The Advocate, 1887-07-21, Page 4• • .• $. The Exeter Advocate, THOIVIAS PASMORE, 1::VITO• AND1#01•111ETOT, •01i710E: Sired'', Alder. r THIT.11).91)AY, FlTLY 2,1; 1887:. ,,CON$1,$TRATO.77: 'ZHOU: 441.?7:. 4. JRWRL." Wliere ignorance is bliss*, 'tis folly te be wise," is ettadege. thatandoubt, e.dly mbodies a, certain_ measures, of truth :applicable., to eumee people, auci- probably to the .editoe or editors of newspaper which le published reot hundred miles from here in our broad hind, but it.is odvise.ble for us to allow them to remaini. that condition of - mina end bodyvtoAtand. :by and 5W -fee them to coottaotly, week by week, be - mule narrower and,more bigoted, to re" poi and thrust iudiguantly from them. alt sources oflenowledc,re, improvement,. and eel ightenment of the golden oppor, tenities of ettilking up that beet interest$ and advantages of: town in, which th:ey. are accorded ,t,heir support and Wherein, they hareemede their wealth. Should we mondn inactive where a crime is 1)e1ng eominitted, the commission, of which we can to a great extent, pre, wit,an ii Licit could he Obteisued ngainst us, Ind on trial:we woulde, it the proof was strong, lieeonvieted and, sentenced; if the ,cri e -was libel, ,to tba same penalty as. our local, cotenz, Should meenot force information apple their benighted minds, broaden their.. -views and strengthen theirunderstand, ? By so doing, we,witt: confer a - lasting obligation upon them and evert the existing deuger of a thoughtless repetition, for.itshae been tirately said that the ecat.of, viee med. we:Judie', ie. ignorance. To correct mistakes =If' meoweeer- roneous impressions, is a commeudable undertaking and .4 cluiritable enter- prise, and why or what was the object f .our local cotein in'publishing a few, weeks ago,that Ilsborne farmers prefer- ( d. to .do their trading.iu St. Mary's in prefereoce to Exeter, is a, bone for the merchants and the supporters of that paper to pick. Is this advocating.th,e, interests of • town and the prosperity of the place in generall The version of the articlo as we understand it; is nothing less thou aninjury to the trade of'Bxeter by ad viSingthe country peo pie to go to other places to. do their trading, Why docs he not advise all those waeting printing clone to go to St. Mary'S fee it 3 n aneeditorial last week the editors. say ',that. Exeter is "-increasing steadily,. an& with a con- "isiliertble degree .of ,repielity, is appar- "mit; to26,11," end yet thy tell the people though the columns of theitepaper, to treile eleeliere. Is that consiitency Cs 4;h:a the way to help build. the.com- merce.,of,a, place and, premote a general interest stay not, and if Dieter has oris making any improvements, we ten), safely say that it cannot be attrie buted in the slightest degree to the in- fluence of our loceid cotem, the Times. • ------------ N,OXON'BROVIERS, of Ingersoll, the noted egricultural implemInt inekers, are repeesented as being strongly in favor of unrestricted reciprocityThe firm is no exception, 'Wherever an energetic and independent manttfact- titer is to be found—one who believes itegetting a fair return for his reality, end,wbe relies on his eein iedustey rather than on sharp cuts to wealth -- thee will be discovered e man who wishes an extended rather than a con. traded market for his wares. TuE ClAeitAreA thistle flourislieS On many of the highways and byways Of this fele province,..and so do burdocks, yeIrowdockS,, and many other noxious 'Weeds, The law says thut,tiM path- mastere are