HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1887-07-21, Page 1V 0 L 11.1••••••••1* ...7/mmailmeine EXETER--; ONT THUESDAY, JULY 21 1887., NO. 7, Zhe Tixcitv Alluonft. Ls •published every Thuradey morning, at the office, corner or «John and Main -stop Blot% Ont, T4Ama SunScaRTIODizt one 40114r a Year if ..Patti in It4Yultee; 1,5i) if net SP Puld. Advertisinft'Raits on Application. No paper discontinued until aU arreitrages aro paid, , Advertisements without p' Ile directions will be Itiblislaed tin forbb I and charged secertlingly. Liberal discount made for triad/ Sent advertisements inserted for ling pericalti, Every deseriptiOn of JOB PRINT. I SG turned old, lit the fittest st) le of the art id at niederate rates, Cheques, moiler orders, &e, for adVertlsing, subscriptions, etc', to to madepayable to PAsivoRT.'4,, Editor and I'uldisher, arioRG'Ir DIRECTORY. , EreiC01,Alr, C411)011,-410', $, Robinson, Nettie - bent. Sunday Services, 11 a, in., and 7 p, in bath schom, 2:30 p, at. SALVATION ANNIV.—Sanday oeTTIOOS, 7. 111,3 p. In, 'id 8 p ut services every night during the week, $ o'elock: Holiness meeting at 11 a, an, on sundity, Marbounig Qt1lntell.^ JaMOS - st., NV, IOISLor• 33IIITITayVOIVI085, 10.30 in. and II 35 p; Stibbath sebool, p. in. 'Pea) er meeting 'Tntirsday, evening tit..7,32. Almx W, 71. 'Pascoe) pastor,' Suii*- day servlecs, 10.300. ni. and 0,36 .1). tn.., Sabbath, tedieel, Lao e, ie. Prayer meeting, Thursday even- ing at 7,30. :Young peoples prayr.r meeting Thursday evening at 7.00. PORSOYTERIAN Citutten.--Itcv. W. M. Martin, Pastor. Sunday services, II a. in, and 0:2() a in Sabbath school, 0.15 a. in. Young peoples prayer meeting, at.' r, 45. Thursday evening, prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. chair practice immediately atter. Business and other Cards. j W. BROWNINO, 0,, P, S. lraduate of Victoria University. Mee and residence- Domision Laboratory, Exeter, Om June, 1 MIN 9ILL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. For the Village of Exeter, and the County of liuron, -Ail orders protmiLly attended to.. Exeter p,o., Ont. t BISII0p,,LICE333ED AUMICNEER. ..:1 Por the l'cnimships of Ilay and 'Monte. All orders prOMPtly attended to, Exeter p.o., Out, 13 H. COLLINS,. BARRISTER, • 9 Solicitor of SOprome.dourt of Ontario, CommissIoner, fkiti manor, &e.,0111ce—Noxt (loot te Santa all & Pick- , 'Ards, Exeter, Ont. Money to loan at iery lowest rates. 11. laNSMAN' DENTIST ,L, a S., extracts teeth witliold, Pain hy giving Vitalized Air, or using, the new -local Antes- 'thetic maim gums. Makes Gold .Fillings, and 01 other dental \vork the best pusSible, fines to Eerie') last •Iliursilay in each month, ' EAST,SIDE OF MAIN STREE'T, EXETER. .-- IvEsTOOTT,v, sstinEas,ilisuitAxoll, LOAN, Real Estate und Steamboat Agents. Wo4lthy and re- liable Fire and TAfe InSuranee Companies Represent - .ed, Any amount of money to loan on first clues inert- • gages at lo westtates of diderest. panted...teeing-fee Huron Co., for A. E. Williams & Co., real estate agts„ London. Beaver Line IA Steamers represented, Office—James $t,. Exeter, Ont. jn0.87 T 0. b. No. 024, 4h -i• - - meets first Friday 01 every month, in John'e Block at s °Moult. Vis'ting Biethrett Voleinne. ,j0ILI; SPACISTIAN,V. M. .1•6111;r Wiirro, Soy. o.v. ;s•o,, modd the seConil and fourth Friday of each month,' to iranson's flail. at 8 o'cloak p, nt. Visiting Bran', rentordiallY 1E.Ilion3it2s,,0, R. 3. PIOgAltD, SOO. 41 -lay faIrridi Mutual' Fire Insurance Company. p'ARTIES DESMixo To INSuan IN "I2{9 BEAT maid 6E:apes° Insurance company in th6 namiahm, •esa 110 es by applying personally, or by mail to the undersigned. .Ml applleations promptly attended to. . Also agolt Mr the Wellington Company of OuelP1). Also AU0T10NEE1t tor the County ef Huren. E. BOSSENBERRY, Aosx,r. zulich, Oat. ( OA re X. le WO 261e Isseer of IMAGO OENSE§J) it, Accident, mad rite iesataneu agent, ,osstog \Yst sitto'otlielt eLlort ExeEdt. impmewilnumors BUG1 BUGS'! - TEfIS PAPER, TO ITIPPIII; SENT ANV* .AD DRESS • tn the United States or America,: From now to Jan.lst 1888, VOA ,431ILY • Subscribe Now. A. J, ERCHANT TAILL • • ' West 'Side, Exeter; A 6-00cl Fit guarmateecl. Latest Styles of Goods keptoo stock. A Call Soilcited: :rigs are trniep arid yott must play Paris 'Green if yOtt watit to make a point. PURE PARIS GREEN .