The Advocate, 1887-07-14, Page 4The Exeter Advocate. THOMAS PASMORg, iirreiteieereo44,it. Ve; • 0.0270/11. flfaffl Orfet, :Exeter, l'ITURSDAT, JULY 14, 1887, Boys, Ifs Pretty tgh tq have to work in such weather ae this. Net many of es exert onrselves for the,sitke, ef exercise, Pre.ssere of atern noes- eity keeps our noses to the. grihd4t9he. We never get our beselealL Aleyredt bY proxy, and the players .deanseid their stipentbz—no j. ug play. The fellow whet sit e sweltering inae stifftng office, elope -up to a tin roof, rimy congraeidate himself that he would feel it worse 00 in the hayfield, with nothing but a. cow'e breakfast and a cabbage leaf be, tween•hiS bald head and the broiling eun. The farmer, on the Other hend, rejoices that he is in a peeition to catch whatever breeze way. be goiag, instead of having to work between rows of buildiegseeike the to who are crack. iogetonea oaourrpublizestreets, or.the mesons:echo are atavoric epee or. pub- lic buildings. Bat ,when the mercury gets up to 11§and, stay e there for .a allele week, the reeervoir of energy is drained pretty. low, and the •mod in- dustrious Man who likes to lie under a tree or swap situatious With a cat fish. I-leople talk aboue the desirability of work being plentiful, and they allow leolitieians to raise pp tariffs with the avowed intention of, makiege certain eless of work be done in -this country icieteed,":of seine, other, .cepntry: 14 pottier inueginatiori . the means *has the plaee of the enel. As a metter of, feet what:we all welt ie , to de ae. little eyed gekaa much . poseible,. The niejerityeif people • in . every eountry eit their tabor for geothe In, the eaee of the, men erackiege stenee on eue publi,c -streets, the detytl work i i4 foe with moneyearid ,the laborer. then takes the money to aotore ;where it Pao exehanged for gook. lietlie farm- er's case, the. labor of menyr days. is re- presented by cabbages, 'hay, berries, grainreggsand animals, whieh are sold -whew the farther requires It's wages, to be disposed ef kfor store interest of the men who labor in both city and town is to get at'. intle,11 end pay as little as peetable ; they want etettges 11ii and goods cheap. Tariffs. have the exactly eppostte effect; thei; nuelce gotide dear. and label' cheap; therifindet the,exchange of goodst,but do tothing to preeent the importatien and exportatiennofeleber. The 'farm- ers have been spending a little time, just before the'heaey rtishtif 'work .pp: gin,inconsidering how their wages may berateede, .Many of thein. hilev'i concluded that. the. abolition . ef the *United StateteriffWLOariadian pro, dude weuld give.them a lift by increas- ing tie e of what farniere have to. The laborets in the towns have al; 'inteeeetein'thee geestion, Yee ae the removel, a 'the American . tariff, can only bo bretOtiabout by the removal of Ole Catiadian thrift it, follows that the prieee et; m414), goods which Cana-, dien laborersesvent to bay Wilthe ered, •Reciprocal, feee trade rimy not do in lunch good to,the towu weekman„ its to the fermei• in the couetty, but, as the formet can only 61.4e, when the letter is doing well, both might te: week, togetherete bring oreppelitee ?toe the farmer. Dowz b& Plii1C'e Ed ward County, Die farmers have formed a Club, the object; of, Width is talebor for Commeroial They propeete to elieteteeid.their old pelltleal