requited tO liava 80011 eta down and destroyed before going to oed. What tt pity thatpathoustqs don't Wood to such dtities, Some day people will require them to de so or ley tine and costsfor net clang Se. AMONG Au, the rich and costly pies - dote widelt 9neen Victoria has ,reeeivs ed. in honotr of her completed half-een- tnry—it iney be dottlftl wbether any lied touched her °mote deeply than.the simple gift of two eggs from., a poor ;Irish wymmas, emit by the haricT4of bishop. • 7111 RplilurrjpNIST$ of Miwiteba have.determined upoo vigoyous fight for. local option •i1 . every, county in the 1:ro,yince.. The campaigo, will beecen- diluted tend.er the Provincial, Lieensei Aete- whieh previded that on petition ofdwenty-five per epnt, ofe the house- holders in any of, the municipality vote‘shall be taken, as to, whether or - not, lidenses shall tentinue to,be issued. Ip the ease 44 a vote in the affirmative the penalty Thr sclling wit oht a license i$ foe the 'first offense $250, on five times ae.much as for ffre offence under the.Seatt Act, and ,fer, the second • of fence $500,•ageiri five tiMes ategreat as tbe penalty, under the Scott Act, Some years ago a,general Scott Act cam- paign„io Manitoba was resolved upon, but action was blocked by the • dis- covery of the fget that the counties. 'marked out by the Provincial Govern- ment wauld:not be recognized by tlie :Federal alatliOritles as counties in tbe meaning ef the Canada Temperance, Aot.'• The new plan of campaign' will be pushed forward. with the greatest, vigor. It is believe&that. Prohibition sentiment in Manitoba is exceptionally strongand that the result of -the gen- eral vote will be. to leave very few whiskey counties in the Province.. TON ONTABTO GOi"ERNIilfT bave appointed the ghlest, still of the lete Sheriff Ftixtnn Sherift a Ontario Gounty, The, 7.9upg num is well spoken of. Tru D NtOF4S1')217 OF having, a • public Bark, where We, villagers could resort to during the suremerymenths; becomes more apparent every day, asid•we think ; a mistake is being made in not wilr. ing a place of ' peeblie resoetreent, some) way, Astire. town increaSO9ia .size and importance;„the value of 'land suitable for such a, purpose becemes. greater, and „tlfe Aessibility of .securing itigrows less. If:there is not atpres- eotany place of this natere:withiti a easoneble.distance of. the town, and, if, nothing can he..done, in the -pay pf, a .:public.park, an sgflinet.slfould be made to arrange in seine way with the direct- ors of the Apieultural society, where- by that property could be improved find appropriated, while still being re- tained for show purposes. A few trees set out and telittle•grading would, in a few years with little melee and trouble, make it a very pretty places Dissolution of Partnership. • NOTICE is hereby given that, the part- nership he.retofore existing between us, the timlorsigned, as Genend, grocers, lu tlu3 Village of Exeter, in the County; of Huron, under the name, style and firm of Roberts & Clark, has this day been dise solved by mutual consent. • All persons ine,eisted to the firm .4 2 Roberts & Clark will please call and settle their accounts with Ett'ward Roberts, who will he responsible fer all liabilities. of • said filen., Witness: EDWSBD ROBERTS; DicxsoN. IV. J. CLARKE, 'Datecl this fifteenth day of June, 1887'. To THE • PUBLIC: ; The business will 1 During, the Month of July, THE MLANOE OF HTS PRINTS, DRESS MUSL1NS,'• AN--- T3:.eclujecd Pr ices,' “winTE cl 'COLOUD." PIQUES, CUE,CKS, AND STRIPES, AND. ALL