—At DOMINION LABORATORY ALSO liellebot6 ma Fly Pbtaer, Atwayg.tt felt supplyDrrip, Dyes, and Fancy tloOds. Visiting fttekbo a specialty( M! 811011ifilltriat Plzonivratt, 4. SNELL 4.. PHOTOORIIMIS1 MR.' JOSEPH SENIOR' haying purchased the business of, Chns. Senior, wishes to in- form the the public that he can be found At the Old stand. Main Street, Exeter. The Finest Cabinets in the coun- ty. Elegarit .QOpying and Enlarging 4,. on Shortest notice. ' JOS. SEIM 1:24. Nevi Premises ? NE GOODS*. Ig_01;11-41[11._s10) •Reepectf illy ramie og his many Custoi ters and' the public; generally that he has re- moved to ---Nerr :PO Otii,00do Main Street, EXETER. Vlie:r0 110 1rag inst reeeiVod WELL ASSORTED ;STOCK Or REA DY -MAD --a—SOOtS & SHOE8'. it:LSO telled'IllAa8 work of tile higlieSt Olam, A. Trial Solicited, and Satisfaetien Guaranteed. GEOE MASOW, Exeter, 1 Corresponbence. ; Mr. Cane of the Ueboree Model Farm, yyoluourgee,heainfear ' on bailie milked gave the best (inlay of aura ma. The' young heifer still `gives There wes a very heavy reiu storm here inQII''''sed 4"1114 ttl° la°teal *Imlay, morning last, there was als cuzi- ___--„esse. • eenee— enlertible belitning oeeenipsined It, but no serious &image to report tront here. barn belonging to i)Ir. join) Flan- nigen of Olandeboye'took fire, but was speedily queliched. It is thought that it originateci from a little boy playiug with inetchee. ' The harvest is pretty well advanced '; it comineeced earlier here than it did in the last 23 yetue. Wheet commenced zu July 8th,. and I saw flax pulledoneInly eth. The warm weather will bring on the Waili rapidly now. , The berry season is over for this year, Nearly every 'year we' hettr4 of some one getting poisoned with peieni Ivy, *Idle pickine berriee, mistaking it for the vine, C'reepee,,•which i elesely regenhled, 1 will tell them how tit is can be av'oided in future. The Virginia Creep- er has five leaves elaster,, while the leeiLon. Ivy has 'only • threeleaves in a liisteie All native 'vie es 'lave five leaves eleistees of'fiee leaees are harinleen. - flensall --- Miss, Melcenzie, of London, Is visiting Iter 2eter,.111.r.8. Gibbs. The Mises Nicols of 'London, are spend- ing a few weeks With their sister, Mrs. D. Utearhart. ' • Rev. ee. Y. Thempsen hes gone to Mani- toba for a six weeks' vacation in the hope of' benefiting his health. The Methodist Sabbath, School 'intend holding their mental picnic en the shores of Lake 'Huron, on Thursday, 27th inst. The hay in this neighbothoed has all been harvested, and was an excellent crop, The fall: whet now 'claims the farmers at- tention, and is an average crop. Still' the matrimonial 'fever rages itt oar .:111ag.e. The last vietims•as for as heard of, being Mr. T. C. Edmunds and Miss. ,elberta, semi daughter of Mr. R. Rey- nolds .of the Mansion fronse. he seevice which made thee tiro Ono, WM conducted. by Rev. O. le‘ridgma.n,, on Wednesday morning laet. The harms couple a Onee Started for Clinton which place they in- tend maidrig theirdnture home. .We wish them along, prosperous and happy life. • • Centralia. mrs. wm. Baker' of Vairfield, has re- turned from a 'visitto.. the Ohl ,Coun try, after an absenco of Weeks. • . „ • Flax pulling is the order of,the day. Small boys who 'aro too active for•honte ditties, are in great demand hem, "come arid help us.' Mr. Sherrat, the blind preacher, is an- nounced to ea•each Mahe Methodist church here next' Sabbath ntorning, :The Rev. gentleman "ought to have a -good audience and. also a liberal 'collection. - .Mr. T. Dundits;of- Sarnia, was in eur 'viltogeHaturday •last, remaining over a day, Mr. -D. is 'It popular :livery man of that. town, and reports:business.good, and crops looking remarkably