' Wantis
On Coat' and Woeld like the eofti-
!pally:to' gtq, theit twftty .144k.
sap Via going to re:pott the thatt,er,
Now is the time for people to See
that diseaSPrOdileing and all offensive
1 11bbis14 s busied out of fight 4,o4 den
Owing to the Jowl eompleiot Inade
about, the reduction of steels oMariniS-
S104 11340430•Ster: QepOral acLellait hes
decided only to,,enforee the reduction
against the Jaeger cities, sueli as Mon-
treal,. Toronto, London. Ottawa, Ham-
iftopaHalifwa Sa Jelio ancl Quebee,
papers tre 110.Vilag a good'
deal to say the days of a wornao hv
ing in Kansas, who died beeanseof "the
extreme loneliness of her surround-
ings." Full partidolars are not given,
but it is suspected that she was no em-
ployee in a store which didn't think
it worth while toadvertise,
A novel way of getting even with
one's creditors has just been tried, A
Winnipeg photographer a few days age
exhibited a ease: full of photos, oaeir
labelled with the name, the address and
the amount owed the man of art.
Since the exhibition the boys have
been paying up. Some threaten libel
it is all very welt to encourage en-
thusiasts In vocal musical culture'but
when, the slumbers of peaceful resident
are disturbed by *a trio of would-be bas-
sos of profuedity singing "The Lar-
board Watch," as:was done nt a late
boor in a certain upper tohyn street
last night, it is tinur to cry, as in Mac
'beth, "Enough
LeOPerd Carley,. the young man sent
from Exeter to Goderich some weeks
ago on a; charge of taking it hone from
the stable of Ma -jai -nes White, Rodger.
was tried at Goderiela last week.
True bills were brought against hiorfor
horse stealing and larceny, His sanity
was then' tested and it was found diet
the young man's mied was derangeda.
He was cOunnited j'ail for the time.
A, correspondent moites : Wo letters
withpleasure that Ills,. W. H. Rey-
nolds.of Hensel), has received the con-
tract forthwerecting of the new Engs
Esti ehureli which is to, lie built in
Exeter at a oost uf $10,000. Mr. Rey-
nolds is a skilled workman and will,
no,doubt, perform his work alike satis-
factory to the congregation and credit.
to himself We wish hint all success
in his undertaking
"I want to he an angel," sings the
maiden in the choir ; she pines for
wing s and.thinks she'd like to twang
it golden lyre, but itshe'd note the cus-
toms of -maidens cl to.cleara she's surely
SCO that angels would never dress that
way. For instal -me, take thebustles,.
such as you'll daily meet, now wouldhit
they iook sweet, if worn upon the gold-
en street And Saratoga waves and
'bangs, and false teeth mit blondine ;
an angel, girls, with such aliairs,would
,surely ne'cr, be seen.. So girls, ifyou're
in earnest you see you stetted wrong,
and if you're not why, don't you sing
some other song..
On. Wednesday evening of last week
still another of those interesting events
for which eur town is so justly cele -
heated,. teok, place, hero,- the contract-
ing patties being Mr: James Weekes
and Miss. Laura Buckinghaiza. both of
this place.. The marriage ceremony was
performeany the Rev. Jas. Graham,
ofjames street, Exeter, at the residenee
pithe brides's father, and was witness -
11 by a manlier of telatives and friends
who ptesented,theyoung. couple with
some.hoodsome and suitable preeents,
As o' token of esteenr ancl appreciation,
Mr, \\ Les was inal e the recipent of
a.valuable piece of silverware by the
ineMbers.ofthe fitemene' brigade, of
which' organization he is an aetive
member, We wish them success, and
a, 'long chapter, of unalloyed happiness
arid prosperity.
Ilast weeks' Vinci, out '1/4lown town"
ecitaiim is a. little ahead of "time," wilco
.it stated that O. IL Sprague has•tcs
aigned his position as•Lieense Inspecter
for South Hurom aleo that the.case
against Mr, WilI€rt, for 1,-,ibliAti011 of
tho Scat Ack was dismiseed' at.the
time of the trial', •Judgmenb itt the
Willert ease,' wass *geared until last
Friday, when the casewas dismissed.