onintu. I-1 11.1 F. B. 1.)11 ,S$ CALL AND. EXAMINE. GOODS AND GET, PRICES:, cLAs$- 31371E319ErE3?F: 4:a. 10 30 CI, <Ur Wi115e:talea in • ,Eicliange for above good. and. Irigliest price paid for tlie same. N: 11.7—Nothing but an a 1, artiole.in butter - 'IS desiredbutte' bought according to ,Quality an &Color. . ..S.AMWELL .AND_ hereafter be.carried on,by the undersign- ' ea %rho Tespoetha ly ,eolleite a continuance THE A.V.TuoRITU'a. for the enforce- ment of the Scott Act, are, not going. to be outdone by , Orangeville. illegal, whiskey sellers.- number of the sturdy.yecenanry. of .that section. were. sworn in as specialconstables, and • on Thursday lab • proceeded to ,Orangeville arid arrested the tavern -keepers who as- saulted Oonetable Heflin such a . brut- ish. and inliwnan manner. Thiesy offer- ed resistance, ;hub, were, .41thickly over- pown'ed and 'brought to justide, anc. for their, iiihineau. conduct,. Bennett; will have -the pleasure of perainbulat-• Mg a celLin the. jail.: there, for three, months.. Irvieg is, out on ,,hail; while Duffy, 'NAM, bad heard .of the arri ,of the-posseeobconetables, andstung by - the pangs ofkbis Penravaeless conduct, crept througlpthe eelle.nelhor and could, not be found,.,AtitiSeettAet outrages have been. of .frequent•oceurrenee lately By nearly. every snailfzeportee reach ns of outbreaks of lawlessness no violence on :tbe.part of theliquor.partyt to pre- vent the enforcement of :t),fe, laer; and wIire oflicial& actine.in the diseharee of their,duties iii,Scott Act cases are eet.. upon,. by .a ,ceoweli of- unlicensed liquor dealers and, uniuercif011y nisi :treated. I'llose 'parties epposetb to the Scott Act have in many, localities re•- sonteil. to. systematic terroristi as a means of preventing th;e carrying out of the ]av. Those who make them, Selves conspiceous be attempting to en- fere° it are singled -out for persecution, and vtade to feel that their persons and property are con ti n u al I y, in, danger. It is not; surprising that when stfeh,tactits are resorted, to, with impunity the anti-. S cot t t advocates are atle,to point, triumphantly to -the non-enforeeMent of the law. The matter in its present stage has. got beyondthe question of Scott Act or license. The inueh inore. important issue hes arisen of whether IN Supremacy of tlie law is to be mein - tallied or ruffianism and violence to have "feet: COLIPSO end be glorified." Surely we are not livitng HIlL 16.11(1'Whieh. must be reed and governed' by a Set Of ,uelieeneed liquorverdors whose Only, bueleese it the destrectioapeldrdeinua- tion ofebothesouland bodyef those who' patronize them The law inuet be up- held at all hoards. 'The municipalities principally affected, as well as the government, shotild tise every exertion, to "Mt down ioh Ifiedenee and terra'. 134 t liatt The laiX? Oar. rc6Cf. or the liberal patronage,of fiown customers ond fafaners„ Yours truly, . 1i:ow4an,Roftliars:. •t Notice La 0..teditors..!. IA Ms matter George Willis, qf 'Mr rillagt! of Exeter, n the Coma?' of Huron, grain lmr)'„ lifiRabove-ilainect 0 eork.;e has, . witinthe consent 01 wmajurity of his Creditors. .altose, claims amount to one hundred dollars and upwards, made an as- signment to aeorge Samweli, ef the Vill- age of Ereter, met chant, of all his estate. aml :streets ir, trust tbn the h.afefit of his Creditors. ' meetineg the eredi tors of Ihs.estate •will be held at the ollice,of R. 11.. Oollins, of the said Village of Exeter, Solicitor, on FRIDAY, the a wtety-seemid dile, of