tillientes aed to eilieeteimbodye then oetoveilehip eottimillor tqi tt a.intitither of ?Arlie; meet, who will, ha pledge, twhIselveti. to work foy Comineeciel,Unieme The farmers Aro. ritunetoue etioughetcetatty this mevement through : evitheut., shy: help, if thee work tther lett theire diesalene ere that, they will receive afflictive aesietaime frpiii Marie ether elasses of the colt mtinity. When' Only fl Partial` return). It wlll vancethe geOerai: AAP:lard eomfert, BOtithiS earth is' px.cideetlyt ennug14, with htOnark Inns* Aud many labgr- saYin4.ioventiOliaq,Phaago t1n). ferm of raw materiele, to keep inhabi, tants in comfort without the neeessity of dredging eis, days in the week fiftY- tWo week4u th feAr. One inOst creep beforalle cae weak, but there are many steps to be taken eobeetreAt. to 0011.11901Ciat Union. Ciaceetseeeiee that AO,. fl,r1144 announcement of the reperted disallow, - mice of the Red, River Valley Railway charter has yet,beenmecita looks a.littlP as though the Dominion Go‘Nrnment, were wavering. The resolute attit,odP of the1411anitolokans may have induced Sir Jelineto recede.while he can do so, gracefully. It woukt not be surnria7. ing should it be , announced that the Government will tamt disallow the char- ter, and never entertained the,slightest idea pf,doing so. r,ghe moxeseent for the establishment-, of a Coneervative organ to take the place lefethe Mail has at length. assumed eepractical,shime. iP Le understood that:elle .constituencies repreeented by ,Coneervettece ere.. to be, assessed for a thousand dollars eau* to, wards the enterprise, which the Liber- als will no doubt eonsider it a jueb pen, sty for returning members, of, that stripe. It may appeae lather hard on the Constituenciee eupporting eSir John that they should be virtually fined a thousand dollars apiezepn that account while the Liberal constituencies escape. But no doubt the money will' be, re- couped from the publie treasury,in• one shape oreother. The new, delly, will have to fight hard for a foothold, as the field is to a certain extent already oceeepied. A.Pvinxc Peace of resortinentr es- peal.ally for the boys and yourtg., teeze tat greatly needed in ' tide; town 'The iecamet of Vie, boys t, bye one or mote public playgrounds set apart for their use, .is pee,. that,eieght to,let heeded,' Playing m The streets,! m add i0.1.4, being iiauce te,the pii2ip ft.d*- gerous both-ta.the boys aiid to•the pas- sers-hy.. But • so leeg,.,,,,e,the young-. tieers have nowLeve, 4iSe play, they, • e • will eatueells neort, to. thorouglifaree, and nobody but those who hare forgotten diet they were young themselves will be disposed to blame them. . The town should set apart pleygrounds fir alueboye, wbefie. they,can.heve ample,rocun for atatleitie, oetrees. It woulciAo ,inuch to prevent b — them from contracting bad habits• and gi;a.duatingeis cotner 'loafers. `4V-11PN )7PV," P)44 gIACitetf(is ' flahlTitaOre tiebtand pos to wink energ6tically to pay it oll; how every,- Prai.SeP )1inl, No girl would, i/a Afid to Mani' 404..nt that eott. He Will bo zve to rt 140 lAor corner is tOrne.4. Zor e,-„sithilur season fianadaxestl.not be (40441 to form a comMercial &Halle? with the Vnited Staa country that pays ita debts before4hey mature. Txpi REToikir has , gamed etttertliloe, ttrfiCierice 14,Exigland that Air. Glatt, one wi visit America elale fall. Ttlere is no living EnglisInnan ,who wpul,d.heve a more cordial ,and,.eptliwi- ,Matic.receptieit. Me. Gladstonete Visit would greatly stimulate the lrish cause" and give an in: petoua to the Anteri Cala subscriptions . 