Mr..4rague 1vaik.on.43eave of abseime
from his official.duties, gone to
where he has dime sons who ate
liners. Ile has gone over Oil 1116t -
f01"8 Of •tit1siim:88 and will ho 0,Way about
three Weeks We Mitt oor local cotein
aceept this explanstioo and inthe
ftitui'.e.try and tell, the trail': Wo
inietht also refer to another ite'm which
appear•ed in the "Vows" two weeks ago
ain't which ;46110d• Oat, 111 at that an action for l0,81O W1 he
lioighbom mg totiisbip did not do their tenal on behalf or the family. of iVlis
trading ia taetar beeiose they were -Zealaitd,ainl that an, tuition fa
ssfetrid of beittg hauled up tat withessea will be cnitered by. Me. Beystes, Who
Seott Act trials, equaeatteetly they lost his wife and thive childtant, Tho
\vinit tn t. Maty's to do Unfit t tad ing, daniesseefn t ollitit.,,J.teek is very greats
Why :Ire.. not„,oto who 11:1•01;nowli to ho Evisi0n(!0 ,.,i 00 0 On, inqui 4,4nows.
.tt:4,-invn'tinvo. ton, nienliien o t(vtupc.e. Om Engineer Donnelly ws)e not driink
f twee lodges, told sisinif„Stiet of the' gosH aa relrottetl, and that the a,said (eat wee'
haillsd tip Its witestirsae Cu, "slcott Aet .essused by lain Inal;ing 1 Iblailk0 111.
tmi&.i iul ei Itlgnal given at the soniplicre,
1?lethe go.
Read Rantoo Bros. change of over,
tisomept, iu this issue.
Several leads of pionielsen from
herespent pleasant time ati the lake
on Wednesday.
Work hasaommeoced• on the new
'Episcopal chnrch ecKce. and will be
vigoreusly pushed, aloe*
, A man, Hung on the west aide of
Main Street, just north of the bridge.
is learning te play on the cornet, Let
us have pew;
Wasaren Insianwaratv.-A smart,
intelligent lad to learn the art of print-
ing, Apply at the Anveatan Qifice,
Main -street, Exeter.
The proceedings of :the last meeting
of otte town fathers, appear in this
issue. Nearly sixty aonar$ were order-
ed to be paid for travelling expenses.
The mortal remains of the late Mrs.
Minor, of this village; were conveyed
to their last testing place on Monday,
followed by a large cortege of friends
Oer thanks are due toot friend for
thereceipt of smile fine harvest apples
and raspberries,- Mtox they live a long
time and be spared' to,call again next
.year with their baskets replenished.
The parties on the west ,side of
Main street, south, should not embrace
each •other so much at their front
window; in the. day time, If they are
a newly -married couple, T. guess we will.
have to put up with it
The entrance examination to the 1-ligh
schools was held on July 4.1h, Othand 0&The examination'as it whole was very fair,
ancl. any candidates who may /not have
passed can not fairly attailinte it to the
difficulty of the papers: The candidates
required tamake 83 per eent. of each pa-
per and 50 pea cent. of Alm whole number
of marks. The followiug candidates wrofe
at Exeter and haye been provisionally
passed by the.local Board,of Examiners;
Ham e. Teacher. School. Minim
Enos Down Jas. Jones 4 Usborne 001
Jennie Coats 0.11%110330M 537
Thos. Jarrett' J. 31. Brown 7 Stanley, 1435
Geo. Poster '* 11•34
Anoline Care jas. Jones 41'81101.ne14 (33
W. Iiv
'11B7.1Iiiaoing e s 4.4j61.1 geoil In • 8 mty 4,010550:
E. 'Boswell
Jno. Mollard, ar,„111)coliginOtttiy •Stophen,
M. J. McPhee
Ma, WWI Jno, aim 2.11a3;
Mien Kahl .1. .4 Brown 7 Stan1cy
jam Coughlin 14% Einsmn 0 Stephen 4:11
jone$ 4 Deborno•
Jos ones 4 USoorno 45l
1 " 407
re Bolton 8 Stephen , 520
Agnes Todd Alex Todd 10
Chas. Coats .Tas. Jones 5 L'oborne 501
C. Merheakti. .las. Delgatly 1 Stephen 300
AnbreyBusv.ell Jas. Jones • 4 Cleburne 313"
EnunalIollard 1,, Bolton 8 Stephen 454
Archie Ricks jOnes 4 Usborno 437
(J. Ingram John Rico 9. Ray 400
Al. Coughlin', 11, Hammen. 13 Ntoplion 588
The St.: Thomas Catastrophe.