July, instant, at the hour of ten o'elock in the forenoon', for the, appointment of Inspect- ors 1111(1 the giving of directions with ref- erence. Ito the disposal of the estate, Creditors are requested tofile dheir claims against the estate with the under- signed n or before th,a dav of meeting, with ,sueh prouf thereof c.nd."partictilars 08 are required hy Statute, Chaptiz .26, 48 IrietoJiu (Oldsrio).. • It, H. Courtss,, Solicitor for. Gixtinos SA-mv;lat, Assignee,. , Exeter, County Huron. Dgted 13t11,Jul;s:,.1887. - A Ilecommendation.„ 8ditor of OW A DVOCATZ S should like to remind ',your 'readers at this period, that if they wish to plant lines of evergreen for shelter, it can very well he done in the laet week in July, teethe first in Augnst. Rows of these trees 'whether pine, spruce or eedar, will he found infinitely superior to maples with which so many- Inc now forming wind freaks, US the .evergieen wiir give shelter in, winter'. anti tpring whichethe others.wil Passing throtigh smite Of out front township:I lately, I was glad to see $0010 of oui hamers were- planting these evet'„erven tows. The trees 14elt ti on, ed, and the .N emay; spruce willprobably .grow the qnickest. 1 found it wind. freak of,lines of norway spruce ana pin, of WWI the; waled his twenty vetuiihscl 'aught up to thepito plaeted, thirty,ffve yearn. Now that.. oat original, forests' are goirlf.; fast, ell shorild endeavor to phot itt leasta lbw of trees along ono side of their, Planling trees is one of the elile-P means by which we ean preserve the ferti, Iity of tho,seit ctc,„ B: rittrtg, Termite; Jely.lrith '87. - ' ,1,1501 rlistAil1011eYs+10111110111111410111101,01150101.0 01:1111•Itifl1ft Advertisemenla ibsertotl tinder 11(18 heading at Three Us:Asper litie cnc) 1,1 settfoh. Pare Path Green s.tid In8e6t or at E. flOARLETT'S Drug 8thre, Main-Str Ezetet.a. •t 1 1 • CREAT CLEARINC SALE' OEI SpringSummer goodis • • For. the next thirtydays9„ when we,shall offer • New SilkS, colored and black; New Dress Goods, all shad; New Prints; New Gingams, New•Muslins,, Fancy and white; ; ' New. Scotch and English.,Tnedsr, New Hats and Caps, New•Boots and Shoup. New,Ready Made Clothing, NEW MILLINERY, ALL, LATEST STYLES.... Full line of4 Groceries Az Crocliery. • Al the abovs.good6 willbe offered at, greatly, rethieed 4•atdsi.. So as to clear .and make rbom for Fall Importation. BUTTER', Al\ritEtifigi wavaievu, J. Matheson, EXETER NORTH. Our Stock 18 ,Well asiorted for tbn soubrette.. trade, tow prloes still maintain. GROCERIES 1b sugar = fOr•$1.00•; :13 lbswhite sugar . for $1,00, . No can'1 118 widorsoia hi, rXeas I've= tOti toi 7OP, per lb, Paola ct Shoes (all Styles) at low, prIces.x A. likely assorted stock bf 3V1423 'vWca8 SOYTTIES timti O•LASS.T fill sizes (shoat.) nest ites4.,e.011, 600per gal.' (hiai oil as lovt. . • as thO loWt09 a nice Tea Sett of 44 pieeos,-, A plod soh of ltenayluitt(te etotiting ter ordered Mults got 111;r m good styte. Otir Dress Q0018 are rflrlt. 14)WtAt yds; , fot...$1,M); A house rola ll,A5yit farni tIr Sa a,Apt' te , JOHN MATHESON, Hay VOStoilioc. .r +0; sg; • NOTE i DA.DS, BILL 1.1EAD$4; STATEMENTS.. LETTF,R IIEADS, COUNTER PAD,•' , P&ROLL4LDELS.. SHIPPING TAOS, . . '3USINI4SS: CARDS; OILLIOTTLAB,S. . ••,. • READ, TI -IN tIr OM' Stock: of • Printing :SS 8tratioi)om eonsisting 6f 1,17.07 the leatling.grades.of Plain V.11 ="-i„.;:kr- and Fahey eitled and ' un - ruled paper,Gitiels and jin- Velppeg, iif 'noel; tomplehte ga,'•' Call and ;eel) •priccs a. li Tiffil :ADVOCATE _ Exeter., • <.,