4upOy the National League,- with the sitiews of war. It would ,also.have a, beneficial effect in promoting friendly relations between the two,gteatfr..brauphos of the, AngleeSax.on race. A .ffum,tx Been has been given twenteafive Ieshes with the eat eteeine tails in Toronto.. There it, ,beet *lee arAllinent thet ha e the.elightesteeffect on a mall who will aimiault little/AM- ren, and thetas physireal pain. If event forcible crime againse• women were punished with the cat, ,there wouhl be fewer of these .g,hastly grimes to record. • The Banquet to.R. Watson,. M. P. • •-•11.•-• WINNWEG, July 7a ---The Wat•soa •i .hariauet was held toelight ia„ Trinity Hall and Was in every respect the most succeesful affair of its kind that has weer, taken -pines in Wienipeg. The elimpany., numbering .upwaids of four hnndred,•evas a bighly, , represen- tative one (Avg* city.. and -1 Province, was composed indisprintioatelyr,oftiboth .shadeA of ,pelities eat] wes numerically the largest that bus eye ,a.aatubhtd...in this caty pn ii,,COtapliWitti}ry occasion.. The hall a -as tastefully decorated, with • , flags and eleergreeue and adorned with e numerous • banners ,illeetrettrig mottoes foe:the oecaeion, „all bearing upon the.cpsestion of Disallowance and elifr :Watson's.. positioe . as Viiiimpton of• ttle Peovinte on this, uhestionee The gtieet of the .evening was presented with .a hail d eonee purse containing over $600, in recognitiee °flue arch'eur lab- ors and tbeeellielty stied he haseenicrie on.rOcent and former occileio.win,enp- i)ort of the interests. if the ,Provitice: He thee inatie ati excellent speech, at: eome length explainieg end justifying his course at Ottawa' re Dieallowance, all of, which *as listeatd.to, with ,Letie usiasti t4, tetereee, • • • 1 L1L 11\S ' •Advert4iegierittu ioterted 'savior this _ ileatihog at Evtayson'i Bir.,,Ini,FA 000 the Cabin..., • , Teree, galas per, line, each ju,sarthan. at at Ottawa last Satueder decided` to • Plire Paris' Green au& Insect Pow - Redthe,Mauitoba chartnr of the Red River . Railtvity, and \ der .at E Somtprrs,Drug Store, the heaveWi.have,not. fallen, Jelin A..' Exeter. hasn't sent his boy to wheel back ,the \ vm.0 iine ogliantulsr 'lvtlF4t .015P ,ve- , duced ee inr • (me menthe All NY. bond ofs'Oci.and earth that John , Nor,, solanconts, main..et; neity lifted befoee thee (Ice of , 3,000 eiweeeeoeeee.emmetteteeteeeeeessesseseemieefooma eitizene, and the coriteecter ls. going,on with hie work. If the . wheat. crop JOIC tures out well,, aria the iced is finished in timeeto help move it, the Manitoba feralere,Will gee geed price* avid alie Prairie- Provititee, booin once- mre` T20Iropa,crop. ipected to ho short and,thakkatvity W4-11 ht:lp prkpa in Amerkti, • ::inVAnwfisja ,Jack Without lijs 3111, A tete...dap ago it edeined ig.Cauada peseessedtiltf intiSt tonsum, mate idh4t,in tit% world ; refee to the fellow wile .