Tnaiaias, Ot7t.,-july 17.-Fricley'e
catastrophe' was one of the most horri-
ble ever repertechin Canada. The facts
of the case, unobtainable on Friday •
itisclit,•nppears to be about as follows :
Ors Friday molting, about four hat ria,
red exeunionists belonging. to-thceTal-
test street Baptist Church, left tondon
fin Port Stanley. They.were joined at
St. Thomas by. aboutft as, many more,
and the whole merry throng enjoyed
themselves- all- day I ong•on Fraser's
1-1 eights, little dream i ng of the. terriblis
disaster whiola awaited them on theie
hotneward trip, Shortly •after six the
first excursion train started hack. The
cars were all crowded. Next the eng-
ine was as freight car used for baggage
rposes,. and' aftee that came all pas-
seoger goaelies.,
The. London &Tort Stanley Railway
track eresses the Michigan Central at
right angles almost in the centre of St
Thomas., Before teaching the crossing
there is it slight curve, and as the ori-
gins rounded this, Engineer Harry
Dbimelly„ one of the oldest, best, and
most experienced drivers on the road,
•obserVed it Michigan Central cril•train•
11.0'0880e track. To reverse his engine
and smied'on brnake was the wotk of.
an instant. Buttbe heavy train failed
to anewer to thebrake, and rushed on
to its clestruetion. The brave engineer
never left his -post f�r an, instant.
Menthe marsh cemo hts hand was
still on the throttle; arid when the'
broken and shattered engine was (wee -
turned and hurled book into the cars
following,' he was buried beneath the
debris. Hort Donnelly' was naltefr
semi alive again. His bruises and
bnrat .hody WftS fecoveped .fvom thc
wreck some hours later,
The lateat repots are that fontteen
were killed; and abinit on liutuh.,ca
abtl,lifty Were injured by the hoisting
oil and tureaway hone. It is said
IggAZLI',ISAANDIMSON.-•-•At the rrsitlent#
112 theinrshas motizer, Urraitoo,
110;11104o/ .12
,*tAr.*Prchurcb..Pagorgr. 314r, J'EnUa• Neak,t,
1.004m, second daughter of tho tato ,Ltyzo:rti•••
monies, both .of Velperee,
!-,sar °PPR 3as;sr U.t7t..4.7.
Fall'Wheat $ 0.80 to $ 0.f.All
5prigg wiwg 0 w.) to 0.04
OAS. 0.31 to (k.8)
Peas • ti,:ia .ty) 0.,r7.7
Barley 0,40 to Q.55
Hay per tom 0.110 to J7,.09 -
Batter (MG to 0 18
Potatoes per hag' Z10 to lit)
Eggs per des 0.14 to all
D4 (sued Hogs per WO' 7.00 to 7.7)1).
Morn*, guile 0. 1817.
White Wheat per 01100 (nen) 90
Bad Wheat Per 0 54 to 0
Spring • •••• • •,„, 4) 80 to
Awe), per bushel 0 sr, te
osts per bushel „ .... 0 so to (1.13
Peas Per bushel.... ,,, ...„ „ 0 00 to
Hay per ton„ 13 00 to .0
Butter perm 0 00 to 0 17
glees „.. 0 00 0 13
lickes per 30,,,,0 00 to 0-11
Sheep Ekieseaelt......„.„ 0 00 1(1 0 3.30
Wool per lb,. „ ...... .,„ „ 0 00 to o
Salt per. ..
. ... 0 00 to 1 01
Potatoes per bn ..... 0 AO to 3
Andes per bushel 0 00 to 0.1' r'
Oatmeal per 001 0 00 to ,t;
.. „. . , • •• • • • ... 0 0010
Perk pr10') lh •• „ • 00 00 to 3b
Beeen Per 10.- .... , . 0 90 to Q0 3
Christie's Commercial,
e t y
Rigs' and Iforse firct-elasa,
L'Z' Orders left at the ilawlishaw 'louse. Or at.
the: rtalde will lie proMptly attended. to..
',MUMS, „111,4S03,slA13.3,E.
C(014.1_4 -g_
Arlist;c Shaving,
Hair Cutting,
Hair Dyeing,.
etc., etc.
Ladr,cs', Work a, Speciality.
Fianswe Bleat,
C§TYLISii NoBsy `rt,
ATO t110 F4111231.1101''
6n.d. if you- want the best goode,
and a, perfect tit guaranteed,.
leave your measure with.
tnu antbsectire it.
TV, SOI.YrriCtli"r,
:Merchant Tailor, Exeter..
na...a.,an 1'
FINE and' Earl
0 Of all kinds,
Breakfast (Terals, Oil rakety..
Oroand Flax and IiImpiro
••Vattle Feed always one
00bS ptr..iirsam fk.xt: 60'