well, • . • We understend.that the notion of bend- ing a new church in this village by the Methodists, is not dead yet, A mectieg was held, the other eveningwhen a come mittee was advised to obtain full particulars and report to the team board. , Wo hope the friends will • wade in and show their love and enterprise. Tf thexe is any meet who gets it off good it is Geroge. Irer jeit ought to 200 hint it catnip:demi the avenue, with his dandy phaeton. It beide everything. When WOO' wants to do the grand, he leaves 1 nothing undone, George's stalk) coupled to big, Tom's laugh; is an every day cure for half the siekness lin our village. Jt would not be ti•no, to .say that the liquortraffitin our locality is entirely eilled out, bitt it is,(plitteeyideet that the Itas done Inners good, Otto' e.yes toe mit insulted with the sight of bygone days which (if nothing else)' is a good thing, and We long 1,0 8e0 1110 ti Ino When, 1110 traffic will be a thine of the pest Let the sympathy of the well wishing pith& go straight for prohibition. Itsborne. Tow ri Parliament, s_- ExeiTte, J1JLY, i88 The council met 4t the cell 6g tbe Reeve at the N,arket The Reeve and Conuoillors joliens and Cerl Log preeent Minutes Of previous meeting reed and continued. • Report trom the Comity clerk stat- ing that $539-.1 2 is required from this corporation for county purposes, and h report from the Secretary of the school board requiring $2000 for school pier - .poser, were read and fyied. 6 Moved by T, 'Oarling, seconded by D. johns, that orders lee granted for the following sums, 13.. Y. Tgliiot, exptin8e8 re Old Mar- ket Square-. $26 fp R., H. colline,,redvice &e., ie by • .... , . , , T 00, Jae, Swinerton; expeeees to Otta- wa re 0. P, .. , . 28 00 J. A. Rollira, expenses to Ottawa and London • . 30 00 Sohn Thompson, wateringstreet 50 00 1. R Bissett, fencing park44 2'5 John Gould, lamber. .. : . , . 4 05 Township of Stephen, to assist in supporting S. Ford 15 00 Carried: Mr. Prouty on behalf of the town ship of Stephen agreed to pay a like sum as the•village itt support of Sam'l Fete'. Mr. Renton and others ,addressed the commit concerning dtain on Main, street, whereupon the contrail recom- mended that those mostly interested awl benefited by it. Should pay for the same with prrvate contributions. The Clerk was instructed. to adVer- tise for tenders for heating appratut for tr.; w n hall, • • The Street, Inspecter was, requested • to look after the sidewalk needing reer. pairs on' Main -street. The council adjourned to meet at the call of the reeve. M, Eacrierr, Clerk. • A man ia 13.russels 'has been lined $2 end -costs for setting two dots fighting. & \V". \Vett, of Salem, recently peldoaite. ielltree htendred dollars for aia COW 4 j. rtOhnfitOn paid three thousand elollarsfor an eighty acre farm in God- . trich township. Belgrave cheese factory disposed a th, May and Jane rnalce of cheese at 9 vents per pound. lfensall boasts (4 a marriage every ejdorjo nesediaj(es mloor.rileg, at least the ,ee.r p :'• limey Spillott, Of Grey' township, while bathing got beyond is depth, and was drowned. Ninety-five poands 'of -honey were .extracted 2ron1 two hives last week,by Mr. Steep, of Clinton. frs. Ferguson). cif Clinton, is 90 years old, but she'lives alone 'and at- tends to Whet. events.' Bruin was seen in a pea field, south of Genie one morning. tecently, and, Was hillecl,by the inhallitante. At a•barn, raising. in - HUllett;. last Week', Ni`. O. Taylor fell a distance of twelve feet and injured 1#s back. Two women in Clinton became es- tranga to each other, and asna oonse- qeence, one scolded the others cat. A suddeli jolt of the buggy threW , out Miss. Herbison, of Godherich-town-. ship, eausingseyeral cute and bruises. • The boring at Stapleton Selt well leas now reached a depth of over 1196 - feet, the second bed of salt beineereach- • .' A Horrible Crinm july 1 8th.7e-YesteedaY afternoon a colored man, named Howell who says he has juet arrived front Ala- bama, entered the residenceof Mr. Mc- Lean, about