„ geevety.. etaxed that.it 'teeould be advantageous to Canathe tO have absolute, and petaistaelit non-ieter- ceuree peoelaitned betweee Canada ai44, t4c 'United' States. Unt Itiatehjiag, tecu 6and for hini a that home for 14100111n:1, tli4.1-tritti.s4„.li3OnSe Of Lerds; arl,./autiee.exiii is the.netee he epee' by, and, weh&i ncoheeilientlittle book thet he tieidbit re.lative 'have ;404104 (.bf the Rrit,ielar tipesoret , . • ,. Vttalag tE tp St eC x, entre, Was trftion between. probalaly fatally iiiinted by, &Meg off theada and tile Thtedptateg Will beithe it)64,0f a neW"ChOreh:Ai.Ohiktheig, . rI. tt t . t it lti00.41EA.1)8, • : „ 13-1114.i PEA.DS, STAriblM.ENTS„ LETTO, IlEADS, • COUNTER •PA,DS„ , . PARQRL LARELSe sING 13,;u$,INI:88 CARDS,. CIRCULARS., • ... Our Stock-- ofe Ptietitige,VA Stationery.., :sitgok :411 1 the leadhat grades t4,,Pkcib. I/47; az44 ,kancy rifled „And • iilla'diliaper& Cards and trefopoo, is. meat cothOet4.., , er aud get pripetiitt,-',- , • i$411,I.Tri ,,ADVOCATtii °, 4'44.1 Eitt bet, .-Exeto, • , • • • Month f July AP- ecitat_t424 OF 1-111.3 113:INT$, PliE$S 10;($1,M$r ,4WHIV.M end ColeO.Rglin AND) STRIPES, AND, AT.414, .QT111311., DAL'SS F.AAKOOt. 'CALL'. „OD. EXAMJNE GOODS AN VMS; at.,,w5- 331Errieine3EVEL 0? 3W fr.-4Ur Will be taleeu ii,, &change for Aiwa good. 044 ihighot price paid f9r,tlig 4onag., N, 13,7—Nothing but an a 1, ar,tic)e in butter. is desired, buttel bought acc,ardiilg to Qu4Uty, and Qulpri •••• SANWELL. AND PICKARD'S.. CREAT CLEARINC SALE OP ! • Spripg.00Sumnier.goods For the next . thirty.dayti• when vieinhall offer " Ntaw.Silks.,4olersiitud,blackj New Dress Goods, all shb,des;,,, , Now Prints,'New Gingaras, New Iduslins, Piney and %lite; New Scotch and English Tweeds,' New Eats aua. Cap, New Boots aud Shoes, New Ready bt*le Clothing, ' NEW MILLINERY, ALL LATEST STYLES. • DM -line olo arootvries dlc.Chrf.i.elcery. .A11...tbe above good i3 milli be, offered at greatly reduced rateee so as to -clear ated rnak reetu for Fall•Jinporttitiorb ' AND EITIS': J. Matheson =Tara , Nona'. r Stock la well assorted far Mie • tiade. LOW1Orieds atilt maintifit, • RII0E.g.IES..17,16.1b0 ...for $1.00 t. 1.3.1Ose white su.gar,r, for $LOO,,• . dtt.iistaettt ht,leita noth 2Q 03 t'5,.eperjb, , $he,$.9i (atiV,108) at taW.aeleeii. A owe merted Ottick of nitisztvitida•a*# J1'ong.s,,..SOVT111.1S and,04.,4fis *0 We* (dueap. ) Ikat 'Machine, nit, oda. ° aa ' • lig the tetvtiett, • Sett,lof, otos* • ,16. A iptuct aloft itp..i.ty•iii.to • t5. •,„Or,d444 thilttg4tp tittaid atyht:. 0.tin press 0.cioets ore thalltt, Oct; ds"ct tv to- tile, lovid ydSi. int'. $1.004/ ' ldt, 4.44's 14 tido ler HOC AVOW., to: Nt.MATH ESONc Itny: poitogieei, . `jaMeamemtehaaaamia!araemelOmettaameaeamana.**, WhOji,„.1/1.110.11' if0.011, 11: • 200)00. LBS. • • . Nsr,04ited At t1•;t., itIter1)7c.601.n '' • Mill>.„ . . 'TO thoec wii.g• inantifactura won) av would say that Ow, pritea. are lewat Over thia year. Manufacturing all. wool tlaakets re4tg.,41 froni QOt,$2,0 per Pair, , : To pirties wishhii to exahatike, w*Mita • • aiy that vie bait aver}, leave Oiesie of walkout • tineuta,. wade (ha 44 the BEST. ,SELECTECiICANAtitAN • • . •WOOL,4 •• e ,i,ilotiLfickoe.qa..Il torielcie,i. „ r . e4, .;:Y.,itiv,,tnefitt.'801:,43tatiipri.; e,t 6 :.: ‘1!: ". • agP6ci4.1.teatntO • : • FANCY, BEI) SPREAD.S. . „' . Give es n. all and mspes Otit, 14to6k W,f.ot.42, otit vyoyobeAl:.; It- fiAVE CJiristic's toithiet.,6iatv, • `;.. - ;V, ie! -11, • , 1igs4.tict ....gorses - gar arctot# left nt the itaiyksiNivi bilge, titlik„ • the risible wilt be peomptly rttteadOct , •/0:004CS.11.1,t... • '