eight nilles from Chatham, and asked for soap and water. While hiS request was being cotnplied with be plight Mrs. McLean by the throat and attempted a criminal assault.'' She was bitten and struck unmercifully by the brute, Mrs. McLean is near confine - 'tient, but thci doctors think she will recover. The brute was caught by a crowd of .neighbors, • who 'Put a rope neound his neck. and would have lynch, od hint but for thepleading of tome cooler heada. was brought to town and lodged in jail. County Huron New A new flax 'bill has been built at Blyth. Measles are prevalent among child, ren atCranbrook, Ripe tomattoes .heare; appeared„ 3813 'Walton, Huron county; -, I Messrs. Seeger & Lewis, barristers, of Goderielt, have, dissolved partner- ship. , 13tyth village fathers tried to prevent I a 'Winghain photoghtpher Vont opeeat- ing his business in that burg On the Twelfth, but did not succeed. ; The Jumbo steer, "General Pickard"' raised mid bred by ,:\TP, James Pickard, ' of Exeter, lin gone the way of all flesh Ho died from the effeets of tenettinp- tiom living finished. Cherry Crop is Hof, Hotter,. Jlottest. Att abandaet crop of applepromised this engem. Harvestiee is in fidl blast, and fall Wheat Is nearlyall out, and is an excel- lent crop in this The Bethany Sunday School have orga- nivel te bible &me avbtylVatthosilay oven - mg, tyreat intetest 10 being tekee i the moVeinent. ed, One day recently a young lad named McDonald, of Walton; fell a 'distance of twelve feet and broke his anti in twO, places. Last week Mr. joseph Clegee;ship- ped from Biussels station dime car loads of splendid cattle to the old ,coantry. • . A traction engine hauling five thou- sand of bridle was the eynostire edl the farmers along the Huron road the other day. ' ' , , While Corking a hettlet io t Clinton 1 hotel, Mr, °Alison cut an artery by the breaking of the neck f the bottle. A (teeter had to be called in to SeW lJp til°11w. oCulltticrl.c, of Wingliam, has growing in his garden it mit,- tree which hes en sonic of itS limbs geed Size fruit and some of the other branches are in I bloSSOrtiv A yoeug son of Mr.' Hiram. Fishery'. of Huliett, ono day last week f(d1 1.. distance of.twenty feet, breaking his.. arm and leg: • . • Over one ton of hay was: ainloadede by thee° inert in the short -space. of three minutes, on the farm of R.. Car-, tery of Hulletk • While fooling with the Machinery at, a Williaiks uioll, Gerrie, a lad:nine yearg old had three fingers anipaie.tecl by be - big drawn under a knife.. • • Blythitee settle grievances of their chilch'en by having per entalpi battl en themselves. . -This practice) is bed efor • “... the eyes, so :Keeler says, The breaking. of a'bit 'cal.teecl e. span: of hors,os attached to a mower, to run away and: 1VP. H.• Henna, of Morris townehip, wits badly hurt. ' jas Dully and John. Irwin, Orange- viU.'hotel keepers, for assnulting Suitt Act constable, wove each fined $20 and bound ovor to keep the peace, onsSaturday. A correspondent writing to n.n eX change sae ! Wingham „ote Friday last lost One of its reSpeetecl young ladies, Miss Hialeah Youbill. 8.11e only got mareied, anti this is•charactev- ieed as being loot. On Tuesday last, at a liern raising in McKillop, asethe mete WOlt engaged in 1:ilacin,d a heavy sill. it elippecf end fell On MI.. Wm. O'Rouerre, cruehing him terribly and breaking eeveied riles and otherwise inteenally. injuring hint. Hie recovery is dotibtful, Spuitti Sabbath Seliti81 sermons in connection with the J erode -Street Meth- odist school, will be preached on Sale - bath next, morning end, evenining at I0i3 0 and 6:80, by Rev, 5 3. Allin, of tendon. A. mass meotiuo. of the children will be held at tn,,, when addresees will be delivered by Reve, Allin, W. Paseo., tted ethers. 061,•• lectiorie in aid of the scheol fund after efteli eet vim The annual pienic lie hold tile following WatInP.scla.y ttf ter- ;110ett in Me. Peekard s beetitifid grove; 1111.0 nottli of the Fiver. Pleasant a in u gem en ts provittocl, and at grand j time expeCta 4